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Pokémon Shiny Gold


 Pokémon Shiny Gold is a FireRed hack by Zel. Don't think of it as a normal Gold remake, it has plenty of differences. The walkthrough on this page is for the BETA 5 version of Shiny Gold. When

BETA 6 comes out, the walkthrough will be updated. Also, during the walkthrough, I might encourage you to catch certain Pokemon. You do NOT need to follow this, it is just suggestions I

make to have a well-balanced party.


1. Your Adventure BeginsWelcome to Pokémon Shiny Gold! Well, let's get right to it. Let's name our character. I'll name mine "Gold", but feel free to use any name you want. Now my rival's name is going to be "Dash". Well, we're all done with Oak's blabbering so let's start the game. Now, go downstairs (also you can get a Potion from your computer) and your mom will stop you from leaving. She gives you the Phone Card and the PokéBeeper. Now, you can leave your house.


2. Your First Pok émon Now go to Elm's Lab, the big building north of New Bark Town. Go talk to him and Prof. Elm will tell you about his errand. He needs you to go see Mr. Pokémon about some secret he has and he let's you take a pokémon with you! So, go choose one out of the three balls. I am going to choose Totodile, but you can choose whoever. Now, when you get your pokémon, Elm's assistant will give you a Potion and you can now leave.


3. Getting to Mr.PokémonOnce you leave Elm's Lab, head out of New Bark by going down the West path. However, on your way out a mysterious trainer will appear and battle you. He iseasy, with only a lvl 3 Squirtle. Beat him easily and he will introduce himself a Carlos. Remember him, because your going to see a lot of him. Now, continue going West and fight most of the wild pokémon you encounter to get some EXP. After the first patch of grass, head North and then continue going West. You should eventually end up in Cherrygrove.When you arrive in Cherrygrove, the first thing you should do is talk to the old man standing near the entrance. He will give you a tour of the town and then give you a Town Map. Once your done the tour, heal if needed and head up Route 30. Now keep heading North, fighting wild pokémon on the way, until you reach a small house with a sign saying "Mr.Pokémon's House". Enter and you will begin to talk to Mr.Pokémon and Prof. Oak. Oak will give you a Pokédex and Mr.Pokémon will give you the Mystery Egg. Mr.Pokémon will heal your pokémon and you can now leave.

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4. Back to the LabOnce you leave the house, you will get a PokéBeeper message from Elm telling you to hurry to his lab. Do as he says and hurry down Route 30 back to Cherrygrove. Now, before you leave, heal if needed and then head out. Your rival, Dash (or whatever you called him) will run into you and challange you to a battle. Now, his pokémon will be the one super effective against you. So in my case, his is a lvl 5 Chikorita. It is still easy to win and when you beat him, he will run off.

Continue to New Bark. You can take the shortcuts by jumping off the cliffs, or you can take the long way again to get some more EXP. Once you arrive back in New Bark, head into Elm's lab. A police officer will be there and thanks you for helping his investigation. Then, Elm will ask for Mr.Pokémon's secret and you hand him the egg. After that, Elm will say you and your pokémon are doing well and you should take the Pokémon Gym challenge. Before you leave, Elm's assistant will give you some PokéBalls. Leave Elm's lab and return to your house and talk to your mom. She will give you an Amulet Coin and some Running Shoes. Leave your house and run back to Route 30.

5. Violet CityOk, so before you start to fight trainers on Route 30, you should catch some pokémon. My suggestions are either a Pidgey or a Sentret. Catch whichever you want, I will catch a Pidgey. Try to get one around lvl 4 or 5. My party so far: Lvl 10 Totodile, Lvl 4 Pidgey. So, once you catch either one, head to Route 30 and fight the first trainer you see. He has a lvl 4 Rattata, so easy stuff. Once you beat him, talk to him again and you can get his Phone Number. After that, head North to fight the next trainer.

This trainer has a lvl 2 Pidgey and a lvl 4 Rattata. Continue North to run into another trainer. He has 2 lvl 3 Caterpies and after you beat him, continue North. Go through the small grass patch to the East and you'll find yourself in front of a cave. Inside are Zubats, Geodudes, Dunsparses and if your lucky, you'll run into a Nosepass. Anyways, go West, then South and you'll find another bug trainer. He has 3 lvl 2 Caterpies and a lvl 3 Weedle. The PokéBall next to him contains a PokéBall. Then, go through the patch of grass to the West, then North out of it and into the building to the left. You are now in Violet City.

6. Sprout Tower and Violet GymOnce in Violet City, heal your pokémon. In the house near the Pokémon Center, there is a boy who wants to trade his Onix for a Bellsprout. So if you want an Onix, head back out the East entrance and walk around the patch of grass 'till you find a Bellsprout. I will not do it, but you can if you want. Next, you can either go to the Gym first or the Sprout Tower (the building all the way to the North). I'll go to the tower.

In the tower, there are many trainers with Bellsprouts and some with HootHoots. Also, wild Gastlys and Rattatas appear so I recommend you get a Gastly. My party so far: lvl 11 Totodile, lvl 10 Pidgey, lvl 5 Gastly. All the trainers, up until the final room only have lvl 3 Bellsprouts. In the tower you will come across a Paralyz Heal, an X Defend, a Potion and an Escape Rope. To get to the top of the tower, just follow the paths. Once you get to the top, there will be 3 trainers before the "boss". Beat those three and once you go North of the room, you'll meet your rival. You will not battle him and he will leave using an Escape Rope. Battle the "boss" after this. He has 2 lvl 7 Bellsprouts and a lvl 10 HootHoot. Beat him and he will give you HM05 FLASH. It's sort of uselss, but hey, at least you got some EXP and a Gastly. So, use the Escape Rope nearby to leave, heal and then travel to the Gym.

