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CSOEM/SC8 June 2016 Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Meeting of




29 June 2016, 8:30 AM to 12 Noon Chairman: Mark Trevithick

2016 Exploration & Production Standards Secretary: Josh Hebert

Conference on Oilfield Equipment and Materials

Grand Hyatt Washington

Washington D.C.

Agenda Item Numbering Scheme: YNXX Where Y is a single digit for year of introduction.

Y1XX - TG1 (Drilling Structures) Agenda Items

Y2XX - TG2 (Drilling Equipment) Agenda Items

Y3XX - TG3 (Hoisting Equipment) Agenda Items

Y4XX - TG4 (Wire Rope & Roller Chain) Agenda Items

Y5XX - TG5 (Hammer Union) Agenda Items


The chairman:

Called the meeting to order at 8:30 AM;

Discussed safety and evacuation plan;

Asked members and visitors to sign the attendance list / roster, and;

Asked each person attending to introduce themselves to the group.

The API and SC8 officially thanked Dennis Fetter for his long years of service within

SC8 as chair of TG4. Dennis has been a most seasoned and valuable expert on wire rope,

and we look forward to his continued involvement in SC8 in the coming years.

SC8 recognized the exceptionally rare yet commendable achievement of Norm Dyer in

attaining his 60 year service award, and thanks him for his invaluable assistance

provided to the subcommittee in understanding the historical background and evolution

of our specifications, as well as for his continuing input on specification work.


Motion by: Shawn Firenza

Seconded by: Faisal Yousef

Motion: Approve the minutes from the CSOEM/SC8 June 2015

conference as recorded

Decision: Carried unanimously

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A. TG1 Task Group on Drilling and Well Servicing Structures – Shawn


TG1 2015 June Conference meeting minutes were approved.

API 4F: API 4F, 4th Edition was published January 2013, and is effective August 1, 2013.

Item 6102: Implementation of AISC 2005 Specification.

Marcus McCoo has agreed to chair this work group going forward.

At the June 2016 Conference, the Workgroup met and Marcus McCoo presented

the current status of the SES (Stress Engineering Services) Phase II study.

Within the WG, there is still quite a bit of concern about the load factors being used

in the LRFD methodology. The WG discussed whether to allow both Allowable

Strength Design and LRFD, or that the standard should only allow for one

methodology. SES clarified why they are focused on LRFD instead of ASD to

complete the current study. The Stress engineering report (Phase IIA) will be

reviewed once published and a path forward will be determined.

{Note by SC8 chair: the Phase II study originally budgeted by SES was split into

two separate funding requests. The first request (labeled as Phase IIA for clarity) for

fiscal year 2015 was approved and contracted and is expected to complete in July

2016. The second request (labeled as Phase IIB for clarity) for funding in 2016 has

been submitted and approved, but contract has not been let yet. SC8 chair will work

with API staff to seek approval for funding. The work scope under this request

includes the completion of work on models 2 and 5.}

Ongoing agenda item.

Item 11101: Inclusion of Rig Moving systems in API 4F. .

At the June 2016 Conference, the work group met to review and revise the suggested

wording for the Annex. Anthony Mannering agreed to chair the work group with

support from Sean Duncan. During the work group meeting it was determined that

we need to define Rig Moving to allow us to exclude rig moving load cases from the

1/3 increase. New verbiage was developed and recommended for presentation to

TG1 for a possible ballot.

TG1 reviewed and discussed the draft. The TG agreed with the current proposal for

the definition of Rig Moving and the revisions to 8.1.2. Further work is required in

B.7.1 to adequately distinguish between rig moving and transportation. TG1

approved sending the draft back to the WG for further work.

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Ongoing agenda item.

Item 5101 - Tubular Steel use in API 4F designs.

Anthony Mannering chairs this WG.

Subsequent to the June 2015 Conference, a draft wording was developed and

balloted under Ballot #3704. The ballot passed with comments that required

resolution. Ballot comments were discussed in late November and early December

and a final wording chosen that resolved all ballot comments. The work item will be closed and removed from the agenda once published. Item 5102 - Definition of Crown Block Assembly.

Sumit Shah chairs this WG.

At the June, 2016 Conference, the WG met and finalized a proposed definition

which TG1 approved to send to letter ballot. SC8 concurred by acceptance of TG1



Ongoing agenda item.

