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Mutley Greenbank

Anti Social Behaviour Project

Mark Rich, Partnership Co-ordinator

Plymouth City Council

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Results of the Plymouth Place Survey highlighted people were dissatisfied with the way services were delivered.

Neighbourhood working model highlighted a need to improve customer satisfaction and confidence by reducing incidents of antisocial behaviour, graffiti, fly tipping and drug misuse.

This informed the need for a multi agency pilot project to share data on one neighbourhood that would help address Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) problems.

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The Neighbourhood

Project focuses on the Mutley Greenbank close to Plymouth

City Centre:

Population 18,844 and approx 8,100 households

Higher number of 20 to 24 year olds compared to city average accounting for over 31% of the population

Very busy evening and night time economy

The main housing type - flats which constitute 51% of the housing stock

Plymouth University located within neighbourhood

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The Approach

Steering Group formed to share data and manage the project.This involved a range of stakeholders including:• Police

• Environmental Services (Waste Management


• Anti Social Behaviour Unit

• Public Protection Unit

• Plymouth University

• Students Union

• Community Safety Partnership

• Youth Services

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Step 1 Review existing data e.g. Criminal Damage, ASB incidents,parking incidents and waste collection reported from


Step 2 October 2010 - 1st Survey to consult and map anti socialbehaviour issues through postcode information and comparison

withcustomer profile information.

Step 3 Design a series of targeted interventions to help address what

the survey information has highlighted and begin delivery.

Step 4 March 2011- 2nd Survey to gauge the impact of themeasures taken.

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Key principle to provide as much opportunity for residents to getinvolved and input into the project as possible:

2 surveys involving community volunteers 2 exhibitions in community venues to promote the findings of the survey and gather feedback A project update leaflet produced and sent to every household Website link Promotion of Plymouth On A Map a map-based website link that

also allows reporting of problems geographically into the Council

Promote neighbourhood meetings and priority setting

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Ist Survey

Door to door engagement with support from community,

University and Council volunteers. 923 respondents – Key findings from the 1st Survey

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Third party data analysis of response to survey questions uploaded

onto software reporting tool. This allowed interpretation in a range of

formats including ‘heat map’ to help target interventionsgeographically.

The map above shows the density of respondents who considered rubbish and litter lying about a very or

fairly big problem

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Interventions - Rowdy Behaviour

Undertaking ‘Nights of Action’ in and around night time economy area to target all forms of alcohol related Anti-Social Behaviour, littering and Criminal Damage.

Introducing a Designated Public Place Order (DPPO) in a local park to enable the Police to deal with drinkers who currently gather in the park on a daily basis.

Using the information to help Council Licensing Committee make decisions about future Licensing Applications in the area.

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Interventions - Litter

Installing larger and more visible litter bins at strategic points

Looking at better ways to communicate with students such as using social media and student radio e.g. around waste collection days and tennent/landlord responsibilities

Looking at enforcement measures such as banning the distribution of free printed materials in certain parts of the neighbourhood

Regular inspection of licensed premises to ensure they are complying with the terms of their licenses and conforming to other regulations such as their Commercial Waste and Fire Safety.

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Challenges/What We Would Do Differently

Greater timeframe between the 1st and 2nd surveys to allow for

interventions to be delivered.

Clarify at an early stage any additional statutory consents, consultation and evidence gathering required in relation to interventions to avoid slippage and understand feasibility.

Initial clarification and differentiation between household and postcode level data important otherwise can limit the ability to compare with customer profiling

Insufficient corporate/organisational ‘buy in’ to enable use of model to design and deliver services more widely – risk still seen as a stand alone project.

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Follow Up Information

Contact details:

Mark RichPartnership Co-ordinator Plymouth 2020 Partnership [email protected] 304002
