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  • 2014 Firefly Education Lab Guide 1


    Lab Guide

  • 2 Cisco Live LTRCRT-5205 2014 Firefly Communications, LLC

    Lab 0: Preparing the Cisco Nexus 7010 Complete this lab activity to get the NX7010 prepared to start your first lab activities.

    Activity Objective

    In this activity you will meet these objectives:

    Wipe away any previous configurations

    Reload a baseline configuration so that you start the lab with a clean config

    Required Resources

    These are the resources and equipment required to complete this activity:

    One Nexus 7010

    Command List

    The table describes the commands used in this activity.

    Command Description

    N7K-P# write erase Erases the current startup-config

    N7K-P# reload Restarts the switch to the kickstart image

    N7K-P# copy bootflash: running-config Prepares the switch to upload a file from bootflash

    N7K-P# copy running-config startup-config

    Saves the running-config to the startup-config

    N7K-P# dir bootflash: Shows the files located in bootflash

  • 2014 Firefly Education Lab Guide 3

    Task 1: Get Your NX7010 Prepared for the Course Lab Activities

    In this task you will delete the old configs on the Nexus 7010 and upload a new configuration.

    Activity Procedure

    Complete these steps:

    Step 1 Connect to the LabGear interface with the assigned username and password from the

    instructor using Internet Explorer and surfing to

    Step 2 The person assigned to VDC1should connect to Sup1 of the Nexus 7010 by clicking on

    the green oval. Hit enter a few times to awaken the switch.

    Step 3 Log in to the default VDC1 with the username admin password 1234Qwer. (The Q is


    Step 4 Erase the startup-config.

    N7K-P# write erase

    Enter y at the prompt.

    Step 5 Reload the Chassis.

    N7K-P# reload

    Enter y at the prompt.

    Step 6 Wait for the reload to complete. Hit Enter to verify the switch has completed the reload.

    Step 7 When prompted for the admin password, enter 1234Qwer.

    Step 8 The Nexus will ask you to confirm that password, so please enter it again: 1234Qwer.

    Step 9 Say N to the Would you like to enter the basic configuration mode.

    Step 10 You will be asked to log in again, and use username admin password 1234Qwer.

    Step 11 You will see that the prompt has changed to:


    Step 12 View the bootflash directory and discover the baseline-cfg file to be restored to the


    switch# dir bootflash:

    328 Apr 09 12:37:43 2010 MDS20100409121135109.lic

    10429 Oct 30 08:15:46 2009 baseline-cfg

    11249 Nov 04 06:29:25 2009 config

    4096 Aug 02 14:19:04 2010 epld_dir/

    326 Mar 16 15:43:00 2010 lab7.lic

    49152 Aug 02 13:21:58 2010 lost+found/

    4096 Aug 02 17:41:49 2010 master-cfg/

    161980383 Sep 19 14:11:47 2012 n7000-s1-dk9.5.2.1.bin

    207655044 Mar 06 16:41:29 2013 n7000-s1-dk9.6.1.3.bin

    13574595 Aug 22 09:34:14 2011 n7000-s1-epld.5.2.1.img

    14871953 Aug 03 15:54:48 2012 n7000-s1-epld.6.0.2.img

    41791088 Mar 06 16:43:16 2013 n7000-s1-epld.6.1.3.img

  • 4 Cisco Live LTRCRT-5205 2014 Firefly Communications, LLC

    29471232 Sep 19 14:08:47 2012 n7000-s1-kickstart.5.2.1.bin

    29596672 Aug 03 15:53:58 2012 n7000-s1-kickstart.6.0.4.bin

    29704704 Mar 06 16:39:48 2013 n7000-s1-kickstart.6.1.3.bin

    4096 Aug 02 14:55:05 2010 vdc_2/

    4096 Aug 02 15:02:22 2010 vdc_3/

    4096 Aug 02 15:10:57 2010 vdc_4/

    Usage for bootflash://

    670466048 bytes used

    1169424384 bytes free

    1839890432 bytes total

    Step 13 Copy the baseline-cfg file to the running-config.

    switch# copy bootflash:baseline-cfg running-config

    Hit enter, and the file will be instantly copied to the running-config. Ignore the message that

    may be returned:

    Step 14 View the configuration file that has been copied.

    N7K-P# show running-config

    Step 15 The last step in this lab is to copy the running-config to the startup-config.

    N7K-P# copy run start

    Lab 0 Activity Verification Upon completing this lab exercise, you will be successful when the configs are cleaned up, the

    new baseline config is uploaded and the prompt on the switch has changed to: N7K-P#

  • 2014 Firefly Education Lab Guide 5

    Lab 1: VDC Configuration and Management Complete this lab activity to practice what you learned in the related lesson.

    Activity Objective

    In this activity, you will manage the configuration of a Nexus switch. After completing this activity,

    you will be able to meet these objectives:

    Perform the initial setup on the Nexus 7010.

    Create a configuration checkpoint

    Use a configuration checkpoint

    Visual Objective

    The figure illustrates what you will accomplish in this activity. There are NOT four Nexus switches

    in the topology, but 4 VDCs on one switch.

    2009 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. DCNI-2 v2.3LG-1

    Ethernet Out of




    . 101



    Nexus 7K VDC Topology

    . 102 . 103

    Slot 5

    Mgmt0Slot 6


    Switch Int Mgmt0

    VDC-1 10.P.1.14

    VDC-2 10.P.1.24

    VDC-3 10.P.1.34

    VDC-4 10.P.1.44











    Required Resources

    These are the resources and equipment required to complete this activity:

    One Nexus 7010

  • 6 Cisco Live LTRCRT-5205 2014 Firefly Communications, LLC

    Physical Diagram

    The figure below illustrates what you will accomplish in this activity.

    2013 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. DCUFI v4.3r3LG-2


    Ethernet Out of




    Slot 5/6



    PC2PC2 PC3 PC4

    N7K VDC Int

    E1/42 E1/43 E1/44

    3750 VLAN Key

    VLAN P12

    VLAN P13

    VLAN P14

    VDC2 E1/1,E1/3, E1/5, E1/42








    VDC3 E1/4, E/7, E1/10,E1/43

    VDC4 E1/6, E/8,E1/12, E1/44


    VLAN 10 future

    Nexus 7K VDCTopology















  • 2014 Firefly Education Lab Guide 7

    Command List

    The table below describes the commands used in this activity.

    Command Description

    N7K-P# show license usage

    N7K-P(config)# vdc {name} id id-number Create a VDC.

    N7K-P(config-vdc)# allocate interface [int-type mod/port]

    Allocate VDC interface.

    N7K-P# sh vdc Display a summary of a VDC.

    N7K-P(config)# sh vdc membership Display the interface membership in a VDC.

    N7K-P# show vdc detail Display vdc detail.

    N7K-P# show vdc resource template Display the vdc resource template.

    N7K-P# sho vdc current-vdc Display the current vdc.

    N7K-P# allocate interface Assign interfaces to a VDC.

    N7K-P# switchto Move between VDCs.

    N7K-P# switchback Move back to the default VDC.

    N7K-P# checkpoint {name} Create a checkpoint.

    N7K-P# sh checkpoint summary Display list of checkpoints.

    N7K-P# sh checkpoint Display the checkpoint configuration.

    N7K-P# rollback running-config checkpoint {name}

    Rollback the running-config to a checkpoint.

  • 8 Cisco Live LTRCRT-5205 2014 Firefly Communications, LLC

    Task 1: Validate Cisco NX-OS License and Initial Lab Topology

    In this task, you will perform the initial setup on the Nexus 7010.

    Activity Procedure

    Complete these steps:

    Step 1 VDC will use console access for Lab configuration. All other VDCs should establish a

    connection to the assigned client PC remote desktop. SSH to the N7K Login with the

    username: administrator password: cisco.

    Step 2 From the client PC, Telnet to the Nexus 7010, with the IP address 10.P.1.14, where P is your pod number.

    Step 3 Login to the default VDC1 with the username: admin password: 1234Qwer.

    Step 4 The Cisco Nexus 7010 Switches require the LAN Advanced Services License to create

    and modify VDCs. Determine if the Cisco Nexus 7010 has this license installed.

    N7K-P# show license usage

    Feature Ins Lic Status Expiry Date Comments



    MPLS_PKG No - Unused -

    STORAGE-ENT No - Unused Grace 112D 1H

    VDC_LICENSES No 0 Unused -

    ENTERPRISE_PKG No - Unused -

    FCOE-N7K-F132XP No 0 Unused Grace 111D 15H

    FCOE-N7K-F248XP No 0 Unused -

    ENHANCED_LAYER2_PKG Yes - Unused Never -


    TRANSPORT_SERVICES_PKG Yes - Unused Never -

    LAN_ADVANCED_SERVICES_PKG Yes - Unused Never -


    Note: The status Unused implies no features requiring the license have been enabled, confirm this

    with the show feature command.

    N7K-P# sh feature

    Feature Name Instance State

    -------------------- -------- --------

    bfd 1 disabled

    bfd_app 1 disabled

    bgp 1 disabled

    Output omited

    tunnel 1 disabled

    udld 1 disabled

    vpc 1 disabled

    vrrp 1 disabled

    vtp 1 disabled

    wccp 1 disabled

  • 2014 Firefly Education Lab Guide 9

    Step 5 Determine the current default VDC configuration.

    N7K-P# sh vdc

    vdc_id vdc_name state mac type lc

    ------ -------- ----- ---------- ---- ------

    1 N7K-P active b4:14:89:d2:69:41 Ethernet m1 f1 m1xl m2x1

    Note: The default VDC is active and assumes the switches hostname.

    Step 6 Determine the physical resources assigned to the default VDC.