Item 5103 - Lifting Lugs.

Denny Wong agreed to take over as new chairperson.

SC8 accepted a revised scope of work for this item:

1) To delineate the delineate difference between "handling points" and

overhead lifting lugs

2) Agree on design requirements such as failure modes and factors of safety,

for both "handling points" and overhead lugs.

3) Agree on testing and marking requirements for those aforementioned


4) agree on design and testing requirements for hobble line connection points

Ongoing agenda item.

Item 5104 - API 4F Design Validation.

Sean Duncan agreed to take over as new chairperson and a WG was constituted.

Ongoing agenda item.

API 4G: API 4G, 4th Edition was published April 2012.

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New Business

NWI 6103 – Review Competency Requirements for Structural Inspectors in RP4G

Anthony Mannering will chair this WG.

Ongoing agenda item.

NWI 6104 – Cat IV Inspections for Offshore Structures Anthony Mannering will chair this WG.

Ongoing agenda item.

NWI 6105 – Definition of Pin Connections Denny Wong will chair this WG.

An SRRR form will be submitted by TG1 chair. NWI 6106 – Limitations on Use of Tubular Steel Area Reductions Denny Wong will chair this WG.

An SRRR form will be submitted by TG1 chair. NWI 6107 – Removal of sections 11.7.2 and 11.7.3 from API 4F API staff requested on behalf of API legal that SC8 remove these clauses as they

are considered commercial terms typically handled within contract documents and

not appropriate within spec.

Motion by: Bo Creek

Seconded by: Anwar Masut

Motion: Remove sections 11.7.2 and 11.7.3 from API 4F

Decision: Motion Carries

LETTER BALLOT ITEM Acceptance of TG1 Minutes

Motion by: Shawn Firenza

Seconded by: Faisal Yousef

Motion: Approve the TG1 minutes as amended

Decision: Carried unanimously

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Motion by: Robert Urbanowski

Seconded by: Sean Duncan

Motion: Petition CSOEM for 2 year extension of validity of RP4G

Decision: Passed unanimously

B. TG2 Task Group on Drilling Equipment – Faisal Yousef


API 7K 6

th edition was published, and is effective December 2015. An errata was

published in May 2016.

TG1 2015 June Conference meeting minutes were approved.

Item 9202: Spec 7K requirement for BOP Handling Systems.

Mikael Pedersen has agreed to chair this work group going forward.

At the June 2016 conference, TG2 directed the WG to review the existing draft

and review API RP 7L for changes.

Ongoing agenda item.

Item 0202: Coverage of Drawworks versus Drawworks Components.

Faisal Yousef chairs this work group.

Meetings have been held multiple times during the past year. At the June 2016

Conference, the WG met to present and work on the draft. TG2 reviewed the

revised wording and directed the WG to continue work.

At the SC8 meeting, it was agreed to direct TG2 to add consideration of coverage

of Drawworks to RP7L.

Motion by: Robert Urbanowski

Seconded by: Ken Kondo

Motion: Change the existing scope of 0202 to add coverage of

drawworks to RP7L also.

Decision: Passed unanimously

Ongoing agenda item.

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Item 2202 and Item 3201: Hoses used for Underbalanced and Gas Drilling/

Proposed Increase to Rated Pressure of Mud and Cement Hoses within API 7K.

Dr. Tibor Nagy chairs this work group.

At the June 2016 Conference, the work group met to resolve comments

received on the draft issued to license holders and TG members. Aaron Duke

of API staff explained alternative marking requirements not currently available

for this product, but for which the product is eligible. The WG concluded that

this alternative could be desirable as there is demand for it.

The work group was directed by TG2 to make the proposed WG changes and,

once completed, send the draft to letter ballot.

Ongoing agenda item.


API 7L 1st

edition was published, and is effective April 1996. Addendum 1 was

published February 2006 and Addendum 2 was published March 2006. API

Ballot Item 2703 to reaffirm API 7L closed on 10-Aug-2012 and passed ballot.

Item 5202: Revise to align with changes to 7K regarding hoses.

Dr. Tibor Nagy chairs this WG.

At the June, 2016 Conference, the WG met and finalized a final draft which was

presented to TG2 with a recommendation to send the draft to letter ballot. TG2



Ongoing agenda item.

Item 5203: Makeup and Breakout machines (Iron Roughneck) / Power Tong.

