Page 1: Newspaper Advertisement Research

By Shannon Sloyan


Page 2: Newspaper Advertisement Research

KEY QUESTIONS:• How big are the advertisements?

• How do they use colour?

• What information do they include?

• Are there any patterns you notice in the advertisements?

• How do they target their audience?

Page 3: Newspaper Advertisement Research

ADVERTISEMENT ONE:• All these advertisements are in the Coventry Observer newspaper.

• It’s a big advert, it took the bottom half of the page.

• They use the colours of orange white, a bit of green and black. This is because these colours are bright and eye-catching as the reader turns the pages.

• The news advertisement is about buying windows to do it yourself as in fitting the windows yourself instead of paying a company to fit the window for you.

• As you can see from the advert there is a pattern with the font which are different sizes. Also the font is big so it stands out to the reader, then it gets smaller for them to read on. There are also pictures to explain the company provides.

• They attract their target audience by using pictures and also being a company that sells windows for people who can do it their selves as it can be useful for many.

Page 4: Newspaper Advertisement Research

ADVERTISEMENT TWO:• This advert also takes up half of the page to ensure the readers will see


• They used the colours of blue and pink because to attract younger generation. On the right column, the advertiser used a pink background as it stands out. It also has a pattern with the colour of the text, first the colour is white and then it is blue to again attract the target audience.

• The information in this advert is informing people about a ‘family fun day’ where parents can take their children to have fun while donating money to many charities. The sort of language is used in this advertisement is formal, short and snappy, getting straight to the point.

• I notice that there is a pattern in this advertisement, using bubbles to include text and images to show what it is like at the event that it is advertising.

• They target the audience of parents with young children for a fun day out at a charity event as they would feel better when it’s goes towards a good cause.