
Zero to Hero Week 1

Planning for Success

Tech Skill

Bread n Butters



General Training Plan

Melee is a tough game full of little nuances

Aim to ask yourself questions that center around “why” and “how” Why am I getting hit?

Why am I stuck in shield? Why am I cornered?

How can I continue the combo? How can I cover more options How can I get the kill?

The Early Days

As you play better players, they will form a

punish/take control 3-5 seconds before they get their hit.

Aim to work gameplans to control your opponent before you get your checkmate

Chess not Checkers



Low % Mid % High %

Stages? Position, Platforms

As you become more proficient, think of the nuances

1. How do I rack up damage?

2. How do they rack up damage?

Character Specific Plans

Sheik vs. Falco


At low %s, Sheik wants grabs tech chases

At high %s, Grab throw offstage Strong Aerials

Can be set up via tilt


At low %s, Falco wants shines combos

At high %s, Falco wants setups into a strong aerial (up tilt, shine, bair)


1. What should I be looking for in a raw neutral position?2. What’s the game state (Stocks, time, %s)?

Macro Decisions Horizontal Zoning Falco’s goals are to laser, so you’re in lock.

Watch his SH running aerial distances

Sheik vs. Falco

Approximate Distance

Approximate Distance

8 97


1 2 3


Zoning for success,Understand what areas that your character is strong inFalco can

threaten with dair and better aerials, if sheik is directly below

The best move is for Sheik to move left and compete with “bair” if Falco drops


What are Falco’s Options here?

Adding a Combo

Falco has to land on Platform, How do I position myself for success?

Tech Chasing

1. When you get a grab, ask yourself - What is my opponent’s % - Where on the stage did I get the grab? - Can they get a platform/go offstage?

2. Start the D-Throw- Pay attention to the DI- Position yourself to

react easier with as few movements as possible

Tech Chasing

3. If you positioned correctly, look for the following indicators:- If you see green off the ground, that means he didn’t tech:

If he didn’t tech, check %- Low, go for jab reset- Mid/high

- Double Jab- Jab Ftilt- U tilt

- Note how they DI for future reference

- Really High- Ftilt/Dsmash- (50/50 mixup for a kill)

Tech Chasing

4. If no green stuff hits the ground, then he/she teched, which means one 3 things:

Tech in PlaceTech LeftTech Right

PREP for the Tech in Place, REACT to the roll.

Teching in place has shorter animation and a harder reaction window

5. As they are higher %s, opt to switch to Launchers to get a finishing move

(ex. If they tech roll, use dash attack into fair)

(ex. If they tech in place, opt for ftilt fair)

PAY ATTENTION: to their DI. If they are DI-ing your dash attack away, do run up down-smash as a mixup

Tech Chasing

D-Throw Tech Chase Hold position and fair

If you are late…