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  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11




    There is much evidence that a foot covering was one of the first

    things made by our primitive ancestors. Necessity compelled them to invent

    some method of protecting their feet from the jagged rocks, burning sands,

    and rugged terrain over which they ranged in pursuit of food and shelter.

    The history of human development shows that the importance of protecting

    the foot was early recognized. Records of the Egyptians, the Chinese and

    other early civilizations all contain references to shoes. The shoe is

    repeatedly mentioned in the Bible and the Hebrews used it in several

    instances with a legal significance, notably in binding a bargain.

    Shoes of one sort or another are rich in legend and figure

    conspicuously in the folklore of different races. The shoe, even up to the

    present time, continues to figure in those stories, which have come down to

    us. The stories of the wonderful Seven League Boots, Mercury's Winged

    Sandals, Puss in Boots, Cinderella, and others, all existed in some ancient

    and often nearly forgotten tongue, but are still well known to all children.

    The custom of throwing the shoe after the newly wedded couple is but one

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    of the many instances in which the shoe, when used according to formula,

    was supposed to bring luck.

    In its first form the shoe was just a simple piece of plaited grass

    or rawhide which was strapped to the feet. Among the relics of early

    Egyptians are some sandals made from plaited papyrus leaves, beautifully

    and artistically wrought. Records show that sandal making had become a

    well-recognized art early in the history of that country.

    The sandal still is the most generally worn type of footwear in

    many warm countries. In form and ornamentation it reflects the environment

    in which it was worn, together with the artistic tastes of the peoples. In some

    countries the sandal continues to be the same simple kind worn since the

    dawn of history, while in others the multiple form of the straps and beautiful

    decorative work reflect the artistry, progress and prosperity of the wearers.

    The Japanese, long a sandal wearing people indicated the social

    status of the wearer by making distinctive sandals for the Imperial

    Household, merchants and actors, in fact, for the whole range of vocations

    and professions.

    The Greeks emphasized design and beauty, while the Romans

    devised a military type of sandal that enabled their legions to travel on foot

    throughout the then known world. In the more luxurious days of the late

    Empire the sandals were often beautifully wrought with ornaments of gold

    and precious stones

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    The moccasin is the foot protection of cold countries. The

    puckered seam which outlines the forepart of the moccasin is all that

    remains of the puckering string once gathered and tied about the ankle. This

    peculiar seam still appears in the footwear of people in every cold county.

    . The shoe has always had an important place in costume. Until

    recent years, many shoes were made to be worn only on occasions of great

    ceremony. Some of these were very lavish in design and ornament, lending

    importance and distinction to the official dress of proud wearers.

    Through all this development, comparatively little attention was

    devoted to fitting qualities or comfort. When the medieval guilds controlled

    craftsmanship in Europe, perfection in workmanship and extravagance in

    style seems to have been sought in shoes rather than foot comfort and


    Among the more conspicuous oddities of style in this period was

    the peaked shoe or Crackow, with a toe so long that it made walking

    difficult if not impossible and the passage of laws to prohibit its wearing was

    necessary before it was discontinued. It was followed by the Duckbill shoe

    in Elizabethan times. Laws were enacted limiting its maximum width to 51/2

    inches. These footwear oddities in turn were followed by a succession of


    As late as 1850 most shoes were made on absolutely straight

    lasts, there being no difference between the right and the left shoe. Breaking

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    in a new pair of shoes was not easy. There were but two widths to a size; a

    basic last was used to produce what was known as a "slim" shoe. When it

    was necessary to make a "fat" or "stout" shoe the shoemaker placed over the

    cone of the last a pad of leather to create the additional foot room needed.

    Up to 1850 all shoes were made with practically the same hand

    tools that were used in Egypt as early as the 14th century B.C. as a part of a

    sandal maker's equipment. To the curved awl, the chisel-like knife and the

    scraper, the shoemakers of the thirty-three intervening centuries had added

    only a few simple tools such as the pincers, the lapstone, the hammer and a

    variety of rubbing sticks used for finishing edges and heels.



    Sales Management

    Sales management originally referred exclusively to the

    direction of sales force personnel.

    According to American Marketing Association agreed that sales

    management means the planning, direction and control of personal selling

    including secreting, selecting, equipping, assigning, routing, paying, and

    motivating as these tasks apply to the personal sales force.

    The AMA definition made sales management synonymous with

    management of sales force, but modern sales management has considerably

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    broader responsibilities. Sales Managements are in charge of personal-

    selling activity & their primary assignment is management of the personal

    sales force.

    Objectives of sales management:-

    From the company viewpoint, there are three general objectives

    of sales management, which are

    1. Sales volume,

    2. Contribution to profits.

    3. Continuing growth.

    Sales executives do not carry full burden to reach these

    objectives but they make their contribution majority.

    Top management has the final responsibility because the entire

    failure or success is accountable to entire enterprise. It delegates to

    marketing management, which they delegate to sales management, sufficient

    authority to achieve the three general objectives. In the process, objectives

    are translated into more specific goals-they are broken down and restated as

    definite goals that the company has a reasonable chance of reaching. Once

    the goals are finalized, it is up to sales executives to guide & lead the sales

    personnel and middlemen who play critical roles in implementing the selling

    plans.Sales manager co-ordinate the personal-selling operation with

    the order getting methods, with marketing activities of the distributive

    network, and with the implementation of the overall marketing strategy.

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    They control the personal-selling effort of the original units they lead,

    assuring that sales department objectives are reached. Modern sales

    executives must be skilled in planning, co-ordination and controlling to

    ensure that personal activities make their maximum contribution tomarketing effort.

    Sales potential:-

    A sales potential is an estimate of the maximum possible sales

    opportunities present in a particular market segment open to a specified

    company selling a good or service during a stated future period.Sales

    potential represents sales opportunities available to a particular

    manufacturer, thus indicating the whole market potential to an entire


    Personal Selling Objectives :(PSO)

    The qualitative PS objectives vary with the kind of competitive

    setting. These objectives concern the nature of the contribution management

    expects Personal Selling to make in achieving long-term company

    objectives. These objectives influence both the nature of the sales job and

    the size of the sales force.

    Qualitative objects are long-term and are carried over from one

    operating period to another. But when qualitative objective change, there arechanges in the nature of the sales job and in size of the sales force.

