  • Daily Quiet time; Purpose: To

    promote the habit of daily Bible

    reading and prayer.

    Process: Each day we will be setting

    aside time to study/reflect/pray.


    ONE TRUE GOD - Steven Curtis Chapman One voice in the dark A song that lights up the stars One breath that gives life One sovereign in power Who speaks with thunder and fire One Lord, one King

    There is no other that can compare to You You are The One alone in greatness

    The One who never changes Jesus, You are

    The One who rose in power The One who reigns forever

    Jesus, the One true God One man on a cross One light of the world One Name, one Word One Way to be saved One Lamb that was slain One Love above all There is no other that can compare to You We have seen the glory of The One and only Son of God

    Yes, we have seen the glory The One and only Son of God

  • Day 1 Travel Devotional - June 27th: ONE True God "Why, does this ONE TRUE GOD let hard things happen?" Have you ever asked yourself this question? Discuss in your vehicle today Maybe youve experienced a tragedy in your own life or witnessed one in someone elses. Maybe someone close to you is battling illness. Maybe youre frustrated at the way God made you or the place Hes put you right now. You look at life and ask: Why, God? Why chose that God?

    Why does it have to be this way?

    Why is this in my life? We all ask questions like these. When we are surrounded by the confusion and emotion of such questions, we can gain some perspective perspective based on the ONE TRUE GODS truth. Today we want toLet go of anger Oftentimes, when we ask such questions, we are holding on to something inside: anger. We feel angry that God has allowed such suffering not only in the world but also in our world, our lives. We feel angry that God gave us the family He did or that we have certain circumstances (whether it be a particular school, place of occupation, city, etc.). When we are holding on to this type of anger, it blinds us and keeps us from embracing the freedom

    that is found in grabbing hold of Gods truth (Jn. 8:23). The good news is, we can let go (and we can grab on to something else).

    We can realize that Gods ultimately in control, and He is working all things together for good (Rom. 8:28)Acts 1:6-7 ESV: So w h e n t h e y h a d c o m e together, they asked him, Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel? He said to them, It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority.

    I s now good? Now seems like a good time. Maybe in the next couple of minutes? How about now? The disciples had their own reasons for wanting Jesus to return: to restore the wrong to right. In light of the events that happened in Orlando and the continued tragedies that happen day in and out, I cant help asking, Lord, come now?

    Today we let go

    We can realize that Gods ultimately in control, and He is working all things together for good (Rom. 8:28)

  • The Jews were also anxiously awaiting their Christ. They imagined he would come and bring Israel back to their glory days of King David and King Solomon. When Jesus came, it was during the rule of the Roman Empire and their occupation of Jerusalem. This was the perfect time for Jesus to come and overturn the government with swords swinging. At least it seemed perfect to them. Instead, God had a different plan. A plan that left the disciples

    scratching their heads and wondering when? The response was not what the disciples had hoped. It is not for them to know. God the Father has fixed this time by his own perfect authority. This can leave us scratching our heads, too. When we see senseless murders and horrible violence. When we see little girls abducted, gang members riot, planes f lying into towers, and ter rorists beheading missionaries, we ask, how about now, God? Is now good? The answer continues to be, it is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority.

    We can take this two ways. One, can be to get angry and wonder what kind of God we serve, or two, know that we have more time to do Gods will and bring light to this world. There are still more people that are written in the Lambs Book of Life. More people that need to know about Jesus the ONE TRUE GOD. It is not time yet because Gods perfect plan is still being accomplished. While tragedies and horrible acts can deflate our hopes, each day should remind us, it is not time yet. There is still more to do, more love to show, more help to give. Take these times, like what happened in Orlando,

    Florida, as reminders we are not home yet. Let it inspire you to live out the great commission of making disciples of all nations as we continue to love our neighbors as ourselves.

    How can serving the ONE TRUE GOD bring freedom from todays worry?

    Do You understand the FREEDOM of worshipping the ONE TRUE GOD?

