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Magazine Analysis

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The masthead is one of the largest pieces of text on the page it is white and bold so that it stands out from the rest of the writing which is in yellow. The way that Bruno Mars covers up some of the title is a convention of Billboard magazine. Other convention of the masthead is that b the o and the d are filled in with yellow and red, so this will stand out to regular readers of the magazine.

The cover line is a list of celebrities names that will feature in the magazine, these are written in yellow firstly as it contrasts the black background and secondly its coordinated with the 50 years, this coordination makes it more visually appealing Main cover line – the text is written in a different font than the other cover lines

and is also written in a larger font, this is to symbolise its importance as it is the main story. Also the word BIG is written in a different font and colour this is to encourages the reader to read as it is left ambiguous.

The sky line gives a clue to the reader of what to expect

This magazine is special edition as it is the magazines 50th anniversary, the colour of the writing is yellow contrasting the black background and the font is retro symbolising the 50th anniversary.

Main image the main and only image on this magazine is Bruno mars, this along with the main cover line suggests that he is going to be the main story. The image is in black and white, this effect may have been used to symbolise the retro theme as it is the magazines 50th anniversary

Front cover Analysis

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Front cover Analysis

The masthead the masthead is written in the conventional font for this magazine, also the artist image covers up some of the title similar to billboard magazine, this suggest that it is a convention of the music genre.

Main cover line we can tell that this is the main cover line as it has the largest and boldest font apart form the title. The colours of this magazine are black, white, red and yellow which are the conventional colours used in this magazine.

Cell line the cell lines give information of stories inside.

Names of bands that feature inside the magazine .

Cover line – shows a picture of someone that will have a small feature inside the magazine.

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Front cover AnalysisSky Line - this gives us information of the stories inside.

Main cover story- the main cover story of this magazine is of Mary as she is the main image, also the writing is written in bold capital letters again leading us to believe that this is the main story. They are written in black and red which is the colour scheme for this magazine.

Masthead- the masthead is written in bold red letters, Mary J bliege covers some of the masthead, which is not only a convention of this brand magazine but of this genre of magazine.

Sell lines- key words and names are written in black, large capital letters.

Main image- the main image is of a singer called Mary j bleige , they have chosen this artists as it appeals to the target audience. The image is a mid close up with her eyes looking at the camera making the audience feel involved with the magazine.

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Front cover Analysis

Title(masthead)- the title is written in white bold print which is a convention of this magazine. Also the way that the image covers up some of the masthead is a convention of this magazine and the music genre.

Main image- the main image is in the centre of the magazine suggesting that she will be the main story. Also the way that her eyes are facing the camera is like she is connecting with the audience.


Main cover story – the main cover story is about Alicia Keys, the words are written in black as that is the colour scheme of this particular magazine and most cover stories in the music magazine are written in black, also other artists names are written in red, so the fact that its in black makes it stand out and again suggests that it’s the main story.

Cover stories- the names of different artists that are featured inside are written in red and capital letters, as the capital letters make the names stand out against the


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Contents page analysis

Names of artists and page numbers written in black bold letters, easy for the readers to locate the pages they

Under each page number there is a small description of what the story is about on that particular page. Pictures of the artists

as they are the main stories, this is a convention of this magazine.

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Contents page analysis

Main image – the artist is directly addressing the audience as his eyes are looking directly at the camera.

Main categorise divide the list of page numbers

Graphic that tells the reader to turn the page.

Page numbers and what is on the page

Colour of the writing is in black and red continuing the colour scheme of this magazine

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Contents page analysis

Sky line- the colour of the sky line is pink which is continuing the colour scheme and the conventions of this magazine

Page numbers also in pink and in bold font to make them stand out as they must be important pages

Images – images of artist that appear inside the magazine on the page number shown , having images of the artist that have stories that appear in the magazine Is a convention of the music genre.

Main categories- that divide the page numbers into sections, also a convention of the music genre.

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Contents page analysis

Title- the title of the magazine is also written at the top of the contents page to remind the reader what magazine they are reading.

