










This unit will allow learners to create a non-relational database which is a basic form of databases and test it to ensure it works. Learners will interrogate the non-relational database to extract meaningful data in accordance with specified requirements. The unit will prepare learners to design, create, and test their own non-relational database.


Database systems Level 2 Unit 20


Learning Outcome (LO)

The learner will:


The assessment criteria are the pass requirements for this unit.

The learner can:


To achieve a merit the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass criteria, the learner is able to:


To achieve a distinction the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass and merit criteria, the learner is able to:

1 Understand the principles of database systems

P1 explain the principles of database systems

M1 explain the legal requirements for a database system

2 Be able to create non-relational database systems

P2 design a non-relational database system, including different data types

P3 create a non-relational database system from a given design

M2 implement a test plan for the created non-relational database

P4 import data into a non-relational database system

3 Be able to use database software tools

P5 produce queries to extract meaningful data from a non-relational database system

M3 create a complex query to include sorting on multiple fields

D1 generate reports based on simple and complex queries

P6 create and use data entry forms

M4 customise data entry forms to simplify data entry for users

D2 create a switchboard to aid user navigation

P7 export data from a non-relational database system

D3 explain the purpose and uses of exported data from a non-relational database

P8 produce user documentation for a non-relational database system

TEACHING CONTENTThe unit content describes what has to be taught to ensure that learners are able to access the highest grade.

Anything which follows an i.e. details what must be taught as part of that area of content.

Anything which follows an e.g. is illustrative, it should be noted that where e.g. is used, learners must know and be able to apply relevant examples to their work though these do not need to be the same ones specified in the unit content.

LO1 Understand the principles of database systems

• advantages and disadvantages of database components (i.e. table, query etc.)

• first form normalisation and entity relationship diagram

• a single non-relational table - database structure - primary key - fields - data types: field size, text - alphanumeric, number,

date/time, yes/no and look ups - field properties: format, upper and lower limits, input

masks, indexing and validation rules

• consistency and data entry errors

• Legal requirements - Data Protection Act - Computer Misuse Act.

LO2 Be able to create non-relational database systems

• design - data types - tables - forms

• design choices: table names, formats, structures and options

• create database: tables and content

• following industry recognised formats when naming tables, queries, reports and forms

• validity and integrity of data: - input masks - default value - validation rule - lists.

• importing data from either other databases, spreadsheets or text files

• user Interface, (e.g. switchboard or navigation)

• testing - create a test plan to include:

• test number• date of test• purpose of test• expected results• actual results• remedial action taken• re-test number

- input of data - output of data - query process for sorts and searches - data integrity - user friendly - meets user requirements - meets specification or client brief.

LO3 Be able to use database software tools

• table for input

• forms for input

• find data on forms

• sort in table A-Z, Z-A, 1-100 and 100-1

• queries - sorting A-Z, Z-A, 1-100 and 100-1 - sorting on more than one field - multiple search criteria - complex criteria, (e.g. >, <, >=, <=, or, not, and,

between) - simple criteria (e.g. searching on one field.)

• exporting data from the database to a report, spreadsheet or word processed file - the purpose and uses of exporting data in different

formats • mail merge letters/labels• nclusion of graphs and statistical data into reports• inclusion into spreadsheets for financial analysis.

• forms - using wizards - customisation

• forms to add data • buttons to move forward or backwards• deleting a record from a form


Database systems Level 2 Unit 20

• reports on table data or query data

• user documentation or manual to include - purpose of documentation/manual - table of contents - database structure diagram - list of tables, queries, forms and reports, switchboard

(purpose and explanation of use).


Understand the principles of database systems

Learners should understand the principles of a basic non-relational database including the advantages and disadvantages. It is important that they are taught the items listed in the teaching content in order to have a good understanding of non-relational databases.

Learners should look at a range of different databases provided by the tutor and be encouraged to use the correct terminology e.g. fields, data types etc.

Be able to create non-relational database systems

Learners could identify the categories of information to be stored in a social networking contact list. Once the learner has the fields for the database and understood why each will have a data type, the process of building the database should commence with practical exercises. Appropriate names for databases and the components within should be discussed i.e. tables should not be left with the title of table1, table 2 etc. but names which indicate the content e.g. customer details, product details; queries should not be left as their default titles of query1, query2 etc. but should have names which give an indication as to the purpose of the query e.g. customers living in the Coventry area, the same applies to reports and forms. The table should have validation rules and input masks.

Learners could design a database based on their own social network account using a simple non-relational table, helping the learner make the transition from visual representations to a more formal electronic format. Discuss the advantages of the electronic version with regards to searching and sorting data within their personal contacts and maintaining the information. It is important at the design stage that the learner is aware of the data types and field properties and the information contained in the database is correct by reducing data entry errors.

