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The Coalition is the first multi-stakeholder European network to raise a united voice in support of the Sharing Economy. With a focus on readily available solutions and best practice examples, the Coalition's mission is to mature policies, markets and sectors in Europe for the Sharing Economy to become mainstream. Our message is simple: we want policy framework conditions and enabling infrastructures for the Sharing Economy to prosper in Europe now!

The Coalition promotes and monitors progress towards European and national policy that:

1. Mainstream the Sharing Economy

By campaigning to raise awareness, improve visibility and build capacity of community and policy leaders.

2. Sustain the Sharing Economy

By advocating for fair and sensible European regulations, ensuring the Sharing Economy becomes a political priority at EU level.

3. Scale Up the Sharing Economy

By supporting leadership and best practice exchange, aiming towards scalability and transferability in Europe.

4. Invest in the Sharing Economy

By raising EU funding to kick start relevant pilot projects and platforms all over Europe, above all in cities.

Problem: Many Sharing Economy companies have operations in Europe, however there is

a lack of tailored European policy frameworks and institutional support for regulating this new sector. Whereas excessive regulations may end up with burdensome restrictions and suppress innovation, the absence of regulatory measures creates uncertainty that may inhibit investments and development of the sector and can result in companies trying to exploiting loopholes in the legislative vacuum, damaging consumer trust. Solution: The European Sharing Economy Coalition aims to inspire European policy

makers by providing them with a tangible narrative, available scalable solutions and an innovative vision for faster adoption of the Sharing Economy across policies, sectors and markets in Europe. We are on a mission to create a resilient European Union and achieve shared value! The Coalition aims to create public/private partnerships along the whole value chain of the Sharing Economy and improve dialogue among the three players displayed on the image overleaf:

The Coalition is organised around a freemium business model. The Coalition aims to obtain EU funding to finance operations and implement relevant projects. In kind contributions (time, resources and facilities) from members/partners will build up internal resources. More formal collaborations among members will be established once there will be opportunities to kick start specific joint activities [A 2014 Activity Plan is available at request]. The Coalition’s advisory arm provides strategic consulting to public and private sector clients launching or growing Sharing Economy ventures and projects. Our strategic consulting services revolve around three areas of the Sharing Economy: public policies, market developments and system innovation.

The Coalition is shaped as an open platform to bring together companies, NGOs, academia, local authorities and consumer groups, equally driving an ambitious agenda along the whole value chain of the Sharing Economy. It will position itself to key European decision-makers as a credible and trusted representative of the Sharing Economy sector in Europe. As a member, each participant (a) defines an individual voluntary commitment, (b) endorses the Coalition manifesto and (c) chooses from the yearly activity plan, the activities where it can contribute best. Members benefit from a platform to align efforts and project groundwork with other partners in the sector, both private and public, driving demand for Sharing Economy products and services. The Coalition assists its members to track relevant policy and market developments in Europe and to engage when and where appropriate.

The Coalition set up a Steering Committee among its members to provide leadership and guide long-term goals and the strategies to achieve them. The Steering Committee defines the Coalition strategic priorities and drives its main activities according to a yearly activity plan. A monitoring system evaluates progress and keep priorities on track. Decisions of the Coalition are made by consensus and will be presented as such to the EU decision makers in various key fora to obtain political support and inform policy priorities.

Marco Torregrossa | Lead Administrator +32 (0)486 71 30 26 | [email protected] URL: European Sharing Economy Coalition




EU Policies

Business Model



Decision Making and Monitoring