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Polandspecial report | noVeMBer 11, 2015CONNECTKT

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Bio fireplaces Cosmo


Polish design

Poland is entering the first league of industrial design, competingwith big European players. For several years, Polish designers and theirproducts have been enjoying increasing popularity. They have wonglobal public opinion by creating beautiful, innovative and functionalfurniture, jewellery, packaging and household goods, among others.Poland is the fourth European manufacturer of furniture, wherealmost 90 per cent of its total production is exported. Moreover,Poland is one of the world’s biggest exporters of upholstery furniturefor living and dining rooms.

IT sector

The Polish IT sector is one of the fastest growing and future-orientedsegments of the Polish economy. Highly qualified, educated andreliable IT specialists are capable of delivering high quality productsand developing bright, creative and innovative ideas. The cutting-edge production processes, access to specialists and technicallyadvanced solutions make Polish IT sector very popular amongforeign investors accounting for 70 per cent of its shares. Theavailability of EU and state funds up to 2020 ensures continuousand stable growth in this field.

Food industry

Fruits, dairy products, frozen food, flour, cereals, pasta, confectionaryand Polish (Halal) meat are known to consumers around theworld. Made in Poland stands for high quality, excellent taste andcompetitive prices. Polish agriculture, largely based on family andorganic farms, combines tradition with modernity. In Poland, farmsuse only low levels of mineral fertilisers and plant protection products,so the natural environment and landscape are not adversely affected.In addition to this, the machinery used in the food industry in Polandis among the most technologically advanced in Europe. As a result,Polish food products are tasty and healthy.

Medical tourism

Poland is becoming increasingly popular as a medical tourismdestination due to the high quality of services and relatively lowprices. Savings from the difference in costs of medical proceduresbetween Poland andWestern countries is significant, amounting to60 per cent for the majority of surgical procedures, including aestheticmedicine and plastic surgery. It attracts patients not only fromEurope, but also from all over the world. Medical services in Polandare provided at the highest European standards, which are confirmedby certificates issued by international organisations and, moreimportantly, the achievements of Polish medicine.

Poland is one of the best-kept secrets in Europe. The country is one of the highest potential growthmarkets and is agreat place not just for business but also for tourism.


Trade and Investment Promotion Section of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Abu DhabiAl Maryah Island, Al Maqam Tower 35th Floor, Office 3520, Tel: +971 2 418 7542 and (49)

e-mail: [email protected] | Web:

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Klaudia Lach, FirstCounsellor, Head ofPolitical, Economic andConsular Division (asChargé d'affaires a.i. ofthe Republic of Poland)shares her thoughts onbilateral relations

In the Middle East, the UAE is a strategicpolitical and economic partner of theRepublic of Poland. Last year Polandcelebrated 25 years of Polish-Emirati

diplomatic relations and both countriesstressed on their commitment to thedevelopment of mutual relations.In June this year Vice-President and

Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler ofDubai His Highness Shaikh Mohammed binRashid Al Maktoum visited Warsaw on atwo-day visit and discussed bilateralrelations with the President BronisławKomorowski (who first visited the UAE inDecember 2013) and President-ElectAndrzej Duda (who commenced his termon August 6, 2015).According to Lach, Shaikh Mohammed

praised the democratic and urbandevelopment in Poland. The visithighlighted the importance of theeconomic relations, among them UAEinvestments in Poland as well ascooperation in defence and security. Now,Poland is looking forward to the visit of theCrown Prince of Abu Dhabi and DeputySupreme Commander of the UAE ArmedForces His Highness Shaikh Mohammedbin Zayed Al-Nahyan in 2016.

Bilateral trade ties

The UAE remains Poland's top trade

Strongcooperation instrategic areas


EDITORIAL Editor: Rohit Saran Supplements Editor: Suchitra Steven Samuel Sub-Editor: Sadiq Shaban Reporters: Farhana Chowdhury, Suneeti Ahuja-KohliPRODUCTION Designers: Mohammad Ejaz Khan, Sidharthan Imaging:Venugopal PrabhuADVERTISING Director Advertising: HaroonQureshi Senior AdvertisingManager (Supplements): Philip Smith

Dubai HeaDOffice: P.O. Box 11243, Tel: +971 4 3383535, Fax: +971 4 3383345/46, E-mail: [email protected]: P.O. Box 3082, Tel: +971 2 6337666, Fax: +971 2 6351122, E-mail: [email protected] Website:


KT Connect

partner in the Gulf and the Middle East.The trade turnover between the twocountries increased by 50 per centcompared to 2013 from $865 million to$1.3 billion in 2014. It tripled in five yearsand shows future growth potential. Polishexports to the UAE are much higher thanimports — last year exports amounted to$1.1 billion. Recently the trade has beengrowing in the agricultural sector andPolish food exports have been steadilyincreasing. Polish apples and sweetscontinue to be of great interest. In 2014the major export products from Polandincluded telephones ($666 million), cocoabutter ($18.5 million), automatic dataprocessing machines ($16.2 million),refrigerator-freezers ($15.2 million) andsugar syrups ($15.1million).

