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Manaus, Amazonas

Dezembro, 2019

Perfil transcriptômico do tambaqui Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1818)

revela adaptação local de duas populações artificialmente criadas e

plasticidade regional sobre um cenário extremo de mudança climática

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Perfil transcriptômico do tambaqui Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1818)

revela adaptação local de duas populações artificialmente criadas e plasticidade regional sobre um cenário extremo de mudança climática*†


Agências Financiadoras: CAPES (n°. 39/2012, Projeto Pró-Amazônia); CNPq (n°.

465540/2014-7, INCT-ADAPTA II e n°. 424468/2016-6, Chamada Universal);

FAPEAM (n°. 0621187/2017, INCT-ADAPTA II)

*Pesquisa autorizada pelo CEUA/INPA em 07 de novembro de 2016 (n°. de aprovação 032/2016).

†Projeto sob Anotação de Responsabilidade Técnica (ART) n°. 2016/00090 – CRBio 90936/06-D.

Manaus, Amazonas Dezembro, 2019

Tese apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Genética, Conservação e Biologia Evolutiva como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do título de Doutor em Genética, Conservação e Biologia Evolutiva.

Manaus, Amazonas


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Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar comparativamente o transcriptoma

diferencial de duas populações de tambaqui de cativeiro tanto aclimatizadas

em diferentes latitudes quanto sobre a influência de um cenário extremo de

mudança climática.

Palavras-chave: adaptação local; mudança climática; plasticidade fenotípica;

RNA-Seq; tambaqui

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Ao meu amor, André. Porque família é tudo.

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Esta Tese encerra um período de 30 anos dedicados ao estudo. Tantos Mestres cruzaram o meu caminho que seria impossível mensurar a contribuição de cada um deles na minha formação acadêmica e pessoal. Ainda assim, é possível reconhecer que a educação é uma força transformadora da vida em todos os sentidos. Na minha, não foi diferente. Graças a Deus e ao esforço dos meus pais, concluo esta etapa com o coração repleto de orgulho, alegria e gratidão. Obrigada, Senhor Jesus e Nossa Senhora, por me manterem de pé até aqui e por cuidarem tão bem dos meus sonhos.

Aos meus amados pais, Flávio e Lúcia Fé, pelo amor, carinho e dedicação incondicionais na minha criação e na do meu irmão, Fabrício. Vocês são minha referência de companheirismo e cumplicidade familiar. Amo muito vocês!

Ao meu amado esposo, André Luis Gonçalves, por tudo o que você representa na minha vida ao longo desses 11 anos de relacionamento. Além de um sobrenome, você me presenteia diariamente com seu amor, carinho, amizade, companheirismo e respeito. Você é a minha família; os braços que quero abraçar, a boca que quero beijar, as metas com quem planejo alcançar, as vitórias com quem quero festejar, a trajetória de vida com quem desejo dividir... amo muito você!

À carinhosa Leona, nossa gatinha preta, pela companhia durante as viagens do André, e por despertar meu coração à empatia, atenção e cuidado para com os animais.

Aos membros e agregados das famílias Fé, Gonçalves, Lima, Lopes e Sousa pela união, alegria e boa convivência. Em especial, a Zenaide Fé, minha adorada vó, por sempre acreditar no meu potencial.

Aos amigos-de-toda-vida pelos fortes laços de amizade, amor e sintonia que nos unem mesmo na distância que nos separam. Especialmente, à Grazy e Vivi pelas deliciosas sessões de ‘‘terapia’’ com café.

À querida orientadora, Dra. Vera Val, pela oportunidade, confiança, carinho, amizade e generosidade. Muitas são as suas virtudes e ensinamentos que me inspiram a fazer Ciência com excelência e a crescer como mulher. Você é incrível!

Ao estimado Dr. Adalberto Val pela oportunidade, respeito e confiança ao longo desses 10 anos de parceria.

À MSc. Nazaré Silva pela sempre disponibilidade em ajudar e apoio moral e emocional em qualquer situação.

À Dra. Alzira Miranda pela amizade, carinho, torcida e excelente assessoria técnica e intelectual na condução do Projeto Pró-Amazônia – Tambaqui.

À Fer, agora Dra. Fernanda Dragan, pela parceria, apoio incondicional e companheirismo durante os experimentos e coletas.

À Dra. Carolina Sá-Leitão, a quem carinhosamente chamo de Carolzona, pela alegria contagiante, cumplicidade, disposição e por aceitar tão bem meu temperamento de nuances meigo e reativo.

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Aos colegas do LEEM pela boa convivência e amizade. Especialmente, à Carolzona, Érica e Kátia pelos momentos de alegria e descontração no lanche da tarde, e à Jaque pelos agradáveis momentos de conversa com chá nos intervalos. Agradecimento especial também à Naza, Zizi, Renan, Karina, Carolzinha, Bia e Cadu por toda ajuda nas coletas experimentais.

Ao Doutorando Deney Araújo pela primazia técnica nas análises dos dados de Bioinformática.

Ao Dr. Carlos Henrique dos Santos pela colaboração na redação dos manuscritos.

Às Professoras Maria do Carmo Fialho (UFAM) e Carolina Sá-Leitão (CIESA) por gentilmente abrirem as portas de suas salas para o meu Estágio Docência.

Às integrantes do Conselho e da Comissão de Bolsa do PPG GCBEv, onde tive a honra de participar como Representante Discente, juntamente com Francy, no período de 09/2017 a 02/2019. Professoras Jacqueline, Vera, Eliana, Gislene e Francy, vocês são meus exemplos das geneticistas bem-sucedidas, da ética profissional e do valor feminino na Ciência.

Às secretárias do LEEM e do PPG GCBEv pela disponibilidade, colaboração e gentileza em atender a qualquer demanda.

Aos servidores do Departamento de Vigilância Ambiental e Controle de Doenças (DVA/FVS-AM/SUSAM) pelo acolhimento e ensinamentos no novo universo de estudo em Saúde Pública. Em especial, aos amigos, Raiane Aila e Walter, pela cumplicidade e bons momentos na hora do almoço.

Aos colaboradores da CTTPA – SEPA/SEPROR em Balbina/AM (José Baracho e Ronan Freitas) e da Fazenda Santo Antônio Brumado em Mogi Mirim/SP (Paulo Longhi, Selmo e Ederson) pelo apoio logístico na aquisição dos lotes de juvenis de tambaqui.

Ao suporte técnico da Illumina Brasil. Em especial, à Juliana Gamba, Carolina Marcano e ao Eng. Antônio Brugnollo.

Aos apoios financeiros da CAPES, CNPq e FAPEAM que contribuíram significativamente para a realização desta pesquisa. Especialmente, à CAPES pela concessão da bolsa de estudo.

Enfim, agradeço antecipadamente à banca de avaliação pela disponibilidade na leitura, participação e valiosas contribuições para a melhoria deste estudo.

Muito obrigada!

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‘‘Deus está contigo em tudo o que fazes’’. Gn 21,22

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Mudanças climáticas de influência antrópica representam atualmente um grave

problema de ordem ambiental, econômica e social, intensificando seus agravos em

todos os níveis da escala biológica. Em face das mudanças ambientais em curso,

são esperados dois mecanismos de resposta adaptativa pelos organismos:

plasticidade fenotípica e evolutiva. Mudanças plásticas envolvem a habilidade de um

genótipo expressar diferentes fenótipos em curto prazo, enquanto evolutivas

ocorrem a longo prazo, dependendo de mutações e seleção natural. Ajustes nos

diferentes níveis da organização biológica em organismos expostos

experimentalmente a condições abióticas variáveis têm sido caracterizados nos

últimos anos, revelando a plasticidade fenotípica de várias espécies. Com objetivo

de compreender, em nível molecular, os ajustes de uma espécie de peixe nativa

comercialmente valiosa como o tambaqui Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1818), o

presente estudo apresenta duas abordagens inéditas: i) a avaliação comparativa do

perfil transcriptômico de duas populações de tambaqui criadas em regiões

termicamente distintas (Capítulo I); e ii) a avaliação da influência de um cenário

climático extremo sobre o transcriptoma de peixes de cativeiro (Capítulo II). No

primeiro momento, um total de 20 juvenis de tambaqui foi coletado ex-situ em duas

estações de piscicultura brasileiras localizadas nas regiões Norte (Centro de

Tecnologia, Treinamento e Produção em Aquicultura, CTTPA – SEPA/SEPROR,

Balbina/AM) e Sudeste (Piscicultura Brumado, Mogi Mirim/SP). No segundo

momento, 200 juvenis de tambaqui provenientes das mesmas populações foram

adquiridos, transportados para Manaus/AM e aclimatados às condições laboratoriais.

Um total de 36 juvenis de tambaqui de ambas as populações foram artificialmente

expostos durante 30 dias aos cenários climáticos atual (condição controle) e

extremo, tal como o RCP8.5 previsto em recente relatório do IPCC (2014). A análise

de sequenciamento de RNA (RNA-Seq) de 18 bibliotecas de fígado de tambaqui

revelou 2.765 genes diferencialmente expressos (DEGs), cujos termos foram

classificados em uma gama de funções moleculares (5.311), processos biológicos

(5.610) e componentes celulares (1.202). No geral, genes responsivos ao estresse

celular foram regulados positivamente tanto nos indivíduos provenientes de

diferentes latitudes (Capítulo I) quanto expostos a um cenário climático extremo, em

relação ao cenário controle (Capítulo II), tais como: YWHAE, MAPKAPK2, ATXN3

(resposta celular ao calor); KCNMA, nrp1a, Ireb2, Pink1, Slc29a1, LONP1, Nop53,

ldha (resposta à hipóxia); e sod, Gpx4, IDH1, LONP1, NDUFS2, TXN2, ATOX1

(resposta celular ao estresse oxidativo). A regulação dos DEGs revela diferentes

estratégias para a adaptação local das populações aos distintos locais de criação

bem como plasticidade regional em lidar com as mudanças climáticas previstas para

o final do século XXI.

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Transcriptomic profile of tambaqui Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1818) reveals

local adaptation of two farmed populations and regional plasticity under extreme

climate change scenario

Human-induced climate change is considered a severe threat to environmental,

economic, and social sustainability framework, inducing disturbances at all levels of

biodiversity. Overall, two mechanisms of adaptive responses by organisms are

expected in the face of ongoing environmental changes: phenotypic plasticity and

evolutionary change. Plasticity shifts short-term responses producing different

phenotypes, whereas long-term responses through mutations and natural selection

are expected from the evolutionary point of view. Phenotypic plasticity in organisms

experimentally exposed to variable abiotic conditions has been investigated over the

last few years. Herein, the molecular plasticity of tambaqui Colossoma macropomum

(Cuvier, 1818), an economically important species for Brazilian aquaculture, was

assessed through two unprecedented approaches: i) a comparative transcriptome

profile evaluation in two farmed tambaqui populations (Chapter 1); and ii) the

investigation of the effects of an extreme climate change scenario on transcripts

differentially expressed compared to the current scenario of the same two farmed

populations (Chapter 2). Firstly, a total of 20 tambaqui juveniles were ex-situ sampled

in two fish farms located in the Northern (Balbina Center of Technology, Training and

Production in Aquaculture, CTTPA – SEPA/SEPROR, Balbina/AM) and Southeast

(Brumado Fish Farming, Mogi Mirim/SP) regions from Brazil. Secondly, 200 tambaqui

juveniles from the same populations were purchased, transported to Manaus/AM,

and acclimated to laboratory conditions. Thirty-six tambaqui juveniles of both

populations were artificially exposed during 30 days in simulated climate scenarios:

current (baseline condition) and extreme such as foreseen in RCP8.5, according to a

recent IPCC report (2014). RNA sequencing analysis (RNA-Seq) from 18 libraries of

the liver tissue revealed 2,765 differentially expressed genes, whose terms were

assigned into a range of molecular functions (5,311), biological processes (5,610)

and cellular components (1,202). Overall, responsive genes to cellular stress were

upregulated in tambaquis of both different latitudes and after exposure to an extreme

climate scenario, such as YWHAE, MAPKAPK2, ATXN3 (cellular responses to heat);

KCNMA, nrp1a, Ireb2, Pink1, Slc29a1, LONP1, Nop53, ldha (hypoxia responses);

and sod, Gpx4, IDH1, LONP1, NDUFS2, TXN2, ATOX1 (oxidative stress responses).

The regulation of DEGs suggests different strategies for local adaptation of

populations raised in climatically variable regions (different latitudes), as well as

regional plasticity to deal with climate changes projected for the end of the century by


Key words: local adaptation; climate changes; phenotypic plasticity; RNA-Seq;


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INTRODUÇÃO GERAL ............................................................................................ 16



1.3 A ESPÉCIE EM ESTUDO, Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1818) .............. 21


2 OBJETIVOS ........................................................................................................... 27

2.1 OBJETIVO GERAL .......................................................................................... 27

2.2 OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS ............................................................................ 27

2.2.1 Capítulo I .................................................................................................. 27

3.2.2 Capítulo II ................................................................................................. 27

3 MATERIAL E MÉTODOS ...................................................................................... 27

3.1 LICENÇAS E AUTORIZAÇÕES ...................................................................... 27

3.2 DELINEAMENTO EXPERIMENTAL ................................................................ 28

3.2.1 Capítulo I .................................................................................................. 28 Coleta ex-situ ..................................................................................... 28 Obtenção das amostras ...................................................................... 29

3.2.2 Capítulo II ................................................................................................. 30 Aquisição e aclimatação dos animais ................................................. 30 Exposição artificial em salas climáticas .............................................. 30 Acompanhamento das variávies amabientais .................................... 31 Obtenção das amostras ...................................................................... 31

3.3 SEQUENCIAMENTO POR RNA-Seq .............................................................. 33

3.3.1 Extração do RNA total, eletroforese e quantificação ............................ 33

3.3.2 Sequenciamento dos transcritos ........................................................... 35

3.3.3 Análises de Bioinformática ..................................................................... 36

4 RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO ............................................................................. 37

5 REFERÊNCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS ...................................................................... 38

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Tabela 1. Parâmetros físico-químicos da água dos aquários mantidos por 30 dias

nas salas climáticas atual e extrema. Os dados são apresentados como média ± erro

padrão da média (N= 30). *Indica diferenças significativas em relação ao cenário

atual (teste-t de Student, P< 0,05), mostrando a eficiência na variação artificial entre

as salas climáticas. ................................................................................................... 33

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Figura 1. Exemplar juvenil de tambaqui Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1818),

evidenciando seu formato corporal romboidal, nadadeira adiposa com raios e linha

lateral destacada (adaptado de Santos et al. 2006). ................................................. 28

Figura 2. (A) Modelo das salas climáticas que reproduzem os cenários atual e

extremo, e seus respectivos valores (média ± erro padrão da média) de temperatura

e níveis de CO2 durante 30 dias de experimento (outubro a novembro de 2016). (B)

Exposição artificial de juvenis de tambaqui provenientes de populações criadas na

região Norte, em verde (n=18) e Sudeste, em azul (n=18) aos dois ambientes

controlados. ............................................................................................................... 31

Figura 3. Variações diárias na temperatura e concentração de CO2 do ar das salas

climáticas medidas ao longo de 30 dias de experimento, às 15h (25 de outubro a 26

de novembro de 2016). ............................................................................................. 32

Figura 4. Eletroforese microfluídica de RNA total extraído do fígado de juvenis de

tambaqui provenientes das populações de cativeiro de Balbina (Norte) e Brumado

(Sudeste) (acima), bem como expostas às salas climáticas atual e extrema (abaixo).

Os valores médios do RIN foram, respectivamente: 9,35 (Balbina), 9,32 (Brumado),

9,74 (população do Norte) e 10,0 (população do Sudeste). ...................................... 34

Figura 5. Quantificação absoluta das 18 bibliotecas de RNA-Seq. Curvas de diluição

seriada (20 a 0,0002 pM de DNA) e de amplificação, respectivamente, das

bibliotecas de DNA das populações de cativeiro de Balbina (Norte) e Brumado

(Sudeste) (acima), bem como expostas às salas climáticas atual e extrema (abaixo).

.................................................................................................................................. 36

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Cenário moderado

Cenário extremo

Cenário brando

CEUA Comissão de Ética em Pesquisa no Uso de Animais

cm Centímetro



Dióxido de carbono

Íon carbonato



Conselho Nacional de Controle de Experimentação Animal

Centro de Tecnologia, Treinamento e Produção em Aquicultura

°C Graus Celsius




Gene Diferencialmente Expresso (do inglês, Differentially

Expressed Gene)

Ácido desoxirribonucleico (do inglês, Deoxyribonucleic Acid)

DNA complementar

FDR Taxa de Falsa Descoberta (do inglês, False Discovery Rate)




Gases de Efeito Estufa

GO Ontologia Gênica (do inglês, Gene Ontology)





Guia de Trânsito Animal

Próton hidrogênio

Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais


Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística



Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais

IPCC Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudanças Climáticas (do inglês:

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)



Enciclopédia de Genes e Genoma de Kyoto (do inglês, Kyoto

Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes)









Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento


Miligrama por litro

mgO2.L-1 Miligrama de oxigênio por litro






Ministério da Pesca e Aquicultura

Cloreto de amônio

Sequenciamento de nova geração (do inglês, Next Generation

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Íon nitrito

Oxigênio dissolvido



Par de bases

Reação de Polimerização em Cadeia (do inglês, Polymerase

Chain Reaction)

pH Potencial hidrogeniônico

pM Picomolar



Interação Proteína-Proteína (do inglês, Protein-Protein Interaction)

Partes por milhão

RCP Via de Concentração Representativa (do inglês, Representative

Concentration Pathway)

RIN Número de Integridade do RNA (do inglês, RNA Integrity Number)

RNA Ácido ribonucleico (do inglês, Ribonucleic Acid)

mRNA RNA mensageiro




RNA ribossomal

Sequenciamento de RNA (do inglês, RNA Sequencing)

Secretaria Executiva de Pesca e Aquicultura SEPROR Secretaria de Estado da Produção Rural

SP São Paulo





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As influências antrópicas sobre o meio ambiente têm causado profundas

alterações no clima global (IPCC 2014). As recentes emissões dos gases de efeito

estufa (GEE1) atingiram valores sem precedentes; a quantidade de CO2 subiu dos

280 ppm (partes por milhão), durante o período pré-industrial, para os atuais 390

ppm (IPCC 2014), podendo atingir 540-970 ppm em 2100 (IPCC 2001). Além da

intensa queima de combustíveis fósseis nas indústrias, as mudanças no uso da terra

e a expansão da agricultura representam as principais atividades humanas que

contribuíram com o aumento da concentração de GEE na atmosfera e,

consequentemente, com o aquecimento do planeta (IPCC 2007).

