Page 1: LIVING, we will ask ourselves and find the answers to the following questions: • What is “Kingdom” Living? •
Page 2: LIVING, we will ask ourselves and find the answers to the following questions: • What is “Kingdom” Living? •

We hear people talk about the “Kingdom” all the time in Christian circles -- but what does that word really mean? What is the Kingdom of God? What is Kingdom living? How do I fit into it?

During this study, I pray that, as we open the Bible and seek the Holy Spirit, we will ask ourselves and find the answers to the following questions:

• What is “Kingdom” Living? • What is “Kingdom” culture? • What does it mean to have “Kingdom” posture? • What do “Kingdom” relationships look like? • What does “Kingdom” Sacrifice look like? • What does it mean to have “Kingdom” vision?

As we allow the Lord to transform our lives with the powerful truth of His call to “seek first the Kingdom,” I pray that in your time with Jesus and in our time together in Life Groups, we will dig into the practicalities of reckless abandonment to the Kingdom Life.


Page 3: LIVING, we will ask ourselves and find the answers to the following questions: • What is “Kingdom” Living? •


WEEK ONE Kingdom Living

As we dig into what Kingdom living is, it is important to know what the Kingdom is. When we say the “Kingdom of God,” we are speaking of the rule and reign of Christ. We first and foremost recognize the distinct contrast of a spiritual kingdom and an earthly Kingdom. We become citizens of the Kingdom of God not by a physical birth, but by a spiritual one. Jesus talks about this spiritual birth in John 3:1-15 and explains that He (“the Son of Man”) must be lifted just as Moses lifted the bronze serpent. Whoever puts their faith, hope, and trust in Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection shall inherit and be received as an heir to the Kingdom of God.

Now, as followers of King Jesus, we have been invited into the royal family. We are now ambassadors sent out to reflect the King’s purpose and personality to the world. So, why is it so important to be living a kingdom life? Simply put - it changes everything. It is our part in bringing heaven to earth. As we “seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness”, we reflect the message of the gospel by living as citizens of heaven in a foreign land called Earth. We go about our day -to-day bringing light to dark places, bringing healing to the sick, giving food to the hungry and water to the thirsty in service of the King.

Page 4: LIVING, we will ask ourselves and find the answers to the following questions: • What is “Kingdom” Living? •



What three words come to mind when you hear the word “kingdom”?


Read :: Luke 17:20-37[Read the verses in two different versions.]

Read :: Matthew 25:31-46[Read the verses in two different versions.]

What does it mean to be under someone’s leadership?

What truth is revealed to you in these verses?

What truth is revealed to you in these verses?

What does that truth speak to you about your life?

What does that truth speak to you about your life?

Page 5: LIVING, we will ask ourselves and find the answers to the following questions: • What is “Kingdom” Living? •



Consecration is the act of continually separating myself for the service God has appointed me to do. It is not a one-time experience, but an ongoing process. Am I daily allowing the Lord to further the separation of which Kingdom I serve? What steps can I take today?


Each day this week, write below an encounter where you put someone else’s needs before your own. Let this both challenge you and inspire you.








Page 6: LIVING, we will ask ourselves and find the answers to the following questions: • What is “Kingdom” Living? •



Before your Life Group :: Pray this verse over your life. Enter the pronoun “I” or “my” whenever it fits. Take these words and make them a specific prayer over your life.

Romans 12: 1-2 ::

So here’s what I want you to do, with God’s help: take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for Him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what He wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you and develops in you well-formed maturity.

With your Life Group :: Talk about ways to live this out as a life group. Then pray for God to show you how to take the steps of obedience in response to this scripture.

Page 7: LIVING, we will ask ourselves and find the answers to the following questions: • What is “Kingdom” Living? •


WEEK TWOKingdom Culture

This week we are going to be taking a look into the culture of the Kingdom of God. When I say the culture of the Kingdom of God, I am referring to the attributes that separate the Kingdom of God from the Kingdoms of this world. The Webster dictionary defines culture as this :: “the set of values, conventions, activity, or societal characteristic.” All around us there is a clash of culture, a war for dominion, a battle for souls. Do you feel the pressure? Do you recognize the pull? Let’s spend some time this week looking at the attributes of the two Kingdoms and realize how they both can affect our lives.


