  • 8/3/2019 Paper of History of Physics


    Newtons life &

    development of quantum

    physics each period

    By :

    MILAWATI (091204171)

    RAHMANIA (091204177)

    7th GROUP





  • 8/3/2019 Paper of History of Physics




    Praise of Allah SWT because of His mercy and grace paper entitled "Thedeveloped of Quantum Physics each period, and Newton's life" can be completed

    on time.

    The success of the author in writing this paper certainly cannot be

    separated from the assistance of various parties. To the authors would like to

    thank profusely to all those who have assisted the completion of this paper.

    The author realizes that in the writing of this paper is far from perfect and

    there are still many shortcomings that still need to be improved, to the authors

    welcome any suggestions and constructive criticism for the perfection of this

    paper, that can benefit anyone who reads it.

    Makassar, 14th October 2010

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    COVER ......................................................................................................... i

    PREFACE ..................................................................................................... ii

    TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................ iii

    CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................... 1

    A. Background ................................................................................. 1B.

    Problems ...................................................................................... 2

    C. Purpose ........................................................................................ 2D. Benefit ......................................................................................... 2

    CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ........................................................................ 3

    A. Isaac Newton's Life ..................................................................... 3B. Scientific Achievements.............................................................. 11C. Development Of Quantum Physics ............................................. 13

    CHAPTER V CLOSING .............................................................................. 21

    A. Conclussion ................................................................................. 21B. Suggestion ................................................................................... 21

    BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................... iv

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    A. BackgroundPhysics comes from the Greek "Physic" which means "nature" or "matters

    of nature" while physics (in English "Physics") is the science that examine

    different aspects of nature that can be understood by understanding the basics of

    the principles and elementary laws. Furthermore, the physics can be defined in

    various terms, one of which says that physics is the study of a substance or

    substances and the energy and movement.Physics as a science has a very broad sense. But the problem often

    encountered in particular in the fields of engineering (chemical) the study of

    atomic motions in the heat transfer (thermodynamics). Since the invention of

    telescope by Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), the development of physics is very

    rapid because the experts at that time could have been explained by Kepler's third

    law discovered by Johannes Kepler. (1571-1630). The development of physics is

    very important is mechanics, which is based on the laws of motion, mass and styleby Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727).

    Physics is the science that covers all the fundamental science and living

    things (biology, zoology, etc.) and physical sciences (astronomy, chemistry,

    physics). Although the physics discussed a wide range of systems, there are

    several theories used in physics as a whole, rather than in only one area. Each

    theory is believed to be true, in particular the validity region. For example, the

    theory of classical mechanics can describe the movement of objects with the right,as long as this thing bigger than atoms and moving at a speed much slower than

    the speed of light. This is the development of important physical bertumpuh on

    the laws of motion, mass and style by Isaac Newton. However, few physicists

    who consider these basic theories diverge. Therefore, these theories are used as

    the basis for research into more specialized topics, as well as the development of

    quantum physics.

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    Therefore, as the person who engaged in the world of science, particularly

    physics, we need to know the history of physics itself and its development and do

    not forget to also figure - an influential figure in the development of physics. This

    is what underlies the manufacture of this paper. This paper will discuss the

    historical development of quantum physics as well as an influential figure in the

    development of the physics of Sir Isaac Newton.

    B. ProblemsBased on the description above background as for the formulation of the

    problem posed in this paper are:

    1. How is the life of Sir Isaac Newton's character and its influence on thedevelopment of physics science?

    2. How did the concept development of quantum physics each period?C. Purposes

    1. To find out the lives of Sir Isaac Newton, and its influence on thedevelopment of physics.

    2. To know the concepts of quantum physics developments of each period.D. Benefit

    By discussion of the lives of Sir Isaac Newton and its influence on the

    development of physics, quantum physics and the concept of development is

    expected that students will learn the basic physics of the development of one

    of them is quantum physics.

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    A. ISAAC NEWTON'S LIFENewton, Sir Isaac (1642-1727), English natural philosopher, generally

    regarded as the most original and influential theorist in the history of science.

    In addition to his invention of the infinitesimal calculus and a new theory of

    light and color, Newton transformed the structure of physical science with his

    three laws of motion and the law of universal gravitation. As the keystone of

    the scientific revolution of the 17th century, Newton's work combined thecontributions of Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Descartes, and others into a new

    and powerful synthesis. Three centuries later the resulting structure - classical

    mechanics - continues to be a useful but no less elegant monument to his


    Life & Character - Isaac Newton was born prematurely on Christmas

    day 1642 (4 January 1643, New Style) in Woolsthorpe, a hamlet near

    Grantham in Lincolnshire. The posthumous son of an illiterate yeoman (also

    named Isaac), the fatherless infant was small enough at birth to fit 'into a

    quartpot.' When he was barely three years old Newton's mother, Hanna

    (Ayscough), placed her first born with his grandmother in order to remarry

    and raise a second family with Barnabas Smith, a wealthy rector from nearby

    North Witham. Much has been made of Newton's posthumous birth, his

    prolonged separation from his mother, and his unrivaled hatred of his

    stepfather. Until Hanna returned to Woolsthorpe in 1653 after the death of her

    second husband, Newton was denied his mother's attention, a possible clue to

    his complex character. Newton's childhood was anything but happy, and

    throughout his life he verged on emotional collapse, occasionally falling into

    violent and vindictive attacks against friend and foe alike.

