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We all know the importance of drinking clean pure water but how many of you know that bathing in chlorine water can actually be WORSE than drinking it?

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Aroma shower head

If you plan to, or have already taken action to effectively filter your drinking water from chlorine and other hazardous chemicals, I commend you for a very smart, healthy decision. It's an excellent start to protect yourself and your family by providing clean drinking water as well as safe water for cooking and washing produce.However, there's a much greater source of water toxin exposure that you face every day which could be as much as 10-20 times greater than the water you drink.

Aroma sense shower head reliable way for health taking showerOn average, you drink about 1-2 gallons of water per day but you expose yourself to 25 gallons of water when you shower.As concluded by the American Journal of Public Health up to two-thirds of harmful chlorine exposure can be due to skin absorption and inhalation while showering. The steam inhaled during a shower can contain up to 20 times the concentration of chlorine (and other synthetic chemicals) as tap water.You can easily absorb as many toxins in 1 shower as you would drinking tap water for an entire week.Studies show that after a 10-minute shower in chlorinated water, your blood levels of THMs (common disinfection byproduct DBP) can potentially increase by as much as a staggering 700%.

KNTeC from Korea The problem is a hot steamy showerTriggers your skin pores to open, which in turnSpikes a high absorption rate of chlorine and other chemicals directly into your system andHelps create a free pass of foreign chemicals into your body fluids and bloodstream unlike drinking tap water where your digestive processes at least get a chance to filter out some of the harmful contaminants. The other issue most people don't think about in that hot, steamy shower they enjoy so much is inhalation.Your shower is a hotbed for dangerous chemical vapors as theyQuickly form in the hot, steamy environment 70% to 90% of the chemicals in your shower water vaporize before the water ever hits the shower floorGet inhaled in high concentrations into your lungs and absorbed through your skin, and can go directly into your bloodstreamHave a magnified effect compared to chemicals you might swallow from tap water because there's nothing to filter them outSo, this is the unfortunate reality on how chlorine and other potentially harmful chemicals in your shower water can easily end up in your body

Aroma with vitamin gel But what are the possible consequences of absorbing and inhaling chlorine and other chemicals into your body?Potential Health Risks from Unprotected Showers Simply put absorbing and inhaling too much chlorine and associated DBPs are not healthy for you or your family. Long-term health risks certainly can spike due to chlorine effects on your bodily functions.Cases in pointAmerican Journal of Public Health Linked chlorine absorption and inhalation exposure to increased cancer, asthma, and skin irritation risks.U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) When chlorine vaporizes in steam in your shower, it converts to chloroform gas. Chloroform can be a strong respiratory irritant and cause fatigue.The bottom line When absorbed or inhaled into your body, chlorine DBPs can potentially cause weakening of your immune system disruptions to your central nervous system damaging effects to your cardio system unhealthy functioning of your renal system and harmful impacts to your respiratory system.

Chlorine is very dangerous Chloramine has been replacing chlorine in some municipal water treatment systems due to concerns about chlorines health effects. The problem is, chloramine seems to have harmful health effects that are similar to chlorine.What are chloramines?Water utilities use a form of chloramine that is composed of one part chlorine, to one part ammonia. That form of chloramine is referred to as monochloramine. The problem is, monochloramine changes form readily into other, more harmful forms of chloramineThere are three different forms of chloramine: monochloramine (NH2Cl), dichloramine (NHCl2) and trichloramine (NCl3). They convert easily into each other; thus, they are more appropriately called chloramines.The three types of chloramine constantly shift from one form to another. The type that will be present at any given time is dependent on pH, temperature, turbulence, and the chlorine to ammonia ratio. Time is also a factor because after a day or so, the monochloramine put in your water by your local water treatment plant will slowly degrade to form dichloramine and some trichloramine. Chloramines are respiratory irritants; trichloramine is the most toxic of the three:Order of toxicity:monochloramine = less toxicdichloraminetrichloramine = most toxic

Aroma sense

New shower head

Aroma sense shower Water utilities in denialIn contrast to what water utilities claim, it is impossible to have only monochloramine. It is not unusual in water systems for harmful di and trichloramines to occur. Disinfection byproducts are chemicals formed when a disinfectant combines with organic matter or other chemicals present in water. Trihalomethanes suspected carcinogens are also formed with chloramine disinfection.Chloramine factsChloramine does not dissipate easily compared to chlorine.Chloramine stays in the water distribution system longer than chlorine.Chloramine is difficult to remove.Chloramine cannot be removed by boiling, distilling, or by standing uncovered.Some disinfection byproducts of chloramine are even more toxic than those of chlorine.Chloramine vapors and its disinfection byproducts can accumulate in indoor air and concentrate in an enclosed area such as a shower stall.

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Aroma water purifier showerHow Chlorine Can Wreak Havoc with Your HairHair color and dye are often among the few cosmetics even natural-minded people justify using. Many people, and not just women, want to cover up what they consider unsightly gray hair.Well, showering in water with chlorine concentrations can potentially impact the longevity of your hair dye. How? Chlorine strips the natural protective oils from your skin and hair causing excess drying. This in turn breaks down the dye.If you've been a visitor to my site over the years, you might already know how I feel about the risks of hair dye. Your scalp has a very rich blood supply capable of transporting dye toxins throughout your body. So, if you must use it, coloring your hair less often is better than doing it more on a regular basis.But by showering in steamy chlorinated water, the chances of having to dye your hair more often increases due to the effects of the chlorine. So, enough already Let's start to look at what steps you can take to make your shower a safer place for both you and your family. After all, everyone has to shower or bathe to stay clean and refreshed.

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Breast Cancer and Chlorine

Probably few of us have been untouched by what has become an epidemic of breast cancer in the US. Malignant breast tumors strike one in every nine American women. Many are cured, but many are not, making breast cancer one of the leading causes of death. Part of what makes the disease so scary is the mystery surrounding its cause, and that its rate has risen steadily in recent years. Despite advances in detection and treatment, there has yet to be a scientific consensus on what causes the majority of breast cancer cases. There are some statistical links to early puberty, late child bearing, certain genes, and high alcohol and fat consumption. But these and other known risk factors account for only about 30 percent of U-S breast cancers cases. What causes the rest of these tumors? Some are pointing the finger at a group of toxic organic chemicals that contain chlorine. Originally developed in part as nerve gases, these compounds are found in many pesticides, such as DDT. They tend to concentrate in fat and fatty tissue. Researchers have been slow to explore the pesticide link to breast cancer. But as Brenda Wilson reports from Washington, that's beginning to change.

Breast cancer, which now effects one in every eight women in North America, has recently been linked to the accumulation of chlorine compounds in the breast tissue. A study carried out in Hartford Connecticut, the first of it's kind in North America, found that, "women with breast cancer have 50% to 60% higher levels of organ chlorines (chlorination byproducts) in their breast tissue than women without breast cancer."

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