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  • MBR CourseMembrane Fouling & Cleaning

    October 16 & 17, 2012

    Hamid Rabie

  • Effect of Fouling on Permeability

    initial permeability

    Irreversible fouling

    Restored permeability

    Reversible fouling

    Permeability after time t






    Irreversible fouling is a relative terminology

  • Fouling Loss of productivity due to various factors (physical/chemical):

    membrane compaction


    membrane deposits and solid build up

    pore plugging and precipitation

    gel compaction

    concentration polarization (less important for MBR)

    Fouling prevention is major design/operational issues

    Fouling can be controlled by Membrane Modification (pore size, porosity, structure, nature)

    Pre-treatment (screening, pre-oxidation, )

    Process Considerations (flux, recovery, sludge age, )

    Maintenance Cleaning (back pulse, regular chemical cleaning, relaxation, ...)

    Hydraulic Improvements (tank design, air distribution, ...)

  • Structure of an Asymmetric Membrane

    Fouling can occur on surface or inside membrane structure.

    Membrane compaction

    changes membrane structure

    and reduces porosity resulting

    in higher resistance to flow.

  • 15




    0 5 10 15 20Time (day)


    er p







    With 15min initial permeation

    Adsorption Capacity

    Fibres were soaked in bioreactor and clean water permeability was measured at different times

    Rate of Decline in Permeability

    Without initial permeation

    0.05 gfd/psi/day

    With 15min initial permeation

    0.24 gfd/psi/day

    Adsorbed material may be removed by extensive water rinsing or chemical cleaning.

  • Cake Formation and Concentration Polarization

    High molecular weight solutes








    Gel layer or cake

    Bulk flow

    Note: C s > Cb

    1. Decrease in back diffusiondue to established sub-layer(concentration polarization)

    2. New condition at membranemay exceed the limit (e.g., 0.02% for silica)

    3. Increase in C P (due to Cs > Cb )

    4. Cake layer resistance

    At Steady State:Rate of solutes coming towards

    membrane due to filtration =

    Rate of migration of solutes away from membrane due to diffusion,

    shear and back pulse

  • All components in feed can foul the membrane

    In many systems, the main foulant exists in trace amount

    Common Foulants:

    Scaling: CaCO3, CaSO4, BaSO4

    Metal Oxides: iron, aluminum

    Inorganic Colloids: silt


    Organics: oil, NOM

    Biofilms: bacteria and EPS (protein, nucleic acid, lipopolysaccharides,

    DNA, )

    Foulant is a mixture of chemicals usually in a complex


    What Fouls the Membrane?

  • Membrane Biofouling

    Accumulation and attachment of microorganisms (e.g.., bacteria, fungi, microalgae)

    Complete growth of biofilm: bacteria is hidden in EPS matrix. Note fibrous structure.

    Biofilm is in multilayer of living and dead cells a nd associated EPS.

    Biofouling is more severe on MF and UF since nutrie nts can pass through.

    Biofouling may result in degradation of membrane an d joint glue.

  • Cleaning Fundamentals

  • 1. Competitive adsorption

    2. Solubilization Changing solubility (e.g., increasing T)



    3. Chemical Modification

    Hydrolysis of fats and oils (e.g., at high pH)

    Oxidation (e.g., organics)

    Degradation of proteins

    Chelating (e.g., divalent cations)

    Reaction of metal oxides and acids

    Cleaning Mechanism

  • 1. Acids: HCl, HNO3, H3PO4, C3H4(OH)(COOH)3

    2. Alkalis: NaOH

    3. Surfactants:anionic (sulfonates, sulfates, phosphates), cationic (quaternary ammonium

    salts), nonionic (PEO: -O-CH2), competitive adsorption, emulsifying, micelle

    4. Chelators: ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA)

    5. Oxidizers: NaOCl, ClO2, HOBr, H2O2, ozone, UV

    6. Enzymes:degrade proteins, starch, fat, oil, cellulose, cleave peptide linkage in proteins

    in specific sites, it is very selective and bacteria can adopt, very slow reaction

    Common Cleaners

  • CaCO3 + 2HCl CaCl2 + H2O + CO2

    Fe2O3 + 6HCl 2FeCl3 + 3H2O

    Acid Cleaning

    HCl cheap, high rate of reaction and yield, corrosive

    H2SO4 cheap, moderate rate of reaction and yield, corrosi ve

    HNO3 also oxidant for organics and biological, moderaterate of reaction and yield, too corrosive

    H3PO4 chelating, pH buffering, less corrosive, uses too m uchfor pH < 2.3, Ca phosphates has limited solubility, tooexpensive, not recommended for P removal processes

    Citric acid good chelating with Ca, its complex with ferrous io nhas low solubility, low kinetic, high yield

  • 1. Dissolves: silicasome inorganic colloids (dispersion)many biological and organic foulant

    2. Sanitizer

    3. Neutralizes fatty acids and humic acids (R-COOH)

    4. Hydrolysis fats and oils

    C3H5-(OOCR)3 + 3NaOH C3H5(OH)3 + 3NaOOCRester soap

    NaOOCR has emulsification properties

    NaOOCR is insoluble at low pH, also precipitate with Ca, Mg, add in

    presence of chelating agent (EDTA) to remove Ca, Mg

    5. Hard to maintain pH, measure pH during cleaning

    Alkalis Cleaning (NaOH)

  • 1. Extremely effective specially for pore fouling

    2. Disinfection property (biofouling control)

    damage to cell wall

    alteration of cell permeability

    inhibition of enzyme activity

    3. Alkali cleaning property (increases pH)

    NaOCl + H2O HOCl + NaOHactive component

    widely used and inexpensive

    more effective at low pH and also more corrosive

    harmful by-products (e.g., THM)

    NaOCl (Oxidizer/Disinfectant)

  • Depends greatly on types of foulant and membrane and the

    way membrane has been fouled (see examples)

    Cleaning Sequence/Condition

    1. Biofilm (dominant) + Inorganic

    Alkalis/Oxidizer/Acid (initial acid cleaning increases adhesion of humic material, initial caustic cleaning can remove significant org anic so oxidizer cleaning becomes more efficient.)