What “Earthly Kingdom” norms do you notice around you?

What are three words you would use to describe “Kingdom of God” norms?

Page 8: LIVING, we will ask ourselves and find the answers to the following questions: • What is “Kingdom” Living? •



Read :: Luke 13:18-25[Read the verses in two different versions.]

Read :: Colossians 1: 9-14[Read the verses in two different versions.]

Read :: John 15:18-27[Read the verses in two different versions.]

What truth is revealed to you in these verses?

What truth is revealed to you in these verses?

What truth is revealed to you in these verses?

What does that truth speak to you about your life?

What does that truth speak to you about your life?

What does that truth speak to you about your life?

Page 9: LIVING, we will ask ourselves and find the answers to the following questions: • What is “Kingdom” Living? •


Where is the “how did I get here” place in your life?

Ask God to reveal to you in His word where you were called to be. Write the verses below.

How can you use what He revealed to you above, to shift the culture around you? Know that God is revealing things to you to share with those around you. Who can you share this revelation with?


It is so easy to get pulled into the “Earthly Kingdom” norms; they are everywhere: TV, magazines, movies, books, commercials, music, etc remind us at every turn. We are bombarded with the images of what we “deserve” or what we “should look like”. I may not be the first to admit that this can be luring at times; How easy it is to begin accepting all of the messaging around us and before you know it, you are wondering how did I get here?


Before your Life Group :: Name & pray for the areas in your life you are feeling the “battle” between the “earthly kingdom” and the “kingdom of God.”

With your Life Group :: Pray for God to reveal to your life group how He wants to use you to change the culture of community.

Page 10: LIVING, we will ask ourselves and find the answers to the following questions: • What is “Kingdom” Living? •


WEEK THREEKingdom Priorities

The endless to-do list. The never ending nagging of those items we can’t seem to cross off. In a world that is constantly fighting for your attention, what is your grounding? How do you filter through what makes it on your to-do list? Remember the Kingdom of God is the rule and reign of Christ, so, if he is ruling then His priorities are continuing to become my priorities more and more. Let’s spend some time this week looking into the priorities of the Kingdom of God and how we can implement those starting today.


What are your top three priorities?

How did you establish those?

Page 11: LIVING, we will ask ourselves and find the answers to the following questions: • What is “Kingdom” Living? •



Read :: Matthew 6:25-34[Read the verses in two different versions.]

Read :: 2 Timothy 2:20-26[Read the verses in two different versions.]

Read :: Matthew 13:44-50[Read the verses in two different versions.]

What truth is revealed to you in these verses?

What truth is revealed to you in these verses?

What truth is revealed to you in these verses?

What does that truth speak to you about your life?

What does that truth speak to you about your life?

What does that truth speak to you about your life?

Page 12: LIVING, we will ask ourselves and find the answers to the following questions: • What is “Kingdom” Living? •


Write out what you did today.

In the “questions to ponder” section, your wrote out your top three priorities. Did those make it on the list above? Share this with your life group.

What needs to shift in your schedule? Share this with your life group.



Before your Life Group :: Spend time this week praying over your priorities. What do you hear the Lord saying? Does anything need to shift?

With your Life Group :: Pray as a group over your life groups priorities. What do you hear the Lord saying? Does anything need to shift?

Page 13: LIVING, we will ask ourselves and find the answers to the following questions: • What is “Kingdom” Living? •


WEEK FOURKingdom Posture

When someone says use “proper posture”, you may think of someone with shoulders rolled back, a forward gaze, and a straight back. This posture signals inner strength, confidence and awareness. Today you may feel the need to be strong, be tough, be powerful, to be self-sufficient or to “straighten up”.

This Week we will look at how God’s word informs our “Kingdom Posture”. No matter the outward appearance, the inner being will be able to have “proper posture” through the knowledge of the truth.


What is your greatest accomplishment?

Describe your posture through this experience both inward and outward.

Page 14: LIVING, we will ask ourselves and find the answers to the following questions: • What is “Kingdom” Living? •



Read :: Matthew 5:6[Read the verses in two different versions.]

Read :: Luke 15:11-32[Read the verses in two different versions.]

What truth is revealed to you in this verse?