    In quantitative personal selling objective vary with the kind of

    competitive setting. Those objectives are short term and are adjusted from

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    operating to operating peril. In all competitive settings, COs regard the

    sales volume Objective or the unit volume. That is to be obtained during the

    period as most critical. In all competitive settings, too most COs benefits

    from assigning other type of personal selling obiligations, for instance, onedirecting the sales volume is obtained in ways that contribute to profit

    objectives. In monopolistic and oligopolistic competitive settings,

    companies assign stills other qualitative objectives, including ones

    specifying the securing and for retaining of the certain market share. That is

    to say that, in all competitive in all COs changing the nature of the sales

    job, in addition usualness flow from changes in key qualitative PSO.

    Personnel Selling Strategy:-

    Sales related market policies are the guide natives within which

    company seeks to reach both qualitative and quantitative PSO. They provide

    guidance on decisions on what to sell, to whom to sell which shapes the

    fundamental nature of company which are important determinates of the

    kind of sales personnel and their total number (the 2 components of P-S

    strategy).Pricing policies, too have on important impact, especially on

    kind of sales staff, sales people have to persuade target buyers not only to

    accept the companys product but also at the prices asked. Sales-related

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    marketing policies, like PSO, vary with the competitive setting. It is

    important that they be attained to a companys particular situation under

    condition of monopolistic and oligopolistic competition, much more so than

    when there is no direct competition.

    Product policies - what to sell

    Distribution policies - whom to sell

    Sales Forecasting

    One of the important functions of sales organization is sales


    It is an estimate of sales during a specified future period, which

    estimate a proposed marketing plan and which assumes a particular set of

    uncontrollable and competitive forces.

    It has been defined as the expected level of company sales

    based of chosen marketing plan and assumed marketing environment. From

    this it is clear that sales forecasting is an estimate of sales during a specified

    future period for a chosen marketing plan under a given marketing


    Factors considered during sales forecasting:-

    1. Anticipated general economic conditions

    2. Conditions with in the industry

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    3. Market Situation

    4. Condition within the firm

    Techniques of sales forecasting;-1. Survey of buyers intentions.

    2. Opinion poll of sales forecasting

    3. Expiate opinion.

    4. Market test method.

    5. Projection of past sales

    6. Products in use analysis

    7. Industry forces and share of sales of the industry

    8. Statistical demand analysis

    9. Time series analysis

    Differences between personal selling and sales promotion

    1. Personal selling is generally, recurring agents, it is undertaken

    continuously year after year. But sales promotion is a non-recurring

    event i.e., it is undertaken only during a specific period.

    2. Personal selling involves the use of the salesman, but sales promotion

    may or may not involve the salesman.

    3. Personal selling, no doubt, induces the prospects to by the product, butsales promotion provides an extra stimulus to the prospects to buy the


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    4. Personal selling may be adopted by the producers or by the dealers.

    But sales promotion is always the responsibility of the producers.


    Whether the buyer is satisfied after purchase depends on the

    offer` performance in relation to the buyer` expectations.

    In general: Satisfaction is a persons feelings of pleasure (on disappointment

    resulting from comparing a products perceived performance

    (or) outcome) in relation to his (or) expectation.

    As this definition makes clear, satisfaction is the function of

    perceived performance and expectation. If the performance falls short of

    expectation, the customer is dissatisfied. If the performance matches the

    expectation, the customer is satisfied. If he performance exceeds

    expectation, the customer is highly satisfied or delighted, many companies

    are aiming for high satisfaction because customer who are just satisfied still

    finds it easy to switch when a beer offer come along. Those who are highly

    satisfied are much less ready to switch. High satisfaction or delight creates

    on emotional affinity with the brand, not jut a rational preference. The result

    is high customer loyalty. Their expectations are influenced by heir past

    buying experience, friend, and associates advice and marketer andcompetitor information and promises.

    For customer-centered companies, customer satisfaction is both

    a goal and marketing tool. Companies that achieve high customer

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    satisfaction rating make sure that their target market knows it. Although the

    customer centered firm seek to create high customer satisfaction, its main

    goal is not to maximize customer satisfaction first, the company can increase

    customer satisfaction by lowering its price(on increasing its services, but theresult may be lower profits. Second, the company might be able to increase

    its profitability by mean increased satisfaction for example, by improving

    manufacturing processes or investing more in R & D) third, the company

    have many stakeholders including employees, dealers, suppliers and stock

    holders. Spending more to increase customer satisfaction might divert funds

    from increasing the satisfaction of other partner. Ultimately the company

    must operate on the philosophy that it is trying to delivery a high level of

    satisfaction subject to delivering at least acceptable level of satisfaction to

    the other stakeholders within the construing of its total resources.


    2.1 Description of the research design:

    Market research is the process of collecting, analyzing and

    interpreting marketing information. Running a business means takingdecisions, whatever the nature of the decision, a common trend is the need

    for information. Here the decisions and market research guide the decision


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    Fundamental to the success of any formal marketing research is

    sound research design which has the following characteristics, viz.,

    1. Problem definition

    2. Specific method of data collection and analysis3. Time required for research project and the estimate of expense to be


    4. A research design is simply the framework or plan for a study that

    guides the collection and analysis of data. It is a blue print that is

    followed in completing a study.

    Therefore, the important considerations in a research design are :

    The study must be relevant to the problem.

    The study must imply economic procedures.

    Important points about research design are:

    The design of investigation should be taken from the problem.

    Whether the designs are productive in a given problem setting

    depend on how imaginatively they are applied.

    An understanding of the basic design is needed so that they can

    be modified to suit specific purpose.

    The three basic types of research design are:



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    Exploratory or formulate studies are often seen as the initial step

    in the continuous research. It is shown here that these three research designs

    are not mutually exclusive and a combination of all the three could be used

    in the successful completion of a marketing research project. We start with

    exploratory and go to casual through the descriptive research. Alternatively

    we can select any of these research deign and take he help of the other two

    deigns if the situation or problem so requires

    The questionnaire method used in the customer and retailer survey helped us in arriving at the following facts.

    The different fast moving brands of footwear in the market.

    The brand consciousness of the customer.

