Page 1: Newsletter - Warren Road Primary School...and nature area. Independent, our new caterers, have been cooking more and more hot dinners, with 731 Christmas dinners cooked last week

December 2017

Warren Road Primary School


Attendance and Punctuality Attendance for the year is improving and stands at 96.9% overall with 1K the best class in Early Years and

KS1 and 4J in KS2, very well done to both. Our target is 97% for the year which if achieved will be a first for us.

Dear Parents and Carers, Christmas has well and truly arrived at Warren Road bringing the curtain down on a very successful term. Reception took to the stage in fine style with their production of Born in a Barn, Year 1 sang their hearts out with their Christmas songs and Year 2 excelled with their production of Prickly Hay. Yesterday, Year 3 en-tertained parents outside on the balcony, Year 4 were time travellers in their production, Who, Year 5 and 6

wrapped up Advent with a magical carol concert at Christ Church. Congratulations must go to all the children who performed with a real confidence, assurance and enthusi-asm. Many thanks to all parents for your support organising costumes, encouraging your children to learn their lines and songs and for being such fantastic audiences at all the different performances. Thank you for your overwhelming generosity over the Christmas period; we collected £1,919 for our nominated charities:

NSPCC, LiVingon, Crisis at Christmas and May Pole. The term has seen many amazing successes and achievements. We have been delighted to see the recent publication of the 2017 national performance tables which has highlighted some excellent headlines for Warren Road when compared to all schools across the country. Children make great progress to achieve

very high standards. There have also been many wider ranging successes with the arts, sciences and sustainability continuing to

be highly prized. We were delighted to be awarded Transport for London’s Excellence in Cycling award. As a teaching school and TalkforWriting training centre, we have continued to provide outstanding profes-sional development for our own and other staff from across SE England. Hundreds of staff have visited War-ren Road this term to observe outstanding teaching and learning. A wide range of workshops have also been provided for parents. We have also continued to develop our links with secondary schools such as

Darrick Wood, Harris Orpington and Newstead Wood. The PTA have enjoyed an excellent term with an amazing firework evening, Christmas Fair and Christmas discos. Thank you very, very much to everyone on the PTA working worked so hard and making this all possible and to all parents who have supported the different events. Over £16,000 has been raised this year which has funded a new cover

for the swimming pool., the EYFS/KS1 pantomime and KS2 anti-bullying workshops. Our Healthy Schools work has continued to grow this term with the children’s health, safety and well-being always our priority. Every child took part planting a new hedge at the top of the field creating a fantastic new habitat and natural fence between the field and nature area. Independent, our new caterers, have been cooking more and more hot dinners, with 731 Christmas dinners cooked last week. Feedback from the children has

been very good with so many more empty plates! Finally, I would like to thank you for all your support and encouragement this term and for your kind gifts,

cards and Christmas greetings. There is so much we can be proud about at Warren Road, here’s to another amazing year in 2018! A very, very peaceful and happy Christmas to you all. We look forward to seeing everyone safe and sound

on Thursday 4th January. Richard Edmonds, Headteacher

Page 1:

• Christmas!

• Achievement

• Teaching School


• Healthy Schools Page 2:

• Term and Holiday Dates

• Christmas Pictures

• Sports News

• Eco News

Santa and his helpers open the

PTA Christmas Fair

Page 2: Newsletter - Warren Road Primary School...and nature area. Independent, our new caterers, have been cooking more and more hot dinners, with 731 Christmas dinners cooked last week


Warren Road Orpington Kent


Phone: 01689 853798 Email:

[email protected].

Spring Term 2018 Thursday 4 January Children back to school Friday 9 February Pupil / Parent Day, school closed Monday 12 February to Friday 16 February Half-term Thursday 29 March Last day of term

Summer Term 2018

Tuesday 17 April Children back to school Monday 7 May Bank Holiday Monday 28 May to Friday 1 June Half-term Friday 20 July Last day of term

Please see the website for more dates

Warren Road Primary School

It's been a fantastic start to the new year and we've seen some great ac-

tivities build on last year's success. To start, special thanks go out to the

kind volunteers who helped with the playground planters. They are look-

ing good (and smelling good) so will help make the playground an interesting place to play

in. Hopefully, we'll have lots of fresh herbs to share in the summer too!

Elsewhere, it's been amazing seeing all of you working hard to travel to school in more sustainable ways with our

Smart Movers initiative, which was expanded to be whole-school. Lots of proud badge wearers are often telling

me how they got into school on any given day. We were delighted to be designated as a TfL Cycling School of

Excellence. Finally, the new initiative of Meat Free Mondays has been highly successful and it's been great see-

ing children expand their healthy eating horizons. Thanks very much for all for all of your continued support.

Sports News It has been a busy term for sport at Warren Road. The extracurricular clubs have seen some of the highest numbers we have had for

the past few years – especially girl’s football, where we are getting more than double the number of girls compared to last year. The year 5 and 6 cross country event in November saw 50 pupils race to the finish line with such enthusiasm and determination. A

special mention to the year 5 girls who placed 2nd and the year 5 boys who placed 5th out of 29 schools. The boy’s football team have been victorious this term; they have finished top of their league and represented Bromley at a borough

tournament in November, where they placed second. Other successful events this year have included a swimming gala and a netball tournament – well done to all those children who repre-sented the school showing great sportsmanship. It is fantastic to see so many children active and enjoying many of the opportunities

we have on offer. We hope that this continues into the New Year as a number of new clubs will be on offer throughout the school. Key Stage One have been enjoying some brilliant yoga sessions as part of their PE this term, which will continue throughout the rest of the school next year. Some classes in year 4 and 6 have received specialist coaching from a Kent cricket coach as well as enjoying a

maths workshop linked to cricket. Sports council have been busy this half term promoting sportsmanship and sporting opportunities throughout the school. They have

some really terrific ideas lined up, which they are looking forward to sharing. We are very much looking forward to seeing what 2018 has to offer for sport at Warren Road. Thank you for your continued support.

Christmas Pictures

Will Norman pre-sents Amelia and Harry with the TfL Cycling School of

Excellence award.