Adrian Lis proposed a new work item to add Power Tongs back into 7K with more

meaningful requirement, but the NWI was not submitted until the June 2016

Conference. TG2 voted to accept the NWI and Adrian Lis agreed to chair the WG. Ongoing agenda item.

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Item 5204: Review of Licensee Information Form.

TG2 and API staff concurred that this item can be handled without ballot as it is only

a change to the Licensee Information Form to align it with the scope of 7K. The TG2

chair agreed to review the form and revert changes to API staff.

This item is closed and will be removed from agenda.

New Business

TG2 requests that SC8 chair request support from CSOEM to request that SC5

provide acceptance criteria for the tubular to be used in the Slips DVT. The SC8 chair

agreed to do so.

TG2 recommended that SC8 request from CSOEM a two year extension of the

validity for RP7L. SC8 discussed and agreed to do so.

Motion by: Ken Kondo

Seconded by: Robert Urbanowski

Motion: Petition CSOEM for 2 year extension of validity of RP7L

Decision: Passed unanimously

NWI 6201: Review prepare new edition draft of RP7L.

Robert Urbanowski will chair this workgroup.

An SRRR form will be submitted by TG2 chair.

SC8 agreed to accept the TG2 minutes:

Motion by: Ken Kondo

Seconded by: Dr. Tibor Nagy

Motion: Accept the TG2 minutes as presented and modified herein by


Decision: Passed unanimously

C. TG3 Task Group on Hoisting Equipment – Ken Kondo

TG3 2015 June Conference meeting minutes were approved.


API 8C 5th

edition was published April 2012, and is effective October 2012;

Errata to specifications was published in May 2014.

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API RP 8B 8th

edition was published and is effective May 2014.

Item 3301: Nominal Equivalent Stress - API 8C Section 4.3.4.

Kurt Vandervort chairs this WG.

The WG has met a number of times this pass year and again on Monday of this

conference. TG3 reviewed, discussed and recommended amendments to the

current draft from WG meeting. TG3 directed the WG to continue its work. Kurt

Vandervort requested that anyone else interested in joining the WG contact him.

Ongoing agenda item.

Item 3302: Pin Connections - Ratings and Marking Requirements.

Randy Pyrch chairs this WG.

At the June 2015 meeting, TG3 approved a proposed draft to send to letter ballot.

Ballot 3843 passed with comments and comment resolution is in process.

At the June 2016 TG3 meeting, Adrian Lis brought up an items regarding his

comments, including changes to a definition and to a text figure. Randy Pyrch

was not at the conference but is reviewing the comments and will contact Adrian

and others to resolve comments. SC8 would like TG3 to determine whether or not

a reballot would be appropriate or not. Ongoing agenda item.

Item 4301: Sheave Rim Groove

Robert Urbanowski chairs this work group.

At the June 2015 conference, a draft proposing changes to both spec 8C and RP8B

was reviewed and approved to send to the entire TG3 workgroup for comments,

with additional instructions to revise draft based on comments and send to letter

ballot. Ballot 3870 has been issued with a closing date of June 14, 2016.

Robert Urbanowski reported that most of the ballot comments have been resolved,

and the rest should be cleared out quickly.

Ongoing agenda item.

It was noted within SC8 that item 4302: Sheave Bore Centerline has been dropped

from agenda.

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Item 4304: Prototype Testing of Washpipes with Mechanical Seals.

The Work Group is chaired by Cliff Swiontek.

At the June 2015 conference, the workgroup was directed to make final wording

changes to a proposed draft and send the item to letter ballot. Ballot 3844 was issued

and ballot comments are in resolution.

Cliff Swiontek was not at this conference; it was reported that he is in the process of

resolving comments and will contact the negative voters and others in the next couple


Ongoing agenda item.

Item 5301: Acceptance Criteria for Non-Ferromagnetic Metals.

Pat Johnson chairs the work group.

This work group met on Monday the 27th at this conference. Pat presented the WG

draft to TG3. After discussion of the proposed wording, TG3 directed the WG to

continue its work, seek input from manufacturers with experience in non-

ferromagnetic castings within other industries, and compare proposed acceptance

criteria to those for welds.

Pat Johnson will forward the next draft by email to all attendees at the meeting with

the goal of obtaining a ballot draft by the meeting in the summer of 2017.

