Page 1: MAINE STATE… · REPORT. To the Honorable Legislature of JJfaine: In compliance ,vith 5th section


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Page 2: MAINE STATE… · REPORT. To the Honorable Legislature of JJfaine: In compliance ,vith 5th section







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Page 3: MAINE STATE… · REPORT. To the Honorable Legislature of JJfaine: In compliance ,vith 5th section



'1'0 THE


WI'l'H .\

LI8r_r ():F NE\V BOOKS,

. For the year 1861.


18 6 2.

Page 4: MAINE STATE… · REPORT. To the Honorable Legislature of JJfaine: In compliance ,vith 5th section
Page 5: MAINE STATE… · REPORT. To the Honorable Legislature of JJfaine: In compliance ,vith 5th section



Books may be taken from the Lihrary by the Governor, Members of the Council, and of the Legislu.ture, Judges of the Judicial Courts, Secretary of State, Deputy Secretary of State, Adjutant Genernl, Attorney General, Land Agent, Reporter of Decisions, Counsel engaged in argument of causes before the law courts in the·mid­dle district, Superintendent of Puhlic Buildings, Superintenclent of Common Schools, Superintendent of the Hospital; Chapbins, Secretary, rmcl AssistantfSecretary ot the Senate; Chaplains, Clerk, n.nd. Assistant Clerk of the House ~,Secretary and Members of the Bon.rd of Agl'iculture, during the session of the Board, provided that this privilege to the Members of the Leglsfature, ancl those officially ponnected there­with, shall be limited to the time the Legislature shall be in session.

Any person taking books from the Library shall first gize sufficient personal secu­rity for their return within twenty chys.

No pErson n,uthorizccl to tuke books from the Library shall be permitted to have at any one time more tho.n three volume:;:, nor shall the same be refainecl more than three weeks, and all shall be returnecl on 01· before the first day of January annu­ally.

The following books sh.1,ll not be ta,ken from the Library room, except for the use of either House, or of the Committee3 of the Legislature during its session, or for use in the Supreme .Judicial Court in teTm tir::1e; all boe,ks presented by the United Stutes or any of the Stn.tes; all works, books and documents relating to the laws, or Legisl:1tive proceedings of the United States or other Sta,tes or countries, all digests, reports of decisions, ~nd. works rela.ting to the science of the law, and Vattemare's cxch:mges.

E,ery person slrnJl be ::mswernlJlc fo1, all damage clone by him to any book, :1nd in c:ise cf the loss of any volume belonging to a set, the person nnswen1ble therefor shall procure a new volume or pG.y in money the value of the set.

Actions for the breach of snid reguln.tions mu.y be brought by the Librarian in his own n:1me for the use of the State, nnd in case of his death or removal from office, the nction shall sur,ive and be prosecuted by his successor.

Page 6: MAINE STATE… · REPORT. To the Honorable Legislature of JJfaine: In compliance ,vith 5th section

HoN .. JOHN A. PI1]TEil8, PExon:,coT, BLBRIDGE G. HAllLOW, Oxro1w, 'z. 11om_10N VAUGHA:N", FRAXIU,Is; cif the Senate.

llox. SUMNER BURNHXiU, NomvAY, Irn.NRY c. WJ~NTvVOR'l'II, I~AsT L1vER:ci10RE,




T'HOMAS WARREN, DEER IsLE: f!/ the House.

Page 7: MAINE STATE… · REPORT. To the Honorable Legislature of JJfaine: In compliance ,vith 5th section


To the Honorable Legislature of JJfaine:

In compliance ,vith 5th section of chapter 25 of Public Acts, approved lVIarch 13th, 1861, I submit the following


I have received from the State Treasury, during the past year, on account of th~ Library, the sum of two hundred seventy-eight dollars and fifty cents, $278.50.

The expenditure for the purchase of books for the Library, for the same period, has been two hundred sixty dollars and eighty-six cents, $260.86.

I subjoin a list of all books, maps and charts, acquired during the year, by purchase, donation and exchange.


