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Peak Condition ProjectLings Diet Week 1 Eat HALF

Week 2 - 4Morning50 grams carbs (apx 1 sushi rice portion/small toast)150 grams vegetable150 grams fruit (no banana) apx small apple1 egg white (not cooked with oil)

Lunch200 grams carbs (1/2 1 small bowl rice, 2 slc bread)250 grams vegetables150 grams protein (chicken, lean beef, or seafood. No pork)

Lunch / P.M. Snack(around 4pm)100 grams fruit

Dinner2 egg whites, 1 apple and 1 banana, combined with 150 ml milk in a smoothie.

Use any combinations of carbs, fruit, veg and protein desired. Don't use oil, sugar, or salt to prepare meals. Steaming works best. For flavor a low calorie dressing is ok. For sweetness, honey is ok. Pepper and other spices are fine.

Diet week 5 7 carb cuttingBreakfast50 grams of carbs200 grams of vegetables100 grams of fruit1 egg white

Lunch150 grams of carbs200 grams of vegetables150 grams fish or shrimp

Lunch/ PM snacka little fruit if hungry

Dinner2 egg whites, 1 apple, and 100 ml of milk, blended.

Phase 2 reintro dinner apx Week 8 (when done cutting)Breakfast50 grams carbs150 grams of fruit100 g veg1 whole egg (or some protein if I dont like eggs)

Lunch100 grams carbs150 grams protein200 grams vegetables

Dinner50g carbs2 egg whites100 grams protein100 grams vegetables

Diet - Phase 3 increase food intake apx Week 10Breakfast50 grams carbs1 whole egg (or some protein if I dont like eggs)1 egg white250 ml lowfat milkas much fruit as I like

Morning snack1 egg white50 grams vegetablesfruit if hungry

Lunch100 grams carbs180 grams vegetables130 grams proteinfruit if hungry

Afternoon snack1 egg white1 serving of fruit

Dinner50 grams carbs170 grams vegetables70 grams protein

Evening snack1 egg whitefruit if hungry

Diet (calculated for 65kg male)Diet week 1 - cut what u normally eat by half

Diet week 2Breakfast and Lunch (total)250 grams of carbs (bread, rice, pasta, potato). 250 grams is about a bowl of rice.400 grams of vegetables. Thats about 3 whole vegetables.250 grams of fruit. A large size apple is 250 grams.150 grams fish or shrimp.

DinnerFor dinner, the following ingredients are mixed in a blender to make a protein smoothie.3 boiled eggs, whites only.1 apple1 banana150 ml of low fat milk

Diet week 3

Breakfast100 grams of carbs200 grams of vegetables100 grams of fruit1 egg white


100 grams of carbs200 grams of vegetables100 grams fish or shrimpa little fruit if hungry

Dinner2 egg whites, 1 apple, and 100 grams of milk, blended.

Diet - Phase 2 - Week 5I have lost enough weight and it's time to get stronger, not leaner. That means more food, especially protein. The carbs are still low as hell, the equivalent of three slices of bread a day, but that doesn't bother me anymore.

So, here's the diet, phase two, for getting more muscle and continuing to cut the fat percentage.

Breakfast50 grams carbs2 whole eggs (not just egg whites!)200 grams of fruit

Lunch100 grams carbs100 grams protein200 grams vegetables

Dinner2 egg whites100 grams protein200 grams vegetables

Dinner is the big change. Tonight I drank my 33rd and last egg white smoothie. From now on it's some actual solid food for dinner! I feel like part of the human race again.

Phase 2.1 - easing inSo, if you read day 34 you know my stomach was having trouble with the "large" dinners of phase 2 of this project. Some stomach cramps and bad gas were with me for about a day. So Chen and I worked out this new transition diet that will get me back on regular food a little more gently. It's complicated, but the idea is that at no one time does a lot hit my stomach at once. The amounts are the same as Diet Plan 2 but just spaced out throughout the day.

This is pretty close to what bodybuilders do, more like 5 or 6 small meals over the course of the day.

Breakfast50 grams carbs150 ml milk1 banana / fruit1 whole egg (yolk included)

Morning Tea50 grams vegetable or fruit1 egg white(This is in the middle of the morning and can be vegetable or fruit juice)

Lunch100 grams carbs100 grams protein150 grams vegetablefruit if still hungry

Afternoon Tea1 Serving of fruit and 1 egg white

Dinnerno carbs70 grams protein150 grams vegetable

1 hour before sleep100 grams fruit1 egg white

This plan is tough for me because I don't often get that morning break and it's just more to keep track of, but it's only for a week until my stomach gets back on track.

Diet - Phase 3, Day 43Breakfast50 grams carbs1 whole egg1 egg white250 ml lowfat milkas much fruit as I like

Morning snack1 egg white50 grams vegetablesfruit if hungry

Lunch100 grams carbs180 grams vegetables130 grams proteinfruit if hungry

Afternoon snack1 egg white1 serving of fruit

Dinner50 grams carbs170 grams vegetables70 grams protein

Evening snack1 egg whitefruit if hungry

Female Corry ( Week 1 Eat HALF

Week 2 Morning50 grams carbs100 grams fruit (no bananas)150 grams vegetable1 whole egg (not cooked with oil)

A.M. Snack(around 10:30 am)100 grams fruit (no banana)

Lunch200 grams carbs250 grams vegetables200 grams protein (chicken, lean beef, or seafood. No pork)

P.M. Snack(around 3:30pm)100 grams fruit

Dinner2 egg whites, 1 apple and 1 banana, combined with 150 ml milk in a smoothie.