Ongoing agenda item.

Item 5302: Impact Property Requirements for Design Temperature and for SR2.

This item renumbered to Item 5306 (below). 5302 is discontinued.

Item 5303: Modify scope of API 8C to be in Line with Scope of API 7K (to

address inclusion of replacement primary load-carrying components).

Bob d Pont chairs the work group.

At the June 2015 conference, a draft was proposed to change the scope of

specification 8C in line with API 7K and have requirements for replacement of

primary load bearing replacement parts. The draft was approved to go to letter

ballot and was issued as ballot 3845. The ballot passed and comments are under


Bob d Pont was not present at the meeting, but it was reported that he is nearing

completion of the comment resolution.

Ongoing agenda item.

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NWI 5304: API 8C Requirement to Test Elevator with Bore/Configuration

Generating Highest Stresses & API 8B Requirement for Repeating Load Testing

After Reboring.

Bob d Pont served as chair for this WG until he recently announced his retirement.

The TG# chair is looking for a replacement chairperson. Larry Childress

volunteered to work on the item, and the TG3 chair is looking for other volunteers

for this WG.

Ongoing agenda item.

Item 5305: Manufacturing Process Controls.

Bo Creek chairs this WG.

At the June 2015 Conference, the TG6 work group made a recommendation on the

best way forward for consideration by the other SC8 Task Groups regarding SC18

API 18TR3’s work on API Monogram Program: Definition of a Manufacturer.

SC8 directed that TG3 form a new work group with members of Task Group 6 in

order to address the topic within spec 8C; a WG draft was sent out by API under

Letter Ballot 3737. The balloting was completed and the results were provided to

the Work Group Chairman.

At about the same time, the results of the comment ballot on SC18 API 18TR3’s

work were taken over by the Monogram Program Board. Shawn Firenza advised

that MPB is currently working on an advisory detailing requirements to be

considered a manufacturer and is hoping to release the advisory by September,


Motion by: Robert Urbanowski

Seconded by: Shawn Firenza


TG3 to keep this ballot on hold until release and evaluation of

MPB Advisory, and then recommend whether to withdraw


Decision: Passed unanimously

Ongoing agenda item.

Item 5306: Impact Property Requirements for Design Temperature and for SR2.

Bob d Pont chairs this work group.

At the June 2015 conference, Bob d Pont submitted the New Work Item to address

missing impact property requirements for material testing at design temperature

under SR 2. A draft wording was proposed and approved to be sent to letter ballot,

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but the ballot was not issued. Katie Burkle confirmed that API staff has the needed

information and will issue the Letter Ballot as soon as possible.

Ongoing agenda item.

New Business

NWI 6301: Inclusion of wording from API 7K on slips and spiders into API 8C for

Slip-type Elevators and Slip-type Spiders

Kurt Vandevort proposed this item based on modifications currently being proposed

to API 7K. TG3 accepted the work item and Kurt will chair the new WG.

New agenda item.

NWI 6302: Comparison between API 7K and API 8C on consistent wording that

can be utilized.

TG3 accepted a motion by Mark Sibille to create a workgroup to map differences in

wording between 7K and 8C and recommend appropriate specification changes to

align the two specifications. Josh Hebert will chair the WG.

Motion by: Mark Sibille

Seconded by: Faisal Yousef

Motion: Perform mapping of sections 4 through 8 of API 8C and 7K and

determine context of both specifications.

Decision: Passed unanimously

Mark Sibille offered to assist the WG with mapping and editing. After discussion,

the SC8 chair agreed to submit a SRRR funding request for 2017 for up to $10,000

for this work to CSOEM.

New agenda item.

In response to a request for clarification regarding API 8C Section which

requires that threads conform to API 5B, the TG3 chair agreed to seek further

clarification regarding the question.

No NWI is required at this time.

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After a discussion regarding the exemption from MPI inspection of sheaves per

9.2.2 of API 8C was held, it was decided that no further work was required.

No NWI is required at this time.

The TG3 chair reminded the TG that the 6th edition of 8C will be released in 2017,

including the balloted items that haven’t made it in yet and possibly more that are

near completion.

