


is kill fill chill slip skip spin spit rip sit hit fit swim sing lit hid bit did dig win miss drink think sink stink wink blink bring ring lift twist lick kick pick wish itch click will spill sting swing drill grill

can sat am has had ran swam sang add act crash flash catch match clap stand chat scratch crack hanglet get met tell sell went rent send sent rest test end step fed felt melt held kept help spend spent slept stretch fetch dress press smell felllock mock jog got rob hop cost stop won sold told foldrun hug cut jump bump trust must shut rush hush shush punch suck stuck sung sunk swum


pig kid pin bin fin hill mill chick Miss lid zip ink fist list risk disk wind skin trip twin mist wing ring twig milk silk film gift chips crisps dish fish chin witch tick brick trick stick skill pill thing spring string sting king

cat mat hat ham cap rat bat bag map crab tap sack nap rap dad jam ant pants band sand hand land trap tram camp lamp bank tank fact ash snack sack cashshell hen bed nest egg net web leg men pen pet desk tent test west belt chest bench elf neck stress mess bell well flesh chessfrog log top mop dog fog fox box pot dot spot pond bond golf frost rock clock lock boss loss cross doll song knot sock goldhut bus bug sun cup gum jug mug mud mum pup fun slug drum club plug plum dust rust tusk bulb pump lump brush lunch duck truck luck skull


six big pink thin slim still silly sick illfat black glad bad sad mad flat dampseven ten wet best fresh lesshot soft long strong odd lot lost much dull


in it him if this -inga an at and that backyes yet well when thenfond of on off not from or nor forbut plus us up such