Cover lines- the cover lines are used to dived the articles into categories.

Advertisement- advertisement at the bottom of the page to encourage the reader to continue buying the magazine.

Graphics- the graphics are used to appeal to the target audience and give the magazine a more modern look.

Left third- on the left side of this magazine there is a Column named band index. This is good for cognitive needs of the audience. The bands names are written in alphabetic order making it easier for the reader to find the band they want.

Layout- on the right side of the page the headings are written in bold headings which makes it easier for the reader to find what they are looking for.

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Contents page analysis

Contents is written in a bold stylish way

Colour scheme- the colour scheme of this image is black and white with the only colour being the red of the heart. This is done to draw the audiences eye to the heart as it connotes love, so it makes us think the story will be about Kanye's love life.

Layout - The layout of the page is very simple and informative making it easier for the reader to find the page number they need.

Background-the background is plain drawing the reader to the main image and the writing but there is also a v in the background helping the reader to identify this as vibe magazine

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Double page spread analysis

Main image- the main and only image of this double page spread is of Lady Gaga and its a mid close up. Her eyes are looking directly at the camera making the audience feel more involved with the magazine . The image is black and white fitting in with the colour scheme of this magazine which is black white and red, this colour scheme is a convention of this magazine.

the enlarged L behind the text relates to Lady Gaga but is also a convention of this magazine, the colour red is also a convention of Q magazine.

There is no title for the article, there is just lady Gagas name in the top right hand corner, this intrigues the reader making them have to read on to find out what the article is about.

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Double page spread analysis

Main image- the main image is of Katy Perry, its on the right hand side and is quite provocative which could suggest that this article is aimed at the male audience

Layout- the article is split into three main columns with a shot large statement in the middle of the page, this makes the article more interesting as its unconventional

The article is written in black and white making it stand out and easy to read for the audience.

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Double page spread analysis

The main image- The main image is of The Vaccines , the image is black and white, a convention of this magazine and every band member is looking directly into the camera, connecting with the audience.

Layout- the image takes up two thirds of the page and the article takes up one third , this may have been done to appeal to the young teenage audience as they may not want to read so much, keeping the story short but to the point.

Colour scheme- the colour scheme of this magazine is black, white and blue, in this particular spread this is shown by the beginning letters of paragraphs written in bold blue and also there are some decorative lines in the colour blue across the spread. The |Black and white colour scheme is not only a convention for this magazine but as research has shown a convention of the music genre.

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Double page spread analysis

Main image- the main image of this double page spread is a long shot of the artist Florence and the machine, she is positioned on the left page, which is a convention of this magazine and other magazines within the genre.

Title-the title of this article is ‘got the love’ this is clever as its the name of one of her songs and also relates to the article

The article is written in three columns in black making it easy to read and there is a short introduction about the article.

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Double page spread analysis

The main focus of this magazine is of lily Allen and her quote the quote is bold and large drawing the audience in.

The main image is if Lily Allen its a medium long shot and its a modest photo making it more appealing to the target audience which is teenagers.

Layout- the layout of this magazine is simple making it less overwhelming for the audience, the start of the article has a large black capital letter, which is a convention not only for this magazine or the music genre but for most magazines.

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Target audience • Billboard magazine- the target audience for billboard magazine is mainly

teenagers and young adults in the us. This shown by the mainstream pop artists featured inside and the bright, fun colour such as pink, blue and purple used on the front covers of the magazine

• Kerrang – research has shown me that the target audience is men between the ages of 17-30, this shown through the dark colour More than 49% of kerrang readers have been purchasing the magazine for three years

• Vibe- the target audience for vibe magazine is both males and females and is aimed at teenagers and adults, this shown through the variety of artists featured for example the rolling stones would be aimed at the older end of the target audience, however artists such as usher would be aimed at the younger target audience.

• Q magazine- research has shown me that the target audience of Q magazine are older music lovers rather than teens, the way that the magazine shows this is through the sophisticated simple layout of the front cover and the range of artists and music genres features inside the magazine. The audience is both aimed at males and females shown through the use of unisex colours and models.