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Stick Insect Walking

Movement of a Stick Insect

1Movement of a Stick InsectScientific Name: Ctenomorpha chronus

Other Common Names: Australian Stick Insect, Phasmid, Species documented: in 1833 by Gray.

Description: Resembling a eucalypt's twig, can grow up to 18cm in length. The males are slender and fully winged, and the females are much larger with blackish hind wings.

Habitat: Heath and woodlands, seemingly preferring coastal environments.

Found in: NSW,QLD,SA,VIC,

References/Bibliography: Gray, G.R. (1833). The Entomology of Australia in a Series of Monographs. Part 1. The monograph of the genus Phasma. London: Longman & Co. 28 pp. 8 pls

Movement of a Stick Insect

MovementTop left leg extends up to grab hold of surface. Using the alternating 2nd and 3rd legs in a contra body movement before grabbing onto the surface to help pull the stick insect upwards.The stick insect will then do the same movement with the alternating legs.Movement of a Stick Insect

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