Download pdf - Method Statement 01

  • 8/19/2019 Method Statement 01



     This method statement will apply to the installation of bridges and drop structures

    as per drawings supplied by tender document.

    1. SITE ESTA!IS"#E$T

    Site Establishment will be e%ecuted as per this appro&ed method statement.

    '. #ATE(IA! )E!I*E(+

    All material will be deli&ered to the proposed site without delay. All material will be

    inspected and appro&ed by client before installation as per ,uality control.


     The preparation re&iew and appro&al of this procedure are the

    responsibility of0

    Preparation 0 Site #anager

    (e&iew 0 Contracts #anager

    Appro&al 0 Pro2ect #anager

    Site Agent and 3oreman are responsible for ensuring this acti&ity is carried out in

    accordance with this #ethod Statement.

    4A54C o6cers are also responsible for ensuring that this acti&ity is carried out in

    accordance with this #ethod Statement and that necessary inspection will be done.

    7. ST(IPPI$8 A$) STOC9PI!E A(EA

     Stripping shall be done for the following reasons0

    :here construction &ehicles will be mo&ing

    :here temporary facilities will be placed such as toilets

    :here the bridge will be installed

     The contractor shall strip the topsoil which includes the top 1-;mm of soil and root material of

    cleared &egetation for subse,uent use during rehabilitation. Topsoil shall be

    stripped from all areas of the wor=ing area

    where topsoil will be impacted by construction acti&ities including areas fortemporary facilities as directed by the Engineer. Stoc=pile area shall be identi?ed

    as per the tender. Topsoil and subsoil stoc=piles shall not e%ceed 'm in height and

    shall be so placed as to occupy the minimum width compatible with the natural

    angle of repose of the material and shall be ta=en to pre&ent the material from

    spreading o&er too wide a surface.

    @. P!A$T TOO!S (E4/I(E) 3O( T"E ACTI*IT+

  • 8/19/2019 Method Statement 01



    Tipper truc=

    omag (oller B;




    :ater Tan=


    :ater pumps

    )ri&e unit po=ers


    Concrete spinner truc=

    #obile crane

    anana uc=et

    Po=er &ibrator


    E%tension leads


    S=ill saw

    "ilti )rill

    rea=er electrical






    Electric welder


    )umpy !e&el


  • 8/19/2019 Method Statement 01



    Spirit !e&el and builders line


    Safety "arnesses

    :heel arrow


    F.1 Preparation for E%ca&ations

    efore any e%ca&ations starts the contractor shall apply for permission from the

    consultant. Permission will be obtained by way of a permit to e%ca&ate. It must be

    determined if any un=nown ser&ices are present inside the perimeter of the

    proposed e%ca&ation area. To do this the ser&ices of e%pert detection e,uipment or

    personnel will be utiliHed and will be included in the e%ca&ation permit.

    F.'. !ayout of the area of construction

    Once the permit for e%ca&ation has been obtained the layout of the bridge will be

    determined by the sur&eyor by incorporating the information pro&ided on the

    drawings in accordance with the speci?c wor= needed. Pro?le sta=es will be used in

    order to control the depth of the e%ca&ation by use of bonding rods. The actual

    layout of the e%ca&ation area will be mar=ed out by using either lime5cement5small

    roc=s as reference mar=ers for the operator.

    F. E%ca&ation

    All e%ca&ations shall be done by the following methods0

    o "and e%ca&ation

    o T! with small buc=et

    o 9B )igger

    o Trencher

    All e%ca&ations shall be carried out under super&ision and the e%ca&ator operator

    shall be trained assessed and deemed competent to operate the e%ca&ator by the


    E%ca&ated trenches shall be dug to a - degree angle.

    The area of wor= will be cleared of topsoil for the width of the e%ca&ations needed

    to a minimum depth of 1-;mm or depth otherwise speci?ed by the Engineer. After

    the topsoil material has been remo&ed it will be stoc=piled separately and reused

    after bac=?ll.

    A T! Tipper 8rader and a Compaction (oller will be utilised to reinstate the

    topsoil as per speci?cations recei&ed from the drawings. Topsoil material will not be

    used as bac=?ll.

  • 8/19/2019 Method Statement 01


    E%ca&ated material will be placed alongside the e%ca&ated base at least 1.-m

    from the e%ca&ated area. There will be strictly adhered to the dimensions or

    speci?cations for the width of the e%ca&ation to pre&ent o&er e%ca&ation.

    The depth of the e%ca&ation will periodically chec=ed by a bonding rod and

    pro?les to control the depth.

    :here hard material is encountered and which cannot be remo&ed by and

    e%ca&ator an air brea=er52ac= hammers will be used to clear the hard material.

    :here possible e%ca&ation will commence at the lowest point proceeding to the

    highest point. The Contractor shall pre&ent the ingress of water

    as far as possible by utiliHing pumping

    e,uipment supplied to dewater the e%ca&ated area.

    All e%ca&ations are to be shored unless the e%ca&ation is sloped. Steep shoring will

    be accomplished using timber shutter boards bac=ed by bracing plan=s. :ritten

    permission from the Contract Engineer will be obtained before sloping.

    The e%ca&ator shall be used according to its design and functionality.

    E%ca&ation re,uired is for reinforcement and post foundation as per drawings.

    The site plan from the client shall be used to a&oid digging and damaging

    underground ser&ices thereby endangering the safety and health of any personnel.

