Page 1: NHS Presidential Election Speech

Has anyone in this room ever felt afraid to speak up during meetings because you felt like your opinions were too trivial to matter or that the room was simply too intimidating? Vote for me, and I will do my best to create a more comfortable atmosphere that encourages discussion, brainstorming, and collaboration between its members.

In order to do so, I thought it would be a good idea to hold social events that would allow us to become more comfortable with one another. Such events could be barbecues or retreats similar to the Kindness Retreat many of us attended in elementary school. Besides encouraging a warmer atmosphere, my other two main goals as President would be to increase National Honor Society’s level of democracy and its level of service.

Having been a member of NHS since 10th grade and having chaired many events since, I have witnessed my fair share of the club’s successes but also aspects upon which it can improve. One such aspect is the club’s use of democracy. While I applaud how this year’s board has run NHS (I mean it, you all did an amazing job) I envision for next year a club that makes more decisions as a collective whole rather than by the few select members of the board. I believe the club would greatly benefit from the different opinions and perspectives of all its members, and I would like to emphasize that I would want to hear opposing ideas and opinions, because I understand those very opinions will be what makes NHS stronger.

Last but not least, as President, I would advocate the new motto “We’re Bringing Service Back”. I want to encourage current and future members of NHS to think not what NHS can do for you, but what you can do for NHS. And if any of you think that I’ve been studying way too much AP US History, you are correct.

I hope to shape this organization into a being of even more heart and compassion than it already is – whose members strive not to “get enough hours” but to give back to the community in small ways and grand ways, locally and globally, and always with good intentions – But I cannot do this alone.

I ask you to place your faith in me to lead NHS into a year full of new ideas, new events, and most important of all, warmhearted service.