Joint initiatives

The UAE and the European Union havesigned a reciprocal bilateral short-stay visawaiver agreement exempting UAE citizensfrom the Schengen visa, making it the firstArab country to receive such a visa waiverfor its nationals. Since May 7 this year, UAEcitizens who hold diplomatic, special,service and ordinary passports have beenable to travel without a visa to EUcountries, which make up the Schengenarea for stays of up to 90 days (within any180-day period of one year).The UAE exempted Polish citizens (and

other EU citizens) from requiring apre-entry visa since March 22, 2014. Thesedecisions, as well as direct flights betweenWarsaw and Dubai, launched successfully

His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and PrimeMinister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, with Polish President Bronislaw Komorowskiin Warsaw this year.—AFP

Suchitra Steven Samuel

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by Emirates in February 2013, encouragesbusiness people contribute to bilateraltrade and promote tourism.During Shaikh Mohammed’s visit to

Warsaw, both countries concluded anumber of joint agreements on cooperationin areas of agriculture and food safety, smalland medium-sized enterprises (SME),tourism, and higher education andscientific research.


Polish universities are opening up to theworld and have enormous potential. Theyoffer foreign students high quality ofteaching, attractive courses conducted inEnglish and competitive cost of studying.The Ministry of Science has been

consistently working on enhancinginternationalisation of Polish universities.As part of a new programme called'Universities of the Future', Polish collegeswill receive EUR 75 million to coverfinancial cost of international accreditation,bring lecturers from abroad and conductclasses in foreign languages. Last year, theMinistry launched the Arabic languageversion of the www.go-poland.plwebsite.

Areas of co-operation

Poland’s bilateral cooperation is conduciveto the convergence of priorities and viewson international issues. The nation worksintensely on new directions and opportuni-ties for better cooperation in strategicareas such as military cooperation, securityand defence, infrastructure projects as wellin the context of EXPO 2020, renewableenergies, science and culture, food securityand food industry and processing industry,and in the context of the expansion of theUAE-tourist cooperation.Shaikh Mohammed’s visit to Poland in

June 2015 was significant to strengthenthe economic relations between the twocountries. They debated on ways toupgrade the joint economic cooperation inall fields and explore the potential of bothcountries to strengthen cooperation inmajor sectors, especially in areas ofinfrastructure, trade, industry, renewableenergy, agriculture, SME projects andinnovation. The visit was closed with thesigning of Polish-UAE agreements, amongthem an agreement on cooperation intourism, a memorandum on highereducation and scientific research, a letterof intent on cooperation in agriculture andfood safety, and a memorandum oncooperation in innovation and small andmedium-sized enterprises.

Outlook for trade

Polish industrial growth remained strong inthe European bloc, which saw low or even

zero growth in many other countries. Thenomination of Polish Prime MinisterDonald Tusk to the post of EuropeanCouncil President reflects Poland’sstanding in Europe.Lach says that Poland can be sure about

a bright future ahead for trade relationswith the UAE. Over the past few years,Polish companies have understood thepotential of cooperation with UAE-basedcompanies and they can benefit from thegovernment’s programmes aimed atpromoting manufacturers from specificsectors: medical equipment, cosmetics andbeauty products, automotive industry,foodstuff, and furniture. Moreover, theUAE being a strategic Polish partner allowsre-export of products to other Arab andAfrican countries. The polish businessesare showcased through internationalexhibitions across the UAE. Daily flightconnection between Dubai and Warsawhas already proven as a vital logisticincentive for passengers and cargo.Poland’s Emirati partners find potential

investment opportunities in infrastructure,manufacturing of construction materials,travel and tourism in Poland. Moreover, the

UAE is also keen on cooperation in the areaof higher education and businesspartnerships at the level of SMEs, for UAEyouth and Polish entrepreneurs. Otherareas of economic exchange are stimulatedby the agreements between the twogovernments, which include cooperation intourism and a letter of intent oncooperation in agriculture and food safety.

