Page 1: Population Sources: The World Food Problem Leathers and Foster, 2004 World Hunger 12 Myths Lappe Collins and Rossett, 1998 Hesketh et al., New England



The World Food Problem

Leathers and Foster, 2004

World Hunger 12 MythsLappe Collins and Rossett, 1998

Hesketh et al.,New England J. Med 353: 1171-1176


Page 2: Population Sources: The World Food Problem Leathers and Foster, 2004 World Hunger 12 Myths Lappe Collins and Rossett, 1998 Hesketh et al., New England

Thomas Malthus

• 1798: Essay on the Principle of Population as it Affects the Future Improvement of Society

– Population growth tends to outstrip the means of subsistence

– Food increases arithmetically while population increases geometrically

– The poor can be kept alive by charity, but since they would then propagate, this is cruelty in disguise.

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Paul Ehrlich

• 1968: The Population Bomb

• “The battle to feed all of humanity is over.

• In the 1970s the world will undergo famines—

• Hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death”

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World Population

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World Population

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Human Population Density

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Demographic Transition

• First, high birth rates and high death rates

• Then, improved living standards, health cause death rates to drop

• Finally, low birth rates match low death rates

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Demographic Transition

• 1750-1950: Occurred in developed countries

• 1950: Began to see death rates drop in developing countries

• 2050: Projected completion of transition

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Demographic Transition

• Example: U.S. History– When agrarian

society, people had many kids

• Source of security, labor

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Demographic Transition

• Example: U.S. History– When became

industrial, fewer kids/family

• Lowered infant mortality

• No need to rely on children’s labor

• More opportunities for women

• Happened without birth control

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Global Fertility

• 1950’s: 5 children/woman

• 1970’s: 4 children/woman

• 1990’s: 2.8 children/woman

• Replacement: 2.1 children/woman

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Global Population

• Population growth rate is slowing down and will eventually stop

• Dip in 1960 due to 30 million deaths in China– Great Leap Forward


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World Population Projection• Estimated to peak at 11 billion in 2200

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World Population Growth

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• 40 million people infected with HIV– Many will die of AIDS

• Will not greatly impact global population growth

• Will Impact some countries • Losses by 2020:

– Uganda 45% – Rwanda 35%– Malawi 30%

Malawi AIDS orphans

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Global HIV

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Food Production per Capita

• Food Production per capita is rising worldwide– But falling in Africa

• Food production is keeping up with population– Otherwise food prices

would have risen– Food prices have dropped

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Food Production in Sub-Saharan Africa

• Food Production in Sub Saharan Africa not keeping up with population

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Per Capita Production of Calories, Fat, Protein

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Progressivist View• Things are good and getting

better: – Worldwide standard of living

– Education

– Health

– Trade

• People are an asset.

• Population causes shortages which raise prices, – stimulating entrepreneurs to

satisfy the shortages.

• We end up better off as a result.Julian Simon

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Progressivist View

• Two important indicators of progress and improvement in life are – Decreased Infant


– Increased Life Expectancy

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Life Expectancy

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Revisionist View

• Adoption and spread of agriculture have trapped humanity in a spiral of – Population growth– Ecological destruction– Social tyranny.

• The problem stems from the anti-ecological culture (religion) of agricultural societies

– humans are above and not part of nature (global ecosystem)

– and therefore can destroy it at will.

Civilization is based on Agriculture

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Daniel Quinn

• 1992: Ishmael – Although population is 5.5 billion, we

produce enough food for 6.0 billion even though millions are starving

– Because we produce enough food for 6 billion, in 3 or 4 years there will be 6 billion people.

– Then, even though millions are starving, we will produce enough for 6.5 billion.

– Thus in another 3-4 years there will be 6.5 billion

– To halt this process, must face the fact that increasing food production doesn’t feed the hungry, it only fuels the population explosion.

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Social Equity View

• Problems of – poverty

– overpopulation

– ecological destruction

• Are due to – inequity of wealth

– unfairness of economic and social systems

Frances Moore Lappe, Food First

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If the world were 100 people (2005)

• 51 male– 49 female

• 60 Asians, – 14 Africans, – 12 Europeans, – 8 Latin Americans,– 5 from USA and Canada – 1 from the South Pacific

• 82 nonwhite– 18 white

• 67 non-Christian– 33 be Christian

(Source: Family Care Foundation)

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If the world were 100 people(2005)

• 80 live in substandard housing

• 67 unable to read • 50 malnourished

– 1 dying of starvation

• 33 without access to safe water supply

• 39 lack access to improved sanitation

• 24 have no electricity– Most of the 76 with electricity

use it only for light at night

(Source: Family Care Foundation)

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If the world were 100 people(2005)

(Source: Family Care Foundation)

• 7 have access to the internet

• 1 has a college education

• 1 has HIV

• 2 near birth– 1 near death

• 5 control 32% of the entire world’s wealth – All 5 U.S. citizens

• 33 attempt to live on 3% of global income

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Both hunger and high fertility occur when:

• Poverty is extreme and widespread

• Society denies security and opportunity to people

• Infant mortality is high• Most people can’t get land,

jobs, education, health care, old age security

• Few opportunities for women outside of home

Bangladesh mother

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• Labor force

• Chance for a job in city

• Security– major investment

– rational choice

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Women’s Education

• Powerful predictor of lower fertility

• Reflects opportunity in society

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Male Poverty

• Low self-esteem

• Dominate women and children

• Thus more children

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• Sri Lanka: – lower price rice

• led to population decline

• Cuba: – low prices for food and health care

• reduced population rate from 4.7 to 1.6

• Kerala, India: – lower price rice, kerosene

• 1/3 birth rate of average in India• Literacy for women is 2.5 times

average in India

Kerala, India

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Family Planning• Birth Control is responsible for only 15-

20% total fertility decline– Thus population growth cannot be brought

down simply by family planning or contraception

– but it can speed the decline

• Contraceptive use in Developing World has increased – 9% in 1960– 60% in late 1990s

• Demographic Transition requires improved– Health– Social Security– Education

IUD: Intra Uterine Device

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• Encouraged by Western donors for developing countries– Quotas are set

– Incentives are used• Cash, roads, transportation,


• For hungry, choices are limited

• 1/3 of married women in India and China are sterilized

Indian woman

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Puerto Rico: La Operacion

• U. S. seized in 1898• Sugar companies set up vast

plantations• Small farmers evicted• By 1925, 2% of population

owned 80% of land, 70% of population landless’

• Unemployment termed “overpopulation” by U.S.

• By 1940’s light manufacturing moved in attracted to cheap labor, low taxes

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Puerto Rico: La Operacion

• Young women were key to labor force

• Problem was pregnancy

• Result: massive sterilization program

• Women coerced into sterilization without being told it was irreversible

• By 1968, 1/3 of women childbearing age were sterilized.

• Emigration and sterilization resulted in population drop with no increase in standard of living.

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• Intensive Family Planning in Matlab region

• Contraceptive use doubled

• Resulted in reduced birth rate

• Cost was very high: $120/birth averted– This is 120% of per capita

gross domestic product

– Not replicable on a national scale

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• 1950s, 60s Under Mao– children encouraged

– Fertility rate: 5.9 children/woman

• 1970-1979 new policy to cope with overpopulation– “one is good, 2 is ok, 3 is too many”

– “late, long, few”• Have fewer children later

• greater spacing between

• Fertility dropped steeply to 2.9

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Fertility decline in China

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China One Child Policy• 1979 “one child” policy enacted

– For urban areas

• Material benefits – if have 1 child

• Social & official pressure– If have more than 1 child

• 71% Chinese are rural– Multiple children are common

• Fertility rate has declined – But also declined in other Asian

countries without coersion

• Human rights violation?

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Birth Control Methods in China

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Skewed sex ratio

• Sex ratio at birth (2000)– 117:100 male:female

• Maternal Hepatitus B may account for much of the skewing

• Boys preferred– Men care for parents in old age– Women join husband’s family

• Care for husband’s parents

• Selective abortion of girls– Use ultrasound to determine sex– If first child is a girl, want second to be a

boy– Illegal but suspected

• Female infanticide suspected– before ultrasound