An auditor requests clarification on UT of welds in 7K, specifically whether the

specification references the correct section of the document. SC8 recommends that

both TG2 and TG3 review the references and a new work item will be proposed in


A motion was made to accept the TG3 minutes:

Motion by: Kurt Vandervort

Seconded by: Robert Urbanowski

Motion: Accept TG3 minutes as proposed.

Decision: Passed unanimously

D. TG4 Task Group on Wire Rope & Roller Chain – Brent Dein


API 7F 8th

edition was published, and is effective November 1, 2011 and Errata 1

was published May 2013. The spec was reaffirmed at the June 2015 conference and

is awaiting publication.

No ongoing work.


API 9A 26th

edition was published May 1, 2011, and is effective November 2011.

Errata was published in October 2012. The spec was reaffirmed at the June 2015

conference and is awaiting publication.

No ongoing work.

TG4 2015 June Conference meeting minutes were approved.

API 9B: API RP9B 14th

edition was published October 2015.

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Item 1402: Wire Rope design factors for setting Blowout Preventers (BOPs).

Mikael Pederson is the chair of this WG.

At the June 2016 Conference, Mikael Pederson presented to TG4 regarding WG

progress. No meetings were held this year but correspondence was held via phone

and email. There has not been much feedback to facilitate progress for this work

item. The WG is looking for more volunteers from the operators group.

Andrew Roskey suggested raising the design factors for all wire rope usage. After

discussion, TG4 adopted a motion to modify the scope of the work item to include

review of design factors for all wire rope addressed in API 9B in addition to the

original scope for setting BOP’s with the main hoist. Mikael Pederson agreed to

continue as chair of this WG under the new scope. A number of additional persons

were added to the WG.

SC8 discussed the expanded work scope and concluded that expanding this work

item greatly increases the audience for this subject, and TG4 should solicit input and

assistance beyond current volunteers. Katie Burkle offered to facilitate drafting and

soliciting other committees for input. Robert Urbanowski suggested contacting

IADC for contractor input; Rhett Winter with IADC volunteered to solicit support

within IADC.

Motion by: Robert Urbanowski

Seconded by: Dennis Fetter

Motion: Accept the expanded scope of item 1402 to include review of all

design factors within RP9B

Decision: Passed unanimously

Ongoing agenda item.

Item 5401 – Improve Clarity of API RP 9B in sections, 2.3.5, and 2.7.

Mike Seminatore chairs this work group.

At the June 2016 conference, Brent Dein presented the latest draft to TG4. A number

of revisions were suggested, and TG4 directed the WG to consider changes to items

discussed in the TG4 meeting and send the revised draft to letter ballot.

Ongoing agenda item.

New Business

NWI Item 6401: Review API 9A

Brent Dein agree to chair this WG. Katie Burkle agreed to send a call for volunteers

for the workgroup from 9A licensees.

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NWI 6402: Amend API 9A Section 6.2.2

Dennis Fetter proposed a wording change to API 9A to change requirements for

marking of wire rope reels. TG4 voted to send the proposed wording to letter ballot.


SC8 agreed to accept the minutes of TG4:

Motion by: Ken Kondo

Seconded by: Dennis Fetter

Motion: Accept the June 2016 TG4 minutes.

Decision: Passed unanimously

E. TG5 Task Group on Hammer Unions

Note: The SC8 TG5 task group will not meet at this conference. Their meetings

have been held in Houston, Texas on an as-needed basis.


API 7HU1 1st

edition was published May 2009 and was reaffirmed by API Ballot

ID 3188 which closed 10-Apr-2014.

API Hammer Union Specification:

Item 9501: Hammer Union Specification. Cindy Taff (Shell) and Jason Peart

(Shell) co-chair this work group. All physical testing at Stress has been

completed; the TG is targeting to get the technical spec complete and issued for

ballot in 2016.

At the June 2016 conference, SC8 discussed this work; it was noted that a

Recommended Practice will be needed for installation, operation, maintenance and

inspection of hammer unions. The current draft is available to be viewed by SC8

members by requesting access through Katie Burkle. A request was heard to have an

open TG5 meeting prior to sending the specification to ballot; the SC8 chair agreed to

contact Cindy Taff on this subject.

Dr. Nagy expressed a concern that design validation and other requirements are not

included in the current specification, they may need to be added into a next revision.

Ongoing agenda item.