     Testing to be done by Contractor prior to commencement of wor=ed to locate any

    underground ser&ices in planned wor= area.

    The depth of the ser&ice must be =nown or determined to pre&ent damages on


    If any ser&ice is damaged Es=om will be noti?ed immediately.

    A preJignition start inspection shall be conducted prior to assume e%ca&ation.

    If Kooding occurs e%ca&ations shall be inspected by the ContractorLs Engineer and

    a written report shall be submitted declaring the e%ca&ations safe to wor= in.

    F. edding

    F..1 !e&elling

    !oose material will be remo&ed from the e%ca&ated area. onding rods and pro?les

    will be used to le&el the wor=. Once the area is le&el the bottom will be compacted

    to B;M modi?ed AAS"TO ma%imum density or as stipulated on the drawings.oulders that e%ist within the area of e%ca&ation will be remo&ed and replaced with

    suitable material and compacted. Only after 4uality Control has signed oD will

    bedding be laid. Once le&el is correct the bedding material will be compacted to

    B;M modi?ed AAS"TO ma%imum density in layers of 1-;mm J ';;mm or as

    stipulated on the drawing.

    F..' #ain ?ll

  • 8/19/2019 Method Statement 01


    Selected ?ll material will be used to bac=?ll the e%ca&ated area in appro&ed layers

    until ground le&el. "ea&ier compaction e,uipment will be used to compact the area.

    )ensity tests will be carried out on each layer to ensure adherence to speci?cations.

    :ater will also be utilised where necessary to achie&e the optimum moisture le&el

    re,uired for optimal density.

    F.. Stoc=piling of Surplus #aterial

    Once all bac=?ll operations ha&e been completed all of the e%cess e%ca&ated

    material will be loaded with appropriate plant and ta=en to an appro&ed soil

    stoc=pile site.

    B. CO$C(ETE :O(9S0

    Placing of concreteN incorporating steel ?%ing formwor= erections placing5?nishing

    of concreteN repairing of concrete.

    B.' (esources0

     The following is a list of proposed plant and machinery that will be utiliHed duringthe operation for the concrete wor=s0

    Concrete spinner truc=

    #obile crane

    anana uc=et

    Poc=et &ibrator

    B. 3i%ing of (einforcing Steel

    B..1 Cutting of Steel (einforcement

    Steels will be cut using a portable grinder or pliers used by somebody with

    e%perience and who has been inducted.

    All waste generated from grinding of reinforcement shall be disposed of at

    demarcated areas as will be indicated by client.

    All cutting e,uipment complied with O"S act in terms of safe guarding.

    Safety goggles shall be used at all times to protect employeesL eyes from spar=s

    or haHardous material entering eyes.

    B..' )eli&ery and ooading of steel

    All reinforcing steel will be deli&ered to the site o6ces and then deli&ered to site

    with a !)*. Ooading will ta=e place under super&ision and the re,uired plant will

    be used to ensure safe and eDecti&e ooading. The steel will be tagged for easy

    identi?cation. Steel will be measured and &eri?ed during ooading to comply with

    the ,uality standards of the Contractor and the Client. The steel certi?cate will also

    be &eri?ed and =ept on record at time of deli&ery.

    B.. Area of ooading

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     To ensure safe and eDecti&e ooading the deli&ery &ehicle will be situated as close

    as possible to the ooading or storage area. Ooading will ta=e place in such a

    manner to ensure that the mo&ement of plant and people in site is not obstructed.

    Correct rigging practice will be implemented and followed at all times. Care will be

    ta=en not to damage the steel or the deli&ery &ehicle while ooading.

    B.. 3i%ing of (einforcing Steel

    Steel reinforcement will be manually ?%ed as per drawing

    !abourers will use steel ?%ing pliers to ?% reinforcements to each other and to

    stools as per drawing

    B. Storage and transport on site of (einforcing Steel

    B..1 Area of storage

    Steel will be stored at the site o6ces and transported to site or area of ?%ing by a

    !)*. Steel will be stored in demarcated areas in labelled bundles and care will be

    ta=en to pre&ent the steel from coming into contact with soil or mud. :hentransported to site the steel will be stored as close as possible to the area of ?%ing

    as possible. All reinforcing steel will be cleaned and free of debris before utilising it.

    At the storage area the steel will be stac=ed no higher than times the smallest

    siHe of the base. Steel will be stac=ed in such a manner as to ensure ade,uate

    space between stac=s. :al=ways will be =ept clean and clear. Transport of steel to

    site will only ta=e place with a &ehicle that has gone through the inspections and

    was issued with a permit. All operators will ha&e completed medical inspections and

    underwent induction before transporting any material. The rele&ant permit for

    dri&ing will also be obtained. All operators will adhere to the ClientLs rule with regard

    to dri&ingN that is staying on designated roads and not dri&e into the &eld. All loads

    will be secured on the bac= of the &ehicle or trailers.

    B.- Placing and 3i%ing

    B.-.1 Placing and 3i%ing

    /sing the applicable drawings as reference the reinforcing steel will be placed and

    ?%ed into position according to speci?c siHe and shapes by means of tying the

    elements together with binding wire suitable clips or by welding where necessary.