    With his mother's return to Woolsthorpe in 1653, Newton was taken

    from school to fulfill his birthright as a farmer. Happily, he failed in this

    calling, and returned to King's School at Grantham to prepare for entrance to

    Trinity College, Cambridge. Numerous anecdotes survive from this period

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    about Newton's absent-mindedness as a fledging farmer and his lackluster

    performance as a student. But the turning point in Newton's life came in June

    1661 when he left Woolsthorpe for Cambridge University. Here Newton

    entered a new world, one he could eventually call his own.

    Although Cambridge was an outstanding center of learning, the spirit

    of the scientific revolution had yet to penetrate its ancient and somewhat

    ossified curriculum. Little is known of Newton's formal studies as an

    undergraduate, but he likely received large doses of Aristotle as well as other

    classical authors. And by all appearances his academic performance was

    undistinguished. In 1664 Isaac Barrow, Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at

    Cambridge, examined Newton's understanding of Euclid and found it sorely

    lacking. We now know that during his undergraduate years Newton was

    deeply engrossed in private study, that he privately mastered the works of

    Ren Descartes, Pierre Gassendi, Thomas Hobbes, and other major figures of

    the scientific revolution. A series of extant notebooks shows that by 1664

    Newton had begun to master Descartes' Gomtrie and other forms of

    mathematics far in advance of Euclid's Elements. Barrow, himself a gifted

    mathematician, had yet to appreciate Newton's genius.

    In 1665 Newton took his bachelor's degree at Cambridge without

    honors or distinction. Since the university was closed for the next two years

    because of plague, Newton returned to Woolsthorpe in midyear. There, in the

    following 18 months, he made a series of original contributions to science. As

    he later recalled, 'All this was in the two plague years of 1665 and 1666, for in

    those days I was in my prime of age for invention, and minded mathematicsand philosophy more than at any time since.' In mathematics Newton

    conceived his 'method of fluxions' (infinitesimal calculus), laid the

    foundations for his theory of light and color, and achieved significant insight

    into the problem of planetary motion, insights that eventually led to the

    publication of his Principia (1687).

    In April 1667, Newton returned to Cambridge and, against stiff odds,

    was elected a minor fellow at Trinity. Success followed good fortune. In the

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    next year he became a senior fellow upon taking his master of arts degree, and

    in 1669, before he had reached his 27th birthday, he succeeded Isaac Barrow

    as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics. The duties of this appointment offered

    Newton the opportunity to organize the results of his earlier optical researches,

    and in 1672, shortly after his election to the Royal Society, he communicated

    his first public paper, a brilliant but no less controversial study on the nature

    of color.

    In the first of a series of bitter disputes, Newton locked horns with the

    society's celebrated curator of experiments, the bright but brittle Robert

    Hooke. The ensuing controversy, which continued until 1678, established a

    pattern in Newton's behavior. After an initial skirmish, he quietly retreated.

    Nonetheless, in 1675 Newton ventured another yet another paper, which again

    drew lightning, this time charged with claims that he had plagiarized from

    Hooke. The charges were entirely ungrounded. Twice burned, Newton


    In 1678, Newton suffered a serious emotional breakdown, and in the

    following year his mother died. Newton's response was to cut off contact with

    others and engross himself in alchemical research. These studies, once an

    embarrassment to Newton scholars, were not misguided musings but rigorous

    investigations into the hidden forces of nature. Newton's alchemical studies

    opened theoretical avenues not found in the mechanical philosophy, the world

    view that sustained his early work. While the mechanical philosophy reduced

    all phenomena to the impact of matter in motion, the alchemical tradition

    upheld the possibility of attraction and repulsion at the particulate level.Newton's later insights in celestial mechanics can be traced in part to his

    alchemical interests. By combining action-at-a-distance and mathematics,

    Newton transformed the mechanical philosophy by adding a mysterious but no

    less measurable quantity, gravitational force.

    In 1666, as tradition has it, Newton observed the fall of an apple in his

    garden at Woolsthorpe, later recalling, 'In the same year I began to think of

    gravity extending to the orb of the Moon.' Newton's memory was not accurate.