F. TG6 Task Group to review and make recommendations concerning SC18:TG3

Status Report of 23-Jan-2014 and its potential effects on SC8 licensees

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SC18:TG3 was originally charged with the task to “develop a definition for a

manufacturer”; this scope was expanded to include “Have a study conducted and

recommendations made on the appropriate licensee classifications which

organizations should be qualified per a given specification, i.e., assembler, steel

manufacturer, etc.”

At the June 2015 conference, the task group’s work was presented. SC8 directed

TG6 to develop a draft of minimum manufacturing requirements for one SC8

specification; spec 8C was selected and a new work item opened in TG3. The work

product was sent to letter ballot. Ballot 3737 was issued, passed and comment

resolution begun when the SC18 initiative was suspended and TG3 put the ballot

resolution on hold.

SC8 acknowledges that TG6 completed its task and expressed its appreciation to the

WG and its Chair Bo Creek for its expeditious work on this issue.

Motion by: Bo Creek

Seconded by: Robert Urbanowski

Motion: Disband TG6 WG as its work is completed.

Decision: Passed unanimously

G. Report from SC18/MPB Liaison (Shawn Firenza)

Shawn reported that the next MPB meeting is in September; an Advisory draft is

expected at that meeting. Initiatives in MPB are being re-prioritized/reconsidered.

Additionally, there is a revision started for S1, which describes how our meetings

are run.


API RP4G 4th

edition was published April 2012, making the end of its five (5)

year cycle 30-April-2017.

o SC8 approved the TG1 recommendation to request a 2 year extension for

the validity of the document from CSOEM.

API RP7L 1st

edition was reaffirmed in August 2012, making the end of its five

(5) year cycle 31-August-2017.

o SC8 approved the TG1 recommendation to request a 2 year extension for

the validity of the document from CSOEM.


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API 7K 6th edition was published December 2015. An errata was published in

May 2016.

API RP9B 14th edition was published October 2015.


As discussed in the above TG reports.

9. RESEARCH FUNDING – Report by Katie Burkle (API Staff)

SC8 TG1 has a current funded project with Stress Engineering (SES) underway (phase

2, first part of item 6102).

SC8 noted the request from API to delay funding for new projects unless it is a safety or

critical issue. At this stage the July report from SES should include the type 2 rig mast,

but the type 5 may not be included and may require additional funding for completeness

of this work item. Funds for the completion of phase 2 budgeted for 2016 ($40,000)

have been approved, but the contract has not been released. The SC8 chair agreed to

bring up this issue at the CSOEM funding meeting on 6/30/16 and at the CSOEM

regular meeting on 7/1/16. A new contract needs to be resolved with Stress.

Discussion was held regarding a request for funding to perform:

Mapping of sections 4 thru 8 of 8C vs 7K (40%),

Making recommendations (50%) to TG2 and TG3 chairs regarding consistency

of requirements, and

Working with TG2 and TG3 on specification changes (10%);

A notional budget of 10K was proposed.

SC8 chair recommends that Mark Sibille would be an excellent choice for the

work. The person will report to the TG2 and TG3 chairs.

Motion by: Robert Urbanowski

Seconded by: Faisal Yousef


Request API funding of 10,000 to assist in mapping,

recommending and expediting specification revisions to align

requirements of 7K and 8C.

Decision: Passed unanimously


SC 20 is developing standards for critical components which will affect how we qualify

critical components such as castings for example. Katie Burkle agreed to send to the

SC8 chair a summary of all SC 20 work items and work item scopes for distribution to

SC 8 through the my committees website. It was suggested that a number of these specs

be reviewed as personal research, especially for those that may be of value to SC 8, for a

decision on how to leverage these specs in the future.

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SC21 had its first meeting earlier this year. Their charge is to review material-related

issues that affect the industry. The SC scope can be accessed in the API MyCommittees


A concern was expressed by that there is no specification for drawworks braking

components, which are arguably some of the most important components in drilling

operations, for brake manufacturers to abide by. Several types of brakes should be

considered. It was expressed that it would be good to get feedback from DNV and brake


Motion by: Faisal Yousef

Seconded by: Robert Urbanowski

Motion: TG2 shall direct its Drawworks WG to consider requirements for

brakes use in Drawworks duty and to draft a NWI as appropriate.

Decision: Passed unanimously


Motion by: Sean Duncan

Seconded by: Ken Kondo

Motion: Adjourn meeting.

Decision: Passed unanimously