Sectors for investment in Poland

Emirati entities can find potentialinvestment opportunities in infrastructure,manufacturing of construction materials,travel and tourism. The Emiratis are keento benefit from Poland’s industrialknow-how, apart from investing in itspetrochemicals, healthcare, food securityand renewable energy sectors. The UAEbusinesses can benefit from Poland’stechnological expertise in the area ofbio-technology, information andcommunication technology or ICT.The mutual cooperation can be boosted

through civil engineering, healthcare andagro-food sectors. With the UAE and GCCseeking food security, there could bescope for cooperation in agriculture trade.Polish apples and other farm produce cantap demand in the UAE owing to theirgreat quality — as concluded by Sultan binSaeed Al Mansouri at the UAE-PolandBusiness Forum.

Incentives provided for investors

Poland welcomes foreign investors. TheDeputy Prime Minister and Minister ofEconomy said during his visit in the UAE inApril 2015: “We are highly ranked in thisregard due to very low investment risk. Ourattractiveness can be attributed to a largedomestic market, a competitive and welleducated human capital, political andeconomic stability, as well as themembership in the European Union." Thereare many investment incentives for foreigninvestors such as: governmental grantsprovided on the basis of programme forsupporting investments of majorimportance to the Polish economy for years2011-2020, Special Economic Zone (SEZ),industrial and technology parks andinvestment incentives in municipalitiescomprising real estate tax exemption.Foreign investors can benefit from specialtax exemptions and other facilities in oneof the 14 SEZs in Poland. SEZ is part ofPolish territory, which is administeredseparately, allocated for the running ofbusinesses on preferential terms. SEZ is aplace, which is subject to special treatmentand tax exemptions where an entrepreneurcan establish a business on a speciallyprepared site and run it without payingincome tax.

[email protected]

Klaudia Lach

Emirati entities can findpotential investmentopportunities ininfrastructure, manufacturingof constructionmaterials,travel and tourism.

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Lookingfor thebestof Polishproducts?

Bormer International, a leading internationalmanufacturers’ hub for innovative products,offers varied choice of products that havewon accolades for their astuteness in designfeatures and utility. Here are a few popularproducts that Polish companies haveto offer:

Glass productsA glass company from Poland, which waslaunched in 1989, is now one of the best in theindustry. It offers awide rangeof uniqueand great quality products, which includeshandmade glass washbasins that perfectlycomplement various elements of interiorfixture andfittings. The company alsomanufactures glass mosaics that can be usedin the bathrooms, spas for saunas, swimmingpools and in the public buildings. Its latest lineof products include brand new and signatureglass bathtubs that have been awarded Design+ at ISH trade fairs in Frankfurt, Germany. Allproducts are made of the highest quality glassusing eco-friendly material.

Bormer International,a leading internationalmanufacturers’ hub, offersan incrediblemix of productsthat are a notch high in style,design and efficiency

TablesRaptor is the table of the future: a perfectcombination of contemporary art, usefulpiece of furniture and ecology. Inspired bybiomechanics, its body is made of recycledaluminium, glass and HPL. Its designencapsulates both the precision of technologyand the luxury of appearance. The table is

highly customisable and its final lookconforms to the customer specifications,thanks to the convertible body and tabletop.It is nominated for the Aluminum Award inIndustrial Design andEngineering category.You canfindRaptor in the collection ofMilano Temporary Museum For Design.

BiofireplacesThe company also offers exclusive eco-friendly bespokefireplaces,which allowmaximumfire expression. The ergonomicdesignmakes the fireplaces fully automatic.These are clean, do not produce any scents,and work as a perfect solution for heating. Thebeautiful pieces of utility are crafted to serveas a part of decoration and complement themost luxurious décor to very neat andmodern.Which is why these are used in privateapartments, hotels, offices on theplanesandyachts. Bio fireplaces havebeenawardedEco FriendlyBrandby LOVTERBiofireplaces.

Premium fuelBionlov® Premium fuel has been developed bySwiss specialists to guarantee efficiencyand quality of the highest standard. Bionlov ®Premium is among the leading names in theEuropeanmarket for bio-°©-fireplaces.The only products of combustion are watervapour and carbon dioxide, both in safequantities, comparable with those producedwhile breathing normally. This makes the fuelideal for healthy, ecological heating. Whetheryou need heat, or just a beautiful and soothinglookof dancingflames, this is a perfectchoice. The safety of Bionlov® Premium fuelhas been certifiedby theNational Instituteof PublicHealthPZH.

ConcretematerialGFRC concrete is a universal material. Itsversatile usagemakes it a preferredmaterialin enormous buildings elevations as wellas fragile and delicate small architecture.The delicate form gives a powerful lookof concrete, which gives designers a hugespectrum of possibilities. No wonder why itscreators say, “you name it, and we build it”.The company’s specialists can bring to lifealmost every design.