Buckle's Civiliz;ation, JBancroft's U. S., vols. 7 and 8, Robert Browning's Poems, IVfrs. Browning's Poems, Dana's Household Poetry, Seward's vVorks, Life Lord Jeffrey, Life Sir James Fox, Lamb's Final Memorials, The Virginians, The N ewcombs, Emerson's Works, Suffering Savior, Spencer on Education, . Duels and Duelling, Life of John Foster, Cockbron's Memorials, -Smollett's Works, Hamilton's Log~c,


2 2 3 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 ~ 1 1 1 1 1

"6 1

Page 8: MAINE STATE… · REPORT. To the Honorable Legislature of JJfaine: In compliance ,vith 5th section


Hamilton's Metaphysics, Cousins' Mod. Philosophy, Barry's History Mass, Villette, Shirley, Professor, -Scarlet Letter, Blithe Dale, Never too Late to Mend, Christie J ohnstons, Tom Brown at Oxford, Darwin on Species, .Armies of Europe, Towle on the Constitution, Cecil Dreeme, Mem. of J. Q . .Adams, -Silas Marner, Sir Philip Sidney1

Montaigne's Works, Plato, Pepy's Diary, Equatorial .Africa, Lady Maud, "\Valker's Sermons, Douglass Gerold, -Tin Trumpet, Trench on Miracles, Wit and Wisdom, Henry's Social Science, .Araga's Biog, Thackery's Ballads, 10 vols. Dickens. Fletcher's Brazil, -Tennyson's Poems, Bryant's Poems, -Whittier's Poems, Brougham's European Statesmen, Russell's Life of Thomas Moore, Thackeray's Vanity Fair, "Whipple's Essays, &c., Trumbull's Christ of History, -Shehan's Life of Douglas, · Lowell's Poems, -Wildfell Hall, Professor at the Breakfast Table, Elsie Venner, Holmes' Poems, -Peg W offington, Dixon's Life of Lord Bacon1 -

Guesses at Truth,


I 2 3 I I I I I I I 3 I I I I I I I I 6 I I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 2 1

10 I 1 2 2 2 I 1 2 1 1 I 1 I 2 1 1 I 1

Page 9: MAINE STATE… · REPORT. To the Honorable Legislature of JJfaine: In compliance ,vith 5th section


Currents and Counter Currents, Lifo of Maj. Andre, Sir Thomas Brown's Works, A. belard and Heloise, Doctor Antonio, Carlysle's Autobiography, Sir Phillip Sidney's Works, Parton's Humorous Poetry, Chesterfield's "\Vorks, -Goodrich's British Eloquence, Dealings with the Dead, -Sumner's Grations, Pascal's Thoughts, Mad. de Stael, Life among the Chinese, Genealogical Register, Historical Mag., Foster's Essays, -.Algernon Sidney, Bolingbroke's Works, :Spencer's Psychology, -Spencer's Social Statics, Spencer's Essays, Rush's Court of London, Life of Pitt,

1Took's Purley, Drake's Boston, Davis' Carthage, -.,.Nharton's Queens, Wits and Beau, -Trench's Sermons, Lyra Domestica, -House on the Moor, Hogg on Microscope, Halleck's Mil. Science, -Field B'k Artillery, Mahan's Fortification, -Mahan's Out-posts, Life of Dr. Kane, Wharton's Lives, -Good News, Doran's Traits, Bunsen's Signs, Balzac, Scott's Mil. Diet., Play B'k of Metals, Knapp's Africa, Hodson' s India, Leslie,


1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1

15 4 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Page 10: MAINE STATE… · REPORT. To the Honorable Legislature of JJfaine: In compliance ,vith 5th section


Guesses at rrruth, Thoughts on Preaching, Goss' Zoology, Philobiblon, What will he do with it, Longfellow's Poems, Great Expectations, Philip Thaxt€r, Chaucer's Poems, Life of Cromwell,


Seasons with the Sea Horses, Cotton Kingdom, Methodism Successful, Lessons in Vfe, Cloister and Hearth, Brimley's Essays, Spare Hours, Sir Thomas Brown's Writings, Memoirs and Remains of De Tocqueville, vols. I and 2, Notes on Sea Coast Defence, Songs in many Keys, by 0. W. Holmes, Shelley-Memorials-Lady Shelley, May's Constitutional History of England, vol. 1, Record of an Obscure Man,



1 1 2 1 1 2 I I I 2 I 2 I I I I 1 1 2 1 1 1 ]


Received from the Departments of the National Government, and the several States, as follows, viz:


Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 2d session, 36th Congress, 1860-61, 3

Annual Message of the President and accompanying Docu-uments, with the Statistics and Maps, 3


Message and Documents;, 1860-61. Vol. I, I " " " " " " 2, I " " " " " " 3, I " " " " " Part I, I " " " " " " 2, I " " " " " " 3, I " " " " " Vol. 1, 1 " " " " " " 2, I " " " " " " 3, 1

