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DOI: 10.1177/1359105314544991

published online 19 August 2014J Health Psychol Alyssa Lundahl and Timothy D Nelson

Psychopathology or sleep deprivation?Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptomatology and pediatric obesity:

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Journal of Health Psychology 1 –11© The Author(s) 2014Reprints and 10.1177/

The relationship between attention deficit hyper-activity disorder (ADHD) and obesity in childrenhas received considerable attention in recentyears. An emerging body of the literature suggests

that youth diagnosed with ADHD have especiallyhigh rates of overweight/obesity (up to 57.7%;Agranat-Meged et al., 2005; Erermis et al., 2004)and weigh more, on average, than children with-out the diagnosis (e.g. Faraone et al., 2005; Lamand Yang, 2007). Some have suggested that thisassociation between obesity and ADHD reflectsan impulsive personality type that leads to over-eating (Braet et al., 2007), deficits in the cerebralcortex that lead to a lack of control (Korner and

Leibel, 2003), and/or a heightened need forimmediate rewards (Noble, 2003). However, suchexplanations overlook a potentially important

mechanism that could underlie the observed rela-tionship between ADHD symptomology andweight: sleep problems.

As we will argue in this article, disruptions in

sleep could explain the association betweenADHD symptomatology and overweight/obe-sity, as sleep problems are more common amongoverweight/obese children (e.g. Tauman andGozal, 2006) and can cause or exacerbate ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivitydisorder symptomatology andpediatric obesity: Psychopathologyor sleep deprivation?

Alyssa Lundahl and Timothy D Nelson

AbstractThe relationship between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and obesity in children has receivedconsiderable attention in recent years. However, the literature currently overlooks the potential causal andmaintaining role that sleep problems may play in this relationship. Using a biopsychosocial framework, thisarticle highlights how sleep problems impact the biological, psychological, and social aspects of both ADHDsymptomatology and obesity. An in-depth examination of this model illustrates the imperative need forfuture research and clinical practice to recognize and explore the role sleep has in the link between obesityand ADHD symptomatology.

Keywordsattention deficit hyperactivity disorder, biopsychosocial, child, obesity, sleep problems

University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA

Corresponding author:Alyssa Lundahl, Department of Psychology, University ofNebraska-Lincoln, 238 Burnett Hall, Lincoln, NE 68588-0308, USA.Email:[email protected]

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symptomatology (e.g. Fallone et al., 2005;Gregory and O’Connor, 2002). Nevertheless, theliterature currently lacks both empirical exami-nation of this potential mechanism and a theo-retical framework for such investigation. Thus,this article presents a biopsychosocial frame-work to better understand the relationship amongsleep, overweight, and ADHD sympto-matology.Implications in extending existing models of pediatric obesity and ADHD to incorporate dis-rupted sleep patterns with regard to preventionand treatment are discussed and possible direc-tions for future research are highlighted.

Research linking pediatricoverweight/obesity and ADHDsymptomatologyThe diagnosis of ADHD consists of a number ofsymptoms and deficits that are heterogeneousin both etiology and presentation. Specifically,to be diagnosed, a child must present withdevelopmentally inappropriate levels of inat-tention, hyperactivity, and/or impulsivity beforethe age of 12 years and functioning must beimpaired in two or more settings (AmericanPsychiatric Association, 2013). A diagnosis ofADHD, therefore, may result from predomi-nantly inattentive symptoms, predominatelyhyperactive-impulsive symp-toms, or a combi-nation of inattention and hyperactive-impulsivesymptoms. Moreover, children with ADHDoften have impaired executive functioning,including deficits in behavioral inhibition,working memory, and attention, although suchdeficits are not required for diagnosis (Willcuttet al., 2005). Given the heterogeneity that isinherent to psychopathological diagnoses suchas ADHD, it is important to examine the under-lying mechanisms and symptomatology thatmake up the clinical diagnosis. Although muchof the literature exploring the relationship between obesity and ADHD has focused on thediagnosis of ADHD, our discussion willemphasize the key underlying deficits associ-ated with this diagnosis (i.e. inattention, hyper-activity, and executive functioning impairment)

in an effort to better explicate the complex rela-tionship between obesity, sleep, and ADHD-relevant symptomatology.