Bio fireplacesCosmo

Bio fireplaces Flut

Glass Spa

Designer wall panels

Innovation concrete-panels BetoneAir


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Thriving sectorsmake Poland an idealdestination for investments and lucrativereturns. Excerpts from an interviewwithDr SebastianTomasz Stepnicki,Counsellor—Head ofTrade and InvestmentPromotion Section of the Embassy of theRepublic of Poland in AbuDhabi

PolAnD:onE of EuRoPE’Sbest-keptsecrets

Farhana Chowdhury

Describe thepresent investmentclimate inPoland.

Our new economic system is only 25 years old,and we’ve grown constantly during that time.As we catch up with our European neighbours,our economy is expected to grow sustainablyin the next 25 years. Poland is one of fewplaces in the world with positive GDP growth.

It is a stable and attractive businessdestination. According to the EuropeanAttractiveness Survey 2014, Poland is themostattractive country for investment in Central andEastern Europe (Doing Business 2015 rank: 32).

For a number of years, Poland has beenattracting companieswhose core businessesinclude electronics, BPO andR&Ddomesticappliances,metal, biotechnology,machineryand IT sectors, driven essentially by internationalsoftware companies. Polish economy isespecially friendly to sectors involved in thoseareaswhere Poland has already had, or stands agood chance of achieving, strategic success onthe international stage.

Tell us about the investmentopportunities.

Poland is an increasingly attractive destinationfor Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). We offeran excellent entry point for global companieslooking to access the single EUmarket.There are many greenfield and brownfieldinvestments in the following areas:


Business Process Outsourcing/Shared•Services (BPO/SSC).Electronic equipment•Renewable resources.•Food•Household appliances•IT•

Which specific sectors doyouwantforeigners to invest in?What is the scopein these areas?

Poland is the largest magnet for FDI in Central

Europe. Our rapidly developing domesticmarket is an attractive feature and the countryis increasingly being targeted as a trade hubfor the region. Large companies think verycarefully where to place strategic investment.IBM, Volkswagen, LG, Procter&Gamble,France Telecom, Siemens, Cadbury Amazonand Sharp have all expanded their activity inPoland recently.

Personally, I would go for two groupsof investments. Firstly, Business ProcessOffshoring (BPO), aviation, automotive,electronics and IT industries, as well as foodprocessing are considered to be themostfavourable sectors for investment in Poland.We offer a supportive investment climate, anexcellent location at the centre of Europe andwell-educated specialists.

Secondly, Eco-Farming that is on the otherend of the economic spectrum and far fromthe industrial parks. There are farms producinghigh-quality natural foods. Farmers realisethere is a growing demand for bio-productsand are seeking the relevant certifications.Foreign importers, for their part, correctlyconclude from the taste of milk or fruitproduced on small farms in ecologically cleanregions of Poland that the quality is very high.

What percentageof equity can a foreignbusiness firmhold in aPolish industry?

There are no limitations by law – so in principle100 per cent. However there are limitationsin particular sectors where some companies

Dr Sebastian Tomasz Stepnick

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wish to limit the foreign equity share — likebanking or strategic power companies.Between 2004-2013, the following sectorswere most popular among investors: industrialmanufacturing, information technology, mediaand communications, healthcare and retailing.

In addition, Poland creates perfectconditions for private equity investors,offering:

Access to an absorbent market, responsible•for over a third of the entire Central andEastern Europemarket.One of the fastest-growing EU economies,•attracting investors and strategic playersfrom around the world.The best developed capital market in•Central and Eastern Europe.A stable, modern and competitive banking•sector, enabling easy access to debtfinancing for deals.Fast and stable growth of consumption,•giving robust growth prospects to manyindustries.Entrepreneurial spirit deeply rooted in the•country’s culture and a high number ofmanagers with international experience.Full legal and economic integration with the•EU, guaranteeing safe operating conditionsfor investors (procedures and regulations inline with international standards, a systemensuring protection of investors’ rights).

What is the scope for Emirati companiesto invest in Poland’s power,manufacturingand infrastructure sectors?

TheUAE isPoland's important tradingpartner,not solely in theMiddleEast, but alsoglobally. Iamparticularly pleased tofind thevalueof ourbilateral trade tohave tripledover the last fiveyears, reaching the level of $1.3billion in2014.Nevertheless, I amconvinced that in the comingyears, thesefigureswill further increase.Wehavea lot tooffer eachother. Poland is highlyranked in this regarddue tovery low investmentrisk.Our attractiveness canbeattributed toa largedomesticmarket, a competitive andwell-educatedhumancapital, political andeconomic stability, aswell as themembership

in theEuropeanUnion.On theotherhand,weappreciate thehigh ratesof economic growthof theUAEandweare fully awareof thehigheconomicpotential of your country.

