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Page 1: Media pictures annotated

This longshot image has both pros and cons. The characters position and posture reveals the identity of the character we are able to see and analyse the misenscene of the character well. The character is wearing dark colours black and grey which connote dullness and darkness this conforms back to the genre horror , the mask relates back to killers not wanting to be seen or identified also the chain reveals to the audience that the character is dangerous and that he is probably out to hurt others.The image however is very blank and plain in terms of the background the lightening is not very effective and in the picture you can see that a background drop has been used and there are also extra external objects in the background, although these backgrounds can also be cropped on Photoshop. The image doesn’t seem to show the characters eyes like all the other images that were taken so this is a disadvantage because it shows that maybe the picture wasn’t taken very well.

Page 2: Media pictures annotated

I have chosen to use this image as my poster draft because of the effect and strong link it has with the genre of my film which is slasher/ horror however I am contemplating on weather I should only use it as a draft or use it for my poster . The red paint splash in the background is very effective because it represents the identity of the character who is dangerous and also the genre of the film which is horror . The image it allows the audience to make assumptions about what kind of character will be seen in the film ,this image is a one shot it makes the character gain attention from the audience the character is also giving direct eye contact with the camera which allows the audience to feel drawn in with the film and also it shows the facial expression behind the mask which is serious .

Page 3: Media pictures annotated

The close up of this character reveals his identity from the misenscene we are able to see pain anger and danger. The black mask connotes high status and boldness because the character is wearing a mask it may create a sense of tension towards the audience - why is he wearing a mask ? Could he be hiding from something ? What is wrong with his face ?. I would say that the lightning in the picture is slightly too bright to be used for a horror film poster and the image doesn’t have such a big effect on the genre only the mask gives out the genre of the film.

Page 4: Media pictures annotated

This image is very powerful and different it conforms to the genre of horror films the misenescene in this picture has been captured very well : the chain unfolds how dangerous the character maybe also the characters posture and facial impression looks very serious you can tell from the eyes. The gate used expresses the idea that dangerous people should be kept away from society. The colour black connotes boldness and darkness which relates back to the character who has a dark past . However I don’t like this image because it would be very hard to edit on Photoshop personally and I wouldn’t know how to make the image more bolder in order to have a proper link with the genre .