Numerous clinical and epidemiologicalstudies have documented a link between obe-sity and ADHD. Agranat-Meged et al. (2005)found that over half (57.7%) of obese childrenhospitalized for their condition also had ADHD,a rate much higher than the general pediatric population. Others have found lower, but stillsignificant rates of ADHD in overweight/obese populations. Specifically, Erermis et al. (2004)indicated that 13.3 percent of clinically obesechildren were diagnosed with ADHD comparedto 3.3 percent of non-overweight children. Lamand Yang (2007) also found a significant rela-tionship between ADHD and obesity (i.e. chil-dren with ADHD were more likely to be obese)after controlling for numerous covariates,including sex, number of siblings, snoring, and physical activity. Similarly, Waring and Lapane(2008) indicated that children with ADHD andnot on medication are 1.5 times more likely to be overweight than children without the diag-nosis, even after controlling for key demo-graphics (i.e. age, gender, race, socioeconomicstatus) and comorbidity (i.e. depression andanxiety). Others examining the weight status ofchildren diagnosed with ADHD concur; chil-dren with ADHD have a higher body massindex (BMI) than children without ADHD(Holtkamp et al., 2004; Hubel et al., 2006).

The results similar to those reported aboveare obtained when examining the prevalence ofADHD symptomatology in overweight chil-dren. For example, overweight boys have beenfound to be significantly more impulsive andless able to concentrate than normal weightchildren (Braet et al., 2007). Similarly, Cserjésiet al. (2007) found that obese children weremore likely than non-obese children to have problems with attention, while others suggestthat overweight children exhibit more hyperac-tivity than their non-overweight counterparts(Lumeng et al., 2003). Children with excessweight have also been found to score higher onmeasures assessing disinhibition, an executivefunctioning deficit often implicated in children

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with ADHD (Maayan et al., 2011). Finally,Carey et al. (1988) found that maternallyreported hyperactivity and low attention span predicted weight gain throughout childhood,suggesting a possible causal mechanism between ADHD symptomatology and excessweight. Although the sample sizes in some ofthe studies were quite small (e.g. Cserjési et al.,2007;n = 12) and thus, generalizability of find-ings may be limited, it is evident that a largenumber of studies confirm the presence ofgreater ADHD symptomatology in overweightchildren.

A variety of mechanisms have been positedto explain the relationship between obesity andADHD symptoms. For example, Braet et al.(2007) hypothesize three explanations for theapparent relationship: (1) an impulsive person-ality may place individuals at risk for overeat-ing, (2) having excess weight may result in personality changes, or (3) an interaction of the prior two mechanisms. Alternatively, othershave taken a more brain-based explanatoryapproach, indicating that deficits in the cere- bral cortex (Korner and Leibel, 2003) andhypothalamus (Schwartz et al., 2000) found inthose with ADHD may also lead to a failure tocontrol caloric intake. The reward deficiencysyndrome has also been implicated as a poten-tial mechanism linking obesity to ADHD, suchthat both obese individuals and those withADHD may have abnormalities in their dopa-minergic system that results in a heightenedneed for immediate rewards (e.g. impulsive behavior and overeating; Noble, 2003; Postonet al., 1998). Not one study, however, has con-sidered the role that disrupted sleep patternsmight play. In fact, only one of the aforemen-tioned studies documenting the link betweenobesity and ADHD symptoms assessed for andcontrolled for disrupted sleep patterns (Lamand Yang, 2007). However, disrupted sleep pat-terns in this study were assessed via parent-report of snoring, which is highly subjective, alimitation that Lam and Yang (2007) recog-nized. As noted, not controlling for disruptedsleep patterns is problematic given that (1)sleep-related problems are quite prevalent in

obese populations and (2) sleep problems arerelated to ADHD symptomology.