A preocupação acerca do impacto dos fatores naturais e humanos

sobrepondo a variação natural do clima mobilizou os governantes mundiais e a

comunidade científica desde o início da década de 80. Em 1988, o Painel

Intergovernamental sobre Mudanças Climáticas (IPCC2) foi criado com o objetivo de

elaborar relatórios com rigor científico que descrevessem os cenários ambientais

futuros do planeta (Griggs e Noguer 2002). No geral, os modelos climáticos foram

desenhados em função do aumento populacional e desenvolvimentos

socioeconômico e tecnológico, bem como dos cenários de emissões dos gases

causadores do efeito estufa (Justino e Amorim 2007). Uma síntese dos últimos

relatórios divulgados pelo IPCC (2007, 2014) prevê um aumento global na

temperatura e concentração de CO2, sendo mais preocupante em cenário extremo,

tal como o RCP8.5 (IPCC 2014), o que corresponderia a um aumento de 6 ºC na

1 GEE: dióxido de carbono (CO2), gás metano (CH4) e dióxido de nitrogênio (NO2)

2 IPCC, da sigla em inglês: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

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temperatura e 1.250 ppm de CO2 até o ano de 2100. De fato, até os cenários

considerados otimista (B1) e intermediário (A1B) mostram tendência de

aquecimento; e uma série de mudanças nos sistemas geofísicos, biológicos e

socioeconômicos mundial é prevista (Schneider et al. 2007).

Em 2007, o Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) publicou o

Relatório de Clima que destacou os principais impactos das mudanças climáticas no

Brasil, experimentados de forma diferenciada em nível regional (Ambrizzi et al. 2007,

Marengo 2007). De acordo com este estudo, as áreas negativamente afetadas

compreendem a Amazônia e a região Nordeste, cujas previsões climáticas extremas

indicam aumento de 2 a 8 ºC na temperatura, reduções no volume das chuvas e

nível dos açudes, além de risco de desertificação em ambas as regiões.

Situada em sua maior abrangência na região Norte do Brasil, a Amazônia

exibe uma ampla heterogeneidade ambiental, abrigando grande parte da

biodiversidade de espécies da flora e da fauna do mundo (Sioli 1990). Por seu

relevante papel na ciclagem do carbono do planeta (Salati 1983), a região

amazônica é considerada uma área crítica às mudanças climáticas (Nobre et al.

2007, 2008). Segundo esses autores, os impactos causados pelo aquecimento do

clima global sobre os ecossistemas terrestre e aquático amazônicos são

preocupantes, podendo alterar a precipitação pluviométrica, a cobertura da

vegetação e os regimes hidrológicos da bacia.

Modelos regionalizados de mudanças climáticas apontam aumento da

temperatura de 2 a 4 ºC na América do Sul, além da diminuição da precipitação no

leste da Amazônia para o final do século XXI (Li et al. 2006, Ambrizzi et al. 2007,

Salazar et al. 2007). A partir de modelagem climática, é previsto que o aumento da

temperatura do ar combinado com alterações no regime de chuvas resultem na

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substituição da grande área de floresta amazônica por uma vegetação típica de

savana (Cândido et al. 2007, Nobre et al. 2007, 2008, Fearnside 2009). Além disso,

o iminente cenário de mudanças no clima já representa um potencial risco para o

ciclo hidrológico na Amazônia (Nobre et al. 2007), cujos eventos extremos

ultimamente registrados, como as secas de 2005 e 2010, e as cheias de 2009, 2012

e 2015, podem se tornar mais frequentes. Portanto, a magnitude do aquecimento do

clima global pode afetar não somente os ecossistemas amazônicos, mas também

toda sua biodiversidade. Diante disso, a necessidade de estudos detalhados é

especialmente válida para os animais tropicais em face à particular vulnerabilidade

desses organismos às mudanças climáticas que já estão acontecendo (Tewksbury

et al. 2008).


Variações espaciais, diárias e sazonais nos parâmetros físico-químicos dos

ambientes aquáticos influenciam a fisiologia dos animais ectotérmicos que ali vivem,

tais como a maioria dos peixes (Barton 2002, Pörtner et al. 2006). Dentre esses

parâmetros, a temperatura atua como o principal fator abiótico que afeta diretamente

a vida desses organismos, visto que são fisiologicamente dependentes da

temperatura ambiental (Beitinger et al. 2000). Variações na temperatura da água

podem induzir uma gama de respostas fisiológicas (Barton 2002) que incluem

expressão diferenciada de genes relacionados à adaptação térmica (Schulte 2001,

2004, Wang et al. 2009a), mudanças na demanda metabólica (Enzor et al. 2013),

nas atividades enzimáticas (Almeida‐Val et al. 2006, Braz-Mota et al. 2017), no

comportamento e desempenho natatório (Quigley and Hinch 2006), na hierarquia

social (Kochhann et al. 2015) e no crescimento e taxa de reprodução (Pörtner e

Peck 2010); podendo até mesmo agir como um fator letal, uma vez que cada

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espécie apresenta uma faixa de temperatura ideal de sobrevivência (ver Apêndice

de Pörtner e Peck 2010).

Além da elevação da temperatura média do planeta, a acidificação aquática

constitui outra perturbação ambiental que vem causando mudanças complexas na

biogeoquímica dos oceanos (Harley et al. 2006). O aumento da concentração de H+,

devido à alta solubilidade do CO2 atmosférico na água, desequilibra a concentração

de íons carbonato (CO3-2) e reduz o pH (Feely et al. 2004, Guinotte e Fabry 2008).

Segundo Kita et al. (2003), altas concentrações de CO2 induzem uma série de

efeitos adversos em peixes, independente do estágio de desenvolvimento. Efeitos a

curto-prazo incluem hipercapnia (aumento de CO2 no sangue), perturbações

osmorregulatórias e no equilíbrio ácido-base, dificuldades respiratórias, mudanças

nos parâmetros hematológicos; enquanto efeitos a longo-prazo incluem atraso no

crescimento e redução da taxa de reprodução (Ishimatsu et al. 2004). Além disso,

aqueles autores observaram que elevadas concentrações de CO2 saturado na água

salgada resultam em alta mortalidade de ovos, larvas e adultos de peixes marinhos.

Os efeitos das variações ambientais relacionadas às mudanças climáticas

sobre o desempenho fisiológico dos organismos ectotérmicos estão bem

documentados na literatura, com uma série de estudos que mostra a variabilidade

na tolerância térmica em peixes, especialmente para as espécies de clima

temperado (Elliott 1991, Ford e Beitinger 2005, Fangue et al. 2006, Fivelstad et al.

2007, Nowicki et al. 2012, Schulte 2014, Jesus et al. 2018). Entretanto, estudos que

descrevam os efeitos sinérgicos do aumento de temperatura e CO2 em teleósteos

tropicais, conforme os modelos climáticos preconizados pelo IPCC, são incipientes

(Prado-Lima e Val 2016, Oliveira e Val 2017, Fé-Gonçalves et al. 2018, Lapointe et

al. 2018, Lopes et al. 2018, Campos et al. 2019).

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Considerando os recursos pesqueiros em geral, as alterações climáticas em

curso representam uma realidade preocupante que afeta todo o quadro social e

econômico do setor aquícola (Roessig et al. 2004). Diante desse cenário, Brander

(2010) revisou os impactos das mudanças climáticas sobre a atividade pesqueira,

reunindo evidências de efeitos negativos sobre a distribuição, produtividade e

capacidade de resistência das populações de peixes comerciais de ambientes

marinhos e de água doce.

Os impactos do aquecimento global sobre os organismos ectotérmicos

dependem não apenas da magnitude das mudanças de temperatura, mas também

do comportamento, fisiologia e ecologia do organismo em questão (Tewksbury et al.

2008). Segundo Pörtner e Peck (2010), tal como a maioria dos animais, os peixes

tendem a se deslocar para locais onde há uma temperatura desejada quando se

encontram em faixas de temperatura que não lhes são adequadas. Diante disso, o

recente deslocamento de peixes (Golani et al. 2002, Perry et al. 2005), moluscos

(Lima et al. 2006) e crustáceos (Beaugrand et al. 2003) para locais termicamente

favoráveis foi observado. Sem dúvida, a complexa interação entre o clima e os

ecossistemas afeta direta e indiretamente espécies econômica e ecologicamente

importantes (Brander 2010).

Como demonstrado acima, em ambiente natural, os peixes evitam áreas onde

a temperatura está fora de sua faixa ideal. Entretanto, para peixes artificialmente

criados, esta possibilidade não existe. De acordo com van Maaren et al. (2000),

como os peixes em cativeiro não têm a opção da busca de outros ambientes quando

a temperatura aumenta, estes reduzem o consumo de oxigênio na tentativa de

manter o metabolismo por meio da aclimatação térmica. Em revisão, Beitinger et al.

(2000) afirmaram que a aclimatação é o mecanismo pelo qual os organismos podem

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mudar sua janela térmica de desempenho, promovida por uma série de ajustes que

se apresentam em seus vários níveis de organização biológica. Portanto, diante

desses exemplos, é importante reconhecer a influência das mudanças do clima nos

ambientes naturais e artificias sobre as respostas espécie-específicas, revelando,

sob o ponto de vista da plasticidade fenotípica, seus mecanismos de adaptação aos

desafios ambientais resultantes do aquecimento global.

1.3 A ESPÉCIE EM ESTUDO, Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1818)

A produção de peixes em cativeiro representa uma prática de relevância

social e econômica em crescente expansão no Brasil (Sidonio et al. 2012). É uma

atividade realizada nas cinco regiões do país, que se diferenciam em relação às

espécies, volumes produzidos e sistemas artificiais de criação (MPA 2011). Ainda de

acordo com Sidonio et al. (2012), a piscicultura figura como uma alternativa

sustentável e economicamente viável para a produção de pescado destinada a

atender a demanda do mercado nacional e mundial que busca alimentos mais


Na Amazônia, a pesca é considerada uma das atividades intensamente

praticadas pela população regional (Cerdeira et al. 1997), sendo destinada

basicamente à alimentação dos ribeirinhos, bem como à comercialização do

pescado em feiras e mercados locais (Santos et al. 2006). A fauna de peixes

amplamente distribuída na maior bacia de água doce do planeta (Sioli 1984) é a

mais rica quando comparada à de outros ambientes aquáticos continentais (Val e

Almeida-Val 1995). Embora existam cerca de três mil espécies de peixes na bacia

amazônica (Lévêque et al. 2008, Dagosta e De Pinna 2019), poucas são utilizadas

como alimento ou fonte de rendimentos dos produtores locais (Santos e Santos


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Dentre as espécies nativas, Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1818),

conhecido popularmente como tambaqui, figura como o pescado mais consumido na

região Norte (Santos et al. 2006, IBAMA 2007, MPA 2011), a espécie nativa mais

criada no Brasil (IBGE 2016) e em outros países (FAO 2018), e desponta como

espécie potencial em programas de melhoramento genético voltados à Aquicultura

(Hilsdorf e Orfão 2011, Perazza et al. 2015, 2017, Nunes et al. 2017, Gonçalves et

al. 2018). Pertencente à ordem Characiformes e família Serrasalmidae (Mirande

2010), o tambaqui ocorre naturalmente nas bacias do Amazonas e Orinoco, onde se

alimenta de frutos, sementes e zooplânctons na fase jovem, tornando-se

exclusivamente frugívoro quando adulto. Esta espécie apresenta maturação sexual a

partir dos três anos de vida e pode atingir 30 kg e 1 m de comprimento (Saint-Paul

1986). Além da região Norte, o tambaqui é artificialmente criado no Nordeste,

Centro-Oeste e Sudeste (Ostrensky et al. 2008), cujas populações estão

aclimatizadas a ambientes de criação localizados em diferentes latitudes e sobre

influência de fatores climáticos peculiares.

Devido à sua importância ecológica e econômica, estudos sobre as

estratégias adaptativas do tambaqui em face a condições abióticas variáveis têm

revelado seu potencial altamente adaptável. Por exemplo, é uma espécie que

apresenta alta tolerância à hipóxia (Saint-Paul 1984); quer seja pela expansão labial

com o objetivo de otimizar a captação de oxigênio na camada superficial da água,

quer seja pela ativação do metabolismo anaeróbico, seguido de depressão

metabólica (Almeida-Val et al. 1990, Almeida-Val e Farias 1996). O tambaqui

também é tolerante a mudanças de pH (Costa 1995, Wood et al. 1998, 2018), nitrito

(NO2-) (Paula-Silva 1999), amônia (NH4Cl) (Souza-Bastos et al. 2017) e à variação

térmica, sobrevivendo de 12 a 43,4 ºC (Dragan 2015).

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Estudos recentes vêm reforçando as mudanças na plasticidade genotípica e

fenotípica do tambaqui de cativeiro, as quais envolvem ajustes nos diferentes níveis

da hierarquia biológica, permitindo-lhe sobreviver às adversidades impostas pelas

mudanças climáticas. Oliveira e Val (2017), submetendo cronicamente juvenis de

tambaqui aos cenários climáticos (brando – B1, moderado – A1B e extremo – A2) do

IPCC (2007), observaram alterações significativas nos parâmetros hematológicos e

diminuição no crescimento devido ao deslocamento de energia para atender ao

aumento da demanda metabólica em condições severas (A1B e A2). Segundo

Baldisseroto (2009), qualquer fator ambiental que afete o balanço de energia, como

o consumo de alimento e o gasto com o metabolismo tende a influenciar o

crescimento dos peixes, o que pode comprometer até mesmo sua produção em

escala comercial (Santos et al. 2008). Oliveira et al. (in prep)3 também observaram

expressão diferencial do gene estearoil-CoA dessaturase-1 (scd-1) no fígado de

tambaqui exposto por 150 dias àqueles mesmos cenários, resultando em mudanças

no metabolismo dos ácidos graxos e regulação da fluidez da membrana celular.

Ainda, experimentos que simularam o aumento sinérgico da temperatura e

concentrações de CO2 induziram a expressão do gene hsp70 (Heat Shock Protein)

em fígado de tambaqui (Sakuragui et al. 2012), agindo como um mecanismo de

proteção celular ao estresse térmico (Feder e Hofmann 1999, Wegele et al. 2001),

bem como um aumento significativo na frequência de danos no DNA de eritrócitos

(Souza-Netto 2012).

Do ponto de vista genético, estudos desenvolvidos com marcadores

microssatélites em populações de tambaqui provenientes do ambiente natural e de

cativeiro revelam que a prática artificial de criação está contribuindo

3 Oliveira, A.M.; Fé-Gonçalves, L.M.; Val, A.L., in prep

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significativamente para a perda de variabilidade genética e estruturação das

populações produzidas (Santana et al. 2012, Santos et al. 2012, 2016). É importante

salientar que uma redução na variabilidade genética pode comprometer a

adaptabilidade das diferentes populações de tambaqui criadas tanto no Amazonas

quanto em outros estados do Brasil (Gonçalves et al. 2018). A capacidade de regular

e expressar genes responsivos à sobrevivência em ambientes de variações

extremas pode diferir em peixes provenientes de populações geneticamente

diferentes (Hilsdorf e Orfão 2011).


Diante da recente mudança nos padrões climáticos globais, sobrepondo a

variabilidade natural, ajustes nos diferentes níveis da organização biológica (desde

molecular até populacional) são resultantes de algum grau de plasticidade fenotípica

e evolutiva, ambos considerados mecanismos-chave da resposta adaptativa pelos

organismos (Bellard et al. 2014). Mudanças plásticas envolvem a habilidade de um

genótipo em expressar diferentes fenótipos em curto prazo (Ghalambor et al. 2007,

Salamin et al. 2010), enquanto evolutivas ocorrem a longo prazo, dependendo de

mutações e seleção natural (Parmesan 2006). Assim, ampliar o entendimento e

caracterização molecular das respostas plásticas e evolutivas das espécies em face

dos desafios relacionados às mudanças climáticas é especialmente válida frente aos

avanços tecnológicos na abordagem dos seus efeitos sob a biodiversidade global

(Oomen e Hutchings 2017).

Os avanços nos estudos genéticos aliados às análises bioinformáticas têm

possibilitado a caracterização de genomas e transcriptomas de uma ampla

variedade de organismos por meio de sequenciamentos em larga-escala em

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plataformas de nova geração4. O emprego da metodologia de Sequenciamento de

RNA (RNA-Seq) permite o mapeamento e quantificação precisa e diferencial nos

níveis de expressão gênica de cada transcrito sob diferentes condições avaliadas,

bem como sua caracterização em perfis metabólicos (Mardis 2008, Wang et al.


Com o uso dos sequenciadores de NGS, as análises do transcriptoma de

teleósteos, tanto de espécies-modelo quanto não-modelo, têm avançado nos últimos

anos (Qian et al. 2014), com o objetivo de predizer em nível molecular suas

respostas plásticas e evolutivas às mudanças ambientais (ver revisões de Crozier e

Hutchings 2014, Oomen e Hutchings 2017). Por exemplo, em 2013, Liu et al. (2013)

realizaram o primeiro estudo transcriptômico em híbridos de bagre-de-canal (fêmea

de Ictalurus punctatus R. x macho de I. furcatus Valenciennes, 1840) e identificaram

genes induzidos em resposta ao estresse térmico, utilizando plataforma Illumina

HiSeq 2000. Um total de 2.260 genes foram diferencialmente expressos nas

brânquias e no fígado do grupo mantido a 36 ºC, temperatura 12 graus superior à do

grupo controle (24 ºC). De acordo com os autores, genes envolvidos no transporte

de oxigênio e íons, na dobradura e na degradação de proteínas, no metabolismo

energético e na reorganização do citoesqueleto podem ser candidatos valiosos para

o desenvolvimento de linhagens de bagres de interesse comercial termicamente

resistentes. A expressão gênica diferencial do fígado de adultos de salmão do

Atlântico (Salmo salar Linnaeus, 1758) expostos à alta temperatura (19 ºC) e à baixa

concentração de oxigênio (4 mgO2.L-1) foi avaliada por Olsvik et al. (2013) com o uso

do sequenciador 454 FLX da Roche. No geral, apenas 19 genes, que exercem

funções regulatórias transcricionais e metabólicas, foram comumente expressos em

4 NGS, da sigla em inglês: Next Generation Sequencing

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ambos os tratamentos; entretanto, a exposição crônica reprimiu a síntese de

proteínas, indicando uma depressão do metabolismo que resultou na redução do

crescimento nesses animais, o que pode ser prejudicial para a atividade aquícola da

espécie em um cenário de mudança climática.

