Page 1: Planning Report - MasterView 2.0 Application Master Report Proposed TelstraMobile Telecommunications Base Station at 22 – 26 McCulloch Street, North Mackay, QLD, 4740 Lot 40 on Registered

Planning Report

Proposed TelstraMobile Telecommunications Base Station at 22 – 26 McCulloch Street, North Mackay,

QLD, 4740

Lot 40 on Registered Plan 860664

January 2012

Prepared on behalf ofTelstra Corporation Limited

Intelligent pçäìíáçåëqj=

Received (Manual Date)
Page 2: Planning Report - MasterView 2.0 Application Master Report Proposed TelstraMobile Telecommunications Base Station at 22 – 26 McCulloch Street, North Mackay, QLD, 4740 Lot 40 on Registered


Page 3: Planning Report - MasterView 2.0 Application Master Report Proposed TelstraMobile Telecommunications Base Station at 22 – 26 McCulloch Street, North Mackay, QLD, 4740 Lot 40 on Registered


Document Controls

Document description

Planning Report:Proposed Telstra Mobile Telecommunications Base Station Facility at 22 – 26 McCulloch Street, North Mackay, QLD, 4740

Lot 40 RP860664

Site No.


Site name North Mackay

Name Signed Date

Prepared by Madison van de Velde

January 2012

Reviewed by David Johnston

January 2012

File location G:\Telstra\_Sectorisation & SAED 20002731 Sites\_SAED sites\North Mackay 4006073.01\09 Planning\DA

Document Status FINAL

Prepared for:

Prepared by:

Telstra Corporation Ltd

Total Communications Infrastructure Pty Ltd TCI, Unit 10 / 211 Montague Rd, West End PO Box 5840, West End, QLD 4101 Phone: 07 3332 1730 Fax: 07 3332 1799

This report has been prepared as a supporting document to the Development Application. The report relies upon data, surveys, measurements and results taken at or under particular times and conditions specified herein. Any findings and conclusions or recommendations only apply to the aforementioned circumstances. TCI does not accept any responsibility for the use of this report by any parties other than Bundaberg Regional Council, without its prior written permission

Page 4: Planning Report - MasterView 2.0 Application Master Report Proposed TelstraMobile Telecommunications Base Station at 22 – 26 McCulloch Street, North Mackay, QLD, 4740 Lot 40 on Registered

Planning Report - Telstra –North Mackay 4006073.01= i=

Contents Executive Summary ................................................................................................................ 1

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 2

1.1 Objectives of this report ............................................................................................ 2

1.2 The Proposal and its objectives ................................................................................ 2

1.3 Mobile Base Stations and How they Work ............................................................... 2

1.4 What is 3G and How it Works? .................................................................................. 3

1.5 Telstra - Company Profile .......................................................................................... 3

2 Proposal Description .................................................................................................. 4

2.1 Site Location and Surrounds ..................................................................................... 4

2.2 Description of the Proposal ....................................................................................... 6

3 Strategic Planning ...................................................................................................... 7

3.1 Need for the Proposal ................................................................................................ 7

3.2 Options Considered ................................................................................................... 8

3.3 Preferred Option ....................................................................................................... 10

4 Commonwealth Regulatory Framework ................................................................. 12

4.1 Telecommunications Act 1997 ................................................................................ 12

4.2 Telecommunications (Low-Impact Facilities) Determination 1997 ...................... 12

4.3 The Australian Communications Industry Forum (ACIF) - Industry Code for the Deployment of Mobile Phone Network ................................................................... 13

5 QLD Planning Legislation ........................................................................................ 14

5.1 Sustainable Planning Act 2009 ............................................................................... 14

5.2 Regional Planning .................................................................................................... 14

5.3 Sustainable Planning Regulations and State Planning Policies ......................... 14

5.4 Referral Agency……………………………………………………………………. ......... 14

5.5 Mackay City Planning Scheme ................................................................................ 14

5.6 Application Requirements ....................................................................................... 15

5.7 Desired Environmental Outcomes .......................................................................... 15

6 Potential Environmental Impacts and Proposed Mitigation Measures ............... 16

6.1 Hazards, Risk and Health Impacts .......................................................................... 16

6.2 Visual Amenity .......................................................................................................... 17

6.3 Flora and Fauna ........................................................................................................ 17

6.4 Heritage ...................................................................................................................... 18

6.5 Contaminated land ................................................................................................... 18

6.6 Erosion and sediment control ................................................................................. 18

6.8 Air Quality .................................................................................................................. 18

6.9 Noise and Vibration .................................................................................................. 19

6.10 Waste Minimisation and Management .................................................................... 19

6.11 Traffic and Access .................................................................................................... 19

6.12 Cumulative Environmental Effects ......................................................................... 20

7 Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 20

8 References................................................................................................................. 22

Appendix A - Photographs ................................................................................................... 24

Appendix B – Design Drawings ........................................................................................... 28

Appendix C – Environmental EME Report and Fact Sheets ............................................. 32

Appendix D - DERM Searches…………………………………………………………………..40

Appendix E - Owners Letter of Consent………...……………………………………………...44

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Appendix F - Planning Scheme Codes………………………………………………………….46

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Executive Summary

Proposal Telstra propose to install a monopole and associated infrastructure, the details are as follows:

One (1) 30 metre monopole and three (3) panel antennas having a maximum height of 36.31 metres;

Three (3) Panel antennas (2630mm H x 300mm W x 115mm D), standard factory colour;

One (1) Telstra 450mm wide elevated cable ladder running between the proposed monopole and equipment shelter. The feeder cables are to run internally to the pole;

One (1) Telstra equipment shelter (3.28m x 2.28m x 2.99mh) pale eucalypt in colour,

Security compound fencing, double access gates (approximately 3m wide); and

The total compound area will be approximately 60 square metres subject to survey and foundation design.

The proposed facility is to provide improved Telstra NextG coverage to the North Mackay area.The proposal will form an integral part of Telstra NextG network and will improve in building mobile phone and data coverage, capacity and network performance.

Site Description / Location

22 – 26 McCulloch Street, North Mackay, QLD, 4740

Lot 40 RP860664

Planning Scheme Planning Scheme: Mackay City Planning Scheme

Zoning: Industry (Low Impact)

Overlays:Acid Sulfate Soils Overlay, Coastal Management & Biodiversity Overlay, Flood Inundation Management Overlay and the Mackay Airport Overlay

Existing Use: Industrial Land

Proposed Use: Existing and Telecommunication Facility - Major

Application Details Code Assessable Development Application

Development Permit sought for a Material Change of Use for a proposed Telecommunication Facility - Major

The total compound area will be approximately 60 square metres subject to surveyed and finalised design.

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1 Introduction

1.1 Objectives of this report

This Planning Report has been prepared by Total Communications Infrastructure Pty Ltd (TCI) on behalf of Telstra Corporation Ltd (Telstra) to accompany a Material Change of Use - Development Application for the installation of a proposed Telecommunications Base Station Facility to host the Telstra WCDMA 850 MHz Third Generation (3G) technology (WCDMA - Wideband Code Division Multiple Access)also known as Telstra’s ‘NextG’ (or Next Generation) network. The proposed site is located at 22 – 26 McCulloch Street, North Mackay, QLD, 4740Lot 40 RP860664.

1.2 The Proposal and its objectives

The proposal involves the installation of a30metre Monopole facility with a triangular headframe and associated equipment at the above mentioned site.The objective of the proposal is to provide Telstra NextG coverage to North Mackay and surrounding areas. The facility will improve coverage and performance and will form an integral part of Telstra’s NextGnetwork, allow collocation of communication infrastructure in the area and enable Telstra to enhance and further expand mobile and broadband services to customers within the region.

1.3 Mobile Base Stations and How they Work

A Mobile Base Station is essentially a radio transmitter / transceiver and an antenna, which transmits and receives radio frequency (RF) or electromagnetic energy (EME) signals from mobile phones.

Mobile phones work by sending and receiving low power radio signals, much like a two-way radio system. The signals are sent to and received from antennas that are attached to radio transmitters and receivers, commonly referred to as mobile phone base stations. The base stations are linked to the rest of the mobile and fixed phone network and pass the signal/call on into those networks.

A base station typically consists of an Equipment Cabin (which houses all the electronics required to send and receive mobile phone calls), a series of Panel Antennas (which transmit and receive signals to and from the handset) and a Radio Transmission (RT) Dish or optical fibre cable which links the base station to the rest of the network.

When a call is made from a mobile phone, the first step in the process is for the phone to check that there is coverage in the area that the call is made. Once the phone has verified that there is sufficient signal strength to make the call, the phone establishes a connection with a nearby mobile phone base station. This base station then establishes the call and holds the call as long as the phone user remains on the call and in the range of that base station.

A mobile phone base station provides coverage to a geographic area known as a “cell”. Cells are aligned next to each other in a similar pattern to a honeycomb, and it is for this reason that mobile phone networks are sometimes referred to as “cellular” networks. The location of the base station within the cell is determined by a number of factors, including topography and other physical constraints such as trees and buildings, the cell ‘capacity’ or number of calls expected to be made in the cell, and the radio frequency at which the base station will operate.

Mobile phone base station antennas need to be located clear of obstructions like trees and buildings to ensure good signal quality. In essence, a mobile phone needs to have ‘sight’ of a mobile phone base station. In other words, the radio signal from the phone to the base station needs to be uninterrupted. Hills, trees and tall buildings can obscure this line of sight and so base stations need to be very carefully located to maximise the coverage available.

Each base station can only carry a finite number of calls. In areas of high mobile phone use, such as central business districts and high density areas, more base stations are required to handle the level of call traffic. In high use areas, there are often a range of base stations, from

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very specific in-building solutions (designed to give quality coverage within a specific building), to very small base stations known as ‘microcells’. Microcells cover a small geographic area and are often found at intersections and in heavy pedestrian traffic areas. In rural areas, or areas where mobile phone use is not as high, base stations will often be located on hills or tall structures to maximise the coverage area.

(MCF Fact Sheet - How the mobile phone network operates).

1.4 What is 3G and How it Works?

The introduction of the Third Generation (3G) of mobile phone networks in Australia has already brought significant changes to the way we currently use mobile phones and other wireless products, such as personal digital assistants or handheld computers.

The main difference between 3G and earlier generation networks is how quickly data can be sent and received. 3G networks can send data up to 40 times the rates of earlier digital networks, which means that in addition to audio, graphics and text it can also send and receive video, email, live TV and deliver information and services based on the location of a handset.

Third generation operates in a different way to 2G digital mobile networks. When a call is made on 2G, a slot or ‘line’ is held open for the user’s conversation throughout the duration of the call. Whereas, with 3G networks, the data sent across them is parcelled up into little ‘packets’ which are reassembled in the correct order at the receiving end. This smart encoding means more data can be sent and it is sent more efficiently. This encoding also allows 3G phones to continuously receive or send data. Because of this, 3G mobile phone users can receive the daily specials as they pass near a certain shop or service that interests them. Some people call 3G, ‘mobile broadband’ because the evolution is similar to the difference between dial-up internet and the always available broadband internet services. Smart 3G technology will also enable mobile carriers to know the location of each handset connected to their service at any time, to within a few metres. This ability is very useful in time of emergency when a user is unable to tell emergency services their exact location, such as when a very young child calls ‘000’.

(Mobile Carriers Forum, 2005-Third Generation Mobile Networks - Mobile Broadband).

1.5 Telstra - Company Profile

Telstra is Australia's leading telecommunications and information services company, with one of the best known brands in the country. Telstra offers a full range of services and compete in all telecommunications markets throughout Australia, providing more than 9.0 million Australian fixed line and 10.2 million mobile services, including 6.3 million 3G services.

Some of Telstra’s main activities include the provision of: basic access services to most homes and businesses in Australia, local and long distance telephone calls in Australia and international calls to and from Australia, mobile telecommunications services, broadband access and content, a comprehensive range of data and Internet services (including through Telstra BigPond®, Australia's leading Internet service provider), etc.

One of Telstra’s major strengths in providing integrated telecommunications services through their vast geographical coverage through both fixed and mobile network infrastructure. This network and systems infrastructure underpins the carriage and termination of the majority of Australia's domestic and international voice and data telephony traffic.

(Telstra,, 10/10/10).

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2 Proposal Description

2.1 Site Location and Surrounds

The proposed site is located at 22 – 26 McCulloch Street, North Mackay. The site is formally described as Lot40 on Registered Plan 860664, Parish of Bassett and County of Carlisle.

The proposed compound is located on an industrial allotment that is currently used by an engineering company.The site is located within the Mackay City Planning Schemearea. The subject site does not contain any remnant vegetation, although there is a chance it may contain some acid sulfate soils.

The land that adjoins and surrounds the proposed development is included within the Industry (Low Impact) and is also used for differing industrial purposes. An irrigation canal runs along the northern boundary of the site. The northern boundary of the property adjoins Vines Creek and may be subject to some flooding. The site is clear of any native vegetation due to the current use being industrial.

The nearest residential dwelling is calculated to be approximately 210m south of the proposed monopole.

Refer to Appendix A- Photographs and Appendix B - Drawings. Refer to Figure 2.1 and 2.2 for site location maps.

Figure 2.1 Site Location Map

(Google Maps,, 24/01/2012)

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Figure 2.2 Aerial View of Site Locality

(Google Earth, 2011 Map Data Science Pty Ltd PSMA, 24/12/2012)

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2.2 Description of the Proposal

Telstra is proposing to install a 30 metre Monopole facility at 22 – 26 McCulloch Street, North Mackay.

The components of the proposed work are as follows:

One (1)30 metre monopole and six (6) panel antennas having a maximum height of 36.31 metres;

Three (3) Panel antennas (2630mm H x 300mm W x 115mm D in size), standard factory colour, space will be provided for future antennas;

One (1) Telstra 450mm wide elevated cable ladder running between the proposed monopole and equipment shelter. The feeder cables are to run internally to the pole;

One (1) Telstra equipment shelter (3.28m x 2.28m x 2.99mh) pale eucalypt in colour,

Security compound fencing, double access gates (approximately 3m wide); and

The total compound area will be approximately 60 square metres subject to being surveyed and final design.

Refer to AppendixA -Photos and Appendix B – Drawings.

Construction and Operational Access

Construction and operational access to the proposed compound areawill be achieved from Oloughlin Street using an access street gate off the street. This road is more than adequate to service the site throughout the construction period and any maintenance work in the future. All weather four wheel drive access will be provided to the compound.

As there is no existing vegetation, no vegetation will need to be cleared during the construction phase to give access to a cherry picker and other construction equipment. Refer to Section 6.3 Flora and Fauna for more information. Sufficient manoeuvrability is provided on site for all vehicles to enter and exit in a forward gear.

Mobile phone base stations are unmanned, low maintenance and remotely operated. As such, operational visits to the site will be approximately 2 - 6 times per year for maintenance purposes.

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3 Strategic Planning

3.1 Need for the Proposal

This proposed facility is required to improve Telstra NextGmobile and wireless broadband coverage to the area of North Mackay and surrounding areas.

Telecommunications infrastructure has to be suitably sited within a location to allow the facility to provide optimum radio frequency to meet network objectives. This includes designing the facility to provide sufficient height to avoid physical obstructions such as tall buildings, trees and hills and positioning the facility an appropriate distance away from existing telecommunications equipment.

A number of alternatives were investigated during the site selection process to ensure the most appropriate site was selected, sequentially considering co-location and other low impact solutions before examining non-low impact sites.

The growth in new technologies and improved devices, such as smart phones like the iPhone, iPad and Blackberry’s the current network is not providing the required capacity and depth of coverage to allow for the massive growth in the data requirements of these new phones. The proposed site in North Mackaylocated in the township is required to provide this depth of coverage to support high speed data rates that customers expect whilst utilising Data cards and their Smart phones on the Telstra Next G network.

The facility will improve existingin-building mobile phone coverage,increase capacity andimprove network performance to the suburb of North Mackay. The proposal will form an integral part of the overall Telstra network and will contribute to the economic viability of the area, which will substantially benefit businesses and private users of the network.

The proposal will provide high quality mobile telecommunications services to the local area, including excellent reception with low interference and a reduction in unexpected call drop outs. The proposal will ensure that there continues to be a healthy competitive market within the telecommunication industry, resulting in competitive practices and prices and improve quality mobile and broadband services.

3.2 Options Considered

A number of alternative sites were investigated in the local area. The following criteria were considered in the site selection process:


Compliance with the Mackay City Planning Scheme;

Suitable location in relation to sensitive land uses;

Minimal potential visual impacts;

Compliance with the EME standards mandated by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA); and

Potential opportunities to co-locate facilities where possible.


Willingness by the owner to enter into a lease agreement and provide access during construction and operation.


Feasibility of construction and availability of infrastructure such as access and power.

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Radio frequency coverage and objectives:

Ability to be linked to the existing Telstra network and meet the radio frequency coverage objectives for the area.

With consideration given to the above criteria, the options considered as part of this proposal are discussed in Table 3.2.1

Table 3.21. Options Considered

Proposed site Proposed facility Suitability of site / reasons for rejection

A 14 McCulloch Street, North Mackay 4740

Plumbing & Associate Services

30 metre Monopole

Unwilling owners;

Met Radio Frequency coverage objections;

Access to the site would have been though the property and this would have disturbed business activities;

Equipment on site would have needed to be shifted in order to construct;

Location would have been close to the river and more subject to flooding; and

Far enough away from sensitive land uses

B 22-26 McCulloch Street, North Mackay

Lot 40 RP860664

JSIS Engineering

30 metre Monopole

Willing Owners;

Met Radio Frequency coverage objections;

Access to the site is easy as it will be directly off the street and will not affect the existing business activities;

Easy access to fibre and power;

The site is further back from Vines Creek and has a lower chance of flooding; and

Far enough away from sensitive land uses

C 3A Oloughlin Street, North Mackay

Private Owner

30 metre Monopole

Unwilling owners;

Met Radio Frequency coverage objections;

Access to the site would have been though the property and this would have disturbed business activities;

The business would have had to give up car spaces in order to fit in

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the proposal; and

Location was a significant distance closer to sensitive land uses

D 3 McCulloch Street, North Mackay

Private Owner

30 metre Monopole

Willing owners;

Met Radio Frequency coverage objections;

Access to the site would have been though the property and this would have disturbed business activities;

Equipment on site would have needed to be shifted in order to construct;

Location was a significant distance closer to sensitive land uses

3.3 Preferred Option

Following the evaluation of the above options, Candidate B (22 – 26 McCulloch Street, North Mackay, QLD, 4740) was considered the most appropriate site for the proposed 30 metre monopole as it met the criteria outlined in section 3.2. Candidate Bwas selected for the following reasons:

The proposal is considered to beconsistent with the environmental and planning requirements, and is not expected to have an adverse impact on the environment due to the construction and operation of the facility;

The site contains no significant vegetation and no clearing of the lot would be required;

The proposal meets the radio frequency (RF) objectives of Telstra’s ‘NextG’ network, givingthe required coverage to the suburb of North Mackay;

The site has access to power, and appropriate access for construction and maintenance purposes;

The zoning of the subject site and the surrounding area is considered suitable;

The site does not contain any known items of cultural heritage significance.

An assessment of the prime candidate took into consideration the environmental and planning aspects of the proposal in relation to the subject site, refer to Section 6 Potential Environmental Impacts and Proposed Mitigation Measurements. The proposal is considered not to have a detrimental impact on the locality.

Telstra recognises the need, and opts for co-location with other existing telecommunications facilities wherever possible. However during the site identification process it was found that there were no suitable co-location options.

A detailed assessment occurred taking into consideration the planning, environmental, engineering, property,radio frequency design issues and health and safety concernsin accordance with Commonwealth, state and local legislation. As a result, the proposed site was deemed the most suitable candidate.

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4 Commonwealth Regulatory Framework The installation of certain telecommunications facilities (as defined in the Telecommunications Act 1997) is regulated by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) under the Telecommunications Act 1997.

Other applicable supplementary legislative and regulative requirements are: The Telecommunications (Low-Impact) Determination 1997 (amended 1999); The Telecommunications Code of Practice 1997 (amended 2002); and The Australian Communications Industry Forum (ACIF) Code for the Deployment of

Radiocommunications Infrastructure.

As in the case of this proposal, relevant State and Local government legislation applies to telecommunications facilities that do not come under the purview of the Telecommunications Act and its subordinate legislation.

The legislative requirements are discussed below in further detail.

4.1 Telecommunications Act 1997

The Telecommunications Act 1997(TA) came into operation in July 1997. The TA sets up a framework for regulating the actions of telecommunications carriers and service providers. Telstra is a licensed carrier under the TA.

Schedule 3 – Carriers’ powers and immunities, of the TA, specifies ‘authorised activities’ that a carrier is empowered to carry out without approval under QLD legislation. These activities include the inspection of land, and the installation and maintenance of certain facilities.

Part 1 of Schedule 3 of the TA authorises a carrier to enter on land and exercise any of the following powers:

Inspect the land

Install a facility

Maintain a facility

A Carrier’s power to install a facility is contingent upon:

a) the Carrier being authorised to do so by a Facility Installation Permit, or

b) the facility being a low-impact facility (as defined by the Telecommunications (Low-Impact Facilities) Determination 1997 (as amended)), or

c) the facility being temporary and used for a defence organisation for defence purposes, or

d) if other conditions are satisfied in relation to the facility concerned.

Telstra does not hold a Facility Installation Permit and the facility is not a temporary facility for use by a defence organisation or for defence purposes. As the proposal involves the installation of a 30 metre monopole, it does not constitute a low-impact facility under the Telecommunications (Low-Impact Facilities) Determination 1997 (as amended).

As the proposed facility does not meet the criteria mentioned above, the carrier is therefore not empowered to undertake the proposed works without approval under QLD legislation, and must obtain development consent from the Bundaberg Regional Council in accordance with the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 and the Mackay City Planning Scheme.

(Telecommunications Act 1997, p466)

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4.2 Telecommunications (Low-Impact Facilities) Determination 1997

The Telecommunications (Lot-impact Facilities) Determination 1997 was made under subclause 6 (3) of Schedule 3 of the TA.

The Act outlines under subclauses 6 (4), (5) and (7), that certain facilities cannot be low-impact facilities, these include the following:

Designated overhead lines;

A tower that is not attached to a building;

A tower attached to a building and more than 5 metres high;

An extension to a tower that has previously been extended; and

An extension to a tower, if the extension is more than 5 metres high.

The proposal is not classed as a low-impact facility under the Determination as it involves the installation of a 30 metre monopole and is therefore subject to the assessment under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 and the Mackay City Planning Scheme.

(Telecommunications (Low-impact Facilities) Determination 1997, p. 3)

4.3 The Australian Communications Industry Forum (ACIF) - Industry Code for the Deployment of Mobile Phone Network

The Australian Communications Industry Forum (ACIF) Industry code is a mandatory code for all Carriers and deals with concerns raised by the community. The code applies to Carriers who are installing, intending to install, operating, contracting or arranging for the installation of fixed radiocommunication infrastructure.

An underlying principle of the Code is that public health and safety is of paramount importance and the overarching driver of the code is the precautionary approach used to minimise the impact of telecommunications facilities.

The precautionary approach must be applied to site selection, infrastructure design, installation and operation.The National Site Archive (NSA) is an internet based publication of Carriers works listing all new mobile base station facilities built or upgraded since April 2003 and was launched in conjunction with the ACIF code.

(ACIF – Industry Code, p. 3)

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5 QLD Planning Legislation

5.1 Sustainable Planning Act 2009

The Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (SPA) came into effect on 18 December 2009 replacing the Integrated Planning Act 1997 (IPA).

The purpose of the Sustainable Planning Act (SPA) is to achieve ecological sustainability by – Managing the process by which development takes place, including ensuring the

process is accountable effective and efficient and delivers sustainable outcomes; Managing the effects of development on the environment, including managing the

use of premises; and Continuing the coordination and integration of planning at the local, regional and

State levels. The SPA emphasises the coordination and integration of planning at three levels:

Local Government planning; Regional planning; and State planning

(SPA, p. 42, 15/10/10) The proposed facility involves a “material change of use” on the premises and is defined as “assessable development” for the purposes of the SPA. A development permit is therefore required to be obtained prior to the commencement of the proposal. All applications for development are subject to the Integrated Development Assessment System (IDAS) process as set out in Chapter 6 of the SPA.Assessment of the proposal will be in accordance with the relevant local government planning legislation and the SPA.

5.2 Regional Planning

The subject site is identified within the Draft Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday Regional Plan. The proposal is considered to be generally consistent with the Regional Plan providing an important infrastructure service to existing and future development.

The purpose of the MIWRP is to ‘manage regional growth and change in the most sustainable way to protect and enhance the quality of life in the region’.

The proposed development will further enhance the region though he provision of additional telecommunications links. A strong telecommunication link will help to facilitate the continuation and development of the regions industrial, commercial and residential uses. The proposed use of a Telecommunications Facility is considered to be a consistent use within the MIWRP.

Section 8 of the MIWRP identifies Infrastructure as a key Desired Regional Outcome with section 8.3 focusing on Information Technology and Communication. It is a key principle of the plan to provide all regions with modern, reliable, accessible and affordable communications services.

The proposal will provide the area with improved mobile phone coverage and access to data services. The proposal will provide up to date technology that will advance the current practices, services and competitiveness of local business and education sectors, while providing the private user with improved service. Telstra identified the need for an upgrade within the area and this facility will ensure reliable and modern facilities are available throughout the area.

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5.3 Sustainable Planning Regulations and State Planning Policies

There are no Sustainable Planning Regulations applicable to the site.

5.4 Referral Agencies

Department of Environment and Resource Management The proposed lot is identified on the Map of Referable Wetlands as being within the trigger area. As such, the application requires referral to the Department of Environment and Resource Management as an Advice Agency under Schedule 7, Table 3, Item 21.

5.5 Mackay City Planning Scheme

The Mackay City Planning Scheme was created in accordance with the Sustainable Planning Act 2009

The planning scheme consists of Desired Environmental Outcomes (DEO), Overlays, Codes and Policies that set certain regulation and determine the type of assessment required for various types of development.

Section 5.6 of this planning report outlines the application requirements of the proposal and assesses the scheme against the applicable Codes, Overlaysand DEOs of the Mackay City Planning Scheme.

The sections belowoutlinethe proposed solutions and the compliance of the development against the performance criteria of the applicable codes.

5.6 Application Requirements

The proposed site is located within theRural zone of the Mackay City Planning Scheme. The planning scheme defines the proposed work as aTelecommunications Facilitymeaning:

“Telecommunications Facilities” means any premises used for the purpose of providing telecommunications services, which does not fall within the Schedule of Facilities and Areas under the Telecommunications Act 1997, Telecommunications (Low Impact Facilities) Determination1997 as amended. The term may include, but is not limited to: (i) a telecommunications tower more than 5m in height; and (ii) an equipment shelter of more than 7.5m2 in area and 3m in height.

The Mackay Frame Locality Codedescribes aMajor Telecommunication Facilityas Code Assessable.The development will be assessed against the planning schemeincluding the following applicable codes:

Mackay Frame Locality Code

Industry (Low Impact) Code Telecommunications Facilities Code

Environment & Infrastructure Code

Coastal Management and Biodiversity Overlay Code

Development in the Vicinity of Mackay Airport Overlay Code

Flood and Inundation Management Overlay Code

Acid Sulfate Soils Overlay Code

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The proposal is assessed against the above mentioned codes in Appendix F.

5.7 Desired Environmental Outcomes

The Mackay City Planning Schemeincludes a number of Desired Environmental Outcomes (DEOs) which are based on the achievement of ecological sustainability. The DEOs focus on the Social, Environmental and Economic elements of the region.The below DEOs identified in the planning scheme are of significance to the development proposal. DEO A - Biodiversity and Habitat/ Natural Features

In accordance with DEOA, the proposed development will incorporate best construction practices to minimise any potential impact on the environment. Mitigation measures have been identified in Section 6 to reduce the potential for such impacts whilst protecting the natural value of the environment and the amenity of the locality. Once constructed mobile base stations are low maintenance and remotely operated. The base station will be unmanned, with operational visits to the site approximately 2 – 6 times per year for maintenance purposes.

DEOC -Economic Development

The proposed development is considered to be in accordance with DEO C. Telecommunications are considered to be a major facilitator of economic development driving business on the local, national and international markets. In accordance with DEO C the proposed infrastructure will provide the region with quality, reliable and up to date communication technology. Although the proposed development is in the Rural Planning Area, it is out of the way of any land that is being used for agricultural purposes.

DEO E - Infrastructure and Urban Growth

The proposed development is considered to be in accordance with DEO E. A Telecommunications Facility does not conflict with the current surrounding uses of the area and it will not cause any issues in regards to the safety, operational efficiency or cost of any existing or planned infrastructure. A Telecommunications Facility will also be providing up to date infrastructure and technology to the area of North Mackay and its surrounds.

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6 Potential Environmental Impacts and Proposed Mitigation Measures

6.1 Hazards, Risk and Health Impacts

The ACMA mandates exposure limits for continuous exposure of the general public to Radio Frequency Electro Magnetic Emissions (RF EME) from mobile base stations. These limits are specified in the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) 2002, ‘Radiation Protection Standard: Maximum Exposure Levels to radiofrequency Fields – 3 khz to 300Ghz’, Radiation Protection Series Publication No.3 ARPANSA (“RPS 3”).

Some community members perceive that there is a potential health risk associated with mobile phones and mobile phone base stations. RPS 3, which sets public and occupational limits of exposure to radiation, is designed to avoid any known adverse effects where people are exposed to RF EME. Compliance with these exposure limits is a condition of the radiocommunications licenses issued by the ACMA.

ARPANSA states:

“The weight of national and international scientific opinion is that there is no substantiated evidence that RF emissions associated with living near a mobile phone base station poses a health risk.”

The World Health Organisation’s current advice is:

“None of the recent reviews have concluded that exposure to RF fields from mobile phones and their base stations causes any health consequences.”

In accordance with RPS 3, an estimate has been made of the maximum cumulative radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic energy (EME) levels at ground level emitted from the proposed mobile base station. Estimates of RF EME levels are provided for 360o circular bands at 0-50, 50-100, 100-200, 200-300, 300-400 and 400-600m from the base of the antenna.

The report, see Appendix C, concludes that the estimated maximum cumulative EME level at the subject site is 0.18percentof the ACMA mandated exposure limit.

A fact sheet on ‘Understanding the Revised EME Environmental Report’ and ‘Reading the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency EME Report’ is also provided in Appendix C.

The predictions in the Environmental EME Report assume a near worst-case scenario


- base station transmitters operating at maximum power (no automatic power reduction);

- simultaneous telephone calls on all channels; and

- an unobstructed line of sight view to the antennas.

In practice a worst-case scenario is rarely the case. There are often trees and buildings in the immediate vicinity, and cellular networks automatically adjust transmit power to suit the actual telephone traffic. The level of EME may also be affected where significant landscape features are present and predicted EME levels might not be the absolute maximum at all locations.

(Environmental EME Report, p.2,22/12/2011)

Further to the above, emission levels produced by 3G transmitters such as that proposed by this proposal are considered to be lower than other common types of transmitters. This is described in the ACMA Fact Sheet on “Electromagnetic Energy and 3G Mobile Phones” (included in Appendix C) as follows:

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“The EME emission levels produced by 3G transmitters are considered low, with an average radiated power of around 3 watts. This is significantly lower than the power levels of some other common types of transmitters, such as two-way radios used by taxis and emergency services. For example, a 3G mobile phone base station antenna radiates a little more than one-tenth of the power of a taxi’s two-way radio.”

This fact sheet further goes on to describe the low EME exposure levels from operating base stations as follows:

“From 1997 to 1999, ARPANSA conducted tests to measure the radiofrequency EME levels at GSM mobile phone base stations in 14 different localities, finding that emissions were usually many times lower than the allowable limits.“

Fact Sheets produced by ARPANSA and the ACMA, the Mobile Carries Forum (MCF) on mobile phone networks and health are also given in Appendix C.

6.2 Visual Amenity

Whilst undertaking assessment for a new base station facility, Telstra considered the visual impact and aesthetics of its telecommunications facility on the surrounding environment.

The facility has been designed with the objective of minimising potential visual impact as much as possible, whilst at the same time achieving the require RF coverage objectives.

There is minimal potential for visual impact resulting from the proposed 30metre monopole. However it is expected that such impacts will be ameliorated by the following measures taken during the siting and design of the facility:

A monopole was selected rather than a lattice tower, due to its slim-line form and reduced bulkiness;

The equipment shelter will be ‘pale eucalypt’ in colour and will only be visible when in close proximity to the compound. Natural screening from surrounding trees will reduce the visual impact of the compound facility;

The top section of the 30metre monopole and antennas are expected to be visible, protruding above the surrounding buildings when viewed from certain directions in the surrounding area. The lower section of the monopole, equipment shelter and fencing would be partially screened by the existing buildings on site;

Further amelioration measures such as painting the monopole are available, however it is considered that the standard galvanized finish will best allow the neutral colour to blend in with the sky;

The facility is set at the back of an industrial area to minimise visual impact from the surrounding roads;

The facility will be positioned an appropriate distance from sensitive uses and residential properties. The position of the facility within the subject lot and zoning of surrounding land for industrial purposeswill ensure the facility does not encroach upon high density residential land; and

The facility will be connected to Telstra’s fibre optic network and therefore no additional parabolic antennas will be required, further reducing the potential for visual impact.

Through these measures it is considered that visually, the proposal will be unlikely to have a detrimental affect on the surrounding area. Please refer to Appendix A – Photos.

6.3 Flora and Fauna

The site does not contain anysignificantvegetation and no trees will need to be removed or damaged in order to construct the facility.

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Mitigation measures will be in place during construction and will continue after construction until the site is established to minimise drainage and run off, reduce soil disturbance and minimise potential environmental impact.

Accordingly, and due to the relatively minor nature of the works involved, the proposal is not expected to have a detrimental impact upon flora or fauna species.

6.4 Heritage

Online searches were undertaken in order to determine any natural or cultural values of state or national significance. The following databases were viewed:

Australian Heritage Database; Queensland Heritage Register; Mackay City Planning Scheme.

Searches of the above registers established that the subject site is not subject to nor has any recognised cultural heritage significance. Notwithstanding, precaution and due diligence will occur during construction and if any items of indigenous or cultural heritage are encountered, works would cease and the Department of Environment and Resource Management will be contacted.

6.5 Contaminated land

The site is not listed on the Contaminated Land Register or the Environmental Management Register, however it is included in the Council maps for contains Acid Sulfate Soils. No signs of land contamination were observed during the site inspection. As such, it is unlikely that the proposed works would encounter any contaminated soils. Any contaminated soils exposed during the proposed works will be managed in accordance with the relevant guidelines.

6.6 Erosion and sediment control

Given the scale of the works and location of the proposal, potential impacts would be addressed and mitigated with the following soil and water management measures undertaken during construction of the proposed facility and continued after construction until the site is established. These measurements include:

Keeping ground disturbing activities to a minimum;

Implementing appropriate sediment control measures as required, such as the installation ofsilt/sediment fences and/or sediment traps;

Stabilisation of the site compound area with weed matting and gravel base;

Erosion and sediment controls will be checked regularly;

Fill in and compact any trenches immediately after services have been laid; and

Works would not occur during periods of heavy rainfall.

6.7 Air Quality

Where there is potential for dust generation during excavation for the footing and during the movement of construction vehicles, it is expected to be localised and any impacts minimal and of short term duration. The compound site and surrounds would be appropriately restored after the completion of works and work within and around the site is not expected to impact upon the surrounding land.

Overall, minimal dust generation will occur during the construction stage of the facility. Measures such as wetting down exposed surfaces would be undertaken if required to mitigate any construction related impacts due to dust generation. Once installed the proposal will have no air pollution and is not expected to cause dust hazards.

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6.8 Noise and Vibration

Any noisy construction activities would be as a result of drilling and excavation of the foundation / footing for the monopole. It is also expected that there would be some noise generated from construction vehicles and machinery.

Any potential noise impacts are expected to be minor and short term in duration. Works would be undertaken only during standard working hours. It is not expected that construction works will have any adverse impacts by way of vibration on the surrounding area.

Noise generated during the operational stage of the facility includes air-conditioning units servicing the equipment cabin. The air-conditioning units are similar to those used for cooling residential premises, and will comply with the relevant noise emission guidelines. The air-conditioning units are automatic, and will shutdown when not required.

6.9 Waste Minimisation and Management

Due to the relatively minor nature of the works, the generation of waste resulting from construction of the proposed facility is expected to be minimal. The majority of the waste generated is expected to be excess spoil as a result of construction of the footing foundation for the monopole.

Excess spoil from the earthworks would be reused onsite if suitable, reused off site or disposed of at an approved waste disposal facility. Other waste packaging material will also be disposed at an approved waste disposal facility.

During the operational phase, the facility will be unmanned and will not generate any waste or odour emissions. Routine maintenance checks (approximately 2 – 6 times per year) will be required for the ongoing operation of the facility.

6.10 Traffic and Access

The site will be accessed via a gate off Oloughlin Street. It is expected that there would be minor additional vehicle movements per day during construction. It is anticipated that works would be completed in approximately five weeks after commencement given ideal working conditions. We are not proposing to build a paved access track all the way to the site, as after construction the site is only accessed 2 – 6 times per year.

There would be a minor increase in traffic volume on the surrounding roads during construction. However, any such impacts are expected to be minor and short term in duration.

During the operation of facility the proposal is not expected to impact upon traffic movements on any local roads and have no noticeable increase in traffic volumes.

Once constructed, mobile phone base stations are of low maintenance, unmanned and remotely operated. As such, operational visits to the site will be approximately 2 - 6 times per year. The proposed facility will not require services from public transport or parking facilities and parking for maintenance purposes is available on site.

6.11 Associated Infrastructure and Activities

Further identification of utilities would be undertaken during the detailed design stage of the proposal, and any impacts assessed and necessary safeguards implemented as required.

The following mitigation measures would be implemented to ameliorate any impacts on existing infrastructure:

A ‘dial-before you dig’ search would be undertaken during the detailed design stage;

Prior to construction, all infrastructure and utilities would be identified;

If required, prior to construction, relevant utilities and adjacent residents would be notified of any impending disruptions to services.

Please refer to Appendix B–Drawings.When operational, the site will be unmanned, and does not require utility services such as telephone, water and sewerage.

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6.12 Cumulative Environmental Effects

The key perceived and potential environmental impacts for this proposed development have been identified as: health risk issues (perceived); visual impact (potential); and potential impacts during construction of the proposed facility. Each of these aspects has been considered individually and collectively from a cumulative impact perspective.

A common concern about base station and local wireless network antennas relates to the possible long-term health effects that whole-body exposure to the RF signals may have. To date, the only health effect from RF fields identified in scientific reviews has been related to an increase in body temperature (> 1 °C) from exposure at very high field intensity found only in certain industrial facilities, such as RF heaters. The levels of RF exposure from base stations and wireless networks are so low that the temperature increases are insignificant and do not affect human health.

The strength of RF fields is greatest at its source, and diminishes quickly with distance. Access near base station antennas is restricted where RF signals may exceed international exposure limits. Recent surveys have indicated that RF exposures from base stations and wireless technologies in publicly accessible areas (including schools and hospitals) are normally thousands of times below international standards.

(Electromagnetic fields and public health; WHO Fact Sheet No. 304 May 2006)

The proposed base station will operate well within the standard limits set by the ACMA. Any potential environmental impacts during construction are expected to be temporary and mitigated through the implementation of appropriate work practices and management measures specified in this development application report. Consequently, the proposed development is not considered to have an adverse cumulative impact on the environment and the community.

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7 Conclusion Telstra proposes to install a 30 metre monopole and associated infrastructure at22 – 26 McCulloch Street, North Mackay, QLD, 4740 (Lot 40 on RP860664). This report provides the necessary information to support the application for a development permit for a Material Change of Use.

The proposal will form an integral part of the TelstraNextG network and will meet the increasing demand for mobile / wireless communication services and improve the coverage and quality of mobile phone data and call services to the suburb of North Mackay and surrounding areas.

With the proposed design of the facility and the adoption of mitigation measures given in Section 6 of this report, any such impacts are expected to be minor.

This planning report has demonstrated that the following considerations have been appropriately addressed:

That the precautionary principle has been applied in the selection of the proposed site;

That the site selected is the optimum to allow Telstra to achieve reasonable RF and network objectives in the North Mackay area;

The visual impact of the base station on the character of the surrounding area; The environmental impact of the proposal on the site and its surroundings; and Queensland Planning legislation and the requirements of the Mackay City Planning


The development proposal is likely to provide significant socio-economic benefits to the community, businesses, travellers and emergency services through improved mobile phone coverage and a wider range of services enabled by 3G. The proposed facility will also provide a structure on which other telecommunications operators can co-locate in future. The facility will comply with all relevant Commonwealth and State standards; It is considered that the development proposal would be in accordance with the Mackay City Planning Scheme, the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 and the Telecommunications Act 1997. As such, a development permit for a material change of use is requested, subject to reasonable and relevant conditions.

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8 References 1. ACIF – Industry Code, p. 3

2. Electromagnetic fields and public health; WHO Fact Sheet No. 304 May 2006

3. Environmental EME Report, p.2, 10/02/2012

4. Google Maps,, 24/01/2012

5. Google Maps,, 24/01/2012

6. MCF Fact Sheet - How the mobile phone network operates

7. Mobile Carriers Forum, 2005-Third Generation Mobile Networks - Mobile Broadband

8. Telecommunications Act 1997, p466

9. Telecommunications (Low-impact Facilities) Determination 1997, p. 3

10., 10/10/10

11. Mackay City Planning Scheme

12. SPA, p. 42, 15/10/10

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Appendix A- Photographs

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Photo1: Existing access trackinto the business

Photo 2: View of Proposed Site from McCulloch Street

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Photo 3:Position of proposed Telstra Base Station

Photo 4: Position of proposed Telstra Base Station

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Appendix B – Design Drawings

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Solutions TM

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Solutions TM

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Solutions TM

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Solutions TM

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Appendix C – Environmental EME Report and Fact Sheets

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Environmental EME report (v10.3) (2007 ARPANSA Format) Produced with RF-Map2 2.0 (Build 0.294)

Summary of Estimated RF EME Levels around the Proposed

Mobile Phone Base Station at 22-26 McCulloch Street, North Mackay QLD 4740 Introduction: Date 10/2/2012 NSA Site No (4740044)

This report summarises the estimated maximum cumulative radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic energy (EME) levels at ground level emitted from the existing Mobile Phone Base Station antennas at 22-26 McCulloch Street North Mackay QLD

4740 . Maximum EME levels are estimated in 360 circular bands out to 500m from the base station. The procedures for making the estimates have been developed by the Australian Radiation Protection And Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA)1. These are documented in the ARPANSA Technical Report; “Radio Frequency EME Exposure Levels - Prediction Methodologies” which is available at

EME Health Standard ARPANSA, an Australian Government agency in the Health and Ageing portfolio has established a Radiation Protection Standard2 specifying limits for continuous exposure of the general public to RF transmissions at frequencies used by mobile phone base stations. Further information can be gained from the ARPANSA web site. The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)3 mandates exposure limits for continuous exposure of the general public to RF EME from mobile phone base stations. Further information can be found at the ACMA website

Existing Site Radio Systems There are currently no existing radio systems for this site.

Proposed Site Radio Systems

Telstra / WCDMA850 (proposed)

Table of Predicted EME Levels – Proposed

Distance from the antennas at 22-26 McCulloch Street

in 360 circular bands

Maximum Cumulative EME Level – All carriers at this site (% of ARPANSA exposure limits2)

Public exposure limit = 100% 0m to 50m

50m to 100m

100m to 200m

200m to 300m

300m to 400m

400m to 500m

0.0031% 0.012% 0.18% 0.17%

0.092% 0.052%

Maximum EME level 180.99 m, from the antennas at 22-26 McCulloch Street


Note: Estimation for the maximum level of RF EME at 1.5m above the ground from the existing and proposed antennas assuming level

ground. The estimated levels have been calculated on the maximum mobile phone call capacity anticipated for this site. This estimation does not include possible radio signal attenuation due to buildings and the general environment. The actual EME levels will generally be significantly less than predicted due to path losses and the base station automatically minimising transmitter power to only serve established phone calls5. Where applicable, particular locations of interest in the area surrounding the base station, including topographical variations, are assessed in Appendix A “Other areas of Interest” table on the last page.

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Environmental EME report (v10.3) (2007 ARPANSA Format) Produced with RF-Map2 2.0 (Build 0.294)

Summary – Proposed Radio Systems

RF EME levels have been estimated from the existing and proposed antennas at 22-26 McCulloch Street North Mackay QLD 4740 . The maximum cumulative EME level at 1.5 m above ground level is estimated to be 0.18 % of the ARPANSA public exposure limits.

Issued by: Telstra, Data reference file – North Mackay QLD 4740 - 20120210145135

Reference Notes: 1. The Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) is a Federal Government agency incorporated under

the Health and Ageing portfolio. ARPANSA is charged with responsibility for protecting the health and safety of people, and the environment, from the harmful effects of radiation (ionising and non-ionising).

2. Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA), 2002, „Radiation Protection Standard: Maximum Exposure

Levels to Radiofrequency Fields — 3 kHz to 300 GHz‟, Radiation Protection Series Publication No. 3, ARPANSA, Yallambie Australia. [Printed version: ISBN 0-642-79400-6 ISSN 1445-9760] [Web version: ISBN 0-642-79402-2 ISSN 1445-9760]

3. The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is responsible for the regulation of broadcasting, radiocommunications, telecommunications and online content. Information on EME is available at

4. The EME predictions in this report assume a near worst-case scenario including:

- base station transmitters operating at maximum power (no automatic power reduction) - simultaneous telephone calls on all channels - an unobstructed line of sight view to the antennas. In practice a worst-case scenario is rarely the case. There are often trees and buildings in the immediate vicinity, and cellular networks automatically adjust transmit power to suit the actual telephone traffic. The level of EME may also be affected where significant landscape features are present and predicted EME levels might not be the absolute maximum at all locations.

5. Further explanation of this report may be found in “Understanding the ARPANSA Environmental EME Report” and other documents

on the ARPANSA web site,

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Environmental EME report (v10.3) (2007 ARPANSA Format) Produced with RF-Map2 2.0 (Build 0.294)

Appendix A

Table of Other Areas of Interest

Additional Locations

Height / Scan

relative to location ground level

Maximum Cumulative EME Level All Carriers at this site

(% of ARPANSA exposure limits2)

Public exposure limit = 100% ABC Child Care Centre

0m to 3m


Note: Estimation for the maximum EME levels at selected areas of interest over a height range relative to the specific ground level at

the area of interest. This table includes any existing and proposed radio systems.

Estimation Notes / Assumptions – Other Areas of Interest Variable ground topography has been included in the assessment of the “Other Areas of Interest” as per ARPANSA methodology Insert other data / notes as required

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MCF Fact Sheets

Understanding the Revised EME Environmental Report


Existing Radio Systems:

A list of currently installed radio systems usedfor mobile phones.

This list does not include radio systems forother purposes such as community broadcastradio, paging systems, or emergency services.

Maximum Cumulative EME Level:

The maximum levels of EME are calculatedbased on the maximum operating power of alltransmitters. These calculations take intoaccount existing site radio systems. Thepredictions for the proposed additionalequipment are listed in the table “PredictedEME Levels – Existing and Proposed”.

Levels are given as a percentage of theallowed levels for the general public.

• 1% means 1/100 of the allowed level.

• 0.1% means 1/1,000 of the allowed level.

• 0.01% means 1/10,000 of the allowed level.

360 Degree Circular Bands:

The mobile phone installation will usuallyinclude several antennas that direct the EMEout towards the horizon. The level of EME atground level will depend on distance from theantenna. The highest predicted level in anydirection within a certain range of distances isgiven in the report.

Address Information

National Site Archive Number

Logo of Company responsible for the report

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Maximum Cumulative EME Levels:

These are calculated figures based on allexisting and proposed transmitters operatingat their maximum power. The calculations donot allow for scattering and absorption bybuildings and vegetation, which will usuallyreduce the levels considerably.

Levels are given as a percentage of theallowed levels for the general public.

• 1% means 1/100 of the allowed level.

• 0.1% means 1/1,000 of the allowed level.

• 0.01% means 1/10,000 of the allowed level

360 Degree Circular Bands:

The mobile phone installation will usuallyinclude several antennas that direct the EMEout towards the horizon. The level of EME atground level will depend on distance from theantenna. The highest predicted level in anydirection within a certain range of distances isgiven in the report.

Other Areas of Interest:

Calculations for up to 5 locations that are“special” in some way.

These may be sites where the community hasa special interest in levels of EME, such asplaces where children remain for long periodsor where the assumption of flat, level, groundis clearly not reasonable. These calculationsneed to take into account both the height of abuilding and the rising or falling of the ground.

Maximum Cumulative EME Levels:

These are calculated figures based on alltransmitters operating at their maximum power.The calculations do not allow for scattering andabsorption by buildings and vegetation, whichwill usually reduce the levels considerably.

Levels are given as a percentage of theallowed levels for the general public.

• 1% means 1/100 of the allowed level.

• 0.1% means 1/1,000 of the allowed level.

• 0.01% means 1/10,000 of the allowed level

Existing and Proposed Radio Systems:

A list of proposed and currently installedradio systems used for mobile phones.

This list does not include radio systems forother purposes such as community broadcastradio, paging systems, or emergency services.

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MCF Fact Sheets

Reading the ARPANSA EME ReportThe ARPANSA EME Report has been developed by the AustralianRadiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) toensure that information about mobile phone base stations andlevels of electromagnetic energy (EME) is clearly provided tointerested stakeholders.

An ARPANSA EME Report must be prepared for all new mobilephone base station installations and for upgrades of existing siteswhere the ACIF Industry Code requires an ARPANSA EME report.This report format is not intended to be used retrospectively. TheARPANSA EME Reports are prepared by the carrier or a consultanton the carrier’s behalf.

Mobile phone networks operate by sending radio signals frommobile phone base station antennas placed in strategic locations toand from mobile phones. These antennas are radio transceiversthat transmit and receive electromagnetic energy in a specificsurrounding area, much like other two-way radio signals.

For more information on electromagnetic energy, please refer to theARPANSA fact sheet “Electromagnetic energy and its effects” foundat

EME is estimated using the mandated ARPANSA EME Reportmethodology. This methodology produces a predictive reportbased on information provided on a site specific basis adoptinguniform assessment criteria. The report provides estimates basedon the maximum predicted levels of EME.

The first two headings of the report provide introductory informationabout how the report is prepared and the EME regulations in relationto mobile phone base stations. All mobile phone base stations mustcomply with strict regulations set by the Federal Government.

For more information about the EME exposure limits, please referto the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) fact sheet “Mobile base stations and EME” found at

Existing Site Radio SystemsThis section of the ARPANSA EME Report provides informationabout any existing mobile phone systems already operating at thespecific location. This would include other carriers’ operating systems.

The ARPANSA EME Report predictions take in to account the EMElevels of operating systems at that specific location, so that theEME information provided in the Table of Predicted EME Levels iscumulative information.

Table of Predicted EME Levels - ExistingThis table shows the predicted levels of electromagnetic energyfrom the existing site. Information about the levels of EME arepredicted from immediately beneath the proposed antennas to adistance of 500m from the site.

The left side of the table shows the levels calculated in “bands” fromthe site, i.e. from the base to 50m distance, 50m to 100m distanceand so on. For example, if you were interested in the maximumpredicted level of EME at a distance of 90m from the site, youwould refer to the level in the 50m – 100m band. The level reportedin each band is the maximum level that will occur in that band.

The right side of the table provides information about the predictedlevels of EME. The information is expressed as a percentage of theFederal Government’s mandated ARPANSA Standard (RPS3).This Standard is designed to provide protection for all people(including children, the infirm and the elderly) for assumed exposure24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The levels are predicted at interval distances from the mobilephone base station at a height of 1.5m above the ground. Thistable assumes that the ground level is flat. Appendix A of theEME Report may provide further information if there is asignificant variation in the ground level from the site.

Reading the Australian RadiationProtection and Nuclear Safety AgencyEME Report

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MCF Fact Sheets

Existing and proposed radio systemsThis section details the existing radio systems and provides furtherdetail about the proposed radio systems. It should be noted thatthis section is used when there are existing systems, rather than for new facilities where there is no existing mobile phone basestation equipment.

Proposed radio systemsThis section provides details about the operating systems that thecarrier intends to install at the site. It should be noted that thissection is used when there is no existing mobile phone basestation equipment at the site.

This information is usually expressed in terms of the genericfrequency band at which the systems will operate. (E.g. GSM 900)

For more information on radio frequencies and systems, please referto the ARPANSA fact sheet “About mobile phone networks” foundat

Table of predicted EME levels - proposedThis table provides calculations of the predicted levels ofelectromagnetic energy from the proposed site. This includes boththe existing and the proposed installations

The left side of the table shows levels calculated in “bands” fromthe site, i.e. from the base to 50m distance, 50m to 100m distanceand so on. For example, if you were interested in the maximumpredicted level of EME at a distance of 90m from the site, youwould refer to the level in the 50m – 100m band. The level reportedin each band is the maximum level that will occur in that band.

The right side of the table provides information about the predictedlevels of EME from any existing radio transceiver equipment andthe proposed equipment. The information is expressed as apercentage of the Federal Government mandated ARPANSAStandard (RPS3). This Standard is designed to provide protectionfor all people (including children, the infirm and the elderly) forassumed exposure 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The levels are calculated uniformly out to a distance of 500mfrom the mobile phone base station at a height of 1.5m above the ground. This table assumes that the ground level is flat.Appendix A of the EME Report may provide further information if there is a significant variation in the ground level from the site.

The bottom of the table highlights the maximum predictedcumulative EME level from the site. It provides information aboutthe maximum predicted level and the actual distance from the siteat which it occurs.

The predicted cumulative levels of EME do not include anypredictions from other equipment on the site other than mobilephone antennas.

Summary - Proposed Radio SystemsThis section provides a statement about the maximum level of EMEfor the proposed site expressed as a percentage of the mandatorypublic exposure limits.

Appendix A: Other areas of interestThis section of the report provides information on specific locationswhich may be considered as an “area of interest”. This wouldinclude areas identified as community sensitive locations asidentified in the ACIF Code consultation plan, and areas which maybe affected by differing topography i.e. the land is not flat.

Mobile phone carriers are required to identify areas of interest aspart of their planning and consultation process. The ARPANSAEME Report can provide information about predicted levels of EMEat certain identified locations such as schools and child carecentres. Appendix A allows for up to 5 locations to be included inthe report.

This section of the report can also provide predictions for situationssuch as land sloping upward away from the base station or fordiffering building heights.

For example, a primary school may be located 205m away fromthe mobile base station. The report can be prepared so that thelocation of the school is expressed by its distance from the mobilebase station, and the predicted level of EME at that specificlocation is calculated and shown in Appendix A.

Similarly, if a 3 storey building is located 50m from the base station,the maximum EME levels can be predicted at an estimated heighton the façade of the building, such as the balcony on the secondfloor. If the building was on ground level higher than the mobilephone base station, the calculations can be adjusted accordingly.

SummaryThe ARPANSA EME Report is an important tool for providinginformation about estimated levels of EME from mobile phone basestations. It is prepared by mobile phone carriers as part of theprocess for deploying mobile phone base stations.

Each report is prepared on a site specific basis following amethodology developed by ARPANSA. For more information aboutthe methodology, please refer to the ARPANSA Fact sheet“Understanding the ARPANSA EME Report” found at

If you have any questions about site specific reports, please referthem directly to the relevant carrier.

For more information about EME, the Australian Communicationsand Media Authority have a web site specifically focussing on thisissue “Mobile phone towers and EME: information for Communitiesand Councils” which can be found at

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MCF Fact Sheets

Mobile phones work by sending and receiving low power radiosignals, much like a 2 way radio system. The signals are sent toand received from antennas that are attached to radio transmittersand receivers, commonly referred to as mobile phone basestations. The base stations are linked to the rest of the mobile andfixed phone network and pass the signal/call on into thosenetworks.

What happens when I make a call frommy mobile phone?The first step in the process is for the phone to check that there iscoverage in the area that the call is made. Once the phone hasverified that there is sufficient signal strength to make the call, thephone establishes a connection with a nearby mobile phone basestation. This base station then establishes the call and holds thecall as long as the phone user remains on the call and in the rangeof that base station.

What is a mobile phone base station?A mobile phone base station provides coverage to a geographicarea known as a “cell”. Cells are aligned next to each other in asimilar pattern to a honeycomb, and it is for this reason that mobilephone networks are sometimes referred to as “cellular” networks.

The location of the base station within the cell is determined by anumber of factors, including topography and other physicalconstraints such as trees and buildings, the cell ‘capacity’ ornumber of calls expected to be made in the cell, and the radiofrequency at which the base station will operate.

Topography and physical constraintsIn essence, a mobile phone needs to have ‘sight’ of a mobilephone base station. In other words, the radio signal from the phoneto the base station needs to be uninterrupted. Hills, trees and tallbuildings can obscure this line of sight and so base stations needto be very carefully located to maximise the coverage available.

Cell capacityEach base station can only carry a finite number of calls. In areas ofhigh mobile phone use, such as central business districts and highdensity areas, more base stations are required to handle the levelof call traffic. In high use areas, there are often a range of basestations, from very specific in-building solutions (designed to givequality coverage within a specific building), to very small basestations known as ‘microcells’. Microcells cover a small geographicarea and are often found at intersections and in heavy pedestriantraffic areas. In rural areas, or areas where mobile phone use is notas high, base stations will often be located on hills or tall structuresto maximise the coverage area.

How the mobile phone network operates


suburban industrial cityheavy usage = more antennas


Indicative illustration only

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MCF Fact Sheets

Radio FrequencyEach base station has a number of radio channels, or frequencies,to communicate with mobile phones. Because this number offrequencies is limited, frequencies are often reused in adjoiningcells. This is achieved by reducing the power level of the basestation to ensure that there is minimal or no overlap of the coveragebetween cells.

How does it work if I am moving around?Calls can be transferred from one base station to another. As youmove out of the cell, the phone will automatically look for signalfrom an adjoining base station. There is usually a smooth transitionor ‘handover’ from cell to cell. During the duration of a call, thephone may have handed over to and from a number of basestations. If there is no adjoining base station, such as on the fringesof the mobile phone network, the call will drop out.

What does a base station do?A base station connects the call in to the fixed line network.Depending on the type of call, it will be directed to either anothermobile phone or to a fixed line phone.

A base station is made up of antennas connected by cable toelectronic (radio) equipment usually housed in a room or ‘shelter’.Some base stations have radio communications dishes (shapedlike a drum) that connect the base station to the rest of the basestation network.

What do people mean when they talkabout second generation (2G) and thirdgeneration (3G) networks?3G, or third generation networks, operate in a different way to 2Gnetworks. When a call is made on 2G, a line is held open for theuser’s conversation throughout the duration of the call. With 3Gnetworks, the data sent across them is parcelled up in to little‘packets’ which are reassembled in the correct order at thereceiving end. This smart encoding means more data can be sentand it is sent more efficiently. In addition, 3G handsets can be incontact with more than one base station at a time and thisprovides improved performances in voice quality and data rates.Some people call 3G “mobile broadband” because the evolution issimilar to the difference between dial up internet and the alwaysavailable broadband internet services.

Where can I get more information?Mobile Carriers ForumMatt EvansPh: (03) 9684 3419 or [email protected]


Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety AgencyPh: 03 9433

Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)Ph: 03 9963


mobile phone


transfer toanywhere inthe world

base station

mobile phone

fixed landline


Indicative illustration only

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Appendix D – DERM Searches

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Appendix E – Owners Letter of Consent

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Appendix F – Planning Scheme Codes

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Mackay Frame Locality Code

Mackay Frame Locality Code Specific Outcomes and Probable and Acceptable Solutions for the Mackay Frame Locality

Specific outcomes and probable solutions

Specific Outcomes Acceptable/Probable Solutions Proposed Solution

P1 Commercial development is located in the commercial zone and does not detract from the network of centres referred to in the Desired Environmental Outcomes.

S1 No solution specified.

PS1 Not applicable at the proposal is not in the commercial zone

P2 Residential development where residential use is the predominant activities (as distinct from farming for example) occurs on land located within the Village zone, Urban Residential zone and the Rural Residential zone.

S2 No solution specified.

PS2 Not applicable as the proposal is not for a residential development or located in the residential zone.

P3 Tourist development sites generally exhibit a number of the following characteristics:

y to infrastructure and services adequate to meet the day-to-day needs of the tourist population likely to be generated by development on the site; and (ii) proximity to a natural attraction without the potential for adverse effects upon the attributes or values which give rise to the attractiveness of the site; or (iii) an area of land sufficient to contain fully the extent of the proposed development and the potential impacts likely to flow from it; (iv) land suitable in its physical characteristics to accommodate the form, scale and intensity

S3 No solution specified.

PS3 Not applicable as the proposal is not for a tourist development

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of development proposed without imposing unnecessary or unacceptable impacts upon the surrounding area; or

(v) are not located within established residential areas or accessed only via residential street.

P4 Land uses adjacent to industrial areas and key extractive resources areas which are incompatible with those areas include a buffer which mitigates any adverse impacts from the industrial use on the new use.

S4 No solution specified.

PS4 The proposal is seen to be a compatible use in the Industrial Zone

P5 Residential development on land zoned for residential uses, adopts or creates new traffic and transport systems which: (i) are based on the hierarchy of roads; (ii) are appropriate to the transport and traffic tasks required by the proposed development, having regard to its scale, intensity and character; (iii) are linked efficiently and safely with the existing road network;

(iv) promote the safe movement of traffic, cyclists and pedestrians throughout the development area; and

(v) minimises the potential for through traffic and local traffic conflicts and for industrial and non-industrial traffic conflicts.

S5 No solution specified.

PS5 Not applicable as the proposal is not for a residential development or located in the residential zone.

P6 Rail infrastructure corridors in the City are protected from the constraining effects of proximate, sensitive land uses by seeking buffers, acoustic screens or other forms of physical separation. Where development occurs in close proximity to a rail corridor, appropriate mitigation measures in the design

S6 No solution specified.

PS6 Not applicable as the proposal is not for a rail corridor.

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and siting of buildings and recreation space are provided

P7 New uses and development within the rail corridor, including rail freight yards, stations and shunting yards, has regard for the environmental impacts upon adjacent and adjoining properties.

S7 No solution specified.

PS7 Not applicable as the proposal is not within a rail corridor

P8 The network of cane tramways throughout the City is protected from the effects of incompatible development. New estate development for urban residential, rural residential or village purposes is planned to minimise the potential for tramway traffic to conflict with vehicular, bicycle or pedestrian traffic through a combination of careful design and maintaining adequate buffers or separations.

S8 No solution specified.

PS8 Not applicable as the proposal is not near a cane tramway.

P9 New development is serviced by the full range of urban infrastructure in an orderly, efficient and equitable manner as established in the priority infrastructure plan.7

S9 No solution specified.

PS9 Not applicable as the proposal is not required to be serviced by the full range of urban infrastructure.

P10 Land fronting the Bruce Highway has limited direct access, if any, to the highway in accordance with the requirements and specifications of the Department of Main Roads.

S10 No solution specified.

. PS10 Not applicable as the proposal does not front the Bruce Highway.

P11 The route of the possible future Port Access corridor linking the industrial areas of the City with the Mackay seaport is preserved

S11 No solution specified.

PS11 The proposal is not expected to have any impact on future Port Access corridor linking the industrial areas

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P12 The use and development of port land subject to freehold lease or similar title, or land adjacent to the airport, includes mechanisms to minimise, mitigate and manage any environmental impacts on the freehold land which may arise from the port operations.

S12 No solution specified.

PS12 Not applicable as the proposal is not located on port land.

P13 The operational efficiency of the major road transport routes serving the Mackay seaport, the airport, the railway and the Paget industrial area is maintained by: (i) ensuring adequate buffers or separations between noise and traffic sensitive activities and these major routes; and

(ii) planning development according to the road hierarchy illustrated on the Information Map – Key Infrastructure.

S13 No solution specified.

PS13 The proposed development is not expected to have any effect on the major road transport routes.

P14 Open space areas are protected from the adverse affects of development through: (i) limiting development within open space areas to low impact activities, facilities and works that maintain the value of the area; (ii) locating development on adjoining land in parts of the site less likely to have adverse effects; (iii) providing buffers to open space areas of sufficient width to mitigate any adverse effects; and

(iv) adopting impact mitigation and management measures for development likely to cause adverse effects

S14 No solution specified.

PS14 Not applicable as the proposal is not located within an open space area.

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P15 Open space and recreation areas are preserved by providing that development of land in proximity to high use areas (e.g. the racecourse at Ooralea) is designed and sited to take into account: (i) noise; (ii) lighting; and

(iii) traffic impacts of activities and major events.

S15 No solution specified. PS15 Not applicable as the proposal is not located within an open space area.

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Industry (Low Impact) Code

Industry (Low Impact) Code Overall & Specific Outcomes and Probable & Acceptable Solutions for the Industry (Low Impact) Zone in the Mackay Frame Locality

Specific outcomes and probable solutions

Specific Outcomes Acceptable/Probable Solutions Proposed Solution

P1 The Industry (Low Impact) zone will comprise industrial activities of:

(i) small scale operations (i.e. requiring a site area of no more than 3500m2); and

(ii) does not usually require out of normal business hours operations

S1 No solution specified.

PS1 The proposed development is only 60²m and will be unmanned

P2 Uses include mostly operations with a service or light industrial character including those catering to the service industry needs of the surrounding community (e.g. service stations, servicing and repairs of family goods and appliances, tyre sales and fitting, plumbers and builders yards and similar activities).

S2 No solution specified.

PS2 The proposal aims to service the community with up to date telecommunications

P3 Industrial developments include: (i) buffers or other mitigating measures to screen nearby sensitive activities from the operational impacts of the industrial activity;

(ii) landscaping to the site and the street, creating a high quality urban streetscape in which the visual scale of buildings and the reflected glare and light of premises is effectively mitigated.

S3 No solution specified.

PS3 Adjoining sites are also industrial and no sensitive uses are located nearby therefore no landscaping or buffers have been proposed.

P4 Industrial developments are appropriately located with respect to the road network18 so as to:

S4 No solution specified.

PS4 The proposed development is not expected to have any major impact on the surrounding road network. The roads in the

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(i) provide for an unconstrained access point to prevent the introduction of heavy vehicle traffic into local streets; and

(ii) have industrial traffic located on roads designed and constructed for such use.

industrial area are seen to be adequate to access the facility during construction and once constructed the site will only be accessed 2-4 times a year.

P5 Industries do not impact on the use of other sites, in particular do not: (i) cause increased traffic flows in local streets; (ii) release unacceptable or uncontrolled emissions or contaminants to the environment; and (iii) generate noise above acceptable levels.

Note: Provisions of the Environmental Protection Policy (Air), Environmental Protection Policy (Water) and Environmental Protection Policy (Noise) apply.

S5 No solution specified.

PS5 As the proposed site will only be visited 2-4 times a year and will be unmanned for the rest of the year it is not expected to impact traffic conditions.

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General Development Code

Coastal Management Areas and Biodiversity Overlay Code 8.15 Effects of Development in Coastal Management Areas and Biodiversity

Specific Outcomes Acceptable Solutions and Probable Solutions

Proposed Solution

Development in Coastal Areas

P1 Urban expansion into non-urban zones does not locate within, or impact on: (i) significant coastal wetlands; (ii) riparian areas; (iii) sites containing important coastal resources of economic, social, cultural and ecological value (including significant dune systems and endangered regional ecosystems); and (iv) areas identified as having, or the potential to have, unacceptable risk from coastal hazards.

S1 No solution specified.

PS1 Not applicable as the proposed development is not for urban expansion into a non-urban area.

Nature Conservation Areas

Habitats of Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species

P1 Ecological values and functions are protected, on: (i) land abutting shorebird habitat areas is developed in a manner consistent with the protection of the use of the habitat by shorebirds; and (ii) land within 500 m of turtle nesting beaches are protected from incompatible development.

S1.1 Where development is proposed on land within or abutting habitat areas development other than for conservation purposes is minimised. S1.2 Where land is abutting shorebird habitat areas: (i) a vegetated buffer is maintained to prevent conflict; (ii) public access is minimised and managed to avoid adverse impacts on habitat; (iii) operational or building works are avoided during September to April; and (iv) only native endemic species are planted.

PS1 Not applicable as the proposed development does not adjoin shorebird habitat areas or a turtle nesting beach.

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S1.3 Development within 500m of Turtle nesting beaches: (i) maintains a vegetated area adjacent to the beach free of any development; (ii) ensures lighting does not spill into beach areas; (iii) maintains a buffer of a minimum of 200m adjacent to turtle nesting areas; (iv) minimises public access; (v) uses sodium vapour lamps (or equivalent) for all outdoor lighting during turtle nesting season; and (vi) provides lighting including street lighting that is no higher than the buffering vegetation and is turned away from the beach or lighting with characteristic wavelengths that do not affect turtles.

Connectivity and Vegetation Protection

P2 The genetic dispersal of flora and fauna species, is facilitated by maximising the retention and enhancement of connectivity between vegetated areas. In particular, the site incorporates: (i) fauna movement corridors; and (ii) existing riparian vegetation.

S2.1 Areas of existing remnant vegetation are retained and enhanced on the site such that vegetation linkages are created. S2.2 Riparian vegetation is retained within 100m of the high bank of a watercourse.

S2.3 Riparian vegetation is replanted in disturbed or cleared areas of riparian corridors.

PS2 Not applicable as the proposed area does not contain any vegetation as it is an industrial site and has been cleared for industrial purposes.

P3 The biodiversity and habitat values of riparian systems are protected from: (i) increased nutrient or sediment levels; or (ii) changed flow or hydrologic regimes of watercourses, including seasonal, temporal, chemical or thermal changes.

S3.1 Sediment and nutrient loadings of watercourses are minimised through: (i) provision of stormwater run-off controls; and (ii) on-site and off-site erosion controls. S3.2 The natural flow regime is maintained by: (i) no interference with a natural watercourse except for rehabilitation purposes; and (ii) the retention and restoration of native

PS3 Although the proposed facility is located next to a watercourse, it is not expected to have any impact on sediment and nutrient loadings as the facility will not generate any stormwater or create any erosion.

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riparian zones to improve bank stability and in-stream ecological values and restrict weed growth.

P4 The release of stormwater into partially or fully enclosed systems with low water exchange rates such as coastal wetlands, lagoons or coastal estuaries is minimised by utilising: (i) recycling of water; (ii) re-use after treatment; or (iii) alternative discharge points. Note: Supporting information that may be required in order to demonstrate compliance is set out in the Erosion Prone Area Planning Scheme Policy.

S4 No solution specified.

PS4 Not applicable as the proposed facility will not be releasing any stormwater.

Coastal Wetland Communities

P1 Development within 100m of coastal wetland communities as identified on the Coastal Management and Biodiversity Overlay Map is minimised.

S1 No solution specified.

PS1 The development being proposed will only consist of minor works and they are not expected to have any effect on the wetland community

P2 Development, including reconfiguring a lot, within 100m coastal wetland communities as identified on the Coastal Management and Biodiversity Overlay Map – Coastal Wetland Communities: (i) Maintains an area between the wetland and development of a width and with characteristics that will safeguard the functions of the wetland and allow for natural fluctuations of location; (ii) has no significant impact on the natural characteristics of the wetland, including the

S2.1 Development for Reconfiguring a lot provides for the retention of land as open space where it is located within 100m of a wetlands area. S2.2 Stormwater runoff from development within 100m of a coastal wetlands and watercourses is subject to quality improvement and flow velocity reduction to ensure that the water quality in the wetlands is maintained and considers the cumulative effect of runoff. S2.3 Specifically heavy metals, litter,

PS2 Not applicable as the proposal does not involve reconfiguring a lot.

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topography, ground water hydrology, water quality6, and plant and animal species; (iii) provides open space areas on the site for conservation purposes; and (iv) provides open space within the site as well as linking corridors of open space between the site and adjoining conservation significant areas.

hydrocarbons, sediment and nutrient loadings of waterways are minimised through: (i) provision of stormwater run-off controls; (ii) on-site and off-site erosion controls; and (iii) maintenance and restoration of vegetative riparian buffer areas.

S2.4 Development complies with the requirements of the Planning Scheme Policy 15.07 Engineering Design Guidelines, D7 Soil and Water Quality Management.

P3 Any rehabilitation or re-establishment of coastal wetland communities does not result in the loss or detriment to other naturally occurring coastal wetland communities.

S3 No solution specified.

PS3 Not applicable as the proposal does not propose to rehabilitate or re-establish a coastal wetland community.


P4 Landscaping within 100m of coastal wetland communities or adjacent to natural waterways as identified on the Coastal Management and Biodiversity Overlay Map – Coastal Wetland Communities: (i) consists of entirely local native species; and (ii) enhances the ecological values and habitat significance of the particular area.

S4 Landscaping within 100m of coastal wetland communities or adjacent to natural waterways as identified on Coastal Management and Biodiversity Overlay Map – Coastal Wetland Communities: (i) retains all existing local native vegetation on the site; and (ii) uses only locally endemic species in new plantings.

PS4 Not applicable as no landscaping is being proposed.

Coastal Hazards

P1 Areas subject to risk from coastal hazards are retained undeveloped or are identified for non-residential or community purposes.

S1 No solution specified.

Water Courses

P1 Development adjoining natural watercourses provides buffer areas to minimise any adverse impacts on the adjacent

S1 A vegetated buffer is provided, adjacent to a natural watercourse, above the extent of the highest astronomical tide (HAT) free of

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physical disturbance having a minimum width of: (i) 100m in tidal areas; and (ii) 50m adjacent to non-tidal areas.

P2 Watercourses are protected, whilst maintaining flood conveyance, water quality and habitat functions.

S2 No solution specified.

PS2 The proposed development is not expected to have any impact on watercourses.

Public Access

P1 Public access to the coast is not limited by development and does not adversely affect coastal environmental values.

S1 No solution specified

PS1 Not applicable as the proposed development is not near the coast.

Buildings and Other Structures

P2 Structures (building and works) do not impede public access to and along the foreshore except where the restriction of access is necessary to protect environmental values.

S2 No solution specified.

PS2 Not applicable as the proposed development is not along the foreshore

Reconfiguring a Lot

P3 Development involving reconfiguring a lot (subdivision) provides an area of land adjacent to the coast and waterways sufficient to permit for safe public access, which also minimises adverse impacts on the coastal environment.

S3 Development involving reconfiguring a lot (subdivision) where located in the coastal zone, provides for access that: (i) avoids roads running parallel to the coast or waterway; (ii) sites spur roads in locations that minimise impacts on coastal resources by: (a) utilising areas of low environmental sensitivity; and (b) avoiding areas that increase storm tide hazard.

PS3 Not applicable as the proposed development does not involve reconfiguring a lot.

Public Access Infrastructure

P4 Public access infrastructure is located to minimise risks to public safety and impacts on the coastal resources, process and habitats.

S4.1 Access infrastructure is located away from areas where: (i) potential erosion of dunes and banks is

PS4 Not applicable as the proposed development does not involve public access infrastructure.

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likely to be increased; (ii) tidal regimes and coastal processes could be affected; and (iii) significant aquatic or terrestrial habitats value exist.

Access infrastructure is designed to: (i) maintain natural movement of sand and sediment; (ii) avoid contributing to surface or geological instability or erosion of the foreshore; (iii) utilise single access points wherever possible; (iv) direct people away from sensitive areas; and (v) be compatible with the scenic coastal landscape and topographic conditions.

P5 Pedestrian access areas: (i) Locate paths away from sensitive habitat and areas; (ii) Ensure users remain on the footpath and walkways to minimise physical impacts on the local environment through appropriate signage and fencing.

S5 No solution specified. PS5 Not applicable as the development will not involve any public access

Infrastructure P1 Infrastructure, including infrastructure of state economic significance including maritime transport facilities, and including pontoons, ramps and jetties, is designed, located and constructed to:

(i) avoid locating in areas included within a Coastal Wetland Area or within the 100 m Buffer Area except where there is a net benefit for the state as a whole;

(ii) minimise adverse impacts on coastal wetlands, particularly in relation to hydrology,

S1 No solution specified.

PS1 Not applicable as the proposal does not involve infrastructure of state economic significance including maritime transport facilities, and including pontoons, ramps and jetties.

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disturbance of habitat and surface water flow, through appropriate engineering (i.e. culverts, exclusion fencing, bridges and pylons); and

(iii) ensure no adverse impacts on coastal resources resulting from rural infrastructure such as dams.

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General Development Code

Development in the Vicinity of Mackay Airport Overlay Code 8.29 Effects of Development on Airport Operations

Specific Outcomes Acceptable Solutions and Probable Solutions

Proposed Solution

Height Limitations

P1 The height of any building, structure or trees that can reach a significant height located in the obstacle limitation surface (OLS) area of the airport is restricted so that the safe and efficient operations of the airport is protected.

S1 The maximum height of any building, structure or tree is below the height of the OLS height indicated for the particular site.

PS1 The height of the proposed structure is below the designated OLS

Intrusive Lighting

P2 The fixing, operation, strength and direction of any lighting, including any external lighting fixed to a building or other structure within 6 km of an airport runway does not interfere with air navigation essential for the safe movement of aircraft at night.

S2.1 The fixing of any external lighting, other bright light sources or straight parallel lines of lighting 500 m to 1000 m long, within 6 km of an airport runway are avoided; or

PS2 No external lighting is being proposed for this facility.

Gaseous Plumes

P3 Development does not cause the emission into the OLS of any potentially hazardous gaseous plumes which create an air turbulence hazard.

S3 Development does not cause the emission into the OLS of any gaseous plumes at a velocity exceeding 4.3 m per second.

PS3 The proposal will not let off any emissions.

Airborne Particulates

P4 Development does not utilise practices which involve emission of airborne particulates (smoke, dust, ash or steam), that create a hazard for aircraft.

S4 Development does not utilise practices which involve emission of airborne particulates (smoke, dust, ash or steam), such as: (i) non-green harvesting of sugar cane; or (ii) burning (rather than mulching) cleared

PS4 The proposed development will not involve the emission of airborne particles.

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Transient Aviation Activities

P5 Development involving aviation activities, such as hot air ballooning, are not located beneath the OLS

S5 No solution specified. PS5 Not applicable as the proposal is not for an aviation activity.

Effects of Airport Operations on Surrounding Development

Protection of Uses from Aircraft Noise

P1 The effective and safe use of the site is not unduly affected by aircraft noise and the continued operation of the airport is not limited by the encroachment of uses which are sensitive to the effects of aircraft noise.

S1.1 Land uses proposed on premises avoid the following: (i) intense residential use, other than a dwelling house, where located on land within the 20 ANEF contour; (ii) long term residential use (occupation exceeding 4 months in a calendar year), or community use where located on land within the 25 ANEF contour or greater; (iii) short term residential use (occupation 4 months or less in calendar year) where located on land within the 25 – 30 ANEF contour; and (iv) commercial uses where located on land within the 35 ANEF contour.

PS1 The proposal will not be affected by aircraft noise

Air Safety Zones

P2 New development is located to minimise the potential effects in the event of an aircraft crash resulting from takeoff and landing.

S2 New development within the Airport Safety Zone does not introduce or intensify residential, community, commercial, industrial or other uses or result in the use of premises for the manufacture or bulk storage of hazardous (explosive or noxious) or flammable materials.

PS2 The development is at the very edge of the Airport Safety Zone and is within the OLS.

P3 Any new development in the indicated Airport Safety Zone ensures there is no significant increase in the number of people

S3 No solution specified. PS3 The site will be unmanned all year round.

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living, working or congregating in the Airport Safety Zone.

Bird or Bat Attracting Development

P1 Uses involving the management of waste and food production do not locate within 3 km of an airport runway.

S1 The following uses are not located within 3 km or an airport runway: (i) agriculture (only where involving fruit tree or turf production); (ii) animal Husbandry (only where involving stock handling or slaughtering, pig production, or the keeping or protection of wild-life outside enclosures); (iii) aquaculture; (iv) industries involving food handling or food processing; and

PS1 Not applicable

P2 Uses, if located between 3 km and 8 km of an airport runway, manage waste/food sources to minimise wildlife attraction.

S2 The following uses located between 3 km and 8 km of an airport runway manage food and waste sources and otherwise control activities to minimise wildlife attraction; (i) agriculture (only where involving fruit tree or turf production) (ii) animal Husbandry (only where involving stock handling or slaughtering, pig production, or the keeping or protection of wildlife outside enclosures); (iii) aquaculture; (iv) industries involving food handling or food processing; and

PS2 Not applicable.

P3 Uses involving the disposal of putrescible waste do not occur within 13 km of an airport runway.

S3 No solution specified.

PS3 Not applicable

Effects on Development on Aviation Facilities

P1 The functioning of navigation, communication or surveillance facilities are

S1.1 For a NDB Facility: (i) the area within 60m radius of a NDB facility is free of all buildings, structures, trees and

PS4 The proposed site is over 5kms away from the airport and this is seen to be a

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protected from the following:

(i) ‘physical’ line of sight obstructions

(ii) significant electrical or electro-magnetic emissions

(iii) structures containing a reflective surface; and

(iv) significant radio frequency interference.

fences and other physical obstructions; (ii) development within 150m radius of a NDB facility comprises small non metallic buildings less than 2.5m in any dimension; and

(iii) development comprising steel masts and towers within 500m radius ensure height is restricted to no more than 6m. S1.2 For a DME facility: (i) the area within a 10m radius and within 1m below the base of the antenna of the DME facility is free of all buildings, structures, trees, fences and other physical obstructions; and (ii) development within 10m to 1500m radius of the DME facility is free of buildings, trees, power and telephone lines and fences beneath the profile of a line beginning at a point 1m below the base of the antenna and graduating in height at an angle 0.5 degrees where it reaches a height of 12m above the base of the antenna at 1500m radius. S1.3 For a VHF and UHF communication facilities the area within a 500m radius of the VHF or UHF facility is free of all buildings, structures, trees, fences and other physical obstructions unless it is demonstrated that the structure does not reflect or attenuate signals from existing aeronautical facilities13. S1.4 For a VOR facility, the area within 1000m radius of a VOR facility is free of all buildings, structures, trees, fences and any other physical obstructions, other than: (i) between 60 m and 150 m radius of a NDB facility, wire fences less than 1.2 m in any dimension are compatible; (ii) between 150 m radius and 300 m radius,

suitable distance for it not to interfere with and line of sight obstructions, electrical emissions, reflection or glare and lastly radio frequency interference.

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single trees and wire fences are compatible; and (iii) between 300 m radius and 1000 m radius, structures, low tension power lines, groups of trees, telephone lines, taxiways, roads, railway lines and other obstructions are compatible when they remain below the following height (expressed as a vertical angle from the base of the VOR): 0.5 degree - fences 1.0 degree - overhead lines 1.5 degrees - metallic structures 2.0 degrees - trees and open lattice towers

2.5 degrees - wooden structures"

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General Development Code

Flood and Inundation Management Overlay Code 8.43 Effects of Development on land affected by Flooding and Inundation Buildings & Access

Specific Outcomes Acceptable Solutions and Probable Solutions

Proposed Solution

Building Floor Levels

P1 Development maintains the safety of people on premises from all floods up to and including the DFE, or the defined “Minimum Level”, whichever is the greater.

S1.1 Development is located on land above the level of flooding during the DFE, or the defined “Minimum Level”, whichever is the greater; or S1.2 Where development is located on land below the level of flooding during the DFE, or the defined “Minimum Level”: (a) there is no increase in the number of people living or working on the site except on a short-term or intermittent basis (e.g. by construction workers, seasonal agricultural and forestry workers); and (b) for all premises listed in Table 8-11, the minimum building floor level is the greater of: (i) at least 300mm above the DFE; or (ii) the defined ‘Minimum Level’ for the location of the site. (c) in addition to the above requirements, the building floor level shall be a minimum of 225mm above natural ground level and will be sufficient to allow for relevant plumbing fixtures and minimum floor levels noted above. (d) in addition to the above requirements, the building floor level shall be a minimum of 300mm above the top of the kerb level or crown of the adjacent bitumen road, whichever is greater.

PS1 The proposed development is located in the Flood and Inundation Management Overlay Mapping. The shelter will be raised to reflect this and ensure the safety of its surrounds.

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(e) in addition to the above requirements, an allowance of an additional 600mm is made for higher wave effects and run up in the foreshore area. The foreshore area shall be taken as extending inland for a minimum of 100 metres from the toe of the frontal dune or HAT whichever is the highest. (f) buildings are located and designed so that there is at least one evacuation route22 that remains passable for emergency evacuations during all floods up to and including the DFE. S1.3 Where new residential premises are proposed to be located on land in an existing area that is below the level of flooding, during the DFE, or the defined “Minimum Level”, the minimum building floor level is the greater of: (a) at least 300mm above the DFE; or

(b) the defined “Minimum Level” for the location of the site S1.4 Where existing residential premises, located on land below the level of flooding during the DFE, or the defined “Minimum Level”, are proposed to be extended by the addition of a Habitable Room (or rooms), the minimum building floor level of the new “Habitable Room” (or rooms) is the greater of: (a) at least 300mm above the DFE; or (b) the defined “Minimum Level” for the location of the site.

S1.5 Where filling of more than 400mm above natural ground level is required to achieve the minimum floor levels, forms of construction other than “slab on ground” are provided.

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Ground Levels, Operation Works & Hazardous Materials

Nature Conservation Areas

Ground Levels for Lots

P1 Reconfiguring a lot where located in an area identified in the Flood and Inundation Management Overlay Map, provides that each lot created has a ground level which has flood immunity such that persons and property are not placed at unreasonable risk of injury or damage caused by flooding or inundation.

S1.1 The minimum finished ground level for lots in new areas is the greater of; (i) at or above the DFE, or (ii) not less than 400mm below the defined ‘Minimum Level’ for the location of the site. S1.2 For lots in existing areas the existing ground level is not altered outside the existing building footprint23.

S1.3 For lots in new areas, filling levels ensure that there is no net loss of floodplain storage.

S1.4 In the Rural and Rural Residential zone, lots are: (i) immune from inundation by flooding during the DFE; or

PS1 Not applicable as the proposal does not involve reconfiguring a lot

Operational Works (Earthworks)

P2 Development does not result in adverse impacts on people’s safety or the capacity to use land within the flood plain.

2.1 Development: (i) complies with any applicable development criteria set out in a floodplain management plan24; or (ii) where a floodplain management plan does not exist, either: (a) minimises reductions of on-site flood storage capacity and contains within the subject site any changes to depth/duration/velocity of floodwaters of all floods up to and including the DFE; or (b) does not change the flood characteristics of the DFE outside the subject site in ways that result in:

PS2 The development only involves minor works and they are not expected to have any effect on the use of the flood plain.

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(1) loss of flood storage (2) loss of/change to flow paths; (3) acceleration or retardation flows; or

(4) reduction in flood warning times elsewhere on the floodplain.

P3 Where located on land identified in the Flood and Inundation Management Overlay Map, the existing ground level is not altered outside the footprint of a building by the excavation or filling of land.

S3 No solution specified PS3 It is not expected that this development will alter the existing ground level outside the footprint of the shelter and the pole footings by the excavation or filling of land.

P4 Public safety and stream flows in areas identified in the Flood and Inundation Management Overlay Map are maintained by limiting the extent and nature of development.

S4 No solution specified.

PS4 The proposed development is only minor and is not expected to affect public safety and stream flows.

P5 Essential Services infrastructure, such as on-site electricity, gas, water supply, sewerage and telecommunications maintain their functions during a DFE.

S5.1 Any components of infrastructure that are likely to fail to function or may result in contamination when inundated by flood waters (e.g. electrical switch gear and motors, water supply pipeline air valves) are: (i) located above the DFE and/or

(ii) designed and constructed to exclude floodwater intrusion and infiltration.

S5.2 Infrastructure is designed and constructed to resist hydrostatic and hydrodynamic forces as a result of inundation by the DFE.

PS5 The equipment shelter can be raised up onto stilts if council sees that this is required.

Hazardous Materials P6 Public safety and the environment are not adversely affected by the detrimental impacts of floodwater on hazardous materials manufactured or stored in bulk on the site.

S6.1 The manufacture of hazardous materials takes place above the DFE flood levels.

S6.2 Structures used for the manufacture or storage of hazardous materials in bulk are designed to prevent the intrusion of flood waters.

PS6 No material will be stored on site.

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Building Floor Levels

P7 A Dwelling House is provided on a floor level which has flood immunity such that persons and property are not placed at unreasonable risk of injury or damage caused by flooding or inundation.

S7 Building Floor Levels are provided in accordance with the minimum building floor levels as provided in Acceptable Solutions S1.1 to S1.5 of the Flood and Inundation Overlay Code.

PS Not applicable as the development is not for a dwelling house.

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Acid Sulfate Soils Overlay Code

8.63 Specific Outcomes and Probable and Acceptable Solutions for the Acid Sulfate Soils Overlay

Specific outcomes and probable solutions

Specific Outcomes Acceptable/Probable Solutions Proposed Solution P1 Where excavation or filling is to be undertaken in areas of Acid Sulfate Soils, a comprehensive approach to acid sulfate soil management is taken to: (i) maintain water quality at more than 5.5 pH;

(ii) maintain the health and ecological health of the receiving environmental;

(iii) avoid adverse effects on environmentally sensitive areas; and

(iv) avoid accelerated corrosion of assets such as buildings, structures, road and other infrastructure.

S1.1 Development: (i) does not disturb Acid Sulfate Soils; or

(ii) less than 100m³ of acid sulfate soil is to be disturbed (including filling). S1.2 Avoid the release of acid and metal contaminants by: (i) neutralising existing acidity; and

(ii) preventing the release of surface or groundwater flows containing acid and metal contaminants into the environment.

S1.1 The proposed location of the facility is not known to contain acid sulfate soils. Notwithstanding, the foundation for the monopole structure would not result in the disturbance of more than 100m3 of total soil. S1.2 Appropriate construction standards will be used when building the facility to mitigate the impacts of any ASS encountered.

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General Development Code

Environment and Infrastructure Code Table 9.8 Specific Outcomes and Acceptable & Probable Solutions for the Environment and Infrastructure Code

Specific Outcomes Acceptable Solutions and Probable Solutions

Proposed Solution

Infrastructure Provision

P1 Adequate infrastructure is provided in time to meet the needs of the development.

S1 The timing for provision of infrastructure for development complies with the standards and contribution requirements detailed in the Engineering Design Guidelines Planning Scheme Policy

PS1 Not applicable as no provision of infrastructure services is required for the on-going operation of the proposed development.

P2 Premises are provided with appropriate areas of private and public open space.

S2 The provision of open space complies with the standards and requirements detailed in the Open Space Planning Scheme Policy and the Contributions Planning Scheme Policy.

PS2 Not applicable as no open space provisions are proposed as part of this development application.

P3 Premises have (i) an adequate, safe and reliable supply of water, including potable water, and is connected, where possible, to an existing reticulated water supply. (ii) the planning and design of potable water infrastructure considers Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) such as water conservation initiatives.

S3.1 Premises are connected to Council’s reticulated water supply system. S3.2 If connection to Council’s reticulated water supply system is not possible, a potable water supply is provided in accordance with the standards detailed in the Engineering Design guidelines Planning Scheme Policy).

PS3 Not applicable as the proposed development does not require any water connection.

P4 Treatment and disposal of waste water ensures: (i).no adverse ecological impacts on the environment, particularly nearby receiving environments including surface waters and ground water; and

(ii).the cumulative impacts of on site waste water treatment will not cause deterioration of environmental conditions;

S4.1 Connection to Council’s reticulated sewerage treatment system; or S4.2 Where connection to Council reticulated sewerage system is not possible, and where 20 people or less, Council will refer to the requirements of the Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 1997 and the On Site Sewerage Code (NR&M July 2002) and AS

PS4.1 Not applicable. PS4.2 Not applicable.

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(iii).the planning and design of wastewater infrastructure considers Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) such as wastewater management measures.

1547. to ensure the premises are suitable for effluent disposal. S4.3 Where more than 20 people, no solution specified.

Stormwater Management

P5 Drainage works are planned for and designed to ensure that adjoining land and the existing upstream and downstream drainage systems are not adversely affected by development, taking into account: (i) Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) principles such as:

- protect natural systems; -..enhance natural waterway systems

within urban development using natural channel design principles;

- detention of stormwater instead of rapid conveyance;

- minimise impervious areas; - utilisation of stormwater to conserve

potable water; - integrate stormwater treatment into the

landscape; - water efficient landscaping; and -…protection of water related

environmental values. (ii) need for a stormwater system that can be economically maintained; (iii) safety of pedestrians and vehicles;

(iv) location of discharge;

(v) construction of buildings, structures or

S5 Drainage works complies with the requirements of the Engineering Design Guidelines Planning Scheme Policy

PS5 Not applicable.

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paving up to site boundaries which avoid blocking or concentrating natural flow paths;

(vi) fauna movement is provided for through bridges and culverts.

External Works P6 Kerb and channelling is provided to a satisfactory standard and constructed to: (i) prevent edge fretting;

(ii) perform required drainage functions;

(iii) provide the appropriate level of control for vehicle movement;

(iv) allow ready access to abutting properties at suitable locations; and

(v) contribute to the desired streetscape character of the locality.

S6 Premises are provided with kerb and channel in accordance with the Engineering Design Guidelines Planning Scheme Policy.

PS6 Not applicable.

Roads P7 All proposed road pavement surfaces: (i) are of a quality and durability suitable to the intended traffic volumes and loads;

(ii) provide all-weather access;

(iii) allow the discharge of rainfall;

(iv) provide the safe passage of vehicles and pedestrians; and

(v) provide a reasonable, comfortable riding quality.

S7 Roads are provided in accordance with the Engineering Design Guidelines Planning Scheme Policy ‘.

PS7 Not applicable.

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Drainage Networks P8 In urban areas, the major drainage network is designed and constructed with the capacity to control stormwater flows under normal and minor system blockage conditions for the DFE applicable to drainage so that: (i) floodways are restricted to areas where there is no damage to property or hazards for motorists, and

(ii) runoff is directed to a lawful point of discharge through competently designed and constructed outlet works.

S8 Design requirements of the Engineering Design Guidelines Planning Scheme Policy. .

PS8 Not applicable.

Public Utilities P9 Street lighting and signs are provided to ensure the safety of both vehicles and pedestrians, and to facilitate access and movement.

S9 Street lighting and signage comply with the requirements of the Engineering Design Guidelines Planning Scheme Policy.

PS9 The telecommunications facility will be appropriately signed in accordance with industry regulations and workplace health and safety standards.

Infrastructure Payments P10 The costs of providing infrastructure is funded by the development giving rise to the need for the infrastructure.

S10 The funding of infrastructure complies with the requirements of the Contributions Planning Scheme Policy.

PS10 Not applicable.

Car Parking and Access P11 Premises are provided with: (i) adequate vehicle parking spaces to satisfy the anticipated requirements of the activity;

(ii) safe and efficient access and manoeuvring areas to meet the anticipated volume and type of traffic;

(iii) large vehicles are able to enter and leave the site without prejudicing the safety and efficiency of the road;

S11.1 Vehicle parking on the site is in accordance with the rates specified in Schedule 2. S11.2 Vehicles are able to enter and exit the site (with the exception of dwelling house and duplex) in a forward gear. S11.3 The design of car parking and access complies with the requirements detailed in the Engineering Design Guidelines Planning

PS11 Schedule 2 specifies one (1) car parking space to be provided for telecommunication facilities, there is adequate parking on site to provide for this as the facility will only be visited 2-6 times per year. PS11.2 Maintenance vehicles will be able to enter and exit the facility via Oloughlin Street. PS11.3 Not applicable

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(iv) access driveways are located and designed to minimise conflicts with traffic and pedestrians; and

(v) vehicle crossings from the carriageway to

the frontage of the site are constructed and finished to appropriate standards for the expected volume and type of traffic generated by activities on the site.

Scheme Policy.

Environmental Amenity

Lighting Management P1 Outdoor lighting does not cause a loss of amenity to adjacent premises or adversely impact on native fauna as a result of the light it emits either directly or by reflection.

S1 No solution specified.

PS1 Not applicable

Overshadowing P2 The amenity of adjacent residential land is not adversely affected by shadows cast by adjoining building or structures.

S2 Buildings do not cast a shadow over more than 30% of an adjoining residential lot at any time between the hours of 9am and 3pm on 22 June.

PS2 The proposed facility is not adjacent to any residential land.

Building Setbacks P3 Residential buildings are sited to minimise loss of amenity for residents’ adjacent to cane tram lines.

S3 Residential buildings are set back a minimum of: (i) 50m from cane tram lines; and (ii) 100m from cane tram line level crossings and sidings.

PS3 Not applicable.

P4 Buildings are set back from a road frontage to: (i) complement the existing built form; and

(ii) preserve the safety of vehicle movement along adjoining roads

S4 No solution specified.

PS4 Not applicable

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Noise and Vibration Management P1 Noise and vibration do not detract from the amenity of residents or employees of any adjacent premises.

S1 No solution specified. PS1 Not applicable as the proposed facility is not expected to make any loud noise.

P2 Premises accommodating uses which are likely to generate noise are designed and constructed with noise attenuation measures to avoid noise nuisance to nearby uses.

S2 No solution specified. PS2 Not applicable.

P3 Noise sensitive uses locating adjacent to State controlled transport infrastructure incorporate attenuation, building design and orientation measures.

S3 No solution specified. PS3 Not applicable

Air Quality P1 Premises used for purposes likely to generate emissions such as air pollutants, heat and odours incorporate: (i) physical measures for removing pollutants from emissions prior to discharge to the atmosphere;

(ii) physical measures for reducing the temperature gradient between emissions and the atmosphere prior to discharge; and

(iii) operational systems, including monitoring systems for major industry and major infrastructure, which maintain emissions within ANZECC guideline standards.

S1 No solution specified. PS1 Not applicable as the proposed facility will not emit air pollutants, heat or odours.

Flooding P1 Premises subject to risk of inundation or damage through flood are provided with immunity to that risk in order to reduce potential property damage and to ensure public safety.

S1.1 Development is sited on land that would not be subject to flooding during a DFE; or S1.2 For development comprising a residential element, the floors of all habitable rooms are located 300mm above the DFE; or

PS1.1 The subject lot is identified as being subject to flooding and as a result of this the shelter has been raised above ground level. PS1.2 The development does not comprise of residential elements.

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S1.3 For non residential development or development involving temporary or moveable residential structures (e.g. caravan parks): (i) buildings are located and designed so that floor levels (except areas used for car parking) are 300mm above the DFE; or

(ii) there is at least one evacuation route that remains passable for emergency evacuations during all floods up to and including the DFE.

PS1.3 The facility is unmanned and has a safe evacuation route for any persons authorised to access the facility.

P2 There is no increase in the number of people living or working on a flood prone site, except where the premises are occupied on a short term or intermittent basis.

S2 No solution specified.

PS2 The proposed facilty will be unmanned at all times and will only be visited 2-4 times a year for maintenance.

P3 Development does not result in adverse impacts for the safety of people or the capacity to use land within a floodplain and does not involve: (i) Any physical alteration to a watercourse; or (ii) Net filling of 50 cubic metres; or (iii) The proposed works either:

(A) avoid any reductions of on-site flood storage capacity and contain within the subject site any changes in depth/duration/velocity in flood waters of all floods up to and including the DFE; or

(B) do not change the flood characteristics

at the DFE outside the subject site in ways that result in:

- loss of flood storage; - loss of / changes to flow paths; - acceleration or retardation of flows;

or - any reduction of flood warning times

S3 No solution specified PS3 The proposed facility is not expected to have any effect on the floodplain and its ability to be used.

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elsewhere on the floodplain.

P4 Storage and handling of hazardous substances on sites that are subject to risk of inundation or damage through flood, ensures that persons and property are not placed at unreasonable risk.

S4 Storage or handling of substances that may be a hazard to the environment or human safety by the risk of contamination due to flooding: (i) is undertaken in accordance with a risk assessment; and

(ii) provides for the storage of any hazardous substances above or securely isolated from the DFE level.

PS4 Not applicable as no hazardous substances will be stored on site.

P5 The use is designed to minimise the impact of Cyclonic Hazards

S5 No solution specified.

PS5 Not applicable

Undefined Flood and Inundation Areas P6 Where flood limits are not identified, development is undertaken such that there is no adverse effects on flood levels or flows on the site or up-stream and down-stream of the site

S6 No solution specified PS6 The shelter has been raised to minimise the effects of the flood on surrounding area.

Water Quality P1 Development does not detract from the maintenance of water quality in the City’s watercourses and bulk water storages, in particular its: (i) environmental values; and

(ii) where applicable, potability of the water supply.

S1 No solution specified.

PS1 The proposed development is not expected to have any impact on the quality of the City’s water quality or watercourses.

P2 Premises incorporate: (i) physical measures for intercepting and treating surface water drainage and spilled substances prior to their release to the watercourses; and

S2 No solution specified PS2 Not applicable as the site will not contain any substances which can be spilt.

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(ii) bunding of sites or areas within sites or integrated drainage systems which include waste water treatment measures, where chemicals, fuels, lubricants or other soluble pollutants are being handled or stored. P3 The City’s groundwater resources and surface waters are maintained by: (i) providing a stormwater system that manages stormwater quantity and quality prior to discharging into receiving waters;

(ii) providing non structural source control measures;

(iii) providing structural source control measures;

(iv) retaining or rehabilitating natural waterway corridors such as natural channels, wetlands and riparian vegetation;

(v) providing storage of waste water in secure and sealed storage facilities;

(vi) ensuring efficient disposal areas and ground and surface water retrieval areas are buffered from each other;

(vii) ensuring that contaminants do not enter the groundwater resources; and

(viii) with reuse of reclaimed water, ensuring safe treatment and disposal of contaminated water.

S3 No solution specified.

PS3 Not applicable as the proposed development is not expected to have any impacts on the City’s groundwater resources.

P4 The biodiversity and habitat values of coastal areas and associated estuarine systems are protected from: (i) increased nutrient or sediment levels; or

S4 No solution specified.

PS4 Not applicable as the proposed facility is not expected to have any impacts on the biodiversity and habitat values of coastal

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(ii) changed flow, inhibited passage, or hydrologic regimes of the natural coastal and marine margins, which may result from development.

areas and associated estuarine systems

P5 Sediment and nutrient loadings into a watercourse are minimised through: (i) treated on-site effluent;

(ii) adequate stormwater run-off controls; and

(iii) on-site and off site erosion and sediment controls.

