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Page 1: Modal Vamp Etude

Db7 E7

Eb Aeolian E Mixolydian

F# Ionian F# Aeolian

B Lydian B Dorian

G# Dorian G# Phrygian

Bb Phyrigian B Dorian

F Locrian F# Aeolian

F# Ionian A Ionian

F Locrian Ab Locrian

G# Dorian F# Aeolian

C# Mixolydian C# Phrygian

C# Mixolydian D Lydian


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Here is a simple and fun exercise for learning your way around modes. It is based around a repeating 4-bar vamp with 2 oscillating chords, in this case Db7 and E7:

The column on the left lists all the modes which can be played over each chord. As the vamp plays, choose one of the modes for each chord and try to connect them musically. They are arranged such that the mode played over Db7 and the mode over E7 smoothly connect, but you can play them in any sequence. (The modes in blue are modes which begin on a chord tone. )

Etude for Modal Playing on a Two-Chord VampBy: Lee Barry

Here is a mode sequence where the roots move step-wise. See if you can create a scalar line or

melody on the sequence--difficult!:

Db Mixolydian - D Lydian - Eb Aeolian - E Mixolydian - F Locrian - F# Aeolian - G# Dorian -

A Ionian - Bb Phrygian - B Dorian

Db7 E7 E7 E7

E7 E7

Db7 Db7 Db7