Thanks to its strategic location in thecentre of Europe, Poland is an attractive placefor manufacturers to nearshore operationsand also to progressively compete forcost-effective, value-addedmanufacturingsupported by a highly skilled workforce.

Polish Automotive sector ranks second interms ofmanufacturing output and is a solidbackbone of the country’s economy. Thanksto flexibility and creativity of Polish workers,healthy cost structures and strong demand forvehicles and parts manufactured in Poland, theindustry has emerged from the turbulent timesalmost intact. It is worth to know that everysixth zloty (polish currency) in Polish export isgenerated by the automotive sector. Out of 40car and engine plants located in Central EasternEurope (CEE), 16 are based in Poland.

The country is also seen as the largestconstruction site in Europe due to its rapidlyexpanding public infrastructure network ofroads, airports, seaports and railway, whichhavemassively improved accessibility. Therapidly expanding Polish motorway networkand infrastructure developments continueto strengthen the logistics potential ofPoland as a central hub within Europe. Theseadvantages, linked with the highly skilledworkforce and favourably moderate labourcosts, alongside the availability of investmentgrants and incentives (particularly in SpecialEconomic Zones), make Poland an attractive,business friendly location.

The development of the renewable energysector is one of the priorities for the Polishgovernment. The specific objectives of thePolish energy policy are to increase theproportion of energy from renewable sourcesin final energy consumption up to 15.5 per centin 2020. Achieving these objectives requireinvestments in new generation capacities.

Wind energy and the use of biomassfor energy purposes are currently themost dynamically developing renewables.Therefore, Poland is gradually becoming anattractive destination for such investments. Itis estimated that more than 200 productioncompanies work for the renewable energy

sector. This market offers profits especiallyfor those who are already deeply involvedin the development of their projects, and inthe future it will be most attractive to thosewith favourable distribution network accessor investors who are able to minimise coststhrough the large scale of investments.

What are themajor investment policies?

Poland is expected to receive €73 billion fromEU over the coming years, and while not all ofit will be spent on building or modernising newroads, a fair chunk will go into carrying outmuch needed infrastructure investments. Toget the ball rolling, the government authoritiesannounced tenders for the constructionof segments of seven new expresswaysacross the country, and spending on newexpressways until the end of 2018 is expectedto reach as much as PLN 32.1 billion.

Furthermore, tenders for the constructionof 11 belt roads are to be announced in duecourse, with PLN 4.7 billion earmarked for thepurpose soon.

Moreover, the governmental grants areprovided on the basis of programmes forsupporting investments of major importanceto the Polish economy up to 2020:

Special Economic Zone (SEZ)•Industrial and technology parks•Investment incentives•

How is the regulatory environment?

Poland went up in all possible rankings. Firstly,because the country enjoys an uncommonand a very attractive economic stability andsecondly, because of one of themost uniquePolish values — human capital quality —weare the leader in Central and Eastern Europe interms of the level of optimism.

Stable and dynamic economic growth,sensible business decisions and wisemanagement of public finance becamestrongly associated with our country. Polandis a trustworthy and reliable partner forinternational business and its exceptionalbusiness and investment opportunitiesattract investors fromWestern Europe as wellas from other parts of the world, such as the

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US, Gulf and Asia.According to the Economic Freedom Act

of July 2, 2004, foreign persons from theEUmay undertake and run business on thebasis of the same rules applicable to polishentrepreneurs. As a general rule other foreignpersons have the right, unless internationalagreements state otherwise, to undertakeand run business activity only in the followingforms: limited partnership, limited joint-stockpartnership, limited liability company andjoint-stock company.

Foreign persons have also the rightto enter these kind of partnerships orcompanies and purchase their shares.Furthermore, foreign entrepreneurs mayrun business activity in the form of a branchoffice, and also set up representative officesin the territory of Poland.

What makes us so attractive is thecombination of the efficiency of our capital-intensive production requiring highly-qualifiedpersonnel and the cost competitiveness of ourphysical labour.

What is the Trade and InvestmentOfficedoing to encourage Emirati businesses toinvest in Poland?

Trade and Investment Promotion Section

in Abu Dhabi has been created to supportPolish entrepreneurs in the UAE, promotingthe Polish economy (especially exportand investment) and coordinate theimplementation of the tasks of economicdiplomacy.

In addition, the department conductspromotional activities outside the UAE in thearea of the Gulf states (Saudi Arabia, Oman,Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait) and East Africa(Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania andUganda).

Activities include:Fairs and Exhibitions•

Economic missions•Seminars•Direct contacts•Investments•


Poland is one of the best-kept secrets inEurope; surprising especially when thecountry is one of the highest potential growthmarkets in this part of the world.