Embora seja uma ferramenta moderna e de custo relativamente baixo (Wang

et al. 2009b), seu uso ainda é incipiente no estudo de genes potencialmente

envolvidos na adaptação dos peixes amazônicos às adversidades dos seus

ambientes (Lemgruber et al. 2013, Prado-Lima e Val 2016, Araújo et al. 2017,

Fagundes et al. in prep5). O primeiro estudo baseado na caracterização do

transcriptoma do músculo branco de tambaqui exposto cronicamente a cenários

climáticos foi conduzido por Prado-Lima e Val (2016). Dos 32.512 transcritos obtidos

em plataforma SOLiDTM (ABI), os autores identificaram 445 genes diferencialmente

expressos (DEGs6) responsivos aos diferentes cenários testados, que incluem

chaperonas envolvidas no dobramento de proteínas, genes relacionados ao

metabolismo energético, biossíntese de macromoléculas, organização celular,

manutenção da homeostase e desenvolvimento.

Portanto, o potencial emprego de ferramentas moleculares modernas

possibilita primariamente a compreensão dos mecanismos plásticos desencadeados

tanto em ambientes naturais quanto artificiais. O impacto de tais mudanças sobre a

ictiofauna tropical precisa ser investigado no presente para melhor entendimento dos

processos de adaptação molecular e bioquímica, ambos necessários para o

processo de aclimatização e sobrevivência frente a ambientes desafiadores.

5 Fagundes, D.B.; Lemgruber, R.S.P; Araújo, J.D.A.; Fé-Gonçalves, L.M.; Val, A.L., in prep

6 DEG, da sigla em inglês: Differentially Expressed Gene

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O presente estudo objetivou avaliar comparativamente o transcriptoma

diferencial de duas populações de tambaqui de cativeiro tanto aclimatizadas em

diferentes latitudes quanto sobre a influência de um cenário extremo de mudança



2.2.1 Capítulo I

Descrever o perfil funcional dos transcritos diferencialmente expressos em

duas populações de tambaqui criadas em regiões de diferentes latitudes e relacioná-

los à adaptação local.

3.2.2 Capítulo II

Descrever o perfil funcional dos transcritos diferencialmente expressos em

duas populações de tambaqui de cativeiro submetidas a uma condição climática

extrema e identificar os principais genes relacionados à plasticidade regional.



As técnicas de manejo e eutanásia dos juvenis de tambaqui (Figura 1) foram

realizadas de acordo com as Diretrizes Brasileiras de Ética no Uso de Animais, como

sugeridas pelo Conselho Nacional de Controle de Experimentação Animal (CONCEA

2013). A Guia de Trânsito Animal (GTA), que permitiu o transporte aéreo dos juvenis

de tambaqui provenientes de Mogi Mirim/SP, foi atestada junto ao Ministério da

Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA), sob processo de n°. 003856. Este

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estudo foi aprovado pela Comissão de Ética em Pesquisa no Uso de Animais

(CEUA) do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), sob processo de

n°. 032/2016.


3.2.1 Capítulo I Coleta ex-situ

Juvenis de tambaqui foram coletados em duas estações de piscicultura

brasileiras localizadas nas regiões Norte e Sudeste, respectivamente: i) Centro de

Tecnologia, Treinamento e Produção em Aquicultura (CTTPA – SEPA/SEPROR em

Balbina/AM – 1°55'54.4"S; 59°24'39.1"O) e ii) Piscicultura Brumado (Mogi Mirim/SP

– 22°31'16.00"S; 46°53'5.71"O). Ambas as pisciculturas também foram escolhidas

em estudos anteriores que objetivaram aplicar programas de melhoramento genético

em populações de tambaqui de cativeiro (Nunes et al. 2017, Gonçalves et al. 2018).

Além disso, as populações de tambaqui do Norte e do Sudeste são criadas em

diferentes latitudes que exibem a variação climática típica do Brasil, de acordo com a

classificação de Köppen (Alvares et al. 2013). A população do Norte vive em uma

Figura 1. Exemplar juvenil de tambaqui Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1818),

evidenciando seu formato corporal romboidal, nadadeira adiposa com raios e linha

lateral destacada (adaptado de Santos et al. 2006).

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região climática caracterizada pelo clima tropical úmido (clima Af) com temperatura

média anual de 27,1 °C (variando de 22,3 a 32,6 °C). A população do Sudeste vive

em uma região de clima temperado úmido com inverno seco e verão quente (clima

Cwa) com uma temperatura média anual de 20,1 °C (variando de 9,4 a 28,0 °C),


Cada lote de tambaqui foi proveniente de diferentes matrizes, com o manejo

reprodutivo realizado de acordo com seus respectivos locais de criação. Por

exemplo, o cruzamento das matrizes de Brumado foi realizado no período de

reprodução de dezembro de 2015, enquanto o de Balbina em maio de 2016. Assim,

a população de Brumado (~60 g e 13 cm) foi coletada em fevereiro de 2016, período

do verão nesta região cuja temperatura varia de 18,8 a 28 °C (CPTEC/INPE 2018).

A população de Balbina (~26 g e 10 cm) foi coletada em junho de 2016, marcando o

início da estação seca – o ‘‘verão amazônico’’ (Fisch et al. 1998), com a temperatura

variando entre 23 a 31 °C (Climatempo 2018). No momento da coleta dos

espécimes, a temperatura da água dos tanques de criação registrou 21 °C em

Brumado e 29,5 °C em Balbina; a concentração de oxigênio dissolvido (OD) variou

entre 5 a 7 mg.L-1 em ambos os locais. Obtenção das amostras

Em cada piscicultura, dez juvenis de tambaqui foram sacrificados por secção

medular e dissecados para a coleta de tecidos com o uso de material cirúrgico

esterilizado. Amostras de fígado foram imediatamente armazenadas em RNAlater®

Stabilization Solution (Thermo Fisher Scientific) para assegurar a preservação do

ácido ribonucleico (RNA) durante o transporte para o Laboratório de Ecofisiologia e

Evolução Molecular (LEEM/COBio/INPA) em Manaus/AM. No laboratório, as 20

amostras foram removidas do RNAlater®, lavadas em água livre de RNase (Qiagen),

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blotadas em papel-filtro (Whatman®) para retirar o excesso de tampão, e então

congeladas em freezer -80 ºC até a extração de RNA. O tecido hepático foi

escolhido neste estudo por desempenhar reações metabolicamente importantes

relacionadas ao estresse térmico (Logan e Buckley 2015).

3.2.2 Capítulo II Aquisição e aclimatação dos animais

Lotes de juvenis de tambaqui provenientes das pisciculturas Balbina e

Brumado, acima descritas, foram transportados ao LEEM (COBio/INPA) via terrestre

e via aérea, respectivamente. No laboratório, as populações foram aclimatadas

separadamente em tanques de polietileno de 310 L em condições controladas

(~25,7 °C; 7,0 mgO2.L-1; pH 6,5 e 0,13 mM de amônia total). Durante os períodos

pré-experimental e experimental, os peixes foram alimentados com ração

pelletilizada comercial constituída por 32% de proteína bruta (Nutripeixe, Purina),

fornecida uma vez ao dia até a saciedade aparente. Exposição artificial em salas climáticas

Exemplares de tambaqui de ambas as populações foram artificialmente

expostos aos cenários climáticos atual (condição controle) e extremo (RCP8.5)

como descritos no 5°. Relatório de Avaliação do IPCC (IPCC 2014). O cenário atual

simulou as variações, em tempo real, na temperatura e concentração de CO2 iguais

às atuais. O cenário extremo reproduziu um aumento de 4,5 ºC na temperatura e

850 ppm de CO2 no ar, tendo seus parâmetros variando em relação ao cenário atual.

Um total de 36 indivíduos das populações de Norte e Sudeste foram expostos

por 30 dias a estes ambientes controlados, durante a estação seca da Amazônia

(Figura 2). Em cada cenário, foram acondicionados 18 aquários de plástico

(Sanremo) contendo 20 L de água sob aeração constante, onde os animais foram

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alimentados uma vez por dia (15h) com ração pelletilizada com 32% de proteína

bruta (Nutripeixe, Purina). Acompanhamento das variáveis ambientais

A temperatura, concentração de CO2, umidade relativa do ar e ciclo circadiano

12L:12D foram monitorados por um sistema de controle computacional integrado

que coleta informações sobre todos os parâmetros, a cada dois minutos e os

armazena em um computador exclusivo para esta finalidade. As oscilações diárias

na temperatura e na quantidade de CO2 nas duas salas climáticas são ilustradas na

Figura 3. Como esperado, os valores de umidade relativa não variaram entre os

cenários atual (69,5 ± 0,04) e extremo (68,7 ± 0,03).

Os parâmetros físico-químicos da água dos aquários foram também medidos

diariamente (15h) durante a execução dos experimentos (Tabela 1). Os valores de

pH foram obtidos com o auxílio de um pHmetro digital UltraBasic UB-10 (Denver

Instrument), e as medidas de temperatura e concentrações de OD foram tomadas

Figura 2. (A) Modelo das salas climáticas que reproduzem os cenários atual e

extremo, e seus respectivos valores (média ± erro padrão da média) de temperatura

e níveis de CO2 durante 30 dias de experimento (outubro a novembro de 2016). (B)

Exposição artificial de juvenis de tambaqui provenientes de populações criadas na

região Norte, em verde (N= 18) e Sudeste, em azul (N= 18) aos dois ambientes


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com o auxílio de um multianalisador YSI-85 (Yellow Springs Instruments). Ensaios

colorimétricos determinaram os níveis de CO2 por meio de titulação em seringa

descartável (Boyd e Tucker 1992), bem como a dosagem total de amônia usando

um leitor de microplaca SpectraMax Plus 384 (Molecular Devices) (Verdouw et al.

1978). Para evitar o acúmulo tóxico de amônia, a renovação parcial da água foi

realizada diariamente.

Figura 3. Variações diárias na temperatura e concentração de CO2 do ar das salas

climáticas medidas ao longo de 30 dias de experimento, às 15h (25 de outubro a 26

de novembro de 2016).

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Tabela 1. Parâmetros físico-químicos da água dos aquários mantidos por 30 dias

nas salas climáticas atual e extrema. Os dados são apresentados como média ± erro

padrão da média (N= 30). *Indica diferenças significativas em relação ao cenário

atual (teste-t de Student, P< 0,05), mostrando a eficiência na variação artificial entre

as salas climáticas. Obtenção das amostras

Os peixes do Norte pesavam 52,4 g ± 3,0 e mediam 11,9 cm ± 0,2, e os do

Sudeste, 67,9 g ± 6,5 e 13,0 cm ± 0,5. Conforme procedimento padrão de eutanásia

do CONCEA, os peixes foram sacrificados por secção medular para a coleta de

tecido, com uso de pinça e tesoura estéreis. As 36 amostras de fígado foram

imediatamente preservadas em RNAlater®, e conservadas em freezer -20 ºC até a

fase de extração de RNA.


A metodologia descrita a seguir foi empregada para resolver os objetivos

específicos dos Capítulos I e II do presente estudo.

3.3.1 Extração do RNA total, eletroforese e quantificação

O RNA total das 56 amostras de fígado de tambaqui (n= 20, Capítulo I e

n=36, Capítulo II) foi extraído conforme instruções do kit RNeasy® Mini (Qiagen)

com o uso da estação robótica QIACube (Qiagen). Ao final da extração







pH Amônia total


População do Norte

Atual 26,1±0,2 11,7±1,9 7,3±0,1 6,9±0,09 0,17±0,01

Extremo 29,0±0,2* 17,7±2,2* 6,5±0,1*



População do Sudeste

Atual 26,3±0,2 11,5±1,4 7,2±0,1 6,8±0,06 0,15±0,01

Extremo 29,1±0,2* 18,4±2,0* 6,8±0,1*

6,6±0,07 0,18±0,01

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automatizada, pellets de RNA total foram ressuspendidos em 30 μL de água livre de


A integridade do RNA total foi primeiramente verificada em gel de agarose 1%

(UltraPure™ Agarose, Thermo Fisher Scientific) por meio da visualização dos RNAs

ribossômicos (rRNAs) 28S e 18S. Posteriormente, a qualidade do RNA foi avaliada

por meio de eletroforese microfluídica no equipamento Agilent 2100 BioAnalyzer

(Agilent Technologies), seguindo as instruções do kit Agilent RNA 6000 Nano

(Agilent Technologies). Amostras de boa qualidade apresentaram valor de RIN (RNA

Integrity Number) ≥ 8 (Figura 4).

Figura 4. Eletroforese microfluídica de RNA total extraído do fígado de juvenis de

tambaqui provenientes das populações de cativeiro de Balbina (Norte) e Brumado

(Sudeste) (acima), bem como expostas às salas climáticas atual e extrema (abaixo).

Os valores médios do RIN foram, respectivamente: 9,35 (Balbina), 9,32 (Brumado),

9,74 (população do Norte) e 10,0 (população do Sudeste).

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A concentração e pureza do RNA total foram verificadas no NanoDrop® 2000

Espectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific) e, mais tarde, confirmadas por

fluorimetria no Qubit® 2.0 (Thermo Fisher Scientific), conforme o manual do kit Qubit

RNA BR Assay (Thermo Fisher Scientific). Todas as amostras de RNA apresentaram

rendimento considerável, como seguem: 0,97 μg ± 0,08 (Balbina), 0,46 μg ± 0,16

(Brumado), 0,96 μg ± 0,09 (população do Norte) e 1,04 μg ± 0,1 (população do


3.3.2 Sequenciamento dos transcritos

Antes do início do protocolo para a construção das bibliotecas de RNA-Seq,

foram formados pools de RNA total com a finalidade de garantir uma quantidade

adequada de RNA para os procedimentos subsequentes. Para tal, foram formados

três (03) pools de RNA para cada condição aqui estudada, totalizando seis (06)

réplicas biológicas das pisciculturas de Balbina e Brumado (Capítulo I) e 12 das

populações do Norte e Sudeste submetidas às condições experimentais em salas

climáticas (Capítulo II).

Os 18 pools obtidos foram sequenciados em plataforma de nova geração

MiSeq® da Illumina. As bibliotecas de DNA foram construídas de acordo com as

instruções do kit TruSeq RNA Sample Preparation (Illumina). Os reagentes

fornecidos nesse kit possibilitaram (i) a purificação e a fragmentação do mRNA

isolado a partir de 0,25 µg de RNA total; (ii) a síntese de cDNA fita simples e fita

dupla; (iii) a adenilação da extremidade 3’ do cDNA de fita dupla; e (iv) a ligação dos

adaptadores em ambas as extremidades dos fragmentos. Após o enriquecimento

dos fragmentos de DNA por Reação de Polimerização em Cadeia (PCR), as

bibliotecas foram validadas no ViiA 7 Real-Time PCR System (Thermo Fisher

Scientific), seguindo as instruções do kit KAPA SYBR® FAST qPCR Master Mix

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(Kapa Biosystems) (Figura 5). Em seguida, as bibliotecas normalizadas foram

denaturadas e diluídas para o sequenciamento, utilizando o MiSeq Reagent Kit v2

(Illumina) que possibilita a formação dos clusters de sequenciamento e geração de

até 30 milhões de reads com tamanho aproximado de 250 pares de base (pb) de


3.3.3 Análises de Bioinformática

O processamento dos dados brutos gerados do sequenciamento de RNA foi

realizado no Laboratório de Bioinformática do LEEM (COBio/INPA). Cada etapa de

análise dos dados de RNA-Seq é descrita a seguir: i) análises dos parâmetros de

qualidade das reads no FastQC v.0.11.6 (Andrews 2010); ii) trimagem das leituras

de baixa qualidade (Q-score <20 e comprimento <50 pb) e remoção das sequências

adaptadoras das reads no Trimmomatic v.0.36 (Bolger et al. 2014); iii) montagem e

alinhamento do transcriptoma com o Trinity v.2.5.1 (Grabherr et al. 2011) e Bowtie2

Figura 5. Quantificação absoluta das 18 bibliotecas de RNA-Seq. Curvas de diluição

seriada (20 a 0,0002 pM de DNA) e de amplificação, respectivamente, das

bibliotecas de DNA das populações de cativeiro de Balbina (Norte) e Brumado

(Sudeste) (acima), bem como expostas às salas climáticas atual e extrema (abaixo).

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v. (Langmead and Salzberg 2012); iv) cálculo de abundância dos transcritos

com o RSEM (Li and Dewey 2011) e pacotes do R/Bioconductor (Bates et al. 2004);

v) quantificação dos genes diferencialmente expressos (DEGs) usando o pacote

R/Bioconductor, edgeR (Robinson et al. 2009), considerando FDR ≤ 0,05 e fold

change ≥ 2; e vi) anotação dos DEGs com o BLASTx (Altschul et al. 1997),

comparado com o banco de dados de proteínas Uniprot/TrEMBL (classe

Actinopterygii) e proteínas Swiss-Prot não redundante, com valor e-value 1e-5. O

programa Trinotate v.3.1.1 ( foi usado para classificar os

DEGs de acordo com as três categorias da Ontologia Gênica (GO – Gene Ontology):

i) Componente Celular, ii) Função Molecular e iii) Processo Biológico.

No NetworkAnalyst (, foi realizada a

construção redes biológicas baseadas na interação proteína-proteína (PPI – protein-

protein interaction) a partir dos DEGs. Esse programa também permitiu a análise de

enriquecimento dos termos do GO, de acordo com os grupos KEGG (Kyoto

Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) (Xia et al. 2014).