    The brand loyalty of the customer.

    Important attribute that customers consider while deciding onwhich brand, to purchase

    The customer and retailer feel about the price and quality, final

    service of Bata India limited.

    The customer looks for while purchasing a Bata footwear.

    How the customer come to know about Bata footwear.


    A part of the population is known as sample. The process of

    drawing a sample from a larger population is known as sample. Well

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    selected samples reflect fairly accurately the characteristics of the


    Sampling Techniques: -1) Random/Probability sampling

    2) Non - Random/ Non - Probability sampling

    Random Sampling: -

    This is done in such a way that each member of universe has a

    chance of being selected, which enables statistical procedures to be used

    under the results to estimate sampling errors.

    Types of Random sampling:

    a) Simple random sampling

    b) Systematic sampling

    c) Stratified sampling

    d) Cluster and area sampling

    Non - Random Sampling:-

    In this non-random sampling the chance of any particular unit in

    the population being selected is unknown.

    Types of Non random sampling are:

    a) Judgment sampling,

    b) Quota sampling

    c) Purposive sampling

    d) Convenience sampling

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    Sampling technique adopted:

    In this study, the sampling technique adopted is Area sampling

    and Random sampling.

    Definition of population:

    The population for this study is all the market who view about

    Bata product.

    Sample unit:

    The sampling unit is all he customers who view Bata product.

    Sample size:

    In his study, 50 customer and 30 retailers who view about Bata



    The foundation of market research is interviewing. It is the

    means by which primary data is obtained for most of the surveys. The

    interviewers aim is to draw out of the respondents, accurate facts andopinions guided by a questionnaire.

    Interview planning:

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    Having decided on what size of sample is required and what

    method of data is required and what method of data collection is to be used,

    the no of interview that can be achieved daily is decided. The quality of all

    market research is depend on asking the right question and extracting proper responses, following thins should be considered o be pleasant.

    Assure the respondent that research is genuine.

    Come straight to the point.

    Explain what is required of the respondent.

    Be positive in approach and get straight into the questioning.It is in the first minutes of contact with the respondent that the

    interview is won or lost.

    Ensure that accurate responses are obtained.

    Respect valid objections.

    A questionnaire has been deigned for this study. The

    questionnaire designed for the respondents contains twenty questions and

    was designed to extract following information.

    Preference of the customers towards branded or unbranded


    Brand loyalty of a customer.

    Reasons behind the customer preference for a particular brand of


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    Whether the customer is price sensitive.

    Preference for innovative products

    Frequency of purchasing footwear

    Influence of placement and promotion factor on the purchase of


    Attitude of the customers and retailers

    Secondary Data:

    There is no point reinventing the wheel, secondary data is onewhich has already been collected by some one else and could prove useful to

    the researcher if it can be unearthed. Secondary data can make a major

    contribution in following areas.

    In selecting a sample, published broachers lit people or

    companies to interview and can be found in telephonedirectories.

    Obtaining details on product by sales literature on product.

    Providing an economic backcloth to a study.

    Market research reports may need some background as a

    perspective against which the primary information can be set.

    Scope of the study, more likely here is to be something

    available in published form.

    In assessment of he market size and trends

    Providing information on companies in terms of their

    distribution network, their price etc.,

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    There are many sources of information on secondary data viz.

    the government customers and exercise directories, the press, trade journals,

    trade association, your own company, market research etc., the secondarydata for this study was obtained from the company with which this project

    is associated with, that is Bata India Ltd., and from footwear journals and

    business magazines.

    The magazines which were used for the research are:

    Bata NewsMerchandising New

    Advertising and marketing

    Business Today

    As these issues are for commercial circulation the data is more

    authentic than voluntarily collected data. Both past and present issues of the

    above magazines were referred.


    The seven major factors involved in selecting survey technique are:-

    Cost of collecting the data

    Speed of getting response

    Accuracy of the data

    Amount of data gathering

    Response rate

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    Flexibility of the technique

    Degree to which sample represents the population


    In present economic scenario, the powers of Indian customer are

    high and they are able to buy according to their needs and wants. Indian

    government has liberalized impact of various items like pharmacy, internet

    and other field to bring a healthy competition in the market. Todays world

    is full of cut throat competition which exit in all area, whether in the field of telecommunication can in the field of technologies, everything is changing

    dramatically. Footwear industry is among the one of them.

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    There are so many footwear companies in the market Bata

    Company is the one of them, in the world of competition every company

    tries to get top position in the market. It is only possible when the companies

    satisfied their customer with their product. In this regard companies shoulduse different marketing model and strategy to increase their share in the


    Bata Company wants to know the customer satisfaction and

    expectation about their footwear range, which is available on the market.

    This needs give the birth to this project.


    Bata currently having full range of footwear which is sold

    nationally ,wants to evaluate the opportunities in terms of sale and there are

    many branded shoes available in the market and thus it want to know there

    potentiality in the market.

    The problem formulated for research study is the comparative

    study of sale and it effectiveness and customer satisfaction toward Bata India



    To study the customer satisfaction towards the Bata footwear

    The analysis the market potential how to increase the sales

    To know the retailer opinion about Bata India Limited

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    To the suggestion from customer as to how the company can

    increase its sales


    The globalization, liberalization and the privatization has

    brought tremendous changes. This had lead to new innovation and better

    quality in every field.

    The study is conducted in depth on the retailers and customer

    emphasizing there perception about quality of the product. Its awareness,

    value and its pricing. The study also gives us fair idea of potential business

    and competitor in future and also enables the marketer to formulate effective

    sales plan to go on with the ever-changing competition.


    To find the how the customer can be highly satisfied

    To know the desire of the customer while purchasing footwear

    To know the competing brand

    To know the customer opinion toward Bata footwear


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    Before the definition of research problem it is necessary to

    review the available literature of the problems knowledge of relevant

    theories and previous work does should be known before getting into the

    field, sufficient time should be devoted in reviewing the literature thathas already been published. This help in finding out the necessary data

    for operational purpose. Those data facilitates the operational action and

    are used for indicating the type of difficulties that may be encountered in

    the present study. Thus to conduct the survey, previous survey report,

    company record and some standard test book were required to get an

    insight into market research and technique.