    N7K-P# show vdc membership

    vdc_id: 0 vdc_name: Unallocated interfaces:

    vdc_id: 1 vdc_name: N7K-P interfaces:

    Ethernet1/1 Ethernet1/2 Ethernet1/3

    Ethernet1/4 Ethernet1/5 Ethernet1/6

    Ethernet1/7 Ethernet1/8 Ethernet1/9

    Ethernet1/10 Ethernet1/11 Ethernet1/12

    Ethernet1/13 Ethernet1/14 Ethernet1/15

    Ethernet1/16 Ethernet1/17 Ethernet1/18

    Ethernet1/19 Ethernet1/20 Ethernet1/21

    Ethernet1/22 Ethernet1/23 Ethernet1/24

    Ethernet1/25 Ethernet1/26 Ethernet1/27

    Ethernet1/28 Ethernet1/29 Ethernet1/30

    Ethernet1/31 Ethernet1/32 Ethernet1/33

    Ethernet1/34 Ethernet1/35 Ethernet1/36

    Ethernet1/37 Ethernet1/38 Ethernet1/39

    Ethernet1/40 Ethernet1/41 Ethernet1/42

    Ethernet1/43 Ethernet1/44 Ethernet1/45

    Ethernet1/46 Ethernet1/47 Ethernet1/48

    Ethernet2/1 Ethernet2/2 Ethernet2/3

    Ethernet2/4 Ethernet2/5 Ethernet2/6

    Ethernet2/7 Ethernet2/8 Ethernet2/9

    Ethernet2/10 Ethernet2/11 Ethernet2/12

    Ethernet2/13 Ethernet2/14 Ethernet2/15

    Ethernet2/16 Ethernet2/17 Ethernet2/18

    Ethernet2/19 Ethernet2/20 Ethernet2/21

    Ethernet2/22 Ethernet2/23 Ethernet2/24

    Ethernet2/25 Ethernet2/26 Ethernet2/27

    Ethernet2/28 Ethernet2/29 Ethernet2/30

    Ethernet2/31 Ethernet2/32

    Note: All physical interfaces are initially assigned to the default VDC (VDC1).

    Step 7 List detailed information related to the default VDC.

    N7K-P# show vdc detail

  • 10 Cisco Live LTRCRT-5205 2014 Firefly Communications, LLC

    vdc id: 1

    vdc name: N7K-16

    vdc state: active

    vdc mac address: b4:14:89:d2:69:41

    vdc ha policy: RELOAD

    vdc dual-sup ha policy: SWITCHOVER

    vdc boot Order: 1

    vdc create time: Wed Mar 6 17:16:03 2013

    vdc reload count: 0

    vdc restart count: 0

    vdc type: Ethernet

    vdc supported linecards: m1 f1 m1xl m2x1

    Step 8 VDCs have default resource templates. Display the resource template for the default


    N7K-P# show vdc resource template



    Resource Min Max

    ---------- ----- -----

    m6route-mem 8 8

    m4route-mem 58 58

    u6route-mem 24 24

    u4route-mem 96 96



    Resource Min Max

    ---------- ----- -----

    monitor-session-inband-src 0 1

    port-channel 0 768

    monitor-session-erspan-dst 0 23

    monitor-session 0 2

    vlan 16 4094

    m6route-mem 5 5

    m4route-mem 8 8

    u6route-mem 4 4

    u4route-mem 8 8

    vrf 2 4096

    Step 9 Display VDC resource template and actual resources consumed.

    N7K-P# show resource

    Resource Min Max Used Unused Avail

    ----------- ----- ----- ------ -------- -------

    vlan 16 4094 19 0 4075

    monitor-session 0 2 0 0 2

    monitor-session-erspan-dst 0 23 0 0 23

    vrf 2 4096 2 0 4088

    port-channel 0 768 0 0 768

    u4route-mem 96 96 1 95 95

    u6route-mem 24 24 1 23 23

    m4route-mem 58 58 1 57 57

    m6route-mem 8 8 1 7 7

    monitor-session-inband-src 0 1 0 0 1

  • 2014 Firefly Education Lab Guide 11

    Step 10 When creating, modifying or assigning resources to multiple VDCs, it is very important

    to observe the proper configuration context. The following command can be used to

    determine the current context for VDC management.

    N7K-P# sh vdc current-vdc

    Current vdc is 1 N7K-P

  • 12 Cisco Live LTRCRT-5205 2014 Firefly Communications, LLC

    Task 2: Perform Initial VDC Setup

    In this task, you will perform initial setup on the Nexus 7010.

    Activity Procedure

    Complete these steps:

    Step 1 The person assigned to VDC1 should work with a partner during this task.

    Step 2 Enter configuration mode.

    Step 3 Each student in the pod will create one of the additional 3 VDCs, named VDC-2, VDC-3

    and VDC-4 with a corresponding ID, and allocate the associated interfaces based on the

    table below:

    Note Make sure that all 3 new VDCs are created. Prior to the creation of the 3 new VDCs, VDC-1 has all

    interfaces allocated. The remaining labs will only utilize the following interfaces on VDC-1; E1/1, E1/3,

    E1/9, E2/1 and E2/5.

    Step 4 After entering global config mode, create the first of the three VDCs, where v is your VDC number.

    N7K-P(config)# vdc VDC-v id v

    Note: Creating VDC, one moment please ...

    2013 Mar 11 10:49:36 N7K-16 %$ VDC-1 %$ %VDC_MGR-2-VDC_ONLINE:

    vdc 2 has come online

    Step 5 Assign the ports shown below to the newly created VDC, where x is the interfaces found in the table in step 2.

    N7K-P(config-vdc)# allocate interface e1/x,e1/x,e1/x,e1/4v,e2/x-y,2/x-y

    Moving ports will cause all config associated to them in source vdc to be removed.

    Are you sure you want to move the ports (y/n)?



    N7K-P# sh vdc

    vdc_id vdc_name state mac type lc

    ------ -------- ----- ---------- ---- ------

    1 N7K-P active b4:14:89:d2:69:41 Ethernet m1 f1 m1xl m2x1

    2 VDC-2 active b4:14:89:d2:69:42 Ethernet m1 f1 m1xl m2x1

    3 VDC-3 active b4:14:89:d2:69:43 Ethernet m1 f1 m1xl m2x1

    4 VDC-4 active b4:14:89:d2:69:44 Ethernet m1 f1 m1xl m2x1

    Step 6 View the VDCs with the associated interfaces.

    VDC VDC ID VDC Interfaces

    VDC-2 2 e1/5, e1/7, e1/10, e1/42, e2/3-4, e2/7-8

    VDC-3 3 e1/2, e1/6, e1/11, e1/43, e2/9-10, e2/13-14

    VDC-4 4 e1/4, e1/8, e1/12, e1/44, e2/11-12, e2/15-16

  • 2014 Firefly Education Lab Guide 13

    N7K-P# sh vdc membership

    vdc_id: 0 vdc_name: Unallocated interfaces:

    vdc_id: 1 vdc_name: N7K-16 interfaces:

    Ethernet1/1 Ethernet1/3 Ethernet1/9

    Ethernet1/13 Ethernet1/14 Ethernet1/15

    Ethernet1/16 Ethernet1/17 Ethernet1/18

    Ethernet1/19 Ethernet1/20 Ethernet1/21

    Ethernet1/22 Ethernet1/23 Ethernet1/24

    Ethernet1/25 Ethernet1/26 Ethernet1/27

    Ethernet1/28 Ethernet1/29 Ethernet1/30

    Ethernet1/31 Ethernet1/32 Ethernet1/33

    Ethernet1/34 Ethernet1/35 Ethernet1/36

    Ethernet1/37 Ethernet1/38 Ethernet1/39

    Ethernet1/40 Ethernet1/41 Ethernet1/45

    Ethernet1/46 Ethernet1/47 Ethernet1/48

    Ethernet2/1 Ethernet2/2 Ethernet2/5

    Ethernet2/6 Ethernet2/17 Ethernet2/18

    Ethernet2/19 Ethernet2/20 Ethernet2/21

    Ethernet2/22 Ethernet2/23 Ethernet2/24

    Ethernet2/25 Ethernet2/26 Ethernet2/27

    Ethernet2/28 Ethernet2/29 Ethernet2/30

    Ethernet2/31 Ethernet2/32

    vdc_id: 2 vdc_name: vdc-2 interfaces:

    Ethernet1/5 Ethernet1/7 Ethernet1/10


    Ethernet2/3 Ethernet2/4 Ethernet2/7


    vdc_id: 3 vdc_name: VDC-3 interfaces:

    Ethernet1/2 Ethernet1/6 Ethernet1/11


    Ethernet2/9 Ethernet2/10 Ethernet2/13


    vdc_id: 4 vdc_name: VDC-4 interfaces:

    Ethernet1/4 Ethernet1/8 Ethernet1/12


    Ethernet2/11 Ethernet2/12 Ethernet2/15


  • 14 Cisco Live LTRCRT-5205 2014 Firefly Communications, LLC

    Step 7 Save the Default VDC configuration.

    N7K-P# copy run start

    [########################################] 100%

    Copy complete, now saving to disk (please wait)...


    Step 8 At this point you are ready to configure the VDC you created. To change from the

    default VDC1 to another VDC use the switchto vdc command.

    N7K-P# switchto vdc VDC-2

    Step 9 You will now be prompted to ensure a secure password. Accept the default yes.

    Do you want to enforce secure password standard (yes/no) [y]:

    Step 10 You are now prompted to enter an admin password for the context, use the password


    Enter the password for "admin":1234Qwer

    Confirm the password for "admin":1234Qwer

    Step 11 You are now prompted to enter the basic configuration dialog.

    ---- Basic System Configuration Dialog VDC: 2 ----

    This setup utility will guide you through the basic configuration of

    the system. Setup configures only enough connectivity for management

    of the system.