    Day 1 Evening Talk: ONE True God -- Where is the freedom in one God? (Gal. 2)

  • Day 2 Devotion on the DUNES, Morning Quiet time, June 28th: Look around at all of Gods incredible Creation and give thanks

    Hearing and Doing the Word James 1:19-27English Standard Version (ESV) 19 Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; 20 for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. 21 Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls. 22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. 23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. 24For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. 25 But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing. 26If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless. 27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. Today we try to Grab on to the ONE TRUE GOD, Jesus example We are told to be imitators of God (Eph. 5:1). We can see how Christ responded when He was in a situation where He could have grabbed hold of anger. As He was on the Mount of Olives with His crucifixion soon to take place, Jesus prayed: Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my

    w i l l , b u t y o u r s b e done (Lk. 22:42). Jesus could have thrown "why?" questions at God, like... Why do I have to die? Why do I have to die in this way? Why, God? However, He chose to surrender instead. He chose to speak to God of His situation and then to lay His life before the Father, and in doing so, He was accepting God's will for his life.

    Tr y t o h e a r f r o m t h e ONE TRUE GOD I try not to browse my social media feeds... While I love to see what family and friends are up to, and enjoy the occasional cute animal video, I can get wrapped up in f a lse teachings and messages that misguide me. Not the glorification of sin, which is all over, but the subtle feel good statements. The ones that s o u n d g r e a t , b u t a r e horribly wrong.

    Why God?

    I try not to browse my social media feeds

  • I was checking out a friends page, when I came across several images with inspirational messages on them. One showed a young man walking an elderly lady across the street and read, In the end, only kindness matters. While sweet and an act we should do, the logic was flawed. In the end, kindness is not

    what matters. Not even close. #fail When this life ends and we stand in judgement, it will not be in front of a kindness meter. I wont be crossing my fingers in hopes the weight of my kindness on earth crosses a certain number. I will stand in front of Jesus, my Savior. Judgement will not be based on any righteous act of mine, but on His ultimate sacrifice. For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is a gift from God.

    Not a result of works, so that no one may boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9)

    Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? (Romans 6:1) No. This is where kindness and many other attributes come in.

    As a result of being saved, I will be kind, give freely, show love, and much more. Next time you witness a message like this, remember that something meant to be inspirational can still be false and a lie. Guard yourself and be sure to check everything according to the Bible. In the end what matters is Jesus.

    When you look at yourself in the mirror:

    What are some things you can celebrate about yourself ?

    What are some things you need to improve about yourself ? How?

    Day 2 Evening Talk: One TRUE God -- How can we trust Scripture and what it says about God? (Matt. 27)

  • Day 3 Morning Quiet time, June 29th: Mark 8:34-38English S ta n d a rd Ver s i o n (ESV) 34 And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. 35For whoever would save his life[a] will lose it, but whoever loses his life for

    my sake and the gospel's will save it. 36 For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? 37For what can a man give in return for his soul? 38For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.

    This morning we accept the ONE TRUE GOD's will for our lives; Are you a gamer. First step to recovery is admittance, right? Whether standing in lines for a midnight release, or waking early for the newest download, You cant wait for latest title. Rarely do you get stuck on a game, but occasionally you need help. This is when picking up a strategy guide or searching websites and videos are vital.

    We often glance at our Bible the same way. When a problem arises we open our Bible for answers. When we are sad, we look for scripture to inspire. A tough choice brings us to a crossroad?

    We consult the Word of God for advice.

    This is great, but the Bible is not a strategy guide for our life. It is not a book that we only open when we get stuck. The Bible is a book we should meditate on day and night. We should know the words inside and out. Dont wait for the next time you get lost to search for a way out. Open it right now and see where the ONE TRUE GOD will guide you today. When Jesus was praying, His submission before the Father showeda deep understanding of the Fathers holiness and power. Jesus surrender was showing humility.

    If Jesus had the humility to realize that its all in Gods control (and God is good and can be trusted), then who are we to not do the same? Who are we to hold on to our anger as we continually ask "why?"

    Who are we to not accept that God is working for His glory in our lives even if we arent always happy at the ways He is displaying His glory? Who are we to claim that our lives arent good enough for us or arent what we wanted when we really should be praying:

  • Father, not my will but yours be done?