To learn more about business activities,investment opportunities and leisure activitiesin Poland, visit

[email protected]

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Harness tHepowerofvirtualreality

Imagine stepping into a capsule, wearing aheadgear coupled with a software programmeand instantly being transported to the topof Burj Khalifa. You are standing at the top,where a gush of strong wind greets you. At828metres above the ground level, you have agrand view of the city, and probably a beautifulview of the horizon too. The next minute, youcan either choose to be back home or cross theAtlantic to be a part of a rock concert, or visita museum. This is virtual reality — the powerof experiencing something that is either milesaway from reach, or doesn’t yet exist.

Solutions from the virtual worldTrusense, a leading provider of virtual realitysolutions, is using new age technology ininnovative ways to help companies in differentsectors build stronger businesses. “We cancreate any object, item, area, and situationand transport it into virtual reality. Thanksto suitable hardware, our senses can beimmersed and we can actually ‘move’ intothe created world. Our customers are ableto ‘walk around’ a house that does not evenexist, configure a car desk or visit places ona different continent without leaving theirown living rooms. VR Technology is going to

Trusense innovativelyuses virtual reality tocreate interactive, virtualvisualisation of objects,experiences and buildings,etc. to help companies buildstronger businesses

be widely used in e-commerce as well. Try toimagine shopping in a virtual mall where youcan see clothes or jewellery in virtual shops(or on your body). It is all happening now, butis still only the first phase because it is just thebeginning of the whole technology,” says JanBoberek, CEO, Trusense.

Trusense creates themost technologicallyadvanced, interactive, virtual visualisation ofobjects, experiences, buildings, etc. throughvarious techniques such as 3D graphics, 3Dscans, and 360-degreemovies in virtual reality.

Industries using the technologySome of the early adopters of this science arein development industry, motor industry, heavyindustry, marketing, trainings, tourism, andmedicine. A look at some of the establishednames in different sectors gives an inkling ofwhat to expect in years ahead. Companies suchasMarriott, Ghelamco, Coca-Cola, Bentley,Lexus, Orange, to name a few, are already usingsolutions offered by VR technology.

On the other hand, technology giantssuch as Sony, Samsung, Microsoft, Facebook,and HTC are preparing to usher in furtherinnovation through their hardware.

For now, Trusense’s solutions can be used

in events, showrooms or in the field. “Ourvisualisations are compatible with flat screensaswell as VR equipment.Wework on bigprojects (malls) as well as with smaller ones(households, apartments, exteriors, etc). Ourprojects are fully interactive and dynamic. It ismore than normal visualisation— this is a newtool for selling any investment,” says Boberek.

How can users in the UAE benefit?Considering Dubai’s affinity for smarter andsuperior technology, Trusense is looking at theemirates to spread its wings. “We offer threeadvantages to developers. The first is great PRbecause notmany companies use virtual reality.

“Secondly, developers get a huge advantageover competition during presentation topotential clients. VR experience always winsover traditional visualisations."

Lastly, clients in the real estate space tendto save a lot of money during the constructionof their project. “Sometimes a developerbuilds half of the building and realises thatsome aspects of the building have to bechanged. With virtual reality you can avoidsuchmishaps. Our solution can let developerssee the end-results, walk around the buildingand decide what needs to be revised, evenbefore the construction begins.”

The benefits of this technology are galore.Virtual reality convinces clients through theirsenses. They can visit projects in any part of theworld, while being in one place. “Developerscan advertise their company on expos.We canconvert our visualisation into normalmoviescompatible with flat screens so the clientsreceivemany products in one service. Besidesthis, our solutions are also perfect for thehospitality industry.We can let tourists takevirtual tours ofmuseums, towns,monuments,art, etc. and also allow hotel reservation in VR.”

Think of the endless possibilities thattechnology opens up.

Trusense is based in Warsaw, Poland and canbe contacted via the following:

E-mail: [email protected] +48 509098297, +48 512347317

Suneeti AhujA-Kohli Jan Boberek

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Exporting engineered wood to the world

Established in 2005, Sklejka Trade has grownfrom a small business unit to one of thepreferred names in the plywood industryin Europe. It has long-term experience inplywood brand, whichmakes it synonymouswith the exhaustive range of engineered woodfrom Poland. The company is reputed fortimely delivery irrespective of the location.

Year-on-year Sklejka is adding newmarketsto its portfolio. For now it exports to 14countries in Europe, and is looking to increaseits footprint in theMiddle East.

