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m i n d f u l n e s s










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You don’t have to be religious or have any spiritual practice. We believe you can simply wear them as a reminder of an intention you’ve set. You can also wear them if you are seeking a calmer mind, body and spirit.

What makes our pieces different?

Our authentic pieces are handmade by artisans in Bali, who hand-knot each piece and bless them before they leave the tropical island.

They are also unique because we combine sacred rudraksha seeds, sandalwood and gemstones to make each mala special.

What are rudraksha seeds?

Rudraksha seeds grow on trees inside of what looks like a blueberry. Ours are sustainably harvested in South East Asia. The seeds are believed to embody peace and love.

What are sandalwood beads?

Sandalwood is one of the most traditional materials used to make Malas. There is a subtle and soothing fragance to the wood that is an intentional reminder of peace. Sandalwood is thought to attract positivity, and promote a tranquil, positive state of mind.

Why do we use gemstones?

The gemstones we use are believed to offer different healing qualities. For example, rose quartz is believed to open the heart chakra, lava is thought to encourage strength and clarity and amazonite is associated with helping us follow our dreams.

w h a t a r e

m a l a b e a d sSimply stated, mala beads are a set of beads that have traditionally

been used in prayer and meditation. Often called prayer beads,

anyone can wear these beautiful pieces.


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Page 3: Mindfulness with Mala Beads

It’s important to know that a mala represents something different to each person. It can be a tool for meditation, a reminder of an intention, a piece that inspires you or a beautiful manifestation of a feeling. Whatever it means to you, stay open-minded and don’t judge or compare. Embrace your calling, and let it guide you in your choice.While there is no wrong way to choose your mala, we have a few questions to help you on your journey.

1) What are you drawn to?

We often tell people, the mala that you’re drawn to first is the one you’re meant to have. It truly can be that simple. Don’t resist the ease. Embrace it. Allow yourself to surrender and be led by your heart.

2) What are you trying to manifest?

All of our mala beads carry their own intention. When searching for your perfect beads, we recommend you ask “What is my intention? What am I trying to manifest? Am I looking to cultivate more love in my life? More abundance? More strength?”

3) Will you be meditating or manifesting? Or both?

Will you use the beads for meditation? Or do you simply want a daily reminder of your intentions?Our mala beads are suitable for both. If you are looking specifically for meditation, that’s wonderful! All of our necklaces are hand knotted, helping you to practice japa meditation (where you turn each bead in your fingers and repeat your mantra) and have a total of 108 beads.

h o w t o

c h o o s e a m a l aAre you trying to connect with your perfect set of mala beads, but

don’t know where to start? It’s a beautiful process, and we’re here

to help.


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Page 4: Mindfulness with Mala Beads

Going all the way around your mala, you will eventually reach the guru bead — the bead that dangles from the mala. This signals a time for reflection. You can reflect on your meditation practice, give thanks to your mantra, honor your guru — or show yourself a moment of gratitude for slowing down to meditate. Never continue over the guru bead. Instead, turn around and continue in the opposite direction.

It’s widely believed that when one uses a mala for meditation, and makes it all the way around, they will have found enlightenment.

If you choose to meditate on your mala, be patient and kind to yourself. Your mind will surely wander. The practice of bringing your attention back to your mantra and your beads is the practice of mindfulness. Do so with kindness and without judgement.

Mala Beads aren’t just beautiful pieces of jewelry — they are also important mediums for peace and enlightenment. Traditionally, the beads have been used in prayer and meditation.

If you choose to meditate on your mala, you will most likely use a mantra. A mantra is a word, sound, or phrase repeated to aid in your concentration. It can be as simple as the word ‘love,’ something you are thankful for, or a sanskrit phrase such as ‘om shanti, shanti, shanti’ which represents all encompassing peace.

To count your mantras, hold your mala in your hand and turn each bead with your thumb and middle finger (the index finger is believed to represent ‘ego’ and is not recommended to turn the beads).

“Meditation is a practice,

as is self love”

A C T I V A T I N G Y O U R M A L A Below is an example of a small ceremony you can perform to set the intention and energy for your new mala beads. It is said that Monday is the day of Lord Shiva and it is most auspicious to perform this intention setting ceremony on this day (if you can wait!).

Intention Setting Ceremony

Create a quiet space and find in a comfortable seated posture. Light a candle or your favorite incense. If you wish to wash your mala first you can do so in pure water with flowers. Close your eyes and start to lengthen your breath. Breathe.

With a clear and calm mind state your intention to the beads, moving each bead through your fingers (avoid using your pointer finger as it represents ego). Visualize yourself finding peace of mind and inner calmness. A traditional mantra for activating and sealing in the energy in your new rudraksha mala is “Om Hrim Namah Shivaya Om”. Chant this mantra at least 3 times.

Sit for at least 5 minutes to seal the energetic bond.

c a r i n g

f o r y o u r m a l aYour mala beads are believed to protect, guide in daily life, and

serve you as a constant reminder of the divinity that is within you.

Activating your mala is a beautiful way to connect the beads to

your energy and intention.




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H O W D O I C H O O S E M Y M A N T R A ?

If you are wanting to use a sanskrit mantra, the phrase ‘om shanti, shanti, shanti’ is a beautiful place to start. It represents all encompassing peace. Some are fortunate enough to be gifted a mantra from a teacher or guru.

However, that’s not always possible! It is possible to choose a mantra for yourself depending on what you are hoping to cultivate for yourself. While choosing a mantra, you should consider your inner motivations for practicing meditation.

Are you looking for positivity? health? happiness? self love? Or do you simply want to find balance in your life?

Here are some of our favourite modern day mantras to help you choose one appro-priate to you:Endurance/Strength : “This too shall pass.”Love : “I am love.”Calmer mind : “Smile, breathe, and go slowly.”Being present : “Be here, now.”Allowing the universe to guide you : “I am open to receiving universal gifts.”Happiness : “Today I choose joy.”Release : “Close your eyes, clear your heart, let it go.”Empowerment : “I are capable of wonderful things”

Or you can simply choose a word (the words below are in Sanskrit):

Shradda - Faith

Bhakti - Devotion

Shanti - Peace

Prajna - Wisdom

Santosa - Contentment

Veda - Knowledge

Ananda - Bliss

Moksha - Liberation

Dharma - Righteous path

Prasada - Grace/clarity

W H A T ’ S A M A N T R A ?

Mantra is a word, sound, or phrase repeated to aid in your concentration while meditating. When using a mantra, it’s believed that only the positive intentions and actions will fill your mind and eliminate negativity. A mantra can be as simple as the word ‘love.’

You can also meditate upon affirmations, such as ‘I Am Enough’ or ‘I Am Grounded’ or ‘I Am Abundant.’ It’s been proven when using positive affirmations that you are actually able to rewire your brain to embody these positive qualities!



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A broken mala is meant to symbolize a broken cycle, i.e. that you no longer ‘need’ that mala anymore. It’s a sign to bring new intentions into your life as your current ones no longer serve you.

We like to honor the release of an intention and help you through the transition. We are committed to sending your broken mala back to Bali once to be re-strung and re-blessed if you find the mala has broken before you’re ready to let go of its intention.

While a broken mala can sad, it’s also a beautiful opportunity to reflect and ask yourself what new intention you’re looking for, and what you would like to manifest.

Maybe it’s time to send your love in a new direction and have faith that it will take you to a bigger and better place?

Cleansing Your Mala

Once you have activated your mala beads, you may want to cleanse and clean them from time to time. The beads are believed to absorb and store energy, therefore depending on your preference, you may wish to cleanse your mala beads from time to time.We recommend that you do not lend or share your malas with others as not to transfer any energy. If this does happen you may wish to cleanse your mala.There are a few different ways you can cleanse your mala. Here are some of our favorite ways to cleanse ours:- Placing it in the sunlight or moonlight,- Burning white sage over your mala,- Placing your mala in a singing bowl and ringing the edges, or tapping the side to bring sound to the bowl.

Keeping your mala clean

With regular use you may also wish to clean your mala from time to time. You can do this by placing the mala in warm water. You can also add a mild soap if you wish. Soak the beads for some time (some suggest leaving it overnight). Use a delicate brush to scrub the beads. Leave to fully dry.After cleaning, you can also brush your mala with coconut or sandalwood oil. Oiling will make the beads strong and they won’t dry out. If your mala is well loved you may also want to freshen up the tassel. One way to do this is by wetting the tassel and gently combing the strands.

c l e a n i n g

y o u r m a l a


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Here are some more popular reasons behind the 108 mythology in mala beads:

Chakras - One of our favourite explanations for having 108 beads on a mala is related to the chakras (the seven energy points in our body). It has been said there there are 108 energy lines connecting to the heart, with one of them believed to be the path to self realization.Mantras - When using your mala beads in meditation and chanting your mantra, some have said you are complete once you have done it 100 times. The 8 extra beads are to account for errors. Or even more beautiful, are meant to be an offer-ing to your guru.Letters - Many choose to recite their mantra in sanskrit, the ancient script of India. Within the Sanskrit alphabet there are 54 letters. Each letter has a feminine and masculine version — totalling 108.

w h y

1 0 8 b e a d s ?The number 108 is significant for so many reasons. Some believe

there are 108 stages on the journey of the human soul, while

others associate the possibility of enlightenment with taking only

108 breaths a day, while in deep meditation.

The truth is — the significance of 108 beads on your mala is open

to interpretation. Which we love.


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g e a m s t o n e s a n dh e a l i n g q u a l i t i e s

African Turquoise: Brings encouragement for growth, development and positive change within life itself. Opens the mind to new ideas, new possibilities and new existence. Brings structure, balance and prosperity where it is due. Awakens the soul to its intended purpose.

Agate: Rebalances and harmonizes the body, mind and spirit. Cleanses and stabilizes the aura; banishing negativity. Stimulates and strengthens our analytical capabilities - encouraging us to think clearly and concentrate upon the task at hand. Allows us to gain inspiration from spiritual worlds.

Amazonite: Encourages communication. Helps balance and regulate calcium de-ficiencies, while alleviating cramps and muscular spasms. Dispels worries, fears, anger and irritation. Balances mood swings. Connects with one’s inner power.

Amethyst: Provides stability, strength, inspiration and a true sense of peace. Increases spiritual power. Enhances the immune system and purifies blood. Beneficial for the stomach and liver.

Aquamarine: Helps with the flow of life. Reduces feelings of embarrassment. Strengthens optimism and the ability to express oneself. Eliminates unnatural fears while sharpening mental purity. Calming.

Aventurine: Protects, activates, and clears the heart chakra. Promotes healing and qualities of strength and stability. Encourages regeneration. Restores comfort and balance.

Carnelian: Protects wearers from all kinds of negativity. Helps focus the mind and aids in decision making. Has a cooling effect on the body. Increases stamina and self-confidence.

Chalcedony: Increases dreaming. Amplifies good will. Provides happiness and joy. Decreases negative attitude and eases depression. Mental balancer.

Chrysocolla: Balances the body and mind. Eases guilt and relieves emotional pain. Increases the ability to love and understand others. Helps clean the liver, kidneys, spleen and balancing sugar levels in blood.

Citrine: Stimulates the brain and strengthens intellect. Promotes new ideas and creativity. Stone of abundance and prosperity. Aids in one acquiring wealth and keeping it. Encourages joy and enthusiasm. Aids those who often feel tired and drained, as it provides an energy boost. Benefits the kidneys, bladder, stomach, pancreas and spleen.

Garnet: Promotes vigor and vitality and is a sexual stimulant. Calms anger and increases willpower. Aids in stimulating circulation, especially in the lungs, skin and intestines. Good for finance.

Gold: Purifies and provides energy for the physical body. Helps in the rehabilita-tion of the body. Strengthens the nervous system and balances the heart chakra.

Honey Opal: Helps express inner feelings of happiness and confidence - often referred to as the “good luck” stone. Strengthens awareness of feelings and institution. Increases the ability to make money and encourages good work re-lationships.

Lolite: Calms an active mind. Eases nightmares and sleeping problems. Good for communication. Brings inner harmony; leading to better relationships.

Jade: Enables the understanding of dreams. Beams love, courage, chastity and wisdom. Reduces negativity and increases the ability to express oneself. Balances emotion, provides comforting energy, endurance and peace. Helps the body heal itself and increases flexibility. Strengthens the heart, eyes, kidneys and immune system. Aids with mental problems, purifying blood and encouraging a long life.

Green Jasper: Harmonizes the heart chakra. Helps boost the immune system and aids in the detoxification of the body’s system. Dispels bloating.

Howlite: Helps teach patience and overcome self criticism. Calming stone used to relieve stress of all kinds. Aids insomnia due to an overactive mind.

Jasper Red: Provides balance and bestowes courage and willpower to achieve one’s goals. Stimulates circulation and increases energy. Treats disorders of the intestines.

Jasper Picture: Provides harmony and increases creativity.

Lava: Provides strength and clarity (particularly when facing difficult situations).

Leopard Skin: Strengthens intuition and creativity. Eases situations of hopeless-ness and helps find solutions. Aids in treating skin allergies.

Moon Stone: Provides balance and relieves the feeling of hopelessness. Serves as an emotional stabilizer. Increases intuition and is good for harmonious relation-ships. Relieves asthma, cleans the lymphs and aids the pancreas and spleen.

Obsidian: Stabilizes and balances the body. Purifies a negative atmosphere and remove toxins from one’s body. Aids in pain relief of arthritis, muscular aches and spasms. Removes shock and trauma that arises after injury. Improves circulation.


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Onyx: Associated with resistance and persistence — helps the wearer manage and complete tasks with focus, willpower, strength, confidence and discipline. Balances male and female polarity and increases hormonal balance. Helps with objectivity and making intelligent decisions. Recommended during times of pain and sorrow. Helps strengthen one’s bones.

Pearls: Symbolizes purity. Stimulates the mind in clarity and wisdom. Enhances personal integrity and help focus one’s attention. Increases fertility and eases childbirth. Increases physical vitality.

Prehnite: Increases energy and provides protection. Induces deep meditation. Enhances visualization and inner knowledge. Helps to bring the wearer into harmony with nature and the elemental forces. Helps in terms of understanding problems and situations. Beneficial for the kidneys, bladder and the heart.

Pyrite: Good for memory and providing a positive view on life. Fights depression. Assists in regulating the digestive system, strengthening oxygen and blood, and increases the functioning of the brain.

Quartz Crystal: Increases spiritual wisdom and insight. Promotes clarity of thought. Increases intuition and amplifies prayers. Good for treating headaches, dizziness and general pain relief. Heals emotional wounds.

Rose Quartz: Opens the heart. Enhances creativity. Heals emotional wounds and broken hearts. Believed to be beneficial to the circulatory system and aids in relieving anxiety. Also known as the love stone.

Sage Amethyst: Assist with inner guidance. Enables the wearer to let go of anger, resentment and judgement. Strengthens one’s aura and uplifts the emotional body. Protects against negative surroundings. Helps the wearer to become more loving towards themselves and others.

Smokey Quartz: Relieves stress and anxiety. Calms a hyperactive mind. Disperses fears and lifts depression and negativity. Encourages positive thoughts and actions. Detoxifies the digestive system and protects against radiation.

Silver: Increases fluent speech during conversation and stimulates self-observa-tion. Encourages and eases the implementation of different tasks while expanding perception and comprehension.

Sodalite: Provides power, healing and luck. Associated with the throat chakra; it aids in confidence when communicating. Helps with Thyroid conditions.

Turquoise: Strengthens the whole body. Promotes the absorption of nutrients, tissue regeneration and circulation. Protects from harmful environmental pollutants and poisons. Saves the wearer from problems on a journey or adventure. Destroys hatred and increases love.

Unakite: Balances the body’s emotions and the adjustment of high spiritual powers. Helps find the real cause for diseases and problems. Balances and strengthen the heart area.

Rudraksha: Increases clarity and general awareness. Calms the central nervous system. Helps quiet the mind and free one of negative thoughts. Aids cooling when worn against the skin. Increases immunity, energy and stamina. Provids rejuvenating qualities.

Rhodonite: Beneficial for the heart chakra; opening one to unconditional love and increased service to mankind. Promotes inner growth, grounding and encourages self-love. Stimulates acceptance, forgiveness and unconditional love towards others.

Rudrani: Represents the ability to manifest Shakti, the active and dynamic energy of the divine female power. Wearing Rudrani and Rudraksha together helps to harmonize the energies of male/female relationships, as well as the feminine and masculine within the individual.

Tulsi: Increases the spiritual power of mantras — thus increasing devotion and spiritual growth of an individual.

*These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The results are the sole responsibility of the wearer*.


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