  • Wednesday’s AgendaWednesday, September 29

    Opening Plenary Session Portland Regency Hotel & Spa’s Atlantic Room

    8:00 AM Registration

    8:30 AM Plenary Session

    • Welcomes: NEMO & Sustainable Coastal Community Development Network (SCCD)• Host State Address: LaMarr Clannon, ME NEMO• State of the Network Address: Dave Dickson, Network Coordinator, CT HUB

    10:00 AM Break

    10:15 AM Plenary Session - Stormwater in the City

    • The Latest in Urban Stormwater Practices: Rich Claytor, Horsley Witten Group• The Fate of the First Impervious Cover TMDL in the Nation: Chet Arnold, UConn

    CLEAR & Kelly Collins, Center for Watershed Protection

    • Long Creek Overview: A Creative Local Effort to Fund and Carry Out Restorationof an Urban Watershed: Curtis Bohlen, Casco Bay Estuary Partnership

    Pre-Conference AgendaTuesday, September 28

    • Attend Sea Grant Working Waterways & Waterfronts Symposium (single-day regis-tration is available)

    • Explore Portland!

    5:00 PM Pre-registration Begins

    6:00 PM Meet in Portland Regency’s Armory Lounge for Dinner Outings (optional, of course!)

  • Reiterating & RetoolingNEMOModerator:

    Regency Room

    Water Runs Through ItModerator:

    Armory Room

    1:30 – 1:55 A Case of Changing Identity: New Hampshire’sNatural Resource Outreach Coalition (NROC)Julia Peterson & Steve Miller, NH NEMO

    Quantum of BufferEmily Wilson, University of Connecticut CLEAR &Juliana Barrett, CT Sea Grant

    2:00 – 2:25 Dr. NEMO: When The Prescription is Education,What’s a Municipal Official To Do?Lorraine Joubert & Lisa DeProspo Philo, RI NEMO

    Mission: For Your Streams OnlyJessica D’Ambrosio, Andy Ward & Jonathan Witter, OHNEMO

    2:30 – 3:00 Helping Communities Reach Watershed Goals –Regional Water Quality Assistance NetworkEve Brantley, AL NEMO

    You Sank My Nitrogen!: Adding Nitrogen Assessment& Control to Coastal NEMOArt Gold, University of RI, Q. Kellogg, University of RI,Melinda Shimizu, Arizona State University, Dept. ofGeography, Elizabeth Wentz, Arizona State University,Dept. of Geography, Kelly Addy, University of RI & ChetArnold, CLEAR

    12:00 PM Lunch on Own

    1:30 PM Concurrent Sessions

    Portland Head Light. (Photo by Kara Bonsack)

  • 3:00 PM Break

    3:15 PM Concurrent Sessions

    Partners in CrimeModerator:

    Regency Room

    Tools from the Mind of NEMOModerator:

    Armory Room

    3:15 – 3:40 The World (& Data) is Not EnoughDanielle Bamford, Adrianne Harrison, & NateHerold, NOAA Coastal Services Center

    Part 1: Bonding With Your Watershed – The NorthlandNEMO Watershed GameJohn Bilotta, Jesse Schomberg, Cindy Hagley & JulieWesterlund, MN, Northland NEMO

    3:45– 4:10 An Undercover Agent’s View of Community-based Watershed Management in HawaiiJolie Wanger (Hawaii Sea Grant), Carol Wilcox &Alyssa Miller (Mālama Maunalua) NERRs

    Part 2: Bonding With Your Watershed – The NorthlandNEMO Watershed GameJohn Bilotta, Jesse Schomberg, Cindy Hagley & JulieWesterlund, MN, Northland NEMO

    4:15 – 4:30 Go Ahead… Make My Day - CTP & NEMOFriends or Foe?Christine Feurt, Wells NERR, Maine & JenniferWest Narragansett Bay NERR, Rhode Island

    4:45 PM Prepare for Boat Trip & Group Photo

    5 - 8 PM Casco Bay Lighthouse & Islands Tour on the Island Romance

    Overlooking Casco Bay at Fort Williams Park. (Photo by Kara Bonsack)

