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Jenny Gregory

The typeface that has been used is very clear and easy to read. The text used throughout the content is very brief and easy to read to make it easy for the audience to quickly see what is featured in the magazine.

The information is organised very clearly. It is very easy to find the name of the article and what pages they are on.

The use of sub-headings puts each piece of content into easier and clearer categories, making the magazine make sense and clearer. The images used on the contents page feature big stars making the magazine an even greater prospect as the audience will feel more engaged and want to read the magazine more.

The basic magazine structure consists of a ‘taster article’ on the contents page giving prospective buyers an insight into the content on the magazine. The use of ‘subscribe today’ is a way of persuading and easily showing people how you can get the magazine on a regular occasion. The image shows several back issues of the magazine representing itself as interesting showing a range of different bands covered.

This particular contents page uses very little imagery. The main image is of a band in action on stage. To match the house style, the image has a red glow to it. The image is of a famous band which would instantly grab the reader’s attention persuading them to purchase the magazine.

Jenny Gregory

On the contents page from Q magazine a mixture of serif fonts have been used which portray that the magazine overall is aimed at an older generation as it gives off a formal image which mirrors the house style used throughout the entire magazine, for e.g. the same colours; black white and red and the same font styles.

The house style of the contents page is white, red and black. In the top left hand corner the Q logo is a red background with a contrasting white Q to stand out and also define itself as a logo that readers can instantly identify.

The language used is simple but more directed to the older target market so therefore does not use any slang.

All the words featured on the contents page are of the same font which makes it simple and easy to read. The title which reads ‘Contents’ is placed on a red background with black writing to emphasis it and catch the reader’s attention. The main headings in the contents section ‘features’ and ‘regulars’ have a white background with black writing, underlined in red to make them stand out and clear to the readers which pages each article is on in the magazine, making it easy to see what’s featured in the magazine at a quick glance.