    All reinforcing steel ?%ed in place will be cleaned of mud oil loose rust or any other

    substances prior to concrete being placed. ODcuts generated during ?%ing and

    installation of reinforcing steel will be collected and remo&ed for disposal prior to

    concrete being poured. :here spacer5co&er bloc=s are necessary they will be cut tothe re,uired siHe and shape and they will be oD the re,uired material. The bloc=s

    will be secured to ensure that the necessary clearance co&er and spacing are

    achie&ed. !aps 2oints and splices will be as indicated on the drawings or as directed

    by the Engineer. Protruding bars that will be e%posed to the elements for prolonged

    periods of time will be protected against corrosion with end caps in place.

    B.-.' Correcti&e Action

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    Any material utilised incorrectly will be remo&ed and replaced correctly. Any

    material that has been contaminated will be remo&ed and disposed of in the correct


    B.7 Erection of 3ormwor=

    B.7.1 )eli&ery and ooading

    All formwor= and false wor= will be deli&ered to site by the appro&ed

    supplier5contractor. Ooading will ta=e under super&ision and by utilising the

    necessary resources.

    B.7.' Area of ooading

     To ensure safe and eDecti&e ooading the deli&ery &ehicle will be situated as close

    as possible to the ooading or storage area. Ooading will ta=e place in such a

    manner to ensure that the mo&ement of plant and people in site is not obstructed.

    Correct rigging practise will be implemented and followed at all times. Care will be

    ta=en not to damage the steel or the deli&ery &ehicle while ooading.

    B.7. Outside Shuttering

    Start by setting out the outer layout of the bridge by chal=ing the outer

    measurements then proceed to construct shuttering according to layout.

    Shuttering will be put in place placed in line and stayed.

    Shutter oil will be applied to shutters before the steel ?%ers commences with


    Steel ?%ers will then start with the bottom layer of steel which will be placed on

    -;mm co&er bloc=s.

    Es=om will then inspect and after appro&al concrete will be placed by concrete


    Concrete will be placed with sho&els and concrete will be &ibrated with a dri&e unit

    with a -;mm po=er.

    Concrete will then be le&elled and Kouted.

    After concrete has set curing compound will be applied with a bloc= brush.

    3or full concrete speci?cations refer to clause B.@ of this document.

    B.7. Outside Shuttering Start by setting out the outer layout of the drop structure by chal=ing the outer

    measurements then proceed to construct shuttering according to layout.

    Shuttering will be put in place placed in line and stayed.

    Shutter oil will be applied with a bloc= brush.

    Steel ?%ers will then plait the steel horiHontally and &ertically.

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    Es=om will then inspect the wor=.

    Concrete will then be poured with a crane or straight discharge.

    Concrete will be &ibrated with dri&e unit and -; mm po=er.

    Concrete will be le&elled with sho&els and straight edge.

    Concrete will be Kouted after it has set.

    Curing compound will be applied with a bloc= brush.

    3or full concrete speci?cations refer to clause B.@ of this document.

    B.7.- Centre :all

    Shuttering wall will be put in place placed in line and stayed.

    Shutter oil will be applied with a bloc= brush.

    Steel ?%ers will then plait the steel horiHontally and &ertically.

    Es=om will then inspect the wor=.

    After inspection the second shutter wall will be put in place placed in line and


    The last inspection will then ta=e place .

    Concrete will then be placed with crane and &ibrated with dri&e unit and -; mm


    3or full concrete speci?cations refer to clause B.@ of this document.

    After concrete has set all shutters will be manually stripped.

    B.7.7 Top slab

    Staging for the top slab will commence as soon as all shutters ha&e been stripped.

    Shuttering wall will be put in place placed in line and stayed.

    Shutter oil will be applied with a bloc= brush.

    After staging the dec=ing panels will be installed for the top slab.

    The outline of the top slab will be done as per drawing

    Outside shutter will be constructed for top slab.

    Steel ?%ers will then plait the steel horiHontally and &ertically.

    Es=om will then inspect the wor=.

    After steel reinforcements ha&e been inspected the pouring of the concrete will

    ta=e place .

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    Concrete for top slab will stand for @ days to cure after which all shuttering and

    staging will be stripped. Erection of the formwor= will ta=e place in accordance with

    the speci?cations on the drawings using appropriate ,uantities of support wor= to

    ensure the safety of these in the wor=ings. Care will be ta=en to ensure that all

    elements and materials used in the formwor= are free of defects to ensure that the

    formwor= is stable and secure. The re,uired e,uipment such as clamps 2ac=s and?ttings will be in good wor=ing condition and of the correct design and strength. The

    face of the formwor= that comes in contact with the concrete will be of the re,uired

    speci?cation to achie&e the necessary concrete ?nish. The panels that are 2oined

    together will be secured tightly to pre&ent lea=age of concrete. Temporary openings

    in the formwor= will be left for inspection cleaning and placing of concrete.The

    ?nished formwor= will be inspected to chec= for alignment e&enness tightness of

    bolts clamps ties and bracing. 3or the bottom and top slabs the formwor= will be

    erected and ?nalised before reinforcing steel is installed. :here walls are erected

    the reinforcing steel will be ?%ed and chec=ed prior to the formwor= being erected.

    Openings and bo% outs will be pro&ided only as shown on the drawings. These will

    be rigid in construction and securely ?%ed in place to pre&ent mo&ing.