  • Thursday’s AgendaThursday, September 30

    Portland Regency Hotel & Spa’s Atlantic Room

    8:30 AM Symposium: Hybrid Approaches to Sustainable Land Use Planning & Regulation,

    Randall Arendt

    10:15 AM Break

    10:30 AM Concurrent Sessions

    Site Design/LIDModerator:

    Regency Room


    Armory Room

    10:30 – 10:55 Stealth Stormwater Solutions: Allowing LID toInfiltrate Reluctant Oregon CommunitiesRobert Emanuel, Derek Godwin, Frank Burris,Megan Kleibacker & Teresa Huntsinger, ORNEMO

    From the Labs of Q: Tools & Techniques for AgentsOverwhelmed by their Ecosystem-based PlanningAssignmentsJohn S. Rozum, Sarah Carr & Patrick Crist, EBM ToolsNetwork

    11:00 – 11:25 Decoding LID and Recruiting Secret Agentsfor Change in Maine with Counterinsurgencyfor Coastal CommunitiesLaMarr Clannon (Puppies Galore) & Fred Dillon(Nick Nack) ME NEMO

    Conservation Subdivision Design: A Planning Tool toMitigate the Impacts of Development on NaturalResourcesSean D. Rafferty & David A. Skellie, PA NEMO

    11:30 – 12:00 Live and Let Live: Finding Common GroundBetween Emergency Safety Needs and EffectiveStormwater ManagementMonique Myers CA WALUP & TimothyLawrence, Washington State University Extension

    From CRI with LovePatrick Beggs & Christy Perrin, NC WECO/NEMO

    12:00 PM Box Lunch

    12:30 PM Field Trips

    • University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center• Portland LID & Smart Growth Walking Tour• Wells NERR – Habitat Conservation• Long Creek Watershed Tour

    4:30 PM Roll Your Own Discussions

    • Sustainable Coastal Community Development (SCCD) Network Meeting• Nitrogen Sinks• Connecting with Communities on Climate Change

    7:00 PM Maine Family Lobster Bake

  • Forging the LinkBetween LID Researchand Land UseDecisions

    Never Say Never: YouToo Can Create CoolWeb Maps

    Shake Up Your Workwith Social Science

    Presenters: Todd Janeski, Robert

    Roseen & James Houle, University

    of New Hampshire Stormwater

    Center & Michael Simpson, Antioch


    Presenters: Emily Wilson & Cary

    Chadwick, University of Connecticut


    Presenters: Brian Eisenhauer, Plymouth

    State University; Chris Ellis, NOAA

    Coastal Services Center; Julia Peterson,

    NH Sea Grant and UNH Cooperative


    4:30 PM Mission Accomplished

    Fridays’s AgendaFriday, October 30

    Portland Regency Hotel & Spa’s Atlantic Room

    8:30 AM Plenary – Climate Change Adaptation from the NEMO View

    Change Through a NEMO Lens

    • Climate Change in Land Use Planning• Forests & Climate Change• LID, Infrastructure & Climate Change

    9:45 AM Break

    10:00 AM From Al Gore to Local Regulations: Case Studies in Working with Local Officials on

    Climate Change

    • Keene, NH• King County, WA: Katrina Hoffman, WA Sea Grant• Chesapeake Bay NEMO: Jonathan Doherty, Amy Handen, John Kuriawa & Todd


    12:00 PM Lunch on Your Own

    1:30 PM Concurrent Training Sessions

  • The Latest and Greatest Urban Stormwater Practices

    Presenter: Rich Claytor, Casco Bay Estuary Partnership

    New England has been settled for a long time, and isalso pretty set in its ways. So, when it comes tostormwater, there is a lot of retrofitting and redevelop-ment to be done. You can’t travel far in the regionwithout (literally) running into Rich Claytor, P.E. anda Principal of the Horsley Witten Group, a prominentenvironmental science and engineering firm in NewEngland. the Horsley Witten Group works on a widerange of projects involving stormwater management,smart growth, low impact development, and wetlandsprotection. As the main man at Horsley WittenGroup for many of these projects, Rich has quite a lotof examples to relate, and stories to tell, of the good,bad, ugly and innovative aspects of working onstormwater management in urban communities.Although Rich is more often compared with MaxwellSmart than James Bond, we thought it was closeenough.