    Please register Cisco Nexus7000 Family devices promptly with your

    supplier. Failure to register may affect response times for initial

    service calls. Nexus7000 devices must be registered to receive

    entitled support services.

    Press Enter at anytime to skip a dialog. Use ctrl-c at anytime

    to skip the remaining dialogs.

    Would you like to enter the basic configuration dialog (yes/no): yes

    Step 12 You can accept the defaults in square brackets by pressing the Enter key. Do this to say

    no to creating another login account.

    Create another login account (yes/no) [n]:

    Step 13 Do not configure SNMP community strings.

    Configure read-only SNMP community string (yes/no) [n]:

    Configure read-write SNMP community string (yes/no) [n]:

  • 2014 Firefly Education Lab Guide 15

    Step 14 Name the switch VDC-v, where v is your VDC number.

    Enter the switch name: VDC-v

    Step 15 Configure the out-of-band management interface with an IP address of 10.P.1.v4, where

    P is your pod number and v is your VDC number and a mask of

    Continue with Out-of-band (mgmt0) management configuration? (yes/no)


    Mgmt0 IPv4 address : 10.P.1.v4

    Mgmt0 IPv4 netmask :

    Step 16 Do not configure the default gateway.

    Configure the default gateway? (yes/no) [y]: n

    Step 17 Do not configure IP options.

    Configure advanced IP options? (yes/no) [n]:

    Step 18 Enable Telnet and SSH services, select RSA for SSH key type.

    Enable the telnet service? (yes/no) [n]: y

    Enable the ssh service? (yes/no) [y]:

    Type of ssh key you would like to generate (dsa/rsa)[rsa]:

    Number of rsa key bits [1024]:

    Step 19 Default all interfaces to Layer 2. All interfaces should also be shut down by default and

    should be configured with trunk mode on.

    Configure default interface layer (L3/L2) [L3]: L2

    Configure default switchport interface state (shut/no shut) [shut]:

    The following configuration will be applied:

    password strength-check

    switchname VDC-2

    feature telnet

    ssh key rsa 1024 force

    feature ssh

    system default switchport

    system default switchport shutdown

    interface mgmt0

    ip address 10.P.1.24

    no shutdown

  • 16 Cisco Live LTRCRT-5205 2014 Firefly Communications, LLC

    Step 20 Apply and save the configuration.

    Would you like to edit the configuration? (yes/no) [n]:

    Use this configuration and save it? (yes/no) [y]:

    [########################################] 100%

    Copy complete, now saving to disk (please wait)...

    Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software

    TAC support:

    Copyright (c) 2002-2013, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

    The copyrights to certain works contained in this software are

    owned by other third parties and used and distributed under

    license. Certain components of this software are licensed under

    the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.0 or the GNU

    Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Version 2.1. A copy of each

    such license is available at and

  • 2014 Firefly Education Lab Guide 17

    Task 3: Create a Configuration Checkpoint

    In this task, you will create a configuration checkpoint.

    Activity Procedure

    Complete these steps:

    Step 1 Each student should perform the following.

    Step 2 Display the options to the checkpoint command.

    N7K-P-VDC-V# checkpoint ?

    WORD Checkpoint name (Max Size 80)

    description Checkpoint description for the given checkpoint

    file Create configuration rollback checkpoint to file

    Step 3 Create a checkpoint without specifying a name.

    N7K-P-VDC-V# checkpoint


    user-checkpoint-1 created Successfully


    Step 4 Display the list of saved checkpoints.

    N7K-P-VDC-V# sh checkpoint summary

    N7K-16-VDC-2# sh chec summary

    User Checkpoint Summary


    1) user-checkpoint-1:

    Created by admin

    Created at Thu, 10:28:52 02 Jan 2014

    Size is 4,346 bytes

    Description: None

    Step 5 Delete the checkpoint with the auto created name.

    N7K-P-VDC-V# no checkpoint user-checkpoint-1


    N7K-P-VDC-V# sh checkpoint summary

    Step 6 Create a checkpoint named setup.

    N7K-P-VDC-V# checkpoint setup description VDC Baseline Config


    Step 7 Display the saved checkpoints.

    N7K-P-VDC-V# sh checkpoint summary

    User Checkpoint Summary


  • 18 Cisco Live LTRCRT-5205 2014 Firefly Communications, LLC

    1) setup:

    Created by admin

    Created at Thu, 10:30:04 02 Jan 2014

    Size is 4,346 bytes

    Step 8 Create a checkpoint file named CL-setup1.

    N7K-P-VDC-V# checkpoint file CL-setup1


    Note: If Checkpoint file already exists, you will be prompted:

    Checkpoint file already exists, this will overwrite the checkpoint file,

    Continue? (y/n) [n] y

    Answer: y

    Step 9 Confirm the checkpoint was created as a file.

    N7K-P-VDC-V# dir

    4096 May 23 12:28:07 2013 BOOTFLASH:/

    4346 Jan 02 10:36:38 2014 CL-setup1

  • 2014 Firefly Education Lab Guide 19

    Task 4: Test Configuration Rollback

    In this task, you will test a configuration checkpoint.

    Activity Procedure

    Complete these steps:

    Step 1 Change the switch hostname, and create a new user account.

    N7K-P-VDC-V# conf

    N7K-P-VDC-V (config)# switchname broken-v (where v is the VDC


    N7K-P-broken-v(config)# username temp pass t3mp73mp

    password is weak

    Password should contain characters from at least three of the following

    classes: lower case letters, upper case letters, digits and special


    N7K-P-broken-v (config)# username temp pass t3mp!73mp

    Step 2 View the results of your configuration changes.

    N7K-P-broken-v# sh run

    !Command: show running-config

    !Time: Thu Jan 2 10:39:24 2014

    version 6.1(3)

    switchname broken-v

    feature telnet

    username admin password 5 $1$WSx6Hn2Q$rWMYZZdyMbLnKXL/88GY91 role vdc-admin

    username temp password 5 $1$GBmOZrEH$.SC5cNhvyTsBjTLUfDI.c/ role vdc-


    ip domain-lookup

    system default switchport

    snmp-server user temp vdc-operator auth md5

    0x305f65ad49ae0d450dcaf9671275fe83 p

    riv 0x305f65ad49ae0d450dcaf9671275fe83 localizedkey

    snmp-server user admin vdc-admin auth md5 0x118cc444d4ece85cf861dd171c01db2b


    v 0x118cc444d4ece85cf861dd171c01db2b localizedkey

    rmon event 1 log trap public description FATAL(1) owner PMON@FATAL

    rmon event 2 log trap public description CRITICAL(2) owner PMON@CRITICAL

    rmon event 3 log trap public description ERROR(3) owner PMON@ERROR

    rmon event 4 log trap public description WARNING(4) owner PMON@WARNING

    rmon event 5 log trap public description INFORMATION(5) owner PMON@INFO

    vrf context management

    vlan 1

  • 20 Cisco Live LTRCRT-5205 2014 Firefly Communications, LLC

    interface Ethernet1/5

    interface Ethernet1/7

    interface Ethernet1/10

    interface Ethernet1/42

    interface Ethernet2/3

    interface Ethernet2/4

    interface Ethernet2/7

    interface Ethernet2/8

    interface mgmt0

    ip address 10.P.1.24/24

    line vty

    Step 3 Use the configuration checkpoint that you created earlier to undo your most recent


    N7K-P-broken-v# rollback running-config checkpoint ?

    *** No matching command found in current mode, matching in (exec) mode ***


    N7K-P-broken-v# rollback running-config checkpoint setup

    Note: Applying config parallelly may fail Rollback verification

    Collecting Running-Config

    #Generating Rollback Patch

    Executing Rollback Patch

    Generating Running-config for verification

    Generating Patch for verification

    Verification is Sucessful.

    Rollback completed successfully.

  • 2014 Firefly Education Lab Guide 21

    Lab 2: Configuring vPC Complete this lab activity to practice what you learned in the related lesson.

    Activity Objective

    In this activity, you will configure routing protocols. After completing this activity, you will be able

    to meet these objectives:

    Implement a design based on an L2 VLANs utilizing vPC to a downstream switch

    Globally enable the vPC feature

    Enable vPC peering

    Establish a vPC to the downstream switch

    Validate the Configuration

    Visual Objective

    The figure illustrates what you will accomplish in this activity.

    2009 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. DCNI-2 v2.3LG-1






    XP3 XP4


    E1/43 E1/44

    Nexus VPC (Back-to-Back)





    E2/1 E2/3



    E1/1 E1/7





    VDC-1 VDC-2



    E1/11 E1/12Keepalive


    E1/3 E1/5

    vPC Peer Link

    vPC Peer Link

    vPC Domain 1

    vPC Domain 2

    Required Resources

    These are the resources and equipment required to complete this activity:

    One 7010 with 4 VDCs

  • 22 Cisco Live LTRCRT-5205 2014 Firefly Communications, LLC

    Command List

    The table describes the commands used in this activity.

    Command Description

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config)# vlan {vlan_number} Creates Vlan.

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config-if)# switchport mode trunk

    Enables trunking on an interface.

    N7K-P-VDC-v# switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20

    Allows only the defined vlans on a trunk.

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config)# spanning-tree vlan {vlan_number} root {primary|secondary}

    Configures the Spanning-tree root for PVST.

    N7K-P-VDC-v# sh spanning-tree Displays Spanning-tree.

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config)# feature vpc Enables vPCs on the device.

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config-if-overlay)#vpc domain domain-id

    Creates a vPC domain on the device, and enters the vpc-domain configuration mode for configuration purposes. There is no default; the range is from 1 to 1,000.