    These are listed a follows:

    1) Marketing management

    -analysis, planning, implemettation and control.

    -Philip Kotler, 9 th Edition, prentice hall of India,

    Pvt., Ltd., New Delhi

    2) Marketing management

    - By S.A. Sharlekar

    Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay

    3) Marketing management-By C.N. Santakki

    Second edition, Publishers- Kalyani .

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    3.6 FIELD WORK:

    Design of data collecting methods are used in data collection viz

    observation method and survey method. In observation method, data iscollected personally by observing, whereas in survey method the data

    originate from the person on when the research is conducted.

    Questioning is the process of data collection used in his survey.

    As the name suggests it is asking questions to people who are through to

    have the information. Researcher has adopted a class ended questionnaire to

    conduct his research. Class ended questionnaire was elected to get the

    specific data pertaining to the survey. It is also easy to tabulate the data and

    take less time.

    The research involved field work of around 30 day where survey

    carried out of 50 customers and 30 Retailer who view Bata footwear, Survey

    is conducted by direct interview, telephonic interview, and Mailed survey.

    Researcher has adopted the direct interview method to carry out an

    exhaustive survey. The researcher has selected Jayanagar, Vijayanagar,

    Banashankari, Brigade Road, K.R Market to conduct his survey to get the

    needful data.


    Only the visiting customer at Bata showroom and

    retailers shop is the survey area.

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    The study is limited to Bata showroom and the retailers

    in the areas of Majestic, Indiranagar, K.R market,

    Yehwanthpura, Jayanagar and Vijaynagar Bata show room.

    This study explains customers satisfaction and its

    effectiveness towards Bata footwear.

    Any other aspect of marketing such as advertising,

    promotions etc is not looked in detail.


    Bata shoe organization was founded on august 24 th Zlin,

    Czechoslovakia. Tomas Bata, a 9 th generation shoe market, invested his

    savings in some simple shoe making machinery. This investment would

    come to revolutionize shoe manufacturing of that day, and would be the start

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    of a family legacy of well-designed and durable shoes, made at prices that

    everyone could afford.

    Thomas Batas concept for his enterprise was to apply mass

    production technology and innovative human resources programs tofootwear manufacturing. Thomas Bata was driven by a vision to put shoe on

    the feet of people around world, and lead the company with his simple

    business goals: sell shoes where shoes were not available. Reduce the

    production time to make shoes and sell them for less: and supply people all

    over the world with affordable, stylish shoes.


    The organization is the worlds largest manufactures and the

    marketers of footwear. It has 85 companies spread all over the globe both in

    developed and developing countries. The organization is the leader in the

    use of modern technology and the latest management and marketing


    Its 73 manufacturing units produce a vastly comprehensive line

    of footwear from womens high-fashion shoes to Artic boots, mens dress

    shoes to popular sports shoes and shoes for children.

    It operates 6300 company owned stores all over the world.

    These include Bata family, athletes, world, bubble gummers, Myrys, Rizzi,

    Heyraud and Marie Clair stores. In addition Bata has over 50,000independent retailers. He combined production and sales total 270,000,000

    pairs of shoes per year. The Bata shoe organization has 67,000 employees on

    its roll today Bata Limited the world headquarters of the Bata Shoes

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    organization, located in Toronto, is manned by exports in manufacturing,

    retailing, marketing, finance, product development and personnel. A work

    force that is available for training and guidance in all operations in the field.


    It was January 1934, pre-independence. Era, when the Bata shoe

    company purchased 155 acres of land from the part commissioners and

    small land holders at a place in the outskirts of Kolkata. This land was filled

    with deep ditches, remnants of burn and companys brickfield. So thick were

    the forests surroundings the place and wild animals roamed about.

    Within a few months, the consul general of Czechoslovakia laid

    the foundation stone of the first building and named the township Batanagar.

    Serious construction work began in 1935 under the direction of Mr. Martine

    the architect of the company. By 1936 shoe were being manufactured in the

    factory and soon by 1939 the Batanagar factory become self sufficient in

    many way. During the world war II, the factory production was eared

    enough to meet war equipments. Thereafter growth and progress was

    steadily soaring upwards. New installations and new scheme for the workers

    gradually made Bata India a household name in the country.

    In less than sixty years since its operations began in 1931 the

    modest factory in Batanagar of West Bengal representing Bata India has

    mushroomed into a corporate giant in Indias Industrial Map.


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    1. Incorporated as BATA SHOE COMPANY LIMITED in 1931. The

    company went public in 1973 in when it changed to its present form.

    2. Its first factory at Batanagar Become operational in 1936.

    3. At present it has six factories;BATANAGAR, WEST BENGAL






    4. The company manufactures quality leather, canvas and PVC shoes in

    wide range designs at affordable prices.

    5. Bata India has over 14000 employees.

    6. Bata serves 1,00,000 customers a day.

    7. It sells more than 60 million pairs of shoes annually and markets

    international brands like HUSH PUPPIES, Dr. SCHOLLS, LOTO

    and NIKE.

    8. Bata is one of the five most popular brands in the country according to

    the A&M magazine recently held sixth annual survey of the TOP


    Bata India has been winning the CHEMICAL AND ALLIED


    rubber and canvas footwear.


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    Bata southern factory was started in may 1988, as purely as a

    canvas factory. It had only one conveyor and one thermo pack. The license

    capacity was two million pairs per year. In the first year of its operation

    itself it put up another conveyor for canvas and third conveyor for high priced canvas shoes.

    Bata India Ltd., set up another factory in Bangalore in 1988. It

    mainly manufactured canvas shoes and thus the name SOUTH CAN. It

    started with production of 276,000 pair age, now it has increased to

    3,618,245 pair age in 1999.

    There is another production factory a Hosur, Tamilnadu, Bata

    South can retail chain office, which concentrates on the marketing and

    merchandising activities for the whole of south India. It covers retail shops,

    agencies franchisees etc., present in Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and

    Tamil Nadu.

    The retail south office has a retail manager, who has a business

    development manager who has an assistant manager, personnel manager,

    accounts manager and merchandising manager working under him. The

    retail south office and the production factory are often in touch in order to

    run the activities of the organization. Here the production is concentrated on

    canvas shoe of Bata School shoes. The main manufacturer of Bata School

    shoes is the Bata south can factory in Bangalore. In addition, it also makes

    open footwear, which sells more in the south. The following are some of the

    open footwear manufacture in Bata south can and Hosur factory.