O transcriptoma comparativo das populações de tambaqui criadas em duas

pisciculturas brasileiras bem como cronicamente expostas a um cenário extremo,

que mimetiza mudanças climáticas, é descrito a seguir. A identificação e

caracterização funcional dos principais genes responsáveis pela adaptação das

populações de tambaqui às condições distintas são discutidas separadamente em

dois manuscritos que compõem os Capítulos I e II desta Tese.

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Capítulo I

Transcriptomic evidences of local thermal adaptation for the native

fish Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1818)

Publicação relacionada:

Fé-Gonçalves, L.M., Araújo J.D.A., Santos, C.H.A., Almeida-Val, V.M.F. 2019.

Transcriptomic evidences of local thermal adaptation for the native fish Colossoma

macropomum (Cuvier, 1818)

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Status atual da submissão em 10/12/2019.

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Transcriptomic evidences of local thermal adaptation for the native fish Colossoma

macropomum (Cuvier, 1818)

Luciana Mara Fé-Gonçalves1, José Deney Alves Araújo2, Carlos Henrique dos Anjos dos

Santos1, Vera Maria Fonseca de Almeida-Val1

1Laboratory of Ecophysiology and Molecular Evolution, National Institute for Amazonian

Research, Av. André Araújo, 2936, 69067-375, Petrópolis, Manaus, AM, Brazil

2Computational Systems Biology Laboratory, University of São Paulo. Professor Lúcio

Martins Rodrigues Avenue, 370, 05508020, Butantã, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Local adaptation of captive tambaqui

Key words: transcriptome; tambaqui; population; temperature; thermal adaptation

Corresponding author: Luciana Mara Fé-Gonçalves

Postal address: Brazilian National Institute for Research in the Amazon, 2936 André Araújo

Avenue, Petrópolis 69067-375, Manaus, AM, Brazil

E-mail address: [email protected]

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Brazil has five climatically distinct regions, with an annual average temperature difference up

to 14ºC between the northern and southern extremes. Environmental variations of this

magnitude can lead to new genetic patterns among farmed fish populations. Genetically

differentiated populations of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum Cuvier, 1818), an important

freshwater fish for Brazilian continental aquaculture, may be associated with regional

adaptation. In this study, we selected tambaquis raised in two thermally distinct regions,

belonging to different latitudes, to test this hypothesis. De novo transcriptome analysis was

performed to compare the significant differences of genes expressed in the liver of juvenile

tambaqui from a northern population (Balbina) and a southeastern population (Brumado). In

total, 2,410 genes were differentially expressed (1,196 in Balbina and 1,214 in Brumado).

Many of the genes are involved in a multitude of biological functions such as biosynthetic

processes, homeostasis, biorhythm, immunity, cell signaling, ribosome biogenesis,

modification of proteins, intracellular transport, structure/cytoskeleton, and catalytic activity.

Enrichment analysis based on biological networks showed a different protein interaction

profile for each population, whose encoding genes may play potential functions in local

thermal adaptation of fish to their respective farming environments.

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The large teleost fish, Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1818) (popularly called

“tambaqui” or “cachama negra”) is a native species found in the Amazonas and Orinoco

rivers (Araújo-Lima and Goulding 1998), being economically important for Brazilian

continental aquaculture (IBGE 2016). Belonging to the Characiformes order and the

Serrasalmidae family (Mirande 2010), an adult tambaqui may reach a weight of 30 kg and a

length of 1 m (Saint-Paul 1986). Due to these traits, the tambaqui has become the primary

commercial resource in Amazonian aquaculture and fisheries for its good zootechnical

aspects: high level of adaptability to different culture systems, easy manipulation and

reproduction in captivity by hormonal induction, high growth rate, and, of course, consumer

market acceptance due to the quality of its meat (Moro et al. 2013; Morais and O´Sullivan

2017). As a result, the intensification of its production has been spread by fish farming, which

is located in four distinct geographic regions of Brazil (Ostrensky et al. 2008).

Brazil displays a climatic variability which can be divided into five regions; Northern,

Northeastern, Central-West, Southeastern, and Southern (Alvares et al. 2013). However, the

most climatically distinct Northern and Southeastern regions are highlighted in our study.

According to Köppen’s classification of climates, the Northern region is naturally dominated

by a humid equatorial climate (Af climate), with an annual average temperature of 27.1ºC

(ranging from 22.3 to 32.6ºC), while the Southeastern region presents a humid, temperate

climate (Cwa climate), with an annual average temperature of 20.1ºC (varying from 9.4 to

28.0ºC). In winter, cold fronts originating from the Atlantic polar mass may cause frost

(Alvares et al. 2013).

Considering seasonal temperature variations between climatic zones, recent studies

have investigated the environmental adaptations of species based on genomic approaches,

which reflect biological processes that are important in adaptive evolution (Yi et al. 2016).

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Genetic variations within populations have suggested that captive tambaquis already show

signs of local adaptation to regions with different climatic conditions (Santos et al. 2016;

Nunes et al. 2017; Gonçalves et al. 2018). Moreover, specific thermal adaptations of these

populations have revealed differential expression of genes, displaying critical roles in

metabolic process for fish homeostasis, such as circadian rhythm, cell proliferation, energy

metabolism and protein modification (Dragan 2019).

Transcriptome analysis of non-model organisms is one the most important approaches

for providing insights into the adaptive evolution of species in response to their living

environments (Yi et al. 2016). However, under the current perspective of global climate

change, such molecular informations may be particularly valuable in the conservation of

species which are threatened by extreme environmental challenges (Bellard et al. 2014). In

general, fishes are highly able to respond plastically to a myriad of environmental changes,

but whether their plastic responses are beneficial seems to depend on the environmental

variable that they are being subjected to (Schulte 2001). Climate changes may negatively

affect fish populations living close to their thermal comfort zone (Pörtner and Peck 2010), and

fish, particularly in the Amazon region, will be those most threatened (Fé-Gonçalves et al.

2018; Campos et al. 2019).

The genetic basis for the tambaqui fish has been developed in recent years. Thus, the

present study provides a novel investigation regarding the regional adaptation of tambaqui

populations raised in two thermally distinct regions of Brazil based on a comparison of

transcriptome profiles.

Material and Methods

Liver sampling

Twenty juvenile tambaquis were collected ex-situ from two fish farms located in the

northern and southeastern regions of Brazil (Figure 1). Sampling was carried out during the

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dry season when regional climate variables were similar between both sites. The population

from Balbina (n= 10; ~ 26 g and 10 cm) was collected in June 2016, at the beginning of the

Amazonian “summer” period (Fisch et al. 1998), with temperatures varying between 23 to

31ºC (Climatempo 2018). The population from Brumado (n= 10; ~ 60 g and 13 cm) was

collected during the summer of February 2016, when temperature varied from 18.8 to 28ºC

(CPTEC/INPE 2018). At the time, the water temperature of the rearing tanks was 29.5ºC in

Balbina and 21ºC in Brumado; the level of dissolved oxygen ranged from 5 to 7 mg.L-1.

For tissue sampling from each population, fish (42 g ± 4.7 and 11 cm ± 0.4) were

anesthetized and euthanized by cervical sectioning according to Brazilian Guidelines from the

National Board of Control and Care for Ethics in the use of Experimental Animals (CONCEA

2013). Twenty liver samples were immediately stored in RNAlater® Stabilization Solution

(Thermo Fisher Scientific, Massachusetts, USA) to ensure the preservation of the ribonucleic

acid (RNA) during transport to the Laboratory of Ecophysiology and Molecular Evolution

(LEEM/COBio/INPA), Manaus, Amazonas state, Brazil. In the laboratory, samples were

removed from RNAlater®, washed in RNase-free water (Qiagen, Hilden, DE), dapped dry on

an absorbent paper tissue (Whatman®, GE Healthcare Life Sciences, Maidstone, UK), and

then stored at -80 ºC until extraction of the RNA. Herein, the liver was analyzed tissue due to

its essential metabolically responses under environmental stress (Lemgruber et al. 2013;

Logan and Buckley 2015).

Library construction for RNA sequencing

Total RNA was extracted from the tambaqui livers using RNeasy® Mini Kit (Qiagen,

Hilden, DE) protocol. Approximately 20 mg tissue was homogenized in lysis buffer in a

TissueLyser II (Qiagen, Hilden, DE) for 2x2 minutes at 20 Hz. Automated purification of

RNA was performed on a QIACube robotic workstation (Qiagen, Hilden, DE) using silica-

membrane technology. The quality and quantity of extracted RNA were accurately checked

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using both an RNA 6000 Nano Bioanalyzer chip (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, USA)

and a NanoDrop 2000 Spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Massachusetts, USA).

All the RNA samples were free of gDNA and had a suitable RNA yield (~ 0.7μg) and optimal

purity (average RIN = 9.3, A260:A280 and A260:A230 ratios = 2.0). Before library construction,

three samples of total RNA were pooled, totaling six RNA-Seq libraries, with three biological

replicates for each tambaqui population (Balbina and Brumado).

All procedures for constructing and sequencing of RNA-Seq libraries were carried out

in the Molecular Biology Laboratory of LEEM/INPA following the Illumina protocols. The

mRNA was isolated from the total RNA (0.72μg eluted in 50 μL) using oligo d(T)25

magnetic beads bound to the poly (A) tail of the mRNA. Then, the first and second strands of

complementary DNA (cDNA) were synthesized, and a single adenine (A) nucleotide was

added to the end 3' of the fragments. Adapters were ligated to the cDNA fragments and a

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was performed to enrich these fragments. cDNA libraries

were prepared using the reagents provided in the TruSeq RNA Library Sample Preparation

Kit v2 (Illumina, San Diego, USA).

The absolute quantification of cDNA libraries was measured on a ViiA 7 Real-Time

PCR System (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Massachusetts, USA) using the KAPA SYBR® FAST

qPCR Master Mix (Kapa Biosystems, Wilmington, USA). Normalized cDNA libraries were

clustered using the MiSeq Reagent Kit v2 (500-cycles) and sequenced on an Illumina MiSeq

platform in three sequencing paired-end runs (2×250 cycles). These sequence data have been

submitted to the GenBank databases under accession number PRJNA547332


Bioinformatic analysis

Analyses of the high-throughput RNA sequencing were performed at the

Bioinformatics Laboratory of LEEM/INPA. The quality of sequenced reads was checked

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using the FastQC v.0.11.6 program (Andrews 2010). The low-quality reads (Q-score ≤ 20)

were trimmed by removing the adaptor sequences, and filtering the reads with less than 50

base pairs (bp) were performed using the Trimmomatic v.0.36 program (Bolger et al. 2014).

Due to the absence of the complete genome for Colossoma macropomum species, we choose

to use the de novo transcriptome assembly using the Trinity v.2.5.1 program (Grabherr et al.

2011). In addition, programs that assisted Trinity were used to assemble the transcriptome

with the Bowtie2 v. (Langmead and Salzberg 2012), and calculate the abundance of

transcripts using the RSEM v.1.3.0 program (Li and Dewey 2011) and R/Bioconductor

packages v.3.3.2 (Bates et al. 2004), respectively.

Differential expression was quantified into up- and downregulated genes using the

edgeR v.3.16.5 program (Robinson et al. 2009) of R/Bioconductor package. The assumed

False Discovery Rate (FDR) was ≤0.05 in order to correct P values, and the data generated by

the RSEM were used to calculate the fold change values of ≥ 2. The differentially expressed

genes (DEGs) were annotated with the BLASTx v.2.7.1+ program (Altschul et al. 1997),

against the database of Uniprot/TrEMBL proteins (class Actinopterygii) and Swiss-Prot for

non-redundant proteins, with e-value 1e-5. The Trinotate tool v.3.1.1

( was used to classify the DEGs according to the three general

categories of Gene Ontology (GO) annotation: i) Biological Process (BP); ii) Cellular

Component (CC); and iii) Molecular Function (MF).

Further analysis on Network Analyst ( was performed

to construct relevant biological networks based on Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) starting

from a list of DEGs, using their official names and fold change values. NetworkAnalyst also

allows performing functional enrichment analysis of significantly expressed GO terms

according to the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) database (Xia et al.


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Six cDNA libraries were constructed from the liver of juvenile tambaquis raised on the

Balbina and Brumado fish farms. Three RNA-Seq runs performed on the Illumina MiSeq

platform yielded 106,161,098 million (M) raw reads, with an average of 8,846,758 M reads

per library. After quality trimming (Q-score < 20 and removal of reads of length < 50 bp),

100,945,530 M filtered reads were saved. About 95% of the total reads sequenced were

assembled for de novo analysis and aligned; 166,819 contigs were assembled, and the average

length was 912 bp, with an N50 value of 1,777 bp. The assembled bases totaled 152,281,627

M. Considering only those genes with a FDR < 0.05 and fold change > 2, a total of 2,410

genes showed significant differential expression between the two populations (Balbina versus

Brumado). Of these, 1,196 (49.6%) genes were found in the Balbina population, whereas

1,214 (50.4%) genes were differentially expressed in the Brumado population. The overview

of the de novo transcriptome statistics for the two populations of Colossoma macropomum is

described in Table 1.

Regarding the functional classification of the DEGs, only the upregulated genes were

annotated through GO terms: BP – Biological Process, CC – Cell Component, and MF –

Molecular Function. In the population from the Balbina farm, 3,443 terms were successfully

assigned into 703 GO subcategories: BP, 1,684; CC, 318 and MF, 1,441. For the population

from the Brumado farm, 4,260 terms were categorized into 851 GO subcategories: BP, 1,854;

CC, 442 and MF, 1,964. GO representation of the top 30 upregulated terms identified in each

population is shown in Figures 2 and 3, respectively. Forty-nine upregulated terms were

shared in the two populations of tambaqui (Table 2). Overall, the genes commonly expressed

between populations were related to several biosynthetic processes, homeostasis, biorhythm,

immunity, cell signaling, ribosome biogenesis, metabolism of proteins, protein

folding/modification, intracellular transport, structure/cytoskeleton and catalytic activity.

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The two biological networks were constructed from the DE genes upregulated in the

liver of both populations. A fully correlated seed node (or hubs) list is given in Tables S1 and

S2. Each generated PPI network was composed for a suitable number of nodes (proteins) and

edges (interactions between nodes); the Balbina population’s PPI presented 752 nodes and

948 edges, whereas the one of Brumado population contained 671 nodes and 818 edges.

Enrichment analysis of the PPI network from each population showed a total of 36

KEGG pathways (Figure 4). Furthermore, enrichment categories based on GO terms for

Biological Process were identified in both populations, as listed in Table 3. Seventy-four seed

nodes were highlighted in the protein interaction network of the Balbina population (Figure

5). Proteins biologically involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids, reproduction,

protein folding, and transport were represented in enriched hubs. However, the PPI network

containing 70 seeds from the Brumado population showed another metabolic profile, with hub

genes encoding proteins that participate in cellular homeostasis, response to external stimulus

(oxygen radical, hypoxia and heat), RNA processing, signal transduction and protein import

(Figure 6). Taken together, four putative functional categories involved in local adaptation of

tambaqui to their respective farming sites are related to: i) energy metabolism; ii) protein

folding; iii) cellular homeostasis; and iv) circadian rhythm.


In order to investigate the candidate genes potentially involved in the adaptation of

fishes to new or constantly changing environments, the introduction of deep-sequencing

technologies has provided a revolutionary tool for the precise measurement of transcript

levels (Oomen and Hutchings 2017). In the present study, we employed an RNA sequencing

approach to compare the transcriptomic profile of two populations of artificially farmed

tambaqui from tropical and subtropical zones in Brazil. In total, 2,410 differentially expressed

genes (1,196 in Balbina and 1,214 in Brumado) which are involved in a multitude of

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biological functions may assign valuable information into the particular metabolic processes

of each population related to regional adaptation.

It is well known that temperature drives a physical influence on the environmental

adaptation of natural fish populations which live in distinct climate regions (Schulte 2001).

Based on an RNA-seq analysis, evidences for local adaptation were identified in three loaches

from different climatic zones in China (Yi et al. 2016). In these species of Misgurnus,

population-specific adaptations were linked to 59 candidate genes playing functions in energy

metabolism, signal transduction, membrane, and cell proliferation or apoptosis. Also, for

broodstocks reared in several farming systems, among them, the two herein analyzed, regional

adaptation correlated with environmental variables were first report by Nunes (2017) when

comparing the eight broodstocks of tambaqui from three different climatic regions in Brazil.

Eighteen candidate genes under positive selection were identified through genotyping-by-

sequencing (GBS) and were related to the immune system, metabolism, biorhythm, and

growth. According to the Nunes (2017), the climatic contrast of Brazilian region may impose

selective forces on the locally adapted populations.

Herein, studying juveniles of the two mentioned fish facilities, the upregulation of a

set of transcripts revealed the potential genes that are directly involved in the regional

adaptation of each population to their living environment. After detailed functional

annotation, many genes were assigned to several overlapping pathways (energy metabolism,

protein folding, cellular homeostasis, and circadian rhythm), which somewhat corroborated

the results of Nunes (2017).

According to Beitinger et al. (2000), temperature affects virtually all fish physiology.

Under thermal stress, metabolic adjustments, including lipid and carbohydrate catabolism, are

modulated due to the higher metabolic demand (Wang et al. 2009). Compared to Brumado, at

least 14 genes assigned to energy metabolism were enriched in the Balbinas’s biological

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network (Figure 5). The overexpressed genes APOB and ACLY encode proteins that

participate in the lipid metabolism, indicating this may be considered the preferential energy

fuel under farming climate conditions in the northern region. Likewise, we found the FADS2

(or scd) upregulated gene only in this population, which assures the fluidity and flexibility of

cellular membranes by increasing the level of unsaturated fatty acids (Ntambi and Miyazaki

2004). Remarkably, Oliveira (2014) reported that higher relative transcript levels from liver

SCD-1 of tambaqui juveniles from farm cages and streams are modulated according to the

daily abiotic oscillations in their breeding environment.