    N7K-P-VDC-v#interface port-channel channel-number

    Selects the port channel that you want to use as thevPC peer link for this device, and enters the interface configuration mode.


    keepalive destination ipaddress

    [hold-timeout secs | interval msecs

    {timeout secs} | {precedence {prec-value |

    network | internet | critical |

    flash-override | flash | immediate

    priority | routine}} | tos {tos-value |

    max-reliability | max-throughput |

    min-delay | min-monetary-cost | normal}}

    |tos-byte tos-byte-value} | source

    ipaddress | vrf {name

    Configures the IPv4 address for the remote end of the vPC peer-keepalive link.

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config-if)#vpc number Configures the selected port channel into the vPC to connect to the downstream device. You can use any module in the device for these port channels. The range is from 1 and 4096.

    N7K-P-VDC-v# rollback running-config checkpoint {name}

    Rollback the running-config to a checkpoint.

  • 2014 Firefly Education Lab Guide 23

    Task 1: Establish the Network and Examine STP

    In this task, you will configure basic L2 communication between VDCs.

    Activity Procedure

    Complete these steps for all four VDCs:

    Step 1 From your RDP session Telnet/SSH to your VDC at IP address 10.P.1.V4. VDC-1 is

    also used in the lab; select one person to cover this VDC.

    Step 2 Enter Configuration mode and create VLANs 10 and 20

    N7K-P-VDC-V# conf t

    Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.

    N7K-P-VDC-V(config)# vlan 10,20

    N7K-P-VDC-V(config)# exit

    Step 3 We will now establish communications between the VDCs. Enable the interfaces,

    defined in the table below, as trunks allowing only VLANs 10 and 20.

    VDC Interfaces

    VDC-1 e1/1,e1/3,e2/1,e2/5

    VDC-2 e1/5, e1/7,e2/3,e2/7

    VDC-3 e1/2,e1/6,e2/9,e/13

    VDC-4 e1/4,e1/8, e2/11,2/15

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config-vlan)# int e1/x,e1/x,e2/x,e2/x

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config-if-range)# switchport mode trunk

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config-if-range)# switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config-if-range)# no shut

    Step 4 Confirm the interfaces status.

    N7K-P-VDC-V(config-if-range)# sh int stat


    Port Name Status Vlan Duplex Speed Type


    mgmt0 -- connected routed full 1000 --

    Eth1/5 -- connected trunk full 1000 10/100/1000

    Eth1/7 -- connected trunk full 1000 10/100/1000

    Eth1/10 -- disabled 1 full auto 10/100/1000

    Eth1/42 -- disabled 1 full auto 10/100/1000

    Eth2/3 -- connected trunk full 10G SFP-H10GB-C

    Eth2/4 -- sfpAbsent 1 auto auto --

    Eth2/7 -- connected trunk full 10G SFP-H10GB-C

    Eth2/8 -- sfpAbsent 1 auto auto --

  • 24 Cisco Live LTRCRT-5205 2014 Firefly Communications, LLC

    Step 5 Confirm that Spanning-Tree is operational, VDC-1 Should be the Root since it has the

    lowest MAC, VDC-3 and VDC-4 should have the blocking ports.

    N7K-P-VDC-V# sh spanning-tree


    Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp

    Root ID Priority 32778

    Address b414.89d2.6941

    Cost 2

    Port 259 (Ethernet2/3)

    Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec

    Bridge ID Priority 32778 (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 10)

    Address b414.89d2.6942

    Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec

    Interface Role Sts Cost Prio.Nbr Type

    ---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- ----------------------------

    Eth1/5 Desg FWD 4 128.133 P2p

    Eth1/7 Desg FWD 4 128.135 P2p

    Eth2/3 Root FWD 2 128.259 P2p

    Eth2/7 Altn BLK 2 128.263 P2p


    Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp

    Root ID Priority 32788

    Address b414.89d2.6941

    Cost 2

    Port 259 (Ethernet2/3)

    Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec

    Bridge ID Priority 32788 (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 20)

    Address b414.89d2.6942

    Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec

    Interface Role Sts Cost Prio.Nbr Type

    ---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- ----------------------------

    Eth1/5 Desg FWD 4 128.133 P2p

    Eth1/7 Desg FWD 4 128.135 P2p

    Eth2/3 Root FWD 2 128.259 P2p

    Eth2/7 Altn BLK 2 128.263 P2p

  • 2014 Firefly Education Lab Guide 25

    Task 2: Configure a vPC Domain

    In this task, you will work as 2 teams within your pod; Team 1 will configure vPC Domain 1 using

    VDC-1 and VDC-2 and Team 2 vPC Domain 2 using VDC-3 and VDC-4.

    Activity Procedure

    Complete these steps:

    Step 1 Open a telnet/ssh connection to your VDCs.

    Step 2 Globally enable the feature vPC.

    N7K-P-VDC-V(config)# feature vpc

    Step 3 Configure your vPC domain.

    Step 4 Create a L3 link to be used for keepalives between Peer VDCs. It is best practice to us a

    different VRF for this link. Configure the VRF name keepalive and associate the

    interface and IP from the table below.

    VDC Interface IP Address

    VDC-1 e1/9 10.P.50.1/30

    VDC-2 e1/10 10.P.50.2/30

    VDC Interface IP Address

    VDC-3 e1/11 10.P.50.5/30

    VDC-4 e1/12 10.P.50.6/30

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config)# vrf context keepalive

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config)# int e1/x

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config-if)# no switchport

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config-if)# vrf member keepalive

    % Deleted all L3 config on interface Ethernet1/4

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config-if)# ip add 10.P.50.v/24

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config-if)# no shut

    Step 5 Establish Port-Channel 1, using the two 10Gb interfaces in the table below.

    VDC Interface

    VDC-1 e2/1, e2/5

    VDC-2 e2/3, e2/7

    VDC Interface

    VDC3 e2/9, e2/13

    VDC-4 e2/11, e2/15

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config)# int e2/x, e2/x

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config-if-range)# channel-group 1 mode on

    Step 6 Establish vPC Domain 1 on VDC-1 and VDC-2 and vPC Domain 2 on VDC-3 and VDC-

    4. Configure the peer keepalive for each vPC.


    N7K-P (config )#vpc domain 1

    N7K-P (config-vpc-domain)# peer-keepalive destination 10.P.50.2 source 10.P.50.1 vrf keepalive


    N7K-P-VDC-2(config )#vpc domain 1

    N7K-P-VDC-2(config-vpc-domain)# peer-keepalive destination 10.P.50.1 source 10.P.50.2 vrf keepalive

  • 26 Cisco Live LTRCRT-5205 2014 Firefly Communications, LLC


    N7K-P-VDC-3(config )#vpc domain 2

    N7K-P-VDC-3(config-vpc-domain)# peer-keepalive destination 10.P.50.6 source 10.P.50.5 vrf keepalive


    N7K-P-VDC-4(config )#vpc domain 2

    N7K-P-VDC-4(config-vpc-domain)# peer-keepalive destination 10.P.50.5 source 10.P.50.6 vrf keepalive

    Step 7 Now check the status of vPC.

    N7K-P# sh vpc


    (*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link

    vPC domain id : 1

    Peer status : peer link not configured

    vPC keep-alive status : peer is alive

    Configuration consistency status : failed

    Per-vlan consistency status : failed

    Configuration inconsistency reason: vPC peer-link does not exist

    Type-2 consistency status : failed

    Type-2 inconsistency reason : vPC peer-link does not exist

    vPC role : none established

    Number of vPCs configured : 0

    Peer Gateway : Disabled

    Dual-active excluded VLANs : -

    Graceful Consistency Check : Disabled (due to peer configuration)

    Auto-recovery status : Disabled

    Note: The vPC is currently down because the peer-link has not been defined.

    Step 8 On each VDC, configure Port-Channel 1 as the vPC Peer link.

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config)# int po1

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config-if)# vpc peer-link

    Please note that spanning tree port type is changed to "network" port type

    on vPC peer-link.

    This will enable spanning tree Bridge Assurance on vPC peer-link provided

    the STP Bridge Assurance

    (which is enabled by default) is not disabled.

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config-if)# end

    Step 9 Confirm the vPC peer adjacency has been established.

    N7K-P# sh vpc


    (*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link

    vPC domain id : 1

    Peer status : peer adjacency formed ok

    vPC keep-alive status : peer is alive

    Configuration consistency status : success

    Per-vlan consistency status : success

    Type-2 inconsistency reason : Consistency Check Not Performed

    vPC role : primary

    Number of vPCs configured : 0

    Peer Gateway : Disabled

    Dual-active excluded VLANs : -

    Graceful Consistency Check : Enabled

    Auto-recovery status : Disabled

    vPC Peer-link status


  • 2014 Firefly Education Lab Guide 27

    id Port Status Active vlans

    -- ---- ------ --------------------------------------------------

    1 Po1 up 10,20

    N7K-P-VDC-V# sh vpc


    (*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link

    vPC domain id : 1

    Peer status : peer adjacency formed ok

    vPC keep-alive status : peer is alive

    Configuration consistency status : success

    Per-vlan consistency status : success

    Type-2 inconsistency reason : Consistency Check Not Performed

    vPC role : secondary

    Number of vPCs configured : 0

    Peer Gateway : Disabled

    Dual-active excluded VLANs : -

    Graceful Consistency Check : Enabled

    Auto-recovery status : Disabled

    vPC Peer-link status


    id Port Status Active vlans

    -- ---- ------ --------------------------------------------------

    1 Po1 up 10,20

    Note: The output for vPC 2 should look similar for VDC-3 and VDC-4.

    Step 10 Confirm the vPC role on each switch.

    N7K-P# sh vpc role

    vPC Role status


    vPC role : primary

    Dual Active Detection Status : 0

    vPC system-mac : 00:23:04:ee:be:01

    vPC system-priority : 32667

    vPC local system-mac : b4:14:89:d2:69:42

    vPC local role-priority : 32667

    N7K-P-VDC-V# sh vpc role

    vPC Role status


    vPC role : secondary

    Dual Active Detection Status : 0

    vPC system-mac : 00:23:04:ee:be:01

    vPC system-priority : 32667

    vPC local system-mac : b4:14:89:d2:69:43

    vPC local role-priority : 32667

    Note: The output for vPC 2 should look similar for VDC-3 and VDC-4.