How did the youngest son’s posture change?

What does that truth speak to you about your life?

Who do you identify with most in the parable of the Lost Son? Why?

Do you have need today? Do you fully understand the need according to Matthew 5:6?

Page 15: LIVING, we will ask ourselves and find the answers to the following questions: • What is “Kingdom” Living? •


Read :: Ephesians 3:7-13[Read the verses in two different versions.]

What truth is revealed to you in these verses?

What does that truth speak to you about your life?

Write out your rescue story. Share this with someone this week.


Page 16: LIVING, we will ask ourselves and find the answers to the following questions: • What is “Kingdom” Living? •



Before your Life Group :: Ask the Lord to help you to understand how great He is. Ask Him to reveal areas where you may struggle with the posture of the Kingdom of God.

With your Life Group :: Pray for each other about being obedient to the Lord without it turning into a checklist.

How can you make thanking God for that rescue a daily occurrence?

In your story, what was the shift from that thanksgiving being not only words or lip service, but a response that reached the heart and inspired change?

Be on the lookout for someone in your life who is on the “road back home”? Does someone come to mind? How can you encourage them? How can we be a people who are constantly celebrating the steps taken back home of those around us?

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WEEK FIVEKingdom Friendship

Whether we call them our home team, framily, crew, pals, or homies, we know who they are. These are the people who walk into our house and know where to get a glass for water, they know the sound of our “I’m about to cry voice” on the phone, and the people we call to celebrate new life milestones. They are our inner circle of friends who know the good, the bad, and the ugly, and they love us deeply still. During this week’s study, I invite you to peer into a story about a group of men who go to great lengths to support a member of their crew and the call God put on his life. I pray that our notions about friendship are challenged and our view of support deepened.


What are three characteristics you value most in a friend?

Page 18: LIVING, we will ask ourselves and find the answers to the following questions: • What is “Kingdom” Living? •


Who makes up your home team, framily, crew, pals, or homies?

How did the above group come together?


Read :: Exodus 17:8-16[Read the verses in two different versions.]

What truth is revealed to you in these verses?

What does that truth speak to you about your life?

Page 19: LIVING, we will ask ourselves and find the answers to the following questions: • What is “Kingdom” Living? •


In your life, are you fighting “your battle” or “the battle”? What is a practical question you can ask yourself when you are making a decision that will help you to refocus? How can we shift our focus from “our battle” to “the battle”?

This week, call a friend and ask them what “battle” they are in right now. What step of obedience do they sense the Lord asking them to take? Then, ask how you can support them. Write out the name of the person you call below.


In these verses, we see men who stood by each other to play a part in the other fulfilling the calling the Lord put on Moses’s life. How are you holding up the arms of those around you? How can we help each other accomplish all that God has for us?


Before your Life Group :: Ask the Lord to give you eyes to see your friends with His eyes. As He reveals things about those around you, write them down and share them with that person.

With your Life Group :: Pair off in twos and ask the person you are with how you can best support what they feel God calling them too. Commit to holding up the arms of this friend.

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WEEK SIXKingdom Sacrifice

When it comes to the word sacrifice, most of us cringe. We have the image of a dead animal on the altar or a painful experience of giving something up that we love. However, when we look into the scripture we see that sacrifice is something we are invited into - yes, you heard me - invited into. Dare we look into the scripture and see the model given for us to follow.

King Jesus dying on a cross and with his final breath he cries out, “Father forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing!”

The gospel changes everything, friends. The reality of what Jesus did on the cross should be our model for sacrifice because it was first a gift for you. He said those words to you so you could say them to someone else. Are we willing to give and give and give? To pour yourself out until you are exhausted? Continue to seek to minister without an ounce of thought of “who is taking care of me?” Jesus walked the sacrificial trek to the cross because God’s call was most important! Though not easy, He chose obedience to God’s will over the ease of preference. (Luke 22:42)

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What is sacrifice?

What is the most impactful moment of sacrifice you have witnessed?


Read :: Ephesians 4:25- 5:2[Read the verses in two different versions.]

Read :: Matthew 16:21-28[Read the verses in two different versions.]

What truth is revealed to you in these verses?

What truth is revealed to you in these verses?

What does that truth speak to you about your life?

What does that truth speak to you about your life?