Potential (and overlooked)

role of sleepResearch has widely documented the increasedrisk that obese children are at for developingdisrupted sleep patterns, especially sleep-disordered breathing (Guilleminault et al.,1981; Marcus et al., 1998; Redline et al., 1999;Tauman and Gozal, 2006; Young et al., 2002).In fact, rates of sleep-disordered breathing(ranging from snoring to obstructive sleepapnea) in overweight and obese pediatric popu-lations range from 27 percent to 55 percent(Kalra et al., 2012; Lumeng et al., 2003; Malloryet al., 1989; Marcus et al., 1998; Wing et al.,2003; Young et al., 2002), whereas rates in thegeneral pediatric population are as low as1.2 percent (Bixler et al., 2009). Indeed, Redlineet al. (1999) found that obese children are at afour- to five-fold risk for developing sleep-disordered breathing problems. Moreover, ameta-analysis by Cappuccio et al. (2008) indi-cates that a less severe disrupted sleep pattern,short-sleep duration, is also more commonamong obese children and adults. Although a primary risk factor for developing sleep-disor-dered breathing and associated disrupted sleep patterns is adenotonsillar hyperplasia/hypertro- phy (Gozal et al., 2006; Marcus et al., 1998),other mechanisms are likely. For example, nar-rowing of the upper airway may occur fromfatty infiltration of such areas, while fattydeposits in other neck regions may result in pharyngeal collapsibility (Horner et al., 1989;White et al., 1985). High levels of adipose tis-sue in the abdominal cavity and around the tho-rax may also increase respiratory load and make breathing difficult, especially during sleep(Mallory and Beckerman, 1992).

With regard to ADHD symptomatology, adiagnosis of ADHD is often accompanied by acomorbid sleep disorder or sleep disturbance,with 25 to 50 percent of youth with an ADHDdiagnosis reporting disrupted sleep patterns(Corkum et al., 1998). The most common

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disrupted sleep patterns in children with ADHDare sleep-disordered breathing and restless legssyndrome (see Cassoff et al., 2012 for a review),and both disorders have been associated withhigh levels of hyperactivity, inattention, andirritability (Chervin et al., 2002; Gottlieb et al.,2004; Lewin et al., 2002). Less severe sleep problems such as bedtime resistance, snoring,nighttime wakings, and shortened sleep dura-tion have also been associated with ADHDsymptomatology (Chervin et al., 2002; Gregoryand O’Connor, 2002). For example, Chervinet al. (2002) found snoring to be consistentlylinked with inattention and hyperactivity, whileGregory and O’Connor (2002) found that sleepdisturbances in early childhood (age 4 years) predicted attention problems in adolescence(age 15 years). Moreover, sleep restriction stud-ies indicate that sleep disruptions worsenADHD symptomatology (Fallone et al., 2005).However, treatment of disrupted sleep patternsresults in significant improvements in bothattention and hyperactivity and often leads tothe discontinuation of ADHD stimulant medi-cations (Fidan and Fidan, 2008; Guilleminaultet al., 1981; Huang et al., 2007). As such, it is becoming quite evident that disrupted sleep pat-terns contribute to, or in some cases even cause,ADHD symptoms (Cassoff et al., 2012). In fact,Chervin et al. (1997) suggest that treatment ofsleep disturbances (particularly sleep-related breathing disorders) would eliminate ADHD in81 percent of youth who are diagnosed withADHD and snore and in 25 percent of all youthdiagnosed with ADHD.

Given that research indicates both childrenwith disrupted sleep patterns and children withexcess weight have increased behavioral prob-lems such as hyperactivity and inattention and/oran ADHD diagnosis, it would be reasonable toexpect overweight/obese children with disruptedsleep patterns to have even more severe ADHDsymptomology. However, Rosen et al. (2004)found that the relationship between sleep-disordered breathing and hyperactivity did notchange after controlling for BMI. Similarly,Gruber et al. (2012) found that sleep durationsignificantly predicted teacher-reported attention

problems in children, again controlling for BMI,and Rudnick and Mitchell (2007) found no sig-nificant differences in ADHD symptomatology between obese youth with obstructive sleepapnea and normal weight youth with obstructivesleep apnea. Together, these studies indicate thatdisrupted sleep patterns account for ADHDsymptomatology above and beyond body weightand highlight the need to account for sleep prob-lems when examining the link between obesityand ADHD symptoms.

A biopsychosocial model forintegrating sleep into models

of ADHD and obesityEngel’s (1980) biopsychosocial model is adynamic and interactional view of human func-tioning, stating that the presence of a disease orillness does not manifest simply from biologi-cal mechanisms. Rather, to fully understand themanifestation of a disease, one must considerthe variety of factors at the biological, psycho-logical, and social levels. Moreover, considera-tion of factors at all these levels is necessary forthe most holistic and effective treatment of thedisease in question. The biopsychosocial model,therefore, provides a logical framework forunderstanding how sleep problems may impli-cate the relationship between ADHD symptom-atology and obesity. As outlined below, sleep problems impact the biological, psychological,and social aspects of both ADHD symptomatol-ogy and obesity. An in-depth examination ofthis model will illustrate how imperative it isfor future research to recognize and empiricallyexamine the role sleep has in the link betweenobesity and ADHD symptomatology.

