Page 1: Nick Grayson – Climate Change & Sustainability Manager

Nick Grayson – Climate Change & Sustainability Manager

Birmingham - The Total Environment to an Edible City?

Birmingham City University Seminar April 23rd 2012

NIA award 2012-15 – confirmation of 30 years/ ‘Endless Village’

We know where we are……..

We know where we want to get to….

And how……Total Picture Total Environment Total Solution

Page 2: Nick Grayson – Climate Change & Sustainability Manager

-BUCCANEER; Birmingham Urban Climate Change with Neighbourhood Estimates of Environmental Risk;

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The 9 piece jigsaw – GIA Partnership

Key Partners

Climate Risk

Water & Flood Risk

Green Infrastructure

Public Health


The LEP & Business

Community &Resilience

Sustainable Transport


6. Implementation – A National Case Study

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Principle Output & Policy Task GIA Delivery Group

The City’s Productive Land

Endorse the Birmingham Forest Extract timber sustainably from City woodlands and river corridorsPlant new woodlandsTo facilitate community food growing leading to healthy lifestyles and cohesive communities.Promote allotments

Facilitate community food growing, orchards, and woodlands Embed biomass production

The City’s Greenways

Adopt A Walkable City Connect pedestrian & cycle routes to greenways. Establish quiet roads in neighbourhoodsSolve broken links in networksGreenway networks

“Quiet Roads”Permissive access rights

The City’s Ecosystem

Ecosystem Evaluation of Birmingham’s GI and Trees To provide a Core Strategy ecosystems services evidence base for all GI and trees.To implement a Birmingham Tree Bond fund.Co-ordinate the GI CIL Implementation Plan.Integrate all biodiversity priorities.

Explore new funding mechanisms & joint partnershipsBiodiversity mapping

The City’s Blue Infrastructure

Adopt a Blue Corridor Policy Facilitate the adoption of a Blue Corridor Policy; with zero floodplain tolerance.Integrate SUDs and flood management solutions.; and wetland creationImplement a programme of water quality & habitat enhancementsEnhance and the wider Blue network.

SuDS & flood & water managementEnhance water quality & riparian habitat

The City’s Green Infrastructure

Adopt a Birmingham Index for GI Introduce a sustainable tree planting policy.Protect & enhance GI through the Birmingham IndexIntroduce a GI Index Questionnaire for all development.Sustainable tree planting policy

Introduce a Birmingham GI IndexHabitat permeability

An Adapted City

Adopt GI Solutions to the Urban Heat Island Map all the climate change risks.Devise future-proofing techniques & policies across all partners citywide.Maximise adaptation opportunities: greening reduces the urban heat island effect, reduce flood risk & protect habitat and heritage.

Green roofs & wallsProtection of natural & built heritageIntegrate public health concerns

A Healthy City

Adopt Natural Health Improvement Zones (NHIZ) Link research with delivery, by creating NHIZ’s across the city.Embed the 4 ‘Wells’; well being, well managed, well used and used well.Research and promote all links between health and environment, create accessible green space for all and apply natural solutions to health concerns.

Introduce sustainable land management principles.‘Be Active’ neighbourhoodsChildhood development

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Birmingham as National Pilot

A Private Sector / Public Sector

Joint Plan/ vision for Birmingham

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1. The City’s Productive Land – The Birmingham Forest

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2. The City’s Greenways – UK’s First Walkable City

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5. The City’s Green Infrastructure

A Birmingham Index….?

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6. An Adapted City

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7. A Healthy City

1952 smog = 4,075 excess deaths – Clean Air Act;

COMEAP’s 2008 Report 4,267 predicted deaths, PM10s;


Public Health Outcomes Framework

Planning Checklist