    Step 11 Confirm the consistency of the global vPC parameters.

  • 28 Cisco Live LTRCRT-5205 2014 Firefly Communications, LLC

    N7K-P-VDC-V# sh vpc consistency-parameters global


    Type 1 : vPC will be suspended in case of mismatch

    Name Type Local Value Peer Value

    ------------- ---- ---------------------- ----------------

    STP Mode 1 Rapid-PVST Rapid-PVST

    STP Disabled 1 None None

    STP MST Region Name 1 "" ""

    STP MST Region Revision 1 0 0

    STP MST Region Instance to 1

    VLAN Mapping

    STP Loopguard 1 Disabled Disabled

    STP Bridge Assurance 1 Enabled Enabled

    STP Port Type, Edge 1 Normal, Disabled, Normal, Disabled,

    BPDUFilter, Edge BPDUGuard Disabled Disabled

    STP MST Simulate PVST 1 Enabled Enabled

    Allowed VLANs - 10,20 10,20

    Local suspended VLANs - - -

  • 2014 Firefly Education Lab Guide 29

    Task 3: Configure the Client vPC

    In this task, you will use VDC-1 and VDC-4 to demonstrate downstream vPC connected switches.

    Activity Procedure

    Complete these steps:

    Step 1 From your RDP session Telnet/SSH to your VDC.

    Step 2 Establish dynamic a dynamic back-to-back vPC between the two domains based on the

    tables below using LACP in passive mode.

    Domain 1 Interfaces Port-


    VDC-1 e1/1,e1/3 Po100

    VDC-2 e1/5,e1/7 Po100

    Domain 2 Interfaces Port-


    VDC-3 e1/2,e1/6 Po200

    VDC-4 e1/4,e1/8 Po200

    Note: The Port-Channel number is locally significant to each switch

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config)# int e1/x,e1/x

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config-if-range)# channel-group X mode active

    LACP process needs to be started before configuring active mode

    Note: The feature for LACP must be enabled before a channel-group can be established.

    VDC-1 and VDC-2

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config-if-range)# feature lacp

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config)# int e1/x,e1/x

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config-if-range)# channel-group 100 mode active

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config-if-range)# no shut

    VDC-3 and VDC-4

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config-if-range)# feature lacp

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config)# int e1/x,e1/x

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config-if-range)# channel-group 200 mode active

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config-if-range)# no shut

    Step 3 Now establish the channel-groups as a vPC; use the same number for the vPC as the

    channel this will keep it simpler when troubleshooting.

    VDC-1 and VDC-2

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config)# int port-channel 100

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config-if)# vpc 100

    VDC-3 and VDC-4

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config)# int port-channel 200

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config-if)# vpc 200

    Note: Although the Port-Channel number was locally significant the VPC number must be the same for

    both switches in the domain but unique for each VPC

  • 30 Cisco Live LTRCRT-5205 2014 Firefly Communications, LLC

    Step 4 Confirm the vPC is up.

    VDC-1 and VDC-2

    N7K-P-VDC-v# sh vpc 100

    vPC status


    id Port Status Consistency Reason Active vlans

    -- ---- ------ ----------- ------ ------------

    100 Po10 up success success 10,20

    VDC-3 and VDC-4

    N7K-P-VDC-v# sh vpc 200

    vPC status


    id Port Status Consistency Reason Active vlans

    -- ---- ------ ----------- ------ ------------

    200 Po200 up success success 10,20

    Step 5 Confirm the Port-channel is up.

    VDC-1 and VDC-2

    N7K-P-VDC-v# sh int po 100 status


    Port Name Status Vlan Duplex Speed Type


    Po100 -- connected trunk full 1000 --

    VDC-3 and VDC-4

    N7K-P-VDC-v# sh int po 200 status


    Port Name Status Vlan Duplex Speed Type


    Po200 -- connected trunk full 1000 --

    Step 6 Confirm both links in the Port-channel are active.

    N7K-P# sh port-channel database int po100


    Last membership update is successful

    2 ports in total, 2 ports up

    First operational port is Ethernet1/1

    Age of the port-channel is 0d:00h:11m:05s

    Time since last bundle is 0d:00h:11m:05s

    Last bundled member is Ethernet1/3

    Ports: Ethernet1/1 [active ] [up] *

    Ethernet1/3 [active ] [up]

  • 2014 Firefly Education Lab Guide 31

    Task 4: Verify Communication Across the vPC

    In this task, you will verify vPC communication.

    Activity Procedure

    Complete these steps:

    Step 1 Create a VLAN 10 interface on each VDC based on the table below, remember to enable

    the feature first.

    VDC Interface IP address

    VDC-1 VLAN 10 10.P.10.1/24

    VDC-2 VLAN 10 10.P.10.2/24

    VDC-3 VLAN 10 10.P.10.3/24

    VDC-4 VLAN 10 10.P.10.4/24

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config)# feature interface-vlan

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config)# int vlan 10

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config-if)# ip add 10.P.10.v/24

    N7K-P-VDC-v(config-if)# no sh

    Step 2 Confirm you can ping each of the other switches.

    N7K-P-VDC-v# ping 10.P.10.4

    PING 10.P.10.4 (10.P.10.4): 56 data bytes

    36 bytes from 10.P.10.2: Destination Host Unreachable

    Request 0 timed out

    64 bytes from 10.P.10.4: icmp_seq=1 ttl=254 time=1.23 ms

    64 bytes from 10.P.10.4: icmp_seq=2 ttl=254 time=0.843 ms

    64 bytes from 10.P.10.4: icmp_seq=3 ttl=254 time=1.022 ms

    64 bytes from 10.P.10.4: icmp_seq=4 ttl=254 time=1.102 ms

    --- 10.P.10.4 ping statistics ---

    5 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 20.00% packet loss

    round-trip min/avg/max = 0.843/1.049/1.23 ms

    Step 3 Verify the interface used for each IP in the Arp Cache.

    N7K-P-VDC-V(config-if)# sh ip arp

    Flags: * - Adjacencies learnt on non-active FHRP router

    + - Adjacencies synced via CFSoE

    # - Adjacencies Throttled for Glean

    D - Static Adjacencies attached to down interface

    IP ARP Table for context default

    Total number of entries: 3

    Address Age MAC Address Interface

    10.P.10.1 00:01:56 b414.89d2.6941 Vlan10

    10.P.10.3 00:01:51 b414.89d2.6943 Vlan10

  • 32 Cisco Live LTRCRT-5205 2014 Firefly Communications, LLC

    10.P.10.4 00:01:47 b414.89d2.6944 Vlan10

    Step 4 Verify that Spanning Tree is not blocking any interfaces

    N7K-P-VDC-V#sh spanning-tree


    Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp

    Root ID Priority 32778

    Address b414.89d2.6941

    Cost 1

    Port 4096 (port-channel1)

    Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec

    Bridge ID Priority 32778 (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 10)

    Address b414.89d2.6942

    Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec

    Interface Role Sts Cost Prio.Nbr Type

    ---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- ----------------------------

    Po1 Root FWD 1 128.4096 (vPC peer-link) Network P2p

    Po100 Desg FWD 1 128.4195 (vPC) P2p


    Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp

    Root ID Priority 32788

    Address b414.89d2.6941

    Cost 1

    Port 4096 (port-channel1)

    Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec

    Bridge ID Priority 32788 (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 20)

    Address b414.89d2.6942

    Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec

    Interface Role Sts Cost Prio.Nbr Type

    ---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- ----------------------------

    Po1 Root FWD 1 128.4096 (vPC peer-link) Network P2p

    Po100 Desg FWD 1 128.4195 (vPC) P2p

    Step 5 Save the configuration for each VDC

    N7K-P-VDC-V#copy run start

    [########################################] 100%

    Copy complete.

    Step 6 Determine the switch in vPC Domain 2 which has the secondary role

    N7K-P-VDC-V# sh vpc role

    vPC Role status


    vPC role : secondary

    Step 7 On VDC-1 and VDC-2, start an extended ping with a repeat count of 1000000 across the

    back-to-back vPC to the secondary switch in vPC domain 2.


    Vrf context to use [default] :

    No user input: using default context

    Target IP address or Hostname: 10.P.10.4

  • 2014 Firefly Education Lab Guide 33

    Repeat count [5] : 1000000

    Datagram size [56] :

    Timeout in seconds [2] :

    Sending interval in seconds [0] :

    Extended commands [no] :

    Sweep range of sizes [no] :

    Sending 1, 56-bytes ICMP Echos to 10.P.10.4

    Timeout is 2 seconds, data pattern is 0xABCD

    Step 8 With the ping still running reload the Primary switch in vPC Domain 2. Make sure to

    monitor VDC-1 and VDC-2 while reloading.

    N7K-P# reload vdc

    This command will reload the current VDC. (y/n)? [no] y

    How many pings were lost? _________________

    Step 9 Verify the Secondary has assumed the Primary role

    N7K-P-VDC-V# sh vpc


    (*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-


    vPC domain id : 2

    Peer status : peer link is down

    vPC keep-alive status : Suspended (Destination IP not


    Configuration consistency status : success

    Per-vlan consistency status : success

    Type-2 consistency status : success

    vPC role : secondary, operational primary

    Number of vPCs configured : 1

    Peer Gateway : Disabled

    Dual-active excluded VLANs : -

    Graceful Consistency Check : Enabled

    Auto-recovery status : Disabled

    vPC Peer-link status


    id Port Status Active vlans

    -- ---- ------ -----------------------------------------------

    1 Po1 down -

    vPC status


    id Port Status Consistency Reason Active vlans

    -- ---- ------ ----------- ------ ------------

    200 Po200 up success success 10,20

  • 34 Cisco Live LTRCRT-5205 2014 Firefly Communications, LLC

    N7K-P-VDC-3# sh vpc role

    vPC Role status


    vPC role : secondary, operational primary

    Dual Active Detection Status : 0

    vPC system-mac : 00:23:04:ee:be:02

    vPC system-priority : 32667

    vPC local system-mac : b4:14:89:d2:69:44

    vPC local role-priority : 32667

    Note: The role is still secondary but now acting as the primary

    Step 10 When VDC-4 is back online observe the role of vPC.

