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Monica Lewinskyintegrated skills at C1 author: Anita Lewicka

a public speech

Vocabulary – verb phrases:

1. to give a talk2. to be hit on by sb3. to be (to feel) flattered4. to regret sth deeply5. to be swept up into sth6. to be swept up in media maelstrom7. to access information8. to reverberate around the world9. to rush to judgement10. to be branded

Vocabulary – verb phrases:

11. to authenticate sth12. to prattle on about the floatsam and jetsam13. to be aired on tv14. to be webcammed15. to ignite16. to jump from the bridge to one’s death17. to be beside oneself about sth18. to relive a time when…19. to be (to become) a turning point to sb20. to mushroom

Vocabulary – verb phrases:

21. to stab sb with words22. to put sb in a public stockade23. to jack up the price24. to sow the seeds of shame into one’s cultural soil25. to prey on sth26. to be sold at a profit27. to saturate one’s culture with public shaming28. I’d like to end on a personal note.29. to stick one’s head above the parapet30. to react instantaneously

Vocabulary – fixed phrases, collocations:

1. d evastati n g con s eq uen c es2. a s how of ha nd s3. u nl i ke sb4. n ot a d ay goes by t h at …5. t h e stor y broke6. t h e r u sh to j u dgeme nt7. t ro l l i n g on t h e I nte r n et8. a l i fe o f op probr i um9. s ur repti ti ous l y tape d ph on e10. s exua l ha ras s ment

Vocabulary – fixed phrases, collocations:

11. the fl oatsam and jetsam of. .12. churl ish13. excruciati ng humil iati on14. unbearable l i fe (pain)15. dire consequences

Vocabulary - practice

1. to be aired ______ tv2. to be ________ oneself _______ sth3. the floatsam and ________ of4. ________ consequences5. to prattle _______ _________ sth6. to __________ information7. to regret sth __________8. to _________ to judgement9. I’d like to end ______ a personal _______ .10. to sell _______ a profit

Monica Lewinsky – in your words

Reading comprehension:

1. Why was ML silent for a decade until she decided to speak publicly?

2. Why does she keep referring to 1998?3. What was unique from the media perspective

in 1998? What kind of media were popular back then? What has changed ever since?

4. What happened just overnight in her life?

Reading comprehension:

5. What was she called? How did she take it in?6. What’s cyberbullying? Was it different then from what it has become nowadays?7. What’s behind her shameful story?8. When was the social media launched? Why is it important for the story?9. What’s the story of Tyler Clementi of 2010?

Reading comprehension:

10. What effect did the public humiliation have on ML’s mother?11. What’s the impact of the Internet on human life, according to ML?12. What did cyberbullying result in? Think about the UK, the NL?13. How do people sow the seeds of shame in their cultural soil?

Reading comprehension:

14. How has the incident over Snapchat affected some celebrities’ lives?15. How to change the public culture of shaming? What’s the importance of empathy here?16. Shame can’t survive empathy (B.Brown). How do the words resonate with ML’s story?


• What questions are there in your head after reading / listening to the speech?

• Why make such a speech ?

Cyberbullying vs Bullying


integrated skills at C1 author: Anita Lewicka
