


Photographs Contributedby

Alan Algy Morton 51B

3Peter, Arthur Fenlon 51B, Alan Algy Morton 51B, Keith Tilly 51B, George Fleck 51B, Fred Mills 51B.

4George Percy Thrower 52A, Eddie Hind 52A, Trevor Stubberfield 52A, Ken Benny Byford 52A, Frank Sam Bass 52A, RH de Barnett 52B, n/k, Bill Gibson 52A

5Arthur Fenlon 51B, Alan Algy Morton 51B

6A hard night’s day

7Bill Cleasby 61C AOBA Hon Sec.

8Canon Bev John 66B

9CSM Duggie Huxley with friends.

10John Gardner 57A speaking on behalf of the 1957 Intakes

11After dinner speech time.

12After dinner speech time. Part 2.

13Lovely weather for DUKWs.

14Eddie Hind 52A, Keith Tilly 51B, Alan Algy Morton 51B, Fred Mills 51B, George Fleck 51B.

15Fred Mills 51B lends support to a jeep.

16George Fleck 51B, Fred Mills 51B.

17If you had a choice, would you pick this nose?

18Keith Tilly 51B

19Peter and Arthur relaxing in the evening.

20Peter and Arthur, Part 2

21Your Corps still needs you.


The End.

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