    N7K-P-VDC-3# sh vpc role

    vPC Role status


    vPC role : primary, operational secondary

    Dual Active Detection Status : 0

    vPC system-mac : 00:23:04:ee:be:01

    vPC system-priority : 8192

    vPC local system-mac : b4:14:89:d2:69:42

    vPC local role-priority : 4000

    Note: The role is still primary but it is now operating as the secondary; this is because vPC does

    not support preemption.

    Step 11 Create a Checkpoint file named CL-vpc

    N7K-P-VDC-V# checkpoint file CL-vpc


  • 2014 Firefly Education Lab Guide 35

    Lab 3: Configuring Routing Protocols Complete this lab activity to practice what you learned in the related lesson.

    Activity Objective

    In this activity, you will configure routing protocols. After completing this activity, you will be able

    to meet these objectives:

    Implement a design based on an L3 switched architecture

    Configure OSPF

    Visual Objective

    The figure illustrates what you will accomplish in this activity.

    2009 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. DCNI-2 v2.3LG-1






    XP3 XP4


    E1/43 E1/44

    Nexus Routing





    E2/1 E2/3



    E1/1 E1/7





    VDC-1 VDC-2



    E1/11 E1/12Keepalive


    E1/3 E1/5

    vPC Peer Link

    vPC Peer Link

    vPC Domain 1

    vPC Domain 2

    OSPF 1VLAN 10

    Required Resources

    These are the resources and equipment required to complete this activity:

    One 7010 with 3 VDCs

  • 36 Cisco Live LTRCRT-5205 2014 Firefly Communications, LLC

    Command List

    The table describes the commands used in this activity.

    Command Description

    N7K-3-VDC-2(config-if)# no switchport Convert a physical interface from L2 to L3.

    N7K-3-VDC-2# sh ip int brief Display IP interfaces.

    N7K-3-VDC-2# sh ip route Displays the routing table.

    N7K-3-VDC-2#ping {ip_add} Pings an IP address.

    N7K-P-VDC-V(config)#feature ospf Enable the OSPF feature.

    N7K-P-VDC-V(config)# router ospf {name} Enable the OSPF process.

    N7K-P-VDC-V(config-router-vrf)# router-id {router_id}

    Configure a RouterID for the OSPF Process.

    N7K-P-VDC-V# sh ip ospf interface Display OSPF configured interfaces.

    N7K-P-VDC-V# sh ip ospf nei Display OSPF neighbors.

    N7K-P-VDC-V# sh ip ospf Display the OSPF parameters.

  • 2014 Firefly Education Lab Guide 37

    Task 1: Configure an L3 IP Switched Architecture

    In this task, you will configure virtual routing and forwarding instances.

    Activity Procedure

    Complete these steps:

    Step 1 Establish (or continue) a connection to the assigned client PC remote desktop. Login

    with the username: administrator password: cisco.

    Step 2 From the client PC, Telnet to 10.P.1.v4, where P is your pod number and 'v' is your

    VDC number.

    Step 3 Login to your VDC with the username: admin password: 1234Qwer.

    Step 4 Since VDC-1 doesnt have a connected client create a loopback interface with the IP

    address 10.P.1.1/32

    N7K-P(config-if)# int lo0

    N7K-P(config-if)# ip add 10.P.11.1/32

    Step 5 Configure the physical interfaces leading to the client PCs as L3 routed ports and assign

    IP addresses for IP communication based on the Table below:

    VDC Interface IP address

    VDC-2 E1/42 10.P.12.1/24

    VDC-3 E1/43 10.P.13.1/24

    VDC-4 E1/44 10.P.14.1/24

    N7K-P-VDC-V(config-if)# int e1/4V

    N7K-P-VDC-V(config-if)# no switchport

    Note: The sample configuration reflects VDC-2 make sure to modify the interfaces and IP from the table

    for the other VDCs.

    N7K-P-VDC-V(config-if)# ip add 10.P.1V.1/24

    N7K-P-VDC-V(config-if)# no sh

    Step 6 Confirm the IP interface configuration. Ensure all interfaces are up.

    N7K-P-VDC-V(config-if)# sh ip int brie

    IP Interface Status for VRF "default"(1)

    Interface IP Address Interface Status

    Vlan10 10.P.10.V protocol-up/link-up/admin-up

    Eth1/4V 10.P.1V.1 protocol-up/link-up/admin-up

    Step 7 Confirm that you can ping the directly connected PC from your VDC.

    N7K-P-VDC-V(config-if)# ping 10.P.1v.5

    PING 10.P.1x.5 (10.P.1X.5): 56 data bytes

  • 38 Cisco Live LTRCRT-5205 2014 Firefly Communications, LLC

    Request 0 timed out

    64 bytes from 10.P.1x.5: icmp_seq=1 ttl=127 time=0.904 ms

    64 bytes from 10.P.1x.5: icmp_seq=2 ttl=127 time=0.997 ms

    64 bytes from 10.P.1x.5: icmp_seq=3 ttl=127 time=0.818 ms

    64 bytes from 10.P.1x.5: icmp_seq=4 ttl=127 time=0.895 ms

    --- 10.P.1x.5 ping statistics ---

    5 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 20.00% packet loss

    round-trip min/avg/max = 0.818/0.903/0.997 ms

    Note: The first ping may timeout due to the initial ARP requirement.

    Step 8 Try to ping one of the Client PCs not directly connected.

    N7K-P-VDC-2(config-if)# ping 10.P.13.5

    PING 10.P.13.5 (10.P.13.5): 56 data bytes

    ping: sendto 10.P.13.5 64 chars, No route to host

    Request 0 timed out

    ping: sendto 10.P.13.5 64 chars, No route to host

    Request 1 timed out

    ping: sendto 10.P.13.5 64 chars, No route to host

    Request 2 timed out

    ping: sendto 10.P.13.5 64 chars, No route to host

    Request 3 timed out

    ping: sendto 10.P.13.5 64 chars, No route to host

    Request 4 timed out

    --- 10.P.13.5 ping statistics ---

    5 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.00% packet loss

    Why did it fail? Notice the error No route to host.

    Step 9 Next, display the resulting routing tables.

    N7K-P-VDC-V(config-if)# sh ip route

    IP Route Table for VRF "default"

    '*' denotes best ucast next-hop

    '**' denotes best mcast next-hop

    '[x/y]' denotes [preference/metric]

    '%' in via output denotes VRF

    10.P.10.0/24, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached

    *via 10.P.10.V, Vlan10, [0/0], 01:05:49, direct

    10.P.10.2/32, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached

    *via 10.P.10.V, Vlan10, [0/0], 01:05:49, local

    10.P.12.0/24, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached

    *via 10.P.1V.1, Eth1/4V, [0/0], 00:03:34, direct

    10.P.12.1/32, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached

    *via 10.P.1V.1, Eth1/4V, [0/0], 00:03:34, local

  • 2014 Firefly Education Lab Guide 39

    Task 2: Configure OSPF

    In this task, you will configure Open Shortest Path First (OSPF).

    Activity Procedure

    Complete these steps:

    Step 1 Enable the OSPF feature for each VDC.

    N7K-P-VDC-V(config-if)# feature ospf

    Note: If you did not have the proper license for the feature and the grace period was enabled you may

    see the warning message below.

    LAN_ENTERPRISE_SERVICES_PKG license not installed. ospf feature will be

    shutdown after grace period of approximately 120 day(s)

    Step 2 To investigate the preceding warning by displaying the current license usage on this

    switch. In your lab the Ins (Installed), shows that we have the license.

    N7K-P-VDC-V(config)# sh license usage

    Feature Ins Lic Status Expiry Date Comments



    MPLS_PKG No - Unused -

    STORAGE-ENT No - Unused Grace 112D 1H

    VDC_LICENSES No 0 Unused -

    ENTERPRISE_PKG No - Unused -

    FCOE-N7K-F132XP No 0 Unused Grace 111D 15H

    FCOE-N7K-F248XP No 0 Unused -

    ENHANCED_LAYER2_PKG Yes - Unused Never -


    TRANSPORT_SERVICES_PKG Yes - Unused Never -

    LAN_ADVANCED_SERVICES_PKG Yes - Unused Never -



    Step 3 Configure both interfaces (int VLAN10 and int e1/4V (lo0 for VDC-1)), in each VDC, to

    run OSPF in area 0. OSPF is configured with a Process ID (PID), the Process ID can be

    a name or number. With OSPF it is always a good idea to configure a stable Router-ID -

    RID. Configure the Router-ID with the number 10.P.v.1, where P is your pod number and v is your VDC number. Add the option to log-adjacency-changes.

    N7K-P-VDC-V(config)# router ospf nexus

    N7K-P-VDC-V(config-router)# router-id 10.P.v.1

    N7K-P-VDC-V(config-router)# log-adjacency-changes

    N7K-P-VDC-V(config-router)# int vlan10

    N7K-P-VDC-V(config-if-range)# ip router ospf nexus area 0

    N7K-P-VDC-V(config-router)# int e1/4V

  • 40 Cisco Live LTRCRT-5205 2014 Firefly Communications, LLC

    N7K-P-VDC-V(config-if-range)# ip router ospf nexus area 0

    Step 4 Display OSPF information.

