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Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media

Unit 30: LO5

UK Media Publishing

Candidate Name : Thomas HibbertCandidate Number: 2063Centre Number: 64135


1. Feedback on Pitch – Slide 32. Changes made to pitch – Slide 43. Suggested Improvements to the pitch – Slide 54. Feedback on Front Cover – Slide 65. Changes made to front cover – Slide 76. Feedback and changes made to DPS – Slide 87. DPS Analysed – Slide 98. Survey Monkey – Slide 10 – 139. Evidence of Feedback – Slide 1410. Budget Plan – Slide 1511. Why was the pre-production successful – Slide 16 to 1812. Why was the proposal successful – Slide 1913. Environment of the pitch – Slide 2014. Conclusion – Slide 21

Witness StatementThe witness statement gives positive feedback on the focus I gave to my proposals for the different magazine ideas. The statement also compliments the pitch on its attention to detail in which I described the masthead, content and features of the magazine. The witness statement comments on the magazine pages as “excellent” and that they were covered in detail during the pitch.

What I needed to addIn terms of what was missing from the pitch, I needed to add slides on the target audience and spending power of that audience, production plans and future editions.

I needed to add certain slides and features to my presentation that I had missed out on. The slides were very important and it was crucial that they were added. The slides were on my target audience and my magazine flat plan which are now in the pitch .

Feedback on Pitch

Changes made

I was suggested to add a target audience slide and to improve my magazine flat plan by adding detail and key content that I had spoken about in my pitch. I later did this once the pitch had been presented.

The flat plan now contains pictures of what I will include on the pages in the first issue of Klashed. The flat plan also has the Klashed masthead at the top of it which shows that it is for Klashed to avoid confusion later on in production.

The target audience slide in my presentation now outlines concisely what the target audience is for Klashed, this will help the publisher understand who the magazine is aimed at in more detail so that the promotion and publicity for Klashed and even content is aimed at he specific audience.

Suggested Improvements

What I needed to addIn the witness statement for my pitch the suggested improvements were to add these two slides. The slides were the flat plan to show pre production and a more detailed flat plan was needed and a slide on my target audience to show their spending power and what they would stereotypically pose as.

Feedback on Front Cover

• 1) Strapline - "The UK’s NO 1 Independent Rock music" - INCOMPLETE - This MUST be exactly in line with the Masthead as well!

• 2) Puff/Promotion - Text is too near the edge of the page - Use the ruler tool more effectively Tom

• 3) Twitter promotion - • • i) Nearer to the main headline• ii) Clearer font style needed - avoid stroke effects etc.• • 4) '6" (Bottom of the page) - white OR magazine Yellow stroke

effect needed - CLEARER• 5) Main Headline - Clearer font style needed - difficult to read...


Feedback on Pitch6) Barcode features - Too much "dead space" inside the background shape - make things bigger but make sure VERYTHING is lined up correctly and neatly7) Barcode - Social media links for the magazine are MISSING - Key!

The front cover on the left has a barcode with missing conventions and a lot of dead space. As one of my corrections I had to remove the dead space. I did this by making the bar code bigger and made the text and masthead larger to take up more space.


1) Guitar - Better selection needed - VERY rough around the edges.....

Feedback on DPS

11) Include the word "Exclusive" below the KLASHED logo at the top of the page - fill some space

Differentiated Q's and A's - INCONSISTENT

The magazine page on the left is very basic and had a lot of dead space. To fill this dead space I added an image of a guitar but the selection was not correct so as feedback I correct the selection.

The questions were not all differentiated so I had to make it clear what were the questions and the answers.


Artist PhotoThe artist’s photo shows the emotion on his faces which

draws the reader in to try and find out why they are

posing in a traumatic sense.

Drop CapitalThe drop capital is in the main focused colour in the magazine’s colour scheme, this shows consistency which gives the magazine an overall professional appearance for a rock magazine.

Pull QuoteThe pull quote for the Klashed DPS is meant to attract

the readers attention and encourage them to feel empathy for the artist.

Survey Results

One of my peers that was present to my pitch filled in a survey for the presentation.The response to this question reflected that I was dressed appropriately and appeared professional, this is a positive because I need to appear and present myself like this for a successful pitch for Klashed magazine.

One of my questions in the survey was asking the respondent what I could have improved in my pitch, they replied saying that I could have talked louder and looked more towards the audience. This is useful feedback because I could speak louder and look more at the audience in the second pitch.

Survey Monkey

This feedback is useful because it shows that there is a chance that the respondent would “possibly” buy it. However this answer is a little vague as it does not confirm whether or not they would buy the magazine or not.

This response on the survey is helpful because it shows that someone would not buy the magazine, they gave a reason which was because they do not need a product like Klashed. To act on this feedback I would have to add something to the magazine that gave the target audience a reason or want for this product.

Evidence of feedbackThis is where I conducted my feedback interview with a peer. They gave me feedback on my pitch as well as my front cover and double page spread. The feedback was useful and helped me to rectify the mistakes on the magazine pages.

The feedback was written down and typed up and then used to correct my magazine pages and pitch.

Budget Plan

What did I have to change?The total amount of money made in year one has been calculated and after many checks and thorough counting the profit was estimated at £7,613. This is successful for a start up business in their first year, with this profit the business has broke even. I did not have to change anything on the budgeting slide as it was realistic and achievable.

Achievable?The financials are realistic as the budget slides show, most money will be made from subscriptions and advertising. The subscriptions for the budget plan have been calculated estimating 2000 subscriptions are made in the first year.

Why was the flat plan successful?The flat plan was so successful because it displayed clearly what was going to go on each page with pictures that showed this. This made the flat plan successful because publishers could look at the flat plan and know what would be in the first issue of Klashed.

Why were the graphic layouts successful?

The graphic layouts were so successful because they were a perfect template on what was going to go where for the basic outline of the front cover and DPS. This made it successful because it meant that I prepared what was going to go on the pages to make the process and creation more time effective.

Why were the hand drawn drafts successful?

The hand drawn drafts were so successful because they were what I had planned for the front cover and DPS. This made them successful because I had written on the hand drawn drafts what I was going to use where on the page and what I was going to use.

What were successful about the proposals?

The proposals outlined concisely what the magazine was going to be (format) and what the purpose of it was. The proposed idea was successful because I think it was most relevant to the target audience I was aiming at and the content was more aimed at that demographic and age.

Environment of the Pitch

This is the slide changer that I used, by using this slide changer it meant that I didn’t have to go to the computer to change the slide everytime.

This is the room and whiteboard I used for the pitch. I used this whiteboard because it was large enough for the audience I was pitching in front of to see.

This is the computer I used, I used this computer because it was in the same room and linked up to the whiteboard so it was easy to load the pitch presentation up.


To conclude, after I performed my pitch for Klashed magazine I received feedback and changes that needed to be made.

The changes I had to make were on my flat plan and target audience slide because the flat plan lacked detail and the target audience slide did not go into specifics with the audience. I made the changes and applied them to my pitch presentation so that the presentation met the criteria needed for a perfect pitch to the publisher for Klashed.

I made a survey on survey monkey and sent it to my peer who was present when I presented the pitch, the results came back saying that I had appeared professional whilst performing the pitch, this is good because creating a magazine is a big project so presenting the idea for Klashed needed to look serious and professional.