Page 1: News Article from the Omaha World-Herald 'Lead is the enemy'Title: News Article from the Omaha World-Herald "Lead is the enemy" Author: BONET, JANET / NONE ; Subject: Region ID: 07

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Lead is the enemy After reading the AprU 3 commen­

tary by Douglas Comity Board mem­ber Chris Rodgers, I wonder if he is in the right neighborhood. The common enemy here is lead, not the Environ­mental Protection Agency. So let's stand together in Omaha and work for concerted governmental efforts to remove lead from soil an d homes.

I hope the EPA does not change its

position on lead, because many of us ^ are coun ting on that agency to remain.̂

' actively vigilant. Removal of leaded' soil is a good thing ahd should con­tinue. Lead from both industrial sources and paint impacts everyone who breathes.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development should be the lead agency in this effort, aided by local community development of­fices, by offering subsidized loans and grants geared totally toward re­moval and-or the capping of lead paint in homes. This way, Omaha would not only be lead-safe but also would have more energy-efficient and revitalized housing in our older neighborhoods.

JanetBonet, Omaha