    The Fate of the First Impervious Cover TMDL in the


    Presenters: Chet Arnold, University of ConnecticutCLEAR & Kelly Collins, Center for WatershedProtection

    In 2007, the Connecticut Department ofEnvironmental Protection promulgated the first TotalMaximum Daily Load (TMDL) in the country basedon impervious cover—smack dab on the University ofConnecticut campus. The TMDL was developed as away to deal with “urban stream syndrome” —streamscompromised by a concatenation of contemptibleurbanization-related impacts. What does an“Impervious Cover TMDL” mean? Will the mixing ofa technically based pollutant accounting system with ageneral landscape indicator be like oil and water, orlobster and melted butter? This talk will relate the sta-tus, findings, and results to date of the ongoingEagleville Brook project. Ponderings on pavement,ruminations on retrofits, and musings on mechanisticmodeling versus outreach-oriented organizationalframeworks will be offered. Progress has already beenmade, and don’t tell anyone…but we think it’s working.

    Stormwater in the CityWednesday, 10:15 AM Atlantic Room

  • Long Creek Overview: A Creative Local Effort to Fund

    & Carry Out Restoration of an Urban Watershed

    Presenter: Curtis C. Bohlen, Casco Bay Estuary

    The “Clean Water Act” (CWA) has been remarkablyeffective reducing the impact of discharges fromindustrial sources and wastewater treatment facilities.It has been less effective dealing with the insults tosurface waters from urbanization. A three-year effortin the Long Creek watershed, near Portland, Mainehas culminated in creation of the Long CreekWatershed Management District (LCWMD), a pub-

    lic-private partnership to support stormwater manage-ment and urban stream restoration. EPA recentlyannounced that it would use “Residual DesignationAuthority” to require Long Creek landowners withover one acre of impervious cover to obtain CWA per-mits. Complying with this new obligation could havecost businesses thousands of dollars per acre ofasphalt. The LCWMD solution offers a less expensivealternative while it facilitates urban watershed restora-tion. The creative approach used in Long Creek offersa potential tool for addressing stormwater in urbanand suburban watersheds nationwide.

    A Case of Changing Identity: New Hampshire’s

    Natural Resource Outreach Coalition (NROC)

    Presenters: Julia Peterson, NH Sea Grant & SteveMiller, Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve

    After about 10 years in existence, the NH NEMOprogram (aka NROC) has had to adjust to externalpressures. The Coalition is made up of ten organiza-tions and agencies that provide education, technicalassistance and facilitation to community boards andmunicipal officials looking to improve land use deci-sions and their effects on water resources in NewHampshire’s coastal watershed. As the number ofapplications for assistance diminished, volunteerfatigue and financial strain in communities increasedand funding sources shifted, the Coalition found itself

    having to make changes in its approach to communities.

    Fortunately, one of the Coalition partners, PiscataquaRegion Estuaries Partnership, recently conducted abroad inventory and assessment of the naturalresource based regulations and policies within theregion. The Assessment provides information aboutwhat natural resource protection policies and regula-tions a community has and how that compares toother communities within the watershed. The assess-ment, the Piscataqua Region Environmental PlanningAssessment, is providing a calling card and launchingpad for NROC members to work with communities.Come learn how one program breathed new life intoits community work and consider how your commu-nity work might benefit from others’ experiences.

    Reiterating & Retooling NEMOWednesday, 1:30 PM Regency Room

  • Dr. NEMO: When The Prescription is Education, What’s

    a Municipal Official To Do?

    Presenters: Loraine Joubert & Lisa DeProspo Philo, RINEMO

    In 2005, RI NEMO began working with municipalitiesacross the state on the topic of stormwater pollution.Our primary goal has been to develop educationalmaterials and delivery methods that Rhode Islandmunicipalities and other MS4s could use to meet theirPhase II requirements. Most notably, we have beenhelping municipal officials to develop educationstrategies based on local water resource issues so thatthey can carry out the education themselves. Over thecourse of the last five years, we have met with mixedsuccess. We would like to share not only the materialsthat we have created but also the range of our experi-ence, from examples of municipalities that haveembraced their additional roles as public educators tothose who have not. We hope to highlight the specialchallenges and opportunities associated with the taskof asking municipal officials to become educators, andengage participants in discussion of their own experi-ences.

    Helping Communities Reach Watershed Goals –

    Regional Water Quality Assistance Network

    Presenter: Eve Brantly, AL NEMO

    A desire to implement educational and on-the-groundprojects to make a difference in watershed health is acommon theme in communities where water qualityhas been identified as a priority. Often, the stumblingblock to putting practices into action is a lack ofexpertise. To address this issue, a multi-state, interdis-ciplinary team was awarded an EPA TargetedWatershed Grant, Southeast Regional Water QualityAssistance Network. This project provided a variety oftechnical assistance to selected communities aroundthe southeast. Communities completed an applicationthat detailed their needs in four main categories: 1)Financial Planning and Assistance, 2) Water Qualityand Watershed Management, 3) Watershed Planningand Participation, and 4) Project Implementation.The communities were then matched to the partner(s)that could best provide expertise to achieve local goalsof protecting or restoring local water quality.

    This presentation will provide an overview of lessonslearned from spotlight communities including LittleRiver Canyon Watershed, Alabama, Soquee RiverWatershed, Georgia, Lenoir, North Carolina, and theCity of Jasper, Alabama.

    The docks off Commercial Street, Portland. (Photo by Kara Bonsack)

  • Quantum of Buffer

    Presenters: Emily Wilson & Juliana Barrett, Universityof Connecticut CLEAR & CT Sea Grant

    Land cover data from the Center for Land UseEducation and Research was used to assess land coverand land cover change within riparian corridors ofConnecticut. Two buffer areas, 100ft and 300ft, wereeach defined by the distance on either side of a streamor from a shoreline. Each buffer area was characterizedfor both 2006 land cover status and 1985-2006 landcover change.

    The results of this analysis directed attention to severalwatersheds within the state in which developmentwithin the 300ft buffer had increased significantlybetween 1985 and 2006. The Niantic River Watershedin southeastern Connecticut is now the focus of a fourtown riparian buffer program. Workshops for munici-pal officials in each of the towns within the watershedfocused on buffer functions and values, including theirrole as a climate change adaptation strategy, with agoal toward influencing local policies to include ripar-ian buffer guidelines.

    Mission: “For Your Streams Only”

    Presenters: Jessica D’Ambrosio (alias: Mo Floodplains),Andy Ward (alias: Mr. Two-Stage) & Jonathan Witter(alias: Spreadsheets), OH NEMO

    The Take: While you might have thought the OhioNEMO Program had become a devised facility in thelast few years, our operatives have been in deep coverinvestigating local needs, new topical directions, andinnovative tools and resources…. By keeping our coveruntil now, we have ensured plausible denial from allaffiliates.

    There has been much black propaganda dis-informingus that stream systems should not have a key role inland use protection strategies. Ohio NEMO operativeshave recovered a valuable communications device tohelp municipal officials understand and assess streamand watershed systems, better prioritize sites for pro-tection and/or enhancement, and choose appropriateenhancement strategies. This web-based, multi-mediacommunications device is freely available and can beadapted to any state or region. Its full contents will beleaked to the public June 2010. We have provided youwith a small part of the contents. Knowing too muchtoo soon could be dangerous. Current dead drop loca-tion (subject to change without advanced notice toprotect site contents).

    This device is part of a larger effort to re-instate theNEMO for Streams Program (aka: STREMO): Ahighly adaptable program that puts the focus back onstreams systems and the ecosystem services they pro-vide as part of a comprehensive land use strategy.

    The Target: 7…U7. Should you choose to accept thismission, you are our target of opportunity to adaptthe program to multiple NEMO stations.

    You Sank My Nitrogen!: Adding Nitrogen Assessment

    and Control to Coastal NEMO Programs

    Presenters: Art Gold, University of Rhode Island, Q.Kellogg, University of Rhode Island, Melinda Shimizu,Arizona State University, Dept. of Geography,Elizabeth Wentz, Arizona State University, Dept. ofGeography, Kelly Addy, University of Rhode Island &Chet Arnold, CLEAR

    If your NEMO territory is close to where the landmeets the sea, and maybe even if it’s not, your targetaudience has probably been inundated by a raft of

    Water Runs Through ItWednesday, 1:30 PM Armory Room

  • Partners in CrimeWednesday, 3:15 PM Regency Room

    The World (and Data) is Not Enough

    Presenters: Danielle Bamford, Adrianne Harrison &Nate Herold, NOAA Coastal Services Center

    More than just data, the Digital Coast is a network ofdiverse partners working together to address the prior-ity coastal issues of coastal conservation, hazards, landuse, marine, and water quality planning. The DigitalCoast, designed by Q, was envisioned as an informa-tion delivery system that could efficiently serve notonly data, but also the training, tools, and user casestudies. The purpose of this session is to demonstrateall of Digital Coast’s top secret features that are rele-vant to the NEMO programs (with super secret secu-rity clearance) and land use planners. The CoastalInundation Toolkit is a specific example of how thedata, tools, and other information within DigitalCoast can help assess flood risks in your communities,all while defeating the evil Dr. No.

    An Undercover Agent’s View of Community-based

    Watershed Management in Hawaii

    Presenters: Jolie Wanger (Hawaii Sea Grant) & CarolWilcox (Mālama Maunalua)

    Hawaii Sea Grant has embedded a NEMO operative(Extension Agent) within the ranks of a local commu-nity organization (Code Name: Mālama Maunalua).Mālama Maunalua has quickly established itself as aleading force in the fight against impervious cover(code-IC) and other crimes that have resulted in thenear death of Maunalua Bay. Three major interrelatedthreats (land-based pollution, overharvesting, alienalgae) are being addressed. Thus far extensive research,community removal of alien algae leading to a federalstimulus grant for large-scale removal, and importantsteps towards stormwater remediation in partnershipwith the Army Corps of Engineers have occurred. TheExtension Agent and her associates have commencedan investigation of IC and other watershed crimes,adapting established protocols to the local situationand employing cutting-edge gadgets. They are work-ing to initiate Low Impact Development (code-LID)pilot projects, workshops, and train a cadre of agentsto provide “house-call” services for stormwaterimprovements.

    state and federal officials, coastal ecologists and water-shed hydrologists with a relentless diatribe on the evilsof nitrogen (N). However you feel about their smuglittle N clique, we all know that impervious cover isnot the whole story when it comes to water resourceprotection. So maybe somewhere far, far, away (or just2 states south), there are NEMO people who canshare straightforward GIS approaches to N assessment,restoration of buffers, wetlands and streams, as well ascontrol methods for septic systems, storm water andsmall farms that can be easily implemented by local

    communities. Nitrogen assessment and control nolonger needs to be a guessing game—your coastalmanagers will knowingly exclaim “You sank myNitrogen!” Come hear about a new modeling toolthat estimates and locates watershed sources or sinksfor that evil nitrogen—helping to target riparian,stream and reservoir protection efforts and subse-quently maintain or improve critical coastal waterresources.

  • “Bond”ing with your Watershed – The Northland

    NEMO Watershed Game

    Presenters: John Bilotta, Jesse Schomberg, CindyHagley, & Julie Westerlund, MN, Northland NEMO

    Additional author acknowledgment: Barb Liukkonen,Jenny Winkelman

    The Watershed Game is a highly interactive tooldeveloped by Northland NEMO to build the level ofunderstanding, knowledge, and skills of local electedand appointed leaders. Participants learn how a varietyof land uses impact water and natural resources,increase their knowledge of BMPs, and learn howtheir choices can prevent adverse impacts. Participantsapply plans, practices, and policies that help themachieve a water quality goal (aka TMDL) for a stream,lake, or river.

    Part 1

    In the first part of this session, NEMO colleagues willdiscover how this tool has been used in NEMO pro-gramming and learn about the effectiveness of thistool through evaluation data that has measuredknowledge and skills gained and participant’s actionsor behaviors changed.

    Part 2

    The 2nd part of the session will involve a full run-through of the game, including set up, rules, gamemanagement techniques, and wrap-up, to provide par-ticipants with a full comprehension of the activity andhelp them determine how this could be useful in theirown NEMO programs.

    This is a tool James Bond never had and all NEMOeducators can use.

    Tools from the Mind of NEMOWednesday, 3:15 PM Armory Room

    Go ahead… Make my day - CTP and NEMO friends or


    Presenters: Christine Feurt, Wells NERR Maine,Jennifer West, Narragansett Bay NERR, Rhode Island

    The Coastal Training Program (CTP) of the NationalEstuarine Research Reserve System is actively engagedin 27 coastal states working with communities toimprove land use practices, manage stormwater andprotect habitat. Sound familiar? It should since CTPpartners with NEMO in many areas. How does CTP

    compare to NEMO? CTP Coordinators from Maineand Rhode Island will share “the good, the bad andthe ugly” aspects of work with municipal land useplanning in the northeast that differs from and aug-ments a traditional NEMO approach. Social scienceresearch to understand municipal official perceptionsof water and pollution; development of conservationplanning documents; use of audience poling devices,and application of innovative CommunityViz technol-ogy will be presented.

  • Stealth Stormwater Solutions: Allowing LID to

    Infiltrate Reluctant Oregon Communities

    Presenters: Robert Emanuel, Derek Godwin, FrankBurris, Megan Kleibacker (Oregon State UniversityExtension Service & Oregon Sea Grant) & TeresaHuntsinger (Oregon Environmental Council)

    Low Impact Development approaches have beenembraced in some larger communities that face state-regulated water quality issues such as combined seweroverflows and significantly impaired water qualitynear urbanized areas. Encouraging stormwater man-agers in many smaller (and some larger) communitiesto employ low impact development approaches meansusing a whole suite of educational subterfuge.Beginning in 2008, Oregon State University andOregon Environmental Council teamed up to produceStormwater Solutions workshops to help these ideasinfiltrate more reluctant Oregon communities. Wewill present what we have found to be the keys forworking with these communities to create on-the-ground demonstrations, unique trainings, and techni-cal assistance tools. A few examples are: transforminglocal contacts into partners, being persistent and yetremaining flexible, and demonstrating small but meas-urable successes before attempting more ambitiouschange. This presentation will provide both ideas andstrategies that NEMO Network members can secretlyincorporate into their programs to encourage theadoption of LID-focused strategies in many types ofcommunities.

    Decoding LID and Recruiting Secret Agents for

    Change in Maine with Counterinsurgency for Coastal


    Presenters: LaMarr Clannon, ME NEMOCoordinator & Fred Dillon, South PortlandStormwater Program Coordinator

    Our creative partnership started with real barriers(lack of exposure/expertise) and perceived barriers(just ‘cause it works in NH doesn’t mean it’ll workhere) to incorporating LID in projects in northernNew England. Several rounds of outreach, educationand evaluation have led to tangible results and a lessturbid path forward.

    Tangible results include adoption of stormwater ordi-nance, LID used on individual projects, engineersvocal support of the NEMO program as an agent forchange (in front of our major funder-oh yeah!), and amajority of workshop attendees claiming that theywill use something they learned to incorporate LID intheir communities.

    One project to highlight is South Portland’s efforts todevelop a LID guide specifically designed for theunique characteristics of coastal communities. Thiswill be a “user-friendly” online resource that will bene-fit small commercial and residential development andredevelopment projects constrained by coastal soilsthroughout southern Maine.

    Site Design/LIDThursday, 10:30 PM Regency Room

  • Live And Let Live: Finding Common Ground between

    Emergency Safety Needs & Effective Storm Water


    Presenters: Monique Myers, CA WALUP & TimothyLawrence, Washington State University Extension

    Street width and carrying capacity of permeable pave-ment and bioretention features are common concernsof fire safety and other emergency safety professionals.Since local decision makers need to give precedence tosafety concerns and access over environmental bene-fits, implementation of low impact development(LID) features can be derailed if emergency safety per-sonnel are not confident the features will adequately

    support their needs. To fully understand the needs ofboth emergency safety personnel and requirements ofcity/county planners regarding LID implementation,we convened focus groups and personal interviewswith stakeholders from both groups in VenturaCounty, the cities of San Ramon and Davis,California. A publication resulted from this workDavis CA Fire Chief described as “…the most equi-table treatment of the topic I have seen to date." Themethodology may be useful for implementation inother parts of the US and is already in use inCalifornia, Oregon, and Washington CooperativeExtension and Sea Grant programs to facilitate discus-sion with local emergency services organizations.

    From the Labs of Q: Tools and Techniques for Agents

    Overwhelmed by their Ecosystem-based Planning


    Presenters: John S. Rozum, Sarah Carr & Patrick Crist,NatureServe

    Ecosystem-based approaches to resource managementare increasingly common among state, regional andlocal planners and decision makers. Many softwaretools have been developed to incorporate an under-standing of ecosystem processes into management;however, the transfer of knowledge about these toolshas been slow, since practitioners often lack the timeand resources to fully research tool capabilities anddevelopers often lack the funding, infrastructure andexperience to provide effective training on their deci-sion support tools (DST). In 2004 a voluntaryalliance of tools providers, researchers and users

    formed the Coastal-Marine Ecosystem-BasedManagement Tools Network (EBM Tools Network)to promote the awareness, development and effectiveuse of DST. The Network works to connect coastaland marine practitioners with appropriate DSTthrough outreach activities and the creation of theEBM Tools database. Several surveys of these practi-tioners, however, have shown that targeted, in-depthtraining was needed to realize the potential for tooladoption. Recently the EBM Tools Network hasbegun work on a dedicated training program that willtarget marine and coastal managers on the WestCoast. This presentation will give an overview of theEBM Tools Network’s products and services and willoutline the goals and future plans of the training pro-gram.

    ToolsThursday, 10:30 PM Armory Room

  • Conservation Subdivision Design: A Planning Tool to

    Mitigate the Impacts of Development on Natural


    Presenters: Sean D. Rafferty & David A. Skellie, PANEMO & PA Sea Grant

    One of the planning tools used to mitigate the impactsof development is conservation design. Conservationdesign allows communities to preserve networks ofopen space by promoting the construction of conser-vation subdivisions in place of conventional subdivi-sions. Benefits of preserving open space throughconservation design include: protects streams andwater quality, provides habitat for plants and animals,

    provides recreational opportunities, often reducescosts of municipal services, increases profit margin fordevelopers, etc. This presentation will detail two con-servation design efforts in the Erie Region: the pro-posed 63-acre Crown Point Conservation Subdivisionin Millcreek Township, including land developmentand cost comparisons between the originally plannedconventional development and the conservation subdi-vision; and in Harborcreek Township, the develop-ment of standards (requiring amendments to all threeof the Townships planning documents) that wouldfacilitate new conservation residential subdivisions.

  • Forging the Link Between LID

    Research & Land Use DecisionsFriday, 1:30 PM Atlantic Room

    Presenters: Todd Janeski, Robert Roseen & James Houle,University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center &Michael Simpson, Antioch University

    Forging the Link is a training for NEMOids and othereducators that focuses on articulating the critical eco-nomic connections between Low ImpactDevelopment (LID) planning and

    • watershed health,

    • community resiliency as it relates to land useeffects on urban hydrology, and

    • mitigation of infrastructure stresses from climatechange.

