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Patricia Ann Francis Buka Gross

A.K.A My Mom

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Patty was born on February 26, 1956 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Patty was the second

child for Frank and Mildred Buka.

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Patty attended a Catholic school from 1962 to 1974. Her teachers

were actually nuns.

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Patty’s father taught her how to drive at the age of sixteen. She got her driver’s license in 1972.

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After graduating from high school, Patty got her first job

at the FED in 1975.

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Patty met Bernie Gross in 1976 through a mutual friend and they

began dating.

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Patty married Bernie and became Mrs. Gross on September 24, 1977.

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Patty and Bernie bought their first house together in 1978.

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Patty and Bernie welcomed their first daughter, Megan, on

December 2, 1986.

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Five years later, Patty and Bernie welcomed their second daughter,

Melissa, on April 23, 1992.

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The Gross family in 2012.

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I love my mother.I wouldn’t trade her for any

other.She’s always there for me,

and knows me to a tee.When I’m feeling blue,

she helps me power through.Her laughter is contagious,

while her teddy bear hugs and butterfly kisses are the greatest.

My love for her continuously grows.

As time goes on,I hope it shows.

Forever her daughter I’ll always be,

because no other mother could put up with me.

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My Mom is…My mom is my rock. When all else fails, I know she is the one person I can count on to always be there for me. Whether I am having a bad day or feeling under the weather, my mom knows just what to do to cheer me up. Having her by my side makes everything feel all right in the world.My mom is my hero. She brought me into this world and has provided a wonderful life for me. I never have to worry about a thing because she takes care of it all. Her determination to make my life the best it can be only makes me love her more.My mom is my best friend. We get each other in a way that no one else could even begin to understand. One minute we’re arguing and the next we’re laughing until we cry. It’s just the type of relationship we have. It must have something to do with the special mother-daughter bond we both share.My mom is my role model. When asked whom I wanted to be like when I grew up, I always responded with my mom. It is because of her that I strive to be the best daughter, friend, sister, and person I can be. Not only is my mom kind, honest, and loyal, but her outgoing personality is contagious as well. Everyone she meets is instantly drawn to her. My mom is my world. Without her, I don’t know where I would be or what I would do.

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My best friendOnly one who truly gets meThere through thick and thinHeart of goldEnjoyable to be aroundRemarkable role model

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“Perfect Mom” Recipe

Ingredients:•1 box of love•1 cup of empathy•2/3 cup of patience•1 tbsp. of humor•¼ cup of strength

Directions:1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees2. Mix all of the ingredients

together in a large bowl3. Pour mixture into a pan4. Bake for 10 minutes5. Remove from oven

Enjoy the “Perfect Mom”!

Number of servings: 1

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She cooks.She cleans.

She does it all with little sleep.No one comes close to…


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NarrativeMy mother has taught me many things over the years, but I’ll never forget her teaching me how to ride a bike. I

remember being jealous of all my friends in the first grade who knew how to ride their bikes without training wheels. I felt like a baby still having the training wheels on my bike. I wanted to be a big kid and ride without them, so I begged my mom to teach me. She agreed to, not realizing what she had in store.

The first step required taking the training wheels off of my bike. I felt so happy to have them taken off, I just wanted to jump on my bike and go for a ride. My mom warned me it might take a little time before I could ride without my training wheels on. Lots and lots of practicing came next. With my mom holding on to the bike for support, I took a seat on my bike. Surprised by how wobbly I felt on the bike, I began to get an uneasy feeling in my stomach that this was going to be harder than I thought. Again, my mom reassured me everything would be all right and I would eventually get the hang of it. We started off slow. I lifted my feet off of the ground and placed them on the pedals. My mom held onto the bike and walked alongside as I began to pedal. “I’m doing it, I’m riding without training wheels,” I thought to myself. With my mom’s support, riding seemed like a piece of cake. I felt like I got the hang of it, so I asked my mom to let go. What a huge mistake! My mom let go of the bike too soon. I wobbled for a bit, started teetering, and then tilted over, causing me to fall down with my bike on top of me. I had scraped my knee on the concrete and began crying in pain. Before I knew it though, my mom appeared by my side again. She took my bike off of me and lifted me up, comforting me as she carried me back home. Then, she cleaned my wound and placed my favorite Disney princess band-aid on it. I continued crying, no longer in pain but embarrassment and sadness over failing to ride on my own. My mom held me in her arms and attempted to calm me down. I’ll never forget the words she told me. She said, “Honey it is okay. You tried your best and that’s all that matters. Learning how to ride a bike takes practice. Not everyone gets it on his or her first try. You are bound to fall down a few times, but the important thing is to get back up and try again. You can do it, I know you can!” I needed to hear those words of encouragement. Knowing she believed in me made me want to get back on my bike and try again.