Page 22: LIVING, we will ask ourselves and find the answers to the following questions: • What is “Kingdom” Living? •


Read :: John 12: 1-8[Read the verses in two different versions.]

What truth is revealed to you in these verses?

What does that truth speak to you about your life?

When it comes to money, time, energy, heart space, etc., what is the hardest form of sacrifice for you?

From the answer above, set a goal to use what the Lord has given you in said area of sacrifice, and record what happens.



Before your Life Group :: Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you “what is it about [insert above answer from “ways to apply question #1” ] sacrifice that is hard for me”? Pray for God to reveal the sin in your life that is binding you here.

With your Life Group :: Pray as a life group for revelation on what it looks like to be a sacrificial life group. As the Holy Spirit speaks to your group, make a plan of obedience to do what he asks. LInk arms together and walk forward!

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WEEK SEVENKingdom Vision

We often get lost in the minutia of our autopilot lives. Worries and concerns about our daily responsibilities [job, school, taking care of family] can distract us from looking up and keeping our eyes trained on heaven, so much so that they begin to crowd out the room in our heads where we keep God’s promises tucked away. Let’s see what Matthew 6:25-34 says about this. “Don’t worry about things – food, drink, clothes. For you already have a life and a body – and they are far more important than what to eat and wear. Look at the birds. They don’t worry about what to eat, your heavenly Father feeds them. And you are far more valuable than they are… he will give these things to you if you give him first place in your life and live as he wants you to.” Having kingdom vision means being aware of God’s hand in everything. Just as He is present on the pages of our Bibles, He is there in our everyday lives. It takes more than simply staring at the pages to glean truth and meaning from the words. Similarly, it takes more than living on auto-pilot to receive the gift of eternal life.

Challenge :: Linger for a few more minutes than usual during your time in this study. Seek out God in those moments of rest and reflection.

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Where in your life are you living on “auto-pilot”?

What does “being intentional” mean?


Read :: Matthew 7:7-11[Read the verses in two different versions.]

What truth is revealed to you in these verses?

What does that truth speak to you about your life?

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Are you finding it hard to look through the lens of the Kingdom when it comes to those at work, school, or maybe even in your own family? Ask God to ‘clear your blurred vision’ when it comes to those around you. As we saw in Matthew 7, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” Each morning this week, ask the Lord to give you Kingdom vision. Share below what he revealed to you.



Before your Life Group :: Commit to waking up every morning and praying the words in Matthew 7. Then ask - “Lord what is the most important thing that you want me to do today”.

With your Life Group :: Ask the Lord to help you create a culture of intentionality in your life group. It is so easy to be on a “autopilot” when you are on a weekly meeting schedule. Break out of the “autopilot” living and into Kingdom living.

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WEEK EIGHTKingdom Future

Over the past couple of weeks we have walked together and sought God’s Kingdom. We’ve learned to prioritize our daily life in sight of the Kingdom which is coming, to walk with a posture which reflects the King, how important friendship with fellow believers is, and how to acquire kingdom eyes by seeking first the Kingdom of God.

Now, let’s get excited! Why? Because we are going to look at what is to come. His Word says that we as believers will inherit the Kingdom of God. He calls us His heirs, treasured possessions and holy. Let’s look at the Kingdom to come.


What comes to mind when you think about heaven?

What is the biggest difference between your everyday life and your vision of Heaven?

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Read :: Revelation 21[Read the verses in two different versions.]

Read :: Isaiah 60[Read the verses in two different versions.]

What truth is revealed to you in these verses?

What truth is revealed to you in these verses?

What does that truth speak to you about your life?

What does that truth speak to you about your life?

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Our human minds cannot fully comprehend eternity. So, it is so easy to allow other things to reign in our lives. To allow a kingdom of our own to be built here on earth. But He is preparing a place for us. A place in which we cannot even fathom, but can be looking towards.

From what was revealed to you in the scripture, what is one step you can take to bring heaven to earth? Write out that practical step below.



Before your Life Group :: Pray for His Kingdom come in your life today. Pray for ways that you can continuously be part of bringing heaven to earth.

With your Life Group :: Pray for His Kingdom come in your life group. Pray for ways that your group can continuously be part of bringing heaven to earth.

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