    Ultimately, when we are asking God "why?", we need to remember this: By refusing to give up this attitude, we are choosing to hold on to anger. We can let go of anger, hold on to

    Jesus example, and choose to submit to Gods will. Psalm 1:2 His delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.

    Is following God worth it?

    Day 3 Evening Talk: One True GOD -- Who even is God? (John 18/ Isaiah 6)

    Day 4 Morning Q u i e t t i m e JUNE 30th:

    M a t t h e w 5:14English Standard Version (ESV) 14You are the light of

    the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.

    What does it mean to be the "salt of the earth"?

    James 4:10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will exalt you.

    It was my first day of high school and I was scared out of my mind. Just a few months ago I was at the top of the class. Now I was at the bottom. My new friend sharedduring orientation that freshman meant fresh meat and seniors were just waiting to eat me alive. I needed a game plan. This so-called buddy of mine told me about three words that would change

    my life: act as if. He explained the best way to avoid problems was to be on their level. To act as if you were the biggest, baddest, and craziest person in the entire class. Stare them down, take them on, show them you refuse to be bullied. Doesnt mean it has to be true, just act as if it was.

  • The first couple of classes went by smooth. But, P.E. was the first integrated class that w o u l d h a v e t h e s e e v i l upperclassman. Once the bell rang, I spent the next 6 minutes giving myself the pep talk of a lifetime. Walking into a locker room of towering seniors the trash talk began. I stood my ground and threw out every insult I could think of.

    I wish I could tell you I paved the way for future generations. However, it ended badly for me, very badly.Ever see a movie where the small kid gets thrown into a dumpster? Yeah, that became me. I understood two things that day. First, never trust the first person you meet in a high school orientation. Second, a humble approach will get you a lot further as a freshman than an act as if approach.

    The book of James shares with us a famous passage about humbling our self before God. Which makes sense after all God created us and everything around us. But, that is not the reason he says for us to humble ourselves. It is so He can exalt us. I should have gone

    in to the locker room and kept my mouth shut and let my skills on the basketball court talk instead of my mouth. Then my teammates

    could lift me up. We can talk all we want about how great we are at this, or how amazing we are at that. But, it isnt what we

    say that matters, it is what others say about us.

    Daniel 6:16 Then the king commanded, and Daniel was brought and cast into the den of lions. The king declared to Daniel, may your God, whom you serve continually, deliver you! There are times I am ashamed of myself. Times when I take a look inside and hate what I see. I get so easily wrapped up when drama gets plastered over the news or the latest gossip in social media. Sure, I have good intentions. I want to make things right.

    But, at what cost? Daniel was in the political realm. He dealt with kings and statesmen. Kind of like we do today with principals, teachers, and coaches. Whether these individuals in power are right or wrong, we are to trust God. While Daniel didnt preach sermons or hold Jesus Rallys, he followed God with everything he had. He trusted him in every situation. When he was persecuted and thrown into a pit of lions, his faith did not waiver. Through his trust in God, those in power including the king, saw and believed.

    When situations happen that you do not agree with. When people act in a certain way that makes you angry.

  • Remember that God is in control and will use you to bring glory if you let Him.

    Meditate on areas of your life you can rely on God and let His light shine through you. While we cant change the world ourselves,we know that we can do a l l t h i n g s t h r o u g h Je s u s C h r i s t w h o strengthens us.

    Day 4 Evening Talk: How do we share the One True God? (Matthew 5:14-16)

    Day 5 Morning Quiet Time, July 1st: Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is

    admirableif anything is excellent or praiseworthythink about such things. (This is a part of a letter written to Philippi church from Paul)

    Let me ask you a question. One you might not like. What is in your feed?

    Which pictures fill your Instagram?

    How many posts on Facebook lift you instead of bring you down?

    Do the tweets you read inspire?

    I noticed the more friends I accepted, and the more acquaintances I followed, the worse my mood would be after I logged off. While generations past did not have social media, they did have many distractions. In this letter to the church, Paul urges the Christians

    to fill their hearts and minds with the positive.

    Lets be real, there are so many areas where negativity can creep into our lives. Social media can be used in amazing ways to spread the Gospel to more places and quicker than ever before. A timely post could lift your spirits and boost your day.

