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Looking for a web developer?

Are you planning to develop website? Want to hire a web developer? Hiring a good web developer is most important step in website development. The web developer is the one who creates the look of the company online and that plays a significant role in establishing the company online. A website is a mean that helps you to interact with your clients virtually. It is very important that you hire the best agent. A wrong or nontalented agent can cause harm to your business. Either you can search for agents online or ask good and reputated web development company to get the job done. There are various Web development company and web design company in the market that provide best developers.

Some of the points to remember while hiring a web developer are:-

Focus more on DNA rather than Work Experience.

When you hire a web developer take their DNA into consideration rather than work experience. No doubt that experience is a very important factor but we should always remember that the inborn talent is always the bigger judge. Well! This is you start and you will definitely want a person that has individuality, versatility, adaptability, risk-taking, and a self-starter personality. These traits are difficult to find in people having a good amount of work experience.

Jot down all the DNA requirements that you are looking for in an individual. What are your expectations? Do you want a cultivate an environment of unyielding people or you are looking for the team players? If you have ten requirements then make sure that the interviewee matches at least six. You never know what wonders DNAs can do. They can be a a catalyst in defining the company culture and atmosphere. At times, you might come across people who fake in the interview. You should always have a back up plan and be ready to evaluate them on other ground.

After hiring, start with small.

Once you are done with the hiring of the candidate, make sure that the project you are giving him/her is not critical. This will help you analyze the potential of the person without putting your project on risks. You will be able to judge the efficiency of the candidate in delivering the project. You will be able to see the horizon of a candidate, whether he goes beyond it to make it deliver in the best possible way. How creative, new or unique was the solution. How was he or she as a team player.

Aptitude vs Particular Skill

Aptitude! Aptitude! Aptitude! Should always be the preference over the skill set of a person. In technology and development sectors, skills become out dated in every year. You should always

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go with the web developer who has a good aptitute rather then skills. The one with the good aptitude will be open to new technologies and will adapt them soon while the skill one will stick to a specific one and will not be open to the new ones.

The technology keeps changing. To assure that the developer will adapt to the changes you must see whether he has a love and zest for learining or not. You may ask him that if has recently learned some new programming languages or which are ones that have captured the market these days. You might to as him about his some favorite technology conferences.

What not to ask.

Make sure you don’t ask ins and outs of programming. For example, never ask the creater of programming languages. Avoid asking when this language was released and what is the origin of the a particular programming language. Such questions are unmeaningful. Neither they are helpful for interviewee nor you. You can never judge anything on the basis of these questions. With such set of questions you can never judge the aptitude, smartness, or intelligence of a person. They only filter out those people who are good at memorizing things.

Always make it a point while taking the technical interviews of the candidates never sum up the questions that are easily available on the net. Instead you must always go for the open ended questions and listen. You should check for the passion of the subject in the candidate and the how sound are they in explaining the technical terms. You of the open ended questions that you ask are

What situation made you choose this design pattern? What if different people are working on the same data and the conflict occurs?

Take your time while you are hiring but when you realize that the candidate is not fruitful then make sure he pack his bags in the given period of time. A relentless drive can be harmful for the team and the company.

Author Bio:- Joya AnShari is a technical news junkie and works at IT Chimes. She loves everything about digital world, technologies, Web Designing, Web development social media and gadgets and has been prophetic inidentifying the best ways to leverage and harness such news to drive sales growth for companies ranging from startups to huge organizations.