    2. Inorganic (dominant) + Organic + Biofilm

    Mixture of Acids and Chelators/Oxidizer or Alkalis

    Conditions:Type of Cleaner, Temperature, Concentration, Contac t TimeCertain relations exists, for example: bacteria kil l is related directly to dosage

    The best sequence and condition can be obtained aft eridentifying foulant and preliminary tests.

  • Operational Considerations of Cleaning

  • Mechanical Cleaning

    1. Scrubbing: solid removal

    2. Back Pulse: reverse TMP and drive permeate backward

    3. Relaxation: eliminate TMP, allow gel layer to dissipate

    Chemical Cleaning

    1. In-Situ/Empty Tank: back wash regularly with chemicals in CIP from top only,in pulses at moderate flow for uniform distribution

    2. In-Situ/Full Tank: the same as empty tank except back wash from both ends

    3. Soak: soak in chemical solution for extended period

    Cleaning Methods

  • Backwash

    Clean-In-Place Tank(Filtrate from membrane)

    Process Tank Water

    Backwash Cleaning(Reverse Flow with Filtrate)

    Use clean filtrate to backwash membranes. A reverse flow from the CIPtank is fed to the inside of the membrane fibers cleaning from the inside out

    Cleaning chemicals are optional and not always necessary.


  • Maintenance cleaning

    Used for maintaining permeability (conditioning rate of decline)frequent, short contact time such as: back pulse, relaxation, in-situ/full tank

    Recovery cleaning

    Used for restoring permeability close to one of new membrane, not frequent, long contact time, such as: soak.

    Cleaning Methods (Another Classification)

  • Flux Distribution in Fibres during Back Wash






    0 0.5 1 1.5Fiber Length from top (m)






    30 gfd

    15 gfd

    Empty Tank Back Wash(only from top)






    0 0.5 1 1.5Fiber Length from top (m)






    30 gfd

    15 gfd

    Full Tank Back Wash(from both sides)

    Calculation is done based on a true permeability of 10 gfd/psi

    Why using pulsed back wash athigher flow rates ?

    1. uniform distribution

    2. low chemical consumption

    Calculation is done based on a true permeability of 10 gfd/psi

    Long pipe lines reduces back wash performance

  • 1. Membrane Limitations




    2. Process Limitations

    Bioreactor (e.g., nitrifiers sensitive to chlorine and pH)

    Drinking Water (e.g., THM, residual chlorine)

    Any Cleaning Should not Exceed:

  • Steps Towards Identifying Problem(s)

  • 1. Solid build up

    2. Aerator Status

    3. Fibre appearance (black, brown, damaged, )

    4. Fluctuations in designed operating conditions (flux, pH, )

    Operating at, for example, high solid or flux can foul membranes in short time but it takes long before membranes recover.

    5. Record any changes in operation, cleaning results, and any

    suspected chemicals.

    Check List

  • Fully characterise the feed

    Cleaning of fouled fibres and analysis of extracts

    Extraction of foulant and analysis (GS/MS, Pyrolysis, ...)

    Autopsy of fouled membrane

    ESEM (environmental scanning electron microscopy) for morphology

    TEM (transmission electron microscopy) for biological fouling

    EDX (energy dispersive x-ray) for elemental analysis

    MWCO (molecular weight cut-off)

    Pore size

    Identifying Nature of Foulants

  • Membrane fouling can be controlled

    Essential to diagnose what is the cause

    Crucial to understand fluid dynamics and mass transfer

    Crucial to understand chemical interactions with membrane

    Develop rational pretreatment and cleaning protocols


  • Membrane Biofouling (STEM micro -graph)

    1 micron

    Note significant biofouling on the surface of membr ane

  • STEM micro -graph after Maintenance Cleaning

    Note that the fouling has been controlled

    1 micron

  • Fouled Membrane in Tap Water

    Fouling is mainly due to fibrous organic matter; moderate microbial and

    inorganic fouling.

    STEM micro-graph of foulant

    0.5 micron

    Note the disperse/loose structure of foulant

    Burlington tap water

    Dead-end filtration

  • MBR Pilot with Ferric Addition

    0.5 micron

    ESEM Micro-graph

    of fouled membrane

  • (Foulant Analysis)

    EDX examination of foulant on membranes used in an MBR pilot

    Foulant is mainly inorganic:iron and calcium precipitate

    (almost 10 to 1 ratio)

    Iron precipitates in different forms which have different optimum pH

    values for precipitation

  • (Foulant Structure)

    ProblemsStructure of inorganic fouling. Membrane pores were plugged with precipitates. Further analysis also showed bacteria growth typical of sewage treatment plants.

    Conventional cleanings (chlorine or acid) did not recover permeability.


    A mixture of chelating agents and acid for cleaning

    Regular maintenance cleaning with formulated chemical according to the Manual

    Control of inorganic fouling: pH adjustment, flash mixer, low dosage

    ESEM analysis of foulant at an MBR pilot