Once you enter the Gym, Carlos will be there waiting for you. He already beat the Gym Leader and thinks he's all that so he challenges you again. He now has 2 pokémon, a lvl 8 Eevee and his lvl 9 Squirtle. Beat him easily again and he will make up an excuse that his pokémon were weak from the gym battles and then he leaves. Now it's time for the Gym Leader. Here is the Gym's info:


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Trainer #1: Bird Keeper Abe

lvl 9 Spearow

Trainer #2: Bird Keeper Rod

lvl 7 Pidgey

lvl 7 Pidgey

Trainer #3: Leader Falkner

lvl 7 Pidgey

lvl 9 Pidgeotto


Gastly is pretty much useless in this gym, so it's up to Totodile or Pidgey. I recommend to use Totodile against Falkner's Pidgey because it doesn't have Mud-Slap. But watch out for those annoying Sand-Attacks. If your Totodile is lvl 13, use Water Gun on it, if not just use Scratch. Use your Pidgey on his Pidgeotto so it can't use Mud-Slap on you. Falkner should go down easy and you should have your first badge! Once you win, he will give you TM31 MUD-SLAP. Teach it to Pidgey if you want and then, exit the Gym.

7. Union CaveOnce you leave, you will get a PokéBeeper message from Prof. Elm. He will tell you that his assistant is waiting for you in Violet City. Go to the Pokémon Center and you'll see him standing there. Talk to him and he will give you the Egg. The egg should hatch around the time your at the 3rd badge. Anyways, he'll leave and you heal. Then, go back to the area where the Gym is and you'll see a path going South. Take it and keep going until you reach some grass. There are Mareeps in here and you definetley need one! My party so far: lvl 13 Totodile, lvl 12 Pidgey, lvl 12 Gastly, lvl 5 Mareep, Egg.

Keep going South and the first trainer you see has a lvl 6 Rattata and a lvl 8 Zubat. Beat him and then keep going South. You'll see a girl facing a wall. Talk to her and you'll battle her. She has a lv 9 Nidoran♀. Once you beat her, talk to her again for her Phone Number. The PokéBall in the patch of grass to the left is a Potion. Continue going South as usual and the next trainer you encounter has a lvl 9 Nidoran♂. After him and continue South (the PokéBall in the grass is a GreatBall) to the next trainer, who has a lvl 10 Wooper. Finally you reach a Pokémon Center, so heal up. Talk to the fisherman inside to get an Old Rod. Then, if you want, head back North and then East to the docks with all the other fisherman and fight them to get some good EXP. You can also fish there to get a Magikarp. Go back to the Pokémon Center, heal and then travel South. Another trainer will be there. He will have 2 lvl 6 Pidgeys and a lvl 8 Spearow. After him, you can finally get into Union Cave. Inside, there are Geodudes, Sandshrews, Zubats, Onixs and if you're really lucky, you will find a lvl 1 Mudkip! But for now, I'm going to catch a Geodude.

8. Slowpoke Well and Azalea GymMy party so far: lvl 13 Totodile, lvl 13 Pidgey, lvl 12 Mareep, lvl 12 Gastly, lvl 8 Geodude, Egg. Now that we're inside Union Cave, we need to get out. Travel left and battle the hiker there. He has a lvl 11 Onix. The PokéBall in the corner is a Potion. Travel South down the little river and then turn right (if you turn left and go down the path, you will find a GreatBall) and then continue South again. The hiker here has a lvl 4 Geodude, a lvl 6 Geodude and a lvl 8 Geodude. If you turn right and go down the path, you will find an X Attack. Continue South again the firbreather there has 2 lvl 6 Koffings and up the steps to the right, the pokémaniac has a lvl 10 Slowpoke. Then, go down the ladder near

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the pokémaniac. Go left to find an X Defend and go right to battle a trainer with a lvl 11 Lotad and get TM39 SWIFT. Travel back up the ladder, back to the firebreather and continue South. The PokéBall in the corner contains an Awakening. More South, you will find the last trainer in the cave (for now). He's got a lvl 9 Vulpix. Once you beat him, you can finally leave.

Outside the cave, you will find one last trainer before Azalea Town. He has a lvl 11 Geodude and a lvl 11 Machop. He might be hard to beat if your pokémon are weak, but if you do, travel West to Azalea. Heal at the Pokémon Center, then go to the PokéMart and buy some Potions and some PokéBalls. After that, travel West of the town and then North to a small little house. You will meet Kurt, the guy who makes Balls from Appricorns. He is very frustrated at Team Rocket for taking over Slowpoke Well, so he storms out. Travel to Slowpoke Well (the place where the Rocket was guarding) and go inside. Kurt will be there saying he is hurt, so you'll need to do it on your own. So, go straight and fight your first Rocket Grunt! Obviously not that hard, this Grunt has 2 lvl 9 Rattatas. Keep going straight until you see a small path to the left. Go left and find a Super Potion. Go back and then go up the steps to fight the next Grunt. She's equipped with a lvl 9 Zubat and a lvl 11 Ekans. Travel left some more, then down to find the thrid Grunt. This one has a lvl 11 Rattata and 2 lvl 9 Zubats. Travel South, then East and you'll find the last Grunt. He's packed with 1 pokémon and it's a lvl 14 Koffing. Once you beat him, Kurt will thank you (his back has magically gotten better) and give you a NetBall. The Slowpokes will then return to town.

Back in Azalea, heal and head straight for the Gym. Again Carlos will be standing there, but this time it is optional to battle him. Battle him anyways and it is going to be a double battle. He hasn't got any new pokémon, except for his evolved Squirtle. His Eevee is now 15 and his Wartortle is 16. Beat him up with Mareep and somebody else and get ready for the second Gym. Here is the Gym's Info:


Trainer #1: Twins Amy & May            Trainer #4: Bug Catcher Benny

lvl 10 Spinarak                                   lvl 7 Weedle

lvl 10 Ledyba                                      lvl 9 Kakuna

Trainer #2: Bug Catcher Al                 lvl 12 Beedrill

lvl 12 Caterpie                                   Trainer #5: Leader Bugsy

lvl 12 Weedle                                     lvl 14 Metapod

Trainer #3: Bug Catcher Josh             lvl 14 Kakuna

lvl 13 Paras                                       lvl 16 Scyther


The three main pokémon you should use are Pidgey, Geodude and Mareep. Use Pidgey's Gust for Metapod and Kakuna. Then, when Scyther comes out, use Geodude and use Rock Throw on it for a 2x Super-Effective (because he's bug and flying). If Geodude somehow dies, use Pidgey again and if Pidgey dies, use Mareep as a last resort. When you beat her, she will give you TM49 FURY CUTTER.