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    In fact, all evidence suggests that the concept of universal gravitation did not

    spring full-blown from Newton's head in 1666 but was nearly 20 years in

    gestation. Ironically, Robert Hooke helped give it life. In November 1679,

    Hooke initiated an exchange of letters that bore on the question of planetary

    motion. Although Newton hastily broke off the correspondence, Hooke's

    letters provided a conceptual link between central attraction and a force falling

    off with the square of distance. Sometime in early 1680, Newton appears to

    have quietly drawn his own conclusions.

    Meanwhile, in the coffeehouses of London, Hooke, Edmund Halley,

    and Christopher Wren struggled unsuccessfully with the problem of planetary

    motion. Finally, in August 1684, Halley paid a legendary visit to Newton in

    Cambridge, hoping for an answer to his riddle: What type of curve does a

    planet describe in its orbit around the sun, assuming an inverse square law of

    attraction? When Halley posed the question, Newton's ready response was 'an

    ellipse.' When asked how he knew it was an ellipse Newton replied that he had

    already calculated it. Although Newton had privately answered one of the

    riddles of the universe--and he alone possessed the mathematical ability to do

    so--he had characteristically misplaced the calculation. After further

    discussion he promised to send Halley a fresh calculation forthwith. In partial

    fulfillment of his promise Newton produced his De Motu of 1684. From that

    seed, after nearly two years of intense labor, the Philosophiae Naturalis

    Principia Mathematica appeared. Arguably, it is the most important book

    published in the history of science. But if the Principia was Newton's

    brainchild, Hooke and Halley were nothing less than midwives.Although the Principia was well received, its future was cast in doubt

    before it appeared. Here again Hooke was center stage, this time claiming (not

    without justification) that his letters of 1679-1680 earned him a role in

    Newton's discovery. But to no effect. Newton was so furious with Hooke that

    he threatened to suppress Book III of the Principia altogether, finally

    denouncing science as 'an impertinently litigious lady.' Newton calmed down

    and finally consented to publication. But instead of acknowledging Hooke's

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    contribution Newton systematically deleted every possible mention of Hooke's

    name. Newton's hatred for Hooke was consumptive. Indeed, Newton later

    withheld publication of his Opticks (1704) and virtually withdrew from the

    Royal Society until Hooke's death in 1703.

    After publishing the Principia, Newton became more involved in

    public affairs. In 1689 he was elected to represent Cambridge in Parliament,

    and during his stay in London he became acquainted with John Locke, the

    famous philosopher, and Nicolas Fatio de Duillier, a brilliant young

    mathematician who became an intimate friend. In 1693, however, Newton

    suffered a severe nervous disorder, not unlike his breakdown of 1677-1678.

    The cause is open to interpretation: overwork; the stress of controversy; the

    unexplained loss of friendship with Fatio; or perhaps chronic mercury

    poisoning, the result of nearly three decades of alchemical research. Each

    factor may have played a role. We only know Locke and Samuel Pepys

    received strange and seemingly deranged letters that prompted concern for

    Newton's 'discomposure in head, or mind, or both.' Whatever the cause,

    shortly after his recovery Newton sought a new position in London. In 1696,

    with the help of Charles Montague, a fellow of Trinity and later earl of

    Halifax, Newton was appointed Warden and then Master of the Mint. His new

    position proved 'most proper,' and he left Cambridge for London without


    During his London years Newton enjoyed power and worldly success.

    His position at the Mint assured a comfortable social and economic status, and

    he was an active and able administrator. After the death of Hooke in 1703,Newton was elected president of the Royal Society and was annually reelected

    until his death. In 1704 he published his second major work, the Opticks,

    based largely on work completed decades before. He was knighted in 1705.

    Although his creative years had passed, Newton continued to exercise

    a profound influence on the development of science. In effect, the Royal

    Society was Newton's instrument, and he played it to his personal advantage.

    His tenure as president has been described as tyrannical and autocratic, and his

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    control over the lives and careers of younger disciples was all but absolute.

    Newton could not abide contradiction or controversy - his quarrels with

    Hooke provide singular examples. But in later disputes, as president of the

    Royal Society, Newton marshaled all the forces at his command. For example,

    he published Flamsteed's astronomical observations - the labor of a lifetime -

    without the author's permission; and in his priority dispute with Leibniz

    concerning the calculus, Newton enlisted younger men to fight his war of

    words, while behind the lines he secretly directed charge and countercharge.

    In the end, the actions of the Society were little more than extensions of

    Newton's will, and until his death he dominated the landscape of science

    without rival. He died in London on March 20, 1727 (Hatch, Robert A:


    B. SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENTSAccording to Alfred Rupert Hall (1998) deliver scientific achievement

    of Newton are:

    1. OpticsIn 1664, while still a student, Newton read recent work on optics and

    light by the English physicists Robert Boyle and Robert Hooke; he also studied

    both the mathematics and the physics of the French philosopher and scientist

    Ren Descartes. He investigated the refraction of light by a glass prism;

    developing over a few years a series of increasingly elaborate, refined, and

    exact experiments, Newton discovered measurable, mathematical patterns in

    the phenomenon of colour. He found white light to be a mixture of infinitely

    varied colored rays (manifest in the rainbow and the spectrum), each ray

    definable by the angle through which it is refracted on entering or leaving a

    given transparent medium. He correlated this notion with his study of the

    interference colors of thin films (for example, of oil on water, or soap bubbles),

    using a simple technique of extreme acuity to measure the thickness of such

    films. He held that light consisted of streams of minute particles.

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    From his experiments he could infer the magnitudes of the transparent

    "corpuscles" forming the surfaces of bodies, which, according to their

    dimensions, so interacted with white light as to reflect, selectively, the different

    observed colors of those surfaces. The roots of these unconventional ideas were

    with Newton by about 1668; when first expressed (tersely and partially) in

    public in 1672 and 1675, they provoked hostile criticism, mainly because

    colours were thought to be modified forms of homogeneous white light.

    Doubts, and Newton's rejoinders, were printed in the learned journals. Notably,

    the scepticism of Christiaan Huygens and the failure of the French physicist

    Edm Mariotte to duplicate Newton's refraction experiments in 1681 set

    scientists on the Continent against him for a generation. The publication of

    Opticks, largely written by 1692, was delayed by Newton until the critics were

    dead. The book was still imperfect: the colours of diffraction defeated Newton.

    Nevertheless, Opticks established itself, from about 1715, as a model of the

    interweaving of theory with quantitative experimentation.

    2. MathematicsIn mathematics too, early brilliance appeared in Newton's student

    notes. He may have learnt geometry at school, though he always spoke of

    himself as self-taught; certainly he advanced through studying the writings of

    his compatriots William Oughtred and John Wallis, and of Descartes and the

    Dutch school. Newton made contributions to all branches of mathematics then

    studied, but is especially famous for his solutions to the contemporary

    problems in analytical geometry of drawing tangents to curves (differentiation)and defining areas bounded by curves (integration). Not only did Newton

    discover that these problems were inverse to each other, but he discovered

    general methods of resolving problems of curvature, embraced in his "method

    of fluxions" and "inverse method of fluxions", respectively equivalent to

    Leibniz's later differential and integral calculus. Newton used the term

    "fluxion" (from Latin meaning "flow") because he imagined a quantity

    "flowing" from one magnitude to another. Fluxions were expressed

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    algebraically, as Leibniz's differentials were, but Newton made extensive use

    also (especially in the Principia) of analogous geometrical arguments. Late in

    life, Newton expressed regret for the algebraic style of recent mathematical

    progress, preferring the geometrical method of the Classical Greeks, which he

    regarded as clearer and more rigorous.

    Newton's work on pure mathematics was virtually hidden from all but

    his correspondents until 1704, when he published, with Optics, a tract on the

    quadrature of curves (integration) and another on the classification of the cubic

    curves. His Cambridge lectures, delivered from about 1673 to 1683, were

    published in 1707.

    3. The Calculus Priority DisputeNewton had the essence of the methods of fluxions by 1666. The first

    to become known, privately, to other mathematicians, in 1668, was his method

    of integration by infinite series. In Paris in 1675 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

    independently evolved the first ideas of his differential calculus, outlined to

    Newton in 1677. Newton had already described some of his mathematicaldiscoveries to Leibniz, not including his method of fluxions. In 1684 Leibniz

    published his first paper on calculus; a small group of mathematicians took up

    his ideas.

    In the 1690s Newton's friends proclaimed the priority of Newton's

    methods of fluxions. Supporters of Leibniz asserted that he had communicated

    the differential method to Newton, although Leibniz had claimed no such

    thing. Newtonians then asserted, rightly, that Leibniz had seen papers ofNewton's during a London visit in 1676; in reality, Leibniz had taken no notice

    of material on fluxions. A violent dispute sprang up, part public, part private,

    extended by Leibniz to attacks on Newton's theory of gravitation and his ideas

    about God and creation; it was not ended even by Leibniz's death in 1716. The

    dispute delayed the reception of Newtonian science on the Continent, and

    dissuaded British mathematicians from sharing the researches of Continental

    colleagues for a century.

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    4. Mechanics And GravitationAccording to the well-known story, it was on seeing an apple fall in his

    orchard at some time during 1665 or 1666 that Newton conceived that the same

    force governed the motion of the Moon and the apple. He calculated the force

    needed to hold the Moon in its orbit, as compared with the force pulling an

    object to the ground. He also calculated the centripetal force needed to hold a

    stone in a sling, and the relation between the length of a pendulum and the time

    of its swing. These early explorations were not soon exploited by Newton,

    though he studied astronomy and the problems of planetary motion.Correspondence with Hooke (1679-1680) redirected Newton to the

    problem of the path of a body subjected to a centrally directed force that varies

    as the inverse square of the distance; he determined it to be an ellipse, so

    informing Edmond Halley in August 1684. Halley's interest led Newton to

    demonstrate the relationship afresh, to compose a brief tract on mechanics, and

    finally to write the Principia.

    Book I of the Principia states the foundations of the science ofmechanics, developing upon them the mathematics of orbital motion round

    centers of force. Newton identified gravitation as the fundamental force

    controlling the motions of the celestial bodies. He never found its cause. To

    contemporaries who found the idea of attractions across empty space

    unintelligible, he conceded that they might prove to be caused by the impacts

    of unseen particles.

    Book II inaugurates the theory of fluids: Newton solves problems offluids in movement and of motion through fluids. From the density of air he

    calculated the speed of sound waves.

    Book III shows the law of gravitation at work in the universe: Newton

    demonstrates it from the revolutions of the six known planets, including the

    Earth, and their satellites. However, he could never quite perfect the difficult

    theory of the Moon's motion. Comets were shown to obey the same law; in

    later editions, Newton added conjectures on the possibility of their return. He

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    calculated the relative masses of heavenly bodies from their gravitational

    forces, and the oblateness of Earth and Jupiter, already observed. He explained

    tidal ebb and flow and the precession of the equinoxes from the forces exerted

    by the Sun and Moon. All this was done by exact computation.

    Newton's work in mechanics was accepted at once in Britain, and

    universally after half a century. Since then it has been ranked among

    humanity's greatest achievements in abstract thought. It was extended and

    perfected by others, notably Pierre Simon de Laplace, without changing its

    basis and it survived into the late 19th century before it began to show signs of


    5. Alchemy And ChemistryNewton left a mass of manuscripts on the subjects of alchemy and

    chemistry, then closely related topics. Most of these were extracts from books,

    bibliographies, dictionaries, and so on, but a few are original. He began

    intensive experimentation in 1669, continuing till he left Cambridge, seeking to

    unravel the meaning that he hoped was hidden in alchemical obscurity andmysticism. He sought understanding of the nature and structure of all matter,

    formed from the "solid, massy, hard, impenetrable, movable particles" that he

    believed God had created. Most importantly in the "Queries" appended to

    "Opticks" and in the essay "On the Nature of Acids" (1710), Newton published

    an incomplete theory of chemical force, concealing his exploration of the

    alchemists, which became known a century after his death.

    6. Historical And Chronological StudiesNewton owned more books on humanistic learning than on

    mathematics and science; all his life he studied them deeply. His unpublished

    "classical scholia"explanatory notes intended for use in a future edition of

    the Principiareveal his knowledge of pre-Socratic philosophy; he read the

    Fathers of the Church even more deeply. Newton sought to reconcile Greek

    mythology and record with the Bible, considered the prime authority on the

    early history of mankind. In his work on chronology he undertook to make

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    Jewish and pagan dates compatible, and to fix them absolutely from an

    astronomical argument about the earliest constellation figures devised by the

    Greeks. He put the fall of Troy at 904 BC, about 500 years later than other

    scholars; this was not well received.

    7. Religious Convictions And PersonalityNewton also wrote on Judaeo-Christian prophecy, whose decipherment

    was essential, he thought, to the understanding of God. His book on the

    subject, which was reprinted well into the Victorian Age, represented lifelong

    study. Its message was that Christianity went astray in the 4th century AD,when the first Council of Nicaea propounded erroneous doctrines of the nature

    of Christ. The full extent of Newton's unorthodoxy was recognized only in the

    present century: but although a critic of accepted Trinitarian dogmas and the

    Council of Nicaea, he possessed a deep religious sense, venerated the Bible and

    accepted its account of creation. In late editions of his scientific works he

    expressed a strong sense of God's providential role in nature.

    8. PublicationsNewton published an edition ofGeographia generalis by the German

    geographer Varenius in 1672. His own letters on optics appeared in print from

    1672 to 1676. Then he published nothing until the Principia (published in

    Latin in 1687; revised in 1713 and 1726; and translated into English in 1729).

    This was followed by Opticks in 1704; a revised edition in Latin appeared in

    1706. Posthumously published writings include The Chronology of Ancient

    Kingdoms Amended(1728), The System of the World (1728), the first draft of

    Book III of the Principia, and Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel and

    the Apocalypse of St John (1733).

    C. DEVELOPMENT OF QUANTUM PHYSICSQuantum physics is one part of the science of physics that studies the

    behavior of matter and energy on a scale of atomic and subatomic particles or

    waves. In principle the same as in classical physics, but the subject matter in

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    quantum physics is the scale and the atomic or subatomic particles moving at

    high speed. For particles moving at speeds close to or equal to the speed of

    light, his behavior is discussed separately in the theory of special relativity.

    Quantum physics was developed in the early 20th century, where the formulas

    in Classical Physics is no longer able to explain the phenomena that occur on a

    very small matter. Physics Planck quantum hypothesis begins by stating that

    the amount of energy an object that oscillate (oscillator) is no longer

    continuous, but discrete (quanta), thus came the term Quantum Physics and

    the discovery of the concept of wave-particle dualism. The concept of dualism

    and magnitude of these quanta are the foundation of Modern Physics.

    Concepts, hypotheses and experiments to make the foundation of modern

    physics development and application of modern physics, in various fields such

    as medicine, telecommunications, and industrial(Amri dan Murdani : 2010).

    The dawn of the twentieth century saw the birth of a new era in

    physical science. Even as both its practical applications and the number of its

    practitioners grew at an enormous rate, its underlying philosophy changed

    drastically. The story started with heat radiation, a subject that physicists

    thought they understood and had just brought under control. The simplest

    entity on which to test this understanding was a so-called black body, an

    idealized object that absorbs all the electromagnetic radiation falling on it

    from outside without reflecting any of it back. (Such a physical system can

    also be realized by a hollow cavity with a small hole as its only opening.) The

    way the energy radiated by a black body at a given temperature is distributed

    over various frequencies and how that energy distribution changes with thetemperature was known from experimentsfor example, heating up a piece of

    iron until it was red-hot and noting how the color changed as the temperature

    increased(Newton, Roger G:2007).

    An imaginative leap was required to rescue physics, and this leap,

    which led to much intellectual ferment, was taken not by a young

    revolutionary but by an already well-established German physicist, Max


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    Max Planck was born in Kiel, Germany, in 1858, the sixth child of a

    professor of jurisprudence at the University of Kiel. When he was eight years

    old, the family moved to Munich, where he was educated at the Maximilian

    Gymnasium and subsequently at the University of Munich. After studying

    mathematics and physics with Gustav Kirchhoff and Hermann Helmholtz in

    Berlin, he obtained his doctorate at Munich in 1879 with a dissertation on

    thermodynamics. His first academic position was at the University of Kiel,

    after which he moved to the University of Berlin, where he became professor

    of physics in 1892, a position he retained until his retirement in 1926. Married

    twicehis first wife died in 1909Planck had four children. His eldest son

    died as a soldier in the First World War, both of his twin daughters died

    shortly thereafter, during childbirth, and his second son was executed in 1944,

    accused of being involved in a conspiracy against Hitler.

    A religious and politically conservative man, Max Planck was one of

    the signatories of a notorious manifesto of ninety-three intellectuals issued

    in 1914 that disclaimed any German responsibility for the war and denied that

    the widely reported alleged misconduct by its army in Belgium could possibly

    have occurred, but he soon bitterly regretted his rash signature. This lapse

    notwithstanding, for the entire first half of the twentieth century Max Planck

    would represent what was best in German science at a time when remaining

    honorable was difficult and even dangerous in his country. He was

    instrumental in persuading Einstein to come to Berlin in 1914, creating a

    special position for him there. Appointed president of the Kaiser Wilhelm

    Institute in Berlin in 1930, he resigned from this post in 1937 in protestagainst the treatment of Jewish scientists by the Nazi government. After the

    Second World War, the Institute was renamed the Max Planck Institute and

    moved to Gttingen,with Planck rein-stated as its president. He died in

    Gttingen in 1947.

    Scientifically, Max Planck embodied the reluctant but willing

    transition of the old guard from classical physics to an entirely new

    probabilistic paradigm in which iron-clad laws changed to statistical

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    regularities. To admit the possibility, even if rare, of a violation of the second

    law of thermodynamics by a fluctuation was a wrenching thought for him, and

    he only grudgingly accepted atoms, which, after all, were ultimately

    responsible for the statistical nature of thermodynamics.Yethe was the

    physicist who fired the first shot in a scientific revolution that he did not

    welcome. In 1900, without any underlying rational justification other than

    strictly mathematical purposes, heapplied Boltzmanns probabilisticreasoning

    tocalculate the entropy of the energy distribution in a black body by means of

    an unheard-of assumption: that the energy E of electromagnetic radiation of a

    given frequency f emitted or absorbed by the walls of a cavity could not take

    on any arbitrary value but had to be proportional to that frequency, E = hf, or

    integer multiples thereof. The constant of proportionality, h, now considered

    one of the most fundamental in nature, came to be known as Plancks

    constant. (Actually, Boltzmann himself had used discrete energies for his

    calculation of probabilities, but his discretization was nottied to a radiation

    frequency as Plancks was.) In that wayand only thatwayPlanck was able

    to obtain Wiens displacement law, and eventually even to derive a new

    energy-distribution law for black bodies to take the place of the Rayleigh-

    Jeans formula. Plancks new radiation law turned out to agree well with

    experimental data. This would not be 212 From Clockwork to Crapshootthe

    last time in this field that imaginative scientists generated productive new

    theoretical ideas thatappeared totally unjustified.

    The nextstep in the revolution was taken by Einstein in 1905, but to

    understand it we have to retrace our steps a bit. In the course of their researchon electrical conduction through gases, the German physicists Julius Plcker

    (18011868) and Johann Wilhelm Hittorf (18241914) had found a new kind

    of ray, now called cathode rays, whose presence becomes visible by a glow

    either in a gas or on the surface of a glass vessel containing a gas (such as the

    CTR monitor of a computer or television picture tube). The nature of these

    mysterious rays, which could be deflected by a magnetnow known to be

    streams of electrically charged particles called electronswas uncovered in

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    1897 by the British physicist J. J. Thomson (18561940). (This discovery was

    notuniqueto Thomson.The two German physicists Emil Wiechert [18611928]

    and Walter Kaufmann [18711947] both also independently discovered the

    nature of cathode rays at about the same time.) 1 In the meantime, Heinrich

    Hertz had found in 1887 that electric spark discharges were enhanced by

    exposure to bright light.What he had discovered came to be known as the

    photoelectric effect. In terms of J. J. Thomsons discovery,Hertz had found

    that when lightshines on a metal surface, the surface emits electrons.

    Somefifteen years later,when Philipp Lenard investigated the photoelectric

    phenomenon in moredetail,his data showed something very puzzling about

    this emission: increasing the brightness of the light produced more electrons,

    but it did not increase their speed, which was entirely determined by the color

    of the light. No one was able to understand this puzzle until Einstein solved it

    as part of one of his three groundbreaking papers in the year 1905.

    In the last decade of the nineteenth century all sorts of new rays were

    found, and the unraveling of their nature added unexpected aspects tothe still

    controversial theory of atoms. Firstcame thediscovery of X-rays in 1895 by

    the German physicist Wilhelm Konrad Rntgen (18451923). In the course of

    studying the properties of cathode rays, which caused luminescence in certain

    chemicals, he found that the glow continued to be produced when the cathode-

    ray tube was covered by cardboard, and even when the chemical was taken

    into the next room. The penetrating rays were obviously not the same as

    cathode rays but were produced as cathode rays hit the glass walls of the tube.

    He named these previously unknown, mysterious rays X-rays. When he wentpublic with his discovery, showing photographs of his hand with its bone

    structure made visible because theX-rays easily penetratedskin and tissues but

    were absorbed by bones, he caused a sensation. In 1912, when the German

    physicist Max von Laue (18791960) sent X-rays through crystals, he found a

    diffraction pattern similar to the one Thomas Young had found when shining

    light through slits. He concluded from this experiment that X-rays (which

    could not be deflected by electric or magnetic fields) were electromagnetic

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    radiation like light but of much shorter wavelength. Von Laues patterns also

    demonstrated that crystals were made up of regular arrangements of atoms and

    that the observed fringes gave detailed information about the structure of the

    diffracting crystalsa fact established by the young British physicist William

    Lawrence Bragg (18901971), together with his father William Henry Bragg

    (18621942). Some forty years later, this insight would help in the unraveling

    of the structure of DNA by Francis Crick and James Watson.

    During the same year, 1896, that Rntgen announced his discovery of

    X-rays, the French physicist Henri Becquerel (18521908) quite accidentally

    found radioactivity. In his investigation to determine if the fluorescence of

    certain crystals when exposed to light produced Rntgens X-rays, he had left

    some uranium salts wrapped in paper on a photographic plate in a drawer.

    Since the salts were in the dark, they could not fluoresce. To his astonishment

    he later found that the plate was clouded, which indicated that the uranium salt

    must have emitted a new kind of radiation that penetrated the paper and

    clouded the plate. His subsequent experiments revealed that the emitted

    radiation, later called beta rays, could be deflected by a magnet and seemed to

    have the same properties as the particle rays J. J.Thomson had found: they

    consisted of electrons. Becquerels serendipitous finding, however, was only

    the first step in the discovery of radioactivity; the real heroine of that story was

    Marie Curie.

    From 1896 on, Marie Curie became intensely interested in the new

    discoveries by Rntgen and especially in the rays given off by uranium that

    Becquerel had found. What she wanted to investigate, together with Pierre,who abandoned his own work to join her, was whether there mightbe other

    substances emitting such radiation. After finding that thorium did too, and that

    the mineral pitchblende emitted much more radiation than could beaccounted

    for by its uranium content, they discovered two new radioactive elements,

    polonium and radium. All these substances produced other radioactive

    elements as well as either helium or betarays. ll of this research was done in

    a substandard laboratory in the cole de Physique et Chimie, which was the

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    only place of work available to them. Many honors followed,but it was not

    until the year after their joint Nobel Prize in physics with Becquerel in 1903

    that Marie was appointed as Pierres assistant with a salaryshe had been

    working without pay until then. In 1904 their second daughter, Eve, was born,

    and Pierre was appointed to a newly created chair in physics at the Sorbonne.