Besides energy metabolism, cytoskeleton organization, growth and cell death, and

molecular chaperones are the main pathways of generally detected proteins in cellular stress

response (Wang et al. 2009). Differentially expressed proteins in the Brumado network were

associated with some aspects of the responses to external stimulus (Figure 6). Particularly,

heat- (ATXN3) and hypoxia-responsive genes (TXN2, ldha, BAD, EPAS1, Slc29a1, AGTRAP,

PTK2B, rest, and Adam8) were enriched in this population, suggesting that their breeding

environment might periodically undergo oscillations in the abiotic parameters. Moreover, in

order to maintain homeostasis under variable farming conditions, fish from Brumado

expressed PDIA3, KIF5B, PLG, and PTH1R genes whose proteins are responsible for cellular

homeostasis. In the Balbina population, protein folding was a biologically enriched category

that might be related to protein homeostasis against environmental stress (Sherman and

Goldberg 2004). Induced expression of co-chaperones such as FKBP3, FKBP8, SLMAP,

PPIB, PDIA3, and GANAB genes play an essential role in assisting the proper folding of

nascent or stress-damaged proteins (Lee et al., 2011; Wegele et al., 2001). According to

Tomalty et al. (2015), the upregulation of chaperones (HSP90 and HSP70) and associated co-

chaperone genes (CDC37, AHSA1, FKBP4, CHORDC1, HSP5A,and STIP1) was strongly

related to the management of denatured protein in thermally stressed juvenile Chinook salmon

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(Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Taken together, those enriched functional categories in each

population represent a relevant picture of the phenotypic plasticity that ensures the

maintenance of the homeostatic state when facing the abiotic variables of their farming sites.

Biological clocks play a crucial role in controlling the many functions of organisms,

ranging from subcellular processes to behaviour. The basic feature of circadian rhythm

involves transcriptional feedback loop regulation being strongly associated with

environmental conditions (Prokkola and Nikinmaa 2018). Both populations of tambaqui

differentially expressed genes encoding proteins involved in the positive and negative

feedback loops: PER1 in Balbina population, and CRY1, ARNTL, ATXN3 and FBXL3 in

Brumado (Figure 6). According to Mohawk et al. (2012), the expression of PER and CRY

transcripts drives the generating of the circadian rhythm by repressing the activity of CLOCK-

ARNTL transcription factors. Notably, the upregulation of other clock-controlling genes in

Brumado suggests that the seasonal changes in photoperiod in the subtropical region govern

the plasticity of the rhythmicity of this population. Indeed, differential expression of circadian

clock genes in response to hypoxia and temperature were observed in a cold-adapted salmonid

Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) providing new insights into rhythmic regulation in fish

(Prokkola et al. 2018).

Thus, the suite of genes that were differentially expressed revealed the signatures of

local thermal adaptation of each fish population to their environments. For the aquaculture

production, the identified candidate genes can be further applied in improvement programs for

the creation of more heat-tolerant tambaqui fish in the face of forecasted global climate



This research was supported by CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal

de Nível Superior) through Pro-Amazon Project #047/2012, CNPq (Conselho Nacional de

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Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico) through INCT-ADAPTA II Project

#465540/2014-7 and Universal Calls #424468/2016-6, and with funding from FAPEAM

(Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas) through INCT-ADAPTA II

Project #0621187/2017.CAPES also funded a Ph.D. scholarship to L.M.F.G. C.H.A.S and

V.M.F.A.V. are the recipients of research fellowships from CNPq. Special thanks go to

Adalberto Luis Val, Alzira Miranda de Oliveira, Maria de Nazaré Paula-Silva and Fernanda

Garcia Dragan for their excellent logistical and technical support.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest that could be perceived as

prejudicial to the impartiality of the reported research.

Authors contributions

LMFG and VMFAV conceived and designed the experiments. LMFG conducted the

experiments, collected the samples and performed the molecular protocols. LMFG and JDAA

analyzed the data. LMFG and CHAA wrote the paper. All authors read, revised and approved

the final version.


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Table 1. Summary of the Illumina sequencing statistics.

Balbina Brumado

Raw reads 57,361,634 48,799,464

Min. raw reads 8,873,256 7,426,829

Max. raw reads 9,963,942 8,570,267

Average raw reads 9,560,272 8,133,244

Trimmed reads 54,363,724 46,581,806

Min. trimmed reads 8,295,129 6,990,030

Max. trimmed reads 9,465,852 8,173,557

Average trimmed reads 9,060,621 7,763,634

DE genes upregulated 622 616

Upregulated genes annotated by BLASTx 413 468

Upregulated terms assigned GO terms 3,443 4,260

DE genes downregulated 574 598

Downregulated genes annotated by BLASTx 426 389

Downregulated terms assigned GO terms 4,734 3,821

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Table 2. Common terms identified between populations of tambaqui sourced from the Balbina

and Brumado fish farms.

Contig ID LogFC Gene symbol Gene product GO annotation

DN15136_c0_g1_i1 12.54 IDI1 Isopentenyl-diphosphate

delta isomerase 1

GO:0006629 lipid metabolic


GO:0016787 hydrolase


DN16258_c2_g1_i3 10.71 creb3l3b

Cyclic AMP-responsive

element-binding protein

3-like protein 3-B

GO:0006355 regulation of

transcription, DNA-templated

GO:0001071 nucleic acid

binding transcription factor


DN15150_c1_g1_i17 9.98 AP1G1 AP-1 complex subunit


GO:0016192 vesicle-mediated


DN13446_c7_g1_i1 9.94 CNNM3 Metal transporter CNNM3 GO:0022857 transmembrane

transporter activity

DN15804_c1_g1_i17 9.65 SLMAP Sarcolemmal membrane-

associated protein

GO:0008104 protein


DN13528_c0_g1_i2 9.11 ACIN1 Apoptotic chromatin

condensation inducer 1

GO:0042981 regulation of

apoptotic process

GO:0003676 nucleic acid


DN13489_c2_g4_i1 8.31 Pphln1 Periphilin-1 GO:0006355 regulation of

transcription, DNA-templated

DN14576_c3_g2_i5 8.30 Golt1a Golgi transport 1A GO:0016192 vesicle-mediated


DN15916_c5_g1_i3 8.28 NUFIP2 Nuclear FMR1-interacting

protein 2 GO:0003723 RNA binding

DN13598_c6_g1_i5 8.18 HHIP Hedgehog-interacting


GO:0009966 regulation of

signal transduction

GO:0008270 zinc ion binding

DN15473_c4_g1_i8 8.09 ADAMTSL5 ADAMTS-like protein 5 GO:1901681 sulfur compound


DN13646_c3_g1_i1 8.02 ECI2 Enoyl-CoA delta

isomerase 2

GO:0006629 lipid metabolic


GO:0000062 fatty-acyl-CoA


DN13372_c3_g2_i5 7.92 maea E3 ubiquitin-protein

transferase MAEA

GO:0070646 protein

modification by small protein


GO:0004842 ubiquitin-protein

transferase activity

DN12837_c0_g1_i1 7.77 MRPL9 39S ribosomal protein L9

GO:0006412 translation

GO:0016072 rRNA metabolic


DN16263_c2_g1_i3 7.64 PROC Vitamin K-dependent

protein C

GO:0050727 regulation of

inflammatory response

GO:0004252 serine-type

endopeptidase activity

DN15506_c4_g2_i1 7.55 Cd7 T-cell antigen CD7 GO:0038023 signaling

receptor activity

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GO:0016021 integral

component of membrane

DN14966_c2_g1_i12 7.53 Igf2bp2

Insulin-like growth factor

2 mRNA-binding

protein 2

GO:0006810 transport

GO:0003723 RNA binding

DN15289_c7_g1_i12 7.46 KANK1

KN motif and ankyrin

repeat domain-

containing protein 1

GO:0006355 regulation of

transcription, DNA-templated

GO:0005515 protein binding

DN15264_c5_g2_i9 7.43 LY75 Lymphocyte antigen 75

GO:0006954 inflammatory


GO:0004888 transmembrane

signaling receptor activity

DN15198_c0_g1_i4 7.38 LRRC41 Leucine-rich repeat-

containing protein 41

GO:0070646 protein

modification by small protein


DN14189_c1_g1_i5 7.26 CYP2J2 Cytochrome P450 2J2

GO:0006629 lipid metabolic


GO:0016705 cytochrome

p450 activity

DN14494_c1_g2_i8 7.13 PDIA3 Protein disulfide-


GO:0006457 protein folding

GO:0016853 isomerase


DN15995_c4_g1_i11 7.10 THRAP3

Thyroid hormone


protein 3

GO:0048511 rhythmic


GO:0003713 transcription

coactivator activity

DN14712_c2_g1_i1 7.08 NLRC3

NLR family CARD


protein 3

GO:0035556 intracellular

signal transduction

GO:0005524 ATP binding

DN15785_c1_g2_i10 6.99 glyr1 Putative oxidoreductase


GO:0016491 oxidoreductase


DN15537_c3_g1_i2 6.92 MTSS1 Metastasis suppressor

protein 1

GO:0007009 plasma

membrane organization

GO:0003779 actin binding

DN16282_c0_g2_i1 6.78 cgn Cingulin GO:0003774 motor activity

DN14613_c2_g2_i4 6.62 impad1 Inositol monophosphatase


GO:0016791 phosphatase


DN15794_c0_g1_i5 6.61 Sh3d19 SH3 domain-containing

protein 19

GO:0007010 cytoskeleton


DN16271_c6_g1_i11 6.18 slc29a1 Solute carrier family 29

member 1a

GO:0015858 nucleoside


GO:0005337 nucleoside

transmembrane transporter


DN13894_c1_g1_i10 5.48 apmap

Adipocyte plasma



GO:0009058 biosynthetic


GO:0016844 strictosidine

synthase activity

DN13396_c1_g2_i5 5.44 cyp2k1 Cytochrome P450 2K1

GO:0030258 lipid


GO:0016705 cytochrome

p450 activity

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DN14963_c0_g1_i20 5.35 Nlrc3 Protein NLRC3

GO:0035556 intracellular

signal transduction

GO:0005524 ATP binding

DN15981_c2_g5_i2 5.08 SUGCT




GO:0016782 transferase

activity, transferring sulfur-

containing groups

DN16498_c5_g1_i9 4.97 l-2 Lactose-binding lectin l-2

GO:0006952 defense response

GO:0030246 carbohydrate


DN13568_c0_g2_i7 4.91 AFDN Afadin

GO:0007155 cell adhesion

GO:0050839 cell adhesion

molecule binding

DN16570_c8_g1_i10 4.81 Cyp27a1 Sterol 26-hydroxylase

GO:0042632 cholesterol


GO:0004497 monooxygenase


DN14390_c2_g4_i1 4.77 CPT1A Carnitine O-

palmitoyltransferase 1

GO:0006629 lipid metabolic


GO:0016746 transferase

activity, transferring acyl


DN16417_c2_g10_i1 4.77 CXCL8 Interleukin-8

GO:0006955 immune


GO:0008009 chemokine


DN13592_c4_g1_i17 4.59 riox1 Ribosomal oxygenase 1

GO:0016570 histone


GO:0051213 dioxygenase


DN13897_c0_g1_i12 4.21 epd Ependymin

GO:0007160 cell-matrix


GO:0005509 calcium ion


DN16042_c2_g3_i3 4.00 Ermap Erythroid membrane-

associated protein

GO:0050776 regulation of

immune response

GO:0005102 signaling

receptor binding

DN15608_c1_g1_i4 3.82 DNAJC13 DnaJ homolog subfamily

C member 13 GO:0015031 protein transport

DN13357_c1_g1_i2 3.53 Tpk1 Thiamin

pyrophosphokinase 1

GO:0009229 thiamine

diphosphate biosynthetic


GO:0004788 thiamine

diphosphokinase activity

DN15595_c0_g1_i1 3.41 PC Pyruvate carboxylase

GO:0005975 carbohydrate

metabolic process

GO:0016874 ligase activity

DN13635_c1_g1_i7 3.35 AKR1B1 Aldo-keto reductase

family 1 member B1

GO:0005975 carbohydrate

metabolic process

GO:0016491 oxidoreductase


DN16392_c0_g3_i1 3.28 PDLIM2 PDZ and LIM domain GO:0005856 cytoskeleton

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protein 2 GO:0003779 actin binding

DN15624_c0_g1_i16 3.13 Srsf5 Serine/arginine-rich

splicing factor 5

GO:0006397 mRNA


GO:0003723 RNA binding

DN13615_c0_g9_i2 3.06 Nop53 Ribosome biogenesis

protein NOP53

GO:0006364 rRNA


GO:0042802 identical protein


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Table 3. List of enriched biological processes represented in the protein-protein interactions

(PPI) networks of both the Balbina and Brumado populations.

BP Pathways at Balbina # Proteins BP Pathways at Brumado # Proteins

Lipid metabolic process 19 Regulation of biological

quality 28

Organic acid metabolic process 16 Response to stress 27

Carboxylic acid metabolic

process 15

Regulation of response to

stimulus 24

Cellular lipid metabolic process 14 Programmed cell death 22

Carbohydrate metabolic process 13 Apoptotic process 21

Generation of precursor

metabolites and energy 13

Regulation of multicellular

organismal process 20

Lipid biosynthetic process 12 Immune system process 20

Nucleotide metabolic process 12 Regulation of signal

transduction 19

Response to endogenous

stimulus 12 Cellular localization 19

Energy derivation by oxidation

of organic compounds 11 Catabolic process 18

Response to hormone stimulus 10 Cellular catabolic process 17

Coenzyme metabolic process 9 Establishment of localization

in cell 17

Cofactor metabolic process 9 Regulation of apoptotic

process 16

Purine nucleotide metabolic

process 9

Regulation of programmed cell

death 16

Alcohol metabolic process 8 Cellular component assembly 14

Intracellular protein transport 8 Intracellular transport 13

Peptidyl_amino acid

modification 8 Response to external stimulus 13

Purine ribonucleotide metabolic

process 8 Cellular response to stress 13

Ribonucleotide metabolic

process 8 Tissue development 13

Cellular amino acid metabolic

process 7 Homeostatic process 12

Cellular respiration 7 Cell migration 11

Monocarboxylic acid metabolic

process 7

Enzyme linked receptor

protein signaling pathway 10

Regulation of body fluid levels 7 Regulation of immune system

process 10

Steroid metabolic process 7 Carbohydrate metabolic

process 10

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Coenzyme biosynthetic process 6 Hemopoiesis 9

Cofactor biosynthetic process 6 Hematopoietic or lymphoid

organ development 9

Leukocyte migration 6 Immune system development 9

Protein folding 6 Purine ribonucleotide

metabolic process 9

Steroid biosynthetic process 6 Ribonucleotide metabolic

process 9

Aging 5 Purine nucleotide metabolic

process 9

Glucose metabolic process 5 Cellular homeostasis 9

Negative regulation of

phosphate metabolic process 5 Nucleotide metabolic process 9

Nucleotide biosynthetic process 5

Negative regulation of

multicellular organismal



Protein oligomerization 5 Regulation of cell migration 8

Carbohydrate biosynthetic

process 4

Regulation of catabolic

process 8

Cellular modified amino acid

metabolic process 4 Regulation of body fluid levels 8

Energy reserve metabolic

process 4

Positive regulation of immune

system process 8

Isoprenoid metabolic process 4 Cell_substrate adhesion 7

Regulation of lipid metabolic

process 4 Regulation of cell adhesion 7

Response to steroid hormone

stimulus 4

Regulation of small GTPase

mediated signal transduction 7

Triglyceride metabolic process 4 Regulation of response to

external stimulus 7

Glutamine family amino acid

metabolic process 3 Blood coagulation 7

Leukocyte chemotaxis 3 Coagulation 7

Protein N_linked glycosylation 3 Hemostasis 7

Protein targeting to membrane 3 Behavior 7

Response to carbohydrate

stimulus 3 Vasculature development 7

Response to toxin 3 Wound healing 7

Aerobic respiration 2 Regulation of anatomical

structure morphogenesis 7

Cellular modified amino acid

biosynthetic process 2 Tissue remodeling 6

Excretion 2 Regulation of Rho protein

signal transduction 6

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Positive regulation of cell

migration 6

Intracellular receptor mediated

signaling pathway 6

Regulation of Ras protein

signal transduction 6

Cellular component

disassembly 6

RNA splicing 6

Regulation of cell

morphogenesis 6

Response to drug 6

Muscle cell differentiation 6

Nucleocytoplasmic transport 6

Nuclear transport 6

Leukocyte differentiation 6

RNA splicing 6

Positive regulation of

hydrolase activity 6

Actin cytoskeleton

organization 6

MRNA processing 6

Positive regulation of cellular

component organization 6

Actin filament_based process 6

Positive regulation of cell

adhesion 5

Rhythmic process 5

Response to hypoxia 5

Myeloid cell differentiation 5

Leukocyte migration 5

Cellular protein complex

assembly 5

Circadian rhythm 4

Intracellular steroid hormone

receptor signaling pathway 4

Rho protein signal

transduction 4

Intrinsic apoptotic signaling

pathway 4

Response to carbohydrate

stimulus 4

Protein maturation 4

Maintenance of location 4

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Post_translational protein

modification 4

Transforming growth factor

beta receptor signaling



Protein import into nucleus 4

Nuclear import 4

Protein folding 4

Extracellular structure

organization 4

Regulation of GTPase activity 4

Lymphocyte differentiation 4

Apoptotic signaling pathway 4

Protein import 4

Regulation of MAP kinase

activity 4

Ras protein signal transduction 4

Myoblast differentiation 3

Androgen receptor signaling

pathway 3

Regulation of JUN kinase

activity 3

B cell differentiation 3

Regulation of Rho GTPase

activity 3

Maintenance of protein

location in cell 3

Regulation of cell shape 3

Regulation of transforming

growth factor beta receptor

signaling pathway


Maintenance of location in cell 3

Maintenance of protein

location 3

Cell maturation 3

Protein N_linked glycosylation 3

Protein processing 3

Leukocyte chemotaxis 3

Regulation of JNK cascade 3

Cyclic nucleotide metabolic

process 3

Epidermal growth factor

receptor signaling pathway 3

Protein polymerization 3

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Regulation of Ras GTPase

activity 3

Developmental maturation 3

Focal adhesion assembly 2

Bone remodeling 2

Positive regulation of JUN

kinase activity 2

Vacuole organization 2

Regulation of cell_cell

adhesion 2

Cytoplasm organization 1

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Figure 1. Map of the sampling sites of two tambaqui populations from different regions of

Brazil. The northern (Balbina Experimental Station, Balbina, Amazonas state – 1°55'54.4"S;

59°24'39.1"W) and southeastern (Brumado Fish Farming, Mogi Mirim, São Paulo state –

22°31'16.00"S; 46°53'5.71"W) populations are raised in regions that display climate

variability typically found in Brazil, according to Köppen’s climate classification (Alvares et

al. 2013).