9. Farfetch'd Puzzle and Ilex ForestLeave the Gym and go heal, you'll need it. Once you heal, buy some Paralyz Heals and then leave Azalea through the West exit. Your rival, Dash, will stop you. He doesn't

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believe you got rid of Team Rocket so he battles you. He now has 3 pokémon with him a lvl 12 Gastly, a lvl 14 Zubat, and a lvl 16 Starter 2nd Form (Bayleef for me). Use your own Gastly against his. Use Hypnosis and keep Licking him. If you get Paralyzed, use the Paralyz Heals. If you get to Sleep, use that Awakening you found in Union Cave (you can buy some too). For his Zubat, take out Mareep (Flaaffy for me now :]) and Thundershock him dead. For the Starter, it depends on who you picked. If he's got Quilava, use Geodude. If he's got Crocanaw, use Flaaffy. In my case, he's got Bayleef so I'll use Pidgey. Once you beat him, he will say some pointless blabbering and run off. Heal agains and then leave Azalea through the West exit.

You are now in Ilex Forest, which will eventually be one of your favorite places ;). Anyways, travel north and talk to the kid you see there. He will tell you about the Farfetch'd that ran away and the kid's too scared to go into Ilex Forest, so naturally you need to do it. Travel East, then South and East again until you find the Fearow-looking Farfetch'd. Here is the video of how to solve it: (you also get a Revive)!  

    Alright, so once you solve the puzzle, go back to the boy. You will see him with the Farfetch'd and there will be another guy there. Talk to the other guy and he will thank you for saving the Farfetch'd and give you HM01 CUT. I suggest teaching it to your starter or if you're one of the people who make HM slaves then do what you want. From where the boy was standing, go right until you see a strange tree. Talk to it and it will ask if you want to cut it. Say YES and you can go on. After the tree, go left, then up and then go right. After a bit, you will find a fork: a path going North and a path going East. Take the East path and follow it all the way to the end to meet a person. He will give you TM02 HEADBUTT. This is a really good Normal-type move, so teach it to Flaaffy or Sentret (if you got him instead of a Pidgey). Then, jump off the cliff, go North and you will be back at the fork. Now follow the North path until you get to a building. Enter and exit the building to be on Route 34. 

10. Goldenrod City Secrets   and Gym The next city is Goldenrod which has the hardest Gym! So you will need to do a lot of training. So, fight every trainer on Route 34. They are not hard, so no need to explain what they have. Anyways, halfway up Route 34, you will spot the Daycare. If you want any pokémon to be trained while you're not using it, bring it here. Anyways, there are a bunch of secrets inside Goldenrod, so once you beat every trainer on Route 34, head North into Goldenrod and heal. Now, go North from the Pokémon Center until you see a sign that reads "Goldenrod City: The Festive City of Opulent Charm". From that sign, go East and then all the way down the South path until you reach a building with a door. Go inside and talk to the guy there. He will give you the Bicycle. Now, if you start from the Pokémon Center, go North a little and then turn left on the first path. Keep going left, then down and go inside the building with a sign in front of it. You are now inside Goldenrod's Underground. There are trainers here, merchants who sell expensive merhcandise, but most improtantly, there is the Coin Case. Once you go down the

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stairs, fight the two trainers and the PokéBall there will contain the Coin Case. Go all the way North to fight two more trainers. Then exit through the South entrance. Now, this is optional, but head North until you get to the big building with the sign that says "Your Playground! Goldenrod City Game Corner". Go inside and go all the way North of the room. The lady all the way to the left sells you coins so you can play the games and the two ladies on the right sell you prizes. The left lady who sells prizes gives you TMs, while the other sells you rare pokémon like Dratini or even Charmander. Anyways, our next goal is to leave Goldenrod through the North exit.

Go inside the building ALL the way North of Goldenrod to get to Route 35. As like Route 34, fight every trainer you see. When you get to the entrance of the grass patch, go right and fight the Bug Trainer there. Talk to him after to get his Phone Number. Then go South of the grass patch and fight the Bird Keeper. Left of the grass patch is a path. Go up the path to find TM04 ROLLOUT. This is another good move, so teach it to Geodude. Anyways, by now your egg should've hatched already. If it didn't, just walk around a bit more and it will. Once you get your Togepi, either put it in the PC or in the Daycare because you really don't need it. Now, once Togepi is gone, you should have 1 more space in your party. Go back to Route 35 and go inside the building all the way to the North. Once inside, if the exit has a man standing in front of it, it means you can do the Bug-Catching contest, where you can catch rare bug pokémon like Scyther and Pinsir. So if he's there, just do the contest to get him out of the way. If he's not there, just walk out through the exit. Once out, you will run into some crazy bug freak named Ard. He has a lvl 15 Butterfree. Once he's beaten, he will run off, but you will run into him again. Now go East of the path you are on until you see a girl with a Meowth next to her. Talk to her to receive aQuick Claw. Now go West and go up the North path. Inside the grass, there are trainers so fight all of them. Also, if you continue North you will find more grass with more trainers. The Schoolboy that you fight gives you his Phone Number if you talk to him after you win. After you've beaten every trainer, heal and then return to the park. Go all the way North to the top right corner until you see a boy playing Gameboy. You will see an opening near him. Go through and go left. Keeping following the path and by the end you will find TM28 DIG. Teach it to Geodude and go back to the opening in the gate. This time, go right. The PokéBall there is a Paralyz Heal. Anyways, keep going until you reach the end. Then, to your right, you will notice that part of the trees looks different (See picture #1 of this section). It is a secret path! Go in and you will find yourself in a special garden. Go all the way East to find a girl in front of a house. Talk to her and she says she has a Treecko that needs a good trainer, so you must battle her for it. She has a lvl 23 Chansey and a lvl 25 Delcatty. Now, they are higher level, but they aren't hard to beat. For Chansey, she's very annoying with Softboiled and Minimize. So, if you didn't teach any of your pokémon Swift, teach it to one of them. Use that pokémon for Chansey. For Delcatty, use Geodude because it's only physical attack is Doubleslap, but it does have Sing and Attract to it's really annoying. Once you beat her, you will get your Treecko. (**Note** You need 1 space in your party **End of Note**) The Treecko is lvl 1, so you gotta train it to your other pokémon's level. My party so far: lvl 20 Flaaffy, lvl 19 Pidgeotto, lvl 19 Croconaw, lvl 19 Geodude, lvl 18 Gastly, lvl 1 Treecko. Since my party is now full, at the beginning of every new section, I'm going to show you what I have.