  • But, it can also be an area Satan can use to grab your attention away from God. Go through your accounts today and decide what brings Glory to God and what doesnt. Take control of what you see and read. Think about the content that others post and decide if that helps your day or hurts it. You will be surprised how different you feel when you fill your thoughts with what is right and pure.

    How can you share what youve learned this week?

    How can you use social media to be a positive influence on your community/friends?

    Day 6 and BEYOND. Luke 4:4 Jesus answered, It is written: Man shall not live on bread alone.

    E a c h o f u s n e e d f o o d t o surviveyou will need Gods

    word to continue to grow.

    How can you make a decision to continue to follow the ONE TRUE GOD?

    You will also be tempted and tried by the enemy

    We have all been tempted to sin. Most of the time on a daily basis. Sometimes they are easy to avoid and you can see right from wrong. Other times sin sneaks up and what you thought was a good situation, turns quick.

    The term Christian means Christ-Like and for a good reason!

    Christ (Jesus) showed us first hand how to deal with Satans temptation. When Jesus was tempted He did not go off on the devil. He didnt get into a fist fight. He quoted scripture to put Satan in his place.

    The Bible is Gods spoken word turned into the form of a book. Many refer to Bible as the living Word of God because of the power it has in your life. The letters speak to us the same way today as it has generations before us. Everything we need to know to get through temptation and to live for God is located in the typed or digital words. This is why it is

    so important to not only read the Bible, but to study it, and memorize key parts of it.

    The next time a temptation ar i ses r emember you have

    everything you need to conquer it. Now speak it! TRUSTING THE ONE TRUE GOD!

  • Monday June 27th

    9:00 am Arrive/load CHOUSE (Wear t-shirts)

    10:00 am Load up and leave

    1:00 pm Lunch on the road (Chipotle) Bring money for lunch

    4:00 pm Check in to Camp and Group Picture

    4-5:30pm Explore the camp/beach and make beds/get settled in. 5:30 pm Dinner 7:30 pm One True God Night 1 9:00 pm Capture the Flag

    Tuesday June 28th

    8:00 am Breakfast in lodge

    9:00 am Journey On the top of the Dunes

    9:30 am Morning Devotions

    9:45 am Quiet Time on the Dunes

    10:15 am Small group debrief

    11:00 am LOW ROPES COURSE 12:30 pm LUNCH

    1-4:00 pm Beach Time and Activities on the beach.

    4-5:30pm Clean-up

    5:30 pm Dinner Hawaiian Luau 6:30 pm One True God Night 2 9:00 pm Hang out/Movie night

    Wednesday June 29th 8:30 am Breakfast

    9:15 am Morning Devotions

    9:30 am Quiet Time on the grounds

    10:00 am Small group debrief

    11:00 am ARCHERY

    12:30 pm LUNCH

    1-2:00pm Van ride.

    2:30pm Surprise Experience

    5:00-6:00pm Clean-up for Pictures on the Beach in white

    6:00 pm Dinner White OUT PIZZA on the Beach 7:30 pm One True God Night 3 9:00 pm ACTIVITY on the Beach

  • Thursday June 30th 8:30 am Breakfast

    9:15 am Morning Devotions

    9:30 am Quiet Time on the grounds

    10:00 am Small group debrief

    11:00 am ROCK WALL

    12:30 pm LUNCH 1-4:30 pm Beach Time and Activities on the beach.

    4:30-5:30pm Clean-up

    5:30 pm Dinner

    7:00 pm One True God Night 4 7:40 pm Cross Walk

    9:00 pm Free time

    Friday July 1st 8:30 am Breakfast

    9:15 am Pack/load

    9:45 am Beach Devotional

    10:45 am Load vehicles

    1:00 pm Lunch on the road (Chipotle) Bring money for lunch 1-5:00 pm travel home

    5:00 -5:30pm pick up at ChouseDaily Quiet time for Camp 2016

    Purpose: To promote the habit of daily Bible reading and prayer.

    Process: Each day we will be setting aside time to


    Each camper is encouraged to spend time in prayer each day and keep a

    journal of things he/she prays about. This journal will allow the camper to

    observe how the Lord is working in his/her life this week.
