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Page 1: Marketing is What We Do

Marketing is What We Do

Ruth BurrLead SEOSEOmoz


Page 2: Marketing is What We Do

Quick Audience Poll


Page 3: Marketing is What We Do

Don’t Make Me Yell “Show Me the Money”


Page 4: Marketing is What We Do

What Does Grandma Think You Do?

Image Source@ruthburr

Page 5: Marketing is What We Do

It’s Called “Marketing.”


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It’s Called Marketing

“Marketing is the process of communicating the value of a product or service to customers. Marketing might sometimes be interpreted as the art of selling products, but selling is only a small fraction of marketing. As the term "Marketing" may replace "Advertising" it is the overall strategy and function of promoting a product or service to the customer.” -


Page 7: Marketing is What We Do

Remember This?


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How About This?


From 2005!

Poor choice in naming, Mr. and Mrs. Doll.

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Everybody Loves Panda!


I mean look at this guy.

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How Google Makes Money


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Why Building Links is Important

@ruthburr Image Source

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Why Building Content is Important

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Why Not Being Spammy is Important

@ruthburr Image Source

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Why Google Loves Brands


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Inbound Marketing Metrics

• Engagement• Share of Voice• Revenue/Sales/Leads• LTV• Multi-touch attribution• Repeat traffic and customers


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What’s Your Secret?

Eat less. Exercise more.


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SEO Tactics That Never Stop Working


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Talk About Your Stuff In the Language People Use to Search

Image Source@ruthburr

“chocolate cupcake” “mini cocoa cake”


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Make Sure Robots Can Crawl & Parse Your Site

@ruthburr Image Source

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Fix Your Broken Stuff

Image Source@ruthburr

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Create Good Stuff People Want & Encourage Sharing



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Build Relationships that Build Links that Drive Traffic

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Make Sure Users Get What They Want/Expect

@ruthburrImage Source

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Thank You!

Ruth BurrLead SEOSEOmoz

