
Considerations for the Organisational Structure for the

Sustainability of NICE

Prof. Monika Petermandl6th NICE Conference in Bratislava – May 29, 2015

Organisational Structure 2


Leadership and Management


Temporary Working-GroupsPermanent Working-


Online Survey

61 people participated in the online survey on the foundation of a NICE Association between May 4 and May 26.

To allow for anonymity, we only asked about academic qualification and professional roles of the respondents.


Mission and Activities of NICE 4

Question 1:

If we found an association to make our NICE network sustainable, which of the following functions would you (from your personal point of view) evaluate as being important?

Mission and Activities of NICE

The first three aspects were rated highest or high priority by 90% of respondents:

1.Represent a joint voice of academic training in career guidance and counselling in Europe, promoting and implementing common reference points, the NICE Memorandum, the European Competence Standards, and developing joint frameworks further

2.Support the coordination of academic training in career guidance and counselling at the European level

3.Support excellence and quality development in higher education for career professionals and people in supporting roles (e.g. with view to innovative methods of teaching, learning and assessment)

We could consider them the “mission” of NICE. The other aspects could be considered “activities” of the network instead.


Perceived Benefits of a NICE Association 6

Question 2:

How large would you estimate the benefits of a sustainable network NICE?

There is massive support for the foundation of a NICE association:53 of 60 respondents have at least assessed the benefits from one or more perspectives as high (88%)

Legal Form of an Association 7

Question 3:

“What is your attitude towards the legal form of an "association" to sustain NICE as a network?”

1.Action: “The legal form of an association ensures the capability of acting, e.g. through the election of a board and committees”2.Inclusion: “The legal form of an association can help to open the network and make it even more inclusive”3.Protection: “The legal form of an association assures to reserve some level of protection for the joint accomplishments of NICE”

Membership of the NICE Association 8

Willingness to Engage in the NICE Association 9

Financial Contributions 10

Question 6:

“What would be the highest acceptable membership fee per year?”

For understanding:•28% would pay a maximum fee of 20€for individualmembership•The rest would be willing to pay 50€ or more

Financial Contributions 11

Question 7: “Would you support special conditions for membership, which support the inclusion of people and organisations with less resources?”

There is strong support for measures which promote social justice and inclusion.

• > 80% support a payment scheme, which considers the average income in different countries

• > 90% support lower rates for people still studying (perhaps also for part-time employed)

• 70% ready to pay higher rates so that people with less funds can participate

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Leadership and Management


Temporary Working-GroupsPermanent Working-