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Figure 2. The top 30 terms classification of the contigs significantly upregulated in Balbina

population and separated into three functional Gene Ontology (GO) categories: Biological

Process (green bars), Cell Component (gray bars) and Molecular Function (blue bars). The

percentages indicate the representation of genes that belong to each category.


lecular F


nGO:0005488 Binding

GO:0003824 Catalytic activity

GO:0043167 Ion binding

GO:1901363 Heterocyclic compound binding

GO:0097159 Organic cyclic compound binding

GO:0005515 Protein binding

GO:0016491 Oxidoreductase activity

GO:0016787 Hydrolase activity

GO:0036094 Small molecule binding

GO:0043168 Anion binding











Number of contigs

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110



ical Pro


GO:0008152 Metabolic process

GO:0044699 Single-organism process

GO:0071704 Organic substance metabolic process

GO:0044710 Single-organism metabolic process

GO:0044238 Primary metabolic process

GO:0009987 Cellular process

GO:0044237 Cellular metabolic process

GO:0006807 Nitrogen compound metabolic process

GO:1901564 Organonitrogen compound metabolism

GO:0055114 Oxidation-reduction process












lar Co




GO:0044464 Cell part

GO:0044424 Intracellular part

GO:0044425 Membrane part

GO:0016021 Integral component of membrane

GO:0031224 Intrinsic component of membrane

GO:0032991 Macromolecular complex

GO:0044444 Cytoplasmic part

GO:0016020 Membrane

GO:0043229 Intracellular organelle

GO:0043226 Organelle











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Figure 3. The top 30 terms classification of the contigs significantly upregulated in Brumado

population and separated into three functional Gene Ontology (GO) categories: Biological

Process (green bars), Cell Component (gray bars) and Molecular Function (blue bars). The

percentages indicate the representation of genes that belong to each category.

Number of contigs

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160


logical P


GO:0008152 Metabolic process

GO:0009987 Cellular process

GO:0044699 Single-organism process

GO:0071704 Organic substance metabolic process

GO:0044238 Primary metabolic process

GO:0044710 Single-organism metabolic process

GO:0006807 Nitrogen compound metabolic process

GO:0065007 Biological regulation

GO:0043170 Macromolecule metabolic process

GO:0050789 Regulation of biological process






















lecular F


nGO:0005488 Binding

GO:0003824 Catalytic activity

GO:0043167 Ion binding

GO:1901363 Heterocyclic compound binding

GO:0097159 Organic cyclic compound binding

GO:0005515 Protein binding

GO:0043169 Cation binding

GO:0046872 Metal ion binding

GO:0016491 Oxidoreductase activity

GO:0016787 Hydrolase activity


lar Co




GO:0044464 Cell part

GO:0044424 Intracellular part

GO:0044425 Membrane part

GO:0016021 Integral component of membrane

GO:0031224 Intrinsic component of membrane

GO:0016020 Membrane

GO:0043226 Organelle

GO:0043229 Intracellular organelle

GO:0043227 Membrane-bounded organelle

GO:0044444 Cytoplasmic part











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Figure 4. Functional representation based on KEGG pathways for differentially expressed

gene-sets in the Balbina (upper) and Brumado (lower) populations.

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Figure 5. Enriched hubs highlighting the main biological processes in the protein interaction

network of the Balbina population. Hubs with different colors represent prior pathways;

orange – energy metabolism, dark blue – lipid metabolism, lemon green – reproductive

process, light blue – RNA metabolic process, pink – protein folding, and red – intracellular

protein transport. Smaller grey hubs reflect interacting non-differentially expressed genes.

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Figure 6. Enriched hubs highlighting the main biological processes in the protein interaction

network of the Brumado population. Hubs with different colors represent prior pathways;

orange – cellular response to stress, dark blue – circadian rhythm, lemon green – cellular

homeostasis, light blue – mRNA processing, pink – cell signaling, and red – intracellular

transport. Smaller grey hubs reflect interacting non-differentially expressed genes.

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Supplementary material

Table S1. List of prior hubs that formed the biological network of the Balbina population.

Gene logFC Protein

PPIB 10.91 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase B

KCNMA1 10.81 Calcium-activated potassium channel subunit alpha-1

PDIA3 10.71 Protein disulfide-isomerase A3

SMARCC1 10.21 SWI/SNF complex subunit SMARCC1

PNP 10.21 Purine nucleoside phosphorylase

MRPL9 9.98 39S ribosomal protein L9, mitochondrial

ALDH16A1 9.90 Aldehyde dehydrogenase family 16 member A1

ABCC4 9.79 Multidrug resistance-associated protein 4

GANAB 9.59 Neutral alpha-glucosidase AB

CTNNA1 9.53 Catenin alpha-1

CNNM3 9.50 Metal transporter CNNM3

AP1G1 8.97 AP-1 complex subunit gamma-1

PPP2R3B 8.95 Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 2A regulatory subunit B''

subunit beta

TTC31 8.85 Tetratricopeptide repeat protein 31

GOT1 8.83 Aspartate aminotransferase, cytoplasmic

HMGCR 8.65 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase

ARF6 8.64 ADP-ribosylation factor 6

PDLIM2 8.59 PDZ and LIM domain protein 2

PIKFYVE 8.59 1-phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate 5-kinase

SLMAP 8.73 Sarcolemmal membrane-associated protein

RIOK3 8.41 Serine/threonine-protein kinase RIO3

TFPI 8.40 Tissue fator pathway inhibitor

EDNRB 8.27 Endothelin receptor type B

APOB 8.25 Apolipoprotein B-100

IQGAP1 8.21 Ras GTPase-activating-like protein IQGAP1

ADSS 8.19 Adenylosuccinate synthetase isozyme 2

MTSS1 8.09 Metastasis supressor protein 1

ACIN1 8.09 Apoptotic chromatin condensation inducer in the nucleus

FKBP8 8.06 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP8

NOP2 7.71 Probable 28S rRNA (cytosine(4447)-C(5))-methyltransferase

RPL29 7.66 60S ribosomal protein L29

IDH3G 7.64 Isocitrate dehydrogenase [NAD] subunit gamma, mitochondrial

TOM1 7.58 Target of Myb protein 1

THRAP3 7.53 Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3

SQLE 7.41 Squalene monooxygenase

MRPL19 7.19 39S ribosomal protein L19, mitochondrial

RPL3 7.04 60S ribosomal protein L3

STRADA 6.88 STE20-related kinase adapter protein alpha

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CCL2 6.66 C-C motif chemokine 2

ME1 6.47 NADP-dependent malic enzyme

FDPS 6.36 Farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase

CCL13 6.14 C-C motif chemokine 13

RBM39 6.03 RNA-binding protein 39

PTPN6 5.37 Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 6

IDH1 5.18 Isocitrate dehydrogenase [NADP] cytoplasmic

FASN 5.08 Fatty acid synthase

SLC7A11 4.99 Cystine/glutamate transporter

NLRP12 4.90 NACHT, LRR and PYD domains-containing protein 12

ALDH18A1 4.84 Delta-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthase

CPT1A 4.69 Carnitine O-palmitoyltransferase 1, liver isoform

AKR1B1 4.55 Aldose reductase

ACLY 4.49 ATP-citrate synthase

ASNS 4.43 Asparagine synthetase [glutamine-hydrolyzing]

FDFT1 4.00 Squalene synthase

PER1 3.95 Period circadian protein homolog 1

PC 3.70 Pyruvate carboxylase, mitochondrial

RDH12 3.66 Retinol dehydrogenase 12

FADS2 3.49 Fatty acid desaturase 2

PISD 3.42 Phosphatidyl serine decarboxylase proenzyme, mitochondrial

TKTL2 3.36 Transketolase-like protein 2

MAT2A 3.32 S-adenosylmethionine synthase isoform type-2

TKT 3.22 Transketolase

RPN2 2.94 Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase

subunit 2

ACSS2 2.86 Acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase, cytoplasmic

NDUFB6 2.80 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 beta subcomplex subunit 6

NME4 2.71 Nucleoside diphosphate kinase, mitochondrial

FKBP3 2.68 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP3

COX6B1 2.60 Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6B1

HINT1 2.43 Histidine triad nucleotide-binding protein 1

ACP1 2.39 Low molecular weight phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase

TAF5 2.33 Transcription initiation factor TFIID subunit 5

NDUFB8 2.24 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 beta subcomplex subunit 8,


NDUFS2 2.22 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] iron-sulfur protein 2,


ENO1 2.17 Alpha-enolase

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Table S2. List of prior hubs that formed the biological network of the Brumado population.

Gene logFC Protein

SGPL1 10.66 Sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase 1

CNNM3 9.94 Metal transporter CNNM3

MTMR4 9.54 Myotubularin-related protein 4

SART1 9.47 U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP-associated protein 1

LMTK2 9.42 Serine/threonine-protein kinase LMTK2

DDX5 9.22 Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX5

ARHGAP5 9.17 Rho GTPase-activating protein 5

AP1G1 9.12 AP-1 complex subunit gamma-1

ACIN1 9.11 Apoptotic chromatin condensation inducer in the nucleus

ZC3H11A 9.05 Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 11A

CANX 9.04 Calnexin

EHMT1 8.74 Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase EHMT1

FGG 8.67 Fibrinogen gamma chain

GATAD2A 8.62 Transcriptional repressor p66-alpha

TTC31 8.39 Tetratricopeptide repeat protein 31

KIF5B 8.31 Kinesin-1 heavy chain

VDAC2 8.22 Voltage-dependent anion-selective channel protein 2

PEG10 8.21 Retrotransposon-derived protein PEG10

ATG5 7.97 Autophagy protein 5

SRSF11 7.64 Serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 11

RBM19 7.57 Probable RNA-binding protein 19

WIPI2 7.47 WD repeat domain phosphoinositide-interacting protein 2

PAQR3 7.28 Progestin and adipoQ receptor family member 3

PLG 7.26 Plasminogen

SLC29A1 7.20 Equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1

ATXN3 7.18 Ataxin-3

PDIA3 7.13 Protein disulfide-isomerase A3

GNG7 7.11 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(I)/G(S)/G(O) subunit gamma-7

THRAP3 7.10 Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3

CYB5R1 7.07 NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase 1

KLC4 7.02 Kinesin light chain 4

SPATA13 6.93 Spermatogenesis-associated protein 13

BAD 6.89 Bcl2-associated agonist of cell death

TIAL1 6.89 Nucleolysin TIAR

EPAS1 6.84 Endothelial PAS domain-containing protein 1

HNRNPR 6.77 Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein R

IRF3 6.68 Interferon regulatory factor 3

SLC3A2 6.66 4F2 cell-surface antigen heavy chain

NOP58 6.63 Nucleolar protein 58

PRPF4B 6.41 Serine/threonine-protein kinase PRP4 homolog

MAGI1 6.30 Membrane-associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain-

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containing protein 1

DAB2 6.24 Disabled homolog 2

APOH 6.23 Beta-2-glycoprotein 1

NKTR 6.20 NK-tumor recognition protein

ARHGEF18 6.19 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 18

A2M 5.80 Alpha-2-macroglobulin

MMP9 5.75 Matrix metalloproteinase-9

LGALS1 5.60 Galectin-1

MMP13 5.43 Collagenase 3

EZR 5.16 Ezrin

SAR1A 5.16 GTP-binding protein SAR1a

NGEF 5.04 Ephexin-1

CPT1A 4.77 Carnitine O-palmitoyltransferase 1, liver isoform

NFE2L1 4.74 Endoplasmic reticulum membrane sensor NFE2L1

PTK2B 4.55 Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta

RALBP1 4.42 RalA-binding protein 1

NLRX1 4.40 NLR Family member X1

PTPRJ 4.31 Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase eta

KLKB1 4.26 Plasma kallikrein

CRY1 4.03 Cryptochrome-1

PTH1R 4.02 Parathyroid hormone/parathyroid hormone-related peptide receptor

CBR1 3.67 Carbonyl reductase [NADPH] 1

FLNB 3.65 Filamin-B

ARNTL 3.45 Aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like protein 1

AKR1B1 3.35 Aldose reductase

PDLIM2 3.28 PDZ and LIM domain protein 2

ARRDC3 3.25 Arrestin domain-containing protein 3

CALR 2.63 Calreticulin

CBS 2.49 Cystathionine beta-synthase

FBXL3 2.32 F-box/LRR-repeat protein 3

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Capítulo II

How will farmed populations of freshwater fish deal with the

extreme climate scenario in 2100? Transcriptional responses of

Colossoma macropomum from two Brazilian climate regions

Publicação relacionada:

Fé-Gonçalves, L.M., Araújo J.D.A., Santos, C.H.A., Val, A.L., Almeida-Val, V.M.F. 2019. How will farmed populations of freshwater fish deal with the extreme climate scenario in 2100? Transcriptional responses of Colossoma macropomum from two Brazilian climate regions

Manuscrito submetido à revista Journal of Thermal Biology (IF: 1,90)

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Status atual da submissão em 10/12/2019.

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How will farmed populations of freshwater fish deal with the extreme climate scenario

in 2100? Transcriptional responses of Colossoma macropomum from two Brazilian

climate regions

Luciana Mara Fé-Gonçalves1, José Deney Alves Araújo2, Carlos Henrique dos Anjos dos

Santos1, Adalberto Luis Val1 and Vera Maria Fonseca de Almeida-Val1

1 Laboratory of Ecophysiology and Molecular Evolution, Brazilian National Institute for

Research of the Amazon. André Araújo Avenue, 2936, 69067-375, Petrópolis, Manaus, AM,


2 Computational Systems Biology Laboratory, University of São Paulo. Professor Lúcio

Martins Rodrigues Avenue, 370, 05508020, Butantã, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Corresponding author:

Luciana Mara Fé-Gonçalves, Laboratory of Ecophysiology and Molecular Evolution,

Brazilian National Institute for Research of the Amazon, 69067-375, Manaus, AM, Brazil

E-mail address: [email protected]

Telephone and fax number: +55 92 3643 3186

Keywords: tambaqui; climate change; RNA-seq; differential expression; thermal adaptation

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Tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum Cuvier, 1818) is an endemic fish of the Amazon and

Orinoco basins, and it is the most economically important native species in Brazil being

raised in five climatically distinct regions. In the face of current global warming,

environmental variations in farm ponds represent additional challenges that may drive new

adaptive regional genetic variations among broodstocks of tambaqui. In an experimental

context based on the high-emission scenario of the 5th Intergovernmental Panel on Climate

Change (IPCC) report, we used two farmed tambaqui populations to test this hypothesis.

RNA-seq transcriptome analysis was performed in the liver of juvenile tambaqui from

northern (Balbina Experimental Station, Balbina, AM) and southeastern (Brumado Fish

Farming, Mogi Mirim, SP) Brazilian regions kept for 30 days in artificial environmental

rooms mimicking the current and extreme climate scenarios. Three Illumina MiSeq runs

produced close to 120 million 500 bp paired-end reads; 191,139 contigs were assembled with

N50= 1,595. 355 genes were differentially expressed for both populations in response to the

extreme scenario. After enrichment analysis, each population presented a core set of genes to

cope with climate change. Northern fish induced genes related to the cellular response to

stress, activation of MAPK activity, response to unfolded protein, protein metabolism and

cellular response to DNA damage stimuli. Genes biologically involved in regulating cell

proliferation, protein stabilisation and protein ubiquitination for degradation through the

ubiquitin-proteasome system were downregulated. Genes associated with biological

processes, including the cellular response to stress, MAPK cascade activation, homeostatic

processes and positive regulation of immune responses were upregulated in southeastern fish.

The downregulated genes were related to cytoskeleton organisation, energy metabolism, and

the regulation of transcription and biological rhythms. Our findings reveal the signatures of

promising candidate genes involved in the regional plasticity of each population of tambaqui

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in dealing with upcoming climate changes.

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1 Introduction

Overlapping with natural climate variability, global climate warming has been rising

since the mid-20th century (Hansen et al., 2012). Anthropogenic climate change due to

intensive deforestation, fossil fuel burning and other sources of greenhouse gas emissions has

driven changes in the temperature patterns in both hemispheres (Caldeira and Wickett, 2003).

A significant increase in mean air temperature by about 0.5°C has been predicted since the

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s first report in 1990 (IPCC, 1990); nevertheless,

a further increase in Earth’s temperature by around 6.0ºC is now expected to the year 2100

(IPCC, 2014). Based on thousands of relevant scientific publications, the latest Assessment

Report of Working Group II (WGII AR5) predicted, in two models, the potential climate-

related future risk on social, economic, environmental and biological scales (IPCC, 2014).

Additional warming to terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems threaten worldwide

biodiversity at all levels (Schneider et al., 2007), leading to altered species distribution and

population structure, and, in the worst-case scenarios, the extinction of endemic species

(Bellard et al., 2014). Freshwater biota are particularly vulnerable to the expected global

warming, and many resident species have a limited ability to disperse as the environment

changes (Woodward et al., 2010). Thus, empirical evidence suggests that freshwater species

may have started to display some adaptive responses to climate change in the last millennia,

centuries or decades (Brander, 2010).

In the face of recent climatic conditions, evolutionary processes can substantially

influence the patterns and rates of responses by individuals, populations or species (Walther et

al., 2002). Thus, the two contrasting, but non-exclusive, mechanisms that could improve

adaptive responses of species to climate change are: (i) a microevolutionary response to

natural selection and (ii) phenotypic plasticity (Bellard et al., 2014). However, at the species

level, for evolution to occur, either appropriate novel mutations or a novel genetic architecture

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(new gene complexes) would have to emerge to allow a response to selection (Parmesan,

2006). Thus, phenotypic plasticity, which enables organisms to respond rapidly and

effectively to new environmental changes, may occur at a lower energy cost and in a shorter

period of time (Salamin et al., 2010).

Although we are only at an early stage in understanding global warming trends and

their impacts on future biodiversity, shifts in species fitness components (behaviour, survival,

growth and reproduction) to current climate change are already clearly visible (Walther et al.,

2002; Bellard et al., 2014). In light of previous findings showing the plasticity of Amazonian

fish species to cope with environmental changes (Almeida-Val and Val, 1990; Almeida‐Val et

al., 2006; Araújo et al., 2017), the tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum Cuvier, 1818) has

been used as a model freshwater species for climate change-related studies (Prado-Lima and

Val, 2016; Oliveira and Val, 2017; Lapointe et al., 2018). Tambaqui is endemic in the

Amazon and Orinoco basins (Araújo-Lima and Goulding, 1998) and is an economically

important species for Brazilian continental aquaculture (IBGE, 2016) and in several other

countries (FAO, 2018). In Brazil, its artificial farming has expanded into five climatically

distinct regions, with an average annual temperature difference ranging up to 14ºC between

northern and southern cities (Ostrensky et al., 2008). Consequently, recent studies have

suggested that captive tambaqui already shows signs of local adaptation to regions with

different climatic conditions (Gonçalves et al., 2018; Nunes et al., 2017; Santos et al., 2016).

With the development of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, RNA

sequencing (RNA-seq) has been widely used as an efficient and accessible approach to

determine variations in gene expression by organisms in response to new challenges (Wang et

al., 2009a). Transcriptomic studies often rely on partial reference transcriptomes or de novo

expression (without a reference genome) (Martin and Wang, 2011). In this context, NGS has

the potential to dramatically accelerate biological research by enabling comprehensive

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analysis in an inexpensive, routine and widespread manner, rather than requiring significant

production-scale efforts (Shendure and Ji, 2008).

The present study aimed to address variations in the transcriptional plasticity of two

tambaqui populations, acclimatised to the climatic conditions of the northern and southeastern

regions of Brazil following experimental exposure to an extreme climate scenario proposed

by the 5th IPCC report. Based on the findings of Gonçalves et al. (2018), we hypothesised that

each population of tambaqui would differentially express a core set of genes in response to

ongoing climate change.

2 Methods

2.1 Ethical statement

All experimental protocols employed in the present study were performed in

accordance with Brazilian Guidelines from the National Board of Control and Care for Ethics

in the use of Experimental Animals (CONCEA, 2013) and approved by the Committee of

Ethics on Animal Care (CEUA) at the Brazilian National Institute for Research of the

Amazon (INPA) with protocol number 032/2016.

2.2 Acquisition of tambaqui populations and acclimation

A total of 200 juveniles of tambaqui were acquired from Brazilian fish farms located

in Amazonas state (Balbina Experimental Station, Balbina – 1°55’54.4"S; 59°24’39.1"W) and

São Paulo state (Brumado Fish Farming, Mogi Mirim – 22°31’16.00"S; 46°53’5.71"W). Each

batch of tambaqui was sourced from different broodstocks, with crossbreeding of Brumado

stocks performed during the December 2015 breeding season, while Balbina ones on May

2016. Then, sampling was carried out during the summer season when the water temperature

of the rearing tanks recorded 29.5°C in Balbina and 21°C in Brumado; the dissolved oxygen

concentration ranged from 5 to 7 mg.L-1. Fish were carefully collected using mesh hand nets

and held in 50 L aerated containers for transportation to the Laboratory of Ecophysiology and

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Molecular Evolution (LEEM) of INPA, Manaus, Amazonas state, Brazil. These two fish

farms were also selected in previous studies based on aspects of genetic improvement in

populations of tambaqui obtained from different natural and artificial stocks (Gonçalves et al.,

2018; Nunes et al., 2017). Furthermore, the northern (Balbina) and southeastern (Brumado)

populations were raised in two different regions that display the typical climate variability of

Brazil, according to Köppen’s climate classification (Alvares et al., 2013). The northern

population lives in a climatic region classified as a humid tropical climate (Af climate) with

an annual average temperature of 27.1°C (ranging from 22.3 to 32.6°C). The southeastern

population lives in a region of humid temperate with a dry winter and hot summer (Cwa

climate) with an annual average temperature of 20.1°C (varying from 9.4 to 28.0°C).

In the laboratory, each population was kept separately outdoors in 310 litre (L)

polyethylene tanks under controlled conditions to recover from transport stress and to

acclimate to the local conditions. During the first month of fish acclimation, average water

temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and total ammonia in both holding tanks were,

respectively, 25.7°C, 7.0 mgO2.L-1, 6.5 and 0.13 mM. Fish weighing 42 g ± 4.7 and

measuring 11 cm ± 0.4 were held in two tanks physicochemically stables, where they were

fed daily until the start of the experiment.

2.3 Experimental design: artificial chronic exposure to climate scenarios

After acclimation, thirty-six specimens of farmed tambaqui were placed in an

experimental facility that consisted of two real time-controlled environmental rooms with

25m3, as described by Fé-Gonçalves et al. (2018). Each room reproduced current (baseline

condition) and extreme (RCP8.5) scenarios according to the 5th IPCC report for the year 2100

(IPCC, 2014). The current condition mimics real-time changes in temperature and CO2 levels

occurring in an Amazonian forested area without human influence, whereas the extreme

climate room is based on the IPCC Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP8.5) that

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reproduces increases of 4.5°C and 850 ppm CO2 above the current scenario values at real-

time. For 30 days, daily variations in the air temperature and CO2 of both experimental rooms

were recorded every two minutes on a 24h-cycle (Figure 1). The artificial light-dark cycle was

12:12, and humidity was set as a derived condition.

Juveniles from the northern (N = 18; 52.4 g ± 3.0; 11.9 cm ± 0.2) and southeastern (N

= 18; 67.9 g ± 6.5; 13.0 cm ± 0.5) stocks were individually transferred to 20 L aerated PVC

tanks (Sanremo, Esteio, BRA) being nine tanks per population in both scenarios. They were

chronically exposed to each environmental room during the Amazon dry season 2016

(October 25 to November 26). The physicochemical parameters of the water were measured

every day using well-established protocols (Table 1). Toxic ammonia accumulation was

avoided by partial water renewal throughout the experiment. All animals were fed commercial

dry food pellets, with a 32% crude protein content (Purina, Missouri, EUA), once a day (3:00

pm). After 30 days of exposure to the current and extreme scenarios, fish were anaesthetised,

weighed, measured and euthanised by cervical sectioning. Liver samples were collected using

sterile tweezers and scissors and immediately preserved in RNAlater® stabilization solution

(Thermo Fisher Scientific, Massachusetts, USA) until the isolation of ribonucleic acid (RNA).

Hepatic tissue was chosen due to its important metabolic role in response to most kind of

environmental stress, including heat (Logan and Buckley, 2015).

2.4 RNA extraction, RNA-seq library construction and sequencing

Total RNA was extracted from 36 samples of tambaqui liver using the RNeasy® Mini

Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, DE) protocol. Approximately 20 mg tissue was homogenised in lysis

buffer into TissueLyser II (Qiagen, Hilden, DE) for 2x2 minutes at 20 Hz. Automated

purification of RNA was performed on QIACube robotic workstation (Qiagen, Hilden, DE)

using silica-membrane technology. The quality and quantity of extracted RNA were

accurately checked using both an RNA 6000 Nano Bioanalyzer chip (Agilent Technologies,

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Santa Clara, USA) and a NanoDrop 2000 Spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific,

Massachusetts, USA). All RNA samples were free of gDNA and had the optimal RNA yield

(1.06 μg ± 0.06) and purity (average RIN = 8.6, A260:A280 and A260:A230 ratios = 2.0),

respectively. Before library construction, three samples of total RNA were pooled, totalling

12 RNA-seq libraries, with three biological replicates for each tambaqui population (northern

and southeastern) and climatic scenarios (current and extreme).

All procedures for constructing and sequencing the RNA-seq libraries were carried out

in the Molecular Biology Laboratory of LEEM/INPA following Illumina’s protocols. The

mRNA was isolated from the total RNA (0.95 μg eluted in 50 μL) using oligo d(T)25

magnetic beads bound the poly(A) tail of the mRNA. Then, the first and second strands of

complementary DNA (cDNA) were synthesised, and a single adenine (A) nucleotide was

added to the 3’ end of the fragments. Adapters were ligated to the cDNA fragments and

polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed to enrich for those fragments. cDNA

libraries were prepared using the reagents provided in the TruSeq RNA Library Sample

Preparation Kit v2 (Illumina, San Diego, USA).

The absolute quantification of cDNA libraries was measured on a ViiA 7 Real-Time

PCR System (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Massachusetts, USA) using the KAPA SYBR® FAST

qPCR Master Mix (Kapa Biosystems, Wilmington, USA). Normalised cDNA libraries were

clustered using the MiSeq Reagent Kit v2 (500-cycles) and sequenced on an Illumina MiSeq

platform in three sequencing paired-end runs (2×250 cycles). These sequence data have been

submitted to the GenBank database under accession number PRJNA521052


2.5 Bioinformatics analysis

Analyses of the high-throughput RNA sequencing were performed on the premises of

Bioinformatics Laboratory of LEEM/INPA. The quality of sequenced reads was checked

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using the FastQC v.0.11.6 program (Andrews, 2010). The low-quality reads (Q-score ≤ 20)

were trimmed by removing adaptor sequences and filtering out reads less than 50 bases pairs

(bp) was performed using the Trimmomatic v.0.36 program (Bolger et al., 2014). With the

absence of the complete genome for Colossoma macropomum species, we chose de novo

transcriptome assembly using the Trinity v.2.5.1 program (Grabherr et al., 2011). In addition,

programs were used to assist Trinity to assemble the transcriptome with Bowtie2 v.

(Langmead and Salzberg, 2012) and to calculate the abundance of transcripts using RSEM

v.1.3.0 (Li and Dewey, 2011) and the R/Bioconductor package v.3.3.2 (Bates et al., 2004).

Differential expression was quantified into up- and downregulated genes using the

edgeR v.3.16.5 program (Robinson et al., 2009) of the R/Bioconductor package. The assumed

false discovery rate (FDR) was ≤ 0.05 to corrected P values, and the data generated by RSEM

were used to calculate the fold change values of ≥ 2. The differentially expressed genes

(DEGs) were annotated with the BLASTx v.2.7.1+ program (Altschul et al., 1997) against the

Uniprot/TrEMBL protein database (class Actinopterygii) and Swiss-Prot non-redundant

proteins, with an e-value of 1e-5. The Trinotate tool v.3.1.1 ( was

used to classify the DEGs according to the three general categories of Gene Ontology (GO)

annotation: Biological Process (BP), Cellular Component (CC) and Molecular Function (MF).

Further analysis on NetworkAnalyst ( was performed

to construct relevant biological networks based on protein-protein interactions (PPI) starting

from a list of DEGs, using their official names and fold change values. NetworkAnalyst also

allows for performing functional enrichment analysis of significantly expressed GO terms

according to the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) database (Xia et al.,


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3. Results

RNA sequencing was carried out on 12 liver cDNA libraries of juvenile tambaqui

from the northern and southeastern regions of Brazil with 30 days of artificial exposure to

current and extreme climate scenarios. Three Illumina MiSeq runs sequenced about 120

million (M) of paired-end reads, with an average of 4,991,486 M reads per library (minimum

3,988,488 M and maximum 6,108,990 M). After quality control analysis (Q-score ≤ 20 and

exclusion of sequenced reads smaller than 50 bp), about 91% trimmed reads (108,013,754 M)

were saved for de novo assembly and alignment. Thus, 191,139 contigs were assembled with

an average length of 851 bp and N50 value of 1,595 bp, respectively. The assembled bases

totalled 162,713,280 M.

Differential expression analyses between tambaqui populations under climatic

scenarios (extreme versus current) identified a total of 355 expressed transcripts (FDR ≤ 0.05

and fold change ≥ 2). Out of those, 158 DEGs were found in juvenile tambaqui from the

northern population, with 97 upregulated genes (61.4%) and 61 downregulated genes

(38.6%). In the southeastern population, 197 genes were differentially expressed in response

to the extreme condition, with 74 upregulated genes (37.6%), and 123 downregulated genes


Considering the transcriptome annotation of tambaqui, we identified 107,924 contigs,

whereas unannotated genes totalled 32,656 contigs. Thus, DEGs were grouped into the three

GO terms: Biological Process (BP), Cell Component (CC) and Molecular Function (MF). In

the northern tambaqui population, 1,923 terms were annotated, of which 1,307 terms were

assigned to upregulated genes (387 functional groups: BP, 636; CC, 147 and MF, 524) and

616 terms were assigned to downregulated genes (264 functional groups: BP, 293; CC, 67 and

MF, 256). For the southeastern tambaqui population, 2,497 terms were successfully

annotated. Out of those, 932 terms were upregulated genes (327 functional groups: BP, 389;

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CC, 72 and MF, 471) and 1,565 terms were downregulated genes (445 functional groups: BP,

754; CC, 156 and MF, 655). GO classification of top ten up- and downregulated terms in both

tambaqui populations exposed to extreme scenario are shown in Figures 2 and 3, respectively.

Two PPI networks were generated from the DEGs (seed nodes) of the northern and

southeastern populations submitted to an extreme climate scenario. Each constructed network

was composed for a suitable number of nodes (proteins) and edges (interactions between

nodes). The biological network of northern tambaqui presented 317 nodes and 361 edges,

whereas the one of southeastern population contained 360 nodes and 413 edges.

Nineteen important seeds (also called hubs) were highlighted in the PPI network of the

northern population (Figure 4). The red hubs are essentially related to upregulated genes

encoding proteins involved in cellular response to stress, activation of MAPK activity,

response to unfolded protein, protein metabolism and cellular response to DNA damage

stimuli. Contrarily, the green hubs represent downregulated genes biologically involved in

cell proliferation, maintenance of protein location and protein ubiquitination (Table 2).

The southeastern population showed a different PPI network profile, with 26 seeds

(Figure 5). The upregulated genes highlighted in red hubs encoded proteins that also

participate in cellular response to stress, MAPK cascade activation, homeostatic process and

positive regulation of immune responses. Most of the green hubs represented downregulated

genes responsible for cytoskeleton organisation, energy metabolism, regulation of

transcription and biological rhythms, as listed in Table 3. The metabolic functions of these

DEGs and their putative interactions related to a population response to the forecasted climate

change scenario are discussed below.


Human-induced climate change is causing profound alterations on the Earth’s natural

climate system (Schneider et al., 2007). Important components of physical and chemical

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changes, rising temperature and elevated carbon dioxide concentrations have driven many

environmental disturbances, with complex implications for all scales of living systems

(Woodward et al., 2010; Doney et al., 2012). Over the past decades, a growing body of study

has predicted a myriad of biological responses of organisms to climate change impacts and

their potential to adapt (or evolve) (Bellard et al., 2014; Fé-Gonçalves et al., 2018; Lapointe et

al., 2018; Campos et al., 2019).

In this study, those abiotic parameters associated with climate warming were

synergistically tested. Special rooms reproduced both current climate conditions and the

IPCC’s RCP8.5 model, a high-emission scenario. The perspective of increased air

temperature has made us wonder how a tropical fish species living near its thermal limit will

respond to this challenge. Coupled with a warming trend, acidification of sea and inland

waters due to higher uptake of atmospheric CO2 is also a threat to fish at all response levels

(Ishimatsu et al., 2008). At the molecular level, transcriptomic approaches have built a

genome-wide transcriptional landscape for further research into the plasticity and evolution of

tropical freshwater fish in the face of global climate change (Oomen and Hutchings, 2017).

Herein, we used RNA-seq analysis to assemble a de novo transcriptome for the

Neotropical fish C. macropomum sampled from states of Amazonas and São Paulo fish farms,

and experimentally submitted to the current and extreme scenarios in climate rooms. Based on

statistical treatment, we verified that half of all assembled bases were found in contigs of at

least 1,595 bp for N50 value, with the N50 to the isoform of 1,041, respectively. The high

numbers of isoforms in long transcripts is an important metric because low N50 values can

indicate poor quality assembly. While some rare and low abundance transcripts were

excluded, it is important to present a more conservative and reliable approach to differential

expression testing by emphasising the accuracy of the assembly rather than the identification

of low abundance transcripts (Smith et al., 2013).

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Predicting the impacts of climate warming on inland fisheries, Lapointe et al. (2018)

compared the thermal tolerance of six species of freshwater fish based on critical thermal

maxima (CTmax) values. These authors observed that tambaqui, when acclimated above 4ºC

of temperature, presented one of the highest values in CTmax. As postulated, tambaqui have

developed several adaptation mechanisms to preserve survival ability in order to cope with

adverse environmental conditions (Almeida-Val and Val, 1990; Almeida‐Val et al., 2006).

The first RNA-seq-based study by Prado-Lima & Val (2016) in tambaqui juveniles elucidated

how the plasticity of responses is crucial to their adaptation to different scenarios of global

climate change. Although phenotypic plasticity and adaptation might buffer species against

habitat degradation associated with global climate change, few studies making such claims

also possess the necessary and sufficient data to support them (Mccairns et al., 2016).

Comparing the transcriptional responses of two tambaqui populations under exposure

to an extreme scenario, we identified promising candidate genes involved in these plasticity

changes. A total of 355 transcripts were differentially expressed, but the enrichment analyses

grouped gene sets into two differentiated network configurations based on common functional

categories (Figures 4 and 5). In this context, a novel array of genes and pathways is proposed

here, including those involved in some aspect of the cellular response to stress.

Heat- (YWHAE) and stress-response genes (DUSP1 and MAP3K7) were upregulated

in the liver of tambaqui from the northern population. The 14-3-3 protein epsilon, encoded by

the YWHAE gene, is part of a conserved protein family whose isoforms interact with over one

hundred targets, such as members of the protein kinase and phosphatase families (Fu et al.,

2002). This small adaptor protein plays a significant role in many biological processes,

including cell-signalling pathways involved in responses to a changing environment (Fu et al.,

2002; Koskinen et al., 2004). The DUSP1 (dual specificity phosphatase 1) gene encodes for

serine/threonine and tyrosine protein phosphatases, with narrow substrate specificity for

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members of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) family (Camps et al., 2000). DUSP

genes regulate intracellular signalling events, and participate in cellular growth, proliferation,

cell cycling and cell death (Schweikl et al., 2008). According to Liu et al. (2008)

overexpression of DUSP1 happens in response to growth factor stimulation and

environmental stressors, increasing cellular susceptibility to oxidative damage by hydrogen

peroxide (H2O2) or other oxidative compounds. Under thermal stress, the up-regulation of

DUSP1 and DUSP2 genes was related to immune signalling in the gills of Chinook salmon

juveniles (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) acutely exposed to a lethal temperature of 25ºC

(Tomalty et al., 2015). As a member of the MAPK superfamily, MAP3K7 gene (mitogen-

activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7, or TAK1) plays key role in the cascades of cellular

response to diverse stimuli (growth factors, cytokines or environmental stresses) (Camps et

al., 2000). Coordinated functions of stress-activated MAPK pathways virtually control cell

metabolism, regulating transcription factors responsible for cell survival, differentiation and

inflammatory responses, protein biosynthesis, cell cycle control, apoptosis and differentiation

(Landström, 2010; Kyriakis and Avruch, 2012). Jiang et al. (2018) observed activation of the

MAPK signalling cascade involved in the immune defence response in the gills of Yesso

scallop (Patinopecten yessoensis) following exposure to water temperature fluctuations.