Biological level Numerous factors in the biological domain linkdisrupted sleep patterns to obesity and ADHDsymptomatology (see Figure 1), including thoseat hormonal, neurological, and structural levels.First, excess adiposity is associated withreduced bioavailability of leptin, a hormonethat both suppresses appetite and stimulates

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respiration (Aygun et al., 2005; Tankersleyet al., 1998). Leptin resistance has been associ-ated with reduced hypercapnic responses (e.g.increased breathing in an effort to increaseaccess to oxygen), is implicated in mechanismsinvolved in hypoventilation, and appears togreatly impact respiration in obese individuals,especially during sleep (Polotsky et al., 2004;Tankersley et al., 1998). Moreover, the relation-

ship between excess adiposity and respiratory problems is likely cyclical, given that (1) res- piratory problems during sleep interfere withsleep duration, (2) short-sleep duration is asso-ciated with a reduction in leptin levels, and (3)low levels of leptin are associated with increasedappetite (Taheri et al., 2004)

Respiratory problems during sleep, espe-cially during childhood, also result in possibleneuronal injury, specifically in the hippocam-

pus, right frontal cortex, and pre-frontal cortex(Halbower et al., 2006). When airflow is inter-mittingly obstructed while sleeping (i.e. hypox-emia) during key developmental periods(specifically the period in which there is surgeof myelination in the pre-frontal cortex), injuryto neuronal cells occurs, which may lead to dys-function in pre-frontal regions and later mani-fest as behavioral dysfunction, much like thatexhibited by those with ADHD (Beebe and

Gozal, 2002; Rosen et al., 2004). Moreover,sleep restriction studies indicate that the func-tions most impacted by the sleep deprivation

are those controlled by the pre-frontal cortex(e.g. executive functions) (Herscovitch et al.,1980; Randazzo et al., 1998). Specifically, sleeprestriction effects dopaminergic activity (i.e.decreases dopamine levels and activity), whichnegatively impacts performance on attentiontasks (Lal et al., 1981). Indeed, a deficiency indopamine and dopamine receptors is hypothe-sized to be one etiological factor associated

with the development of ADHD and is thus the primary target of medications used to ADHD(Vles et al., 2003). Taken together, substantialevidence points to the possibility that obesitymay trigger sleep-related biological changes,which, in turn, contribute to ADHD-relatedsymptoms.

Psychological level

As noted, sleep deprivation negatively impacts psychological processes (see Figure 1) such asexecutive functions, attention, and inhibitorycontrol, and thus, mimics or exacerbates symp-toms associated with ADHD (Chervin et al.,2002; Gottlieb et al., 2004; Lewin et al., 2002).Indeed, children with habitual snoring perform poorly on executive function measures assess-ing the ability to problem solve and developfuture-oriented goals (Gozal et al., 2001).

Moreover, both Gruber et al. (2012) and Sadehet al. (2003) indicate that sleep deprivationresults in significantly poorer performance on

Figure 1. Potential mediating roles of sleep in the relationship between obesity and ADHDsymptomatology.ADHD: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

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neurobehavioral tasks often used to assess inat-tention and impulsivity. Other research alsoindicates that disrupted sleep patterns are associ-ated with attention deficits (Sadeh et al., 2002).

Sadeh et al. (2002) further suggest that poorsleep quality (i.e. fragmented sleep) is associ-ated with behavioral inhibition problems. Thisis especially relevant in light of the association between sleep and an ADHD diagnosis. In fact,Russell Barkley, a leading ADHD researcher, posits that behavioral inhibition is necessary forhigher executive control functions to bothdevelop and later express (Barkley, 1977a,1977b). He further suggests that the core prob-lem in ADHD is impulsivity, which is the ina- bility to inhibit behavioral responses. As such,it is evident that disrupted sleep patterns havefar-reaching effects on neurocognitive pro-cesses associated with ADHD symptomatology.Given the documented connection betweenobesity and sleep problems, and the association between sleep problems and such psychologicalfactors underlying ADHD, the mediating role ofsleep in the obesity–ADHD relationship needsto be considered.