There are only a couple more trainers, then you can finally hit the Goldenrod Gym. Go out the West exit of the park to Route 36. Fight the two trainers there. You can use these trainers to train your Treecko and you should only go to the Gym when all your pokémon are near lvl 20. Once they are, go to the Gym. Carlos will be standing in front, but won't fight you. Talk to him and he will leave. Now you can enter the Gym. Here is the Gym's info:


Trainer #1: Beauty Victoria                          Trainer #4: Lass Bridget

lvl 9 Sentret                                                 lvl 15 Jigglypuff

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lvl 13 Sentret                                               lvl 15 Jigglypuff

lvl 17 Sentret                                               lvl 15 Jigglypuff

Trainer #2: Beauty Samantha                       Trainer #5: Leader Whitney

lvl 16 Meowth                                             lvl 18 Clefairy

lvl 16 Meowth                                             lvl 20 Miltank

Trainer #3: Lass Carrie

lvl 18 Snubbull


Gastly is once again useless, so the main pokémon you will be using is Geodude. I recommend buying som Full Heals before you fight Whitney because her Clefairy uses Metronome and you never know what's going to be used. Anyways, besides Metronome, Clefairy uses Doubleslap, so Geodude is the one to use. Now, for Miltank, it has Rollout and an annoying move called Milk Drink. So, a good thing to do is try to get it to sleep with Gastly's Hypnosis and then quickly change to someone strong like Geodude or Flaaffy and try to kill it as fast as possible. It also has Attract, which is kind of like a permanent Confusion, except instead of not hitting your opponent and hurting yourself, you just don't hit your opponent. Don't get discouraged if it takes more then one try to beat her, but you eventually will. She will start crying and not give you the badge. So just leave her and then one of the Lasses will stop you and tell you she will stop crying. Go talk to her after that and get the badge. She will also give you TM45 ATTRACT.


11. Ecruteak City

My party so far: lvl 20 Pidgeotto, lvl 20 Mareep, lvl 20 Croconaw, lvl 20 Grovyle, lvl 20 Geodude, lvl 19 Gastly.

Once you finish an annoying battle with Whitney, exit the Gym. Before you go heal, head to your right and you will see two houses. Go to the one up top. Inside, you will see 2 girls. Talk to the one next to the flowers to receive theSquirtbottle. Now, you can go heal and head back to Route 36 and make sure you got some PokéBalls handy. Head all the way East of Route 36 until you see a strange tree. Talk to it and it will ask you if you want to use the Squirtbottle. Say yes and the weird tree will attack you. It is actually a Sudowoodo. If you want to kill it, just use Croconaw or Grovyle, but if you want to catch it, use Gastly and Hyprnosis and Night Sahade to weaken it. Here is the Sudowoodo's stats:


Name: Sudowoodo

PokéDex Number: 185

Type: Rock


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Level: 20                                                                                                               HP: 61                                                                                                              Attack: 46                                                                                                       Defense: 51                                                                                                               Sp.Atk: 17                                                                                                                  Sp.Def: 40                                                                                                                  Speed: 15

Catching Method                              

Put it to sleep with Gastly and then weaken it with Night Shade. GreatBalls are recommended.


Once caught (or defeated), head down the East path and talk to the man you see there. For having a battle with the Sudowoodo, he will reward you withHM06 ROCK SMASH. It is a pretty bad move, but you will need it for it's HM ability, so teach it to one of your pokémon. If needed, heal, then return to where you found Sudowoodo. Head down the West path this time. You will find a double battle with twins who have a lvl 16 Jigglypuff and a lvl 16 Clefairy. Continue North into a patch of grass to fight another trainer. He has a lvl 17 Drowzee. Once beaten, continue North and you will end up in Ecruteak. Even if you don't need to, head to the Pokémon Center. Inside you will meet Bill, the guy who makes the PC system. He will tell you about his new Trade System (which doesn't even work because the game is a ROM) and then he will leave going to Goldenrod. You will go meet him later. Anyways, if needed heal, then head to the NorthWest corner of the city. You will meet a couple named Dante and Rina. They will challenge you to a double battle, so be ready for it. They are easy with only a lvl 20 Volbeat and a lvl 20 Illumise. A good combo to use on this is Geodude and Pidgeotto. Once defeated, they will leave and you should heal. Head back to the tower and enter.

You will see Dash there and he says he's looking for the legendary pokémon that are said to be in that tower. He then battles you. Now he has four pokémon: a lvl 20 Haunter (somehow), a lvl 20 Zubat, a lvl 18 Magnemite and a lvl 22 Starter 2nd Form. For Haunter, use Gastly. Hypnosis then Night Shade, but watch out, he is going to do the same to you (except with Lick). For Zubat, take out Flaaffy and use Thundershock. For Magnemite, use Geodude and either Dig or Magnetude. Finally, for the Starter, use the same pokémon I said to use the last time. If you forgot: Quilava = Geodude, Croconaw = Flaaffy, Bayleef = Pidgeotto. Once beaten, he will leave and you can go find the legendary pokémon. Head down the East path and fight the trainer there. He's got 2 lvl 15 Koffings and a lvl 16 Growlithe. Once he's beaten, head up the North path and fight the trainer there. This one has a lvl 17 Charmeleon. Countinue South and the PokéBall there contains and X Speed. Then, fall into the small black square. Once you fall, go up the steps and you will see the three legendary dogs: Raikou, Entei and Suicune. However, they will run off and you can only see them again in a random wild battle.