Page 11: MAINE STATE… · REPORT. To the Honorable Legislature of JJfaine: In compliance ,vith 5th section


Report of tho Soc. of the Treasury on Commerce and N aviga­tion, 1860,

Report of the Sec. of the Treasury on the state of the Finances, for the year ending, June 30th, 1860,

Report of the Superintendent of U. S. Coast Survey, for 1859, Cong. Globe and Appendix, 2d sess., 36th Cong., 1860-61,

" " " " " " " " Part 2 Report of the Select Com. on the Abstracted Indian r.rrust

Pund, 1861. Covode Investigation-Naval Contracts, &c., 1860, Senate Journal, 1st sess., 35th Cong., House '' Senate Reports, " J'vfiscel. Reports, Reports-Court of Claims,


Reports of Committees, 1st sess., 35th Cong., Executive Documents, " " Senate Journal, 2d sess., 3.5th Cong., IIouse " Senate Docs., " " Senate " '' (Miscellaneous) Reports of Committees, 2d sess., 35th Cong., Report of Court of Claims, Executive Docs., 2d sess., 35th Cong., Misc el. " " Senate Journal, 1st sess., 36th Cong., IIouse " " " Senate Docs., Senate Reports, " Reports of Committees; 1st sess., 36th Cong., Executive Docs. " " ~fiscel. " " " Reports-Court of Claims, Laws of tho 2d soss., 36th Cong. U. S.-Pam., Laws of the 1st scss., ( extra) 37th Cong., U. S.-Pani., Continuation of the American State Papers,




1 1 1 1

1 1 2 2 2 4 3 5

14 2 2

15 2 3 2

37 4 2 2

12 3 5

12 7 5

210 210


U. Canada, Queen's Bench Reports, vol. 19, 1 Sessiona1 Papers, vols. 1 and 2, 4th sess., 6th Parliament of

the Province of Canada, session 1861, No. 1 and 1, 2 ,Journal of the Province of Canada, from March 16 to May

18, 1861, session 1861, 1 Report of the Commission appointed to inquire into the affairs

of the Grand Trunk Railway-1861, Quebec-Pam,. 1 Geological Survey of Canada-Report of Progres~ for the

year l858-Jfontreal, 1 Public Accounts of the Province of Canada, for the year 1860,

Quebec, 1861, 1


Page 12: MAINE STATE… · REPORT. To the Honorable Legislature of JJfaine: In compliance ,vith 5th section



Returns from the scve1'.11l ch:trtcred Banks, &c., 1860, 1 Report of the Snpcrintendcnt of Education for Lcnver Canada,

for the year 1860-Quebec, 1 Reporting Board of Inspectors of Asylums and Prisons-1861, 1


N. H. Reports, vol. 40--0handler, vol. 3, ·l Statute Laws, 1861, with an Index to Public Laws from June,

1853, to ,Tune, 1861, inclusive-Pam., 3 Transactions of N. II. State Agricultural Society, 1860, 1


Acts of the 85th Legislature, 1861, Appendix to the .Minutes of the 85th Legislature,

NKw YonK.

Second Annual Report of the Superintendent of the State

I 1

Insurance Department, 2 13th and 14th Annual Ro ports of the Regents of the University

of the State of New York, on the condition of the State Cab-inet of Natural History, &c., 1861-Pam., 2

43d Annual Report of the Trustees of the State Library, 1861, 1 74th " Regents of the University of the

State of New York, 1861, I New York Reports, Uourt of Appeals1 vol. 22-Smith, vol. 8, 1 Laws of New York, 1861, 2 Barber's State Reports, vol. 23, 1


Revised Statutes, 1860, 2 vols., 2 State Reports, vols. 10 and 11-Critchjield, 2 LawsofOhio,1861, 1 Senate Journal, 1861, 2 House Journal, 1861, 2 Documents, 1860, 2 Ohio Statistics, 1860, 4 Library Report, 1860-Pam., 1 Fifteenth Annual Report of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture, I


Penn. State Reports- Wright, vol. 37, Statute Laws of 1861, with an Appendix-Pam., Penn. State ~eports, vol. 38-Wright,


Acts and Resolves, 1861,

1 3 1


Page 13: MAINE STATE… · REPORT. To the Honorable Legislature of JJfaine: In compliance ,vith 5th section


T1murronrns OF N1~BrtASKA :\ND "'\V ASHING'ro::-r.