    1. Mens footwear


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    2. Womens footwear





    The rubber Hawai Chapels are also manufactured here

    Bata south can was started with an initial investment of Rs. 2.6

    crore and commenced commercial production during may 1988. the total

    investment made so far is around Rs. 22.4 crore. The company has

    performed well during the year 1997, 1998, and 1999. They made a marginal

    profit of Rs. 5.3 crore.Bata retail south is one of the four zonal offices at Bangalore,

    controlling the activities of four states that in of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh,

    Tamil Nadu and Kerala. There are over 1000 retail stores in south and in

    Karnataka nearly 220 retail stores and 57 agents.


    Quality the competitive edge

    With footwear marketing and manufacturing as its core business

    to achieve success and become the biggest and most skillful multiple

    - 29 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11


    retailing and distributing organization with a dynamic, flexible and market

    responsive approach to present and future opportunities for profitable


    Success in the companys mission will be measured byexcellence in service to customers, the integrity and ability of the employees,

    confidence of the shareholders and the suppliers and by being respected by

    the community as a responsible corporate citizen. Thus the pursuit of

    excellence continues.

    The key to better business has opened doors to Bata India for

    olden opportunities. Adidas selected Bata India for a collaborative venture in

    India. Bata India is the owner of this brand in the country. The shoes are

    being produced at Batanagar and at Peenya, Bangalore.


    Once the footwear industry was a cottage industry. Today, Bata

    India is proud to have elevated it into a full-blown industry with

    considerable volume and prestigious position. To remain at the top, Bata

    India invests substantial amounts of capital in developing and keepingabreast with new technologies at current knowledge levels. Bata trains

    4000 employees every year in different disciplines, asper-empting markets

    - 30 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11


    need, the employees are initiated into thinking beyond today. Planning a

    head for tomorrow.

    From attaining peck professionalism to earning the trust of every

    probable customer, locally or globally, that is what the company aims for.

    In a sense it is a multidimensional drive to .

    Maintain high quality at all time,

    Create a peaceful and harmonious working environment,

    Maintain leadership in the market through excellence in service and products

    Gain trust and respect as a socially responsible corporate citizen and earnsthe confidence of customers and stockholders.

    Exports expertise:

    The unequivocal leader, Bata India exports 80% of the total

    canvas and rubber footwear from the country.

    Besides, it has won accolades and contracts from famous

    companies like British shoe corporation, Benson, Olivers, Marlow,

    Kidderminster, FH Wills in the UK, shoe city Inc and pic N pay stores in

    the USA as well as Meldgard and roasted in francs.

    - 31 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11


    In the last five year more than 19 million pairs of footwear were

    manufactured and exported by Bata India, International giants such as

    Germany, USA, UK, Holland, Denmark, New Zealand, France and Canada

    have recognized and given the company international status for qualityexcellence.

    And at home the company continues to win the prestigious

    CAPEXIL award for record export for record export achievements, year

    after year.


    The Bata shoe organization regards itself as a multi-domestic

    rather than a multi-national organization, making it a priority to contribute to

    the economy in any new markets entered. Production facilities were added to

    sales operations initially in Europe an later in other continents, at the rate of

    about two per year through to the 1960s.

    Bata personnel made key advances in the direct Vulcanization

    Process (DVP) and the slush-molding process. Bata inventors also

    developed the original patented process of molding PVC soles to textile

    uppers. This invention stimulated the production of athletic footwear, as we

    know it today and aided in the tremendous growth of this footwear category.

    During the 1990s additional patents have been secured,including one for the first removable heel cartridge system for athletic

    performance footwear (Power Anthrop).

    - 32 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11


    With over 4700 company owned retail stores and 1, 00,000

    independent dealers and franchisees panning almost every continent, the

    Bata is one of the worlds most familiar sights. Our goal is simple: to

    consistently be the most satisfying place to hope for well priced commercialfashion footwear, everywhere in the world. Bata stores should be found in

    many of the worlds fashion centers: Paris, Milan, Singapore, Prague,

    Toronto and New Delhi.

    Bata India operates a unique chain of 1230 retail outlets, 100

    franchise sores and more than 300 wholesalers, backed by 12 computerized

    distribution centers located at places, it operates 21 supplies to 300

    wholesalers. These in turn, serve more than 10,000 BSC retailers (Bata

    Indias wholesale division) outlets literally in the out backs to meet the

    footwear need of country.


    1894 -Business starts with founders Tomas Bata, his brother Antonin

    and sister Anna. Batas first production facility opens in Zlin.

    1895 -The first Bata store opens in Prague. Brother Antonin and

    sister Anna leave the business. Tomas continues to build the

    business on his own.

    1905 -Business produces 2200 pairs of shoe per day, made by 250

    employees.1917 -Due to marked improvements in Bata manufacturing

    technology the enterprise reaches manufacturing milestone two

    million pairs of shoes each years

    - 33 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11


    1920 -Companies are opened in Poland, Yugoslavia, Holland,

    Denmark, he UK and USA

    1930 -The Bata shoe organization in the world leading footwear

    exporter.1931 -Founder Tomas Bata dies in airplane crash, and is succeeded by

    Jan. A Bata. The organization operates in over 20 countries,

    with new companies established in France, Austria, Rumania,

    Sweden, Switzerland, Egypt, Belgium, Finland, Luxemburg,

    Hungary, Italy, Indonesia, Singapore.

    1938 -The organization operates in over 30 countries. Production

    facilities in Mohlin, Switzerland and India are established.

    1939 -World war breaks out. Canadian manufacturing plant is

    established. Bata shoe organization companies employ 42,000

    people and produce 10,000,000 pairs of shoes per year.

    1945 -Czechoslovakia enterprise is nationalized. Temporary

    Headquarter is created in London. BSO under the leadership of

    Tomas J Bata.

    1964 -The organization successfully rebuilds and moves its

    headquarters to Bata international Center in Toronto, Canada.

    1970 -Discovery of DVP (Direct Vulcanization Process). Birth of

    modern athletic shoe manufacturing practiced.

    1978 -The Athletic world retail store concept in born in Canada.

    1984 -Tomas. J. Bata in the leader of BSO1989 -Bata family is invited to return to Czech Republic.

    - 34 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11


    1994 -Organizations 100th Anniversary year. Employee of Bata

    shoe organization company produce 170 million pair and sell

    270 million pairs of shoes.

    1995 -Rino Rizzo becomes president of Bata Limited.1997 -The Bata superstore retail sore concept in born in Europe.

    1999 -Jim Pantelidis in appointed as chairman and CEO of Bata Ltd.

    The BSO is a truly worldwide organization, whose diversity of

    ideas, training and international exchange of expertise have been major

    assets. Employees of BSO encompass most of the world nationalities and

    a least 100 languages and dialects.


    - 35 -

    Managing Director

    Senior Vice President

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11


    - 36 -

    Vice President(Marketing)

    Vice President(Personnel)



    General Manager General Manager Vice president General Manager

    Retail chainManager Senior Manager General Manager Retail Manager

    Retail Personnel Manager Accounts Manager


    Retail Chain manager

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11


    - 37 -






    Asst. Manager Asst. Manager Asst. President District Manager

    Personnel officer Asst. Manager Accountants Officer Shop Manager

    Shop Manager

    Retail DistributorCentre Accountants

    Salesman cashierShop assistants

    Shop employees

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11





    1) Occupation of the customer: (Profession segmentation)

    S.I. No. Occupation Respondents Percentage1 Student 21 422 Business 07 143 Employee 13 264 Another 09 18

    TOTAL 50 100

    Analysis :-

    Among all 50 respondents, 42% of the respondents are

    students, 14% of the respondents are businessmen, 26% of the

    respondents are employee, 18% of he respondents are other.


    The inference is that the mot of he respondents belongs to

    student, rest followed them.

    - 38 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11








    - 39 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11


    2) What type of Bata foot wear do you use?

    S.I. No. Particulars Respondents Percentage1 Boots 06 122 Shoe 10 203 Sandals 26 524 Kids wear 00 005 Ladies Wear 08 16

    TOTAL 50 100

    Analysis :-

    Among all 50 respondents, 12% of the respondents are using

    Boots, 20% of the respondents are using shoe, 52% of the respondents

    are using sandals, and 16% of he respondents are using Ladies wear.


    Majority of customers are using sandals.


    - 40 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11



    - 41 -












    Boots Shoe Sandals Kidswear Ladieswear






  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11


    3) How do you feel about comfortably or quality about the Bata Foot


    S.I. No. Particulars Respondents Percentage1 Excellent 06 122 Good 34 683 Satisfactory 10 204 Poor 00 00

    TOTAL 50 100

    Analysis :-

    Among all 50 respondents, 12% of the respondents feel that

    quality is excellent, 68% of the respondents feel that quality is good ,

    20% of the respondents feel that quality is satisfactory.


    It clearly states that the product is value worth.


    - 42 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11




    P E R C E N

    T A G E O F

    R E S P O

    N D E N T S



    4) How did you come to know about Bata footwear?

    - 43 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11


    S.I. No. Particulars Respondents Percentage1 News paper magazine 14 282 T.V. 24 483 Hoardings 8 164 Word of mouth 04 08

    TOTAL 50 100

    Analysis :-

    Among all 50 respondent, 28% of the respondents came to

    know about the Bata and through news paper and magazine, 48% of the

    respondents came to know about the Bata and through T.V, 16% of therespondents came to know about the Bata and through Hoardings, and

    08% of the respondents through word of mouth.


    Advertisement is the backbone for the success of a

    product. Hence it gives Ads through newspapers and magazine.


    - 44 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11



    E N T A G E

    O F

    P O N D E N T S



    5) How did you feel about price of Bata footwear?

    - 45 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11


    Analysis :-

    From the above table we come to know that customers give

    more preference to quality and not to rice if the quality is good the

    customer pay for it. Baa has captured the market because of is quality.

    Among all 50 respondent, 32% of the respondents feels that

    prices are very high, 46% of the respondents feels that the prices are

    medium, and 22% of the respondents feels it to be satisfactory.


    It has got different price different products to attract all

    levels of customer.

    - 46 -

    S.I. No. Particulars Respondents Percentage1 High 16 322 Medium 23 463 Low 00 004 Satisfactory 11 22

    TOTAL 50 100

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11





    G E O F


    E N T S


    - 47 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11



    6) Is there any guarantee period for your Bata footwear?

    Analysis :-

    The above table indicates the Bata India Limited, will given

    guarantee period to the Bata footwear, Among all the 50 respondents,

    58% of the respondents get 3 months guarantee, 20% of the respondents

    get 6 months guarantee, 20% of the respondents get 1 year guarantee

    and 02% of the respondents get 2 year guarantee to their Bata footwear.


    Guarantee period is given to the customers to make them

    aware of the quality of the product.


    - 48 -

    S.I No Particular No of Respondents Percentage1 3 months 29 582 6 months 10 203 1 year 10 204 2 years 01 02

    Total 50 100

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11




    T A G E O F


    D E N T S


    - 49 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11



    7) What is Level of satisfaction of Bata Footwear?

    Analysis :-

    Among 50 respondents, 26% of the respondents feels it to be

    satisfactory, 08% of the respondents feel Bata is excellent, 62% of the

    respondents feel good and 04% of the respondents feel Bata is poor.


    Customer is our master so company must satisfy the


    - 50 -

    S.I No Particular Respondents Percentage1 Excellent 04 082 Good 31 623 Satisfactory 13 264 Poor 02 04

    Total 50 100

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11





    A E O F

    N D E N T S


    - 51 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11



    8) What attribute you look for while purchasing Bata Footwear?

    S.I. No. Particulars Respondents Percentage1 Color 03 062 Durability 13 263 Price 14 284 Quality 17 345 Design 03 06

    TOTAL 50 100

    Analysis :-

    Among all 50 respondents, 6% of the respondents look for colour while purchasing a Bata footwear, 26% of the respondents look

    durability, 28% of the respondents look price, 34% of the respondents

    look quality, 06% of the respondents look for design while purchasing a

    Bata footwear.


    The high majority of the respondent look forward while

    purchasing a Bata footwear is quality next to the price.