Learners should create the table from their design to include the input masks and validation rules identified. Learners should create a test plan to test the functionality of the database table as they enter new records to ensure that the validation rules are applied correctly A test plan will need to include test, date, expected result, actual result and any re-test requirements.

Learners could be given several data records for importation into the database for practice. This will be a simple process; however fields will need to be checked by the learner otherwise records may not import correctly.

Be able to use database software tools

Learners should create forms using the wizards and use them to input data into their database. They should compare the ease of inputting data directly into tables with using forms. They should also customise their forms to include buttons for mobbing backwards and forwards through the database as well as deleting a record. Learners should sort the data in their tables in ascending and descending order. Class discussions could be used for the learners to discuss how the use of forms can aid users with inputting, amending and deleting data. The discussions could lead on to why the customisation of forms is used; e.g. to aid an end user with limited technical knowledge of databases.

Learners could use the database based on their own social networking account to identify searches that they may use. They could then replicate these queries by creating simple and more complex searches for their database. A class discussion could be used to discuss the purpose and uses for exporting data from databases to other software. They should be encouraged to consider the examples in the teaching content. They could then produce reports based on the results of their queries, as well as produce reports from their database tables.

Tutors could show learners user guides which may be found on the Internet or from other sources They should understand the core components of a user guide and the importance of these components in supporting a user.


Database systems Level 2 Unit 20


Assessment criteria P1, M1

P1 - learners must explain the principles of database systems, which may include the advantages and disadvantages. This could be in the form of a report or presentation.

The merit criterion M1 could be an extension of P1. Learners must explain the legal requirements organisations must adhere to when recording and storing information in databases. The evidence must show clear research and understanding of the legislation.

Assessment criterion P2

Learners must design a non-relational database system, including different data types. Learners must provide evidence of their database design based on the teaching content. This could be in the form of a table, diagram, or report as appropriate.

Assessment criteria: P3, M2

P3 – learners must create a non-relational database system from a given design. They should provide the created database as evidence, which must reflect their original design from P2. All names used within the database should conform to IT industry recognised format using appropriate naming conventions for tables, forms, queries and reports. The evidence will be the actual database the learner has created.

For merit criterion M2; learners must implement a test plan for the non-relational database which they have created based on the teaching content. The evidence will be the actual test plan before and after testing has taken place. This can be supported by a video of the tests being carried out or annotated screenshots.

Assessment criterion P4

P4 - learners must provide evidence of importing data into a non-relational database. The evidence would be the actual database with the data imported into it. Learners could provide printouts, screenshots or a video showing the database prior to the data being imported. There must also be a copy of the data that was imported into the database provided as part of the evidence. This could be a copy of the original imported data file or a printout of the contents of it.

Assessment criteria P5, M3, D1

P5 - learners must provide evidence of producing simple queries as per the teaching content, to extract meaningful data from a non-relational database system. The evidence will

be the actual database containing the created queries. These must be supported by an explanation as to the purpose of the queries.

For merit criterion M3; learners must provide evidence of creating a complex query which includes sorting on more than one field as per the teaching content. The evidence will be the actual database containing the complex query supported by an explanation as to the purpose of the query.

The distinction criterion D1 - is an extension of P5 and M3. Learners must provide evidence of generating reports based on their simple and complex queries. The evidence will be the actual database design containing the reports created by the learner, supported by printouts of the reports when they are run.

Assessment criteria P6, M4, D2

P6 – learners should create and use data entry forms. This should be evidenced with the actual database with the forms filled with new records and with screen captures annotated. The learners must provide evidence of creating data entry forms.

For merit criterion M4; learners must provide evidence of customisation on their data entry forms to simplify data entry for users. The evidence may take the form of the actual database, a video of the development of the data entry forms or annotated screen captures. The learners must include an explanation as to the customisations made.

For distinction criterion D2; learners must provide evidence of creating a switchboard to aid navigation of their database. The evidence may include the actual database, a video of the development of the data entry forms and/or annotated screen captures.

Note: Learners may have included their customisation ideas in their original design of the database and this will support these assessment criteria.

Assessment criteria P7, D3

P7 – learners should export data from a non-relational database system. This should be evidenced using annotated screen captures of exporting data and the exported file.

For distinction criterion D3; learners must provide an explanation of the purposes and uses of data that has been exported from a non-relational database. This could be in the form of a report or presentation.

Assessment criterion P8

Learners must produce user documentation for a non-relational database system. The evidence will be the user documentation produced by the learner. The documentation must include the components identified in the Teaching Content.


Database systems Level 2 Unit 20

LINKS TO NOS4.2 Data Analysis

4.5 Data Design

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