    Historically, the incentives for use of low impactdevelopment have been narrowly limited to waterquality improvements; however, the message shouldbe far broader. This training brings a body of quantita-tive information that articulates to local officials theeconomic and public safety incentives for adoption ofLID. This project was developed following a regionalpartnership approach, which could have widespreadtransferability to a range of municipal interests nation-wide and become an important element to addressingbarriers to the implementation of more effectivestormwater management strategies.

    Overall, the training will present information andmaterials that advance these major objectives:

    1. Detail the economic incentives for early adoptionof innovative stormwater management.

    2. Review the potential impacts from climate changeincluding onto municipal infrastructure.

    3. Draw clear connections between innovativestormwater management and climate changeresiliency

    The training will present sample seminars on LID,Economics of LID (Site design and to address CSOmanagement), and LID as a Climate ChangeAdaptation Strategy, with case examples. A cannedpresentation and resource materials that you can adaptto your state accompany the workshop. This work-shop will also incorporate a final feedback loop toassist the project team in finalizing the curriculum.The development of this project has utilized variousend user outreach and engagement strategies, includ-ing surveys and focus groups, to refine content andmessaging. At the end of this session, participants willbe asked to provide input in the presentation compo-nent of the curriculum.

  • Never Say Never: You Too Can

    Create Cool Web MapsFriday, 1:30 PM Regency Room

    Presenters: Emily Wilson & Cary Chadwick, Universityof Connecticut CLEAR

    Once solely the province of those lucky few educatorswho had access to a GIS wizard/sorceress, the emer-gence of online map browsers like Google Maps havemade the creation of engaging web map tools availableto all.

    This hands-on workshop will teach you how to takeyour data, pictures, and information and display themin a Google Maps Mashup. You will learn how to:

    • decide what kind of online mapping approach fitsa particular project;

    • create a customized Google Maps mashup;

    • setup a collaboratively built mashup;

    • embed a mashup in a website;

    • learn about resources for developing moreadvanced mashups.

    It is a “bring your own laptop” (mac or pc) workshopthat requires only a modest level of technical skill, butsome prior preparation is required to ensure thatattendees have the correct software. Participantsshould have all of the following prior to coming to theworkshop (all are free):

    • A Google account – If you don’t already have one,you will need to create one. Choose a passwordand a couple of other things, then click I accept.Create my account. That's it! (Well, you also haveto remember your password.)

    • The Google Earth browser plugin.

    • Google Earth 5 installed on your computer.

    • An up-to-date internet browser or two (MozillaFirefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome,Safari) - It is a good idea to have more than oneinstalled on your computer if possible, particularlyif you are an Internet Explorer user.

    Spring Ledge Point Light. (Photo by Kara Bonsack)

  • Shake Up Your Work with Social

    ScienceFriday, 1:30 PM Armory Room

    Presenters: Brian Eisenhauer, Plymouth StateUniversity, Chris Ellis, NOAA Coastal Services Center& Julia Peterson, NH Sea Grant and University of NewHampshire Cooperative Extension

    In your work as a NEMO/Coastal Community Agentof Change, have you ever wondered –

    • What information does my target audience reallyneed to make better land use decisions?

    • What motivates my target audience to actuallyimplement better resource protection practices?

    • Who are the critical change agents in the commu-nities I work with?

    • Is my program accomplishing what I want it to?

    • Is that sweet or dry vermouth in a vesper?

    Maybe tactical training in basic social science wouldhelp you answer these and similar questions or helpyou find the right allies to do so. This workshop isdesigned to offer just enough background to enableyou to choose the right social science frameworks,methods and partners to answer your human dimen-sions questions. Come to this workshop and walkaway with new intelligence, secrets and weapons toimprove your programs.

    Portland Head Light. (Photo by Kara Bonsack)