    N7K-P-VDC-V(config-if-range)# sh ip ospf nei

    OSPF Process ID nexus VRF default

    Total number of neighbors: 3

    Neighbor ID Pri State Up Time Address Interface

    10.P.1.1 1 FULL/BDR 00:04:46 10.P.10.1 Vlan10

    10.P.3.1 1 FULL/DROTHER 00:01:30 10.P.10.3 Vlan10

    10.P.4.1 1 FULL/DROTHER 00:00:37 10.P.10.4 Vlan10

    N7K-P-VDC-V(config-if-range)# sh ip ospf interface

    Vlan10 is up, line protocol is up

    IP address 10.P.10.2/24, Process ID nexus VRF default, area

    Enabled by interface configuration

    State DR, Network type BROADCAST, cost 40

    Index 1, Transmit delay 1 sec, Router Priority 1

    Designated Router ID: 10.P.2.1, address: 10.P.10.2

    Backup Designated Router ID: 10.P.1.1, address: 10.P.10.1

    3 Neighbors, flooding to 3, adjacent with 3

    Timer intervals: Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5

    Hello timer due in 00:00:09

    No authentication

    Number of opaque link LSAs: 0, checksum sum 0

    Ethernet1/42 is up, line protocol is up

    IP address 10.P.12.1/24, Process ID nexus VRF default, area

    Enabled by interface configuration

    State DR, Network type BROADCAST, cost 40

    Index 2, Transmit delay 1 sec, Router Priority 1

    Designated Router ID: 10.P.2.1, address: 10.P.12.1

    No backup designated router on this network

    0 Neighbors, flooding to 0, adjacent with 0

    Timer intervals: Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5

    Hello timer due in 00:00:08

    No authentication

    Number of opaque link LSAs: 0, checksum sum

    Step 5 Now view the routing table. Look for OSPF intra-area learned routes.

    N7K-P-VDC-V(config-if-range)# sh ip route

    IP Route Table for VRF "default"

    '*' denotes best ucast next-hop

    '**' denotes best mcast next-hop

    '[x/y]' denotes [preference/metric]

    '%' in via output denotes VRF

    10.P.1.1/32, ubest/mbest: 1/0

    *via 10.P.10.1, Vlan10, [110/41], 00:06:43, ospf-nexus, intra

  • 2014 Firefly Education Lab Guide 41

    10.P.10.0/24, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached

    *via 10.P.10.2, Vlan10, [0/0], 01:27:08, direct

    10.P.10.2/32, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached

    *via 10.P.10.2, Vlan10, [0/0], 01:27:08, local

    10.P.12.0/24, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached

    *via 10.P.12.1, Eth1/42, [0/0], 00:24:53, direct

    10.P.12.1/32, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached

    *via 10.P.12.1, Eth1/42, [0/0], 00:24:53, local

    10.P.14.0/24, ubest/mbest: 1/0

    *via 10.P.10.4, Vlan10, [110/80], 00:02:35, ospf-nexus, intra

    Step 6 Now, try to ping an IP address of a PC client that is not directly connected.

    N7K-P-VDC-V(config-if-range)# ping 10.P.13.5

    Pinging 10.P.13.5 with 32 bytes of data:

    Reply from 10.P.13.5: bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=126

    Reply from 10.P.13.5: bytes=32 time

  • 42 Cisco Live LTRCRT-5205 2014 Firefly Communications, LLC

    [########################################] 100%

    Step 9 Since the routed configs will be used to rollback in the remaining labs it is a good idea to

    create a checkpoint as a file, this will ensure the file remains in bootflash: should the

    VDC be deleted;

    N7K-P-VDC-V# checkpoint file cl-routed

    Confirm the creation of the file named routed:


    4842 Jan 02 14:10:24 2014 cl-routed

  • 2014 Firefly Education Lab Guide 43

    Optional Lab 4 : Cisco Nexus 7000 Hardware Platform

    Complete this lab activity to practice what you learned in the related lesson.

    Activity Objective

    In this activity you will explore the Cisco Nexus 7010 Switches to identify and verify their various

    hardware components. After completing this activity, you will be able to meet these objectives:

    Validate Hardware and Software Configuration

    Reload and Attach to Modules

    Visual Objective

    The figure illustrates what you will accomplish in this activity.

    2013 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. DCUFI v4.3r3LG-2


    Ethernet Out of




    Slot 5/6



    PC2PC2 PC3 PC4

    N7K VDC Int

    E1/42 E1/43 E1/44

    3750 VLAN Key

    VLAN P12

    VLAN P13

    VLAN P14

    VDC2 E1/1,E1/3, E1/5, E1/42








    VDC3 E1/4, E/7, E1/10,E1/43

    VDC4 E1/6, E/8,E1/12, E1/44


    VLAN 10 future

    Nexus 7K VDCTopology















    Required Resources

    These are the resources and equipment required to complete this activity:

    One Nexus 7010

  • 44 Cisco Live LTRCRT-5205 2014 Firefly Communications, LLC

    Command List

    The table describes the commands used in this activity.

    Command Description

    N7K-P(config)# vdc {name} id id-number Create a VDC.

    N7K-P# sh vdc Display a summary of a VDC.

    N7K-P(config)# sh vdc membership Display interface membership in VDC.

    N7K-P# checkpoint {name} Create a checkpoint.

    N7K-P# sh checkpoint summary Display a list of checkpoints.

    N7K-P# sh checkpoint Display checkpoint configuration.

    N7K-P# rollback running-config checkpoint {name}

    Rollback the running-config to a checkpoint.

    N7K-P# attach module Connect directly to an individual module.

    N7K-P# clock set Set to the current date and time.

    N7K-P# copy running-config startup-config

    Copy the running config to the startup config.

    N7K-P# dir bootflash: View the bootflash directory.

    N7K-P# reload Review the script prompt for the reload command.

    N7K-P# reload module Reload an individual module.

    N7K-P# show clock Show to the current date and time.

    N7K-P# show environment Display system environment information.

    N7K-P# show inventory Determine the Cisco Nexus 7010 hardware components.

    N7K-P# show module Display individual module hardware summary information.

    N7K-P# show redundancy status Determine the active supervisor.

    N7K-P# show running-config Display the current running config.

    N7K-P# show system resources Display module system resources utilization.

    N7K-P# show version Determine the system software version that is currently running on the switch.

    N7K-P# write erase

  • 2014 Firefly Education Lab Guide 45

    Task 1: View and Validate Key Cisco Nexus 7010 Hardware and Software Parameters

    In this task, you will perform initial setup on the Nexus 7010.

    Activity Procedure

    Complete these steps:

    Step 10 Establish a connection to the assigned client PC XP remote desktop. Log in with the

    username administrator password cisco.

    Step 11 From the client PC, SSH to the Nexus 7010, with IP address 10.P.1.14, where P is your pod number.

    Step 12 Log in to the default VDC1 with the username admin password 1234Qwer.

    Note The password is case-sensitive.

    Step 13 View the bootflash directory.

    N7K-P# dir bootflash:

    4096 Feb 08 15:38:58 2013 lost+found/

    4096 Oct 17 11:27:46 2011 master-cfg/

    31150 Oct 17 11:27:34 2011 mcast-core-cfg

    24522752 Jan 26 02:40:31 2011 n7000-kickstart.bin

    146170914 Jan 28 23:57:52 2011 n7000-s1-dk9.5.1.2.bin

    161980383 Sep 19 14:11:47 2012 n7000-s1-dk9.5.2.1.bin

    207655044 Mar 06 16:41:29 2013 n7000-s1-dk9.6.1.3.bin

    13564350 Jan 28 23:59:46 2011 n7000-s1-epld.5.1.1.img

    13574595 Aug 22 09:34:14 2011 n7000-s1-epld.5.2.1.img

    14871953 Aug 03 15:54:48 2012 n7000-s1-epld.6.0.2.img

    41791088 Mar 06 16:43:16 2013 n7000-s1-epld.6.1.3.img

    30687232 Jan 28 23:59:16 2011 n7000-s1-kickstart.5.1.2.bin

    29471232 Sep 19 14:08:47 2012 n7000-s1-kickstart.5.2.1.bin

    29596672 Aug 03 15:53:58 2012 n7000-s1-kickstart.6.0.4.bin

    29704704 Mar 06 16:39:48 2013 n7000-s1-kickstart.6.1.3.bin

    107430217 Jan 26 02:43:50 2011 n7000-system.bin

    4096 Jan 17 16:17:01 2013 vdc_2/

    4096 Jan 17 14:03:25 2013 vdc_3/

    4096 Jan 17 14:03:08 2013 vdc_4/

    Usage for bootflash://

    1376710656 bytes used

    433188864 bytes free

    1809899520 bytes total

    Step 14 Determine the Cisco Nexus 7010 hardware components. (Output varies by pod)

    N7K-P# show inventory

    NAME: "Chassis", DESCR: "Nexus7000 C7010 (10 Slot) Chassis "

    PID: N7K-C7010 , VID: V02 , SN: TBM14408524

  • 46 Cisco Live LTRCRT-5205 2014 Firefly Communications, LLC

    NAME: "Slot 1", DESCR: "10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet Module"

    PID: N7K-M148GT-11 , VID: V08 , SN: JAF1451CLKN

    NAME: "Slot 2", DESCR: "1/10 Gbps Ethernet Module"

    PID: N7K-F132XP-15 , VID: V02 , SN: JAF1448CMTJ

    NAME: "Slot 5", DESCR: "Supervisor module-1X"

    PID: N7K-SUP1 , VID: V11 , SN: JAF1441DFJG

    NAME: "Slot 6", DESCR: "Supervisor module-1X"