Total of 2000 calories a day. [BULLSHIT! THIS IS ONLY 1200 Cal] Use any combinations of carbs, fruit, veg and protein desired. Don't use oil, sugar, or salt to prepare meals. Steaming works best. For flavor a low calorie dressing is ok. For sweetness, honey is ok. Pepper and other spices are fine. Week 6's diet-Breakfast70 g carbs100 g fruit150 g veg.1 whole egg (boiled or cooked without oil)

a.m. snack100 g fruit

Lunch150 g carbs200 g veg.180 g. protein

afternoon snack100 g fruit

Dinner (Shake..I confess, I ate it all as food, couldn't bring myself to 'shake' boiled eggwhites)2 egg whites1 apple150 ml lowfat milk

This week's diet-

Breakfast120 g carbs100 g fruit120 g veg1 whole egg

Morning snack100 g fruit

Lunch150 g carbs200 g veg230 g protein

Afternoon snack80 g fruit

Dinner40 g carbs70 g veg2 egg whites

Evening snack150 ml milk

Week 6' s workout-Jumprope4 x 3mins

Floor Jumps4 x 10

Push-ups6 x 15

Triceps Dip4 x 15

Biceps Curl5 x 20

Forward Shoulder Raises4 x 15

Standing Shoulder Fly4 x 15

V-sits4 x 20

Leg-Ups4 x 20

Locust pose4 x 30 seconds

This week's workout-

Jumprope: 4sets x 5 mins

Floorjump: 4 sets x 20 reps

Push Ups: 3 sets x 40 reps...I do these with my feet elevated on a chair and as of yesturday can do my full 40 reps per set! YAY! You can do it too if I can, I never did more than a few 'men's pushups' before the PCP.

Lawnmowers: 4 sets x 20 reps

One Arm Biceps Curl: 4 sets x 20 reps

Triceps Dip: 4 sets x 20 reps

Shoulder Press: 4 sets x 20 reps

V-sits: 5 sets x 50 reps

Exercise 1000 jump-ropes every day I have to do the jump-rope without fail, because that's the k-calorie usage that is going to put me over that edge where I'm using more energy than I'm consuming. So no matter what, no matter how busy, the jump-rope is the cornerstone of the Project. 3 times a week - resistance band work for biceps, triceps, and shoulders. 5 sets each, 25 per set Sit-ups and leg-ups the other days of the week. 5 sets each, 25 per set.

I've joined two gyms in my life. One was my college student gym, and the other was a three month deal while I was between jobs one summer. I don't like gyms. The clanking noises, the whirring of treadmills, the mirrors, the flourescent lights, the smell, the way people size up each other, none of it makes me want to exercise. And I have the kind of shiftless, lax personality that it only takes one good excuse for me to not do something.

The only good thing about the gym, I thought, was that I had access to all those marvellous machines that I could never afford on my own. These things look like they're designed by rocket scientists, and they must be ten times better than anything I could get at a store, right!?But here's the thing about machines. They constrict your actions to a set motion, which really hits the targeted muscle group. Your muscles get big, but, at least in my experience, there's no accompianing feeling of actual strength. That's because all the little muscles around the targeted muscle get ignored, so you kind of have this one spot of strength sitting on top of a bunch of underdeveloped mass. In addition, I found that when you have to take a week or two off due to schedule or sickness, those machine muscles wither away super fast.

I can't remember who it is now, but an author I read often describes this or that character as having "Machine molded muscles." I think that's almost sick. It's fake, dumb muscles, not useful for daily life, just for decoration.

So, enough about machines. I'm going to show you how to take your resistance band and do everything a machine can do, except that with the band, as I described a few days ago, the resistance is strongest at the end of the action, and in addition, you have to use your own power to guide the movements. This results in tremendous strength gains all over. Toned durable muscle that works in the real world.

You need one extra thing besides the band. This thing.

I don't know what to call it, so I'll just call it the dongle. It couldn't be simpler. You put the dongle on the band...

and find a sturdy door. Shut the door so that the thick part of the dongle is on the outside.

So from the outside someone would see this.

From the inside, this is what you have.

You can see where this is going right? Let's say you take the handles from behind you. Boom! Instant chest fly machine.


If you take the handles from the front, Pow! It becomes a shoulder fly.

I promise I'm having more fun than this guy.

Slide the dongle down the door, sit on your butt, and, kazow! Where'd that rowing machine come from?

This is just a small sample of what the resistance band can do when it becomes attached to something stable. At about .01 percent of the price of a year long gym membership!

You're never going to put on a ton of muscle mass with just a band, but, if you're aiming for a trim, strong physique it's just perfect.FAQQ. When you switched from smoothies to regular food for dinner, did you continue to lose weight or did it stabilize?-It stabilized. But we only switched to smoothies when the target weight was reached. I would've been on them longer but I lost my weight fast for some reason. The other PCPers were on them for longer but have just gotten off. The smoothies were actually one of my favorite parts and I still drink one when I don't feel like cooking or want a light meal.
