
PARADES AND CHANGES 2015Created by Anna Halprin |

Original music composed by Morton Subotnick

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"What gets renewed in Parades and Changes every time is our ability to express our humanity

through the language of dance and art."

- Anna Halprin

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Artistic Guide and Mentor: Anna Halprin

Vertigo Dancers and Co-Creators: Eyal Vizner, Micah Amos, Tomer Navot, Marija Slavec, Nitzan Moshe, Ron Cohen, Etai Peri

Lighting Design: Dani Fishof - Magenta | Costume Design: Rosie Canaan

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Parades and Changes, premiered in 1965, reveals how any ordinary task, such as dressing and undressing, can become a dance when it is done with awareness by the performer. The piece is never performed in the same way. It is composed of distinct scores, which specify activities over time in space, yet it is not fixed. Certain scores may be dropped or modified and new ones added to fit the needs of a particular environment. The current performance has evolved during the rehearsal process as a collaboration between Anna Halprin, MiguelFrasconi, and Noa Wertheim, with contributions by the Vertigo dancers.

This collaboration was made possible with the funding of Anna Halprin's Doris Duke Impact Award and grants from the Alexander M. and June L. Maisin

Foundation and the Bernard Osher Jewish Philanthropies of the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin

and Sonoma Counties. Additional thanks to the Tamalpa Institute Art Corps ( and Planetary Dance Committee (

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Anna Halprin [95] USA a pioneer of world postmodern dance, the performance artist who brought together Afro-American and Caucasian dancers, Black and White, at a time of segregation breaking the boundaries of social conventions. A mentor to a great many artists including Trisha Brown, Meredith Monk and Merce Cunningham who followed her lead exploring her Life/Art Process dance approach and the power of personal experience as expressed through body, movement, emotion, and improvisation.