Sklejka Trade is looking for buyer-processedplywood and ready tomontage on formworksystem and scaffolding. It offers readypackaging fromplywood and intermediate from

The exhaustive range andsuperior quality of plywoodfrom SklejkaTrademakes ita preferred supplier in Europe

plywood that is used in a number of industries.Broadly, the range of plywood includes

birch, beech, poplar, pine, poplar plywoodcovered birch or okume veneer, okumeplywood, LASER plywood, anti-slip brownplywood, anti-slip plywood with melamine (incolours), plywood birch with HPL (availablein a number of colours), film-faced birchplywood, film-faced poplar plywood, forshattering film-faced birch plywood with PPL,3 plies panel, girders and beams, plywood with

melamine film, fireproof plywood in grade Bor C (for floor or to wall), plywood coveredwith rubber, flexible plywood, bent — gluedplywood, wood briquette, packaging andplywood products, etc. The superior quality ofits plywood has been accepted in a variety ofindustries and suits a number of applications.

In the decade of operations, the companyhas evolved into a significant business unitcatering to wholesale, retail andmail orders.What makes Sklejka a preferable partneris its ability to cater to customer requestsand services efficiently. Its state-of-the-artmachinery allows customisation of orders,cut to size, production of plywood forms, andplywood processing through CNCmachines.

Sklejka Trade strives to further build itsnetwork of clients on specialised plywood,after machining, and plywood elements readytomontage. They are looking for customerswanting to purchase finished products likeplywood crates, pallets and shelves forstorage and for other products from plywoodaccording to customer design.

Ignacy Gromek

Suneeti AhujA-Kohli


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Paving the road to aworldof possibilities

All roads lead to the future as Polishdesign experts TRAKT pave the way withprofessionalism. Armedwith a goal towardsmodern and comprehensive transportinfrastructure, the company provides designsolutions that meet the highest world-classstandards per project.

Long-term and consistent developmentsare key to TRAKT’s successful structures,besides its modern and effective companymanagement mechanisms.

TRAKT has been operating in the Europeanmarket catering to design services since 1987.To date, the design office has successfullyimplemented about 700 projects located onPoland’s main roads. Among these are the A1and A2motorways, and a lot of express roadsincluding the S3, S17, S19, S11 and S69.

The company specialises in road design,airports, bridges, tunnels and undergroundfacilities, such as water pipes, electricity, gas,telephone lines, etc.

Its business excellence lies in its efficiency,competent management, knowledge andassurance of continued operation and devel-opment. TRAKT believes in setting up a stableand conscious building concept that keeps upeconomic and intangible values including satis-faction, prestige and brand image.

TRAKT also has experience in urbancommunication design that requiresmulti-discipline work between designersand different specialities. Many projectswere completed in co-operation withlarge international consultancy firms and

TRAKT believes in stable andconscious building conceptstomaintain economic values

contractors, in line with European standardsand requirements.

The company is involved in preparingenvironmental reports concerning noiseanalysis, water and air pollution, alongsidetraffic analyses and prognosis, hosted throughamesh-based analysis of existing and plannedroads. Besides this, it also focuses on bridgedesign, hydrological design, power engineering,geology and geodesy, among others.

Its client portfolio includes the GeneralDirectorate for National Roads andMotorways,GDDKiA branches across Poland, ProvinceRoads Management Offices, Municipalities andCommune Offices and foreign investors. It alsopartners with notable organisations such asthe Road and Bridge Research Institute, TheSilesian University of Technology andWroclawUniversity of Technology to continue and

encourage research and development.TRAKT implements the Quality

Management Systems in line with itsdedication to consistent standards. Its ISO9001:2000 certification confirms the highquality of services and plays an important rolein the company’s strategy. It determines itscompetitiveness in themarket and operationalefficiency that goes beyond the expectationsof customers, employees and businesspartners. Other certifications include the ISO9001:2004, ISO 9001:2007, to name a few.

Now, TRAKT is looking for opportunitiesin the UAE to ensure quality establishments.Armedwith experience and expertise,the company is ready to take up projectsanywhere in the world. TRAKT is currentlyseeking possibilities to co-operate with a localpartner and establish its branch in Dubai.






Grzegorz Nowaczyk, TRAKT

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Catering to your sweet tooth

Shamag Trading Company has led operationswith a head office in Abu Dhabi, andwarehouses in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, for thepast 55 years. It has bee distributing productsand favours to cater to all tastes.

Shamag has been importing, distributingand re-exporting a tasty selection of cookies,biscuits and sweets to several countries in theMiddle East and Africa.

The company’s bestsellers include the‘Shamag Luxury Cream Fudge’ and ‘ShamagGolden Sesame Slice’ manufactured in Poland,andmanymore.

Shamag is ready to take care of any enquiryon sweet products.