    PID: N7K-SUP1 , VID: V01 , SN: JAB122000M4

    NAME: "Slot 11", DESCR: "Fabric card module"

    PID: N7K-C7010-FAB-1 , VID: V04 , SN: JAF1450BNJD

    NAME: "Slot 12", DESCR: "Fabric card module"

    PID: N7K-C7010-FAB-1 , VID: V04 , SN: JAF1450CHJG

    NAME: "Slot 13", DESCR: "Fabric card module"

    PID: N7K-C7010-FAB-1 , VID: V04 , SN: JAF1449DTBE

    NAME: "Slot 33", DESCR: "Nexus7000 C7010 (10 Slot) Chassis Power


    PID: N7K-AC-6.0KW , VID: V02 , SN: DTM145000VG

    NAME: "Slot 34", DESCR: "Nexus7000 C7010 (10 Slot) Chassis Power


    PID: N7K-AC-6.0KW , VID: V02 , SN: DTM1450016Y

    NAME: "Slot 36", DESCR: "Nexus7000 C7010 (10 Slot) Chassis Fan


    PID: N7K-C7010-FAN-S , VID: V01 , SN: FOX1438XAJH

    NAME: "Slot 37", DESCR: "Nexus7000 C7010 (10 Slot) Chassis Fan


    PID: N7K-C7010-FAN-S , VID: V01 , SN: FOX1438XA06

    NAME: "Slot 38", DESCR: "Nexus7000 C7010 (10 Slot) Chassis Fan


    PID: N7K-C7010-FAN-F , VID: V02 , SN: FOX1442XA9X

    NAME: "Slot 39", DESCR: "Nexus7000 C7010 (10 Slot) Chassis Fan


    PID: N7K-C7010-FAN-F , VID: V02 , SN: FOX1442XAC5

  • 2014 Firefly Education Lab Guide 47

    Step 15 Determine the active supervisor.

    N7K-P# show redundancy status

    Redundancy mode


    administrative: HA

    operational: HA

    This supervisor (sup-5)


    Redundancy state: Active

    Supervisor state: Active

    Internal state: Active with HA standby

    Other supervisor (sup-6)


    Redundancy state: Standby

    Supervisor state: HA standby

    Internal state: HA standby

    System start time: Thu Jan 2 12:35:13 2014

    System uptime: 0 days, 0 hours, 55 minutes, 24 seconds

    Kernel uptime: 0 days, 1 hours, 0 minutes, 44 seconds

    Active supervisor uptime: 0 days, 0 hours, 55 minutes, 24 seconds

    Note Depending on your pod, you may only have one Supervisor module.

    Step 16 Display system environment information.

    N7K-P# show environment

    Power Supply:

    Voltage: 50 Volts

    Power Actual Total

    Supply Model Output Capacity Status

    (Watts ) (Watts )

    ------- ------------------- ----------- ----------- --------------

    1 N7K-AC-6.0KW 508 W 6000 W Ok

    2 N7K-AC-6.0KW 545 W 6000 W Ok

    3 ------------ 0 W 0 W Absent

    Actual Power

    Module Model Draw Allocated Status

    (Watts ) (Watts )

    ------- ------------------- ----------- ----------- --------------

    1 N7K-M148GT-11 N/A 400 W Powered-Up

    2 N7K-F132XP-15 300 W 385 W Powered-Up

    5 N7K-SUP1 N/A 210 W Powered-Up

    6 N7K-SUP1 N/A 210 W Powered-Up

    Xb1 N7K-C7010-FAB-1 N/A 80 W Powered-Up

    Xb2 N7K-C7010-FAB-1 N/A 80 W Powered-Up

    Xb3 N7K-C7010-FAB-1 N/A 80 W Powered-Up

  • 48 Cisco Live LTRCRT-5205 2014 Firefly Communications, LLC

    Xb4 xbar N/A 80 W Absent

    Xb5 xbar N/A 80 W Absent

    fan1 N7K-C7010-FAN-S 88 W 720 W Powered-Up

    fan2 N7K-C7010-FAN-S 88 W 720 W Powered-Up

    fan3 N7K-C7010-FAN-F 9 W 120 W Powered-Up

    fan4 N7K-C7010-FAN-F 9 W 120 W Powered-Up

    N/A - Per module power not available

    Power Usage Summary:


    Power Supply redundancy mode (configured) PS-Redundant

    Power Supply redundancy mode (operational) PS-Redundant

    Total Power Capacity (based on configured mode) 6000 W

    Total Power of all Inputs (cumulative) 12000 W

    Total Power Output (actual draw) 1053 W

    Total Power Allocated (budget) 3285 W

    Total Power Available for additional modules 2715 W



    Clock Model Hw Status


    A Clock Module -- NotSupported/None

    B Clock Module -- NotSupported/None



    Fan Model Hw Status


    Fan1(sys_fan1) N7K-C7010-FAN-S 1.1 Ok

    Fan2(sys_fan2) N7K-C7010-FAN-S 1.1 Ok

    Fan3(fab_fan1) N7K-C7010-FAN-F 1.1 Ok

    Fan4(fab_fan2) N7K-C7010-FAN-F 1.1 Ok

    Fan_in_PS1 -- -- Ok

    Fan_in_PS2 -- -- Ok

    Fan_in_PS3 -- -- Absent

    Fan Zone Speed: Zone 1: 0x60 Zone 2: 0x48

    Fan Air Filter : Absent



    Module Sensor MajorThresh MinorThres CurTemp Status

    (Celsius) (Celsius) (Celsius)

  • 2014 Firefly Education Lab Guide 49


    1 Crossbar(s5) 105 95 42 Ok

    1 CTSdev4 (s9) 115 105 61 Ok

    1 CTSdev5 (s10) 115 105 59 Ok

    1 CTSdev7 (s12) 115 105 57 Ok

    1 CTSdev9 (s14) 115 105 54 Ok

    1 CTSdev10(s15) 115 105 55 Ok

    1 CTSdev11(s16) 115 105 52 Ok

    1 CTSdev12(s17) 115 105 52 Ok

    1 QEng1Sn1(s18) 115 105 58 Ok

    1 QEng1Sn2(s19) 115 105 57 Ok

    1 QEng1Sn3(s20) 115 105 54 Ok

    1 QEng1Sn4(s21) 115 105 54 Ok

    1 L2Lookup(s22) 120 110 50 Ok

    1 L3Lookup(s23) 120 110 58 Ok

    2 Crossbar1(s1) 105 95 73 Ok

    2 Crossbar2(s2) 105 95 53 Ok

    2 L2dev1(s3) 105 95 42 Ok

    2 L2dev2(s4) 105 95 54 Ok

    2 L2dev3(s5) 105 95 56 Ok

    2 L2dev4(s6) 105 95 55 Ok

    2 L2dev5(s7) 105 95 54 Ok

    2 L2dev6(s8) 105 95 50 Ok

    2 L2dev7(s9) 105 95 52 Ok

    2 L2dev8(s10) 105 95 46 Ok

    2 L2dev9(s11) 105 95 46 Ok

    2 L2dev10(s12) 105 95 43 Ok

    2 L2dev11(s13) 105 95 45 Ok

    2 L2dev12(s14) 105 95 42 Ok

    2 L2dev13(s15) 105 95 37 Ok

    2 L2dev14(s16) 105 95 35 Ok

    2 L2dev15(s17) 105 95 34 Ok

    2 L2dev16(s18) 105 95 34 Ok

    5 Intake (s3) 60 42 23 Ok

    5 EOBC_MAC(s4) 105 95 41 Ok

    5 CPU (s5) 105 95 43 Ok

    5 Crossbar(s6) 105 95 48 Ok

    5 Arbiter (s7) 110 100 56 Ok

    5 CTSdev1 (s8) 115 105 47 Ok

    5 InbFPGA (s9) 105 95 44 Ok

    5 QEng1Sn1(s10) 115 105 54 Ok

    5 QEng1Sn2(s11) 115 105 52 Ok

    5 QEng1Sn3(s12) 115 105 50 Ok

    5 QEng1Sn4(s13) 115 105 52 Ok

    6 Intake (s3) 60 42 23 Ok

    6 EOBC_MAC(s4) 105 95 40 Ok

    6 CPU (s5) 105 95 37 Ok

    6 Crossbar(s6) 105 95 48 Ok

  • 50 Cisco Live LTRCRT-5205 2014 Firefly Communications, LLC

    6 Arbiter (s7) 110 100 54 Ok

    6 CTSdev1 (s8) 115 105 44 Ok

    6 InbFPGA (s9) 105 95 42 Ok

    6 QEng1Sn1(s10) 115 105 49 Ok

    6 QEng1Sn2(s11) 115 105 47 Ok

    6 QEng1Sn3(s12) 115 105 45 Ok

    6 QEng1Sn4(s13) 115 105 48 Ok

    xbar-1 Intake (s2) 60 42 27 Ok

    xbar-1 Crossbar(s3) 105 95 60 Ok

    xbar-2 Intake (s2) 60 42 27 Ok

    xbar-2 Crossbar(s3) 105 95 55 Ok

    xbar-3 Intake (s2) 60 42 27 Ok

    xbar-3 Crossbar(s3) 105 95 63 Ok

    Step 17 Display individual module hardware summary information.

    N7K-P# show module

    Mod Ports Module-Type Model Status

    --- ----- ------------------------------- --------------- ----------

    1 48 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet Module N7K-M148GT-11 ok

    2 32 1/10 Gbps Ethernet Module N7K-F132XP-15 ok

    5 0 Supervisor module-1X N7K-SUP1 active

    6 0 Supervisor module-1X N7K-SUP1 ha-standby

    Mod Sw Hw

    --- -------------- ------

    1 6.1(3) 1.6

    2 6.1(3) 1.1