Taken together, the up-regulation of these genes suggests the induction of alternative cell

signalling molecules to promoting new plasticity changes in response to a future warming


PFDN (prefoldin), a ubiquitously expressed heterohexameric co-chaperone, is

necessary for proper folding of nascent proteins, in particular tubulin and actin. The

Hsp70/Hsp90 chaperone and co-chaperone machinery is crucial for cellular development and

maintenance as these proteins assist in protein folding and the stabilisation of unfolded or

misfolded proteins (Wegele et al., 2001; Lee et al., 2011). It has been clearly shown that Hsp

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(heat shock protein) overexpression is correlated with thermal stress (Feder and Hofmann,

1999; Logan and Somero, 2011; Jesus et al., 2013, 2017). Prado-Lima & Val (2016)

identified heat-induced genes involved in heat shock response and protein folding in the white

muscle of tambaqui chronically exposed to climate change scenarios: Dnaja2, Dnajc7,

hsp90aa1.1, hsp90aa1.2, hmgb1a, and pfdn2. Herein, the up-regulation of FKBP5 (peptidyl-

prolyl cis-trans isomerase), a prolyl isomerase that interacts with the chaperone network,

indicates the folding or renaturation processing of stress-damaged proteins in this population.

Despite the classical protein rescue machinery, thermal stress can generate non-native

proteins that molecular chaperones cannot repair (Todgham et al., 2017). Thus, the

accumulation of unrepaired proteins interferes with proper maintaining cell homeostasis

(Sherman and Goldberg, 2004). To avoid cytotoxic aggregates, misfolded or damaged protein

will be a target for degradation through the ubiquitin-proteasome system (Zhang and Ye,

2014). Here, induced expression of UBE3A (ubiquitin-protein ligase E3A) and UBE2J2

(ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 J2) genes involved in the ubiquitin (Ub)-mediated

modification of proteins play an important role in tagging numerous substrates for regulation

by multiple cellular processes, e.g. cell cycle, components of signal transduction pathways,

enzymes involved in metabolism and degradation of abnormal proteins (Herrmann et al.,

2007). Genes encoding for proteins involved in proteolysis via the ubiquitin-proteasome route

were significantly upregulated in the eurythermal fish Gillichthys mirabilis after exposure to

acute heat stress (Logan and Somero, 2011) as well as in Atlantic salmon kept in a chronic

low oxygen concentration (Olsvik et al., 2013). Briefly, high expression of genes related to

proteolysis assures the maintenance of protein homeostasis (Todgham et al., 2017), reflecting

the dynamic balance in energy reallocation for the organism’s activities such as growth,

reproduction and foraging, with an impact on fitness (Sherman and Goldberg, 2004).

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Interestingly, juvenile tambaqui from the northern region suppressed genes associated

with the regulation of cell growth and proliferation as a compensatory mechanism to save

energy to deal with an extreme climate scenario. Heat stress resulted in the underexpression of

genes responsible for cell division and growth in Squalius torgalensis, suggesting a strategy to

re-allocating energy towards the repair of proteins and membranes (Jesus et al., 2016).

Corroborating the growth performance of tambaqui in various climate scenarios, Oliveira &

Val (2017) observed that more extreme conditions affected the food conversion efficiency for

growth due an increase in cellular metabolic demand under physiological stress. Thus,

predicted climate change might impair the growth of tambaqui farmed in this region, leading

to higher feeding costs during the first growth phase.

The southeastern population of tambaqui differentially expressed other genes

responsive to climate change when compared to the northern stock. However, genes encoding

for protein kinases involved in the MAPK cascade were also upregulated during the stress

response. AKT occurs in three isoforms, of which AKT2 (RAC-beta serine/threonine-protein

kinase) is predominantly expressed in insulin-responsive tissues (Wolf et al., 2013). Activated

AKT prevents apoptosis via increasing glucose uptake by mediating the insulin-induced

translocation of the SLC2A4/GLUT4 glucose transporter to the cell surface, and regulates the

storage of glucose in the form of glycogen (Weiss and Refetoff, 2015). AKT isoforms have

cell- and tissue-specific functions, but most prominently, AKT activation can promote cell

survival, proliferation, growth and changes in cellular metabolic pathways through its

numerous downstream targets (Manning and Toker, 2017). Jiang et al. (2018) identified some

enriched pathways involved in signal transduction in the Patinopecten yessoensis

transcriptome after exposure to warmer water, with the PI3K-AKT signalling pathway

associated with immune function.

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DEGs implicated in immune responses were found through KEGG enrichment. The

proinflammatory gene IL6ST (interleukin 6 signal transducer) that encodes for gp130 protein

(Kondaurova et al., 2011) was upregulated in the liver cells of tambaqui from the southeastern

region. Expression of gp130-related cytokines such as IL-6 (interleukin-6) is primarily related

to the regulation of immunity, inflammation, haematopoiesis and oncogenesis (Naka et al.,

2002; Landström, 2010). These tissue stress responses are also mediated by changing external

conditions such as mineral deficiencies, hypoxia and temperature fluctuations (Thorne et al.,

2010; Chovatiya and Medzhitov, 2014). Likewise, in the inflammatory state, autophagy is

considered a survival mechanism to preserve cellular homeostasis through the lysosomal

degradation of damaged or harmful cytosolic components (Kroemer et al., 2010). Here, the

expression of genes related to autophagy were induced: ULK1 (serine/threonine-protein

kinase ULK1) and RB1CC1 (RB1-inducible coiled-coil protein 1, or FIP200). ULK1 plays a

role in the regulation of autophagy by interacting directly with RB1CC1. Thus, both genes are

essential for autophagosome assembly (Kroemer et al., 2010). Other authors also found the

up-regulation of genes involved in inflammatory and immune signalling in heat-stressed O.

tshawytscha (Tomalty et al., 2015) and Harpagifer antarcticus (Thorne et al., 2010). Thus,

inflammatory processes seem to be a common response when a fish is under thermal stress,

which may affect immune signalling in fish tissues. Moreover, these tambaqui juveniles were

acclimatised under a broad thermal range in the southeastern region of Brazil within a

different temperature interval, i.e. temperatures much lower than higher, as prior mentioned in

this work.

The southeastern population also showed a down-regulation in energy metabolism-

associated genes under extreme scenario exposure. Apolipoprotein A-I (APOA1) is a crucial

component of the high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) in plasma, and is a cofactor for

lecithin∶cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT), playing a key role in lipid metabolism and the

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reverse transport of lipids (Lewis and Rader, 2005). In teleost fish, APOA1 is also involved in

many biological processes (Xu et al., 2013), including anti-inflammatory function (Tabet and

Rye, 2009). Cunha et al. (2015) suggested that apolipoprotein genes might be related to lipid

trafficking for other purposes than energy production, e.g. for incorporating lipids into

membranes of newly formed or differentiating cells, which does not modify the total lipid

content or lipid classes. Under thermally variable conditions, changes in the cell membrane

structure and a metabolic shift toward lipid synthesis or transport processes are expected

(Ribeiro, 2010). Smith et al. (2013) identified transcripts involved in lipid metabolism in

rainbowfish (Melanotaenia duboulayi) as being a plasticity response to cope with temperature

stress. However, under the same conditions, lower expression of the APOA1 gene in the liver

of hybrid catfish (Ictalurus sp.) suggested the return of energy to the basal level in response to

thermal acclimation (Liu et al., 2013). In fact, the response of each species to thermal stress

will be related to its life history and environmental acclimatisation history, revealing

mechanisms of phenotypic plasticity ability facing global warming (Bellard et al., 2014).

Energy metabolism (including lipid and carbohydrate catabolism) is one of the key

mechanisms of the cellular stress response (Wang et al., 2009b). The decrease in the

expression of glucokinase (GCK), an enzyme that catalyses the initial step in the utilisation of

glucose, indicates a down-regulation of glycolytic process under the extreme climate scenario

exposure. Compared to the northern population, suppression of oxidative metabolism

followed by the activation of anaerobic glycolysis may constitute differential capacity of this

population to enhanced environmental disturbance tolerance. The transcript profiles in

tambaqui liver from the southeastern population showed an overall trend to undergo

metabolic depression, which was confirmed by the number of downregulated genes in the

heat map (Figure 6).

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The two populations of tambaqui displayed different phenotypic plasticity strategies in

response to chronic exposure to an extreme scenario of climate change. Differentially

expressed genes are part of a wide metabolic route, exhibiting plastic regulatory mechanisms

to deal with a warmer climate. In this context, we identified excellent candidate genes for

further investigations of population adaptation in the ongoing climate change scenario.

Additionally, our results corroborate those of Santos et al. (2016), showing that populations of

tambaqui from Brazilian fish farms are locally adapted. Thus, resilient species with a modest

evolutionary potential may possess an eco-evolutionary strategy that enables them to persist

over macroevolutionary time and rapidly respond to novel challenges, which may allow for

further genetic adaptations to take place over time (Lighten et al., 2016).


According to Crozier & Hutchings (2014), many species will likely adapt to long-term

warming trends overlaid on natural climate oscillations. Thus, field and laboratory

experiments on both model and non-model fish have already provided some insight into the

potential for individuals to respond plastically to short- and long-term environmental stress

and for populations and species to evolve with changes in environmental regimes (Oomen and

Hutchings, 2017). Herein, the RNA-seq results provide evidence for the local adaptation of

captive tambaqui populations nurtured in different regional temperature regimes and indicate

new target genes that will help elucidate processes and pathways enabling which adaptation

will occur to future warmer climates. These novel insights into the adaptive evolution in

tambaqui from different temperature zones in Brazil will be valuable to clarify the genetic

basis of climate change adaptation in Neotropical fishes.


The authors are grateful for financial support from the Coordination for

the Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (CAPES) to the Pro-Amazon Project (n°

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047/2012), Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq) to the INCT-ADAPTA II Project (n°

465540/2014-7) and Universal Calls (n° 424468/2016-6), and Amazonas Research

Foundation (FAPEAM) to the INCT-ADAPTA II Project (n° 0621187/2017). L.M.F.G. was

a recipient of a Ph.D. fellowship from CAPES. C.H.A.S. was a recipient of a research

fellowship from PCI-INPA/CNPq. A.L.V. and V.M.F.A.V. are the recipients of research

fellowships from CNPq. We thank Fernanda Garcia Dragan and Maria de Nazaré Paula-Silva

for their excellent technical support in the experiments. Special thanks go to Dra. Alzira

Miranda de Oliveira for the logistical support in obtaining the experimental fish.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.


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Table 1. Physicochemical parameters of tank water maintained for 30 days in environmental

rooms. Data are shown as mean ± standard error of the mean (N = 30); minimum and

maximum values are in parentheses. *Significant differences from the current scenario

(Student’s t-test, P < 0.05), showing the effectiveness of the artificial variation between the


Water temperature


Water CO2


Water O2


pH Total



Northern population

Current 26.1±0.2










Extreme 29.0±0.2*










Southeastern population

Current 26.3±0.2










Extreme 29.1±0.2*










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Table 2. Hub genes enrichment analysis of the northern population exposed to the extreme

climate scenario.

Pathway Extreme scenario

effect Gene LogFC Protein

GO:0034605 Cellular response to

heat Up YWHAE 9.30 14-3-3 protein epsilon

GO:0019538 Protein metabolic

process Up

SSH1 8.84 Protein phosphatase Slingshot homolog 1

KHDRBS1 7.71 KH domain-containing, RNA-binding, signal

transduction-associated protein 1

GO:0006457 Protein folding Up PFDN2 8.54 Prefoldin subunit 2

GO:0015833 Peptide transport Up NUP62 7.89 Nuclear pore glycoprotein p62

GO:0016567 Protein ubiquitination Up UBE3A 7.65 Ubiquitin-protein ligase E3A

UBE2J2 6.84 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 J2

GO:0000165 MAPK cascade Up

MAP3K7 7.34 Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase

kinase 7

PAQR3 6.64 Progestin and adipoQ receptor family

member 3

GO:0006979 Response to oxidative

stress Up DUSP1 6.94 Dual specificity protein phosphatase 1

GO:0006974 DNA damage response Up ERCC6 6.85 DNA excision repair protein ERCC-6

PLK2 6.68 Serine/threonine-protein kinase PLK2

GO:0001525 Angiogenesis Up HIPK1 6.87 Homeodomain-interacting protein kinase 1

GO:0042113 B cell activation Up CD22 4.79 B-cell receptor CD22

GO:0030154 Cell differentiation Down TBCB -7.83 Tubulin-folding cofactor B

GO:0008283 Cell proliferation Down TXNRD1 -7.76 Thioredoxin reductase 1, cytoplasmic

SGK2 -7.39 Serine/threonine-protein kinase Sgk2

GO:0050821 Protein stabilisation Down MORC3 -7.74 MORC family CW-type zinc finger protein 3

GO:0016567 Protein ubiquitination Down UBA1 -7.38 Ubiquitin-like modifier-activating enzyme 1

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Table 3. Hub genes enrichment analysis of the southeastern population exposed to the

extreme climate scenario.

Pathway Extreme scenario

effect Gene LogFC Protein

GO:0030949 Positive regulation of

VEGF receptor signalling pathway Up GRB10 8.21 Growth factor receptor-bound protein 10

GO:0006950 Response to stress Up ULK1 8.12 Serine/threonine-protein kinase ULK1

RB1CC1 6.67 RB1-inducible coiled-coil protein 1

GO:0050801 Ion homeostasis Up ATP6V1E1 7.81 V-type proton ATPase subunit E 1

TFRC 7.35 Transferrin receptor protein 1

GO:0042632 Cholesterol homeostasis Up LDLR 7.61 Low-density lipoprotein receptor

GO:0050729 Positive regulation of

inflammatory response Up IL6ST 7.49 Interleukin 6 signal transducer

GO:0000165 MAPK cascade Up

AKT2 7.33 RAC-beta serine/threonine-protein kinase

MAP3K1 6.70 Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase

kinase 1

PTPN6 6.67 Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor

type 6

GO:0010628 Positive regulation of

gene expression Up KDM6A 6.63 Lysine-specific demethylase 6A

GO:0051726 Regulation of cell cycle Up CCNG1 6.62 Cyclin-G1

GO:0030036 Actin cytoskeleton

organisation Down

FLII -8.95 Protein flightless-1 homolog

ARHGEF5 -6.95 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 5

GO:0003779 Actin binding Down SPTAN1 -8.05 Spectrin alpha chain, non-erythrocytic 1

MPRIP -7.49 Myosin phosphatase Rho-interacting protein

GO:0006096 Glycolysis Down GCK -7.36 Glucokinase

GO:0006914 Autophagy Down ATG5 -7.29 Autophagy protein 5

ULK2 -6.84 Serine/threonine-protein kinase ULK2

GO:0006629 Lipid metabolism Down APOA1 -7.25 Apolipoprotein A-I

POR -7.04 NADPH--cytochrome P450 reductase

GO:0042127 Regulation of cell

proliferation Down PIAS1 -6.90 E3 SUMO-protein ligase PIAS1

GO:0050790 Regulation of catalytic

activity Down CAPN1 -6.90 Calpain-1 catalytic subunit

GO:0006357 Regulation of

transcription Down

SMARCC1 -6.59 SWI/SNF complex subunit SMARCC1

BCL3 -6.47 B-cell lymphoma 3 protein

GO:0032922 Circadian regulation of

gene expression Down OGT -6.49

UDP-N-acetylglucosamine--peptide N-

acetylglucosaminyltransferase 110 kDa


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Figure 1. Daily variations in air temperature (upper) and CO2 concentration (bottom) in the

two environmental room facilities over the 30-day experimental period.

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Figure 2. Representation of the functional categories involved in the response to an extreme

climate scenario, in relation to the current scenario, for northern tambaqui (Colossoma

macropomum). The top 10 upregulated (upper) and top 10 downregulated (bottom) terms are

based on three general Gene Ontology (GO) categories: Biological Process (BP), Cell

Component (CC) and Molecular Function (MF). The percentages below each term are related

to the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) that belong to each category.

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Figure 3. Representation of the functional categories involved in the response to an extreme

climate scenario, in relation to the current scenario, for southeastern tambaqui (Colossoma

macropomum). The top 10 upregulated (upper) and top 10 downregulated (bottom) terms are

based on three general Gene Ontology (GO) categories: Biological Process (BP), Cell

Component (CC) and Molecular Function (MF). The percentages below each term are related

to the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) that belong to each category.

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Figure 4. Protein-protein interaction (PPI) network of DEGs in northern tambaqui (Colossoma

macropomum) after 30 days of exposure to an extreme scenario. Size of the circles represents

the relative amount of expression. Each hub (red or green) represents prior genes that

correlate and form a PPI network. Red hubs represent upregulated genes and green hubs

represent downregulated genes, in relation to the current scenario. Smaller grey nodes reflect

interacting non-differentially expressed genes.

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Figure 5. Protein-protein interaction (PPI) network of DEGs in southeastern tambaqui

(Colossoma macropomum) after 30 days of exposure to an extreme scenario. Size of the

circles represents the relative amount of expression. Each hub (red or green) represents prior

genes that correlate and form a PPI network. Red hubs represent upregulated genes and green

hubs represent downregulated genes, in relation to the current scenario. Smaller grey nodes

reflect interacting non-differentially expressed genes.

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Figure 6. Expression profiles (heat map) of DEGs in the liver of northern (upper) and

southeastern (bottom) tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) after 30 days of exposure to

current and extreme climate scenarios. Bar colours intensity represents at least two-fold

changes in expression levels; yellow indicates higher expression, whereas purple shows lower