    - 52 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11




    G E O F

    E N T S


    - 53 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11



    9) Since how many years you are using Bata Footwear?

    S.I. No. Particular Respondents Percentage1 1 year 04 082 2 years 10 203 3 years 14 284 5 years 11 225 10 years 11 22

    TOTAL 50 100

    Analysis :-

    Among all 50 respondent, 08% of the respondents are using

    Bata footwear from 1 year, 20% of the respondents are using Bata

    footwear from 2 years, 28% of the respondents are using Bata footwear

    from 3 years, 22% of the respondents are using Bata footwear from 5

    years, and 22% of the respondents are using Bata footwear from 10years.


    Majority of respondents are using Bata footwear from 3



    - 54 -

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    E N T A G E O F

    P O N D E T S



    - 55 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11


    10) Why do you like Bata Footwear?

    Analysis :-

    Among all 50 respondents, 42% of the respondents like Bata

    footwear because of sustained quality, 26% of the respondents like Bata

    footwear for price, 22% of the respondents they Bata footwear for

    design, 10% of the respondents like Bata footwear for durability.


    Majority of the respondents like Bata footwear for itsquality, next to the price.

    - 56 -

    SI.No. Particulars Respondents Percentage1 Quality 21 422 Price 13 263 Design 11 224 Durability 05 10

    TOTAL 50 100

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11





    O F




    - 57 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11




    1) From how many years you are aware about the company


    Analysis :-

    From the above table it is clear that 16.65% of the respondents

    are having awareness from past 1-5 years, 36.63% of them from past 5-

    10 years, 09.99% of them from past 10-15 years and, 36.63% of them

    respondents having from past 15-20 years.


    Majority of the respondents are aware about the Bata

    India limited from 5-10 years.

    - 58 -

    SI.No. No of



    1-5 05 16.656-10 11 36.63

    11-15 03 09.9916-20 11 36.63Total 30 100

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11






    - 59 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11



    2) What is your sales per month?

    Analysis :-

    From the above table it is clear that 46.62% of the respondents

    have lakh sales per month, 19.98% of the respondents have 1 lakh

    sales per month and 33.30% of the respondents have 2 lakhs sales per

    month respectively.

    - 60 -

    Sales per month No of Respondents PercentageRs. 50,000 only 14 46.62

    1 lakh 06 19.982 lakhs 10 33.303 lakhs 00 00Total 30 100

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11



    Majority of the respondents sales per month is 50,000.


    - 61 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11






    E N T A E O F

    S P O N D E N T S



    3) what is your mode of purchase from the wholesalers?

    - 62 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11


    Analysis :-

    From the above table it is clear that 33.30% of the respondents

    of retailer purchase the product from wholesaler in the form of credit,

    23.31% of respondents in cash, 26.64% of the respondents in the form

    of cheque and 16.65% of respondents purchase the product in all type

    i.e., credit, cash, cheque.


    Majority of the retailer purchase the product on credit basis

    - 63 -

    S.I No No of Respondents PercentageCredit 10 33.30Cash 07 23.31

    Cheque 08 26.64All type 05 16.65

    Total 30 100

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11




    - 64 -











    Credit Cash Cheque All type






    E OF





  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11


    4) Whats the time period for the dead stock to be retuned ?

    Analysis :-

    The table indicates thus the retailer are given guarantee to the

    product. 59.94% of the respondents are given 3 months guarantee for

    their products, 23.31% of the respondents are given 6 months guarantee

    for their products, 16.65% of the respondents are given 1 year guarantee

    for their products.

    Inference:-Retailers are given guarantee for their products, the

    guarantee period is 3 months.

    - 65 -

    Month Respondents Percentage3 Months 18 59.946 Months 07 23.31

    1 year 05 16.652 years 00 00Total 30 100

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11


  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11



    5) Opinion about Retailers regarding quality of Bata India


    Analysis :-

    The table indicates that the quality of Bata India

    Limited.39.96% of the respondents have said satisfactory, 19.98%

    respondents have said excellent, 26.64% respondents have said that it is

    to be improved and, 13.32% of respondents have said it poor.

    - 67 -

    Opinion No of Respondents PercentageExcellent 06 19.98

    Satisfactory 12 39.96To be improved 08 26.64

    Poor 04 13.32Total 30 100

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11



    Majority of the respondents opinion that the quality of

    Bata is satisfactory.




    O F

    N T S


    - 68 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11



    6) What product do you think compete with Bata?

    Analysis :-

    The above table shows that 13.32% of the respondents think

    that Action is a competitor for Bata India Limited, 39.96% of the

    - 69 -

    Particulars Respondents PercentageAction 04 13.32Lakhani 12 39.96Woodlands 03 09.99Liberty 10 33.33None 01 03.33Total 30 100

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11


    respondents think that Lakhani is a competitor for Bata India Limited,

    09.99% of the respondents think that Woodlands is a competitor for

    Bata India Limited and, 33.33% of the respondents think that Liberty is

    a competitor for Bata India Limited.


    The main competitor for Bata footwear is liberty and



    - 70 -

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    E N T A G E O F

    S P O N D E N T S



    7) How often a Bata executive is visiting your shop?

    - 71 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11


    Analysis :-

    The above table shows that 06.66% of the respondents says

    executive visit to shop once in 2 week, 13.32% says they visit once in 6

    and 4 weeks, 66.60% says that they visit once in 8 weeks.


    Company executive are visiting retailers shop once a 8weeks.

    - 72 -

    Executive Visit No of



    2 weeks 02 06.664 weeks 04 13.326 weeks 04 13.328 weeks 20 66.60

    Total 30 100

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11




    C E N T A E O


    S P

    O N D E N T


    - 73 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11



    8) Your opinion towards service of Bata India Limited?

    Service of Bata Respondents PercentageExcellent 09 29.97

    Good 11 36.63Satisfactory 10 33.30

    Total 30 100

    Analysis :-

    The above table shows that 29.97% of the respondents says

    that the service of Bata India Limited is excellent, 36.63% of the

    respondents says that service is good, 33.30% of the respondents says

    that service is satisfactory.


    Majority of the retailers opinion that service of Bata IndiaLimited is good.