Social and environmental level The behavior of children with disrupted sleep patterns appears to correspond and interact withthe neurocognitive abnormalities (i.e. behavio-ral inhibition deficits and inattention) present inthis population. Specifically, numerous studiesindicate that hyperactive behavior and impul-sivity are associated with disrupted sleep pat-terns, both of which are keystone behaviors ofADHD. A study examining the behavioral cor-relates of sleep-disordered breathing found that both snoring and other sleep-disordered breath-ing symptoms were associated with hyperactive behavior (Chervin et al., 2002). Likewise, Aliet al. (1994) indicate that among habitual snor-ers, the risk for daytime sleepiness (which oftenmanifests as ADHD behaviors) is sixfold, whilethe risk for hyperactive behaviors is nearlythreefold.

These findings are further strengthened by atwin study that examined the etiological factors

associated with sleep and behavioral problems(Gregory et al., 2004). Gregory and colleaguesfound that sleep problems in early childhood(3–4 years old) predicted behavior problems(e.g. hyperactivity) in middle childhood (7 yearsold), and that genetic and non-shared environ-mental factors were less influential in this rela-tionship than shared environmental factors. Theresearchers suggested that psychosocial factors,such as socioeconomic status or stress, may beat the root of these problems. Regardless, onesuch factor that does not seem to influence thisrelationship is body weight. In addition to thenumber of aforementioned studies that did notfind an association between BMI and ADHDsymptomatology when using it as a covariate inthe examination of sleep problems and ADHDsymptomatology, Paavonen et al. (2009) alsofound that sleep difficulties were associatedwith hyperactive behavior after controlling forBMI.

Environmental factors, such as obesogenicenvironments and strained peer relationships,may strengthen the mediating role of sleep in therelationships between obesity and ADHD.Obesogenic environments are those in which anabundance of sedentary activities lead to a posi-tive caloric balance (Chaput et al., 2011b). Onesuch sedentary behavior that has stimulatedmuch research is television viewing. The rela-tionship between television viewing and obesityis well-established (e.g. Ekelund et al., 2006)and it is known that children with a television intheir bedroom are more likely to be overweightthan children without (Adachi-Mejia et al.,2007). Research further indicates that childrenwith a television in their room also suffer fromdisrupted sleep (Van den Bulck, 2004). In fact, anumber of studies (Dworak et al., 2007; Li et al.,2007; Owens et al., 1999) have found that hav-ing a television in the bedroom is associatedwith various disrupted sleep patterns. As afore-mentioned, short-sleep duration and similarsleep disturbances are associated with hyperac-tivity and other ADHD sympto-matology(Touchette et al., 2007). Thus, it is possible thatthe role of sleep in the apparent relationship between obesity and ADHD symptomatology is

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strengthened by sedentary behaviors such as tel-evision viewing.

Weight-related teasing and other forms ofemotional stress may also strengthen the medi-ating role of sleep. In fact, research indicatesthat short-sleep duration in obese individuals isaccounted for, in part, by emotional stress(Vgontzas et al., 2008). Indeed, children whoreport being bullied also report sleep difficultiesand bed-wetting (Williams et al., 1996).Given that overweight and obese children expe-rience greater peer problems (especially weight-related teasing) (Hayden-Wade et al., 2005),such relational difficulties may contributeto more sleep disturbances, which may subse-quently manifest as or exacerbate ADHDsymptom-matology. Although research has yetto examine such relationships, this appears to be a fruitful area of study.

The research presented above supports thehypothesis that the relationship between obesityand ADHD symptomatology may be largelyaccounted for by disrupted sleep patterns andfactors that contribute to disrupted sleep patternsin children. However, studies examining the link between obesity and ADHD symptomatologyhave not controlled for disrupted sleep patternsand thus, empirical examination of this potentialmechanism is currently lacking. Indeed, ampleevidence suggests that multiple factors associ-ated with disrupted sleep patterns in each of the biopsychosocial domains contributes to andaccounts for the apparent relationship betweenobesity and ADHD symptomatology; however,studies comprehensively testing these sleep fac-tors as mediators of the obesity–ADHD rela-tionship are needed.