The next day, I decided to try again. At first I didn’t want to fall off, so I made sure my mom gripped onto the bike as I pedaled along. We went down the street like this before heading back home. On the ride back home, my mom would let go of the bike for just a few seconds, long enough for me to try and get a feel for riding on my own/find my balance, before she grabbed hold again. Not quite ready for her to let go for good, we decided to head back home. The next day I came ready to rock it.

Feeling more confident then ever, my mom and I headed outside for the third time. I could feel it in my bones; today I would learn how to ride. As usual, my mom started off holding onto my bike. Once I felt comfortable, I told her to let go. Hesitant to let go, I reassured her that I could do it this time. Sure enough, my mom let go, and I continued to ride. I started a little shaky, but then I got the hang of it and rode with ease. It seemed like I had been riding on my own forever. I could feel the wind in my hair, and my mom yelling behind me, “You are doing it! Keep it up! Go Melissa!” A rush of excitement overcame me. I could ride my bike on my own without any help. I stopped at the end of the street and waited for my mom to reach me. She gave me the biggest hug and kiss on the cheek while exclaiming, “Congratulations! I am so proud of you.” I felt a sense of accomplishment, but I knew I couldn’t have done it without my mom. I thanked her for her help and not giving up on me or letting me give up on myself. She said, “Of course Melissa. I would do anything for you, and I’ll always be there for you.”

My mom has stuck by her words. To this day, she has not let me down once. She encourages me each and every day and reminds me to always do my best. I don’t think she will ever realize how much I appreciate her and all of the things she has done for me throughout the years. I wouldn’t be the woman I am today if it weren’t for her. I love my mom and the bond we will forever share of her teaching me how to ride a bike.

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PersuasiveDear Mommy,

Can I please get a puppy? My birthday is coming up, and a puppy would be the best birthday present ever! I promise I will take of care of it. You have no idea how much I want a puppy.

Megan and I have been saving our allowance money, and together we have enough to buy one. Isn’t that great? Then you don’t have to spend any of your money. Also, I have been cutting ads out of the paper of puppies for sale. Could we go see some of them soon? I know you will fall in love with these puppies once you have a chance to see them. I don’t know how you could resist the ones I found. Their pictures are just too darn cute. My first choice would be a Shih Tzu or a Yorkie because they are both small and adorable. I’ll be honest though, I would be happy with any puppy at this point. You can even pick the puppy out if you want to.

If you let me get a puppy, here is a list of things I promise to do: train it, walk it, feed it, bathe it, clean up after it, play with it, and anything else needed to take care of it. I know a puppy is a huge responsibility, but I know I am ready and can handle it. You won’t have to do a thing. I have everything planned out. The puppy can stay in my room while I am at school and sleep on my bed at night. Then you don’t have to worry about the puppy getting in your way. How perfect is that?

Please mommy?! I promise I will be on my best behavior too. I won’t fight with Megan, and I will do all of my chores. Anything you want me to do, consider it already done. Trust me, you won’t regret it if you let me get a puppy. Besides mom, all of my friends have pets. Why can’t we have a pet too? Once I get a puppy, I won’t ever ask for anything again. I love you! Will you please let me get a puppy? Love,Melissa

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What’s the most exciting thing you have ever done?Well it’s not very exciting to most people, but I went on a cruise to the Bahamas.What is your biggest accomplishment?Being able to make it on my own since I was twenty-one.If you could go back in time would you change anything? Why or why not?Yes, I would not get married at twenty-one! I would have waited until I was at least twenty-five. Twenty-one is just too young.What is your biggest fear?Death.What is your most prized possession?My two daughters.What is your number one regret?Not finishing college.If you could trade places with someone else, who would it be and why?The first lady of the United States because I would like to experience what she does each day.What is your most memorable experience?Giving birth.If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?Hawaii! I have never been there, and I love warm weather.Where do you see yourself in ten years?Retired and living in a small ranch with your father.

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More About Patty

Bucket List:1. Meet someone

famous2. Take some cooking

lessons3. Buy my dream car4. Ride a motorcycle5. Go for a hot air

balloon ride6. Be on a reality show

like The Amazing Race

7. See the Olympics in person

8. Go jet skiing9. Travel the world10. Win the lottery

Favorite Things:

Color- Purple

Movie- Flashdance

Book- Gone with the

WindFood- Anything Italian

Song- Set Fire to the

Rain By: Adele

Sports team-

Pittsburgh Steelers

Animal- Dog

Vacation spot- The

beachHoliday- Christmas

Life Quote/Motto:YOLO (You only live once).

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My name is Melissa Gross. I am a junior at UNC Charlotte majoring in Elementary Education with a concentration in mathematics. When I’m not in class, I love to spend time with my family and friends. They mean the world to me.

The purpose of my project is to convey my thoughts and feelings about my mother. I wanted to write down in words how much I appreciate her and the things she has done for me.

The intended audience for my project is my family, and of course, my mom!