
Marshall McLuhan The Global Village and

Video Art

Getting some perspective.

The peoples Princess in the Global Village.

Sony Portapak

Video pioneers didn't use covered wagons; they built media vans for their cross-country journeys colonizing the vast wasteland of American television. It was the late sixties, and Sony's introduction of the half-inch video Portapak in the United States was like a media version of the Land Grant Act, inspiring a heterogeneous mass of American hippies, avant-garde artists, student-intellectuals, lost souls, budding feminists, militant blacks, flower children, and jaded journalists to take to the streets, if not the road, Portapak in hand, to stake out the new territory of alternative television.

Dan Graham

Dan Sandin +Phil Morton

and their…

Amazing Image Processor

”a patch programmable general purpose analog computer, op timized for the real time processing of video images."

The Global Village and Guerilla Television

Hey Ma, I’m gonna be on TVTV!

Ant Farm The Eternal Frame

9-11 Survivor Waco Resurrection re-examines the clash of

worldviews inherent in the 1993 conflict by asking players to assume the role of a resurrected "cult" leader. It addresses the multi-layered dynamics of a 51-day media-event that served to mobilize the militia movement and radicalize Timothy McVeigh. The game combines elements of subjective documentary with new interactive technologies to create a visceral gaming experience in which to reconsider the phenomenal possibilities inherent in ideological conflict.