

ToThe Honorable Vice ChancellorJNTUH KukatpallyHyderabad-85 Respected Madam, SUB: bringing to your kind notice about the some of the cheating practices doing by the REGISTRAR and his team in the second phase of inspections

As per the above cited subject, we the student organization of the TRSV JNTUH COMMITTEE is bringing to your kind notice that in the second phase of college inspections some cheating of the government is going on, some of the college management are coming to the university and secretly met the registrar and managed him in the setting of the time tables of inspections because as per the some of the survey many of the colleges dont have the proper labs for ENGINEERING post graduation so by this adjusting of the colleges inspection time tables they can manage their labs with their neighbor and friends colleges with this cheating practice there is no value for the government incitation in the enriching of the colleges and developing of the quality in technical education.

We are requesting you to do the same as per the inspections how they did in the first phase of inspections like district wise and if any managements are running the two or more do the inspections at a time by this way we can know the how quality they are giving the education to the students. But, this REGISTRAR AND HIS TEAM MEMBERS are not doing this they are under the clutches of the private institutions because REGISTRAR is trying for the VICE CHANCELLOR post to the JNTUH so he need the help of them in becoming of the VC FOR JNTUH so he is not doing the inspections District wise in this way he is cheating the government please dont trust this type of education culprits and save the honorable CHIEF MINISTERS motto in developing of the technical education in the Telangana state and take necessary actions on REGISTRAR AND HIS TEAM MEMBERS Thanking you madam.Yours truly ,


Copy to: 1.Chancellor of JNTUH (Governor Telangana State) 2. Mininster for Education, Telangana State 3. Principal Secratry for Education, Telangana State
