  • 1. Thanks to Doug Reeves, Weve ALL Read about the 90/90/90 Schools!
    90% Poverty
    90% Minority
    90% Meet or Exceed state standards

2. Larry Lezotte Taught Us All about Effective Schools
No matter where these Effective Schools are in the US, their students overwhelmingly meet & exceed state standards
They follow the correlates of Effective Schoolssafe & caring environment, strong emphasis on skills, belief that all students can learn, etc.
3. Mike Schmoker Has Shared LOTS of Specific Schools and Their Success Stories!!
Results AND Results Now
Both books filled with success stories
All following the same precepts
4. Ron Edmonds
We can, whenever and wherever we choose, successfully teach all children whose schooling is of interest to us We already know more than we need to do thatWhether or not we do it, must finally depend on how we feel about the fact that we havent so far.
The problem is NOT the people the problem is the process.
5. How Did They Do It?
Agreement on the essential learnings
Laser-like focus on student performance
Curriculum is articulated between grade levels and guaranteed within grade levels/courses
Curricularly, they are all on the same page
Constant, on-going formative assessments
6. How Did They do It?

  • Real-time data to drive Professional Learning Communities discussions on improving student performance

7. Real-time data available to teachers in an understandable, readable format