Laws, Joint Resolutions and l\fornorials, 7th Session of the LcgislatiYc Asscrn lily of N cbraska, embracing tl1e U. S. Con-



stitution and organic hw, 18GO, 1 Journal of the Council ancl Lcg·ishtive Assembly, 7th ses. 1861, ] ,J ournaJs of the Council and Ilouse of Heps. of the territory of . Washington, 8th session, 1861, 2

Session, Resolutions and Memorials, 8th ses., 1861, 1


Se1rnte and House ,Journab 18GO, and Extra SeBsion 1861, ~ Laws of Vermont, 18GO, l Third Registration Report, 1859, 1 Vermont ~bte Uepurts, vol. 3:2-Shaw, vol. 3, 1 Report of the A nditor of .Accounts, 1861, 1 Sixth A,rnnal of the Railroad Commissioners, 1861, 1 Directory and Rules of the Senate and IIom;c, Oct. ses. 1861, J

State Reports, Yol. 11-Bniilh,


Cal. State 11eports, vol. lG--Bagley & Barman, Sacranwnto 2 Catalogue of tli't) Cal. Sbte Library, 1860, l Statutes of C:!lifornia, 1 E;Gl, 1 Senate Jonnrnl, 12th 2 Appendix to Senate 12th session, 2 Jonrnal of the Assembly, 12tl1 session, 2 .Appcrnlix to ,, 12th session, 2 Cal. State Ueportt~ 17--Baglcy, 8acramerdo, 2


Lvis1afr,;·o DGcumcnts, 1861, P~b1ic Acts 1 p~tsscd ~fay :-cssion, 1861,


Indiana State Reports, vol. 15-B. Harrison, Laws of Indiana, 18Gl,


Iowa Reports, vol. 10-Wi!hrow.

1 ') d

1 1


Page 14: MAINE STATE… · REPORT. To the Honorable Legislature of JJfaine: In compliance ,vith 5th section



Acts and Resolves of 1861-Pam., 2 Mass. Special Laws, 184:9-53, vol. 9, 2 Pub. Docs., Nos. 1 to 7, 1861, N os.8 to 22, Nos. 23 to 49, 1861, 3 Allen's Reports, ·ml. 1, 1 Plymouth Colony Records, vol. 11, 1623-1682, 1


:Michigan Reports, vol. Li-Cooley, 1 Acts of the Legislature of Michigan, 1861-(Tieg. and ex. sess.) 1


Minnesota Reports, vol. 3-0fliccr, 1 4 1

House J ourn::tl, 3d Bes. Legisbture, 1861, 1 Senate 1 Session Laws of Minnesota, 1861, 1 Executive Docs., 1860, 1 li1irst Annual Report of Conm1issfrmcrs of Statistics,, for the

the year ending January 1, 1860.


Suffolk Surnames, Boston, 1861. Prese:.itccl by the author, N. I. Bowditch, 1

Transactions of the American Institute, 18GL Prescntcil b.,-S. L. Goodale, Esq.,

A Guido to the Illinois Central Railroad L:l1:ds. Chicago) 1861-Pam., I

rI1he Maine Teacher and School Officer. By E. P. V{ eston: Efl<J .. the Editor-Pam., 1

Boston Board of Trade, 18Gl, 1

Seventh Annual Report of the Government, by Lorenzo Sa­bine, Sec.,

The Soldier's Pocket Bible,

Speeches dolj,-ercd at the American Union Breakfast gi,Ten in Paris, May 29th, 1861, at the Grand Hotel DuLmrae. Paris. 1861-Pam., l

rrhe National Loan, embracing the lawn authorizing it, &c. ·washington, D. 0., 1861, 1

Cheap ·Cotton, by Free La,bor. By a Cotton Mmrnfacturcr--Pam., 1

Page 15: MAINE STATE… · REPORT. To the Honorable Legislature of JJfaine: In compliance ,vith 5th section



Eleventh Annual Report of the New England Female Medical College. Boston, 1861-Pam., 1

An Oration delivered in the New City Hall, before the City Goveenment and citizens of Portland, J nly 4th, 1861, by Wm. T. Dwight, D. D.-Pam., 1

Oration, by Samuel Harris, July 4th, 1861, 1

The National Crisis, by the Rev. B. F. Tefft, D. D.-Pam., 1

Address of Hon. W. W. Thomas 1 Mayor of the city of Port-land, delivered April 8,, 1861, 1