    B.7.@ (emo&al of formwor=

    Only when the concrete is strong enough to support its own weight or any loads

    applied to it will the formwor= be remo&ed. The minimum time formwor= is to

    remain in place during normal conditions will be0

     OPC (apid "ardening OPC

    :alls ;.@- ;.-

    Care will be ta=en to remo&e material carefully to pre&ent shoc= or damage to the

    concrete surface. Any damage to the concrete caused by formwor= remo&al will be

    regarded as a defect in terms of SA$S 1';; 8 clause -.-.1 and repaired in

    accordance with the appro&ed $C( and CA( repair procedure which is found within

    SA$S 1';; 8. All formwor= will be cleaned and chec=ed before reusing it.

    Should the ambient temperature be considered coldQ the period for remo&al will

    be increased as speci?ed in the SAS 1';; 8 J 1BF' clause -.'.-.'

    B.7.F Correcti&e Actions

    (eparations of blemishes and defects on the surface will be done by using mortar of 

    the same cement sand ratio as the concrete being repaired. !arge defects will be

    repaired by appro&ed methods only. If the integrity of the concrete is in doubt the

    whole structure will be rebuilt.

    B.@ Concrete Placement

    (eady mi% concrete will be bought at Crocodile

    [email protected] Casting of Concrete J (EA)+ #IG

    efore concrete is cast inspections will ta=e place by a competent person.

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    '-#pa ready mi% will be deli&ered on site with a PO) that will

    be used by the employees.

    The casting of the concrete will be done direct from the ready mi% truc= by the

    use of the shootN in case a wheelbarrow is needed it will be a&ailable on site. It will

    be inspected on a daily basis.

    3or bottom slab concrete will be left o&ernight to cure.

    A slump tests will be done and when cubes are being ta=en . Cube samples will be ta=en at least one per day or per -;m of


    Test cubes will be tested by an independent laboratory. at @ days and at 'F

    days. (esults will be forwarded to Es=om for &eri?cation.

    B.@.' Placing

     The necessary appro&al for concrete placing will be obtained prior to placing and

    the element that needs to be cast will be inspected beforehand. All unwanted debrisand material such as water and loose soil will be remo&ed from the element before

    concrete placing. ' "ours after mi%ing the concrete it will be placed in its ?nal


    A slump test will be conducted on the batch of cement when it arri&es on site. The

    measured slump will be within the following limits0

    3or reinforced walls and slabs J @;mm J '-mm

    3or reinforced Koors J between F;mm J '-mm

     The slump test will be carried out in accordance with SAS method F7' and shall be

    determined from the appro&ed a&erage slump of the appro&ed trial mi% as pertender speci?cations for structural concrete.

    In order to achie&e the re,uired slump no additional water will be added to the mi%.

    In order to ensure that the concrete can be placed in the corners of the formwor=

    and around the reinforcing without segregation the consistency of the concrete will

    be of such standard to achie&e this without segregation of the mi% or the bleeding

    of water.

     The concrete will be placed &ertically where possible to pre&ent segregation of the

    mi% or the displacement of the reinforcing. The concrete will not be allowed to free

    fall a height e%ceeding 1.-m unless appro&ed by the Engineer. The concrete will be

    brought in in layers of 

    -;mm thic=ness and will not be wor=ed by means of a &ibrator to Kow laterally so

    as to pre&ent segregation.

     The angle of the shoot will be controlled to pre&ent segregation.

    aes will be used to control the rate of discharge of the cement when using a

    shoot. If a pump is used it will be appro&ed by the Engineer.

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    A &ibrating po=er will be used to compact the concrete and the po=er will be

    inserted into the concrete to ensure &ibration ta=es place from the lower layer into

    upper layer. Attention will be gi&en to ensure o&er &ibration does not ta=e place.

    Concrete placing will ta=e place in accordance with compaction e,uipment


    3inishing will ta=e place by Koating a wood or steel Koat depending on the re,uiredsurface ?nish. Construction 2oints will only be permitted where indicated on the

    drawings. In the case of a plant brea=down an emergency construction 2oint will be

    ?nished in a way that least impairs the durability appearance and functioning of

    the concrete element. In the e&ent of hea&y or prolonged rainfall no concrete will

    be placed.

    B.@.'.1 Placing concrete in cold weather conditions

    $ote0 Cold weather is de?ned as a period when for more than three consecuti&e

    days the a&erage daily temperature is less than .RC ACI

    ;7.1JB;. :hen cold weather conditions are anticipated to be present the concretesuppliers will be contacted to ta=e the necessary precautions for mi%ing the

    concrete. $o concrete will be placed on froHen sub grade due to bul=ing and freeHe

    thaw. 3roHen sub grade material will be thawed thoroughly using e%ternal heat and

    insulation prior to concreting. All concrete placements will be &ibrated mechanically.

    B.@.'.' Placing concrete in hot weather conditions

    $ote0 :here the air temperature is abo&e ;RC the temperature of the placed

    concrete should not e%ceed ;RC. "ot weather conditions are therefore considered

    to be temperatures that e%ceed ;RC. :hen hot weather conditions are anticipated

    to be present the concrete suppliers will be contacted to ta=e the necessary

    precautions for mi%ing the concrete.

     To ensure that the concrete is placed at the right temperature the following

    precautions will be ta=en0

    Shading the aggregates before placing

    Spraying the aggregates with water to cause e&aporati&e cooling

    B.@. Curing

    Curing of the concrete will ta=e place after the concrete has gained su6cient

    strength and the formwor= has been remo&ed by wetting the surface continuously

    with a ?ne spray co&ering the concrete with plastic sheeting or by applying anappro&ed curing compound. Curing with ta=e place o&er a minimum period of -

    days and care will be ta=en not to damage the surface of the concrete.

    [email protected] Curing concrete in cold weather conditions

    $ote0 Cold weather is de?ned as a period when for more than three consecuti&e

    days the a&erage daily temperature is less than .RC ACI

  • 8/19/2019 Method Statement 01


    ;7.1JB;. :hen cold weather conditions are anticipated to be present the concrete

    suppliers will be contacted to ta=e the necessary precautions for mi%ing the

    concrete. In order to pro&ide insulation against the cold conditions the concrete

    shall remain in forms for as long as practicable possible. After the remo&al of the

    forms the structures will be co&ered by insulation blan=ets. :ater curing will also

    not ta=e place in cold weatherN instead curing compound will be used to paint theface of the concrete. The curing will be applied for at least - days.

    B.@..' Curing concrete in hot weather conditions

    $ote0 :here the air temperature is abo&e ;RC the temperature of the placed

    concrete should not e%ceed ;RC. "ot weather conditions are therefore considered

    to be temperatures that e%ceed ;RC.

    :hen hot weather conditions are anticipated to be present the concrete suppliers

    will be contacted to ta=e the necessary precautions for mi%ing the concrete. Curing

    should recei&e special attention and should start as soon as possible during hot


     To ensure that the concrete cures correctly in hot weather the following precautions

    will be ta=en0

    Shade netting will be installed o&er the formwor= to get the temperature down.

    After concrete has been Koated curing compound will be applied to pre&ent


    Programme concreting for the cooler parts of the day .

    Cooling formwor= with water spray can also be considered.

    B.@.. #onitoring of Temperature

     Thermostats will be used to determine the temperature and care will be ta=en to

    ensure the temperature of the concrete from the time of hardening is maintained at

    not less than -RC for cold weather and not more than ;RC for hot weather.

    [email protected] Testing

     The tolerances set out in the speci?cations by Es=om will be adhered to at all time.

     These tolerances will apply to the ?%ing of reinforcing steel erecting the formwor=

    and concreting of elements. Any de&iations from these tolerances will be appro&ed

    by the Engineer.

    In order to determine and ensure that the concrete is of the re,uired strength cube

    moulds will be made of the placed concrete. Samples will be ta=en as follows0 7

    cube moulds will be made for each dayLs cast element and for at least e&ery -;mU

    placed. Only one sample will be ta=en of a batch and only after batches of the

    same strength concrete has been mi%ed will another sample be ta=en unless

    otherwise instructed. The ?rst set of cubes will be tested at @ days curing and the

    second cubes at 'F days. This is in accordance with tender Speci?cations for

  • 8/19/2019 Method Statement 01


    structural concrete clause *[email protected].'. Su6cient slump cones and cube moulds will

    be pro&ided to ensure the correct fre,uency of sampling. The crushing of the cubes

    will be conducted at an appro&ed laboratory. All tests will be in accordance with

    pro2ect speci?cations.

    [email protected] Concrete (epairs

    [email protected] "oney J Combing

    In the e&ent of "oneyJCombing appearing the following will be implemented to

    rectify the problem0

    Ensure that all participating employees wear PPE. (emo&e any loose material until

    structurally sound concrete is attained. Apply wet to dry epo%y should the concrete

    be past green stage. /se shuttering to form up the pro?le of the wall. Pour li,uid

    nonJstic= grout to ?ll all &oids. Cure for @' hours. Strip shuttering. )o necessary

    ,uality chec=s. AEJ3C will be used to ?% honey combing and crac=s

    between ; and 1;mm. AEJ3( will be used for crac=s larger than 1;mm.

    [email protected].' #a2or Crac= (epair

    In the e&ent of ma2or crac=s appearing the following will be implemented to rectify

    the problem0

    Chip along the crac= at least ' cm in width and as deep as the crac= e%tends. The

    ca&ity will be cleared oD all loose particles dirt grease and paint with a point tool

    or chisel. #oisten the substrate prior to application. Apply the sealant as per

    manufacturerLs standard. Allow to dry and do chec=s again.

    [email protected]. #ap Crac=ing

    In the e&ent of map crac=s appearing the following will be implemented to rectifythe problem0

     The large central crac= will be ?lled with late% caul=. The top of the caul= gun will

    be inserted into the crac= as far as possible. The crac= will be ?lled to the brim. A

    putty =nife will be used to smooth the surface. A new thin coat of concrete shall be

    applied with a metal trowel. Allow se&eral hours for new concrete to set. The surface

    will be inspected and if necessary a second layer of concrete will be applied. The

    concrete will then be co&ered with a plastic tarp and left to cure for @ days. Curing

    compound will be sprayed on the surface daily to allow the concrete to cure e&enly.

    After the curing process is complete two coats of sealant will be applied with a paint


    [email protected]. Curling

    In the e&ent of Curling appearing the following will be implemented to rectify the


    8rinding and grouting will be typically used on slabs. At the ele&ated edges and

    corners and under slab &oids holes will be drilled and ?lled with grout.

  • 8/19/2019 Method Statement 01


    After the grout hardens the curled edges shall be ground to the desired pro?le.

    After the &oids under the slab are grouted the curled are will be repaired by saw

    cutting around the area to be patched chipping out concrete below the desired

    pro?le and patching to the re,uired ele&ation.

    [email protected] 3ine )ust forming on the surface

    In the e&ent of 3ine )ust appearing the following will be implemented to rectify the


    A chemical Koor hardener will be applied. In se&ere cases the method of grinding

    and polishing the surface can be utilised.

    [email protected] Pop J Outs

    In the e&ent of PopJOuts appearing the following will be implemented to rectify the


    PopJouts will be repaired by ?rst cleaning the holes out with a broom or shop

    &acuum and a drill will be used to remo&e any unstable material. Each hole will be?lled with concrete using a trowel. Patching concrete with a bonding agent will be

    used. !arger holes will be cleaned and a chisel will be used to remo&e any loose

    material. Concrete will then be poured o&er the area and spread with a trowel and

    left to cure.

    [email protected].@ 3la=ing

    In the e&ent of 3la=ing the following will be implemented to rectify the problem0

    A pressure washer will be used to clean the surface of the concrete. Any

    depressions caused by the Ka=ing will be ?lled with epo%y mortarN all crac=s will be

    repaired using mortar. An acid wash will be applied which will roughen up the Koorsurface so the primer will stic=. The primer will be applied and spread with a broom

    and concrete will be applied while the Koor is still wet. The concrete ?nish will be

    spread with a sponge while a trowel will be used to detail the edges. A trowel or

    broom will be used to create a ?nish te%ture. The ?nish will be allowed to cure for '


    1;. CO$T(O!S A$) C"EC9S

     The 4C will continually perform spot chec=s on all wor=ing sites to ensure

    adherence to all #ethod Statements5Process Controls. (efer to ITP. Should a nonJ

    conformance be noted a $on Conformance (eport will be completed and handed to

    the applicable person. A $on Conformance (eport register will be =ept.

    11. CO$ST(/CTIO$ O3 TE#PO(A(+ )A#S

    Prior to commencement of bridges and drop structures temporarily retaining dam

    walls will be constructed to ensure dry wor=ing space.

  • 8/19/2019 Method Statement 01


    8abions ?lled with dump roc=

  • 8/19/2019 Method Statement 01


    Protection around the e%ca&ations will be installed. A barrier fence of at least 1m

    high and as close to the e%ca&ations as possible will be installed. :arning signs are

    to be posted on these barriers5fences.

    All employees and contractors in&ol&ed in this acti&ity are competent to do so.

    All employees and contractors are re,uired to conduct this wor= undergo a S"E4induction.

    Employees must ensure that they were their PPE at all times.

    )ust mas=s are compulsory during dusty conditions.

    Access ladders will be secured by tying them down at the top and bottom.

    All operators ha&e to be licenced and certi?ed. Copies of such documents will be

    =ept on ?le at the Site O6ce.

    All employees and contractors in&ol&ed in this acti&ity are trained with regards to

    the content of this #ethod Statement1. S"E implications5controls

    1..1 E%ca&ation

    Prior to wor= commencing at the start of each day tool bo% tal=s will be held with

    all employees.

    $o employee will be allowed access within the con?nes of the e%ca&ated area

    whilst T!5E%ca&ators are busy e%ca&ating.

    Spotters will be employed to ensure that no employee is dangerously close to the


    All e%ca&ated trenches shall be barricaded to pre&ent any person5any e%ca&ator

    and other construction &ehicles on site from falling into the trench or the


    Employees must at all times ware PPE and dust mas= are compulsory in dusty


    All operators must be licenced and certi?ed.

    1..' edding and !e&elling

    $o employees are allowed in areas where T!5E%ca&ators are busy with remo&al

    of loose materials.

    :hen compaction is ta=ing place all employees are to be remo&ed from the area.

    :hen a :hac=er is being used to compact the soil the operator will be changed

    e&ery ; minutes. The safe wor= procedure for the :hac=er must be

    discussed with the employees and signatures obtained.

    1.. ac=?lling

  • 8/19/2019 Method Statement 01


    )uring bac=?lling the following will apply and be adhered to at all times0J

    The 3oreman will be present at all times.

    The 3oreman is accountable for all employees at all times and must therefore be

    fully aware of the number and wor=Jarea of employees.

    Spotter in place to direct truc=s to the bac=?lling area.

    Spotters to wear full PPE including long slee&e reKecti&e &est -;;mm %

    -;;mm red Kag and whistle.

    All employees to be cleared from areas where mobile machinery is at wor=.

    Employees to adhere to the m rule from mo&ing machinery.

    Truc=s not to be o&erloaded.

    Employees are not allowed to stand closer than 1 meter from the edge of an

    e%ca&ation to pre&ent any collapse of the sides of the e%ca&ation.

    E%ca&ation to remain fully barricaded until bac=?lling is le&el.

    ac=?lling materials will be obtained from appro&ed areas only.

    Operators must adhere to demarcated roads. $o tra&elling in &eld or protected


    efore truc=s discharge bac=?ll material stop bloc=s to be applied to &ehicle.

    All &al&e chamber co&ers will be securely installed clearly mar=ed.

    1.. )eli&ery and Ooading of Steel

    The dri&er of the deli&ery &ehicle must ha&e a &alid dri&erLs licence in order for

    him to be allowed on site. All deli&ery &ehicles will be escorted to the ooading site

    by a licenced SA 3ence and 8ate employee. The deli&ery truc= must be compliant in

    the sense of not being o&erloaded and the load must also be secured on the truc=

    or &ehicle.

    The appointed stac=ing and storage foreman will be present to ensure that

    stac=ing and storage is done correctly. Communication of the safe wor= procedure

    for stac=ing and storage of material

  • 8/19/2019 Method Statement 01


    All employees in&ol&ed in ?%ing steel will ha&e their glo&es and safety glasses on

    at all times. The super&isor will ensure compliance.

    If there is a need to wor= at heights access will be pro&ided by means of

    scaDolding. ScaDolding will be erected and inspected by trained and competent

    employees. All scaDolding will ha&e ade,uate bracing toe boards =nee rails and

    hand rails. All scaDolds will be on a register and should be inspected after rainhea&y winds or any changes made to the scaDolding.

    All persons wor=ing at heights will ha&e the re,uired training and wear double

    lanyard safety harnesses which will be hoo=ed up at all times.

     The fall protection plan will be discussed with all employees wor=ing on heights.

     Tools being used on heights must ha&e lanyards ?tted to them to pre&ent them from

    falling on employees at the bottom.

    :hen bases being ?%ed get too large and the employees ha&e to wal= on the

    bases scaDold boards are to be placed on top of the bases creating a 7;;mm

    wal=way tied down to the reinforcing steel for the employees to wal= on. $oemployees will be allowed on bare reinforced steel.

    :hen ?%ing so6ts5suspended slabs ade,uate hand railing and barricading will be

    erected at J 1m from the ?nished top of the concrete le&el.

    :hen ?%ing bases with &ertical bars care will be ta=en to temporarily ?% diagonal

    braces to counteract the potential for the bars to lean o&er and fall. )iagonal

    temporary stiDeners5braces will be installed at e&ery 1;m.

    )uring long pours no employee will e%ceed a 1' hour shifts.

    1..7 Concrete wor=s

    Once the truc= has arri&ed at the designated are a spotter will direct the truc= into

    position and ensure that no employees are in the &icinity of the truc=s. As soon as

    the truc= is in place stoc= bloc=s will be inserted behind the wheels of the concrete

    truc=. :hen the employees lower the concrete chute the super&isor should ensure

    that all employees are wearing glo&es and use the handles on the chute to lower it.

    efore concrete pouring commences the concrete pouring the concrete wor= safe

    wor= procedure needs to be communicated to all employees and signed.

     The concrete truc= operator will only start pouring once the super&isor has gi&en

    the instruction.

    Employees that are wor=ing on &ibrating the concrete must wear gum boots topre&ent concrete getting into their shoes and on their s=in. 3ull

    PPE must be worn.

    :hile employees are standing on the reinforced steel &ibrating the concrete

    scaDold plan=s should be placed for them to wal= on. $o employees are allowed to

    wal= on reinforced steel.

  • 8/19/2019 Method Statement 01


    Concrete being poured where employees ha&e to wor= at height scaDolding will

    be pro&ided for employees to stand on. Employees wor=ing at heights will ha&e the

    re,uired training. ScaDolds will be erected and inspected by competent appointed

    employees. Employees wor=ing at heights will ma=e use of a double lanyard safety

    harness and be hoo=ed at all times. All scaDolding is re,uired to ha&e toe boards

    =nee rails handrails and access by ladder. Any concrete spills must be cleaned up immediately and disposed of properly.

    Concrete truc=s may only clean their truc=s at areas designated by the client. This

    area needs to be cleaned regularly. In all cases a spill =it will be on hand.

    1..@ Concrete (epairs

    All personnel to wear PPE at all times.

    Shuttering and stripping will be done by competent shutter hands.

    :or=ing platforms will be =ept clean.

    #S)S for all products used in repair process will be obtained and communicatedto personnel.

    )uring stripping nails on wood shutters to be remo&ed and discarded.

    :or=ers to be careful of pinch5nip points.

    All operators of electrical e,uipment will be trained.

    Sprin=ling of water will be used to suppress dust during brea=ing and drilling.

    1. /sing of a ladder

    Training will be pro&ided.

    )aily toolbo% tal=s will remind employees on how to use a ladder.

    $ot more than one person on a ladder.

    :hen a person is on the ladder one person must always hold or support the


    !adder instructions must be read and practiced daily.

    )onLt use the top rungs on the ladders.

    :hen you ha&e tools that you want to use on the top of the ladder use a buc=et.

    Three point contacts are &ery important.

    Eyes on path at all times.

    1.- Personal Protecti&e E,uipment

    :e shall wear the Personal protecti&e e,uipment clothing listed at all times when on

    site. $o wor=ers shall be permitted on site without the full PPE as speci?ed.

  • 8/19/2019 Method Statement 01


    "ard hat.


    O&eralls with high &isibility reKector &est.

    Steel toe boots 5 gumboots in wet areas.

    )ust mas=.

    Ear plugs .

    All employees will be e,uipped with their PPE and no one shall be on site without

    the abo&e re,uired PPE.

    The PPE clothing is applicable to e&eryone coming on site.

    1.7 3irst Aid emergency e,uipment and procedure

    :e will ensure that persons at wor= recei&e prompt ?rst aid treatment in case of

    in2uries or emergency.

    :e will pro&ide ?rst aid bo% or bo%es at or near the wor= place which shall be

    a&ailable and accessible.

    $o persons are allowed to carry on with their tas= in case an emergency siren or

    alarm sound.