SHAMAG TRADING COMPANY LLCE-mail: [email protected]:

ShamagTradingCompany offers a varietyof delicious confectioneryacross the region

Ahmed Al Shagga, Director, Al Shamag Trading

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Traditionally, management consultanciesare all about maximising bottom line growthand lowering costs. But The Efficienist, oneof the leading consultants providing servicesto companies in the UAE and outside, hasadopted a different approach. The companyworks with its clients to improve efficiencylevels, and along the way give back to societiesthrough Shared Value Creation.

The Shared Value Creation concept wasintroduced byMichael Porter andMark Kramerin 2011. Creating Shared Value is the practiceof creating economic value in a way that alsocreates value for society by addressing itschallenges and needs.

“We, at The Efficienist, are determined forour work to have a positive impact on peopleand the environment. Most organisationshave a huge influence on the societies andthe environment they operate in, oftendiminishing societal benefits rather thancreating them,” says Magdalena, the Founderof The Efficienist.

The Efficienist works with variousorganisations within and beyond the UAE,helping them findways to address thechallenges faced by the broader community,and at the same time, enhance theircompetitive advantage and profitability.“Developing and implementing a SharedValue strategy is one the smartest moves anycompany could take. It has been adoptedby some of themost prosperous globalcorporations, resulting in unprecedentedbenefits for them as well as the society,” addsMagdalena.

The Efficienist assists companies that arewilling to grow and improve, while creatingbenefits for the broader community. It doesit by utilising its team’s extensive business

knowledge and expertise acquired at globalorganisations. Core activities includemarginenhancement programmes, efficiencystrategies, value chain analysis, market andcategory development plans, direct sourcingstrategies and joint vendor plans. TheEfficienist also assists business leaders increasetheir own and teams' potential to grow skillsand discover new talents.

Every project the consultancy takes onleads to a societal benefit, as its aim is tocreate opportunities that will allow companiescommit more easily to community-orientedinitiatives by increasing their own efficiency,reducing costs, improving profits and gaining acompetitive advantage.

Howwill the creation of a Shared Valuebenefit a business?

Combine economic profits with benefits•to society.Contribute to the society and environment•while satisfying shareholders’ expectations.Increase business sustainability (internally•and externally) and create and enhancea positive image within your keystakeholders and the community.

Success stories

The Efficienist has worked with an energeticandmotivated retail buying teamwho lackeda structured or consistent approach to thecategory development process, resultingin significant purchasing inefficiencies,underserved customer markets andmissedopportunities. The consultancy devised andimplemented a new and efficient categorydevelopment methodology; guided buyersthrough the new process and ways of working.This led to a greater understanding of theconsumer, category trends and influences,and action planning to leverage the acquiredknowledge for maximum growth.

The category plans developed by TheEfficienist led to product innovation, newcustomer segment acquisition aswell as a

significant sales andmargin improvement. Inaddition, the teammorale increased and cross-team collaborationwas taken to awhole newlevel. Everyone felt valued and understood theirrole in the category development process.

Another interesting case study is of a largeretail chain that suffered lowmargins with fewimportant suppliers. The Efficienist were askedto develop andmanage the implementation ofmargin enhancement strategies that includedsupplier optimisation, manufacturer efficiencyimprovement plans, product engineering,packaging reduction and improvements insupply chain and logistics.

It collaborated with the buying and supplychain teams to gain full engagement, anddeveloped joint business plans with keyvendors. The strategy resulted in morecost effective, sustainable supply and verysupportive and reliable vendor base. Above all,the main goal of higher profit was achieved.This was done not by simply asking suppliersfor cost reductions, a method that hardly everworks, but by actively looking for ways toeliminate the efficiencies on both sides.


Its founder Magdalena is a fervent advocate ofShared Value Creation. She has over 10 yearsof experience assisting companies in the UKand UAE to eliminate business inefficiencies.

She hasmanaged and implemented anumber of complex projects to improveprofitability and effectiveness across awidespectrumof corporate areas, from retail buyingand purchasing through vendormanagementand global sourcing to supply chain and finance,whichwhen combined, resulted inmillions insavings for the companies.

The Efficienist’s vision is to create a positiveimpact on people and the environment bycreating opportunities that allow businessesto solve societal issues more easily. A crucialelement of that vision is that companies willin parallel increase their profits, reduce theircosts, improve their efficiency, and gain acompetitive advantage.

Maximisingcompanies’potentialandprofitThe Efficienist works withcompanies to shore up itsbalance sheets and bringsocietal changes alongthe way

Magdalena, the Founder of The Efficienist

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Trade and Investment Promotion SectionEmbassy of the Republic of Poland in Abu DhabiAlMaryah Island, Al MaqamTower 35th Floor, Office 3520,Tel: +971 2 418 7542 and (49)E-mail: [email protected]: