Page 1: Platinum Gazette 13 February 2015

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Platinum GazettePlatinum Gazette13 February 2015

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Hope for Everest

Page 2: Platinum Gazette 13 February 2015


Psalm 104:24 (NIV)How many are your works, Lord!

In wisdom you made them all;the earth is full of your creatures.

“.....the potential re-starting of the mine is ex-pected to bring benefi ts to local communities, both directly in terms of job creation and corpo-rate social investment, and indirectly through the associated benefi ts of economic activity in the region.” - Aquarius Platinum

Northam Platinum and Aquarius Platinum has announced in separate statements this week that the companies have reached an agreement to the effect that Aquarius Platinum is to sell Everest Platinum to Northam Platinum for R450 million in cash.

In the announcement, Northam CEO, Paul Dunne, says “the consolidation of Everest provides an excellent platform for Northam to develop the Booysendal Central and Booysen-dal South orebodies, market conditions permitting. These assets are an ideal geograph-ical and operational fi t for Northam’s Booysendal Division. Northam is confi dent that this transaction will add signifi cant shareholder value, unlocking a resource of approximately 60 million PGM ounces in an extremely capital effi cient manner.” (Editor’s emphasis)

The transaction between the two companies is subject to the fulfi llment of certain con-ditions. The sale is broken into two parts, of which the fi rst part entails the acquisition of the mine, the related mining and processing infrastructure (including the concentrator plant and the chrome plant) and all moveable and immovable property associated with the Everest Mine for R400 million in cash on 26 June 2015 and is subject to approval by the competition authorities.

Secondly, Northam will acquire the new order mining right in respect of the Everest Mine for R50 million in cash. This part of the transaction is subject to consent by the Minister of Mineral Resources for Aquarius Platinum to transfer the Everest Mining Right to Northam in terms of section 11 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, No. 28 of 2002.

In addition to the Purchase Agreement, Northam has concluded a contract mining and mine management agreement with Aquarius Platinum in terms of which Northam will have the right to, on behalf of Aquarius Platinum, mine platinum group metals at the Everest Mine during the interim period between receipt of Competition Approval and closing of the second part of the sale. Northam will also assume responsibility for care and maintenance of the Everest Mining Assets from the date of receiving Competition Approval.

BackgroundThe Everest Mining Assets are located adjacent to Northam’s Booysendal resource, on the southern portion of the eastern limb of the Bushveld Complex near Mashishing (Lydenburg). Aquarius Platinum placed the Everest Mine on care and maintenance in June 2012 in view of prevailing adverse market conditions. The Everest Mining Assets comprise, inter alia, a concentrator plant with a nameplate throughput capacity of 250 000 tonnes per month; a chrome spiral recovery plant; a tailings dam and three decline shaft systems situated on the Everest mining area. A portion of the land comprising the Everest mining area and forming part of the Everest Mining Assets is owned by Aquarius Platinum. The balance of the land comprising the Everest mining area is leased from the Bakone Ba Phetla Communal Prop-erty Association. Pursuant to the transaction, Northam will seek to enter into a new lease agreement with the community.

Northam Platinum says the location of the Everest Mining Assets presents an ideal opportu-nity for Northam to unlock value at the Booysendal Central and Booysendal South orebodies in a capital effi cient manner, once market conditions improve.

R450 million for Everest

Page 3: Platinum Gazette 13 February 2015


Anglo American Platinum says the company is ready to switch to mechanisation at the Twickenham Platinum Project between Burgersfort and Polokwane.

Speaking at the 2015 Mining Indaba in Cape Town, Amplats chief executive Chris Griffi th said “the trial project we have in place at Bathopele Mine currently shows promising results for application at Twickenham”. He also said “Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, the debate over the introduction of mechanised and au-tomated processes and their impact on jobs has raged.

However, it is common cause that better productivity is better for the economy, and ultimately for society as a whole. Jobs don’t get lost - they get created in new areas. With the current state of technology, mechani-sation is both possible and affordable; but, moreover, it is a social and economic imperative. However, given the magnitude of our extraction challenges, it is quite extraordinary that the global mining industry currently spends so little on innovation and business-improve-ment programmes.

On a revenue-to-revenue basis, the industry spends 80% less on technology and innovation compared with the petroleum sector, for example. Yet our operating costs are increasing three times faster than consum-er-infl ation rates and are on their way to doubling in less than fi ve years”.

Explaining where the company is heading, he amongst other things said “We are presently replanning our Twickenham mine to be the fi rst hard rock mecha-nised mine to operate with extra-low and ultra-low profi le mining technology. The trial project we have in place at Bathopele mine currently show promising results for application at Twickenham. Our Unki Mines, and Joint Ventures of Mototolo and Kroondal also already operate trackless bord and pillar mines. Although a much more diffi cult nut to crack, is the hard rock cutting projects cur-rently under way at our operations. A number of these

are collaboration projects between Amplats, Impala and Joy Global for activated disk cutting in stoping, and Amplats and Atlas Copco for a reef borer, and Amplats and Sandvik for compression cutting in stoping. These projects are all underground and on trial. Also with Atlas Copco we are developing a machine that uses disk cut-ting, for high rate access tunnels. This trial machine will be available for testing at Twickenham mine in the latter party of 2015”.

He told his audience “for the South African mining industry to deliver on its huge potential will require political will, social cohesion and industrial and commer-cial pragmatism - Modernisation is key to this – indeed it’s a prerequisite for the industry’s survival. The mining industry must have the boldness and vision to grasp the nettle of game-changing innovation and start to collabo-rate with each other to close the technology gap in order to deliver step-changes in performance, particularly in the areas of productivity and safety, thereby creating a modern working environment for our employees and an industry that can deliver returns through the cycles.nBut modernisation is also not just about innovation, new technologies, mechanisation and automated processes. We will only attain our vision of a modern mine if we work in partnership with our employees, government, unions and NGOs.

This is particularly the case in how we go about up-skilling and improving the lives of our current and future workforce.

The industry will have fewer direct jobs, but more skilled and better-paid ones affording employees the op-portunity to live with their families adjacent to the mine in towns that have decent infrastructure such as schools, roads, water and medical facilities. This modernisation drive will create jobs in non-traditional areas such as the service industry related to equipment manufacture and servicing”.

Mechanisation for Twickenham

Eastern Platinum Limited (Eastplats) has announced that at a special meeting of shareholders held at the end of last week, it has received overwhelming shareholder approval for the trans-action with Hebei Zhongbo Platinum Company whereby Hebei Zhongbo would acquire Eastplats’s entire South African platinum group metal business (including a majority of the interests held by the company’s existing minority partners and all loan agree-ments that Eastplats has with its subsidiary companies for a total gross consideration of US$225 million payable in cash on closing the acquisition.

The net proceeds of the acquisition transaction to Eastplast, net of the Minority Interests buy-out, fi nder’s fee and estimated transaction costs are expected to be approximately US$175 million.

Eastplats also announced that it has been informed by Hebei Zhongbo that it hasreceived all necessary regulatory approv-als from the People’s Republic of China in connection with this transaction.

Closing of the acquisition remains subject to certain other conditions, including the necessary regulatory approvals from South Africa, and is expected to occur during the second quarter of 2015.

The Eastplats sale of South African assets to Hebei Zhongbo include the company’s development projects near Burgersfort and Steelpoort.

Eastplats shareholders

approve Hebei Zhongbo sale

Page 4: Platinum Gazette 13 February 2015


Tubatse Chrome brings a song to Kgahlanong Secondary School

The Tubatse Chrome Management team handed over a musical keyboard to the Music Department at Kgahl-anong Secondary School. The school choir rendered a few musi-cal items which left everyone in awe of their talent. With their new keyboard, the school hopes to start offering instru-ment lessons and taking their choir to local and national competitions.(Information and photographs: Gabriella du Plessis, Tubatse Chrome)

A new musical keyboard donated

On Tuesday morning at around 05:00 the SAPS were alerted that the community of Kutullo has blocked the R555 (Middelburg/

Steelpoort road) and the R579 (across the steel bridge towards Jane Furse) with stones and burning tyres.

The unruly group forced trucks to dump their loads in the road and a Pick n Pay delivery truck was forced to stop across the road.Community members demanded to speak with the Sekhukhune District Executive Mayor, Cllr. Mogobo David Magabe about their grievances. Their complaints centred amongst others around the supply of water and electricity to the village. The supply of these services is planned for in the Integrated Development Plans (IDP budget) of the Municipality. Meetings are held all over the area to consult with communities with regards to the plans. These annual meet-ings where such plans

are discussed is however very poorly attend-ed as Platinum Gazette can testify. By midday on Tuesday the road was cleared again and traffi c fl ow returned to normal.

Road chaos as Kutullo residents protest

Page 5: Platinum Gazette 13 February 2015


Donating blood, giving lifeThis week Tubatse Chrome employees gave one of the ultimate gifts a person can give - they donated blood. The South African National Blood Service (SANBS) visited them and employees could con-veniently donate blood right there. These donations will assist to alleviate the shortage of blood the SANBS is experi-encing.

(Photographs & Information: Gabriella du Plessis, Tubatse Chrome)

Look Ma, no hands!Yes, you can now park without touching the steering wheel. Tried and tested. Platinum Gazette visited Westvaal Steelpoort to check out this unique feature in the Adam Jam and Adam Glam. The Advanced Park Assist 2 (APA 2) helps you park your car. No more need to fear those blind spots you cannot see when parking a vehicle.

Once the APA 2 is activated in a parking area the driver chooses between parallel and reverse parking. The vehicle will then alert you once a suitable parking spot has been identifi ed. Instructions are displayed on the on-board IntelliLink display. This nifty little car will tell you when to stop and when to change gears - you just need to watch and

follow its instructions. No hands required on the steering, but you still have to work the pedals. It measures the space and will keep on manoeuvring the vehicle until you are completely parked in the centre of the space available. More convenient you won’t easily get. Contact Westvaal Steelpoort to book a test drive in one of the Adam vehicles. Tel: 013 230 9230.

Page 6: Platinum Gazette 13 February 2015


Yesterday President Jacob Zuma offi cially opened Parliament with his State of the Na-tion Address (SONA). This important speech annually captures highlights of government’s achievements, but also the challenges facing them. On Wednesday this week Platinum Gazette asked readers what they feel the state of the nation is and where they would like the focus to fall when Parliament gets into gear for the year.

Ms Tebogo Modipa said: “Government is do-ing well with regards to education. They are giving the kids food in the schools and there are bursaries for further studies. They have to improve the roads however. In general the state of the nation is well”.

Ms. Itumeleng Mashile said: “There are some areas where we are not in a good state and others that is good. Government is doing a lot for sport so our nation is in a good sport-ing state, but in other areas there is still a lot to do. First they have to give people water and electricity and they should open more schools as some children are being educated under trees”.

Ms. Cindy Moriri said: “Some villages don’t have schools, electricity and water. They drink with the animals so our state in the rural areas is not good. In the cities it is good. First they should give people water and children should have a place to study. I don’t have electricity so I will not even be able to watch the State of the Nation Address”.

Mr. Karel Mathi said: “There are areas that is all right, but others that are not. They must not come with personal things. They should rather start delivering the things people need”. With him is Mr Daniël Mathebula.

Mr. Peter Phasha said: “I think our state of the nation is in between good and bad. We are getting there, but slowly. Parliament should this year focus on delivering water to the people. In the rural areas we are still fetching water from the river. It is a problem. Access roads are not good. The National Financial Scheme for students is not doing enough to help with tertiary education. High Schools struggle with sta-tionery not being delivered on time. Agriculture is also important. It is the backbone of the economy. Government should assist all farmers – both subsistence and commercial. Take the politics out of farming and leave the farmers to produce the food we need”. With him is Ms Julia Mpobane.

Me. Pamela Fabi sê: “Ek gaan die State of the Nation Address kyk en weer al die promises hoor. Let’s just see if it will be fulfi lled this time. Hulle moet focus op onderwys hier-die jaar. Sommige onderwysers wag tot 3 maande vir hul sal-aris, maar intussen moet hulle vir ons kinders skool gee”.

One of our readers who did not want to be identifi ed on the last minute said: “Especially in the rural areas the of state of our nation is not good. Rural areas need roads. Job crea-tion is also a problem. To address unemploy-ment in Limpopo they should start to refi ne what we mine right here. It will solve the problem. We should also protect the jobs that is currently in the market. Government should also start to make it diffi cult for companies to dismiss employees. At the moment compa-nies with money simply go to the CCMA and pay them off. It should be so expensive to let the people go that companies won’t do it”.

Mr. Sipho Mabuza said: “I think our state of the nation is not well. Personally in think politicians are losing the plot by focusing on Zuma paying back the Nkandla money. There are other issues that need their attention too. I do think that things have gone downhill with President Zuma at the helm, but sporting de-velopment has improved. Rural development is going very slow”.

Mr David Apostle said: “The state of our nation is not good. It feels like they are not doing anything to improve it. I expect to hear more promises during the State of the Nation Address, but I don’t expect delivery. We need electricity and water. We don’t have the money to buy bottles of water or get our own boreholes. Sometimes it is expect-ed that people pay thousands for their own transformers before they can get electricity. We just don’t have that type of money”.

Mr Calvin Selepe said: “We are not getting there. Our state is not well. They are just promising but not delivering. I am expecting more promises this year. Just look at Opera-tion Mabone and the villages that don’t have electricity. A long time ago Nelson Mandela said there will be water for all and houses for all, but we are not seeing it”.

Onder: Me. Lucinda Vermeulen sê: “Dinge is glad nie in ‘n goeie toestand nie. Veral die staatsdepartemente – dis nou 20 jaar en daar was verander-ings, maar dis nie beter nie. Die regering moet hierdie jaar kyk om misdaad en veral korrupsie aan te spreek en uit te wis”. By haar is Corli, Marli en Zelri.

Right: Mr Calvin Molomane said: “Govern-ment stories are always complicated. I think the politicians should this year focus on the youth with providing bursaries and skills. It will help alleviate unemployment.

What is the state of our nation?

Talking SONA

Page 7: Platinum Gazette 13 February 2015


A contender for the “Idiot of the Year Award”? Defi nitely! The passenger in Platinum Gazette’s vehicle took the photograph of this truck over-taking several vehicles going at the legal speed limit. This happened on Satur-day afternoon on the way to Praktiseer, just after the Bothashoek turn-off. The driver of the truck showed no respect for any-one, including the oncoming traffi c. Where was he rushing that necessitated such irresponsi-ble actions? Nobody knows. A few kilometres down the road he pulled over to take a rest.

This road hog has our vote

Tubatse SAPS visits Segashife

Secondary School

Tubatse SAPS and the Depart-ment of Social Development visited Segashife Secondary School in Mankele Village near Penge. The aim of the visit was to engage with the learners to ensure that they know exactly what is expected from them at school. Const. Letsoalo em-phasized the issue of discipline that remains a challenge in schools. Many learners also bring objects to school that are not only dangerous, but often illegal. The learners were encouraged to stay away from crime and work on their future through education. (Photographs & information: Const. Nicodemus Letsoalo. Tubatse SAPS)

Learners warned to stay away from crime

In every boy and girl child lies a desire and a dream to be successful. They also have in them an aspiration to live a life of purpose, integrity, and become what God has designed and intended them to be.Stellar School of Integrity was founded in October 2010 and is an unique Christian network programme dedicated to young girls and boys to help them strive for excellence and live a life of integrity. The purpose of the school is to guide and help improve the student’s quality of life, empowering them through grooming and mentoring to become excellent, valuable and infl uential leaders within the community where they live and make a success of their lives.During January, The Stellar School of Integrity success-fully went on a weekend long camp with close to 60 girls (ages between 16 and 26) from different villages around Steelpoort. The school visited the Blyde adventure camp in Hoedspruit. The purpose of the camp was to afford the students an opportunity and a chance to experience life outside their familiar environment and start a new chapter of self-dis-covery. Most importantly it was to help them to fellowship with each other and getting to meet the school facilita-tors, build a spirit of sisterhood, discover and restore their own identity and provide tools to maintain change and transformation.The school is run and maintained solely on generous sponsorships and volunteers. The Stellar School of In-

Inspiring young girlstegrity is truly grateful to their trusted donors for the oppor-tunity and love they have awarded to these students. The students had a magnifi cent and a moving encounter which cannot be exchanged for any price, as declared by one of the students Sylvia. None of them wanted to depart. None the less the students are looking forward to multiple classes which will be conducted throughout the year on specifi c Saturdays to keep them focused on their journey to a life of integrity, principles, and restored self-identity.The school wishes to thank the parents and school princi-pals of the girls for their faith and trust. “It is only through such strong partnerships that we are able to bring dignity and change to our girl child. Thank you ever so much and we know with your support, the journey for our students will be some-thing to marvel in the end”.

(Infor-mation & Photo-graphs: Stellar School of Integrity)

Page 8: Platinum Gazette 13 February 2015


Laerskool Ohrigstad het Woensdag hierdie week ‘n vriendskaplike atletiekbyeenkoms aangebied. Laerskool Burgersfort, Steelpoort Akademie, Laerskool Atokia en Laerskool Mariepskop het kom deelneem.

Ouers en onderwysers het hard gewerk in die snoepie om seker te maak almal het genoeg om te eet en drink. Die skool bedank almal vir hul harde werk.

Wenstreep toe vir jong atlete

Page 9: Platinum Gazette 13 February 2015



Moja MMActing Municipal Manager

Members of the society, Civil society, Business, Magoshi and Magoshi are hereby notifi ed that the Greater Tubatse Municipality has in its Ordinary Council seating held on the 29th January 2015 adopted the 2014/15 Adjusted Budget.

For more information contact Mhangwana D @ 013 231 1326 during working hours.


Vinnig, ver en hoog genoeg?Vervolg vanaf bladsy 8

Die skole se atlete het aan verskillende veld- en baanitems deelgeneem. ‘n Lekker gees het geheers en die atlete het dit baie geniet om te wys wat in hulle steek.

Skool bedank graag al die beamptes van die dag asook die onder-steunings-personeel.Daar was ook mediese bystand vir enige noodge-valle deur die middag se akti-witeite by die skool.

Page 10: Platinum Gazette 13 February 2015

10 Platinum Gazette

Get your hard copy of the

newspaper here: Boxer Burgersfort



Greater Tubatse Municipality

Burgersfort ToyotaGMC Debt Solu-tions BurgersfortTubatse Build It

A1 Fisheries Twin

CityA1 Fisheries WholesaleSupa Save

Magaba Filling Station

Dr Lorna’s Medical Centre

Supa Quick Burg-ersfort

Temba GarageSAPS Burgersfort

OK MinimarkHendrik’s


PanelbeatersCheap Cheap#2

Dr Fouché’s Surgery

Modikwa Platinum Mine

Twickenham Platinum Mine

MototoloDwarsrivier MineSediman’s Tuck-shop Kalkfontein

Kubu Tavern Kutullo

Dilokong MinePraktiseer SAPSOhirgstad SAPS

Burgersfort SAPSPick n Pay Steel-


13 FEBRUARY 2015

Klein Advertensies • SmallsPlace your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: [email protected] • Fax: 086 554 9031

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Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar

op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lyd-enburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-


Twee slaapkamer woonstel te huur in

Burgersfort naby Tu-batse Crossing Mall.

Skakel: 082 357 1954 / 083 244 6005


WANTEDReaction offi cer, controllers and

technicians needed at Khadimas Security


Riaz Abdullah on 072 471 7545/072 684 6438

Betrekkings/VacanciesDoing business without

advertising is like winking

at a girl in the dark.

You know what you are

doing but nobody else


- Stuart Henderson

Platinum Gazette

Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets

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Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or

[email protected]

Platinum GazetteTo advertise contact Beánnla Celliers on 013 231 7147 or

083 543 1676.


Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171

Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour.

Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231


2 x 2 Bedroom Flats to let in Burgersfort

Reasonable rates.Contact:

076 666 1100

The ASA Metals Smelter and its subsidiary, Dilokong Chrome Mine, are situated in the eastern limb of the Bushveld Ingneous Complex (BIC), where some 83% of the world’s chrome reserves are

located. The key to our ongoing success has been continuous innovation and development. These endeavours include: • A chromium production mine • An ore benefi ciation plant • Pelletising and sinter plant • Four 66 MVA production furnaces. These exciting developments have necessitated

the employ of only the best the mining profession has to offer. Join us at our operation, close to the rapidly expanding town of Burgersfort in the Limpopo Province.

Closing date: 20 February 2015

A world-class opportunity in Mining and Benefi ciation

General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of themethods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint.

Please forward your application, stating which position you are applying for by e-mail: [email protected]

Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.


Instrumentation Automation Programmer (C5)ROLE PURPOSE: To continuously add value to the company’s vision by safely monitoring and controlling all instrumentation activities in the production sections, managing devia-tions so as to ensure the overall performance targets are achieved.

ROLE REQUIREMENTS: • NQF Level 4 qualifi cation in the Instrumentation fi eld • Recognized certifi cates as a Siemens PLC automation controller • Four (4) years applicable experience in automation software, includingSiemens S7 PLC (Programma-ble Logic Controllers) and Profi bus networks. • Sound knowledge of Siemens PCS-7, WinCC and Adroit Scada are a prerequisite. • Applicable experience in submerge arc furnaces; raw material handling and Pelletizing plants will be an advantage. • Successful automation of projects commissioned will be an advantage. • Excellent knowledge of all fi eld instruments • Drivers licence and own transport

ROLE RESPONSIBILITIES: • Plant/Process faultfi nding via programmable logic con-trollers. • Install, test and confi gure process control software philosophies to engineering standards. • Diagnose and repair faults on equipment and machinery during production/operations. • Read and interpret instrumentation drawings. • Install, test, commission and maintain all intelligent control networks. • Conduct continuous risk assessment in a workplace. • Execute any ad – hoc task within his/her knowledge/experience as given by the supervisor. • Improve the overall performance of the workplace to ensure optimum service delivery.

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The Municipality has in its Ordinary Council meeting held on the 29th January 2015 adopted the 2013/14 Annual Report and the 2014/15 Mid Year report.

Those who are interested in perusing the documents should contact Tshilwane MJ @ 013 231 1186 and Kgoete MP @ 013 231 1324 during offi ce hours.

Other copies are available for inspection from 09th February 2015 at Burgersfort Library, Ohrigstad, Ga-Mapodile and Praktiseer Satellite offi ces and all Tribal offi ces.

Written comments should reach the Secretariat Unit on or before 04th March 2015 in preparation for the MPAC Public hearing to be held on the 05th March 2015, 10h00 at Municipal Chamber. For more information please contact Mphego SS @ 013 231 1130 0r Nkosi MN @ 013 231 1139 during working hours. Moja MM

Acting Municipal Manager

Remember to book your advertisement

before or on a Tuesday every week.

Call 013 231 7147 for more information.

Page 11: Platinum Gazette 13 February 2015


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The Comrades Marathon Association (CMA) has announced that it is considering a marginal change in the race route for the 90th Comrades Marathon to be held on Sunday, 31 May 2015. CMA Race Director, Rowyn James has explained that due to the GO!Durban Integrated Rapid Public Transport Network road-works in Josiah Gumede Road (Old Main Road), Pinetown, a slight route devia-tion is being considered for Comrades race day. This is in keeping with the CMA’s strict protocol on runner safety.James says, “The eThekwini Municipali-ty and its contractors had met with CMA representatives prior to the 2014 Com-rades Marathon to discuss any potential disruptions that such construction would have on the Comrades Marathon race route. The CMA has therefore decided to consider amending the route accordingly and will communicate the fi nal outcome to our runners and other stakeholders in due course.” James continues, “The construction in Pinetown does not adverse-ly affect the route or the race and every-thing is being done by ourselves and the

Joshua Generation’s top achieving students were invited to Honour Roll trips during 2014 were invited to go on the Principal’s Honour Roll visit to Badplaas. The team had loads of fun and are motivated to keep up their hard work this year. (Photograph and Information: Joshua Generation).

Academic Achievers rewarded with special outing

Preparing for their golf dayJoshua Generation will be hosting their annual golf day on 21 February 2015. The event will take place at Tubatse Chrome Club. Both the teachers and learners are practic-ing their golf skills for the event. The public is invited to join them on this fun day. To book your spot on the course contact Joshua Generation on 071 697 5450 or e-mail: [email protected] (Photograph & Information: Joshua Generation)

Municipality to minimise the impact on the race. We understand the importance of the development of the GO!Durban Integrated Rapid Public Transport Network which we fully support for the citizens of Durban; and will be looking at how best we can re-route the Pinetown section with minimal impact to the athletes.”James adds, “We will be holding further dis-cussions with the Municipality to start fi nalis-ing plans but these plans are also deter-mined by construction progress, so we will only be able to release any developments in this regard closer to the time. After all, the safety of our runners is of paramount impor-tance; hence the possible route deviation.” James concludes, “As the CMA, we will also be working closely with our provincial athletics federation, KwaZulu-Natal Athletics in terms of route measurement and other related contingencies. We look forward to an amazing race day for our runners and supporters alike.” The 90th running of the world’s biggest and oldest ultra-marathon will be an ‘up-run’ from Durban to Pieter-maritzburg. More than 22-thousand runners are signed up for this year’s race.

Possible route changes for Comrades

Marathon 2015

Golfers make Tubatse proudTubatse Chrome Club league golf players took advantage of a home game. Read more about it on page 12.

Page 12: Platinum Gazette 13 February 2015

12 NEWS 13 FEBRUARY 2015

SPORTSPORTPlatinum Gazette

Taking the homeground advantageTubatse Chrome Golf Club had an excellent weekend in the league games. One team played in Sabie and two teams played at Tubatse Chrome Club. Chrome A won 9-0 against Nelspruit. Chrome B won 9-0 against Sabie. Chrome C unfortunately lost their game 9-0 against Sabie. The IPS Competition winner was Thinus Labuschagne with 40 points. Theunis Muller came 2nd with 37 points on a count out and Baard Language 3rd on 37 points.

The Jackpot holes were 3,7, 10 and 18 - shared on 9 points. Two Club: Shared - carry over till next competition. On 14 February there will be social golf, 21 February the Joshua Generation Golf Day and on 28 February the Kruppel Burffels Golf day. The Club is appealing to every-one to support these days.

(Information: Willem Montgom-ery - Tubatse Chrome Golf Club)