Now, go South and jump off the ledge. You'll see a ladder, so climb up. It will bring you back to the entrance. Exit the tower and go heal. Now, it's time to get your next HM. Exit the Pokémon Centre and head into the building just North of it (the one with the old man in front of it). Head north inside the building until you see a bunch of girls dancing. You will need to fight them all. So let's start with the girl on the far left. She has a lvl 17 Flareon. Easily taken down with Croconaw. The next girl has a lvl 17 Espeon. Since we have nothing super-effective against it, just get it down with your strongest Pokémon. The next girl is the hardest of them all with a lvl 17 Umbreon. Use the same tactic as you did with Espeon and just use your strongest Pokémon. The last two are easy with a lvl 17 Vaporeon first and a lvl 17 Jolteon second. Use Grovyle or Flaaffy for Vaporeon and Geodude for Jolteon. Once you defeat all of them, head back to the bottom of the building and talk to the old man there. He will give you HM03 SURF. You can't use it yet (outside of battle), but you can teach it to Croconaw for a good water move.

12. Ecruteak Gym  

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My party so far: lvl 21 Pidgeotto, lvl 21 Flaaffy, lvl 21 Croconaw, lvl 21 Grovyle, lvl 21 Geodude, lvl 21 Gastly

Ecruteak is finished... for now... so now it's time to hit the gym. Go heal again and then head West to the Gym. But before you go, I recommend buying some Super Potions, Paralyze Heals and Awakenings at the PokéMart. Once you bought those, head into the Gym. Here is the Gym's info: (A video on how to get by the invisible path is below the "Gym Info")



 Trainer #1: Sage Ping                       Trainer #4: Medium Martha

lvl 16 Gastly                                     lvl 18 Gastly

lvl 16 Gastly                                     lvl 20 Haunter

lvl 16 Gastly                                     lvl 20 Gastly

lvl 16 Gastly                                     Trainer #5: Leader Morty

lvl 16 Gastly                                     lvl 21 Gastly

Trainer #2: Medium Grace                lvl 21 Haunter

lvl 20 Haunter                                  lvl 25 Gengar

lvl 20 Haunter                                  lvl 23 Haunter

Trainer #3: Sage Ping

lvl 22 Haunter



(Sorry for no sound...)

It is finally Gastly's time to shine! But there is a way to easily win without using him. If your Grovyle and Croconaw have Pursuit and Bite, you will probably use them for the whole fight. Most of his Ghost Pokémon try to use Hypnosis and then Night Shade, but his Gengar uses the Hypnosis and Dream Eater combo, this is where you Awakenings come in handy. I recommend using Croconaw for Gengar because Bite is stronger. All his other

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Ghosts are easy and once he's beaten, you'll have your fourth badge! He'll reward you with TM30 SHADOW BALL. After the fight, heal up with your extra potions, because you'll need it. Of course! Carlos will be outside the Gym waiting for you to fight him with weak Pokémon, but luckily you listened to me and healed. He has 3 Pokémon and starts off with a lvl 20 Machop. Take it down with Pidgeotto. His next Pokémon is a lvl 22 Eevee. You can keep Pidgeotto to fight it or use another strong Pokémon. His last Pokémon is his lvl 23 Wartortle. Take out Flaaffy and he's done. Once you beat him, he'll leave and you can fianlly go heal at the Pokémon Centre. Now say goodbye to Ecruteak...

13. Olivine Lighthouse

My party so far: lvl 23 Pidgeotto, lvl 22 FLaaffy, lvl 23 Croconaw, lvl 23 Grovyle, lvl 22 Geodude, lvl 22 Gastly

Exit the Pokémon Centre and go north and then West all the way to the end of the city. Exit through the West exit and you'll end up on Route 38. There are lots of trainers on this route so it's good EXP. First, go West a little and go down the path UNDER the grass. You'll find a bird keeper to fight. Get the berry if you want and then head into the grass path above and fight the sailor. Go West in the grass path and fight the girl right outside of it. After her, go into the grass next to you and fight another girl trainer. Continue West and fight the trainer in the top left corner. After him, go South and then West down the path. Fight the trainer to the North and then head South. These are the last three trainers before you get to the next town. Beat them and head into Olivine.Once you make your way down the path and near the Gym, Dash will come and talk to you. Don't worry you won't fight him, but he will tell you that the Gym Leader is in the Lighthouse, which is the next place you need to go to. Once he leaves, head South. Once you see the Pokémon Centre, heal up and when you exit, head to the building right to the left of the Pokémon Centre. Talk to the sailor inside to get HM04 STRENGTH. Exit and head north of the Pokémon Centre and go inside the little house to the left of the PokéMart. Talk to the fisherman in there to get a GOOD ROD. Now that you got those two things, it's time to head to the Lighthouse! Exit the small house and go Southeast to the really tall building and head inside.

This place is crawling with trainers, so I won't explain them. The Lighthouse itself is pretty straight forward. Basically just need to follow the path, go up the stairs until you get to a certain point. Once you get to the third floor (forth if you're counting the lobby), fight the girl trainer to your left and head down the black square. You will immediatley fight another trainer once you land. Grab the Ether next to him and head up the stairs. Keep going up until you get to a floor with a trainer in the middle. Fight him and take the Great Ball in the corner. Go up the last flight of stairs to meet the Gym Leader. Too bad you don't get to fight her though, but she does tell you about the sick Pokémon in the Lighthouse and that there is a Pharmacy in Cianwood that has a cure for the Pokémon, so you gotta head there. First take the Super Potion you see in the picture, and then head NorthEast of the room and fall through the black hole. Fall through the rest of the black holes until you get to the lobby. Exit the Lighthouse and go heal, because you are now going to Surf for the first time!

14. Cianwood Gym and Pharmacy  

My party so far: lvl 24 Pidgeotto, lvl 24 Flaaffy, lvl 24 Croconaw, lvl 24 Grovyle, lvl 24 Geodude, lvl 24 Gastly

Exit the Pokémon Centre and head West until you hit a wall near a bunch of rocks that you can break with Rock Smash. Go near the water and start to surf! Travel South, fighting trainers along the way, until you see a path going West. Go down that path, fighting more trainers, until you finally hit some land. This is Cianwood. Head southeast of the town and heal up. Then put one of your Pokémon into the PC System and head to the most north house. Talk to the little girl there to get an Egg Sticker put onto your Trainer Card. Then go South again and go into the house right to the left of the Pokémon Centre. Talk to the man in there to get a lvl 15 Shuckle. Leave the house and now head

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into the house directly South. This is the Pharmacy. Talk to the guy there to get theSECRETPOTION. But, before you head back to Olivine, let's head to the Cianwood Gym.

Go back to the Pokémon Centre, put Shuckle away (if you want) and get back your other Pokémon. Then head West to the Gym and talk to the girl in front of the entrance. You'll start a battle with her. She is easy with a lvl 22 Ralts. Once beaten, she will run inside the Gym, crying (she will be inside the Gym, still crying). So, heal if needed and then head in. Here is the Gym's info:


Trainer #1: Black Belt Yoshi                        Trainer #4: Black Belt Lung

lvl 27 Hitmonlee                                         lvl 23 Mankey

Trainer #2: Black Belt Lao                           lvl 23 Mankey

lvl 27 Hitmonchan                                     lvl 25 Primeape

Trainer #3: Black Belt Nob                          Trainer #5: Leader Chuck

lvl 25 Machop                                            lvl 27 Primeape

lvl 25 Machoke                                          lvl 30 Poliwrath


To solve the boulder "puzzle", first use Strength to push the left and right boulders upwards and then push the middle one either left or right. The trainers can either be the hardets thing in this Gym, or the easiest, it all depends on your luck with Poliwrath. Primeape is easy to take down with Pidgeotto's Gust. Make sure to have some Super Potions because he's going to get injured. For Poliwrath, you got 2 Pokémon that are super-effective against him, Flaaffy and Grovyle. Use them in any order to try and take down Poliwrath. Remember, if you get him close to fainting, he will use a Super Potion. Have some revives with you just in case is Dynamic Punch hits you and does a lot of damage. Once you beat him, he will give you TM01 DYNAMICPUNCH. It's a pretty good fighting move, but has really low accuracy. Anyways, head to the exit of the gym (don't worry about fighting Carlos again) and the girl you fought before (her name is Amelia) will apologize to you and says she'll keep an eye on you. You will see her again. Once you exit, talk to the woman walk outside the Gym. She will give you HM02 FLY, finally! Teach it to Pidgeotto and fly back to Olivine!

15. Olivine Gym and Lake of Rage  

My party so far: lvl 25 Pidgeotto, lvl 25 Flaaffy, lvl 25 Croconaw, lvl 25 Grovyle, lvl 24 Geodude, lvl 25 Haunter 

Once you return to Olivine, heal up and head back into the Lighthouse. Go the exact same route to get back to the Gym Leader and you will give her theSECRETPOTION. Amphy will be cured and she'll head back to the Gym. Use the same exit route you did last time and head northwest to the Gym. Carlos will be there, but don't worry, you don't need to fight him. He will say that he already has the Olivine Badge (what a quick battle), but not the Cianwood badge. So he'll head there and you can continue to the Gym Leader. Here is the Gym's info:


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Trainer #1: Hiker Jitou

lvl 24 Aron

Trainer #2: Leader Jasmine

lvl 30 Magnemite

lvl 30 Magnemite

lvl 35 Steelix


This is the smallest Gym and also the easiest one, if you have the right Pokémon. But the steel-type? That's impossible to beat without a fire Pokémon. However, with Geodude and Croconaw, you can beat this Gym Leader with only 4 moves. For the Magnemites, use Geodude's Magnitude. If you get high Magnitudes, they should each go down in one hit. But watch out for those annoying Supersonics!For Steelix, 2 Surfs from Coconaw can take it down, but she might use a Super Potion so you'll waste and extra PP. Oh no! Once she is beaten, she will give you TM23 IRON TAIL. Now leave the gym, heal up and fly back to Ecruteak.

Once in Ecruteak, go East of the city and exit through the East exit. Once out, grab the Ultra Ball next to the sign next to the cave and then surf on the water to the East. Once on land, cut the cut-able tree and get 3 berries. Then continue East again (get the Super Potion) and surf. Once on land, fight the Fisherman you see and continue East fighting all the trainers and you will end up in Mahogany Town. Once there, go heal at the Pokémon Centre. Now, you should've noticed a guy standing in front of the Gym entrance, which means you can't go in there yet. So, let's make him move by doing a little side quest. Head all the way North of the town and exit through the North exit.

Once you exit, you will meet up with the Bug crazy trainer, Ard, who is looking for a rare bug Pokémon. Once he sees you, he starts up a battle. He now has a lvl 25 Butterfree and a lvl 25 Dustox. He is an easy fight. Butterfree is a little annoying with Swagger and Sleep Powder while Dustox is cheap with Protect and Moonlight. Geodude/Graveler can take both of them down easily and use Flaaffy as a last resort. Once beaten, he will run off, so either go heal (if needed) and head North on this route. You will come to a place where you see a house and a path going North. If you step into the house, you will need to pay Team Rocket for them to let you go by, so take the path going North. Keep going North, fighting all the trainers you see. Once you get all the way North, you will end in at the Lake of Rage. You will see Dante and Rina hanging out here. They will spot a Gyarados in the middle of the Lake and leave. So you can go back to Mohagony and heal and then return to the Lake of Rage. Before you surf into the lake, make sure you have some GreatBalls. Surf into the Lake and you will see the Red Gyarados. Talk to it to start a battle. Here is the Gyarados' stats:


Name: Gyarados

PokéDex Number: 130

Type: Water/Flying


Level: 30                                                                                                                    HP: 103                                                                                                                      Attack:

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82                                                                                                                  Defense: 56                                                                                                               Sp.Atk: 44                                                                                                                  Sp.Def: 74                                                                                                                  Speed: 49

Catching Method

There are two techniques you can use. The first is to use Haunter, put it to sleep with Hypnosis and then weaken it with Night Shade. The other is to use Flaaffy, try to get it Paralized and then weaken it with Thundershock or Headbutt. NetBalls and GreatBalls are reccomended.


Once caught (or defeated), you will obtain the RED SCALE. Surf back onto land and you will see a man with a cape in front of the sign. Talk to him and he will introduce himself as Lance. He will tell you about the weird things going on in the Lake of Rage and he needs help investigating. So say yes and he will leave. Go back to Mahogany and heal.

16. Team Rocket Hideout

My party so far: lvl 27 Pidgeotto, lvl 26 Flaaffy, lvl 26 Croconaw, lvl 26 Graveler, lvl 26 Grovyle, lvl 26 Haunter 

Once healed, exit the Pokémon Centre and go to the building right in the middle. You will see Amelia standing outside. Talk to her to get some useful items. Once she leaves, enter the house. Once you enter, Lance will attack one guy with his insibile Dragonite and then reveal a hiddne staircase. Go down to find yourself in a hidden Team Rocket Hideout. The best route to take is to just continue going West. So start going West, but watch out! Everytime you pass a sensor box-thing, a rocket will come and battle you followed by another rocket after him. They are all easy with usually the same Pokémon. Either Zubats, Rattatas, Drowzees or Grimers. Once you get all the way to the end of the path, travel South and fight the lone trainer there. He is packed with 4 lvl 16 Rattatas. If you actually read what this grunt said, he said that they have set up traps. This means that once you step passed that yellow line to the South (and every step after) a wild Koffing, Geodude or Voltorb will appear. What's easy about this is that you can run away from all of them. Once you get passed all the traps, head down the stairs (going on the teleporter brings you back to the entrace).

Once you go down, you will meet up with Lance. He will heal your Pokémon and then leave again. Go in the same direction Lance did. You will see a strange door, however it is locked so you can't go there now. Continue East until you fight a grunt. After that grunt, continue going East and fight the next grunt. Then go down the flight of stairs. You will meet up with Lance and he tells you about the boss' quarters. He says the only way in is to get two passwords that only a few Rockets know. Luckily they are both in this room. Go West, under the stairs, and then into the room right in the middle. Fight the scientist there and continue North. You will see a gril Rocket. Beat her and she will give you the first password,SLOWPOKETAIL. For the next password, leave the small room and go East. Fight the scientist in the next room and continue going East. The retarted grunt here has the last password. Beat him to get RATICATE TAIL. The two items to the left of the grunt are a Dire Hit and a Full Heal.

Now it's time to go the the boss' room. Exit the small room and then go North. The item there is an Ice Heal. Then go East and up the stairs. Go North and then East and fight the grunt at the end of the hallway. Go down the stairs and then South. Go towards the door, but oh no, Dash will come. Don't worry, he lost a battle to Lance so he won't be able to fight you. He will leave and you can open the door (be ready for a double battle). When you walk in, a Rocket duo, Jess and Jamie (sound familiar?) will stop you and battle you. The have a lvl 22 Ekans and a lvl 22 Koffing. Both easy to take down with any Pokémon. Once beaten, they will stay put and you can walk further in the room. You will

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now battle another Rocket, no chance to heal. He has a lvl 22 Zubat, a lvl 22 Koffing and a lvl 22 Raticate. Once you beat him, he will run off. Talk to the Murkrow in the corner to get the password to the strange door you saw earlier. It is HAIL GIOVANNI.

Heal your Pokémon with any extra Super Potions and Full Heals. Then walk back to the strange door (before you leave the room with Jess and Jamie, if you go up the other staircase you will find TM46 THIEF). Once you open the door and try to go in, two Rocket Executives will stop you. Don't worry though, Lance will come and help you out. He will take on the male Executive while you get the female. She has a lvl 23 Arbok, lvl 25 Murkrow and a lvl 23 Gloom. For Arbok, use Haunter so it's Intimidate ability will have no affect when you use Night Shade. For Murkrow, take it down with Flaaffy and for Gloom, use Pidgeotto. Once you beat her, they will leave. Talk to Lance and he will bring you into the room. He says the only way to stop the signal is to make all the Electrodes faint. So, he gives you the left side of the room while he takes the right. Kill all 3 Electrodes (you can catch one, if you want) and you will walk back to the entrance of the room. Lance will thank you and will give you a Clamperl (because it has Whirpool). Lance will thank you and then leave.

17. Mahogany Gym and Quest for Ho-Oh (Part 1)

My party so far: lvl 28 Pidgeotto, lvl 28 FLaaffy, lvl 27 Croconaw, lvl 27 Graveler, lvl 27 Grovyle, lvl 27 Haunter

Well, you should now notice that the guy in front of the Gym is now gone. So it's time to try and get your 7th Gym Badge. Head into the Pokémon Center and heal up. Buy any Full Heals, Revives or Potions that you need and head into the Gym. You will see that the Gym floor is all ice. The solution to get to the Gym Leader is under the Gym Info. Here's the Gym's Info:


Trainer #1: Boarder Ronaldo                     Trainer #4: Boarder Douglas

lvl 24 Seel                                                 lvl 24 Shellder

lvl 25 Dewgong                                        lvl 24 Shellder

lvl 24 Seel                                                 lvl 25 Cloyster

Trainer #2: Skier Clarissa                         Trainer #5: Skier Roxanne

lvl 28 Dewgong                                         lvl 28 Jynx

Trainer #3: Boarder Brad                           Trainer #6: Leader Pryce

lvl 26 Swinub                                            lvl 27 Seel

lvl 26 Swinub                                            lvl 29 Dewgong

                                                                lvl 31 Piloswine


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(Sorry for no sound...again)

For this Gym, only one of the Pokémon you use should be Super Effective. The rest should just be strong Pokémon to take down the Gym Leader. For Seel, I reccomend using Haunter. Use Hypnosis to get it to sleep and get it down with Night Shade or Shadow Ball. For Dewgong get out Flaaffy. Keep using Thundershock, however Dewgong uses Rest all the time, so the battle might take a while (unless you're lucky with critical hits). Finally for Piloswine, use Graveler. This might sound weird but you need him for his strength. Use Magnetude to get Piloswine to low HP. Graveler should go before it. Graveler will probably die after that, but then just finish off Piloswine with Croconaw or Haunter. Once you beat him, he will reward you with a badge and TM16 ICY WIND. Now once you leave the Gym, the quest for Ho-Oh will start...

After a couple steps once you leave the Gym, you will get a PokéBeeper Message from Prof. Elm. He says something weird is going on with the radio broadcasts and that he heard talk of Team Rocket. The only place that has anything to do with the radio is Goldenrod. So heal up and fly there. When you get there, you'll notice Team Rocket is blocking some of the paths. So just go North and then go down the left path to the Radio Tower. Go in.

Obviously, there will be grunts in here, so get ready to fight. Fight the first grunt and then go up the stairs. Fight all the grunts on the next floor and exit through the exit to the left of the room. The next room is the same deal. Beat all the trainers and once you have, just go up the stairs. Fight the next two trainers in this room and once again, go up the stairs (but this time, go to the Pokémon Center and heal up before you continue). Once you go up the stairs, you will see the "director" asking if you're here to rescue him. However he is actually a Rocket in disguise. He will tell you he hid the real director somewhere and that he'll tell you if you beat him. He packed with 5 Pokémon. He's got 4 Koffings and 1 Weezing. He's a little hard to take down, so make sure you got Potions handy. I find the best guy to use is Croconaw and Surf them all down. Once you beat him, he will tell you he hid the director in the Underground Warehouse. He'll give you the BASEMENT KEY, so you can get inside. So go heal up and head down ther (the place where you found the Coin Case). 

Since Team Rocket is blocking the South entrance to the Underground, you need to go through the Northern one. Once you go in, you will see a path to the right. Go down and you'll see a door. Talk to it and you will unlock it.  Once you go in, start walking towards the Rocket that you see there. However, Dash will come and stop you. So get ready to fight. He starts off with a lvl 30 Golbat. Use Flaaffy to take it down. He's also got a lvl 28 Magnemite. Use Graveler on him. His starter is now 3rd form at lvl 32. So if he's got Meganium, use Pidgeotto. If he's got Typhlosion, use Graveler and is he's got Feraligator, use Flaaffy. For his Haunter, use your own Haunter on him and for his Sneasel, just use a strong Pokémon to get him down. 

18. Quest for Ho-Oh (Part 2)

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My party so far: lvl 30 Ampharos, lvl 29 Pidgeotto, lvl 29 Croconaw,  lvl 30 Graveler, lvl 29 Grovyle, lvl 29 HaunterAfter you beat him, head back to the Pokémon Center and heal up. Then, head back to the Underground. Once you're in the room again, before you do anything, beat the three Rockets there. The code to the shutters is --213--. Once you figure that out, beat the one trainer there and get all the items. Then walk to the end of the path and beat the two trainers there. Then, enter the doorway. Follow the path and keep fighting trainers. You will soon run into Jess and Jamie. They now have lvl 28 Koffing, lvl 28 Ekans and a lvl 30 Wobbuffet. They're easy to take down, but make sure you have some revives because of Wobbuffet's Destiney Bond. Get the Max Ether in the corner and continue following the path. Fight the two last trainers and talk to the Director to rescue him. He will give you the CARD KEY. If you remember, on the third floor of the Radio Tower, there was a strange door. Now you can open it! Grab the TM09 LIGHT SCREEN and head out from the stairs at the top right.

Grab the AMULET COIN in the corner and the rest of the items that are in the room. The go into the elevator. Head to 1F and then head out. Go heal at the Pokémon Center and head back to the Radio Tower. Head to the third floor and open up the door with the Card Key. Fight the trainer, then head up the stairs. Fight the two trainers here and keep going up. You are now in the final room. Heal up if needed and then begin to fight. If you remember, this is the same trainer you fought in the Mahogany secret hideout. All her Pokémon are now higher level. She starts off with a lvl 32 Arbok. Use Haunter to put it to sleep and then Night Shade it down (if Haunter was affected by Intimidate). Her next his a lvl 32 Murkrow. Use Ampharos for him. Her last is a lvl 32 Vileplume. Finish it off with Pidgeotto. Heal up and get ready to fight the last guy. He was the male Executive that Lance fought in the hideout. He starts off with a lvl 33 Houndour. Take it down wih Feraligatr. Use Feraligatr again for his lvl 35 Houndoom. For his last Pokémon, lvl 33 Koffing, use whoever. 

Once you beat him, all the Rockets will flee. You will see the Director standing in front of the staircase. Talk to him to get the RAINBOW WING. This is the key to finding Ho-Oh. So go heal up, buy a bunch of Ultra Balls/Great Balls (and many Repels) and fly to Ecruteak. Head all the way North of the city to a small house with a door on it. Follow the path until you leave the house. Then head East and you will be in front of the Tin Tower. Talk to the Old Man inside and since you have the Rainbow Wing, he will disappear and you can continue. Here is a video on how to get to Ho-Oh:
