
The proposed Neighbourhood Area is submitted to the local

planning authority for designation.

After consultation the planning authority publicises its decision


Neighbourhood Area is designated

Steering Group set up to develop the Neighbourhood

Plan with the local community.

Community consultation and engagement

During 2015

The community’s views form the basis for the vision, aims

and planning policies in the draft Neighbourhood


The local community is consulted on the

draft Neighbourhood Plan.

Planned early 2016

The Neighbourhood Plan is amended following

consultation with the local community and submitted to the local planning authority.

Planned mid 2016

The local planning authority checks the Neighbourhood

Plan and it is examined by an independent examiner.

The local community votes on the Neighbourhood Plan in a

public referendum.

Planned late 2016

When more than 50% vote in favour of the Neighbourhood

Plan, it becomes a legal document which developers

MUST observe.

Neighbourhood Plan for Pool-in-Wharfedale

YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD, YOUR PLAN, YOUR FUTUREThe Neighbourhood Plan is a legal document prepared by the local community to


land development and related social, economic and environmental matters.

Our Neighbourhood Plan will establish a vision and policies for the future development

of our community over the next 20 years.

Meet the




We aim to develop the Neighbourhood Plan •based on the community’s views and aspirations

•so that it will preserve the history and character of our village

•so that it will encourage a responsible, innovative and sustainable future for Pool

Dr. Alexa RuppertsbergI joined the steering group becauseI care about Pool and would like to contribute to a better future.

Gavin BarlowI joined the steering group because I want to make sure that Pool remains the village that our communitywants for the future, by listening to what people have to say so that the Neighbourhood Plan represents everyone.

Cllr Barry AndersonI joined the steering group becauseas the local Councillor covering Pool I want to play a part in the development of the Neighbourhood Plan and to help and support residents with its formation.

Pat LazenbyI joined the steering group because as keeper of Pool archives and instigator of our conservation area, I am able to contribute by supplying old and more recent maps and photos, together with historical facts and figures concerning our Domesday village.

Cllr Joanna RowlingI started the process for the Parish Council because I care passionately about the future of Pool-in-Wharfedale.

Nicola GriffinI joined the steering group because I wanted to help preserve the beauty of the Wharfe Valley.

Cllr Ailsa BearparkI joined the steering group because this is a great opportunity to shape the future of our community; to keep all that is good and influence change to our advantage – let's go for it!

Catherine GambleI joined the steering group because I have recently moved to the neighbourhood and, as I intend to stay here for the foreseeable future, I want to be involved in designing a positive future for Pool in Wharfedale.”:

Jeremy GriffinI joined the steering group because it is important for a plan to be hatched facilitating neighbourhood desires, control, and sanction over any local development which impacts on us - the people who live here.

Jean FisherI joined the steering group becauseI'd like to help shape the future development to retain what I feel is important about the village, and believe any growth should enhance or complement current village life.

Neighbourhood Plan for Pool-in-Wharfedale


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Event on: Business

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May July


Neighbourhood Plan for Pool-in-Wharfedale

