Page 1: Planning & Research Magazines

Research and Planning

Page 2: Planning & Research Magazines

The masthead is at the top of the page and has colours that will stand out like red, white and black.

The image of Dizzie Rascal is big and enthusiastic which could encourage readers to buy the magazine. The long shot of him wearing a vest, gold chain and trainers suggest his music genre is rap and hip hop.

The magazine has also used the rule of thirds by placing the image and words ‘DIZZIE RASCAL’ in the centre of the page.

The barcode, price and date are placed at the bottom, this is essential to the magazine as people can identify which issue the magazine is.

There is also a flash to make the information inside the circle stand out. The information provides something more to the reader.

The magazine gives a list of many artists that will feature in the magazine. The word ‘more’ would suggest that there is lots of additional gossip about other artists.

Main cover line is about Dizzie and what he enjoys doing.

The footer also shows a list of well known artists that will feature in the magazine.

Page 3: Planning & Research Magazines

The banner at the top presents the contents page to the reader. They have used the NME logo here to show it is from the same magazine.

The date written in white as the main colours used on the magazine are white, black and red.

The actual contents does not take up that much space on the page however the information is there and divided into 5 sections.

There is an advertisement at the bottom right which allows costumers to subscribe to the magazine and therefore pay less than they normally would.

There is an index of bands on the left which makes it easier for the reader to find their favourite bands.

The headline and article has taken up most of the contents page because it is important and gives an introduction to what the magazine includes.

The main image is placed in the centre of the contents and links in with the headline of ‘Touring’ because there is a tour bus in the photo.

Page 4: Planning & Research Magazines

The headline is big and bold so it stands out from the rest of the double page. It is written in different sizes to emphasise words such as ‘tags’ and ‘riches’

The standfirst gives a slight preview on what is coming up in the following article.

These illustrations show us what Dizzies lifestyle is like and what he enjoys doing.

The main image shows Dizzie doing graffiti which tells us what he used to do before he became rich and famous. The clothes that he’s wearing are quite rough and not smart which suggests he wasn’t brought up in a good environment. The look on his face looks quite cheeky and guilty which reflects the mood of the article.

Drop cap highlights the start of the paragraph.

Page 5: Planning & Research Magazines

Research & Planning

Page 6: Planning & Research Magazines

The masthead is at the top written in bright pink with a white border to stand out and attract readers.

Rule of thirds has been used to divide the cover page with different news and gossip.

The flash tells the reader that there is something more to give other than the contents inside.

The main image is a mid shot of Robert Pattinson is with his head placed at an angle and him looking straight at the camera. His facial expressions represent the vampire character he plays in Twilight.

The extra cover lines of favourite singers are written in different fonts and there is a wide range of colours used which would suggest the magazine is lively and attract a younger audience.

Extra advertisements like ‘A-list items’ would draw more readers because everyone would want to buy the same things celebrities would buy.

The main headline is the biggest text on the page, written in caps lock and has combined the words ‘Rob’ and ‘obsessed’ together. The colours used are bright and vibrant. The word ‘mania’ would suggest that there is more than is expected.

The barcode and price have been placed at the bottom.

This issue is an unusual copy as Robert is not a singer, however this shows that top of the pops is versatile and provides a range of entertainment and gossip to attract a younger audience.

Page 7: Planning & Research Magazines

The contents is filled with two key bright colours which are green and pink. These colours are likely to catch the readers eye and will attract a mainly female audience.

The layout of the page is different to other magazines as the information is quite scattered giving a dancing effect.

This banner shows a preview of all the posters included in the magazine. Readers will be more eager to buy the magazine if they know a poster of their favourite band or artists is in there without reading anything else.

There are no real main images on the contents however there are two that stand out more than others, which are of Britney Spears and Billie Joe Armstrong.

There are two sections of the contents page which allow readers to enter competitions where they can win prices. They are noticeable as the Top of the Pops logo is placed behind the highlighted word ‘win!’

The flash stands out so readers know that they can look forward to free things in the magazine this week.

The title of ‘POP INSIDE’ is placed in the centre at the top of the page. The word pop is used in two different concepts. It could mean ‘pop’ as in the genre or ‘pop inside’ as in come and have a look inside.

Rule of Thirds

Rule of thirds has been used to split the contents.

Page 8: Planning & Research Magazines

The standfirst is the line of text after the headline which provides more information about the article.

The main image of Robert Pattinson takes up half of the double page spread because it is a ‘free poster’ as well as linking in with the article on the left page. Roberts face shows he is serious and looks a bit defeated as he has ‘never fallen in love!’ The serious eye contact makes the reader feel invited and personal.

The pull quote highlights an important quote which is picked out from the interview.

The colour pallet is limited and the house style consists of pink, blue and white. These are more feminine colours as girls are more likely to read this article.

The article consists of an interview with Robert Pattinson talking about his personal life which circles around another image of himself. The layout consists of a series of questions and answers which reveals secrets readers are not likely find anywhere else. It may also appeal to more readers if the article is in the form of questions and answers because it is easier to read instead of having one long article.

Another image has been added in the centre of the article

The headline is the biggest text on the page taking up a quarter of the double page spread. The quote ‘I’ve never fallen in love!’ is therefore considered to be very important.

Page 9: Planning & Research Magazines

Research & Planning

Page 10: Planning & Research Magazines

The background is grey so the colours in the masthead and Gaga’s hair stand out. The colour pallet is limited to four main colours which are grey, black, white and purple.

The main image is a medium shot and takes up most the of cover. Her bright hair and lips stand out from the rest of the magazine cover therefore catching the readers attention.

The masthead identifies the magazine. Even though some letters are covered we can still recognise it is Billboard because some of the letters have colours inside them.

Rule of thirds has been used as there are cover lines on both sides of the photo and the main image is placed in the middle of the cover.

The coverline starting with Lady Gaga will attract many readers as it stands out from the other cover-lines and she has a big fan base.

The barcode, date and price allows the reader to know how much the magazine costs.

The header and slogan is at the top of the cover and they identify the magazine.

There is a collection of coverlines which refer to information inside the magazine. They do not talk about many artists of bands so readers are not to sure about what to expect inside.

Page 11: Planning & Research Magazines

The contents page includes a album and song chart which would attract more readers because everyone wants to know who the latest best artists and bands are.

By the four different images on the contents page it can be concluded that the magazine has a range of genre’s but mainly RnB and pop.

The contents page is split into two different sections. The main information about what is coming up in the magazine is based on the right hand side and chart updates are on the left.

The colour pallet is limited to only three colours which are grey, blue and black.

The banners at the top are big and bold to alert the reader of what page they’re on.

There is a sub heading of ‘HOME FRONT’ which gives additional features other than what is in the magazine.

Page 12: Planning & Research Magazines

The main image is the background of the whole double page spread. The photo shows Lady Gaga striking a pose during one of her dance routines showing how talented she is.

Although there are two backing dancers behind her, the light is shining on Gaga which emphasises how important she is in this article.

The main headline stands out because it is the biggest text on the page. The writer of this article has used the word ‘Lady’ in two different concepts to give the article a cutting edge.

The standfirst gives more information about the article ahead and in this case it’s about what Lady Gaga has done and what she’s planning to do.

The main article has been set out as one long paragraph and does not take up much room on the double page spread. The text is written in white so it can be clearly seen against the dark background.

The by line credits the author and photographer.