    Two years later, after Pierre Curie was accidentally killed by a horse-

    drawn carriage, Marie was appointed to the chair her husband had occupied,

    the first woman to teach at the Sorbonne. In 1910 she declined the Legion of

    Honor, as had Pierre in 1903, and she never accepted any royalties for the

    lucrative industrial applications of radium. The following year Marie Curie

    was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry for isolating polonium and radium

    as pure metals; it was the first time that a person had won two Nobel Prizes in

    science, and would remain the only time for more than half a century. During

    the First World War, Marie Curie aided the French armys care for the

    wounded by helping to equip ambulances with X-ray apparatus, and the

    International Red Cross appointed her head of its Radiological Service.

    Assisted by her daughter Irne, she also created new courses in radiology for

    medical orderlies. Impressed by Madame Curies generosity and scientific

    accomplishments, American women made her a gift of a gram of radium, paid

    for by national subscription and presented to her in 1921 by President Harding

    while she was on a tour of the United States. By the late 1920s, however, her

    health began to deteriorate; she underwent four cataract operations and

    developed lesions on her fingers, the result of handling radium without proper

    protection. A few months after Irne (18971956) and her husband FrdricJoliot (19001958) announced their discovery of artificial radioactivity, Marie

    Curie entered a nursing home and then a sanatorium in Sancellemoz in the

    French Alps, where she died in 1934.

    The next year,1912, Bohr returned to Copenhagen, unsuccessfully

    applied for a professorship in physics at the university, and married Margrethe

    Nrlund. Between the years 1916 and 1928 they had six sons. Christian, the

    eldest, died tragically at the age of seventeen in a sailing accident, his father

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    on board butunable to help. After returning to Manchester, where Bohr

    became famous for his model of the atom, heprevailed upon the Danish

    government to appointhim to a professorship at theUniversity of Copenhagen.

    The government also built the Institute for Theoretical Physics for him, of

    which he became the director in 1920, a position he retained until his death in


    Quantum mechanics remains, to this day, the framework theory for

    our understanding of all physical phenomena. But like Newtonian mechanics,

    it had to be supplemented with specific laws for the interactions of the entities

    that it is meant to govern. The discovery of these laws and of more

    fundamental particles to be governed by them, as well as the extension of the

    quantum theory to fields, suchas the electromagnetic field, will be the subject

    of the next chapter.

    Why are all hydrogen atoms exactly alike? Why does a helium atom

    weigh four times as much as a hydrogen atom? Why is the spectrum of the

    yellow light emitted by heated sodium made up of its specific frequencies?

    One might have expected that quantum mechanics, dealing in probabilities as

    it does, could lead only to relatively vague or tenuous predictions compared to

    the definite ones coming out of the classical determinism. Instead, it turned out

    that the quantum framework, when combined with specific assumptions of

    forces, was able to yield many predictions of enormously precise numbers,

    which, when compared to equally precise experimental measurements, proved

    extremely accurate. While today physicists still harbor various degrees of

    doubt about some of the ingredients with which to fill the quantum frame, the

    framework itself, with its probabilities, has shown not the slightest inclination

    to fail. The Quantum Revolution (Newton, Roger G:2007).

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    A. ConclusionAccording to problems and discussion above, we can conclude that :

    1. Isaac Newton was born prematurely on Christmas day 1642 (4 January1643, New Style) in Woolsthorpe, a hamlet near Grantham in

    Lincolnshire and Newton began his career when he left Woolsthorpe

    for Cambridge University. Here Newton entered a new world, one he

    could eventually call his own. The development of physics is veryimportant is mechanics, which is based on the laws of motion, mass

    and style by Sir Isaac Newton

    2. Quantum physics was developed in the early 20th century, where theformulas in Classical Physics is no longer able to explain the

    phenomena that occur on a very small matter. Physics Planck quantum

    hypothesis begins by stating that the amount of energy an object that

    oscillate (oscillator) is no longer continuous, but discrete (quanta), thuscame the term Quantum Physics and the discovery of the concept of

    wave-particle dualism. The concept of dualism and magnitude of these

    quanta are the foundation of Modern Physics.

    B. SuggestionSuggestion for the next writer are :

    1. We hope that the next writer explain more completely by adding morereference

    2. We hope that there are appropriate distribution work in the team.

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    Amri, Ilham dan Murdani, Eka.2010. Sejarah Perkembangan Fisika Kuantum danAplikasinya.(Online) , Accessed 14th Oct. 2011.

    Hatch, Robert A. 1998. Sir Isaac Newton. (Online) , Accessed 14th Oct.2011.

    Newton, Roger G.2007.A History Of Physics. United States of America: Libraryof Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data.

    Rupert Hall, Alfred.1998.Isaac Newton's Life.(Online)., Accessed 14th Oct. 2011.