Clinical and researchimplicationsOverlooking disrupted sleep patterns as an inte-gral component of the relationship betweenobesity and ADHD symptomatology may haveimportant treatment implications. As such, dis-rupted sleep patterns should be assessed regu-larly to best understand a child’s presenting problems and to subsequently best tailor

treatment. For example, for children presentingto treatment with comorbid obesity and ADHD,treating sleep problems may have beneficialeffects for both conditions by (1) improvingADHD symptoms resulting from suboptimalsleep and (2) potentially assisting in more effec-tive weight management, as improved sleep patterns promote health behaviors such as dietand physical activity (Chaput, 2011a). For chil-dren presenting to treatment with ADHD symp-toms (but without comorbid obesity), it may bemore helpful to treat the sleep problems (e.g.Fidan and Fidan, 2008) than to provide thestandard treatment for ADHD (i.e. stimulantmedication). Stimulant medications could exac-erbate the child’s existing sleep problems and,as a result, possibly undermine the treatment ofADHD symptoms (see Konofal et al., 2010 fora review). Finally, for children presenting totreatment with obesity only, addressing sleep problems is appropriate both in the context ofweight management and in the prevention ofthe development of attention-related issues,which could develop from chronically unad-dressed sleep problems.

Clearly, more research is needed to delineatethe relationships among sleep, obesity, andADHD symptoms. Studies are needed to exam-ine the relationship between obesity and ADHDsymptoms, accounting for disrupted sleep pat-terns. In such studies, the use of a combinationof objective measures of sleep (e.g. polysom-nography, actigraphy) in addition to parent- andor self-report of sleep problems is recom-mended. ADHD subtypes (i.e. inattentive,hyperactive, and combination) should also beclearly specified and examined separately inorder to best explicate the relationship betweensleep, obesity, and ADHD. Moreover, someexisting studies assessed for the presence of anADHD diagnosis/symptomatology withoutadministering validated screeners or conduct-ing standardized clinical interviews, while oth-ers used vague terms—such as “ADHDtendency”—to define ADHD. As such, futurestudies should take greater care in defining andmeasuring the presence of ADHD in order toenhance the methodological rigor of their

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studies and the interpretability of their results.Likewise, much of the existing research exam-ining the link between ADHD and obesity usesBMI as an indicator of adiposity. Though, BMI-for-age is a reasonably accurate method todetect obesity in children aged 2–19 years (Meiet al., 2002), future studies could use othermethods in conjunction with BMI, such as skin-fold thickness or dual-energy X-ray absorp-tiometry, to more thoroughly and accuratelyassess obesity.

Studies examining the links between obe-sity, sleep, and ADHD should be designed in amanner that would allow for one or both offollowing questions to be answered: (1) towhat extent does sleep duration, efficiency, or problems (e.g. snoring, limb movements, sleepapnea) mediate the relationship between obe-sity and ADHD symptoms and/or (2) does the prevalence of ADHD symptoms and comorbidobesity differ between children with diagnosedsleep problems and children without diag-nosed sleep problems? Research is also neededon interventions addressing sleep problems inchildren who are obese and/or exhibit ADHDsymptomatology. Interventions addressingsleep problems for children with both ADHDand comorbid obesity, ADHD only, and obe-sity only should be developed and evaluated,with a specific emphasis on the impact suchinterventions have on both ADHD symptoma-tology and weight management. Such inter-ventions should be compared to standardmethods of ADHD treatment and weight man-agement, such as medication and/or behavioraltreatment.

ConclusionThe relationship between ADHD and obesity inchildren has received considerable attention inrecent years. However, the literature currentlyoverlooks the potential causal and maintainingrole that sleep problems may play in this rela-tionship. Using a biopsychosocial framework,this article examined how sleep problemsimpact the biological, psychological, and socialaspects of both ADHD symptomatology and

obesity. Existing evidence regarding the impactthat sleep has on ADHD symptomatology andobesity separately illustrates the imperativeneed for future research and clinical practice torecognize and empirically examine the rolesleep has in the link between obesity and ADHDsymptomatology. Such research may haveimportant treatment implications for ADHDand comorbid obesity.

FundingThis research received no specific grant from anyfunding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for- profit sectors.

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