Download odp - Past continuous unit 3


2. THE PAST CONTINUOUS How do we create it? We need Past simple of TO BE (was/were) + Base form of the verb + ING Iwas watchingTV. Youwere cookinglunch. Theywere doingtheir homework. 3. SOME EXAMPLES

  • Iwas havinglunch.

4. Youwere watchinga film. 5. Hewas writinga letter. 6. Wewere preparingthe class. 7. Theywere listeningto music. 8. Iwas watchingTV when youcalledme. 9. Shewas crossingthe street when shefoundthe cat. 10. NEGATIVE AND INTERROGATIVE


11. Theywere not listeningto the radio. 12. Sarahwas not playingfootball. 13. Iwasn't speakingto her! 14. Weweren't doingour homework.


15. Wherewereyourunning ? 16. WhatwasJohnnydoingyesterday? 17. Wereyoulookingat the screen? 18. Wasshelisteningto you? 19. WE USE PAST CONTINUOUS...

  • To talk about actions in progress in the past.

20. Actions that were taking place in the past when another thing happened. 21. Iwas watchingTV when youcalledme. 22. See that the short action called takes place during the long action was watching , as if it 'interrupts' it. 23. Past simple + past continuous

  • Have a look at thesesentences: Iwas stayingin Florida. Wewere lookingat the sea when wesawa boat. Then itcrashednear our hotel. Theyellowverb ispast continuous . It describes incomplete actions or actions in progress. Thegreenverb ispast simple . It describes finished actions.


  • Isawthe tornado while Iwas driving .

25. Some peoplewere running , so Istoppedthe car. 26. Wewere playingfootball when a lightninghitus. 27. Sarahwas takinga shower when the bellrang . 28. Jimmywas watchinga film when his sisterarrived . 29. Now... it's your turn to practise and learn! And remember... ENJOY!!