Sixth Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the· New J er-sey State Normal School, and accompanying documents, 1861. Presented by _Wm. T. Phelps, 1

Narrative of the Canadian Reel River Exploring Expedition of 1857, and of the Assinnibria and Saskatchewan Exploring· Expedjtio.n of 1858, by Henry Youle Hind, M.A. F. R. G. S. In two volumes. London. 2

The Dublin Quarterly J onrnal of Science. Edited by the Rev. Samuel Houghton, M. A. F. R. S., 1861. Dublin-Pam., 1

Smithsonian Institution. Vol. 12 Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, 1

The following Maine Reports ancl State Documents have been added during the past year :

Maine Judicial Reports, vol., 46- Wales Hubbard. 1 Docmrnmts, 1861, part 1 and 2, 2 Fifth Annual Report of the Secretary of Board of Agricnl-

ture--:--8. L. Goodale, 1 Acts and Resolves, 1801. 1

I received charge of the Library July 1, 1861. There had not been at that time any ::>urrangement or classification of the books in the present Library room.

By the Act of 1,farch 13, 18611 a catalogue of all books, maps, charts and works was ordered to be made under the direction of'. the Governor and Council.

The work was begun by my predecessor in the latter part of July, but was not completed when it passed out of his charge, about the middle of December, 1861.

Since that time the arrangement and classification of the books. in the different alcoves and upon the shelves of the Library have· been completed.

Page 16: MAINE STATE… · REPORT. To the Honorable Legislature of JJfaine: In compliance ,vith 5th section


:Much improvement in tho appearance of the room! and jncreasecl facility in turning to any volume sought, have resulted from this.

The Catalogue not being completed as early as was expected and arranged for by the Governor and Council, I am unable to pre­sent many interesting statistical facts Vv'hich its completion would have enabled me to make .

. Many volumes are ·wantiHg to complete sets of important public documents, published by authority of Congress. Measures will he taken to procure thorn as soon as practicable. It is not to be doubted that members of Congress from this State will aid, as they have h~rctofore done, in filling tho sets with tho volumes.

The books added to the Library by purchase the past year are of a high standa,rd character. The State is iudcbtcd to the kind la­

bors of His Bxccllency, Governor "\Vashb.urn, for their judicious ~;election and very moderate cost.

The nmnbcr of books received by t·xclrn11go ',vith the States has been limited, by reason of the distracted condition of the country, and the same cause has doubtless prevented the frequency of ex­changes, which ,vou1d have taken place but for this in other direc­tions. I hope to see the current of excliang;ot3 .flowing freely again at an early day.

Donations have been fewer than usual, as wi11 he seen by refer­rmce to the list.

There are many sugg:estions occurring to me·, in relation to the improvement of the arrangement and the fornjfc.J1ir:g' of additional hooks, but all involve the outlay of sums which arc likely to ex­ceed th2 appropriation for the coming year, :u,tl in the present and prospective financia,l condition of the State, 1 do not foel author­ized to urge the adoption of any measures for an increase of the

Library beyond the appropriatfon required by the Act of March 13th, 1861.

·while the interests of the whole people require a liberal support

to this institution, and the evidences uf its prosperity are seen in the wide diffusion of general intelligence, and generous aid which the State has heretofore afforded, ancl while much remains to be done before we can claim to rank ,vith similar institutions of' some

sister States, yet enough has already been accomplished to prove the determination of Maine to provide as fully and speedily for the wants of her population, in this direction, as a prudent zeal will permit.

Page 17: MAINE STATE… · REPORT. To the Honorable Legislature of JJfaine: In compliance ,vith 5th section


And therefore, at ;1 time like the present, when so many impera­tive claims, cntirdy foreign to our ordinary financial condition, are being made on our population 1 it seems but just that public insti­tutions shall yield somewhat of their usual claims, and thus keep pace with the cheerful sacrifices made by all classes of patriotic citizens.

By cheerful concession, when the public mind is, of necessity, occupied with mor3 stirring scenes than the pleasant quiet of a well filled library affords, it is to be hoped that the same public will .come to its aid with renewed and increased supplies when the present troubles shall have overpassed, and the scones of war shall have yielded to the happier influences of honorable peace.

Respectfully submitted.

GEORGE G. ST~i\CY, f3tate Librarian.

STATE LIBRARY., AuGDSTA, ,January 20, 1862.