    - 74 -

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    A G E O F

    E N T S


    - 75 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11



    9) How do you feel about comfortably about the Bata footwear ?

    Analysis :-

    The above table shows that 06.66% of the respondents says

    that the comfortably of Bata is excellent, 59.94% of the respondents

    says that it is good and remaining 33.33% of the respondents says that

    it is satisfactory.


    - 76 -

    Particulars No of



    Excellent 02 06.66Good 18 59.94

    Satisfactory 10 33.30

    Total 30 100

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11


    Majority of the retailer opinion that comfortably of Bata

    footwear is good.




    - 77 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11



    10) How do you feel about the price of Bata footwear?

    Analysis :-

    - 78 -

    Price of Bata Respondents PercentageHigh 17 56.61Medium 10 33.30Low 00 00Satisfactory 03 09.99Total 30 100

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11


    The above table shows that 13.32% of the respondents says the

    price of Bata footwear is high, 33.30% of the respondents says the price

    is medium 09.99% of the respondents say ha price is satisfactory.


    The majority of retailers opinion regarding price of Bata

    footwear it high.


    - 79 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11




    P E R C E N T

    A G E O F

    R E S P O N D E N T S



    1) Brand loyalty of Batas quality and awareness of Boot, sandals, shoes,

    ladies wear and kids wear.

    - 80 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11


    ) Majority of customers are satisfied with Batas quality.

    3) Majority of customer know about Bata footwear from

    newspaper, and television.

    4) 46% of the respondents are of the opinion that the price of Batais medium and 32% of he respondents feels that the price of Bata shoe is


    5) Guarantee period given by Bata footwear is 3 months to their


    6) The main attribute to the customers look into while purchasing

    Bata footwear is quality.

    7) Retailers opinion is that liberty (49.95%) is main competitor of

    Bata Company.

    8) All most all retailers have a satisfactory relation with the


    9) Bata executive visit to retailer shop once in 8 weeks.

    10)Most of the retailers opinion that quality is satisfactory.

    11)Nearly 36.63% of the retailers are satisfied with after sales service given

    by company.

    12)According to (60%) Retailers opinion that price of Bata footwear is

    comparatively higher than their competitors i.e., Lakhani, Action, Liberty



    - 81 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11


    It is found that Bata is one of the leading footwear in the

    market. Most of the customers prefers because of its name, quality, price,

    style and durability. Bata footwear is comfortable to all class people i.e.,

    lower, middle, high class. Bata should extend its operation in developingcommercial area and try to cover every consumer exhibition, Trade fair.

    During festival they must offer various schemes like discount sale, coupons,

    packages and may sponsor evens to create goodwill and awareness.

    The major medium through which awareness is created amongst

    the respondents are T.V. and newspaper. The most important, informal

    media is word of mouth, which is relatively low, when compared to other

    two mediums.

    Bata company may pay more attention on societal marketing

    i.e., to do some developmental program for society to installs scholarship for

    childrens etc

    Most of respondents feel that quality of Bata footwear is better

    than the other brand, moreover they feel that Batas range is formal footwear

    is better than that of other brand. The display at Bata show room is goods.

    The working hours of these showrooms are also convenience which enable

    the respondents to visit Bata showrooms.


    - 82 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11


    1) Bata India must think of advertising in local channels and

    newspaper. This would create more awareness and impact on potential

    2) Bata should improve quality continuously to meet customer expectations.

    3) Use more channels to reach customers.

    4) It recommended that the prices and their product may be made more

    competitive to reach all the classes/category of consumers and they can

    afford it.

    5) It may think of increasing the guarantee/warrantee period, the

    recommended period is one year. This would install confidence in the


    ) Company has to open more retail showrooms in developing areas.

    7) Company has to give more discount offer, special offer, coupons,

    gift etc., which customer prefer. It would attract customers.

    8) Company has to depute company personnel to visit showroom more

    after to know the demand and to understand their problems of potential


    9) Company has to make regular market survey to know the customer

    demand and their expectation about their product.

    10) Company has to increase marginal price for retailers, which

    would increase sales volume.

    11) Bata Company should pay more attention in societal marketingi.e., to do some development programmer for society like installing

    scholarship for children.

    - 83 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11


  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11


    7) What is level of satisfaction of Bata footwear ?

    a) Excellent b) Good c) Satisfactory d) Poor

    8) What attribute you look for while purchasing Bata footwear ?

    a) Color b) Durability c) Price d) Quality e) Design

    9) Since how many you are using Bata footwear ?

    a) 1 year b) 2 years c) 3 years d) 5 years e) 10 years

    10 ) Why do you like Bata footwear ?

    a) Quality b) Price c) Design d) Durability

    - 85 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11


    Appendix 2: Questionnaire Retailer

    1) From how many years you are aware about the company product?a) 1 5 b) 6 10 c) 11 15 d) 16 20

    2) What is your sale per month?

    a) Rs 50000 b) 1 lakh c) 2 lakhs d) 3 lakhs

    3) what is your mode of purchase form the wholesalers?

    a) Credit b) Cash c) Cheque d) All types

    4) whats the time period for the dead stock to be returned?

    a) 3 months b) 6 months c) 1 year d) 2 years

    5) Opinion about Retailers regarding quality of Bata India Limited?

    a) Excellent b) Satisfactory c) To be improved d) Poor

    6) What product do you think compete with Bata?

    a) Action b) Lakhani c) Woodland d) Liberty e) None

    - 86 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11


    7) How often a Bata executive is visiting your shop?

    a) 2 weeks b) 4 weeks c) 6 weeks d) 8 weeks

    8) Your opinion towards service of Bata India Limited?

    a) Excellent b) Good c) Satisfactory

    9) How do you feel about comfortably about the Bata footwear ?

    a) Excellent b) Good c) Satisfactory

    10) How do you feel about the price of Bata footwear?

    a) High b) Medium c) Low d) Satisfactory

    - 87 -

  • 8/8/2019 manish bata 11



    1) Principles of Marketing

    - By Philip Kotler and Amstrong Prentice Hall

    of India, Pvt., Ltd., New Delhi(1997)

    2) Marketing Management

    - By S.A. Sharlekar

    Himalaya Publishing House,


    3) Marketing Management

    By C N Sontakki