    (eport any incident5accident immediately to super&isor or safety representati&e

    on site.

    E&ery minor in2ury shall be treated on site by the competent ?rst aider as O"S act.

    All people wor=ing on site will undergo induction safety awareness training anden&ironmental training with regarding emergency procedures ?re or electrical shut


    1.@ "ouse=eeping

    :e shall continuously maintain and implement house=eeping on our construction

    site to a&oid in2uries to persons on site client &isitors and or subJcontractors.

    E&erything in its place. $o materials or hand tools will be lying on the ground

    when not in use.

    :e shall store them safely in the toolbo% on site.

    All waste scrap produced on site shall be remo&ed at appropriate inter&als to

    enhance a healthy and safe en&ironment for persons wor=ing on site.

    $o smo=ing or dumping on site shall be permitted unless it is a demarcated

    smo=ing area to a&oid cigarette butts on the ground.

    1. E$*I(O#E$TA!

    1.1 *egetation Clearing and Topsoil (emo&al

  • 8/19/2019 Method Statement 01


    SA 3ence and 8ate shall ensure that the clearance of &egetation is strictly restricted

    to the area re,uired for the wor= .

    All cleared &egetation will either be mulched and mi%ed into the topsoil or

    disposed at an appro&ed disposal site.

    All disposal of &egetation by burying or burning is prohibited.

    Topsoil will be stripped which will include the top 1-;mm of the soil for

    subse,uent use during rehabilitation and reJ&egetation.

    1.' $oise

     The contractor does en&isaged that the pro2ect will generate e%cessi&e noise but instances whereby the e,uipment such drilling machine will be

    used the wor=ers will be ad&ised to wear ear plugs.

    1. )ust

    It will be suppressed according to the clientLs standard en&ironmental speci?cation.

    Es=omLs En&ironmental o6cer will issue a permit to SA 3ence and 8ate for

    e%traction of water to be used for dust suppression. A water tan=er shall be

    permanently a&ailable on site for the control of dust generation and SA 3ence and

    8ate shall ensure that the sprays do not generate e%cess run oD. )uring high wind

    conditions SA 3ence and 8ate shall comply with the EngineerLs instructions

    regarding dust dumping measures.

    An appropriate number of water tan=ers shall be permanently a&ailable for the

    control of dust generation and the Contractor shall ensure that the sprays do not

    generate e%cess run oD. There shall be su6cient water tan=ers of ade,uate

    capacity to enable the dampening of all wor=ing areas and access5 haul roads.)uring high wind conditions the Contractor shall comply with the EngineerLs

    instructions regarding additional dustJdamping measures.

    1. Emergency preparedness

     Telephone numbers of emergency ser&ices including local ?re?ghting ser&ices are

    pasted in all o6ces of SA 3ence and 8ate and all employees are made aware on

    the e&acuation routes from all their wor=place in case there is an emergency of ?re

    for them to relocate their wor=place.

    Assemble points are noted for such cases.

    1.- Accidental lea=s and spillages

    In the e&ent of a spill the source of the spillage shall be isolated the spillage will be

    contained. The area where the pillage incident has occurred shall be cordoned oD

    and secured. SA 3ence and 8ate shall maintain spill =its on the site at all times and

    shall ensure that there is always ade,uate supply of absorbent material a&ailable in

    the spill =it.

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    1.7 3lora and 3auna

    Poaching of animals will not be allowed on site should animals be seen on site the

    will be reported to the En&ironmental O6cer competent to rescue such animals.

    1.@ Ablution facilities

    SA 3ence and 8ate shall pro&ide ade,uate ablution facilities for wor=ers in the

    construction camp. Acts of e%cretion and urination shall be strictly prohibited other

    than at the facilities pro&ided.

    I. Toilets shall be located within 1;; m from any points of wor= but not closer than

    -; meters to any watercourse or water body

    II. #obile toilets will be pro&ided so that it will be mo&ed as the process of fence

    erection goes on.

    III. Toilets shall be secured to the ground to pre&ent them from toppling due to windor any other causeN

    I*. $o spillage shall occur when the toilets are cleaned or emptied and the contents

    shall be properly remo&ed from site by Sanitech

    *. )ischarge of waste from toilets into the en&ironment and burial of waste is strictly


    *I. Toilets shall be pro&ided with e%ternal closing mechanism to pre&ent toilet paper

    from being blown out and

    *II. Toilets will be emptied before long wee=ends and builderLs holidays and shall be

    loc=ed after wor=ing hours.

    1.F Solid waste management

     The management of solid waste at the wor=ing area shall be strictly controlled and

    monitoredN the ,uantities of waste generated shall be minimiHed as wheelie bins will

    be pro&ided by (oshcon. !ittering will be a&oided there will be no burying dumping

    and burning of waste material shall occur. ins shall ne&er be allowed to o&erKow

    and shall be emptied twice in a wee=. All solid waste will be collected by (oshcon

    and be disposed oDJsite at an appro&ed land?ll site.

    1.B Accommodation of tra6c

    SA 3ence and 8ate shall ensure &ehicle tra6c safety at all times and shallimplement safety measures. 3ence and 8ate shall control the mo&ement of all the

    &ehicles and e,uipment including of the suppliers so that they remain on

    designated routes. On gra&el road on the site and within -;; m of the site the

    &ehicles of 3ence and 8ate and the suppliers shall not e%ceed a speed of ; =m5h.
