Page 1: Media evaluation- School Magazine


Page 2: Media evaluation- School Magazine

MASTHEADHere is my title of the page , I wanted to make it very clear and easy to read and I didn’t want the colours to be bright so it is nice to look at.

PUFF I used a puff here to allow people to see what's inside the magazine and what they get with it. I also put it here so it attracts more people to buy the magazine for the CD.

PLUGI used a plug so that I could interest the reader before they actually open the magazine to read it. The problem with these plugs are that they go over the feature article photograph , Which can make it harder to read for a poor sighted person.

STYLEI kept to a very plain style on this design with mostly the colour green all over the page. I feel that some of the colours do clash with each other and to change this I could fill empty spaces and use a colour scheme. I also haven't used columns on the page making it look Busy and crowded so if I add in columns it will make it more organized and structured.

FEATURE ARTICLE PHOTOGRAPHMy photo on my front cover hasn’t been distorted there for it isn’t pixelated. I feel what lets the image down is the cutting out of the image as you can still see some of the old background surrounding the picture. To improve I could use different tools such as the magic wand tool , or lasso tool, that will allow me to cut smoothly without leaving white bits. As she is standing there smiling it shows that she is proud and happy to be in the school.

Page 3: Media evaluation- School Magazine

HEADLINEI used a large headline for my contents page so that it stands out and is as important as the front pages title as it needs to grab the readers attention. I made the front size bigger than everything else on the page so that it stands out and grabs the readers eye. The typography of this title is a very plain design and doesn’t portray much about the magazine. The way I could improve this is by having the same font throughout the magazine so that it matches.

EMPTY SPACEOn my page I have a very plain background with an effect on it so it gives it some properties. There is lots of blank space on here where text isn’t or images aren't to fix this I could place more images or have more text surrounding the page in columns.

CONTENTS TEXTThis is where the contents of my magazine are , I have coloured and made the text averagely large to Bolden the typography as the background is light purple and the text is dark. The information is very brief and does not take up much space so that it is easy to read and quickly find the page. Too improve on this page I could have used the house style and made it more eye-catching as this is the first page they turn to and this may put them off the magazine. I may also add more colours to the text and make it bold.

MISE-EN-SCENEIn my images I have shown mise-en-scene, In the bottom left picture it portrays that the head teacher of the school is willing to help and supports the school by his facial expressions, he seems determined. Having the eye contact with the head teacher allows people to have a more exciting and mysterious tone about him as they feel like he is looking at them.

Page 4: Media evaluation- School Magazine

PAINT BUCKET TOOLI used the paint bucket tool to quickly fill in the background to the design in dark green . This is helpful as it saves you colouring it all In with the paint brush and saves lots of time.

MAGNETA LASSO TOOLOn the image of the girl I used this tool because it allowed me to slowly cut round the girl automatically grasping to the changes so it almost cuts it out for you. This is beneficial because it saves you doing it with the normal lasso tool which can take lots of time.

ERASER TOOLI used the eraser tool to slowly go round the image to curve the edges and make them not as sharp and tried to remove most of the background that was left. This helped as it made the magazine look a lot better and professional.

CANNON 100DThe camera I used was called a Cannon 100D it took very high quality pictures. It helped because it stopped the image getting pixelated as it took them in a much higher resolution. The shot this was taken from was a mid shot.

SHAPE TOOLI used the shape tool to make the banner at the top of the page and the circle to house the FREE School cd text.

IMAGEI used a logo from the internet and pasted it onto my front cover. This made it look professional and saved me from making on from scratch

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ProsWhat I like about the magazine: I like the puffs, as professional magazines use

them. Good layout of front page just not right colours or

house style like a real magazine. I like the images on the contents page as other

magazine use images there also. I like the plugs also I like the image of the student as it shows that she

is happy

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What I Don’t like about the magazine: I do not like the colours as if it was a real magazine it wouldn’t

compare to the real ones The way the image is cut, on a real one it would have no

background and be almost perfect. Don’t like the text on contents page No house style on the magazine where as a professional one

would have a house style. Not same throughout etc. Front a real one would have the same

throughout. Make the image the main feature instead of behind text