S5 No solution specified.

PS5 Not applicable as the proposed development will not release any sediments or nutrients into the adjoining watercourse.

Erosion and Sediment Control P1 Minimisation of the risk of erosion and sedimentation either on-site or elsewhere, by a comprehensive approach to soil erosion control and sedimentation management, including: (i) the minimisation of:

(ii) earthworks;

(a) clearing of land; (b) long term stockpiling of excavated


(iii) use of appropriate construction management techniques;

(iv) diverting surface water drainage around disturbed areas; and

(v) treating and removing sediments from stormwater over disturbed areas prior to release from the site.

S1 The control of Erosion and Sedimentation complies with Planning Scheme Policy 15.07 - Engineering Design Guideline D7 Soil and Water Quality Management.

PS1 The proposed facility is not expected to have any impacts on erosion or sedimentation as any earthworks are only going to be minor.

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P2 Progressive rehabilitation of disturbed areas occurs within the site through a comprehensive rehabilitation program including: (i) the grading and reshaping of the disturbed areas to provide controlled and stable drainage flow paths;

(ii) the construction of drainage paths which divert high velocity flows away from disturbed areas;

(iii) the re-spreading of stored top soil stripped from the site; and

(iv) the planting of the disturbed area with native species of grasses, ground covers and trees.

S2 No solution specified.

Coastal Management

Public Access and Roads

P1 (i) there is no net loss of public access to the foreshore, or of public useability of coastal waters; (ii) appropriate location and design is achieved with respect to sensitive coastal resources and their values; (iii) roads that run parallel to the coast, are set back from erosion prone areas and significant coastal resources, with only smaller access roads running to the coast; and (iv) minor spur roads to the foreshore and associated car parks provide access to the foreshore at locations that are convenient to the public, have low environmental sensitivity,

S1 No solution specified.

PS1 Not applicable as the proposed development is not along the foreshore or the coast line.

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and avoid locations that may increase storm tide hazard.

Erosion Prone Areas

P1 Development and permanent buildings are minimised in erosion-prone areas as defined in this code (apart from temporary or relocatable structures required for safety and recreational purposes).

S1.1 Reconfiguring a lot within an erosion prone area incorporates erosion prone land as undeveloped open space.

S1.2 Relocatable structures such as picnic tables, barbecues, coastal trails, bikeways, demountable structures, equipment sheds, lookouts, elevated decks, shelter sheds etc are located within erosion prone areas only where they remain relocatable.

S1.3 All other development is; (i) located outside of the erosion prone

area; or (ii) as far landward as practical within the lot ; and (iii) is coastal dependent development (as defined in this code). S1.4 All building works (excluding demolition), including extension to existing buildings, on lots wholly or partly within the erosion prone area are: (i) For rural areas and undeveloped urban areas, located landward of the erosion prone area to minimise the extent of permanent building inside the erosion prone area; and (ii) For urban areas, located wholly landward of the alignment of existing neighbouring buildings and of a scale and intensity similar to that of the surrounding development.

PS1 Not applicable as the proposed development is not located in an erosion prone area.

P2 Where there is existing development within an erosion-prone area, redevelopment and

P2 No solution specified

PS2 Not applicable as the proposed development is not located in an erosion

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extensions do not (as defined in this code):- (i) extend the intensity of the existing level; or (ii) compromise coastal management outcomes and principles Note: Supporting information required in order to demonstrate compliance is set out in the Erosion Prone Area Planning Scheme Policy.

prone area.

High Impact Activity Areas

This section of the code is not applicable to this development as the proposal is located within the Industry (Low Impact) Zone.

Landscaping and Fencing

This section of the code is not applicable to this development as no landscaping is being proposed for this development.

Community Safety Design Principles

Surveillance and Sightlines

P1 Premises provide opportunities for informal surveillance from surrounding buildings and land uses. Note: Ways of showing compliance are as follows: (i) Windows in buildings overlook pedestrian routes, open space areas and carparks. (ii) No blank building facade is presented to any street frontage. (iii) Street level windows are provided in buildings fronting onto public spaces and movement routes.

S1 No solution specified.

PS1 The proposed development will be surrounded by a wire fence to ensure visibility.

P2 Where located adjacent to public areas, premises are designed to permit surveillance of public areas

S2 No solution specified.

PS2 Not applicable as the proposal is not located near a public area.

P3 Buildings and street addresses in urban areas are easily identified.

S3 No solution specified. PS3 Not applicable

P4 Premises for uses other than dwelling S4 No solution specified. PS4 Not applicable as there is not public

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houses and dual occupancy, are illuminated at night to: (i) maximise personal safety of site users; and (ii) minimise opportunities for attack by hidden persons. (iii) provide lighting along access routes, in building entrances, site entries, car parking areas and other movement areas used after dark.

access to the site.

P5 Visibility is provided into stairwells, elevators, car parks, lobby entrances and bicycle parking facilities.

S5 No solution specified.

PS5 Not applicable

P6 Premises and their surrounds do not include: (i) ‘blind’ corners (including on stairs, in corridors or other situations where movement can be predicted); (ii) sudden changes of grade on pathways which reduces sightlines; (iii) concealment spots (unless they can be secured after hours); and (iv) pedestrian tunnels, excepting that where unimpeded sightlines or the absence of concealment points cannot be reasonably achieved, equipment (such as security mirrors) and good lighting is provided to enhance visibility. (v) Potential concealment areas (i.e. dead-end alleys) are restricted or locked after hours. (vi) Where a concealment spot is unavoidable, there are aids to visibility such as convex mirrors and good secure lighting. (vii) Concealment spots such as: (A) dark areas adjacent to a main/designated pedestrian routes; (B) private dead-end alleyways;

S6No solution specified.

PS6 Not applicable.

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(C) indentation in fencing or walls; (D) gaps in the streets such as entrances to interior courtyards and recessed doorways; and (E) areas that are isolated after dark; are not located on the premises.

P7 Building entrances: (i) are clearly defined; (ii) are well lit and face the street; (iii) do not create concealment spots; (iv) provide clear sightlines from the building foyer so that occupants can see outside before leaving the building; (v) have lobbies visible from the exterior; and (vi) have staff entrances, if separate, which are well lit and maximise opportunities for informal surveillance and for clear sightlines.

S7 No solution specified.

PS7 Not applicable.

P8 Landscaping is designed and maintained to provide informal surveillance and clear sight lines on accessways and to other public spaces.

S8 “Vulnerable premises” provide landscaping designed to promote safety including: (i) planting which does not obscure doors and windows overlooking public spaces and isolated areas; (ii) shrubbery and low-level planting associated with footpaths which does not exceed 0.5m in height where abutting pavements; (iii) trees in vulnerable settings which do not have branches below 1.5m; and (iv) hard landscaping elements such as low fencing and walls (below 1.2m) which guide pedestrians and vehicles along designated paths.

PS8 Not applicable as not landscaping is being proposed.

Safe Movement and Access

P9 The design of premises provides for unimpeded sightlines, particularly along pedestrian and bicycle routes.

S9 All barriers (including landscaping features) along bicycle and pedestrian routes are visually permeable (i.e. can be easily seen through to reduce concealment points).

PS9 Not applicable as the proposal will not include any public access.

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P10 Car parking areas are: (i) designed to optimise informal surveillance and illumination, and to minimise unlawful access; (ii) well lit to enable visibility of all external edges and routes providing access to the car park; (iii) designed to minimise instances of large numbers of cars being co-located (over 100 cars in a single block). If more than 100 cars, more than one entry / exit point is provided so that the car park does not become an entrapment area.

S10 No solution specified.

PS10 Not applicable as not parking areas are being proposed.

P11 Underpasses and overpasses are designed and located to reduce opportunities for crime, so that: (i) pedestrians are able to see what is in an underpass or tunnel and at the end of it before entering; and (ii) signs at each end of an underpass indicate where it leads and an alternative route to use at night.

S11 No solution specified.

PS11 Not applicable.

P12 Underpasses are wide enough to accommodate both pedestrian and cycle traffic, (Note: Council will refer to the provisions of AUSTROADS Guide to Traffic Engineering Practice Part 14- Bicycles). ]

S12 No solution specified.

PS12 Not applicable

P13 The design and location of laneways and alleyways promotes community safety.

S13.1 Laneways are straight and have more than one entrance.

S13.2 Unnecessary access to buildings from

PS13 Not applicable.

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laneways is avoided.

Building Design and Lighting

P14 Buildings contribute positively to the enhancement of public safety and security.

S14.1 Ramps and elevator entrances are located in areas which are not isolated. S14.2 Lifts are located within a secure entrance, and incorporate graffiti and vandal-resistant measures (i.e. a fully glazed and enclosed vestibule area at the exit to the lifts). S14.3 Loading and storage areas are well lit or can be locked after hours. S14.4 Parking spaces are allocated near the building entry for employees working after hours. S14.5 Enclosed or underground car parks can only be accessed from inside the building or through a security system.

S14.6 All windows, particular those at street level are secure, without creating a ‘fortress-like’ appearance (i.e. avoid solid roller shutters).

PS14 Not applicable

P15 Lighting is provided which: (i) increases safety and security in and around the premises; (ii) considers vegetation, in both its existing and mature forms, or other elements that may have the potential to block out light; (iii) illuminates inset spaces, access/egress routes car parking areas and signage; and (iv) supports visibility for pedestrians, as well as road users.

S15 No specific solution. Note: Council will refer to the following as guidance in assessment of compliance: Security lighting is consistent with Australian Standard S 4282 (1997) (The Control of Obtrusive Effects of Outdoor Lighting.

Lighting of pedestrian and bicycle movement routes, public spaces and outdoor signage in public spaces is to the minimum Australian Standard of AS1158 (Public Lighting Code).

PS15 Not applicable

Constructed Lakes

This section of the code is not applicable to this development as the proposal is not for a constructed lake.

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General Development Code

Telecommunication Facilities Code Table 9.24 Specific Outcomes and Acceptable and Probable Solutions for Telecommunication Facilities Code

Specific Outcomes Acceptable Solutions and Probable Solutions

Proposed Solution

Visual Impact

P1 Telecommunication facilities are to be designed and located to minimise their visual impact by:

(i) providing finishes on structures compatible with the surrounding environment; (ii) providing facilities in residential areas whose bulk, scale and height is consistent with the bulk, scale and height of the surrounding buildings and structures; and (iii) providing facilities in areas included in the character/heritage overlay code that are compatible with the overall and specific outcomes of that code.

S1 No solution specified

PS1 The proposed facility is within an industrial estate so it is seen to be compatible with the surrounding environment and is not expected to have any impact of the visual amenity of the area.

Environmental Impact

P1 Premises are installed and operated to minimise the adverse impacts on the natural environment by:

(i) avoiding impacts on locations containing remnant vegetation, fauna habitat, watercourses or sites of natural or cultural heritage; (ii) minimising the need for earthworks through careful siting and design of facilities; (iii) noise and dust emissions during construction and operations of the facility are

S1 No solution specified.

PS1 The site that the proposed facility is located on is already cleared of any vegetation and will not have any effect on the adjacent watercourse. The earthworks that are to be undertaken on site are only expected to be minimal and not have any effect on the surrounding environment.

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minimised; (iv) ensuring vegetation clearing associated with establishment of the facility does not extend beyond the installation site, associated power links and associated parking and access areas; (v) minimising vegetation loss on steep land; (vi) minimising alterations to key landforms or landscape character to avoid the facility dominating the landform and landscape character; (vii) being designed to be architecturally integrated with buildings on which the facility is mounted; and (viii) being positioned and designed to minimise visibility to pedestrians.

P2 Landscaping is low maintenance and semi-mature upon establishment.

S2 No solution specified.

PS2 No landscaping is being proposed as the proposal is located on an industrial site and this might interfere with the existing business

Development Abutting Residential Uses

P1 Appropriate setbacks and buffering are provided between telecommunication facilities and any adjoining residential development or any residential area or land included within the Open Space Zone to maintain the amenity of adjoining residential properties in terms of:

(i) visual impact; (ii) acoustic privacy; and (iii) access to sunlight

S1.1 The facility is setback at least 50m from any dwelling unit or rooming unit.

S1.2 A landscaped buffer strip 2m in width and including screen fencing is provided and maintained adjacent to any free-standing structures.

S1.3 All potential noise sources (such as air-conditioning and other mechanical plant) are oriented away from any dwelling unit or rooming unit.

S1.4 Residential open space areas or living

PS1 The proposed development will not adjoin any residential dwellings and will be located approximately 200 metres from the nearest residential dwelling. PS2 No landscaping is being proposed as the proposal is located on an industrial site and this might interfere with the existing business. PS3 The proposal does not adjoin any open space or activity area.

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areas are not overshadowed at any time.

S1.5 Overshadowing of open space or activity areas associated with childcare centres, public areas, local parks and schools is limited to 3 hours on any day.


P1 Premises are co-located with other telecommunications facilities or on buildings or other structures wherever feasible on the basis there is no existing adverse environmental or public health and safety impact.

P2 Co location will reduce cumulative visual impacts associated with the establishment of telecommunications facilities.

S1 Facilities are located on a new site only where co-location options are exhausted and proven not to meet Specific Outcome 1 and 2.

PS1 Co-location opportunities were considered during the scoping of the site however none were considered suitable options from a radio frequency perspective.

Public Health & Safety

P1 Telecommunication facilities are established, operated and maintained so as to minimise risks to public health and safety.

S1.1 Telecommunication facilities which include “climbable’ structures are enclosed by secure perimeter fencing to preclude unauthorised access.

S1.2 Safety and warning signage is used to provide information on facility related safety issues and to discourage unauthorised access to facility sites.

S1.3 Decommissioned or obsolete facilities are removed from facility sites at the conclusion of their operational life.

PS1 The proposed facility will be enclosed by a 2 metre man proof fence.

PS2 All of the appropriate signs will be placed on site in accordance with industry regulations and workplace health and safety standards.

PS3 The land will be returned to its original condition once the site has been decommissioned.

P2 Facilities are appropriately fenced to preserve public safety.

S2 A 2m high security fence, appropriately landscaped, is provided around all free-standing facilities.

PS1 The proposed facility will be enclosed by a 2 metre man proof fence.

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Separation from Incompatible Uses

P1 Telecommunication Facilities are separated from any incompatible uses on the same site or neighbouring premises by a distance sufficient to minimise impact on amenity

S1 No solution specified

PS1 The proposed telecommunications facility is located in an industrial estate and will be surrounded by other industrial uses.


P1 A telecommunications tower does not cast shadows such that the amenity of surrounding premises or the useable area of public open space is reduced.

S1 No solution specified.

PS1 The proposed facility is not located near any residential dwellings or public open space so shadowing is not expected to be an issue.